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* Implementation of a document in the document management system
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS_Core
* @license GPL2
* @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Matteo Lucarelli,
* Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe,
* 2010 Matteo Lucarelli, 2010 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
* The different states a document can be in
* Document is in review state. A document is in review state when
* it needs to be reviewed by a user or group.
define("S_DRAFT_REV", 0);
* Document is in approval state. A document is in approval state when
* it needs to be approved by a user or group.
define("S_DRAFT_APP", 1);
* Document is released. A document is in release state either when
* it needs no review or approval after uploaded or has been reviewed
* and/or approved.
define("S_RELEASED", 2);
* Document is in workflow. A document is in workflow if a workflow
* has been started and has not reached a final state.
define("S_IN_WORKFLOW", 3);
* Document is in a revision workflow. A revision workflow is started
* some time after the document has been released.
define("S_IN_REVISION", 4);
* Document is in draft status. Being in draft means that the document
* is still worked on. This status is mainly for uploading documents
* which aren't fully complete but needs to accessible for the public,
* e.g. in order to colaborate on them.
define("S_DRAFT", 5);
* Document needs correction after revision. This needs to be different from
* the regular S_REJECTED because documents which has been rejected
* in revision are not necessarily invalid but just needs correction.
define("S_NEEDS_CORRECTION", 6);
* Document was rejected. A document is in rejected state when
* the review failed or approval was not given.
define("S_REJECTED", -1);
* Document is obsolete. A document can be obsoleted once it was
* released.
define("S_OBSOLETE", -2);
* Document is expired. A document expires when the expiration date
* is reached
define("S_EXPIRED", -3);
* Lowest and highest status that may be set
define("S_LOWEST_STATUS", -3);
define("S_HIGHEST_STATUS", 6);
* The different states a workflow log can be in. This is used in
* all tables tblDocumentXXXLog
* workflow is in a neutral status waiting for action of user
define("S_LOG_WAITING", 0);
* workflow has been successful ended. The document content has been
* approved, reviewed, aknowledged or revised
define("S_LOG_ACCEPTED", 1);
* workflow has been unsuccessful ended. The document content has been
* rejected
define("S_LOG_REJECTED", -1);
* user has been removed from workflow. This can be for different reasons
* 1. the user has been actively removed from the workflow, 2. the user has
* been deleted.
define("S_LOG_USER_REMOVED", -2);
* workflow is sleeping until reactivation. The workflow has been set up
* but not started. This is only valid for the revision workflow, which
* may run over and over again.
define("S_LOG_SLEEPING", -3);
* Class to represent a document in the document management system
* A document in SeedDMS is similar to files in a regular file system.
* Documents may have any number of content elements
* ({@link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent}). These content elements are often
* called versions ordered in a timely manner. The most recent content element
* is the current version.
* Documents can be linked to other documents and can have attached files.
* The document content can be anything that can be stored in a regular
* file.
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS_Core
* @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Matteo Lucarelli,
* Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe,
* 2010 Matteo Lucarelli, 2010 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
class SeedDMS_Core_Document extends SeedDMS_Core_Object { /* {{{ */
* @var string name of document
protected $_name;
* @var string comment of document
protected $_comment;
* @var integer unix timestamp of creation date
protected $_date;
* @var integer id of user who is the owner
protected $_ownerID;
* @var integer id of folder this document belongs to
protected $_folderID;
* @var integer timestamp of expiration date
protected $_expires;
* @var boolean true if access is inherited, otherwise false
protected $_inheritAccess;
* @var integer default access if access rights are not inherited
protected $_defaultAccess;
* @var array list of notifications for users and groups
protected $_readAccessList;
* @var array list of notifications for users and groups
public $_notifyList;
* @var boolean true if document is locked, otherwise false
protected $_locked;
* @var string list of keywords
protected $_keywords;
* @var SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory[] list of categories
protected $_categories;
* @var integer position of document within the parent folder
protected $_sequence;
* @var SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent temp. storage for latestcontent
protected $_latestContent;
* @var array temp. storage for content
protected $_content;
* @var SeedDMS_Core_Folder
protected $_folder;
/** @var array of SeedDMS_Core_UserAccess and SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess */
protected $_accessList;
function __construct($id, $name, $comment, $date, $expires, $ownerID, $folderID, $inheritAccess, $defaultAccess, $locked, $keywords, $sequence) { /* {{{ */
$this->_name = $name;
$this->_comment = $comment;
$this->_date = $date;
$this->_expires = $expires;
$this->_ownerID = $ownerID;
$this->_folderID = $folderID;
$this->_inheritAccess = $inheritAccess;
$this->_defaultAccess = $defaultAccess;
$this->_locked = ($locked == null || $locked == '' ? -1 : $locked);
$this->_keywords = $keywords;
$this->_sequence = $sequence;
$this->_categories = array();
$this->_notifyList = array();
$this->_latestContent = null;
$this->_content = null;
} /* }}} */
* Check if this object is of type 'document'.
* @param string $type type of object
public function isType($type) { /* {{{ */
return $type == 'document';
} /* }}} */
* Return an array of database fields which used for searching
* a term entered in the database search form
* @param SeedDMS_Core_DMS $dms
* @param array $searchin integer list of search scopes (2=name, 3=comment,
* 4=attributes)
* @return array list of database fields
public static function getSearchFields($dms, $searchin) { /* {{{ */
$db = $dms->getDB();
$searchFields = array();
if (in_array(1, $searchin)) {
$searchFields[] = "`tblDocuments`.`keywords`";
if (in_array(2, $searchin)) {
$searchFields[] = "`tblDocuments`.`name`";
if (in_array(3, $searchin)) {
$searchFields[] = "`tblDocuments`.`comment`";
$searchFields[] = "`tblDocumentContent`.`comment`";
if (in_array(4, $searchin)) {
$searchFields[] = "`tblDocumentAttributes`.`value`";
$searchFields[] = "`tblDocumentContentAttributes`.`value`";
if (in_array(5, $searchin)) {
$searchFields[] = $db->castToText("`tblDocuments`.`id`");
return $searchFields;
} /* }}} */
* Return a folder by its database record
* @param array $resArr array of folder data as returned by database
* @param SeedDMS_Core_DMS $dms
* @return SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool instance of SeedDMS_Core_Folder if document exists
public static function getInstanceByData($resArr, $dms) { /* {{{ */
$classname = $dms->getClassname('document');
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_Document $document */
$document = new $classname($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["date"], $resArr["expires"], $resArr["owner"], $resArr["folder"], $resArr["inheritAccess"], $resArr["defaultAccess"], $resArr['lock'], $resArr["keywords"], $resArr["sequence"]);
$document = $document->applyDecorators();
return $document;
} /* }}} */
* Return an document by its id
* @param integer $id id of document
* @param SeedDMS_Core_DMS $dms
* @return bool|SeedDMS_Core_Document instance of SeedDMS_Core_Document if document exists, null
* if document does not exist, false in case of error
public static function getInstance($id, $dms) { /* {{{ */
$db = $dms->getDB();
// $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocuments` WHERE `id` = " . (int) $id;
$queryStr = "SELECT `tblDocuments`.*, `tblDocumentLocks`.`userID` as `lock` FROM `tblDocuments` LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentLocks` ON `tblDocuments`.`id` = `tblDocumentLocks`.`document` WHERE `id` = " . (int) $id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false)
return false;
if (count($resArr) != 1)
return null;
$resArr = $resArr[0];
// New Locking mechanism uses a separate table to track the lock.
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentLocks` WHERE `document` = " . (int) $id;
$lockArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($lockArr) && $lockArr==false) || (count($lockArr)==0)) {
// Could not find a lock on the selected document.
$resArr['lock'] = -1;
else {
// A lock has been identified for this document.
$resArr['lock'] = $lockArr[0]["userID"];
$resArr['lock'] = !$resArr['lock'] ? -1 : $resArr['lock'];
// print_r($resArr);exit;
return self::getInstanceByData($resArr, $dms);
$classname = $dms->getClassname('document');
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_Document $document */
$document = new $classname($resArr["id"], $resArr["name"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["date"], $resArr["expires"], $resArr["owner"], $resArr["folder"], $resArr["inheritAccess"], $resArr["defaultAccess"], $resArr['lock'], $resArr["keywords"], $resArr["sequence"]);
$document = $document->applyDecorators();
return $document;
} /* }}} */
* Apply decorators
* @return object final object after all decorators has been applied
function applyDecorators() { /* {{{ */
if($decorators = $this->_dms->getDecorators('document')) {
$s = $this;
foreach($decorators as $decorator) {
$s = new $decorator($s);
return $s;
} else {
return $this;
} /* }}} */
* Return the directory of the document in the file system relativ
* to the contentDir
* @return string directory of document
function getDir() { /* {{{ */
if($this->_dms->maxDirID) {
$dirid = (int) (($this->_id-1) / $this->_dms->maxDirID) + 1;
return $dirid."/".$this->_id."/";
} else {
return $this->_id."/";
} /* }}} */
* Return the name of the document
* @return string name of document
function getName() { return $this->_name; }
* Set the name of the document
* @param $newName string new name of document
* @return bool
function setName($newName) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `name` = ".$db->qstr($newName)." WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_name = $newName;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Return the comment of the document
* @return string comment of document
function getComment() { return $this->_comment; }
* Set the comment of the document
* @param $newComment string new comment of document
* @return bool
function setComment($newComment) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `comment` = ".$db->qstr($newComment)." WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_comment = $newComment;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @return string
function getKeywords() { return $this->_keywords; }
* @param string $newKeywords
* @return bool
function setKeywords($newKeywords) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `keywords` = ".$db->qstr($newKeywords)." WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_keywords = $newKeywords;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Retrieve a list of all categories this document belongs to
* @return bool|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory[]
function getCategories() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if(!$this->_categories) {
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblCategory` where `id` in (select `categoryID` from `tblDocumentCategory` where `documentID` = ".$this->_id.")";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
$cat = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory($row['id'], $row['name']);
$this->_categories[] = $cat;
return $this->_categories;
} /* }}} */
* Set a list of categories for the document
* This function will delete currently assigned categories and sets new
* categories.
* @param SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory[] $newCategories list of category objects
* @return bool
function setCategories($newCategories) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentCategory` WHERE `documentID` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
foreach($newCategories as $cat) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentCategory` (`categoryID`, `documentID`) VALUES (". $cat->getId() .", ". $this->_id .")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$this->_categories = $newCategories;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Add a list of categories to the document
* This function will add a list of new categories to the document.
* @param array $newCategories list of category objects
function addCategories($newCategories) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$catids = array();
foreach($this->_categories as $cat)
$catids[] = $cat->getID();
$ncat = array(); // Array containing actually added new categories
foreach($newCategories as $cat) {
if(!in_array($cat->getID(), $catids)) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentCategory` (`categoryID`, `documentID`) VALUES (". $cat->getId() .", ". $this->_id .")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$ncat[] = $cat;
$this->_categories = array_merge($this->_categories, $ncat);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Remove a list of categories from the document
* This function will remove a list of assigned categories to the document.
* @param array $newCategories list of category objects
function removeCategories($categories) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$catids = array();
foreach($categories as $cat)
$catids[] = $cat->getID();
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentCategory` WHERE `documentID` = ". $this->_id ." AND `categoryID` IN (".implode(',', $catids).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$this->_categories = null;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Return creation date of the document
* @return integer unix timestamp of creation date
function getDate() { /* {{{ */
return $this->_date;
} /* }}} */
* Set creation date of the document
* @param integer $date timestamp of creation date. If false then set it
* to the current timestamp
* @return boolean true on success
function setDate($date) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$date = time();
else {
return false;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `date` = " . (int) $date . " WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_date = $date;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Check, if this document is below of a given folder
* @param object $folder parent folder
* @return boolean true if folder is a subfolder
function isDescendant($folder) { /* {{{ */
/* First check if the parent folder is folder looking for */
if ($this->getFolder()->getID() == $folder->getID())
return true;
/* Second, check for the parent folder of this document to be
* below the given folder
return true;
return false;
} /* }}} */
* Return the parent folder of the document
* @return SeedDMS_Core_Folder parent folder
function getParent() { /* {{{ */
return $this->getFolder();
} /* }}} */
function getFolder() { /* {{{ */
if (!isset($this->_folder))
$this->_folder = $this->_dms->getFolder($this->_folderID);
return $this->_folder;
} /* }}} */
* Set folder of a document
* This function basically moves a document from a folder to another
* folder.
* @param SeedDMS_Core_Folder $newFolder
* @return boolean false in case of an error, otherwise true
function setFolder($newFolder) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `folder` = " . $newFolder->getID() . " WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_folderID = $newFolder->getID();
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFieldInspection */
$this->_folder = $newFolder;
// Make sure that the folder search path is also updated.
$path = $newFolder->getPath();
$flist = "";
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_Folder[] $path */
foreach ($path as $f) {
$flist .= ":".$f->getID();
if (strlen($flist)>1) {
$flist .= ":";
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `folderList` = '" . $flist . "' WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Return owner of document
* @return SeedDMS_Core_User owner of document as an instance of {@link SeedDMS_Core_User}
function getOwner() { /* {{{ */
if (!isset($this->_owner))
$this->_owner = $this->_dms->getUser($this->_ownerID);
return $this->_owner;
} /* }}} */
* Set owner of a document
* @param SeedDMS_Core_User $newOwner new owner
* @return boolean true if successful otherwise false
function setOwner($newOwner) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$oldOwner = self::getOwner();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` set `owner` = " . $newOwner->getID() . " WHERE `id` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* FIXME: Update also all locks and checkouts done by the previous owner */
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentLocks` set `userID` = " . $newOwner->getID() . " WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id . " AND `userID` = " . $oldOwner->getID();
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentCheckOuts` set `userID` = " . $newOwner->getID() . " WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id . " AND `userID` = " . $oldOwner->getID();
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$this->_ownerID = $newOwner->getID();
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFieldInspection */
$this->_owner = $newOwner;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @return bool|int
function getDefaultAccess() { /* {{{ */
if ($this->inheritsAccess()) {
$res = $this->getFolder();
if (!$res) return false;
return $this->_folder->getDefaultAccess();
return $this->_defaultAccess;
} /* }}} */
* Set default access mode
* This method sets the default access mode and also removes all notifiers which
* will not have read access anymore.
* @param integer $mode access mode
* @param bool|string $noclean set to true if notifier list shall not be clean up
* @return bool
function setDefaultAccess($mode, $noclean="false") { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` set `defaultAccess` = " . (int) $mode . " WHERE `id` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_defaultAccess = $mode;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @return bool
function inheritsAccess() { return $this->_inheritAccess; }
* Set inherited access mode
* Setting inherited access mode will set or unset the internal flag which
* controls if the access mode is inherited from the parent folder or not.
* It will not modify the
* access control list for the current object. It will remove all
* notifications of users which do not even have read access anymore
* after setting or unsetting inherited access.
* @param boolean $inheritAccess set to true for setting and false for
* unsetting inherited access mode
* @param boolean $noclean set to true if notifier list shall not be clean up
* @return boolean true if operation was successful otherwise false
function setInheritAccess($inheritAccess, $noclean=false) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `inheritAccess` = " . ($inheritAccess ? "1" : "0") . " WHERE `id` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_inheritAccess = ($inheritAccess ? "1" : "0");
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Check if document expires
* @return boolean true if document has expiration date set, otherwise false
function expires() { /* {{{ */
if (intval($this->_expires) == 0)
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get expiration time of document
* @return integer/boolean expiration date as unix timestamp or false
function getExpires() { /* {{{ */
if (intval($this->_expires) == 0)
return false;
return $this->_expires;
} /* }}} */
* Set expiration date as unix timestamp
* @param integer $expires unix timestamp of expiration date
* @return bool
function setExpires($expires) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$expires = (!$expires) ? 0 : $expires;
if ($expires == $this->_expires) {
// No change is necessary.
return true;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `expires` = " . (int) $expires . " WHERE `id` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_expires = $expires;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Check if the document has expired
* The method expects to database field 'expired' to hold the timestamp
* of the start of day at which end the document expires. The document will
* expire if that day is over. Hence, a document will *not*
* be expired during the day of expiration but at the end of that day
* @return boolean true if document has expired otherwise false
function hasExpired() { /* {{{ */
if (intval($this->_expires) == 0) return false;
if (time()>=$this->_expires+24*60*60) return true;
return false;
} /* }}} */
* Check if the document has expired and set the status accordingly
* It will also recalculate the status if the current status is
* set to S_EXPIRED but the document isn't actually expired.
* The method will update the document status log database table
* if needed.
* FIXME: some left over reviewers/approvers are in the way if
* no workflow is set and traditional workflow mode is on. In that
* case the status is set to S_DRAFT_REV or S_DRAFT_APP
* @return boolean true if status has changed
function verifyLastestContentExpriry(){ /* {{{ */
if($lc) {
if (($st["status"]==S_DRAFT_REV || $st["status"]==S_DRAFT_APP || $st["status"]==S_IN_WORKFLOW || $st["status"]==S_RELEASED || $st["status"]==S_IN_REVISION) && $this->hasExpired()){
return $lc->setStatus(S_EXPIRED,"", $this->getOwner());
elseif ($st["status"]==S_EXPIRED && !$this->hasExpired() ){
$lc->verifyStatus(true, $this->getOwner());
return true;
return false;
} /* }}} */
* Check if latest content of the document has a scheduled
* revision workflow.
* The method will update the document status log database table
* if needed and set the revisiondate of the content to $next.
* FIXME: This method does not check if there are any revisors left. Even
* if all revisors have been removed, it will still start the revision workflow!
* NOTE: This seems not the case anymore. The status of each revision is
* checked. Only if at least one status is S_LOG_SLEEPING the revision will be
* started. This wouldn't be the case if all revisors had been removed.
* @param object $user user requesting the possible automatic change
* @param string $next next date for review
* @return boolean true if status has changed
function checkForDueRevisionWorkflow($user, $next=''){ /* {{{ */
if($lc) {
/* A revision workflow will only be started if the document is released */
if($st["status"] == S_RELEASED) {
/* First check if there are any scheduled revisions currently sleeping */
unset($this->_revisionStatus); // force to be reloaded from DB
if (is_array($revisionStatus) && count($revisionStatus)>0) {
foreach ($revisionStatus as $a){
if ($a["status"]==S_LOG_SLEEPING || $a["status"]==S_LOG_SLEEPING){
return false;
/* We have sleeping revision, next check if the revision is already due */
if($lc->getRevisionDate() && $lc->getRevisionDate() <= date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) {
if($lc->startRevision($user, 'Automatic start of revision workflow')) {
if($next) {
$tmp = explode('-', substr($next, 0, 10));
if(checkdate($tmp[1], $tmp[2], $tmp[0]))
} else {
return true;
return false;
} /* }}} */
* Check if document is locked
* @return boolean true if locked otherwise false
function isLocked() { return $this->_locked != -1; }
* Lock or unlock document
* @param SeedDMS_Core_User|bool $falseOrUser user object for locking or false for unlocking
* @return boolean true if operation was successful otherwise false
function setLocked($falseOrUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$lockUserID = -1;
if (is_bool($falseOrUser) && !$falseOrUser) {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentLocks` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id;
else if (is_object($falseOrUser)) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentLocks` (`document`, `userID`) VALUES (".$this->_id.", ".$falseOrUser->getID().")";
$lockUserID = $falseOrUser->getID();
else {
return false;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$this->_locked = $lockUserID;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get the user currently locking the document
* @return SeedDMS_Core_User|bool user have a lock
function getLockingUser() { /* {{{ */
if (!$this->isLocked())
return false;
if (!isset($this->_lockingUser))
$this->_lockingUser = $this->_dms->getUser($this->_locked);
return $this->_lockingUser;
} /* }}} */
* Check if document is checked out
* @return boolean true if checked out otherwise false
function isCheckedOut() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentCheckOuts` WHERE `document` = " . (int) $this->_id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($resArr) && $resArr==false) || (count($resArr)==0)) {
// Could not find a check out for the selected document.
return false;
} else {
// A check out has been identified for this document.
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get checkout info for document
* @return array/boolean record from table tblDocumentCheckOuts or false
* in case of an error.
function getCheckOutInfo() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentCheckOuts` WHERE `document` = " . (int) $this->_id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($resArr) && $resArr==false) || (count($resArr)==0)) {
// Could not find a check out for the selected document.
return false;
} else {
// A check out has been identified for this document.
return $resArr[0];
} /* }}} */
* Check out document
* Creates a check out record for the document and copies the latest
* version of the document into the given checkout dir.
