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synced 2025-03-11 00:15:34 +00:00
334 lines
15 KiB
334 lines
15 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- siteName: Name of site used in the page titles. Default: SeedDMS
- footNote: Message to display at the bottom of every page
- printDisclaimer: if true the disclaimer message the lang.inc files will be print on the bottom of the page
- language: default language (name of a subfolder in folder "languages")
- theme: default style (name of a subfolder in folder "styles")
- previewWidthList: Preview image width in folder list
- previewWidthDetail: Preview image width in document view
siteName = "SeedDMS"
footNote = "SeedDMS free document management system - www.seeddms.org"
printDisclaimer = "true"
language = "en_GB"
theme = "bootstrap4"
previewWidthList = "40"
previewWidthDetail = "100"
- strictFormCheck: Strict form checking. If set to true, then all fields in the form will be checked for a value. If set to false, then (most) comments and keyword fields become optional. Comments are always required when submitting a review or overriding document status.
- viewOnlineFileTypes: files with one of the following endings can be viewed online (USE ONLY LOWER CASE CHARACTERS)
- enableConverting: enable/disable converting of files (deprecated)
- enableEmail: enable/disable automatic email notification
- enableUsersView: enable/disable group and user view for all users
- enableFullSearch: false to don't use fulltext search
- enableLanguageSelector: false to don't show the language selector after login
- enableClipboard: false to hide the clipboard
- enableFolderTree: false to don't show the folder tree
- expandFolderTree: 0 to start with tree hidden
- 1 to start with tree shown and first level expanded
- 2 to start with tree shown fully expanded
- stopWordsFile: path to stop word file for indexer
- sortUsersInList: how to sort users in lists ('fullname' or '' (default))
- enableDropUpload: enable/disable uploading files by drag&drop
- enableRecursiveCount: enable/disable counting docs and folder recursively
- maxRecursiveCount: after this number of docs/folders precise counting will stop
- enableThemeSelector: enable/disable the theme selector on the login page
- fullSearchEngine: Either "lucene" or "sqlitefts"
- sortFoldersDefault: how to sort forders by default. u=unsorted, s=sequence, n=name
- defaultDocPosition: Default position for a new document. 'start', 'end', or ''
- defaultFolderPosition: Default position for a new folder. 'start', 'end', or ''
strictFormCheck = "false"
viewOnlineFileTypes = ".txt;.text;.html;.htm;.xml;.pdf;.gif;.png;.jpg;.jpeg;.mp4"
enableConverting = "true"
enableEmail = "true"
enableUsersView = "true"
enableFullSearch = "false"
enableClipboard = "false"
enableFolderTree = "true"
expandFolderTree = "1"
enableLanguageSelector = "true"
stopWordsFile = ""
sortUsersInList = ""
enableDropUpload = "false"
enableRecursiveCount = "false"
maxRecursiveCount = "0"
enableThemeSelector = "true"
fullSearchEngine = "sqlitefts"
sortFoldersDefault = "u"
defaultDocPosition = "end"
defaultFolderPosition = "end"
- enableCalendar: enable/disable calendar
- calendarDefaultView: calendar default view ("w" for week,"m" for month,"y" for year)
- firstDayOfWeek: first day of the week (0=sunday, 6=saturday)
enableCalendar = "true"
calendarDefaultView = "y"
firstDayOfWeek = "0"
- rootDir: Path to where SeedDMS is located
- httpRoot: The relative path in the URL, after the domain part. Do not include the
- http:// prefix or the web host name. e.g. If the full URL is
- http://www.example.com/seeddms/, set $_httpRoot = "/seeddms/".
- If the URL is http://www.example.com/, set $_httpRoot = "/".
- contentDir: Where the uploaded files are stored (best to choose a directory that
- is not accessible through your web-server)
- stagingDir: Where partial file uploads are saved
- luceneDir: Where the lucene fulltext index iѕ saved
- logFileEnable: set false to disable log system
- logFileRotation: the log file rotation (h=hourly, d=daily, m=monthly)
- enableLargeFileUpload: support for jumploader
- partitionSize: size of chunk uploaded by jumploader
- dropFolderDir: where files for document upload are located
- cacheDir: where the preview images are saved
- backupDir: where the backups are saved
rootDir = ""
httpRoot = "/_SHORT_VERSION_/"
contentDir = ""
stagingDir = ""
luceneDir = ""
logFileEnable = "true"
logFileRotation = "d"
enableLargeFileUpload = "false"
partitionSize = "2000000"
dropFolderDir = ""
cacheDir = ""
backupDir = ""
- enableGuestLogin: If you want anybody to login as guest, set the following line to true
- note: guest login should be used only in a trusted environment
- enablePasswordForgotten: Allow users to reset their password
- restricted: Restricted access: only allow users to log in if they have an entry in the local database (irrespective of successful authentication with LDAP).