* @param object $user object of user doing the checkout
* @param string $checkoutdir directory where the file will be placed
* @return object object of class SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCheckOut
function checkOut($user, $checkoutdir) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
return false;
/* Check if checkout dir is writable */
if(!file_exists($checkoutdir)) {
return false;
$lc = self::getLatestContent();
$ext = pathinfo($this->getName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$oext = pathinfo($lc->getOriginalFileName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if($ext == $oext)
$filename = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]/', '_', $this->getName());
else {
$filename = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', '_', $this->getName()).'.'.$oext;
$filename = $checkoutdir.$this->getID().'-'.$lc->getVersion().'-'.$filename; //$lc->getOriginalFileName();
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentCheckOuts` (`document`, `version`, `userID`, `date`, `filename`) VALUES (".$this->_id.", ".$lc->getVersion().", ".$user->getID().", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", ".$db->qstr($filename).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
/* Try to copy the file */
$err = SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($this->_dms->contentDir . $this->getDir() . $lc->getFileName(), $filename);
if (!$err) {
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Check in document
* Τhis function is similar to SeedDMS_Core_Document::addContent()
* but reads the content from the file was previously checked out.
* Internal this method calls
* SeedDMS_Core_Document::addContent() but takes over the original
* filename, filetype and mimetype from the checked out version.
* No matter in which state the current checked out file is, the
* document will be checked back in afterwards.
* @param string $comment
* @param object $user
* @param array $reviewers
* @param array $approvers
* @param integer $version
* @param array $attributes
* @param object $workflow
* @param integer $initstate intial document status
* @return boolean|object false in case of error, true if no error occurs but
* the document remains unchanged (because the checked out file has not
* changed or it has disappeared and couldnt't be checked in), or
* an instance of class SeedDMS_Core_AddContentResultSet if the document
* was updated.
function checkIn($comment, $user, $reviewers=array(), $approvers=array(), $version=0, $attributes=array(), $workflow=null, $initstate=S_RELEASED) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$info = self::getCheckOutInfo();
$lc = self::getLatestContent();
/* If file doesn't exist anymore, then just remove the record from the db */
if(!file_exists($info['filename'])) {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentCheckOuts` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id;
return true;
/* Check if version of checked out file is equal to current version */
if($lc->getVersion() != $info['version']) {
return true;
if($user->getID() != $info['userID']) {
return true;
$content = true;
/* Do not create a new version if the file was unchanged */
$checksum = SeedDMS_Core_File::checksum($info['filename']);
if($checksum != $lc->getChecksum()) {
$content = $this->addContent($comment, $user, $info['filename'], $lc->getOriginalFileName(), $lc->getFileType(), $lc->getMimeType(), $reviewers, $approvers, $version, $attributes, $workflow, $initstate);
if($content) {
if(!$this->_dms->forceRename) {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentCheckOuts` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id;
return $content;
} else {
return false;
} else {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentCheckOuts` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Cancel check out of document
* This function will cancel a check out in progress by removing
* the check out record from the database and removing the file
* from the check out folder.
* @return boolean true if cancelation was successful
function cancelCheckOut() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$info = self::getCheckOutInfo();
if($info) {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentCheckOuts` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Return the check out status of the document
* This method returns the checkout status of a previosly checked out
* document.
* @return int 1=The checked out file doesn't exists anymore,
* 2=The checked out version doesn't exists anymore
* 3=The checked out file has not been modified yet
* 4=new check out record in database found
* 0=The checked out file is modified and check in will create a new version
function checkOutStatus() { /* {{{ */
$info = self::getCheckOutInfo();
return 4;
$lc = self::getLatestContent();
/* If file doesn't exist anymore, then just remove the record from the db */
if(!file_exists($info['filename'])) {
return 1;
/* Check if version of checked out file is equal to current version */
if($lc->getVersion() != $info['version']) {
return 2;
$checksum = SeedDMS_Core_File::checksum($info['filename']);
if($checksum == $lc->getChecksum()) {
return 3;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
* @return int
function getSequence() { return $this->_sequence; }
* @param $seq
* @return bool
function setSequence($seq) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `sequence` = " . $seq . " WHERE `id` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_sequence = $seq;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Delete all entries for this document from the access control list
* @param boolean $noclean set to true if notifier list shall not be clean up
* @return boolean true if operation was successful otherwise false
function clearAccessList($noclean=false) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblACLs` WHERE `targetType` = " . T_DOCUMENT . " AND `target` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Returns a list of access privileges
* If the document inherits the access privileges from the parent folder
* those will be returned.
* $mode and $op can be set to restrict the list of returned access
* privileges. If $mode is set to M_ANY no restriction will apply
* regardless of the value of $op. The returned array contains a list
* of {@link SeedDMS_Core_UserAccess} and
* {@link SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess} objects. Even if the document
* has no access list the returned array contains the two elements
* 'users' and 'groups' which are than empty. The methode returns false
* if the function fails.
* @param int $mode access mode (defaults to M_ANY)
* @param int|string $op operation (defaults to O_EQ)
* @return bool|array
function getAccessList($mode = M_ANY, $op = O_EQ) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if ($this->inheritsAccess()) {
$res = $this->getFolder();
if (!$res) return false;
$pacl = $res->getAccessList($mode, $op);
return $pacl;
} else {
$pacl = array("groups" => array(), "users" => array());
if (!isset($this->_accessList[$mode])) {
if ($op!=O_GTEQ && $op!=O_LTEQ && $op!=O_EQ) {
return false;
$modeStr = "";
if ($mode!=M_ANY) {
$modeStr = " AND mode".$op.(int)$mode;
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblACLs` WHERE `targetType` = ".T_DOCUMENT.
" AND target = " . $this->_id . $modeStr . " ORDER BY `targetType`";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
$this->_accessList[$mode] = array("groups" => array(), "users" => array());
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
if ($row["userID"] != -1)
array_push($this->_accessList[$mode]["users"], new SeedDMS_Core_UserAccess($this->_dms->getUser($row["userID"]), $row["mode"]));
else //if ($row["groupID"] != -1)
array_push($this->_accessList[$mode]["groups"], new SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess($this->_dms->getGroup($row["groupID"]), $row["mode"]));
return $this->_accessList[$mode];
return SeedDMS_Core_DMS::mergeAccessLists($pacl, $this->_accessList[$mode]);
} /* }}} */
* Add access right to folder
* This function may change in the future. Instead of passing the a flag
* and a user/group id a user or group object will be expected.
* @param integer $mode access mode
* @param integer $userOrGroupID id of user or group
* @param integer $isUser set to 1 if $userOrGroupID is the id of a
* user
* @return bool
function addAccess($mode, $userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "`userID`" : "`groupID`";
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblACLs` (`target`, `targetType`, ".$userOrGroup.", `mode`) VALUES
(".$this->_id.", ".T_DOCUMENT.", " . (int) $userOrGroupID . ", " .(int) $mode. ")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
// Update the notify list, if necessary.
if ($mode == M_NONE) {
$this->removeNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Change access right of document
* This function may change in the future. Instead of passing the a flag
* and a user/group id a user or group object will be expected.
* @param integer $newMode access mode
* @param integer $userOrGroupID id of user or group
* @param integer $isUser set to 1 if $userOrGroupID is the id of a
* user
* @return bool
function changeAccess($newMode, $userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "`userID`" : "`groupID`";
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblACLs` SET `mode` = " . (int) $newMode . " WHERE `targetType` = ".T_DOCUMENT." AND `target` = " . $this->_id . " AND " . $userOrGroup . " = " . (int) $userOrGroupID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
// Update the notify list, if necessary.
if ($newMode == M_NONE) {
$this->removeNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Remove access rights for a user or group
* @param integer $userOrGroupID ID of user or group
* @param boolean $isUser true if $userOrGroupID is a user id, false if it
* is a group id.
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function removeAccess($userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "`userID`" : "`groupID`";
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblACLs` WHERE `targetType` = ".T_DOCUMENT." AND `target` = ".$this->_id." AND ".$userOrGroup." = " . (int) $userOrGroupID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
// Update the notify list, if the user looses access rights.
$mode = ($isUser ? $this->getAccessMode($this->_dms->getUser($userOrGroupID)) : $this->getGroupAccessMode($this->_dms->getGroup($userOrGroupID)));
if ($mode == M_NONE) {
$this->removeNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Returns the greatest access privilege for a given user
* This function returns the access mode for a given user. An administrator
* and the owner of the folder has unrestricted access. A guest user has
* read only access or no access if access rights are further limited
* by access control lists. All other users have access rights according
* to the access control lists or the default access. This function will
* recursive check for access rights of parent folders if access rights
* are inherited.
* The function searches the access control list for entries of
* user $user. If it finds more than one entry it will return the
* one allowing the greatest privileges, but user rights will always
* precede group rights. If there is no entry in the
* access control list, it will return the default access mode.
* The function takes inherited access rights into account.
* For a list of possible access rights see @file inc.AccessUtils.php
* Having access on a document does not necessarily mean the document
* content is accessible too. Accessing the content is checked by
* {@link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::getAccessMode()} which calls
* a callback function defined by the application. If the callback
* function is not set, access on the content is always granted.
* Before checking the access in the method itself a callback 'onCheckAccessDocument'
* is called. If it returns a value > 0, then this will be returned by this
* method without any further checks. The optional paramater $context
* will be passed as a third parameter to the callback. It contains
* the operation for which the access mode is retrieved. It is for example
* set to 'removeDocument' if the access mode is used to check for sufficient
* permission on deleting a document.
* @param $user object instance of class SeedDMS_Core_User
* @param string $context context in which the access mode is requested
* @return integer access mode
function getAccessMode($user, $context='') { /* {{{ */
return M_NONE;
/* Check if 'onCheckAccessDocument' callback is set */
if(isset($this->_dms->callbacks['onCheckAccessDocument'])) {
foreach($this->_dms->callbacks['onCheckAccessDocument'] as $callback) {
if(($ret = call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $this, $user, $context)) > 0) {
return $ret;
/* Administrators have unrestricted access */
if ($user->isAdmin()) return M_ALL;
/* The owner of the document has unrestricted access */
if ($user->getID() == $this->_ownerID) return M_ALL;
/* Check ACLs */
$accessList = $this->getAccessList();
if (!$accessList) return false;
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_UserAccess $userAccess */
foreach ($accessList["users"] as $userAccess) {
if ($userAccess->getUserID() == $user->getID()) {
$mode = $userAccess->getMode();
if ($user->isGuest()) {
if ($mode >= M_READ) $mode = M_READ;
return $mode;
/* Get the highest right defined by a group */
if($accessList['groups']) {
$mode = 0;
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess $groupAccess */
foreach ($accessList["groups"] as $groupAccess) {
if ($user->isMemberOfGroup($groupAccess->getGroup())) {
if ($groupAccess->getMode() > $mode)
$mode = $groupAccess->getMode();
if($mode) {
if ($user->isGuest()) {
if ($mode >= M_READ) $mode = M_READ;
return $mode;
$mode = $this->getDefaultAccess();
if ($user->isGuest()) {
if ($mode >= M_READ) $mode = M_READ;
return $mode;
} /* }}} */
* Returns the greatest access privilege for a given group
* This function searches the access control list for entries of
* group $group. If it finds more than one entry it will return the
* one allowing the greatest privileges. If there is no entry in the
* access control list, it will return the default access mode.
* The function takes inherited access rights into account.
* For a list of possible access rights see @file inc.AccessUtils.php
* @param SeedDMS_Core_Group $group object instance of class SeedDMS_Core_Group
* @return integer access mode
function getGroupAccessMode($group) { /* {{{ */
$highestPrivileged = M_NONE;
//ACLs durchforsten
$foundInACL = false;
$accessList = $this->getAccessList();
if (!$accessList)
return false;
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess $groupAccess */
foreach ($accessList["groups"] as $groupAccess) {
if ($groupAccess->getGroupID() == $group->getID()) {
$foundInACL = true;
if ($groupAccess->getMode() > $highestPrivileged)
$highestPrivileged = $groupAccess->getMode();
if ($highestPrivileged == M_ALL) // max access right -> skip the rest
return $highestPrivileged;
if ($foundInACL)
return $highestPrivileged;
//Standard-Berechtigung verwenden
return $this->getDefaultAccess();
} /* }}} */
* Returns a list of all notifications
* The returned list has two elements called 'users' and 'groups'. Each one
* is an array itself countaining objects of class SeedDMS_Core_User and
* SeedDMS_Core_Group.
* @param integer $type type of notification (not yet used)
* @param bool $incdisabled set to true if disabled user shall be included
* @return array|bool
function getNotifyList($type=0, $incdisabled=false) { /* {{{ */
if (empty($this->_notifyList)) {
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr ="SELECT * FROM `tblNotify` WHERE `targetType` = " . T_DOCUMENT . " AND `target` = " . $this->_id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false)
return false;
$this->_notifyList = array("groups" => array(), "users" => array());
foreach ($resArr as $row)
if ($row["userID"] != -1) {
$u = $this->_dms->getUser($row["userID"]);
if($u && (!$u->isDisabled() || $incdisabled))
array_push($this->_notifyList["users"], $u);
} else { //if ($row["groupID"] != -1)
$g = $this->_dms->getGroup($row["groupID"]);
array_push($this->_notifyList["groups"], $g);
return $this->_notifyList;
} /* }}} */
* Make sure only users/groups with read access are in the notify list
function cleanNotifyList() { /* {{{ */
// If any of the notification subscribers no longer have read access,
// remove their subscription.
if (empty($this->_notifyList))
/* Make a copy of both notifier lists because removeNotify will empty
* $this->_notifyList and the second foreach will not work anymore.
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_User[] $nusers */
$nusers = $this->_notifyList["users"];
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_Group[] $ngroups */
$ngroups = $this->_notifyList["groups"];
foreach ($nusers as $u) {
if ($this->getAccessMode($u) < M_READ) {
$this->removeNotify($u->getID(), true);
foreach ($ngroups as $g) {
if ($this->getGroupAccessMode($g) < M_READ) {
$this->removeNotify($g->getID(), false);
} /* }}} */
* Add a user/group to the notification list
* This function does not check if the currently logged in user
* is allowed to add a notification. This must be checked by the calling
* application.
* @param $userOrGroupID integer id of user or group to add
* @param $isUser integer 1 if $userOrGroupID is a user,
* 0 if $userOrGroupID is a group
* @return integer 0: Update successful.
* -1: Invalid User/Group ID.
* -2: Target User / Group does not have read access.
* -3: User is already subscribed.
* -4: Database / internal error.
function addNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$userOrGroup = ($isUser ? "`userID`" : "`groupID`");
/* Verify that user / group exists. */
$obj = ($isUser ? $this->_dms->getUser($userOrGroupID) : $this->_dms->getGroup($userOrGroupID));
if (!is_object($obj)) {
return -1;
/* Verify that the requesting user has permission to add the target to
* the notification system.
* The calling application should enforce the policy on who is allowed
* to add someone to the notification system. If is shall remain here
* the currently logged in user should be passed to this function
GLOBAL $user;
if ($user->isGuest()) {
return -2;
if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
if ($isUser) {
if ($user->getID() != $obj->getID()) {
return -2;
else {
if (!$obj->isMember($user)) {
return -2;
/* Verify that target user / group has read access to the document. */
if ($isUser) {
// Users are straightforward to check.
if ($this->getAccessMode($obj) < M_READ) {
return -2;
else {
// Groups are a little more complex.
if ($this->getDefaultAccess() >= M_READ) {
// If the default access is at least READ-ONLY, then just make sure
// that the current group has not been explicitly excluded.
$acl = $this->getAccessList(M_NONE, O_EQ);
$found = false;
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess $group */
foreach ($acl["groups"] as $group) {
if ($group->getGroupID() == $userOrGroupID) {
$found = true;
if ($found) {
return -2;
else {
// The default access is restricted. Make sure that the group has
// been explicitly allocated access to the document.
$acl = $this->getAccessList(M_READ, O_GTEQ);
if (is_bool($acl)) {
return -4;
$found = false;
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess $group */
foreach ($acl["groups"] as $group) {
if ($group->getGroupID() == $userOrGroupID) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
return -2;
/* Check to see if user/group is already on the list. */
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblNotify` WHERE `tblNotify`.`target` = '".$this->_id."' ".
"AND `tblNotify`.`targetType` = '".T_DOCUMENT."' ".
"AND `tblNotify`.".$userOrGroup." = '".(int) $userOrGroupID."'";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr)) {
return -4;
if (count($resArr)>0) {
return -3;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblNotify` (`target`, `targetType`, " . $userOrGroup . ") VALUES (" . $this->_id . ", " . T_DOCUMENT . ", " . (int) $userOrGroupID . ")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return -4;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
* Remove a user or group from the notification list
* This function does not check if the currently logged in user
* is allowed to remove a notification. This must be checked by the calling
* application.
* @param integer $userOrGroupID id of user or group
* @param boolean $isUser boolean true if a user is passed in $userOrGroupID, false
* if a group is passed in $userOrGroupID
* @param integer $type type of notification (0 will delete all) Not used yet!
* @return integer 0 if operation was succesful
* -1 if the userid/groupid is invalid
* -3 if the user/group is already subscribed
* -4 in case of an internal database error
function removeNotify($userOrGroupID, $isUser, $type=0) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
/* Verify that user / group exists. */
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_Group|SeedDMS_Core_User $obj */
$obj = ($isUser ? $this->_dms->getUser($userOrGroupID) : $this->_dms->getGroup($userOrGroupID));
if (!is_object($obj)) {
return -1;
$userOrGroup = ($isUser) ? "`userID`" : "`groupID`";
/* Verify that the requesting user has permission to add the target to
* the notification system.
* The calling application should enforce the policy on who is allowed
* to add someone to the notification system. If is shall remain here
* the currently logged in user should be passed to this function
GLOBAL $user;
if ($user->isGuest()) {
return -2;
if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
if ($isUser) {
if ($user->getID() != $obj->getID()) {
return -2;
else {
if (!$obj->isMember($user)) {
return -2;
/* Check to see if the target is in the database. */
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblNotify` WHERE `tblNotify`.`target` = '".$this->_id."' ".
"AND `tblNotify`.`targetType` = '".T_DOCUMENT."' ".
"AND `tblNotify`.".$userOrGroup." = '".(int) $userOrGroupID."'";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr)) {
return -4;
if (count($resArr)==0) {
return -3;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblNotify` WHERE `target` = " . $this->_id . " AND `targetType` = " . T_DOCUMENT . " AND " . $userOrGroup . " = " . (int) $userOrGroupID;
/* If type is given then delete only those notifications */
$queryStr .= " AND `type` = ".(int) $type;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return -4;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
* Add content to a document
* Each document may have any number of content elements attached to it.
* Each content element has a version number. Newer versions (greater
* version number) replace older versions.
* @param string $comment comment
* @param object $user user who shall be the owner of this content
* @param string $tmpFile file containing the actuall content
* @param string $orgFileName original file name
* @param string $fileType
* @param string $mimeType MimeType of the content
* @param array $reviewers list of reviewers
* @param array $approvers list of approvers
* @param integer $version version number of content or 0 if next higher version shall be used.
* @param array $attributes list of version attributes. The element key
* must be the id of the attribute definition.
* @param object $workflow
* @param integer $initstate intial document status
* @return bool|SeedDMS_Core_AddContentResultSet
function addContent($comment, $user, $tmpFile, $orgFileName, $fileType, $mimeType, $reviewers=array(), $approvers=array(), $version=0, $attributes=array(), $workflow=null, $initstate=S_RELEASED) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
// the doc path is id/version.filetype
$dir = $this->getDir();
/* The version field in table tblDocumentContent used to be auto
* increment but that requires the field to be primary as well if
* innodb is used. That's why the version is now determined here.
if ((int)$version<1) {
$queryStr = "SELECT MAX(`version`) as m from `tblDocumentContent` where `document` = ".$this->_id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$res)
return false;
$version = $resArr[0]['m']+1;
if($fileType == '.')
$fileType = '';
$filesize = SeedDMS_Core_File::fileSize($tmpFile);
$checksum = SeedDMS_Core_File::checksum($tmpFile);
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentContent` (`document`, `version`, `comment`, `date`, `createdBy`, `dir`, `orgFileName`, `fileType`, `mimeType`, `fileSize`, `checksum`) VALUES ".
"(".$this->_id.", ".(int)$version.",".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentTimestamp().", ".$user->getID().", ".$db->qstr($dir).", ".$db->qstr($orgFileName).", ".$db->qstr($fileType).", ".$db->qstr($mimeType).", ".$filesize.", ".$db->qstr($checksum).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$contentID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentContent');
// copy file
if (!SeedDMS_Core_File::makeDir($this->_dms->contentDir . $dir)) {
return false;
$err = SeedDMS_Core_File::renameFile($tmpFile, $this->_dms->contentDir . $dir . $version . $fileType);
$err = SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($tmpFile, $this->_dms->contentDir . $dir . $version . $fileType);
if (!$err) {
return false;
$this->_content = null;
$this->_latestContent = null;
$content = $this->getLatestContent($contentID); /** @todo: Parameter not defined in Funktion */
$docResultSet = new SeedDMS_Core_AddContentResultSet($content);
if($attributes) {
foreach($attributes as $attrdefid=>$attribute) {
/* $attribute can be a string or an array */
if(!$content->setAttributeValue($this->_dms->getAttributeDefinition($attrdefid), $attribute)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentStatus` (`documentID`, `version`) ".
"VALUES (". $this->_id .", ". (int) $version .")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$statusID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentStatus', 'statusID');
$content->setWorkflow($workflow, $user);
// Add reviewers into the database. Reviewers must review the document
// and submit comments, if appropriate. Reviewers can also recommend that
// a document be rejected.
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
$reviewRes = array(); /** @todo unused variable */
foreach (array("i", "g") as $i){
if (isset($reviewers[$i])) {
foreach ($reviewers[$i] as $reviewerID) {
$reviewer=($i=="i" ?$this->_dms->getUser($reviewerID) : $this->_dms->getGroup($reviewerID));
$res = ($i=="i" ? $docResultSet->getContent()->addIndReviewer($reviewer, $user, true) : $docResultSet->getContent()->addGrpReviewer($reviewer, $user, true));
$docResultSet->addReviewer($reviewer, $i, $res);
// If no error is returned, or if the error is just due to email
// failure, mark the state as "pending review".
if ($res==0 || $res=-3 || $res=-4) {
// Add approvers to the database. Approvers must also review the document
// and make a recommendation on its release as an approved version.
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
$approveRes = array(); /** @todo unused variable */
foreach (array("i", "g") as $i){
if (isset($approvers[$i])) {
foreach ($approvers[$i] as $approverID) {
$approver=($i=="i" ? $this->_dms->getUser($approverID) : $this->_dms->getGroup($approverID));
$res=($i=="i" ? $docResultSet->getContent()->addIndApprover($approver, $user, true) : $docResultSet->getContent()->addGrpApprover($approver, $user, !$pendingReview));
$docResultSet->addApprover($approver, $i, $res);
if ($res==0 || $res=-3 || $res=-4) {
// If there are no reviewers or approvers, the document is automatically
// promoted to the released state.
if ($pendingReview) {
$status = S_DRAFT_REV;
$comment = "";
elseif ($pendingApproval) {
$status = S_DRAFT_APP;
$comment = "";
elseif($workflow) {
$status = S_IN_WORKFLOW;
$comment = ", workflow: ".$workflow->getName();
} elseif($initstate == S_DRAFT) {
$status = $initstate;
$comment = "";
} else {
$status = S_RELEASED;
$comment = "";
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentStatusLog` (`statusID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $statusID ."', '". $status."', 'New document content submitted". $comment ."', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $user->getID() ."')";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/** @noinspection PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection */
$docResultSet->setStatus($status,$comment,$user); /** @todo parameter count wrong */
return $docResultSet;
} /* }}} */
* Replace a version of a document
* Each document may have any number of content elements attached to it.
* This function replaces the file content of a given version.
* Using this function is highly discourage, because it undermines the
* idea of keeping all versions of a document as originally saved.
* Content will only be replaced if the mimetype, filetype, user and
* original filename are identical to the version being updated.
* This function was introduced for the webdav server because any saving
* of a document created a new version.
* @param object $user user who shall be the owner of this content
* @param string $tmpFile file containing the actuall content
* @param string $orgFileName original file name
* @param string $fileType
* @param string $mimeType MimeType of the content
* @param integer $version version number of content or 0 if next higher version shall be used.
* @return bool/array false in case of an error or a result set
function replaceContent($version, $user, $tmpFile, $orgFileName, $fileType, $mimeType) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
// the doc path is id/version.filetype
$dir = $this->getDir();
/* If $version < 1 than replace the content of the latest version.
if ((int) $version<1) {
$queryStr = "SELECT MAX(`version`) as m from `tblDocumentContent` where `document` = ".$this->_id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$res) /** @todo undefined variable */
return false;
$version = $resArr[0]['m'];
$content = $this->getContentByVersion($version);
return false;
if($fileType == '.')
$fileType = '';
/* Check if $user, $orgFileName, $fileType and $mimeType are the same */
if($user->getID() != $content->getUser()->getID()) {
return false;
if($orgFileName != $content->getOriginalFileName()) {
return false;
if($fileType != $content->getFileType()) {
return false;
if($mimeType != $content->getMimeType()) {
return false;
$filesize = SeedDMS_Core_File::fileSize($tmpFile);
$checksum = SeedDMS_Core_File::checksum($tmpFile);
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` set `date`=".$db->getCurrentTimestamp().", `fileSize`=".$filesize.", `checksum`=".$db->qstr($checksum)." WHERE `id`=".$content->getID();
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
// copy file
if (!SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($tmpFile, $this->_dms->contentDir . $dir . $version . $fileType)) {
return false;
$this->_content = null;
$this->_latestContent = null;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Return all content elements of a document
* This functions returns an array of content elements ordered by version.
* Version which are not accessible because of its status, will be filtered
* out. Access rights based on the document status are calculated for the
* currently logged in user.
* @return bool|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent[]
function getContent() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if (!isset($this->_content)) {
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentContent` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id." ORDER BY `version`";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$res) /** @todo undefined variable */
return false;
$this->_content = array();
$classname = $this->_dms->getClassname('documentcontent');
$user = $this->_dms->getLoggedInUser();
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent $content */
$content = new $classname($row["id"], $this, $row["version"], $row["comment"], $row["date"], $row["createdBy"], $row["dir"], $row["orgFileName"], $row["fileType"], $row["mimeType"], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum'], $row['revisiondate']);
if($user) {
if($content->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ)
array_push($this->_content, $content);
} else {
array_push($this->_content, $content);
return $this->_content;
} /* }}} */
* Return the content element of a document with a given version number
* This function will check if the version is accessible and return false
* if not. Access rights based on the document status are calculated for the
* currently logged in user.
* @param integer $version version number of content element
* @return SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent|boolean object of class {@link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent}
* or false
function getContentByVersion($version) { /* {{{ */
if (!is_numeric($version)) return false;
if (isset($this->_content)) {
foreach ($this->_content as $revision) {
if ($revision->getVersion() == $version)
return $revision;
return false;
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentContent` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id." AND `version` = " . (int) $version;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$res) /** @todo undefined variable */
return false;
if (count($resArr) != 1)
return false;
$resArr = $resArr[0];
$classname = $this->_dms->getClassname('documentcontent');
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent $content */
if($content = new $classname($resArr["id"], $this, $resArr["version"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["date"], $resArr["createdBy"], $resArr["dir"], $resArr["orgFileName"], $resArr["fileType"], $resArr["mimeType"], $resArr['fileSize'], $resArr['checksum'], $resArr['revisiondate'])) {
$user = $this->_dms->getLoggedInUser();
/* A user with write access on the document may always see the version */
if($user && $content->getAccessMode($user) == M_NONE)
return false;
return $content;
} else {
return false;
} /* }}} */
* @return bool|null|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent
function __getLatestContent() { /* {{{ */
if (!$this->_latestContent) {
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentContent` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id." ORDER BY `version` DESC LIMIT 1";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
if (count($resArr) != 1)
return false;
$resArr = $resArr[0];
$classname = $this->_dms->getClassname('documentcontent');
$this->_latestContent = new $classname($resArr["id"], $this, $resArr["version"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["date"], $resArr["createdBy"], $resArr["dir"], $resArr["orgFileName"], $resArr["fileType"], $resArr["mimeType"], $resArr['fileSize'], $resArr['checksum'], $resArr['revisiondate']);
return $this->_latestContent;
} /* }}} */
* Get the latest version of document
* This function returns the latest accessible version of a document.
* If content access has been restricted by setting
* {@link SeedDMS_Core_DMS::noReadForStatus} the function will go
* backwards in history until an accessible version is found. If none
* is found null will be returned.
* Access rights based on the document status are calculated for the
* currently logged in user.
* @return bool|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent object of class {@link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent}
function getLatestContent() { /* {{{ */
if (!$this->_latestContent) {
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentContent` WHERE `document` = ".$this->_id." ORDER BY `version` DESC";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$res) /** @todo: $res not defined */
return false;
$classname = $this->_dms->getClassname('documentcontent');
$user = $this->_dms->getLoggedInUser();
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent $content */
if (!$this->_latestContent) {
$content = new $classname($row["id"], $this, $row["version"], $row["comment"], $row["date"], $row["createdBy"], $row["dir"], $row["orgFileName"], $row["fileType"], $row["mimeType"], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum'], $row['revisiondate']);
if($user) {
/* If the user may even write the document, then also allow to see all content.
* This is needed because the user could upload a new version
if($content->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ) {
$this->_latestContent = $content;
} else {
$this->_latestContent = $content;
return $this->_latestContent;
} /* }}} */
* Remove version of document
* @param SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent $version version number of content
* @return boolean true if successful, otherwise false
private function _removeContent($version) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if (file_exists( $this->_dms->contentDir.$version->getPath() ))
if (!SeedDMS_Core_File::removeFile( $this->_dms->contentDir.$version->getPath() ))
return false;
$status = $version->getStatus();
$stID = $status["statusID"];
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentContent` WHERE `document` = " . $this->getID() . " AND `version` = " . $version->getVersion();
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentContentAttributes` WHERE `content` = " . $version->getId();
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblTransmittalItems` WHERE `document` = '". $this->getID() ."' AND `version` = '" . $version->getVersion()."'";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentStatusLog` WHERE `statusID` = '".$stID."'";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentStatus` WHERE `documentID` = '". $this->getID() ."' AND `version` = '" . $version->getVersion()."'";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$status = $version->getReviewStatus();
$stList = "";
foreach ($status as $st) {
$stList .= (strlen($stList)==0 ? "" : ", "). "'".$st["reviewID"]."'";
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentReviewLog` WHERE `reviewID` = " . $st['reviewID'];
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)) {
return false;
foreach($resArr as $res) {
$file = $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->getDir().'r'.$res['reviewLogID'];
if (strlen($stList)>0) {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentReviewLog` WHERE `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewID` IN (".$stList.")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentReviewers` WHERE `documentID` = '". $this->getID() ."' AND `version` = '" . $version->getVersion()."'";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$status = $version->getApprovalStatus();
$stList = "";
foreach ($status as $st) {
$stList .= (strlen($stList)==0 ? "" : ", "). "'".$st["approveID"]."'";
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentApproveLog` WHERE `approveID` = " . $st['approveID'];
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)) {
return false;
foreach($resArr as $res) {
$file = $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->getDir().'a'.$res['approveLogID'];
if (strlen($stList)>0) {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentApproveLog` WHERE `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveID` IN (".$stList.")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentApprovers` WHERE `documentID` = '". $this->getID() ."' AND `version` = '" . $version->getVersion()."'";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Remove all receipts of document version.
* This implmentation is different from the above for removing approvals
* and reviews. It doesn't use getReceiptStatus() but reads the database
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentRecipients` WHERE `documentID` = '". $this->getID() ."' AND `version` = '" . $version->getVersion()."'";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)) {
return false;
$stList = array();
foreach($resArr as $res) {
$stList[] = $res['receiptID'];
if ($stList) {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentReceiptLog` WHERE `receiptID` IN (".implode(',', $stList).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentRecipients` WHERE `receiptID` IN (".implode(',', $stList).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Remove all revisions of document version.
* This implementation is different from the above for removing approvals
* and reviews. It doesn't use getRevisionStatus() but reads the database
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentRevisors` WHERE `documentID` = '". $this->getID() ."' AND `version` = '" . $version->getVersion()."'";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)) {
return false;
$stList = array();
foreach($resArr as $res) {
$stList[] = $res['revisionID'];
if ($stList) {
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentRevisionLog` WHERE `revisionID` IN (".implode(',', $stList).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentRevisors` WHERE `revisionID` IN (".implode(',', $stList).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` WHERE `document` = '". $this->getID() ."' AND `version` = '" . $version->getVersion()."'";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Will be deleted automatically when record will be deleted
* from tblWorkflowDocumentContent
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblWorkflowLog` WHERE `document` = '". $this->getID() ."' AND `version` = '" . $version->getVersion."'";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
// remove document files attached to version
$res = $this->getDocumentFiles($version->getVersion());
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
foreach ($res as $documentfile)
if(!$this->removeDocumentFile($documentfile->getId())) {
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Call callback onPreRemoveDocument before deleting content
* @param SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent $version version number of content
* @return bool|mixed
function removeContent($version) { /* {{{ */
$this->_dms->lasterror = '';
/* Check if 'onPreRemoveDocument' callback is set */
if(isset($this->_dms->callbacks['onPreRemoveContent'])) {
foreach($this->_dms->callbacks['onPreRemoveContent'] as $callback) {
$ret = call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $this, $version);
return $ret;
if(false === ($ret = self::_removeContent($version))) {
return false;
/* Check if 'onPostRemoveDocument' callback is set */
if(isset($this->_dms->callbacks['onPostRemoveContent'])) {
foreach($this->_dms->callbacks['onPostRemoveContent'] as $callback) {
if(!call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $version)) {
return $ret;
} /* }}} */
* Return a certain document link
* @param integer $linkID id of link
* @return SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink|bool of SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink or false in case of
* an error.
function getDocumentLink($linkID) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($linkID)) return false;
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentLinks` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id ." AND `id` = " . (int) $linkID;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) || count($resArr)==0)
return false;
$resArr = $resArr[0];
$document = $this->_dms->getDocument($resArr["document"]);
$target = $this->_dms->getDocument($resArr["target"]);
$link = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink($resArr["id"], $document, $target, $resArr["userID"], $resArr["public"]);
$user = $this->_dms->getLoggedInUser();
if($link->getAccessMode($user, $document, $target) >= M_READ)
return $link;
return null;
} /* }}} */
* Return all document links
* The list may contain all links to other documents, even those which
* may not be visible by certain users, unless you pass appropriate
* parameters to filter out public links and those created by
* the given user. The application may call
* SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterDocumentLinks() afterwards.
* @param boolean $publiconly return on publically visible links
* @param object $user return also private links of this user
* @return array list of objects of class SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink
function getDocumentLinks($publiconly=false, $user=null) { /* {{{ */
if (!isset($this->_documentLinks)) {
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentLinks` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id;
$tmp = array();
$tmp[] = "`public`=1";
$tmp[] = "`userID`=".$user->getID();
if($tmp) {
$queryStr .= " AND (".implode(" OR ", $tmp).")";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
$this->_documentLinks = array();
$user = $this->_dms->getLoggedInUser();
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
$target = $this->_dms->getDocument($row["target"]);
$link = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink($row["id"], $this, $target, $row["userID"], $row["public"]);
if($link->getAccessMode($user, $this, $target) >= M_READ)
array_push($this->_documentLinks, $link);
return $this->_documentLinks;
} /* }}} */
* Return all document having a link on this document
* The list contains all documents which have a link to the current
* document. The list contains even those documents which
* may not be accessible by the user, unless you pass appropriate
* parameters to filter out public links and those created by
* the given user.
* This functions is basically the reverse of
* SeedDMS_Core_Document::getDocumentLinks()
* The application may call
* SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterDocumentLinks() afterwards.
* @param boolean $publiconly return on publically visible links
* @param object $user return also private links of this user
* @return array list of objects of class SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink
function getReverseDocumentLinks($publiconly=false, $user=null) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentLinks` WHERE `target` = " . $this->_id;
$tmp = array();
$tmp[] = "`public`=1";
$tmp[] = "`userID`=".$user->getID();
if($tmp) {
$queryStr .= " AND (".implode(" OR ", $tmp).")";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
$links = array();
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
$document = $this->_dms->getDocument($row["document"]);
$link = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink($row["id"], $document, $this, $row["userID"], $row["public"]);
if($link->getAccessMode($user, $document, $this) >= M_READ)
array_push($links, $link);
return $links;
} /* }}} */
function addDocumentLink($targetID, $userID, $public) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$public = ($public) ? "1" : "0";
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentLinks` (`document`, `target`, `userID`, `public`) VALUES (".$this->_id.", ".(int)$targetID.", ".(int)$userID.", ".(int)$public.")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
function removeDocumentLink($linkID) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($linkID)) return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentLinks` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id ." AND `id` = " . (int) $linkID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) return false;
unset ($this->_documentLinks);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get attached file by its id
* @return object instance of SeedDMS_Core_DocumentFile, null if file is not
* accessible, false in case of an sql error
function getDocumentFile($ID) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($ID)) return false;
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentFiles` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id ." AND `id` = " . (int) $ID;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if ((is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) || count($resArr)==0) return false;
$resArr = $resArr[0];
$file = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentFile($resArr["id"], $this, $resArr["userID"], $resArr["comment"], $resArr["date"], $resArr["dir"], $resArr["fileType"], $resArr["mimeType"], $resArr["orgFileName"], $resArr["name"],$resArr["version"],$resArr["public"]);
$user = $this->_dms->getLoggedInUser();
if($file->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ)
return $file;
return null;
} /* }}} */
* Get list of files attached to document
* @return array list of files, false in case of an sql error
function getDocumentFiles($version=0) { /* {{{ */
if (!isset($this->_documentFiles)) {
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentFiles` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id;
if($version) {
$queryStr .= " AND (`version`=0 OR `version`=".(int) $version.")";
$queryStr .= " ORDER BY ";
if($version) {
$queryStr .= "`version` DESC,";
$queryStr .= "`date` DESC";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr) return false;
$this->_documentFiles = array();
$user = $this->_dms->getLoggedInUser();
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
$file = new SeedDMS_Core_DocumentFile($row["id"], $this, $row["userID"], $row["comment"], $row["date"], $row["dir"], $row["fileType"], $row["mimeType"], $row["orgFileName"], $row["name"], $row["version"], $row["public"]);
if($file->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ)
array_push($this->_documentFiles, $file);
return $this->_documentFiles;
} /* }}} */
function addDocumentFile($name, $comment, $user, $tmpFile, $orgFileName,$fileType, $mimeType,$version=0,$public=1) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$dir = $this->getDir();
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentFiles` (`comment`, `date`, `dir`, `document`, `fileType`, `mimeType`, `orgFileName`, `userID`, `name`, `version`, `public`) VALUES ".
"(".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentTimestamp().", ".$db->qstr($dir).", ".$this->_id.", ".$db->qstr($fileType).", ".$db->qstr($mimeType).", ".$db->qstr($orgFileName).",".$user->getID().",".$db->qstr($name).", ".((int) $version).", ".($public ? 1 : 0).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$id = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentFiles');
$file = $this->getDocumentFile($id);
if (is_bool($file) && !$file) {
return false;
// copy file
if (!SeedDMS_Core_File::makeDir($this->_dms->contentDir . $dir)) return false;
$err = SeedDMS_Core_File::renameFile($tmpFile, $this->_dms->contentDir . $file->getPath());
$err = SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($tmpFile, $this->_dms->contentDir . $file->getPath());
if (!$err) {
return false;
return $file;
} /* }}} */
function removeDocumentFile($ID) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($ID)) return false;
$file = $this->getDocumentFile($ID);
if (is_bool($file) && !$file) return false;
if (file_exists( $this->_dms->contentDir . $file->getPath() )){
if (!SeedDMS_Core_File::removeFile( $this->_dms->contentDir . $file->getPath() ))
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentFiles` WHERE `document` = " . $this->getID() . " AND `id` = " . (int) $ID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
unset ($this->_documentFiles);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Remove a document completly
* This methods calls the callback 'onPreRemoveDocument' before removing
* the document. The current document will be passed as the second
* parameter to the callback function. After successful deletion the
* 'onPostRemoveDocument' callback will be used. The current document id
* will be passed as the second parameter. If onPreRemoveDocument fails
* the whole function will fail and the document will not be deleted.