- enableUserImage: enable users images
- disableSelfEdit: if true user cannot edit his own profile
- disableChangePassword: if true user cannot change the password
- passwordStrength: minimum strength of password, set to 0 to disable
- passwordStrengthAlgorithm: algorithm used to calculate password strenght (simple or advanced)
- passwordExpiration: number of days after password expires
- passwordHistory: number of remembered passwords
- loginFailure: maximum allowed login failures before an account is disabled
- autoLoginUser: id of user used if auto login is turned on
- quota: maximum allowed space on disc for each user
- undelUserIds: ids of users which cannot be deleted
- encryptionKey: arbitrary string used for creating form tokens
- cookieLifetime: lifetime of cookie in seconds, set to 0 for session cookies
enableGuestLogin = "false"
enablePasswordForgotten = "false"
restricted = "true"
enableUserImage = "false"
disableSelfEdit = "false"
disableChangePassword = "false"
passwordStrength = "0"
passwordStrengthAlgorithm = "simple"
passwordExpiration = "0"
passwordHistory = "0"
loginFailure = "0"
autoLoginUser = "0"
quota = "0"
undelUserIds = ""
encryptionKey = "b8c75fa53c0c7a18a84adb6ca815bd94"
cookieLifetime = "0">
<!-- ***** CONNECTOR LDAP *****
- enable: enable/disable connector
- type: type of connector ldap / AD
- host: hostname of the authentification server
- URIs are supported, e.g.: ldaps://ldap.host.com
- port: port of the authentification server
- baseDN: top level of the LDAP directory tree
- bindDN: use this dn for a first step bind, leave empty for annonymous bind
- bindPw: use this password for a first step bind
- filter: Additional filters which are to be checked
enable = "false"
type = "ldap"
host = "ldaps://ldap.host.com"
port = "389"
baseDN = ""
bindDN = ""
bindPw = ""
filter = ""
groupField = ""
<!-- ***** CONNECTOR Microsoft Active Directory *****
- enable: enable/disable connector
- type: type of connector ldap / AD
- host: hostname of the authentification server
- port: port of the authentification server
- baseDN: top level of the LDAP directory tree
- bindDN: use this dn for a first step bind, leave empty for annonymous bind
- bindPw: use this password for a first step bind
- filter: Additional filters which are to be checked
- accountDomainName: sample: example.com
enable = "false"
type = "AD"
host = "ldap.example.com"
port = "389"
baseDN = ""
accountDomainName = "example.com"
bindDN = ""
bindPw = ""
filter = ""
groupField = ""
- dbDriver: DB-Driver used by adodb (see adodb-readme)
- dbHostname: DB-Server
- dbDatabase: database where the tables for seeddms are stored (optional - see adodb-readme)
- dbUser: username for database-access
- dbPass: password for database-access
- doNotCheckVersion: Whether or not to check the database schema for its correct version.
dbDriver = "_DBC_DBTYPE_"
dbHostname = "_DBC_DBSERVER_"
dbDatabase = "_DBC_DBNAME_"
dbUser = "_DBC_DBUSER_"
dbPass = "_DBC_DBPASS_"
doNotCheckVersion = "false"
- smtpServer: SMTP Server hostname
- smtpPort: SMTP Server port
- smtpSendFrom: Send from
- smtpUser: user name used for authenticating against smtp server
- smtpPassword: password used for authenticating against smtp server
smtpServer = "localhost"
smtpPort = "25"
smtpSendFrom = "seeddms@localhost"
smtpUser = ""
smtpPassword = ""
-siteDefaultPage: Default page on login. Defaults to out/out.ViewFolder.php
- rootFolderID: ID of root-folder (mostly no need to change)
- showMissingTranslations: set true if missing translation shall be listed at end of page
siteDefaultPage = ""
rootFolderID = "1"
showMissingTranslations = "false"
- guestID: ID of guest-user used when logged in as guest (mostly no need to change)
- adminIP: if enabled admin can login only by specified IP addres, leave empty to avoid the control
- NOTE: works only with local autentication (no LDAP)
guestID = "2"
adminIP = ""
<!-- enableAdminRevApp: false to don't list administrator as reviewer/approver
- versioningFileName: the name of the versioning info file created by the backup tool
- workflowMode: 'traditional' or 'advanced'
- enableVersionDeletion: allow to delete versions after approval
- enableVersionModification: allow to modify versions after approval
- enableDuplicateDocNames: allow duplicate names in a folder
- enableDuplicateSubFolderNames: allow duplicate names in a folder
- enableOwnerRevApp: allow owner of a document to review and approve
- enableSelfRevApp: allow the user current logged in to add herself as a reviewer or approver
- presetExpirationDate: set to time period if each document shall expire
- overrideMimeType: set to true if the mimetype of a document version is determined by the server
enableAdminRevApp = "false"
versioningFileName = "versioning_info.txt"
workflowMode = "traditional"
enableVersionDeletion = "true"
enableVersionModification = "true"
enableDuplicateDocNames = "true"
enableDuplicateSubFolderNames = "true"
enableOwnerRevApp = "false"
enableSelfRevApp = "false"
presetExpirationDate = ""
overrideMimeType = "false"
- coreDir: Path to SeedDMS_Core (optional)
- luceneClassDir: Path to SeedDMS_Lucene (optional)
- contentOffsetDir: To work around limitations in the underlying file system, a new
- directory structure has been devised that exists within the content
- directory ($_contentDir). This requires a base directory from which
- to begin. Usually leave this to the default setting, 1048576, but can
- be any number or string that does not already exist within $_contentDir.
- maxDirID: Maximum number of sub-directories per parent directory. Default: 0.
- updateNotifyTime: users are notified about document-changes that took place within the last "updateNotifyTime" seconds
- extraPath: additional path which is added to php's include path
- maxExecutionTime: maximum script execution time, this cannot be larger than the value set in php.ini
- cmdTimeout: timeout in sec. for external commands
coreDir = ""
luceneClassDir = ""
contentOffsetDir = "1048576"
maxDirID = "0"
updateNotifyTime = "86400"
extraPath = ""
maxExecutionTime = "30"
cmdTimeout = "10"
- enableNotificationAppRev: set to true if reviewers and approvers shall be informed about a pending review/approval
- enableOwnerNotification: XXX
- enableNotificationWorkflow: set to true if the users in the workflow shall be informed
enableNotificationAppRev = "true"
enableOwnerNotification = "false"
enableNotificationWorkflow = "false"
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