* The return value of 'onPostRemoveDocument' will be disregarded.
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function remove() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$this->_dms->lasterror = '';
/* Check if 'onPreRemoveDocument' callback is set */
if(isset($this->_dms->callbacks['onPreRemoveDocument'])) {
foreach($this->_dms->callbacks['onPreRemoveDocument'] as $callback) {
$ret = call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $this);
return $ret;
$res = $this->getContent();
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) return false;
// remove content of document
foreach ($this->_content as $version) {
if (!$this->_removeContent($version)) {
return false;
// remove document file
$res = $this->getDocumentFiles();
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
foreach ($res as $documentfile)
if(!$this->removeDocumentFile($documentfile->getId())) {
return false;
// TODO: versioning file?
if (file_exists( $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->getDir() ))
if (!SeedDMS_Core_File::removeDir( $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->getDir() )) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocuments` WHERE `id` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentAttributes` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblACLs` WHERE `target` = " . $this->_id . " AND `targetType` = " . T_DOCUMENT;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentLinks` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id . " OR `target` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentLocks` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentCheckOuts` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentFiles` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblDocumentCategory` WHERE `documentID` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
// Delete the notification list.
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblNotify` WHERE `target` = " . $this->_id . " AND `targetType` = " . T_DOCUMENT;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Check if 'onPostRemoveDocument' callback is set */
if(isset($this->_dms->callbacks['onPostRemoveDocument'])) {
foreach($this->_dms->callbacks['onPostRemoveDocument'] as $callback) {
if(!call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $this->_id)) {
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get List of users and groups which have read access on the document
* The list will not include any guest users,
* administrators and the owner of the folder unless $listadmin resp.
* $listowner is set to true.
* This function is deprecated. Use
* {@see SeedDMS_Core_Document::getReadAccessList()} instead.
function getApproversList() { /* {{{ */
return $this->getReadAccessList(0, 0, 0);
} /* }}} */
* Returns a list of groups and users with read access on the document
* @param boolean $listadmin if set to true any admin will be listed too
* @param boolean $listowner if set to true the owner will be listed too
* @param boolean $listguest if set to true any guest will be listed too
* @return array list of users and groups
function getReadAccessList($listadmin=0, $listowner=0, $listguest=0) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if (!isset($this->_readAccessList)) {
$this->_readAccessList = array("groups" => array(), "users" => array());
$userIDs = "";
$groupIDs = "";
$defAccess = $this->getDefaultAccess();
if ($defAccess<M_READ) {
// Get the list of all users and groups that are listed in the ACL as
// having read access to the document.
$tmpList = $this->getAccessList(M_READ, O_GTEQ);
else {
// Get the list of all users and groups that DO NOT have read access
// to the document.
$tmpList = $this->getAccessList(M_NONE, O_LTEQ);
foreach ($tmpList["groups"] as $groupAccess) {
$groupIDs .= (strlen($groupIDs)==0 ? "" : ", ") . $groupAccess->getGroupID();
foreach ($tmpList["users"] as $userAccess) {
$user = $userAccess->getUser();
if (!$listadmin && $user->isAdmin()) continue;
if (!$listowner && $user->getID() == $this->_ownerID) continue;
if (!$listguest && $user->isGuest()) continue;
$userIDs .= (strlen($userIDs)==0 ? "" : ", ") . $userAccess->getUserID();
// Construct a query against the users table to identify those users
// that have read access to this document, either directly through an
// ACL entry, by virtue of ownership or by having administrative rights
// on the database.
/* If default access is less then read, $userIDs and $groupIDs contains
* a list of user with read access
if ($defAccess < M_READ) {
if (strlen($groupIDs)>0) {
$queryStr = "SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblGroupMembers` ON `tblGroupMembers`.`userID`=`tblUsers`.`id` ".
"WHERE `tblGroupMembers`.`groupID` IN (". $groupIDs .") ".
"AND `tblUsers`.`role` != ".SeedDMS_Core_User::role_guest." UNION ";
$queryStr .=
"SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ".
"WHERE (`tblUsers`.`role` != ".SeedDMS_Core_User::role_guest.") ".
"AND ((`tblUsers`.`id` = ". $this->_ownerID . ") ".
"OR (`tblUsers`.`role` = ".SeedDMS_Core_User::role_admin.")".
(strlen($userIDs) == 0 ? "" : " OR (`tblUsers`.`id` IN (". $userIDs ."))").
") ORDER BY `login`";
/* If default access is equal or greater then M_READ, $userIDs and
* $groupIDs contains a list of user without read access
else {
if (strlen($groupIDs)>0) {
$queryStr = "SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblGroupMembers` ON `tblGroupMembers`.`userID`=`tblUsers`.`id` ".
"WHERE `tblGroupMembers`.`groupID` NOT IN (". $groupIDs .")".
"AND `tblUsers`.`role` != ".SeedDMS_Core_User::role_guest." ".
(strlen($userIDs) == 0 ? "" : " AND (`tblUsers`.`id` NOT IN (". $userIDs ."))")." UNION ";
} else {
$queryStr .=
"SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ".
"WHERE `tblUsers`.`role` != ".SeedDMS_Core_User::role_guest." ".
(strlen($userIDs) == 0 ? "" : " AND (`tblUsers`.`id` NOT IN (". $userIDs ."))")." UNION ";
$queryStr .=
"SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ".
"WHERE (`tblUsers`.`id` = ". $this->_ownerID . ") ".
"OR (`tblUsers`.`role` = ".SeedDMS_Core_User::role_admin.") ".
// "UNION ".
// "SELECT `tblUsers`.* FROM `tblUsers` ".
// "WHERE `tblUsers`.`role` != ".SeedDMS_Core_User::role_guest." ".
// (strlen($userIDs) == 0 ? "" : " AND (`tblUsers`.`id` NOT IN (". $userIDs ."))").
" ORDER BY `login`";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (!is_bool($resArr)) {
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
$user = $this->_dms->getUser($row['id']);
if (!$listadmin && $user->isAdmin()) continue;
if (!$listowner && $user->getID() == $this->_ownerID) continue;
$this->_readAccessList["users"][] = $user;
// Assemble the list of groups that have read access to the document.
if ($defAccess < M_READ) {
if (strlen($groupIDs)>0) {
$queryStr = "SELECT `tblGroups`.* FROM `tblGroups` ".
"WHERE `tblGroups`.`id` IN (". $groupIDs .") ORDER BY `name`";
else {
if (strlen($groupIDs)>0) {
$queryStr = "SELECT `tblGroups`.* FROM `tblGroups` ".
"WHERE `tblGroups`.`id` NOT IN (". $groupIDs .") ORDER BY `name`";
else {
$queryStr = "SELECT `tblGroups`.* FROM `tblGroups` ORDER BY `name`";
if (strlen($queryStr)>0) {
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (!is_bool($resArr)) {
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
$group = $this->_dms->getGroup($row["id"]);
$this->_readAccessList["groups"][] = $group;
return $this->_readAccessList;
} /* }}} */
* Get the internally used folderList which stores the ids of folders from
* the root folder to the parent folder.
* @return string column separated list of folder ids
function getFolderList() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT `folderList` FROM `tblDocuments` where id = ".$this->_id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
return $resArr[0]['folderList'];
} /* }}} */
* Checks the internal data of the document and repairs it.
* Currently, this function only repairs an incorrect folderList
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function repair() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$curfolderlist = $this->getFolderList();
// calculate the folderList of the folder
$parent = $this->getFolder();
$path = $parent->getPath();
foreach ($path as $f) {
$pathPrefix .= ":".$f->getID();
if (strlen($pathPrefix)>1) {
$pathPrefix .= ":";
if($curfolderlist != $pathPrefix) {
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `folderList`='".$pathPrefix."' WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (!$res)
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Calculate the disk space including all versions of the document
* This is done by using the internal database field storing the
* filesize of a document version.
* @return integer total disk space in Bytes
function getUsedDiskSpace() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT SUM(`fileSize`) sum FROM `tblDocumentContent` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false)
return false;
return $resArr[0]['sum'];
} /* }}} */
* Returns a list of events happend during the life of the document
* This includes the creation of new versions, approval and reviews, etc.
* @return array list of events
function getTimeline() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
$timeline = array();
$queryStr = "SELECT `revisiondate`, `version` FROM `tblDocumentContent` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id . " AND `version` = " . $lc->getVersion();
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false)
return false;
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
if($row['revisiondate'] && substr($row['revisiondate'], 0, 4) != '0000')
$timeline[] = array('date'=>substr($row['revisiondate'], 0, 10)." 00:00:00", 'allday'=>true, 'msg'=>'Scheduled revision of version '.$row['version'], 'type'=>'scheduled_revision', 'version'=>$row['version'], 'document'=>$this, 'params'=>array($row['version']));
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentFiles` WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false)
return false;
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['date']);
$timeline[] = array('date'=>$date, 'msg'=>'Added attachment "'.$row['name'].'"', 'document'=>$this, 'type'=>'add_file', 'fileid'=>$row['id']);
"SELECT `tblDocumentStatus`.*, `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID`,`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status`, ".
"`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`date`, ".
"`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`userID` ".
"FROM `tblDocumentStatus` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentStatusLog` USING (`statusID`) ".
"WHERE `tblDocumentStatus`.`documentID` = '". $this->_id ."' ".
"ORDER BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID` DESC";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
/* The above query will also contain entries where a document status exists
* but no status log entry. Those records will have no date and must be
* skipped.
foreach ($resArr as $row) {
if($row['date']) {
$date = $row['date'];
$timeline[] = array('date'=>$date, 'msg'=>'Version '.$row['version'].': Status change to '.$row['status'], 'type'=>'status_change', 'version'=>$row['version'], 'document'=>$this, 'status'=>$row['status'], 'statusid'=>$row['statusID'], 'statuslogid'=>$row['statusLogID']);
return $timeline;
} /* }}} */
* Transfers the document to a new user
* This method not just sets a new owner of the document but also
* transfers the document links, attachments and locks to the new user.
* @return boolean true if successful, otherwise false
function transferToUser($newuser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if($newuser->getId() == $this->_ownerID)
return true;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocuments` SET `owner` = ".$newuser->getId()." WHERE `id` = " . $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentLocks` SET `userID` = ".$newuser->getId()." WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id . " AND `userID` = ".$this->_ownerID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentLinks` SET `userID` = ".$newuser->getId()." WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id . " AND `userID` = ".$this->_ownerID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentFiles` SET `userID` = ".$newuser->getId()." WHERE `document` = " . $this->_id . " AND `userID` = ".$this->_ownerID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$this->_ownerID = $newuser->getID();
$this->_owner = $newuser;
return true;
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */
* Class to represent content of a document
* Each document has content attached to it, often called a 'version' of the
* document. The document content represents a file on the disk with some
* meta data stored in the database. A document content has a version number
* which is incremented with each replacement of the old content. Old versions
* are kept unless they are explicitly deleted by
* {@link SeedDMS_Core_Document::removeContent()}.
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS_Core
* @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Matteo Lucarelli,
* Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal,
* 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli,
* 2010 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
class SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent extends SeedDMS_Core_Object { /* {{{ */
* @var object document
protected $_document;
* @var integer version
protected $_version;
* @var string comment
protected $_comment;
* @var string date
protected $_date;
* @var integer userID
protected $_userID;
* @var string dir on disk (deprecated)
protected $_dir;
* @var string original file name
protected $_orgFileName;
* @var string file type (actually the extension without the leading dot)
protected $_fileType;
* @var string mime type
protected $_mimeType;
* @var string checksum of content
protected $_checksum;
* @var object workflow
protected $_workflow;
* @var object workflow state
protected $_workflowState;
* @var object dms
public $_dms;
* Recalculate the status of a document
* The methods checks the review and approval status and sets the
* status of the document accordingly.
* If status is S_RELEASED and the version has a workflow, then set
* the status to S_IN_WORKFLOW
* If status is S_RELEASED and there are reviewers => set status S_DRAFT_REV
* If status is S_RELEASED or S_DRAFT_REV and there are approvers => set
* status S_DRAFT_APP
* If status is draft and there are no approver and no reviewers => set
* status to S_RELEASED
* The status of a document with the current status S_OBSOLETE, S_REJECTED,
* S_NEEDS_CORRECTION or S_EXPIRED will not be changed unless the parameter
* $ignorecurrentstatus is set to true.
* This method may not be called after a negative approval or review to
* recalculated the status, because
* it doesn't take a defeating approval or review into account. This method
* does not set the status to S_REJECTED! It will
* just check for a pending workflow, approval or review and set the status
* accordingly, e.g. after the list of reviewers or appovers has been
* modified. If there is not pending workflow, approval or review the
* status will be set to S_RELEASED.
* This method will call {@see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setStatus()}
* which checks if the status has actually changed. This is, why this
* function can be called at any time without harm to the status log.
* The $initialstatus can be set, to define the status set when no other
* status is set. This happens if the document has no
* @param boolean $ignorecurrentstatus ignore the current status and
* recalculate a new status in any case
* @param object $user the user initiating this method
* @param string $msg message stored in status log when status is set
* @param integer $initialstatus status to be set if no other status is set
function verifyStatus($ignorecurrentstatus=false, $user=null, $msg='', $initialstatus=S_RELEASED) { /* {{{ */
/* Documents already obsoleted, rejected or expired will not change
* its status anymore, unless explicitly requested. Be aware, that
* this method has an unsufficient check for negative reviews and
* approvals. A document in status S_REJECTED may become S_RELEASED
* if there is at least one positive review or approval.
if (!$ignorecurrentstatus && ($st["status"]==S_OBSOLETE || $st["status"]==S_REJECTED || $st["status"]==S_EXPIRED || $st["status"]==S_NEEDS_CORRECTION)) return;
unset($this->_workflow); // force to be reloaded from DB
$hasworkflow = $this->getWorkflow() ? true : false;
/* $pendingReview will be set when there are still open reviews */
/* $hasReview will be set if there is at least one positiv review */
unset($this->_reviewStatus); // force to be reloaded from DB
if (is_array($reviewStatus) && count($reviewStatus)>0) {
foreach ($reviewStatus as $r){
if ($r["status"]==0){
} elseif($r["status"]==1){
/* $pendingApproval will be set when there are still open approvals */
/* $hasApproval will be set if there is at least one positiv review */
unset($this->_approvalStatus); // force to be reloaded from DB
if (is_array($approvalStatus) && count($approvalStatus)>0) {
foreach ($approvalStatus as $a){
if ($a["status"]==0){
} elseif($a["status"]==1){
unset($this->_revisionStatus); // force to be reloaded from DB
if (is_array($revsisionStatus) && count($revsisionStatus)>0) {
foreach ($revsisionStatus as $a){
if ($a["status"]==0){
} elseif($a["status"]==1){
} elseif($a["status"]==-1){
/* First check for a running workflow or open reviews, approvals, revisions. */
if ($hasworkflow) $this->setStatus(S_IN_WORKFLOW,$msg,$user);
elseif ($pendingReview) $this->setStatus(S_DRAFT_REV,$msg,$user);
elseif ($pendingApproval) $this->setStatus(S_DRAFT_APP,$msg,$user);
elseif ($pendingRevision) $this->setStatus(S_IN_REVISION,$msg,$user);
/* This point will only be reached if there is no pending workflow, review,
* approval or revision but the current status is one of S_DRAFT_REV,
* S_DRAFT_APP or S_IN_REVISION. This can happen if formely set reviewers,
* approvers, revisors are completly removed. In case of S_DRAFT_REV and
* S_DRAFT_APP the document will go back into its initial status. If a
* positive review or approval was found the document will be released.
* Be aware that negative reviews or approvals are not taken into account,
* because in that case the document must have been rejected before calling
* this function. FIXME: this is a problem if the parameter $ignorecurrentstatus
* was set, because an already rejected document may be released with just
* one positive review or approval disregarding any negative reviews or
* approvals.
* A document in status S_IN_REVISION will be treated differently.
* It takes negative revisions into account!
* A document in status S_DRAFT will never go into S_RELEASED and document
* already released will never go back at this point into the given
* initial status, which can only by S_DRAFT or S_RELEASED
elseif ($st["status"]!=S_DRAFT && $st["status"]!=S_RELEASED ) {
if($st["status"]==S_DRAFT_REV || $st["status"]==S_DRAFT_APP) {
if($hasReview || $hasApproval) $this->setStatus(S_RELEASED,$msg,$user);
else $this->setStatus($initialstatus,$msg,$user);
} elseif($st["status"]==S_IN_REVISION) {
if($needsCorrection) $this->setStatus(S_NEEDS_CORRECTION,$msg,$user);
else {
$this->finishRevision($user, S_RELEASED, 'Finished revision workflow', $msg);
// $this->setStatus(S_RELEASED,$msg,$user);
} elseif($st["status"]==S_EXPIRED) {
} /* }}} */
function __construct($id, $document, $version, $comment, $date, $userID, $dir, $orgFileName, $fileType, $mimeType, $fileSize=0, $checksum='', $revisionDate=null) { /* {{{ */
$this->_document = $document;
$this->_version = (int) $version;
$this->_comment = $comment;
$this->_date = $date;
$this->_userID = (int) $userID;
$this->_dir = $dir;
$this->_orgFileName = $orgFileName;
$this->_fileType = $fileType;
$this->_mimeType = $mimeType;
$this->_dms = $document->getDMS();
if(!$fileSize) {
$this->_fileSize = SeedDMS_Core_File::fileSize($this->_dms->contentDir . $this->getPath());
} else {
$this->_fileSize = $fileSize;
$this->_checksum = $checksum;
$this->_workflow = null;
$this->_workflowState = null;
$this->_revisionDate = $revisionDate;
} /* }}} */
* Return an document content by its id
* @param integer $id id of document
* @param SeedDMS_Core_DMS $dms
* @return bool|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent instance of SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent
* if document content exists, null if document does not exist, false in case of error
public static function getInstance($id, $dms) { /* {{{ */
$db = $dms->getDB();
$queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `tblDocumentContent` WHERE `id` = " . (int) $id;
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && $resArr == false)
return false;
if (count($resArr) != 1)
return null;
$row = $resArr[0];
$classname = $dms->getClassname('documentcontent');
$user = $dms->getLoggedInUser();
$document = $dms->getDocument($row['document']);
/** @var SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent $documentcontent */
$content = new $classname($row["id"], $document, $row["version"], $row["comment"], $row["date"], $row["createdBy"], $row["dir"], $row["orgFileName"], $row["fileType"], $row["mimeType"], $row['fileSize'], $row['checksum'], $row['revisiondate']);
if($user) {
if($content->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READ)
return $content;
} else {
return $content;
return null;
} /* }}} */
* Check if this object is of type 'documentcontent'.
* @param string $type type of object
public function isType($type) { /* {{{ */
return $type == 'documentcontent';
} /* }}} */
function getVersion() { return $this->_version; }
function getComment() { return $this->_comment; }
function getDate() { return $this->_date; }
function getOriginalFileName() { return $this->_orgFileName; }
function getFileType() { return $this->_fileType; }
function getFileName(){ return $this->_version . $this->_fileType; }
* getDir and the corresponding database table field are deprecated
function __getDir() { return $this->_dir; }
function getMimeType() { return $this->_mimeType; }
function getRevisionDate() { return $this->_revisionDate; }
function getDocument() { return $this->_document; }
function getUser() { /* {{{ */
if (!isset($this->_user))
$this->_user = $this->_document->getDMS()->getUser($this->_userID);
return $this->_user;
} /* }}} */
* Return path of file on disk relative to the content directory
* Since version 5.1.13 a single '.' in the fileType will be skipped.
* On Windows a file named 'name.' will be saved as 'name' but the fileType
* will contain the a single '.'.
* @return string path of file on disc
function getPath() { return $this->_document->getDir() . $this->_version . $this->_fileType; }
function setRevisionDate($date = false) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `revisiondate` = null WHERE `document` = " . $this->_document->getID() . " AND `version` = " . $this->_version;
elseif($date == 'now')
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `revisiondate` = ".$db->getCurrentDatetime()." WHERE `document` = " . $this->_document->getID() . " AND `version` = " . $this->_version;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `revisiondate` = ".$db->qstr($date)." WHERE `document` = " . $this->_document->getID() . " AND `version` = " . $this->_version;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_revisionDate = $date;
return true;
} /* }}} */
function setDate($date = false) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$date = time();
else {
return false;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `date` = ".(int) $date." WHERE `document` = " . $this->_document->getID() . " AND `version` = " . $this->_version;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_date = $date;
return true;
} /* }}} */
function getFileSize() { /* {{{ */
return $this->_fileSize;
} /* }}} */
* Set file size by reading the file
function setFileSize() { /* {{{ */
$filesize = SeedDMS_Core_File::fileSize($this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . $this->getFileName());
if($filesize === false)
return false;
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `fileSize` = ".$filesize." where `document` = " . $this->_document->getID() . " AND `version` = " . $this->_version;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_fileSize = $filesize;
return true;
} /* }}} */
function getChecksum() { /* {{{ */
return $this->_checksum;
} /* }}} */
* Set checksum by reading the file
function setChecksum() { /* {{{ */
$checksum = SeedDMS_Core_File::checksum($this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . $this->getFileName());
if($checksum === false)
return false;
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `checksum` = ".$db->qstr($checksum)." where `document` = " . $this->_document->getID() . " AND `version` = " . $this->_version;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_checksum = $checksum;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Set file type by evaluating the mime type
function setFileType() { /* {{{ */
$mimetype = $this->getMimeType();
switch($this->_mimeType) {
case "application/pdf":
case "image/png":
case "image/gif":
case "image/jpg":
$expect = substr($this->_mimeType, -3, 3);
if($expect && '.'.$expect != $this->_fileType) {
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `fileType`='.".$expect."' WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if ($res) {
if(!SeedDMS_Core_File::renameFile($this->_dms->contentDir.$this->_document->getDir() . $this->_version . $this->_fileType, $this->_dms->contentDir.$this->_document->getDir() . $this->_version . '.' . $expect)) {
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} /* }}} */
function setComment($newComment) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `comment` = ".$db->qstr($newComment)." WHERE `document` = " . $this->_document->getID() . " AND `version` = " . $this->_version;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_comment = $newComment;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get the latest status of the content
* The status of the content reflects its current review, approval or workflow
* state. A status can be a negative or positive number or 0. A negative
* numbers indicate a missing approval, review or an obsolete content.
* Positive numbers indicate some kind of approval or workflow being
* active, but not necessarily a release.
* When a content is inserted and does not need approval nor review,
* then its status is set to S_RELEASED immediately. Any change of
* the status is monitored in the table tblDocumentStatusLog. This
* function will always return the latest entry for the content.
* @return array latest record from tblDocumentStatusLog
function getStatus($limit=1) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($limit)) return false;
// Retrieve the current overall status of the content represented by
// this object.
if (!isset($this->_status)) {
"SELECT `tblDocumentStatus`.*, `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status`, ".
"`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`date`, ".
"`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`userID` ".
"FROM `tblDocumentStatus` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentStatusLog` USING (`statusID`) ".
"WHERE `tblDocumentStatus`.`documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ".
"AND `tblDocumentStatus`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."' ".
"ORDER BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID` DESC LIMIT ".(int) $limit;
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return false;
if (count($res)!=1)
return false;
$this->_status = $res[0];
return $this->_status;
} /* }}} */
* Get current and former states of the document content
* @param integer $limit if not set all log entries will be returned
* @return array list of status changes
function getStatusLog($limit=0) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($limit)) return false;
"SELECT `tblDocumentStatus`.*, `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`status`, ".
"`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`date`, ".
"`tblDocumentStatusLog`.`userID` ".
"FROM `tblDocumentStatus` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentStatusLog` USING (`statusID`) ".
"WHERE `tblDocumentStatus`.`documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ".
"AND `tblDocumentStatus`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."' ".
"ORDER BY `tblDocumentStatusLog`.`statusLogID` DESC ";
$queryStr .= "LIMIT ".(int) $limit;
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return false;
return $res;
} /* }}} */
* Set the status of the content
* Setting the status means to add another entry into the table
* tblDocumentStatusLog. The method returns also false if the status
* is already set on the value passed to the method.
* @param integer $status new status of content
* @param string $comment comment for this status change
* @param object $updateUser user initiating the status change
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function setStatus($status, $comment, $updateUser, $date='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($status)) return false;
/* return an error if $updateuser is not set */
return false;
// If the supplied value lies outside of the accepted range, return an
// error.
if ($status < S_LOWEST_STATUS || $status > S_HIGHEST_STATUS) {
return false;
// Retrieve the current overall status of the content represented by
// this object, if it hasn't been done already.
if (!isset($this->_status)) {
if ($this->_status["status"]==$status) {
return true;
$ddate = $db->qstr($date);
$ddate = $db->getCurrentDatetime();
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentStatusLog` (`statusID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $this->_status["statusID"] ."', '". (int) $status ."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$ddate.", '". $updateUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
/* Check if 'onSetStatus' callback is set */
if(isset($this->_dms->callbacks['onSetStatus'])) {
foreach($this->_dms->callbacks['onSetStatus'] as $callback) {
$ret = call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $this, $updateUser, $this->_status["status"], $status);
if(is_bool($ret)) {
return $ret;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Rewrites the complete status log
* Attention: this function is highly dangerous.
* It removes an existing status log and rewrites it.
* This method was added for importing an xml dump.
* @param array $statuslog new status log with the newest log entry first.
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function rewriteStatusLog($statuslog) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr= "SELECT `tblDocumentStatus`.* FROM `tblDocumentStatus` WHERE `tblDocumentStatus`.`documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' AND `tblDocumentStatus`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."' ";
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return false;
$statusID = $res[0]['statusID'];
/* First, remove the old entries */
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentStatusLog` where `statusID`=".$statusID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Second, insert the new entries */
$statuslog = array_reverse($statuslog);
foreach($statuslog as $log) {
if(!SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkDate($log['date'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
return false;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentStatusLog` (`statusID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('".$statusID ."', '".(int) $log['status']."', ".$db->qstr($log['comment']) .", ".$db->qstr($log['date']).", ".$log['user']->getID().")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Returns the access mode similar to a document
* There is no real access mode for document content, so this is more
* like a virtual access mode, derived from the status of the document
* content. The function checks if {@link SeedDMS_Core_DMS::noReadForStatus}
* contains the status of the version and returns M_NONE if it exists and
* the user is not involved in a workflow or review/approval/revision.
* This method is called by all functions that returns the content e.g.
* {@link SeedDMS_Core_Document::getLatestContent()}
* It is also used by {@link SeedDMS_Core_Document::getAccessMode()} to
* prevent access on the whole document if there is no accessible version.
* FIXME: This function only works propperly if $u is the currently logged in
* user, because noReadForStatus will be set for this user.
* FIXED: instead of using $dms->noReadForStatus it is take from the user's role
* @param object $u user
* @return integer either M_NONE or M_READ
function getAccessMode($u) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
/* Check if 'onCheckAccessDocumentContent' callback is set */
if(isset($this->_dms->callbacks['onCheckAccessDocumentContent'])) {
foreach($this->_dms->callbacks['onCheckAccessDocumentContent'] as $callback) {
if(($ret = call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $this, $u)) > 0) {
return $ret;
// return M_READ;
return M_NONE;
/* If read access isn't further restricted by status, than grant read access */
/* Old code
return M_READ;
$noReadForStatus = $dms->noReadForStatus;
$noReadForStatus = $u->getRole()->getNoAccess();
return M_READ;
/* If the current status is not in list of status without read access, then grant read access */
if(!in_array($this->getStatus()['status'], $noReadForStatus))
return M_READ;
/* Administrators have unrestricted access */
if ($u->isAdmin()) return M_READ;
/* The owner of the document has unrestricted access */
$owner = $this->_document->getOwner();
if ($u->getID() == $owner->getID()) return M_READ;
/* Read/Write access on the document will also grant access on the version */
if($this->_document->getAccessMode($u) >= M_READWRITE) return M_READ;
/* At this point the current status is in the list of status without read access.
* The only way to still gain read access is, if the user is involved in the
* process, e.g. is a reviewer, approver or an active person in the workflow.
$s = $this->getStatus();
switch($s['status']) {
$status = $this->getReviewStatus();
foreach ($status as $r) {
if($r['status'] != -2) // Check if reviewer was removed
switch ($r["type"]) {
case 0: // Reviewer is an individual.
if($u->getId() == $r["required"])
return M_READ;
case 1: // Reviewer is a group.
$required = $dms->getGroup($r["required"]);
if (is_object($required) && $required->isMember($u))
return M_READ;
$status = $this->getApprovalStatus();
foreach ($status as $r) {
if($r['status'] != -2) // Check if approver was removed
switch ($r["type"]) {
case 0: // Reviewer is an individual.
if($u->getId() == $r["required"])
return M_READ;
case 1: // Reviewer is a group.
$required = $dms->getGroup($r["required"]);
if (is_object($required) && $required->isMember($u))
return M_READ;
if($this->_workflow) {
if (!$this->_workflowState)
$transitions = $this->_workflow->getNextTransitions($this->_workflowState);
foreach($transitions as $transition) {
if($this->triggerWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed($u, $transition))
return M_READ;
$status = $this->getRevisionStatus();
foreach ($status as $r) {
if($r['status'] != -2) // Check if reviewer was removed
switch ($r["type"]) {
case 0: // Revisor is an individual.
if($u->getId() == $r["required"])
return M_READ;
case 1: // Revisor is a group.
$required = $dms->getGroup($r["required"]);
if (is_object($required) && $required->isMember($u))
return M_READ;
return M_NONE;
} /* }}} */
* Get the current review status of the document content
* The review status is a list of reviews and its current status
* @param integer $limit the number of recent status changes per reviewer
* @return array list of review status
function getReviewStatus($limit=1) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($limit)) return false;
// Retrieve the current status of each assigned reviewer for the content
// represented by this object.
// FIXME: caching was turned off to make list of review log in ViewDocument
// possible
if (1 || !isset($this->_reviewStatus)) {
/* First get a list of all reviews for this document content */
"SELECT `reviewID` FROM `tblDocumentReviewers` WHERE `version`='".$this->_version
."' AND `documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ";
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs)
return false;
$this->_reviewStatus = array();
if($recs) {
foreach($recs as $rec) {
"SELECT `tblDocumentReviewers`.*, `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID`, `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`status`, ".
"`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`date`, ".
"`tblDocumentReviewLog`.`userID`, `tblUsers`.`fullName`, `tblGroups`.`name` AS `groupName` ".
"FROM `tblDocumentReviewers` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentReviewLog` USING (`reviewID`) ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblUsers` on `tblUsers`.`id` = `tblDocumentReviewers`.`required`".
"LEFT JOIN `tblGroups` on `tblGroups`.`id` = `tblDocumentReviewers`.`required`".
"WHERE `tblDocumentReviewers`.`reviewID` = '". $rec['reviewID'] ."' ".
"ORDER BY `tblDocumentReviewLog`.`reviewLogID` DESC LIMIT ".(int) $limit;
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
foreach($res as &$t) {
$filename = $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir().'r'.$t['reviewLogID'];
$t['file'] = $filename;
$t['file'] = '';
$this->_reviewStatus = array_merge($this->_reviewStatus, $res);
return $this->_reviewStatus;
} /* }}} */
* Rewrites the complete review log
* Attention: this function is highly dangerous.
* It removes an existing review log and rewrites it.
* This method was added for importing an xml dump.
* @param array $reviewlog new status log with the newest log entry first.
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function rewriteReviewLog($reviewers) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr= "SELECT `tblDocumentReviewers`.* FROM `tblDocumentReviewers` WHERE `tblDocumentReviewers`.`documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' AND `tblDocumentReviewers`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."' ";
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return false;
if($res) {
foreach($res as $review) {
$reviewID = $review['reviewID'];
/* First, remove the old entries */
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentReviewLog` where `reviewID`=".$reviewID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentReviewers` where `reviewID`=".$reviewID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Second, insert the new entries */
foreach($reviewers as $review) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewers` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('".$this->_document->getID()."', '".$this->_version."', ".$review['type'] .", ".(is_object($review['required']) ? $review['required']->getID() : (int) $review['required']).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$reviewID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReviewers', 'reviewID');
$reviewlog = array_reverse($review['logs']);
foreach($reviewlog as $log) {
if(!SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkDate($log['date'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
return false;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewLog` (`reviewID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('".$reviewID ."', '".(int) $log['status']."', ".$db->qstr($log['comment']) .", ".$db->qstr($log['date']).", ".(is_object($log['user']) ? $log['user']->getID() : (int) $log['user']).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$reviewLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReviewLog', 'reviewLogID');
if(!empty($log['file'])) {
SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($log['file'], $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . 'r' . $reviewLogID);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get the current approval status of the document content
* The approval status is a list of approvals and its current status
* @param integer $limit the number of recent status changes per approver
* @return array list of approval status
function getApprovalStatus($limit=1) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($limit)) return false;
// Retrieve the current status of each assigned approver for the content
// represented by this object.
// FIXME: caching was turned off to make list of approval log in ViewDocument
// possible
if (1 || !isset($this->_approvalStatus)) {
/* First get a list of all approvals for this document content */
"SELECT `approveID` FROM `tblDocumentApprovers` WHERE `version`='".$this->_version
."' AND `documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ";
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs)
return false;
$this->_approvalStatus = array();
if($recs) {
foreach($recs as $rec) {
"SELECT `tblDocumentApprovers`.*, `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID`, `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`status`, ".
"`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`date`, ".
"`tblDocumentApproveLog`.`userID`, `tblUsers`.`fullName`, `tblGroups`.`name` AS `groupName` ".
"FROM `tblDocumentApprovers` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentApproveLog` USING (`approveID`) ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblUsers` on `tblUsers`.`id` = `tblDocumentApprovers`.`required` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblGroups` on `tblGroups`.`id` = `tblDocumentApprovers`.`required`".
"WHERE `tblDocumentApprovers`.`approveID` = '". $rec['approveID'] ."' ".
"ORDER BY `tblDocumentApproveLog`.`approveLogID` DESC LIMIT ".(int) $limit;
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
foreach($res as &$t) {
$filename = $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir().'a'.$t['approveLogID'];
$t['file'] = $filename;
$t['file'] = '';
$this->_approvalStatus = array_merge($this->_approvalStatus, $res);
return $this->_approvalStatus;
} /* }}} */
* Rewrites the complete approval log
* Attention: this function is highly dangerous.
* It removes an existing review log and rewrites it.
* This method was added for importing an xml dump.
* @param array $reviewlog new status log with the newest log entry first.
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function rewriteApprovalLog($reviewers) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr= "SELECT `tblDocumentApprovers`.* FROM `tblDocumentApprovers` WHERE `tblDocumentApprovers`.`documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' AND `tblDocumentApprovers`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."' ";
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return false;
if($res) {
foreach($res as $review) {
$reviewID = $review['reviewID'];
/* First, remove the old entries */
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentApproveLog` where `approveID`=".$reviewID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentApprovers` where `approveID`=".$reviewID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Second, insert the new entries */
foreach($reviewers as $review) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApprovers` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('".$this->_document->getID()."', '".$this->_version."', ".$review['type'] .", ".(is_object($review['required']) ? $review['required']->getID() : (int) $review['required']).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$reviewID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentApprovers', 'approveID');
$reviewlog = array_reverse($review['logs']);
foreach($reviewlog as $log) {
if(!SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkDate($log['date'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
return false;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApproveLog` (`approveID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('".$reviewID ."', '".(int) $log['status']."', ".$db->qstr($log['comment']) .", ".$db->qstr($log['date']).", ".(is_object($log['user']) ? $log['user']->getID() : (int) $log['user']).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$approveLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentApproveLog', 'approveLogID');
if(!empty($log['file'])) {
SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($log['file'], $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . 'a' . $approveLogID);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get the current receipt status of the document content
* The receipt status is a list of receipts
* @param integer $limit maximum number of status changes per receiver
* @return array list of receipts
function getReceiptStatus($limit=1) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($limit)) return false;
// Retrieve the current status of each assigned reviewer for the content
// represented by this object.
// When just the last log entry for each recipient is needed then a single
// sql statement is much faster than the code below which first retrieves
// all receivers and than the logs
// FIXME: caching was turned off to make list of review log in ViewDocument
// possible
if($limit == 1) {
/* The following sql statement is somewhat optimized. The first join is
* crucial because it should first take the table with the least number
* of records and join the other tables. ttreceiptid join tblDocumentRecipients
* is faster than tblDocumentRecipients join ttreceiptid
if (!$db->createTemporaryTable("ttreceiptid")) {
return false;
"SELECT `tblDocumentRecipients`.*, `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`receiptLogID`, `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`status`, `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`comment`, `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`date`, `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`userID`, `tblUsers`.`fullName`, `tblGroups`.`name` FROM `ttreceiptid` LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentRecipients` ON `tblDocumentRecipients`.`receiptID`=`ttreceiptid`.`receiptID` LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentReceiptLog` ON `ttreceiptid`.`maxLogID`=`tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`receiptLogID` LEFT JOIN `tblUsers` ON `tblDocumentRecipients`.`required`=`tblUsers`.`id` LEFT JOIN `tblGroups` ON `tblDocumentRecipients`.`required`=`tblGroups`.`id` WHERE `version`='".$this->_version
."' AND `documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ";
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs) {
return false;
$this->_receiptStatus = $recs;
} elseif (1 || !isset($this->_receiptStatus)) {
/* First get a list of all receipts for this document content */
"SELECT `receiptID` FROM `tblDocumentRecipients` WHERE `version`='".$this->_version
."' AND `documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ";
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs)
return false;
$this->_receiptStatus = array();
if($recs) {
foreach($recs as $rec) {
"SELECT `tblDocumentRecipients`.*, `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`receiptLogID`, ".
"`tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`status`, ".
"`tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`comment`, ".
"`tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`date`, ".
"`tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`userID`, `tblUsers`.`fullName`, `tblGroups`.`name` AS `groupName` ".
"FROM `tblDocumentRecipients` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentReceiptLog` USING (`receiptID`) ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblUsers` on `tblUsers`.`id` = `tblDocumentRecipients`.`required` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblGroups` on `tblGroups`.`id` = `tblDocumentRecipients`.`required` ".
"WHERE `tblDocumentRecipients`.`receiptID` = '". $rec['receiptID'] ."' ".
"ORDER BY `tblDocumentReceiptLog`.`receiptLogID` DESC LIMIT ".(int) $limit;
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
$this->_receiptStatus = array_merge($this->_receiptStatus, $res);
return $this->_receiptStatus;
} /* }}} */
* Rewrites the complete receipt log
* Attention: this function is highly dangerous.
* It removes an existing receipt log and rewrites it.
* This method was added for importing an xml dump.
* @param array $receiptlog new status log with the newest log entry first.
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function rewriteReceiptLog($recipients) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr= "SELECT `tblDocumentRecipients`.* FROM `tblDocumentRecipients` WHERE `tblDocumentRecipients`.`documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' AND `tblDocumentRecipients`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."' ";
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return false;
if($res) {
foreach($res as $receipt) {
$receiptID = $receipt['receiptID'];
/* First, remove the old entries */
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentReceiptLog` where `receiptID`=".$receiptID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentRecipients` where `receiptID`=".$receiptID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Second, insert the new entries */
foreach($recipients as $receipt) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRecipients` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('".$this->_document->getID()."', '".$this->_version."', ".$receipt['type'] .", ".(is_object($receipt['required']) ? $receipt['required']->getID() : (int) $receipt['required']).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$receiptID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentRecipients', 'receiptID');
$receiptlog = array_reverse($receipt['logs']);
foreach($receiptlog as $log) {
if(!SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkDate($log['date'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
return false;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReceiptLog` (`receiptID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('".$receiptID ."', '".(int) $log['status']."', ".$db->qstr($log['comment']) .", ".$db->qstr($log['date']).", ".(is_object($log['user']) ? $log['user']->getID() : (int) $log['user']).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$receiptLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReceiptLog', 'receiptLogID');
if(!empty($log['file'])) {
SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($log['file'], $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . 'r' . $receiptLogID);
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Get the current revision status of the document content
* The revision status is a list of revisions
* @param integer $limit maximum number of records per revisor
* @return array list of revisions
function getRevisionStatus($limit=1) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!is_numeric($limit)) return false;
// Retrieve the current status of each assigned reviewer for the content
// represented by this object.
// FIXME: caching was turned off to make list of review log in ViewDocument
// possible
if (1 || !isset($this->_revisionStatus)) {
/* First get a list of all revisions for this document content */
"SELECT `revisionID` FROM `tblDocumentRevisors` WHERE `version`='".$this->_version
."' AND `documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' ";
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs)
return false;
$this->_revisionStatus = array();
if($recs) {
foreach($recs as $rec) {
"SELECT `tblDocumentRevisors`.*, `tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`revisionLogID`, ".
"`tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`status`, ".
"`tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`comment`, ".
"`tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`date`, ".
"`tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`userID`, `tblUsers`.`fullName`, `tblGroups`.`name` AS `groupName` ".
"FROM `tblDocumentRevisors` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblDocumentRevisionLog` USING (`revisionID`) ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblUsers` on `tblUsers`.`id` = `tblDocumentRevisors`.`required` ".
"LEFT JOIN `tblGroups` on `tblGroups`.`id` = `tblDocumentRevisors`.`required` ".
"WHERE `tblDocumentRevisors`.`revisionID` = '". $rec['revisionID'] ."' ".
"ORDER BY `tblDocumentRevisionLog`.`revisionLogID` DESC LIMIT ".(int) $limit;
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
$this->_revisionStatus = array_merge($this->_revisionStatus, $res);
return $this->_revisionStatus;
} /* }}} */
* Rewrites the complete revision log
* Attention: this function is highly dangerous.
* It removes an existing revision log and rewrites it.
* This method was added for importing an xml dump.
* @param array $revisionlog new status log with the newest log entry first.
* @return boolean 0 on success, otherwise a negativ error number
function rewriteRevisionLog($revisions) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr= "SELECT `tblDocumentRevisors`.* FROM `tblDocumentRevisors` WHERE `tblDocumentRevisors`.`documentID` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' AND `tblDocumentRevisors`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."' ";
$res = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return false;
if($res) {
foreach($res as $revision) {
$revisionID = $revision['revisionID'];
/* First, remove the old entries */
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentRevisionLog` where `revisionID`=".$revisionID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentRevisors` where `revisionID`=".$revisionID;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Second, insert the new entries */
foreach($revisions as $revision) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisors` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('".$this->_document->getID()."', '".$this->_version."', ".$revision['type'] .", ".(is_object($revision['required']) ? $revision['required']->getID() : (int) $revision['required']).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$revisionID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentRevisors', 'revisionID');
$revisionlog = array_reverse($revision['logs']);
foreach($revisionlog as $log) {
if(!SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkDate($log['date'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
return false;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisionLog` (`revisionID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('".$revisionID ."', '".(int) $log['status']."', ".$db->qstr($log['comment']) .", ".$db->qstr($log['date']).", ".(is_object($log['user']) ? $log['user']->getID() : (int) $log['user']).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$revisionLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentRevisionLog', 'revisionLogID');
if(!empty($log['file'])) {
SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($log['file'], $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . 'r' . $revisionLogID);
return true;
} /* }}} */
function addIndReviewer($user, $requestUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$userID = $user->getID();
// Get the list of users and groups with read access to this document.
if($this->_document->getAccessMode($user) < M_READ) {
return -2;
// Check to see if the user has already been added to the review list.
$reviewStatus = $user->getReviewStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($reviewStatus) && !$reviewStatus) {
return -1;
$indstatus = false;
if (count($reviewStatus["indstatus"]) > 0) {
$indstatus = array_pop($reviewStatus["indstatus"]);
if($indstatus["status"]!=-2) {
// User is already on the list of reviewers; return an error.
return -3;
// Add the user into the review database.
if (!$indstatus || ($indstatus && $indstatus["status"]!=-2)) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewers` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('". $this->_document->getID() ."', '". $this->_version ."', '0', '". $userID ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
$reviewID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReviewers', 'reviewID');
else {
$reviewID = isset($indstatus["reviewID"]) ? $indstatus["reviewID"] : NULL;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewLog` (`reviewID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $reviewID ."', '0', '', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
// Add reviewer to event notification table.
//$this->_document->addNotify($userID, true);
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function addGrpReviewer($group, $requestUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$groupID = $group->getID();
// Get the list of users and groups with read access to this document.
if (!isset($this->_readAccessList)) {
// TODO: error checking.
$this->_readAccessList = $this->_document->getReadAccessList();
$approved = false;
foreach ($this->_readAccessList["groups"] as $appGroup) {
if ($groupID == $appGroup->getID()) {
$approved = true;
if (!$approved) {
return -2;
// Check to see if the group has already been added to the review list.
$reviewStatus = $group->getReviewStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($reviewStatus) && !$reviewStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($reviewStatus) > 0 && $reviewStatus[0]["status"]!=-2) {
// Group is already on the list of reviewers; return an error.
return -3;
// Add the group into the review database.
if (!isset($reviewStatus[0]["status"]) || (isset($reviewStatus[0]["status"]) && $reviewStatus[0]["status"]!=-2)) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewers` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('". $this->_document->getID() ."', '". $this->_version ."', '1', '". $groupID ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
$reviewID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReviewers', 'reviewID');
else {
$reviewID = isset($reviewStatus[0]["reviewID"])?$reviewStatus[0]["reviewID"]:NULL;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewLog` (`reviewID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $reviewID ."', '0', '', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
// Add reviewer to event notification table.
//$this->_document->addNotify($groupID, false);
return 0;
} /* }}} */
* Add a review to the document content
* This method will add an entry to the table tblDocumentReviewLog.
* It will first check if the user is ment to review the document version.
* It not the return value is -3.
* Next it will check if the users has been removed from the list of
* reviewers. In that case -4 will be returned.
* If the given review status has been set by the user before, it cannot
* be set again and 0 will be returned. Іf the review could be succesfully
* added, the review log id will be returned.
* @see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setApprovalByInd()
* @param object $user user doing the review
* @param object $requestUser user asking for the review, this is mostly
* the user currently logged in.
* @param integer $status status of review
* @param string $comment comment for review
* @return integer new review log id
function setReviewByInd($user, $requestUser, $status, $comment, $file='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the review list.
$reviewStatus = $user->getReviewStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($reviewStatus) && !$reviewStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($reviewStatus["indstatus"])==0) {
// User is not assigned to review this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -3;
$indstatus = array_pop($reviewStatus["indstatus"]);
if ($indstatus["status"]==-2) {
// User has been deleted from reviewers
return -4;
// Check if the status is really different from the current status
if ($indstatus["status"] == $status)
return 0;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewLog` (`reviewID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $indstatus["reviewID"] ."', '".
(int) $status ."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return -1;
$reviewLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReviewLog', 'reviewLogID');
if($file) {
SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($file, $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . 'r' . $reviewLogID);
return $reviewLogID;
} /* }}} */
* Add a review to the document content
* This method is similar to
* {@see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setReviewByInd()} but adds a review
* for a group instead of a user.
* @param object $group group doing the review
* @param object $requestUser user asking for the review, this is mostly
* the user currently logged in.
* @param integer $status status of review
* @param string $comment comment for review
* @return integer new review log id
function setReviewByGrp($group, $requestUser, $status, $comment, $file='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the review list.
$reviewStatus = $group->getReviewStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($reviewStatus) && !$reviewStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($reviewStatus)==0) {
// User is not assigned to review this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -3;
if ($reviewStatus[0]["status"]==-2) {
// Group has been deleted from reviewers
return -4;
// Check if the status is really different from the current status
if ($reviewStatus[0]["status"] == $status)
return 0;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewLog` (`reviewID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $reviewStatus[0]["reviewID"] ."', '".
(int) $status ."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return -1;
else {
$reviewLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReviewLog', 'reviewLogID');
if($file) {
SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($file, $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . 'r' . $reviewLogID);
return $reviewLogID;
} /* }}} */
function addIndApprover($user, $requestUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$userID = $user->getID();
// Get the list of users and groups with read access to this document.
if($this->_document->getAccessMode($user) < M_READ) {
return -2;
// Check to see if the user has already been added to the approvers list.
$approvalStatus = $user->getApprovalStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($approvalStatus) && !$approvalStatus) {
return -1;
$indstatus = false;
if (count($approvalStatus["indstatus"]) > 0) {
$indstatus = array_pop($approvalStatus["indstatus"]);
if($indstatus["status"]!=-2) {
// User is already on the list of approverss; return an error.
return -3;
if ( !$indstatus || (isset($indstatus["status"]) && $indstatus["status"]!=-2)) {
// Add the user into the approvers database.
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApprovers` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('". $this->_document->getID() ."', '". $this->_version ."', '0', '". $userID ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
$approveID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentApprovers', 'approveID');
else {
$approveID = isset($indstatus["approveID"]) ? $indstatus["approveID"] : NULL;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApproveLog` (`approveID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $approveID ."', '0', '', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
$approveLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentApproveLog', 'approveLogID');
return $approveLogID;
} /* }}} */
function addGrpApprover($group, $requestUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$groupID = $group->getID();
// Get the list of users and groups with read access to this document.
if (!isset($this->_readAccessList)) {
// TODO: error checking.
$this->_readAccessList = $this->_document->getReadAccessList();
$approved = false;
foreach ($this->_readAccessList["groups"] as $appGroup) {
if ($groupID == $appGroup->getID()) {
$approved = true;
if (!$approved) {
return -2;
// Check to see if the group has already been added to the approver list.
$approvalStatus = $group->getApprovalStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($approvalStatus) && !$approvalStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($approvalStatus) > 0 && $approvalStatus[0]["status"]!=-2) {
// Group is already on the list of approvers; return an error.
return -3;
// Add the group into the approver database.
if (!isset($approvalStatus[0]["status"]) || (isset($approvalStatus[0]["status"]) && $approvalStatus[0]["status"]!=-2)) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApprovers` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('". $this->_document->getID() ."', '". $this->_version ."', '1', '". $groupID ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
$approveID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentApprovers', 'approveID');
else {
$approveID = isset($approvalStatus[0]["approveID"])?$approvalStatus[0]["approveID"]:NULL;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApproveLog` (`approveID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $approveID ."', '0', '', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
// Add approver to event notification table.
//$this->_document->addNotify($groupID, false);
$approveLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentApproveLog', 'approveLogID');
return $approveLogID;
} /* }}} */
* Sets approval status of a document content for a user
* This function can be used to approve or reject a document content, or
* to reset its approval state. In most cases this function will be
* called by an user, but an admin may set the approval for
* somebody else.
* It is first checked if the user is in the list of approvers at all.
* Then it is check if the approval status is already -2. In both cases
* the function returns with an error.
* @see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setReviewByInd()
* @param object $user user in charge for doing the approval
* @param object $requestUser user actually calling this function
* @param integer $status the status of the approval, possible values are
* 0=unprocessed (maybe used to reset a status)
* 1=approved,
* -1=rejected,
* -2=user is deleted (use {link
* SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::delIndApprover} instead)
* @param string $comment approval comment
* @return integer 0 on success, < 0 in case of an error
function setApprovalByInd($user, $requestUser, $status, $comment, $file='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the approval list.
$approvalStatus = $user->getApprovalStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($approvalStatus) && !$approvalStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($approvalStatus["indstatus"])==0) {
// User is not assigned to approve this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -3;
$indstatus = array_pop($approvalStatus["indstatus"]);
if ($indstatus["status"]==-2) {
// User has been deleted from approvers
return -4;
// Check if the status is really different from the current status
if ($indstatus["status"] == $status)
return 0;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApproveLog` (`approveID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $indstatus["approveID"] ."', '".
(int) $status ."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return -1;
$approveLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentApproveLog', 'approveLogID');
if($file) {
SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($file, $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . 'a' . $approveLogID);
return $approveLogID;
} /* }}} */
* Sets approval status of a document content for a group
* The functions behaves like
* {link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setApprovalByInd} but does it for
* group instead of a user
function setApprovalByGrp($group, $requestUser, $status, $comment, $file='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the approval list.
$approvalStatus = $group->getApprovalStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($approvalStatus) && !$approvalStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($approvalStatus)==0) {
// User is not assigned to approve this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -3;
if ($approvalStatus[0]["status"]==-2) {
// Group has been deleted from approvers
return -4;
// Check if the status is really different from the current status
if ($approvalStatus[0]["status"] == $status)
return 0;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApproveLog` (`approveID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $approvalStatus[0]["approveID"] ."', '".
(int) $status ."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return -1;
$approveLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentApproveLog', 'approveLogID');
if($file) {
SeedDMS_Core_File::copyFile($file, $this->_dms->contentDir . $this->_document->getDir() . 'a' . $approveLogID);
return $approveLogID;
} /* }}} */
function addIndRecipient($user, $requestUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$userID = $user->getID();
// Get the list of users and groups with read access to this document.
if($this->_document->getAccessMode($user) < M_READ) {
return -2;
// Check to see if the user has already been added to the receipt list.
$receiptStatus = $user->getReceiptStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($receiptStatus) && !$receiptStatus) {
return -1;
$indstatus = false;
if (count($receiptStatus["indstatus"]) > 0) {
$indstatus = array_pop($receiptStatus["indstatus"]);
if($indstatus["status"]!=-2) {
// User is already on the list of recipients; return an error.
return -3;
// Add the user into the recipients database.
if (!$indstatus || ($indstatus && $indstatus["status"]!=-2)) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRecipients` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('". $this->_document->getID() ."', '". $this->_version ."', '0', '". $userID ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
$receiptID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentRecipients', 'receiptID');
else {
$receiptID = isset($indstatus["receiptID"]) ? $indstatus["receiptID"] : NULL;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReceiptLog` (`receiptID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $receiptID ."', '0', '', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
// Add recipient to event notification table.
//$this->_document->addNotify($userID, true);
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function addGrpRecipient($group, $requestUser) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$groupID = $group->getID();
// Get the list of users and groups with read access to this document.
if (!isset($this->_readAccessList)) {
// TODO: error checking.
$this->_readAccessList = $this->_document->getReadAccessList();
$approved = false;
foreach ($this->_readAccessList["groups"] as $appGroup) {
if ($groupID == $appGroup->getID()) {
$approved = true;
if (!$approved) {
return -2;
// Check to see if the group has already been added to the review list.
$receiptStatus = $group->getReceiptStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($receiptStatus) && !$receiptStatus) {
return -1;
$status = false;
if (count($receiptStatus["status"]) > 0) {
$status = array_pop($receiptStatus["status"]);
if($status["status"]!=-2) {
// User is already on the list of recipients; return an error.
return -3;
// Add the group into the recipients database.
if (!$status || ($status && $status["status"]!=-2)) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRecipients` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('". $this->_document->getID() ."', '". $this->_version ."', '1', '". $groupID ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
$receiptID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentRecipients', 'receiptID');
else {
$receiptID = isset($status["receiptID"]) ? $status["receiptID"] : NULL;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReceiptLog` (`receiptID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $receiptID ."', '0', '', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
* Add an individual revisor to the document content
* This function adds a user as a revisor but doesn't start the
* revision workflow by default. This behaviour is different from all
* other workflows (approval, review, receipt), because it adds
* an initial entry in the revision log, which marks the revision as
* 'sleeping'. The workflow is started at a later point in time by adding
* the second entry in the revision log which puts it into 'waiting'.
* @param object $user user to be added as a revisor
* @param object $requestUser user requesting the addition
* @return integer 0 if successful otherwise a value < 0
function addRevisor($object, $requestUser) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
$db = $dms->getDB();
/* getRevisionStatus() returns an array with either an element
* 'indstatus' (user) or 'status' (group) containing the revision log
if(get_class($object) == $dms->getClassname('user')) {
$field = 'indstatus';
$type = 0;
// Get the list of users and groups with read access to this document.
if($this->_document->getAccessMode($object) < M_READ) {
return -2;
} elseif(get_class($object) == $dms->getClassname('group')) {
$field = 'status';
$type = 1;
// Get the list of users and groups with read access to this document.
if($this->_document->getGroupAccessMode($object) < M_READ) {
return -2;
} else {
return -1;
// Check to see if the user has already been added to the revisor list.
$revisionStatus = $object->getRevisionStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($revisionStatus) && !$revisionStatus) {
return -1;
/* There are two cases: 1. the user has not been added at all or 2.
* the user was added before but has been removed later. In both
* cases the user may be added. In case 2. 'indstatus' will be set
* and the last status is -2. If it is not -2, then the user is still
* in the process and cannot be added again.
$indstatus = false;
if(isset($revisionStatus[$field])) {
if (count($revisionStatus[$field]) > 0) {
$indstatus = array_pop($revisionStatus[$field]);
if($indstatus["status"] != S_LOG_USER_REMOVED) {
// User is already on the list of recipients; return an error.
return -3;
// Add the user into the revisors database.
if (!$indstatus) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisors` (`documentID`, `version`, `type`, `required`) ".
"VALUES ('". $this->_document->getID() ."', '". $this->_version ."', '". $type ."', '". $object->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
$revisionID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentRevisors', 'revisionID');
} else {
$revisionID = isset($indstatus["revisionID"]) ? $indstatus["revisionID"] : NULL;
/* If a user is added when the revision has already been startet, then
* put it in S_IN_REVISION otherwise in S_LOG_WAITING.
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisionLog` (`revisionID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $revisionID ."', '".($st["status"] == S_IN_REVISION ? S_LOG_WAITING : S_LOG_SLEEPING)."', '', ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function addIndRevisor($user, $requestUser, $donotstart=true) { /* {{{ */
return self::addRevisor($user, $requestUser, $donotstart);
} /* }}} */
function addGrpRevisor($group, $requestUser, $donotstart=true) { /* {{{ */
return self::addRevisor($group, $requestUser, $donotstart);
} /* }}} */
* Add a receipt to the document content
* This method will add an entry to the table tblDocumentReceiptLog.
* It will first check if the user is ment to receipt the document version.
* If not the return value is -3.
* Next it will check if the user has been removed from the list of
* recipients. In that case -4 will be returned.
* If the given receipt has been set by the user before, it cannot
* be set again and 0 will be returned. Іf the receipt could be succesfully
* added, the receiptview log id will be returned.
* @see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setApprovalByInd()
* @param object $user user doing the receipt
* @param object $requestUser user asking for the receipt, this is mostly
* @param integer $status the status of the receipt, possible values are
* 0=unprocessed (may be used to reset a status)
* 1=received,
* -1=rejected,
* -2=user is deleted (use {link
* SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::delIndRecipient} instead)
* the user currently logged in.
* @return integer new receipt log id
function setReceiptByInd($user, $requestUser, $status, $comment) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the review list.
$receiptStatus = $user->getReceiptStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($receiptStatus) && !$receiptStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($receiptStatus["indstatus"])==0) {
// User is not assigned to receipt this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -3;
$indstatus = array_pop($receiptStatus["indstatus"]);
if ($indstatus["status"] == S_LOG_USER_REMOVED) {
// User has been deleted from recipients
return -4;
// Check if the status is really different from the current status
if ($indstatus["status"] == $status)
return 0;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReceiptLog` (`receiptID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $indstatus["receiptID"] ."', '".
(int) $status ."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return -1;
else {
$receiptLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReceiptLog', 'receiptLogID');
return $receiptLogID;
} /* }}} */
* Add a receipt to the document content
* This method is similar to
* {@see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setReceiptByInd()} but adds a receipt
* for a group instead of a user.
* @param object $group group doing the receipt
* @param object $requestUser user asking for the receipt, this is mostly
* the user currently logged in.
* @return integer new receipt log id
function setReceiptByGrp($group, $requestUser, $status, $comment) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the recipient list.
$receiptStatus = $group->getReceiptStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($receiptStatus) && !$receiptStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($receiptStatus)==0) {
// User is not assigned to receipt this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -3;
$grpstatus = array_pop($receiptStatus["status"]);
if ($grpstatus["status"] == S_LOG_USER_REMOVED) {
// Group has been deleted from recipients
return -4;
// Check if the status is really different from the current status
if ($grpstatus["status"] == $status)
return 0;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReceiptLog` (`receiptID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $grpstatus["receiptID"] ."', '".
(int) $status ."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return -1;
else {
$receiptLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentReceiptLog', 'receiptLogID');
return $receiptLogID;
} /* }}} */
* Add a revision to the document content
* This method will add an entry to the table tblDocumentRevisionLog.
* It will first check if the user is ment to revision the document version.
* If not the return value is -3.
* Next it will check if the user has been removed from the list of
* recipients. In that case -4 will be returned.
* If the given revision has been set by the user before, it cannot
* be set again and 0 will be returned. Іf the revision could be succesfully
* added, the revision log id will be returned.
* @see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setApprovalByInd()
* @param object $user user doing the revision
* @param object $requestUser user asking for the revision, this is mostly
* the user currently logged in.
* @param integer $status the status of the revision, possible values are
* 0=unprocessed (may be used to reset a status)
* 1=received,
* -2=user is deleted (use {link
* SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::delIndRecipient} instead)
* -3=workflow revision is sleeping
* @return integer new revision log id, 0, or a value < 0. 0 means the
* status has not changed because the new status is equal the current
* status. A value < 0 indicate
* an error. -1: internal error, -3: user may not revise this document
* -4: the user has been removed from the list of revisors,
* -5: the revision has not been started at all.
function setRevision($object, $requestUser, $status, $comment) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
$db = $dms->getDB();
/* getRevisionStatus() returns an array with either an element
* 'indstatus' (user) or 'status' (group) containing the revision log
if(get_class($object) == $dms->getClassname('user')) {
$field = 'indstatus';
} elseif(get_class($object) == $dms->getClassname('group')) {
$field = 'status';
} else {
return -1;
// Check to see if the user/group can be removed from the review list.
$revisionStatus = $object->getRevisionStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($revisionStatus) && !$revisionStatus) {
return -1;
if (!isset($revisionStatus[$field])) {
// User is not assigned to revision this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -3;
$indstatus = array_pop($revisionStatus[$field]);
/* check if revision workflow has been started already */
if($indstatus['status'] == S_LOG_SLEEPING && ($status == S_LOG_REJECTED || $status == S_LOG_ACCEPTED))
return -5;
if ($indstatus["status"] == -2) {
// User has been deleted from recipients
return -4;
// Check if the status is really different from the current status
if ($indstatus["status"] == $status)
return 0;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisionLog` (`revisionID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $indstatus["revisionID"] ."', '".
(int) $status ."', ".$db->qstr($comment).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res)
return -1;
else {
$revisionLogID = $db->getInsertID('tblDocumentRevisionLog', 'revisionLogID');
return $revisionLogID;
} /* }}} */
function setRevisionByInd($user, $requestUser, $status, $comment) { /* {{{ */
return self::setRevision($user, $requestUser, $status, $comment);
} /* }}} */
function setRevisionByGrp($group, $requestUser, $status, $comment) { /* {{{ */
return self::setRevision($group, $requestUser, $status, $comment);
} /* }}} */
function delIndReviewer($user, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the review list.
$reviewStatus = $user->getReviewStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($reviewStatus) && !$reviewStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($reviewStatus["indstatus"])==0) {
// User is not assigned to review this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -2;
$indstatus = array_pop($reviewStatus["indstatus"]);
if ($indstatus["status"]!=0) {
// User has already submitted a review or has already been deleted;
// return an error.
return -3;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewLog` (`reviewID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $indstatus["reviewID"] ."', '".S_LOG_USER_REMOVED."', ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function delGrpReviewer($group, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$groupID = $group->getID();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the review list.
$reviewStatus = $group->getReviewStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($reviewStatus) && !$reviewStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($reviewStatus)==0) {
// User is not assigned to review this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -2;
if ($reviewStatus[0]["status"]!=0) {
// User has already submitted a review or has already been deleted;
// return an error.
return -3;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReviewLog` (`reviewID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $reviewStatus[0]["reviewID"] ."', '".S_LOG_USER_REMOVED."', ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function delIndApprover($user, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$userID = $user->getID();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the approval list.
$approvalStatus = $user->getApprovalStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($approvalStatus) && !$approvalStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($approvalStatus["indstatus"])==0) {
// User is not assigned to approve this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -2;
$indstatus = array_pop($approvalStatus["indstatus"]);
if ($indstatus["status"]!=0) {
// User has already submitted an approval or has already been deleted;
// return an error.
return -3;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApproveLog` (`approveID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $indstatus["approveID"] ."', '".S_LOG_USER_REMOVED."', ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function delGrpApprover($group, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$groupID = $group->getID();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the approver list.
$approvalStatus = $group->getApprovalStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($approvalStatus) && !$approvalStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($approvalStatus)==0) {
// User is not assigned to approve this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -2;
if ($approvalStatus[0]["status"]!=0) {
// User has already submitted an approval or has already been deleted;
// return an error.
return -3;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentApproveLog` (`approveID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $approvalStatus[0]["approveID"] ."', '".S_LOG_USER_REMOVED."', ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function delIndRecipient($user, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$userID = $user->getID();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the recipient list.
$receiptStatus = $user->getReceiptStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($receiptStatus) && !$receiptStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($receiptStatus["indstatus"])==0) {
// User is not assigned to receipt this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -2;
$indstatus = array_pop($receiptStatus["indstatus"]);
if ($indstatus["status"]!=0) {
// User has already submitted a receipt or has already been deleted;
// return an error.
return -3;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReceiptLog` (`receiptID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $indstatus["receiptID"] ."', '".S_LOG_USER_REMOVED."', ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function delGrpRecipient($group, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$groupID = $group->getID();
// Check to see if the user can be removed from the recipient list.
$receiptStatus = $group->getReceiptStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($receiptStatus) && !$receiptStatus) {
return -1;
if (count($receiptStatus["status"])==0) {
// User is not assigned to receipt this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -2;
$status = array_pop($receiptStatus["status"]);
if ($tatus["status"]!=0) {
// User has already submitted a receipt or has already been deleted;
// return an error.
return -3;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentReceiptLog` (`receiptID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $status["receiptID"] ."', '".S_LOG_USER_REMOVED."', ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
* Removes a user from the revision workflow
* This methods behaves differently from one in the other workflows, e.g.
* {@see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::delIndReviewer}, because it
* also takes into account if the workflow has been started already.
* A workflow has been started, when there are entries in the revision log.
* If the revision workflow has not been started, then the user will
* be silently removed from the list of revisors. If the workflow has
* started already, then log entry will indicated the removal of the
* user (just as it is done with the other workflows)
* @param object $object user/group which is to be removed
* @param object $requestUser user requesting the removal
* @return integer 0 if removal was successfull, -1 if an internal error
* occured, -3 if the user is not in the list of revisors
function delRevisor($object, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
$db = $dms->getDB();
/* getRevisionStatus() returns an array with either an element
* 'indstatus' (user) or 'status' (group) containing the revision log
if(get_class($object) == $dms->getClassname('user')) {
$field = 'indstatus';
$type = 0;
} elseif(get_class($object) == $dms->getClassname('group')) {
$field = 'status';
$type = 1;
} else {
return -1;
// Check to see if the user/group can be removed from the revisor list.
$revisionStatus = $object->getRevisionStatus($this->_document->getID(), $this->_version);
if (is_bool($revisionStatus) && !$revisionStatus) {
return -1;
if (!isset($revisionStatus[$field])) {
// User is not assigned to revision this document. No action required.
// Return an error.
return -2;
/* If the revision log doesn't contain an entry yet, then remove the
* user/group from the list of revisors. The first case should not happen.
if(count($revisionStatus[$field]) == 0) {
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblDocumentRevisors` WHERE `documentID` = ". $this->_document->getID() ." AND `version` = ".$this->_version." AND `type` = ". $type ." AND `required` = ".$object->getID();
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return -1;
} else {
$indstatus = array_pop($revisionStatus[$field]);
if ($indstatus["status"] != S_LOG_WAITING && $indstatus["status"] != S_LOG_SLEEPING) {
// User has already submitted a revision or has already been deleted;
// return an error.
if($indstatus["status"] == S_LOG_USER_REMOVED)
return -3;
return -4;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisionLog` (`revisionID`, `status`, `comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $indstatus["revisionID"] ."', '".S_LOG_USER_REMOVED."', ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '". $requestUser->getID() ."')";
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return -1;
return 0;
} /* }}} */
function delIndRevisor($user, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
return self::delRevisor($user, $requestUser, $msg);
} /* }}} */
function delGrpRevisor($group, $requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
return self::delRevisor($group, $requestUser, $msg);
} /* }}} */
* Start a new revision workflow
* This function starts a new revision unless there are users/groups
* having finished the previous revision. This means the log status
* must be S_LOG_SLEEPING or the user/group was removed (S_LOG_USER_REMOVED)
* @param object $requestUser user requesting the revision start
* @param string $msg message saved for the initial log message
function startRevision($requestUser, $msg='') { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
$db = $dms->getDB();
$revisionStatus = self::getRevisionStatus();
return false;
/* A new revision may only be started if we are not in the middle of
* revision or the user/group has been removed from the workflow
/* Taken out, because it happened that a revision wasn't started for each revisor
* but just for some.
* Checking for each revisor not being sleeping prevented a second start of the
* revision for the remaining revisors still sleeping.
foreach($revisionStatus as $status) {
if($status['status'] != S_LOG_SLEEPING && $status['status'] != S_LOG_USER_REMOVED)
return false;
/* Make sure all Logs will be set to the right status, in order to
* prevent inconsistent states. Actually it could be a feature to
* force only some users/groups to revise the document, but for now
* this may not be possible.
$startedrev = false;
foreach($revisionStatus as $status) {
if($status['status'] == S_LOG_SLEEPING) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisionLog` (`revisionID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $status["revisionID"] ."', ".
S_LOG_WAITING.", ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
$startedrev = true;
/* Set status only if at least one revision was started */
if(!$this->setStatus(S_IN_REVISION, "Started revision", $requestUser)) {
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Finish a revision workflow
* This function ends a revision This means the log status
* is set back S_LOG_SLEEPING and the document status is set as
* passed to the method. The function doesn't not check if all
* users/groups has made it vote already.
* @param object $requestUser user requesting the revision start
* @param integer $docstatus document status
* @param string $msg message saved in revision log
* @param string $msg message saved in document status log
function finishRevision($requestUser, $docstatus, $msg='', $docmsg='') { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
$db = $dms->getDB();
$revisionStatus = self::getRevisionStatus();
return false;
/* A revision may only be finished if it wasn't finished already
foreach($revisionStatus as $status) {
if($status['status'] == S_LOG_SLEEPING)
return false;
/* Make sure all Logs will be set to the right status, in order to
* prevent inconsistent states. Actually it could be a feature to
* end only some users/groups to revise the document, but for now
* this may not be possible.
/* Does it make sense to put all revisions into sleeping mode? I guess
* not. If a document was released or rejected the revision are useless
* anyway
foreach($revisionStatus as $status) {
if($status['status'] != S_LOG_SLEEPING && $status['status'] != S_LOG_USER_REMOVED) {
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblDocumentRevisionLog` (`revisionID`, `status`,
`comment`, `date`, `userID`) ".
"VALUES ('". $status["revisionID"] ."', ".
S_LOG_SLEEPING.", ".$db->qstr($msg).", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", '".
$requestUser->getID() ."')";
if (is_bool($res) && !$res) {
return false;
if(!$this->setStatus($docstatus, $docmsg, $requestUser)) {
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Set state of workflow assigned to the document content
* @param object $state
function setWorkflowState($state) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if($this->_workflow) {
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` set `state`=". $state->getID() ." WHERE `id`=". $this->_workflow['id'];
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$this->_workflowState = $state;
return true;
return false;
} /* }}} */
* Get state of workflow assigned to the document content
* @return object/boolean an object of class SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State
* or false in case of error, e.g. the version has not a workflow
function getWorkflowState() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
return false;
if (!$this->_workflowState) {
"SELECT b.* FROM `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` a LEFT JOIN `tblWorkflowStates` b ON a.`state` = b.id WHERE `a`.`id`=". $this->_workflow['id'];
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs)
return false;
$this->_workflowState = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State($recs[0]['id'], $recs[0]['name'], $recs[0]['maxtime'], $recs[0]['precondfunc'], $recs[0]['documentstatus']);
return $this->_workflowState;
} /* }}} */
* Assign a workflow to a document
* @param object $workflow
function setWorkflow($workflow, $user) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
return false;
if($workflow && is_object($workflow)) {
$initstate = $workflow->getInitState();
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` (`workflow`, `document`, `version`, `state`, `date`) VALUES (". $workflow->getID(). ", ". $this->_document->getID() .", ". $this->_version .", ".$initstate->getID().", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
if($workflow->getID() != $this->_workflow['workflow']->getID()) {
return false;
if(!$this->setStatus(S_IN_WORKFLOW, "Added workflow '".$workflow->getName()."'", $user)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
} /* }}} */
* Get workflow assigned to the document content
* The method returns the last workflow if one was assigned.
* If the document version is in a sub workflow, it will have
* a never date and therefore will be found first.
* The methods also sets $this->_workflow['id'] and
* $this->_workflow['parent']. $this->_workflow['id'] is the
* id from table tblWorkflowDocumentContent which is used to
* get log entries for this workflow.
* @return object/boolean an object of class SeedDMS_Core_Workflow
* or false in case of error, e.g. the version has not a workflow
function getWorkflow() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!isset($this->_workflow)) {
"SELECT a.`id` as `wdcid`, a.`parent`, b.* FROM `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` a LEFT JOIN `tblWorkflows` b ON a.`workflow` = b.`id` WHERE a.`version`='".$this->_version
."' AND a.`document` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' "
." AND a.`state` IS NOT NULL"
." ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1";
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs)
return false;
return false;
$this->_workflow = array('id'=>(int)$recs[0]['wdcid'], 'parent'=>(int)$recs[0]['parent'], 'workflow'=>new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow($recs[0]['id'], $recs[0]['name'], $this->_document->getDMS()->getWorkflowState($recs[0]['initstate']), $recs[0]["layoutdata"]));
return $this->_workflow['workflow'];
} /* }}} */
* Rewrites the complete workflow log
* Attention: this function is highly dangerous.
* It removes an existing workflow log and rewrites it.
* This method was added for importing an xml dump.
* @param array $workflowlog new workflow log with the newest log entry first.
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function rewriteWorkflowLog($workflowlog) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
/* Get the workflowdocumentcontent */
$queryStr = "SELECT `id` FROM `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` WHERE `tblWorkflowDocumentContent`.`document` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' AND `tblWorkflowDocumentContent`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."'";
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs)
return false;
if (!$recs)
return false;
/* First, remove the old entries */
$queryStr = "DELETE FROM `tblWorkflowLog` WHERE `tblWorkflowLog`.`workflowdocumentcontent` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` WHERE `tblWorkflowDocumentContent`.`document` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' AND `tblWorkflowDocumentContent`.`version` = '". $this->_version ."')";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Second, insert the new entries */
$workflowlog = array_reverse($workflowlog);
foreach($workflowlog as $log) {
if(!SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkDate($log['date'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
return false;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblWorkflowLog` (`workflowdocumentcontent`, `transition`, `comment`, `date`, `userid`) ".
"VALUES ('".$recs[0]['id'] ."', '".(int) $log['transition']->getID()."', ".$db->qstr($log['comment']) .", ".$db->qstr($log['date']).", ".$log['user']->getID().")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Restart workflow from its initial state
* @return boolean true if workflow could be restarted
* or false in case of error
function rewindWorkflow() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!isset($this->_workflow)) {
return true;
$workflow = $this->_workflow['workflow'];
$queryStr = "DELETE from `tblWorkflowLog` WHERE `workflowdocumentcontent` = ".$this->_workflow['id'];
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Remove workflow
* Fully removing a workflow including entries in the workflow log is
* only allowed if the workflow is still its initial state.
* At a later point of time only unlinking the document from the
* workflow is allowed. It will keep any log entries and set the state
* to NULL.
* A workflow is unlinked from a document when enterNextState()
* succeeds.
* @param object $user user doing initiating the removal
* @param boolean $unlink if true, just unlink the workflow from the
* document but do not remove the workflow log. The $unlink
* flag has been added to detach the workflow from the document
* when it has reached a valid end state
(see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::enterNextState())
* @return boolean true if workflow could be removed
* or false in case of error
function removeWorkflow($user, $unlink=false) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if (!isset($this->_workflow)) {
return true;
$workflow = $this->_workflow['workflow'];
if(SeedDMS_Core_DMS::checkIfEqual($workflow->getInitState(), $this->getWorkflowState()) || $unlink == true) {
if($unlink) {
"UPDATE `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` SET `state` = NULL WHERE `id`=".$this->_workflow['id'];
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
} else {
"DELETE FROM `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` WHERE `id`=".$this->_workflow['id'];
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* will be deleted automatically when tblWorkflowDocumentContent is deleted
"DELETE FROM `tblWorkflowLog` WHERE "
."`version`='".$this->_version."' "
." AND `document` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."' "
." AND `workflow` = '". $workflow->getID() ."' ";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$this->_workflow = null;
$this->_workflowState = null;
$this->verifyStatus(false, $user, 'Workflow removed');
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Run a sub workflow
* @param object $subworkflow
function getParentWorkflow() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
/* document content must be in a workflow */
return false;
return false;
"SELECT * FROM `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` WHERE `parent`=".$this->_workflow['parent'];
$recs = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($recs) && !$recs)
return false;
return false;
return $this->_document->getDMS()->getWorkflow((int)$recs[0]['workflow']);
return false;
} /* }}} */
* Run a sub workflow
* @param object $subworkflow
function runSubWorkflow($subworkflow) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
/* document content must be in a workflow */
return false;
/* The current workflow state must match the sub workflows initial state */
if($subworkflow->getInitState()->getID() != $this->_workflowState->getID())
return false;
if($subworkflow) {
$initstate = $subworkflow->getInitState();
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` (`parent`, `workflow`, `document`, `version`, `state`, `date`) VALUES (". $this->_workflow['id']. ", ". $subworkflow->getID(). ", ". $this->_document->getID() .", ". $this->_version .", ".$initstate->getID().", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
$this->_workflow = array('id'=>$db->getInsertID('tblWorkflowDocumentContent'), 'parent'=>$this->_workflow['id'], 'workflow'=>$subworkflow);
return true;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Return from sub workflow to parent workflow.
* The method will trigger the given transition
* FIXME: Needs much better checking if this is allowed
* @param object $user intiating the return
* @param object $transtion to trigger
* @param string comment for the transition trigger
function returnFromSubWorkflow($user, $transition=null, $comment='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
/* document content must be in a workflow */
return false;
if (isset($this->_workflow)) {
$workflow = $this->_workflow['workflow'];
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` SET `state` = NULL WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_workflow['id']."'";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr)) {
return false;
/* Calling getWorkflow() should find the parent workflow, better check */
$parent = $this->_workflow['parent'];
if($this->_workflow['id'] != $parent) {
return false;
if($transition) {
if(false === $this->triggerWorkflowTransition($user, $transition, $comment)) {
return false;
return $this->_workflow['workflow'];
} /* }}} */
* Check if the user is allowed to trigger the transition
* A user is allowed if either the user itself or
* a group of which the user is a member of is registered for
* triggering a transition. This method does not change the workflow
* state of the document content.
* @param object $user
* @return boolean true if user may trigger transaction
function triggerWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed($user, $transition) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
return false;
/* Check if the user has already triggered the transition */
"SELECT * FROM `tblWorkflowLog` WHERE `workflowdocumentcontent` = ".$this->_workflow['id']." AND userid = ".$user->getID();
$queryStr .= " AND `transition` = ".$transition->getID();
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
return false;
/* Get all transition users allowed to trigger the transition */
$transusers = $transition->getUsers();
if($transusers) {
foreach($transusers as $transuser) {
if($user->getID() == $transuser->getUser()->getID())
return true;
/* Get all transition groups whose members are allowed to trigger
* the transition */
$transgroups = $transition->getGroups();
if($transgroups) {
foreach($transgroups as $transgroup) {
$group = $transgroup->getGroup();
return true;
return false;
} /* }}} */
* Check if all conditions are met to change the workflow state
* of a document content (run the transition).
* The conditions are met if all explicitly set users and a sufficient
* number of users of the groups have acknowledged the content.
* @return boolean true if transaction maybe executed
function executeWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed($transition) { /* {{{ */
return false;
/* Get the Log of transition triggers */
$entries = $this->getWorkflowLog($transition);
return false;
/* Get all transition users allowed to trigger the transition
* $allowedusers is a list of all users allowed to trigger the
* transition
$transusers = $transition->getUsers();
$allowedusers = array();
foreach($transusers as $transuser) {
$a = $transuser->getUser();
$allowedusers[$a->getID()] = $a;
/* Get all transition groups whose members are allowed to trigger
* the transition */
$transgroups = $transition->getGroups();
foreach($entries as $entry) {
$loguser = $entry->getUser();
/* Unset each allowed user if it was found in the log */
/* Also check groups if required. Count the group membership of
* each user in the log in the array $gg
if($transgroups) {
$loggroups = $loguser->getGroups();
foreach($loggroups as $loggroup) {
$gg[$loggroup->getID()] = 1;
/* If there are allowed users left, then there some users still
* need to trigger the transition.
return false;
if($transgroups) {
foreach($transgroups as $transgroup) {
$group = $transgroup->getGroup();
$minusers = $transgroup->getNumOfUsers();
return false;
if($gg[$group->getID()] < $minusers)
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Trigger transition
* This method will be deprecated
* The method will first check if the user is allowed to trigger the
* transition. If the user is allowed, an entry in the workflow log
* will be added, which is later used to check if the transition
* can actually be processed. The method will finally call
* executeWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed() which checks all log entries
* and does the transitions post function if all users and groups have
* triggered the transition. Finally enterNextState() is called which
* will try to enter the next state.
* @param object $user
* @param object $transition
* @param string $comment user comment
* @return boolean/object next state if transition could be triggered and
* then next state could be entered,
* true if the transition could just be triggered or
* false in case of an error
function triggerWorkflowTransition($user, $transition, $comment='') { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
return false;
return false;
/* Check if the user is allowed to trigger the transition.
if(!$this->triggerWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed($user, $transition))
return false;
$queryStr = "INSERT INTO `tblWorkflowLog` (`workflowdocumentcontent`, `userid`, `transition`, `date`, `comment`) VALUES (".$this->_workflow['id'].", ".(int) $user->getID(). ", ".(int) $transition->getID().", ".$db->getCurrentDatetime().", ".$db->qstr($comment).")";
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
/* Check if this transition is processed. Run the post function in
* that case. A transition is processed when all users and groups
* have triggered it.
if($this->executeWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed($transition)) {
/* run post function of transition */
// echo "run post function of transition ".$transition->getID()."<br />";
/* Go into the next state. This will only succeed if the pre condition
* function of that states succeeds.
$nextstate = $transition->getNextState();
if($this->enterNextState($user, $nextstate)) {
return $nextstate;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Enter next state of workflow if possible
* The method will check if one of the following states in the workflow
* can be reached.
* It does it by running
* the precondition function of that state. The precondition function
* gets a list of all transitions leading to the state. It will
* determine, whether the transitions has been triggered and if that
* is sufficient to enter the next state. If no pre condition function
* is set, then 1 of n transtions are enough to enter the next state.
* If moving in the next state is possible and this state has a
* corresponding document state, then the document state will be
* updated and the workflow will be detached from the document.
* @param object $user
* @param object $nextstate
* @return boolean true if the state could be reached
* false if not
function enterNextState($user, $nextstate) { /* {{{ */
/* run the pre condition of the next state. If it is not set
* the next state will be reached if one of the transitions
* leading to the given state can be processed.
if($nextstate->getPreCondFunc() == '') {
$workflow = $this->_workflow['workflow'];
$transitions = $workflow->getPreviousTransitions($nextstate);
foreach($transitions as $transition) {
// echo "transition ".$transition->getID()." led to state ".$nextstate->getName()."<br />";
if($this->executeWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed($transition)) {
// echo "stepping into next state<br />";
/* Check if the new workflow state has a mapping into a
* document state. If yes, set the document state will
* be updated and the workflow will be removed from the
* document.
$docstate = $nextstate->getDocumentStatus();
if($docstate == S_RELEASED || $docstate == S_REJECTED) {
$this->setStatus($docstate, "Workflow has ended", $user);
/* Detach the workflow from the document, but keep the
* workflow log
$this->removeWorkflow($user, true);
return true ;
/* make sure the users and groups allowed to trigger the next
* transitions are also allowed to read the document
$transitions = $workflow->getNextTransitions($nextstate);
foreach($transitions as $tran) {
// echo "checking access for users/groups allowed to trigger transition ".$tran->getID()."<br />";
$transusers = $tran->getUsers();
foreach($transusers as $transuser) {
$u = $transuser->getUser();
// echo $u->getFullName()."<br />";
if($this->_document->getAccessMode($u) < M_READ) {
$this->_document->addAccess(M_READ, $u->getID(), 1);
// echo "granted read access<br />";
} else {
// echo "has already access<br />";
$transgroups = $tran->getGroups();
foreach($transgroups as $transgroup) {
$g = $transgroup->getGroup();
// echo $g->getName()."<br />";
if ($this->_document->getGroupAccessMode($g) < M_READ) {
$this->_document->addAccess(M_READ, $g->getID(), 0);
// echo "granted read access<br />";
} else {
// echo "has already access<br />";
} else {
// echo "transition not ready for process now<br />";
return false;
} else {
} /* }}} */
* Get the so far logged operations on the document content within the
* workflow. If the document content is currently in a workflow and
* a transition is passed, then the
* log entries will be restricted on the workflow and returned as one
* dimensional list. Without a running workflow the log entries of
* all workflows in the past are returned grouped by workflow.
* @return array list of operations
function getWorkflowLog($transition = null) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
"SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`userid`, `a`.`transition`, `a`.`date`, `a`.`comment`, `a`.`workflowdocumentcontent`, `b`.`version`, `b`.`document`, `b`.`workflow` FROM `tblWorkflowLog` `a` LEFT JOIN `tblWorkflowDocumentContent` `b` ON `a`.`workflowdocumentcontent` = `b`.`id` WHERE `b`.`version`='".$this->_version ."' AND `b`.`document` = '". $this->_document->getID() ."'"; // AND `workflow` = ". $this->_workflow->getID();
if($transition) {
$queryStr .= " AND `a`.`transition` = ".$transition->getID();
$queryStr .= " AND `a`.`workflowdocumentcontent` = ".$this->_workflow['id'];
$queryStr .= " ORDER BY `a`.`date`";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
$workflowlogs = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($resArr); $i++) {
$workflow = $this->_document->getDMS()->getWorkflow($resArr[$i]["workflow"]);
$workflowlog = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Log($resArr[$i]["id"], $this->_document->getDMS()->getDocument($resArr[$i]["document"]), $resArr[$i]["version"], $workflow, $this->_document->getDMS()->getUser($resArr[$i]["userid"]), $workflow->getTransition($resArr[$i]["transition"]), $resArr[$i]["date"], $resArr[$i]["comment"]);
if($this->_workflow && $transition)
$workflowlogs[] = $workflowlog;
$workflowlogs[$resArr[$i]["workflowdocumentcontent"]][] = $workflowlog;
return $workflowlogs;
} /* }}} */
* Get the latest logged transition for the document content within the
* workflow
* @return array list of operations
function getLastWorkflowTransition() { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
return false;
"SELECT * FROM `tblWorkflowLog` WHERE `workflowdocumentcontent` = ". $this->_workflow['id'];
$queryStr .= " ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1";
$resArr = $db->getResultArray($queryStr);
if (is_bool($resArr) && !$resArr)
return false;
$workflowlogs = array();
$i = 0;
$workflowlog = new SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Log($resArr[$i]["id"], $this->_document->getDMS()->getDocument($resArr[$i]["document"]), $resArr[$i]["version"], $this->_workflow, $this->_document->getDMS()->getUser($resArr[$i]["userid"]), $this->_workflow->getTransition($resArr[$i]["transition"]), $resArr[$i]["date"], $resArr[$i]["comment"]);
return $workflowlog;
} /* }}} */
* Check if the document content needs an action by a user
* This method will return true if document content is in a transition
* which can be triggered by the given user.
* @param SeedDMS_Core_User $user
* @return boolean true is action is needed
function needsWorkflowAction($user) { /* {{{ */
$needwkflaction = false;
if($this->_workflow) {
$workflow = $this->_workflow['workflow'];
if (!$this->_workflowState)
$workflowstate = $this->_workflowState;
if($transitions = $workflow->getNextTransitions($workflowstate)) {
foreach($transitions as $transition) {
if($this->triggerWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed($user, $transition)) {
$needwkflaction = true;
return $needwkflaction;
} /* }}} */
* Checks the internal data of the document version and repairs it.
* Currently, this function only repairs a missing filetype
* @return boolean true on success, otherwise false
function repair() { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
$db = $this->_dms->getDB();
if(file_exists($this->_dms->contentDir.$this->_document->getDir() . $this->_version . $this->_fileType)) {
if(strlen($this->_fileType) < 2) {
switch($this->_mimeType) {
case "application/pdf":
case "image/png":
case "image/gif":
case "image/jpg":
$expect = substr($this->_mimeType, -3, 3);
if($this->_fileType != '.'.$expect) {
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentContent` SET `fileType`='.".$expect."' WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
$res = $db->getResult($queryStr);
if ($res) {
if(!SeedDMS_Core_File::renameFile($this->_dms->contentDir.$this->_document->getDir() . $this->_version . $this->_fileType, $this->_dms->contentDir.$this->_document->getDir() . $this->_version . '.' . $expect)) {
} else {
} else {
} elseif(file_exists($this->_document->getDir() . $this->_version . '.')) {
echo "no file";
} else {
echo $this->_dms->contentDir.$this->_document->getDir() . $this->_version . $this->_fileType;
return true;
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */
* Class to represent a link between two document
* Document links are to establish a reference from one document to
* another document. The owner of the document link may not be the same
* as the owner of one of the documents.
* Use {@link SeedDMS_Core_Document::addDocumentLink()} to add a reference
* to another document.
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS_Core
* @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Matteo Lucarelli,
* Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal,
* 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli,
* 2010 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
class SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink { /* {{{ */
* @var integer internal id of document link
protected $_id;
* @var SeedDMS_Core_Document reference to document this link belongs to
protected $_document;
* @var object reference to target document this link points to
protected $_target;
* @var integer id of user who is the owner of this link
protected $_userID;
* @var integer 1 if this link is public, or 0 if is only visible to the owner
protected $_public;
* SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink constructor.
* @param $id
* @param $document
* @param $target
* @param $userID
* @param $public
function __construct($id, $document, $target, $userID, $public) {
$this->_id = $id;
$this->_document = $document;
$this->_target = $target;
$this->_userID = $userID;
$this->_public = $public;
* @return int
function getID() { return $this->_id; }
* @return SeedDMS_Core_Document
function getDocument() {
return $this->_document;
* @return object
function getTarget() {
return $this->_target;
* @return bool|SeedDMS_Core_User
function getUser() {
if (!isset($this->_user)) {
$this->_user = $this->_document->getDMS()->getUser($this->_userID);
return $this->_user;
* @return int
function isPublic() { return $this->_public; }
* Returns the access mode similar to a document
* There is no real access mode for document links, so this is just
* another way to add more access restrictions than the default restrictions.
* It is only called for public document links, not accessed by the owner
* or the administrator.
* @param SeedDMS_Core_User $u user
* @param $source
* @param $target
* @return int either M_NONE or M_READ
function getAccessMode($u, $source, $target) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
/* Check if 'onCheckAccessDocumentLink' callback is set */
if(isset($dms->callbacks['onCheckAccessDocumentLink'])) {
foreach($dms->callbacks['onCheckAccessDocumentLink'] as $callback) {
if(($ret = call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $this, $u, $source, $target)) > 0) {
return $ret;
return M_READ;
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */
* Class to represent a file attached to a document
* Beside the regular document content arbitrary files can be attached
* to a document. This is a similar concept as attaching files to emails.
* The owner of the attached file and the document may not be the same.
* Use {@link SeedDMS_Core_Document::addDocumentFile()} to attach a file.
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS_Core
* @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Matteo Lucarelli,
* Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal,
* 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli,
* 2010 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
class SeedDMS_Core_DocumentFile { /* {{{ */
* @var integer internal id of document file
protected $_id;
* @var SeedDMS_Core_Document reference to document this file belongs to
protected $_document;
* @var integer id of user who is the owner of this link
protected $_userID;
* @var string comment for the attached file
protected $_comment;
* @var string date when the file was attached
protected $_date;
* @var integer version of document this file is attached to
protected $_version;
* @var integer 1 if this link is public, or 0 if is only visible to the owner
protected $_public;
* @var string directory where the file is stored. This is the
* document id with a proceding '/'.
* FIXME: looks like this isn't used anymore. The file path is
* constructed by getPath()
protected $_dir;
* @var string extension of the original file name with a leading '.'
protected $_fileType;
* @var string mime type of the file
protected $_mimeType;
* @var string name of the file that was originally uploaded
protected $_orgFileName;
* @var string name of the file as given by the user
protected $_name;
* SeedDMS_Core_DocumentFile constructor.
* @param $id
* @param $document
* @param $userID
* @param $comment
* @param $date
* @param $dir
* @param $fileType
* @param $mimeType
* @param $orgFileName
* @param $name
* @param $version
* @param $public
function __construct($id, $document, $userID, $comment, $date, $dir, $fileType, $mimeType, $orgFileName,$name,$version,$public) {
$this->_id = $id;
$this->_document = $document;
$this->_userID = $userID;
$this->_comment = $comment;
$this->_date = $date;
$this->_dir = $dir;
$this->_fileType = $fileType;
$this->_mimeType = $mimeType;
$this->_orgFileName = $orgFileName;
$this->_name = $name;
$this->_version = $version;
$this->_public = $public;
* @return int
function getID() { return $this->_id; }
* @return SeedDMS_Core_Document
function getDocument() { return $this->_document; }
* @return int
function getUserID() { return $this->_userID; }
* @return string
function getComment() { return $this->_comment; }
* Set the comment of the document file
* @param string $newComment string new comment of document
function setComment($newComment) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentFiles` SET `comment` = ".$db->qstr($newComment)." WHERE `document` = ".$this->_document->getId()." AND `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_comment = $newComment;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @return string
function getDate() { return $this->_date; }
* Set creation date of the document file
* @param integer $date timestamp of creation date. If false then set it
* to the current timestamp
* @return boolean true on success
function setDate($date) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$date = time();
else {
return false;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentFiles` SET `date` = " . (int) $date . " WHERE `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_date = $date;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @return string
function getDir() { return $this->_dir; }
* @return string
function getFileType() { return $this->_fileType; }
* @return string
function getMimeType() { return $this->_mimeType; }
* @return string
function getOriginalFileName() { return $this->_orgFileName; }
* @return string
function getName() { return $this->_name; }
* Set the name of the document file
* @param $newComment string new name of document
function setName($newName) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentFiles` SET `name` = ".$db->qstr($newName)." WHERE `document` = ".$this->_document->getId()." AND `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_name = $newName;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @return bool|SeedDMS_Core_User
function getUser() {
if (!isset($this->_user))
$this->_user = $this->_document->getDMS()->getUser($this->_userID);
return $this->_user;
* @return string
function getPath() {
return $this->_document->getDir() . "f" .$this->_id . $this->_fileType;
* @return int
function getVersion() { return $this->_version; }
* Set the version of the document file
* @param $newComment string new version of document
function setVersion($newVersion) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
if(!is_numeric($newVersion) && $newVersion != '')
return false;
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentFiles` SET `version` = ".(int) $newVersion." WHERE `document` = ".$this->_document->getId()." AND `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_version = (int) $newVersion;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @return int
function isPublic() { return $this->_public; }
* Set the public flag of the document file
* @param $newComment string new comment of document
function setPublic($newPublic) { /* {{{ */
$db = $this->_document->getDMS()->getDB();
$queryStr = "UPDATE `tblDocumentFiles` SET `public` = ".($newPublic ? 1 : 0)." WHERE `document` = ".$this->_document->getId()." AND `id` = ". $this->_id;
if (!$db->getResult($queryStr))
return false;
$this->_public = $newPublic ? 1 : 0;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* Returns the access mode similar to a document
* There is no real access mode for document files, so this is just
* another way to add more access restrictions than the default restrictions.
* It is only called for public document files, not accessed by the owner
* or the administrator.
* @param object $u user
* @return integer either M_NONE or M_READ
function getAccessMode($u) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_document->getDMS();
/* Check if 'onCheckAccessDocumentLink' callback is set */
if(isset($this->_dms->callbacks['onCheckAccessDocumentFile'])) {
foreach($this->_dms->callbacks['onCheckAccessDocumentFile'] as $callback) {
if(($ret = call_user_func($callback[0], $callback[1], $this, $u)) > 0) {
return $ret;
return M_READ;
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */
// Perhaps not the cleanest object ever devised, it exists to encapsulate all
// of the data generated during the addition of new content to the database.
// The object stores a copy of the new DocumentContent object, the newly assigned
// reviewers and approvers and the status.
* Class to represent a list of document contents
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS_Core
* @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Matteo Lucarelli,
* Uwe Steinmann <uwe@steinmann.cx>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal,
* 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli,
* 2010 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
class SeedDMS_Core_AddContentResultSet { /* {{{ */
* @var null
protected $_indReviewers;
* @var null
protected $_grpReviewers;
* @var null
protected $_indApprovers;
* @var null
protected $_grpApprovers;
* @var
protected $_content;
* @var null
protected $_status;
* @var SeedDMS_Core_DMS back reference to document management system
protected $_dms;
* SeedDMS_Core_AddContentResultSet constructor.
* @param $content
function __construct($content) { /* {{{ */
$this->_content = $content;
$this->_indReviewers = null;
$this->_grpReviewers = null;
$this->_indApprovers = null;
$this->_grpApprovers = null;
$this->_status = null;
$this->_dms = null;
} /* }}} */
* Set dms this object belongs to.
* Each object needs a reference to the dms it belongs to. It will be
* set when the object is created.
* The dms has a references to the currently logged in user
* and the database connection.
* @param SeedDMS_Core_DMS $dms reference to dms
function setDMS($dms) { /* {{{ */
$this->_dms = $dms;
} /* }}} */
* @param $reviewer
* @param $type
* @param $status
* @return bool
function addReviewer($reviewer, $type, $status) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_dms;
if (!is_object($reviewer) || (strcasecmp($type, "i") && strcasecmp($type, "g")) && !is_integer($status)){
return false;
if (!strcasecmp($type, "i")) {
if (strcasecmp(get_class($reviewer), $dms->getClassname("user"))) {
return false;
if ($this->_indReviewers == null) {
$this->_indReviewers = array();
$this->_indReviewers[$status][] = $reviewer;
if (!strcasecmp($type, "g")) {
if (strcasecmp(get_class($reviewer), $dms->getClassname("group"))) {
return false;
if ($this->_grpReviewers == null) {
$this->_grpReviewers = array();
$this->_grpReviewers[$status][] = $reviewer;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @param $approver
* @param $type
* @param $status
* @return bool
function addApprover($approver, $type, $status) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->_dms;
if (!is_object($approver) || (strcasecmp($type, "i") && strcasecmp($type, "g")) && !is_integer($status)){
return false;
if (!strcasecmp($type, "i")) {
if (strcasecmp(get_class($approver), $dms->getClassname("user"))) {
return false;
if ($this->_indApprovers == null) {
$this->_indApprovers = array();
$this->_indApprovers[$status][] = $approver;
if (!strcasecmp($type, "g")) {
if (strcasecmp(get_class($approver), $dms->getClassname("group"))) {
return false;
if ($this->_grpApprovers == null) {
$this->_grpApprovers = array();
$this->_grpApprovers[$status][] = $approver;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @param $status
* @return bool
function setStatus($status) { /* {{{ */
if (!is_integer($status)) {
return false;
if ($status<-3 || $status>3) {
return false;
$this->_status = $status;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @return null
function getStatus() { /* {{{ */
return $this->_status;
} /* }}} */
* @return mixed
function getContent() { /* {{{ */
return $this->_content;
} /* }}} */
* @param $type
* @return array|bool|null
function getReviewers($type) { /* {{{ */
if (strcasecmp($type, "i") && strcasecmp($type, "g")) {
return false;
if (!strcasecmp($type, "i")) {
return ($this->_indReviewers == null ? array() : $this->_indReviewers);
else {
return ($this->_grpReviewers == null ? array() : $this->_grpReviewers);
} /* }}} */
* @param $type
* @return array|bool|null
function getApprovers($type) { /* {{{ */
if (strcasecmp($type, "i") && strcasecmp($type, "g")) {
return false;
if (!strcasecmp($type, "i")) {
return ($this->_indApprovers == null ? array() : $this->_indApprovers);
else {
return ($this->_grpApprovers == null ? array() : $this->_grpApprovers);
} /* }}} */
} /* }}} */