2023-08-24 13:13:11 +02:00

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* Implementation of user authentication
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS
* @author Uwe Steinmann <>
* @license GPL 2
* @version @version@
* @copyright 2010-2016 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
require_once "inc.ClassAuthentication.php";
* Abstract class to authenticate user against ldap server
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS
* @author Uwe Steinmann <>
* @copyright 2010-2016 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
class SeedDMS_LdapAuthentication extends SeedDMS_Authentication {
var $dms;
var $settings;
protected function addUser($username, $info) {
return $this->dms->addUser($username, null, $info['cn'][0], isset($info['mail']) ? $info['mail'][0] : '', $this->settings->_language, $this->settings->_theme, "");
protected function updateUser($user, $info) {
if(isset($info['cn'][0]) && ($info['cn'][0] != $user->getFullName())) {
if(isset($info['mail'][0]) && ($info['mail'][0] != $user->getEmail())) {
protected function syncGroups($user, $ldapgroups) {
$groupnames = [];
$count = 0;
$count = (int) $ldapgroups['count'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$tmp = ldap_explode_dn($ldapgroups[$i], 1);
if (!in_array($tmp[0], $groupnames)) {
$groupnames[] = $tmp[0];
/* Remove user from all groups not listed in LDAP */
$usergroups = $user->getGroups();
foreach($usergroups as $usergroup) {
if(!in_array($usergroup->getName(), $groupnames))
/* Add new groups and make user a member of it */
if($groupnames) {
foreach($groupnames as $groupname) {
$group = $this->dms->getGroupByName($groupname);
if($group) { /* Group already exists, just join it */
} else { /* Add group and join it */
$newgroup = $this->dms->addGroup($groupname, 'Added during LDAP Authentication');
if($newgroup) {
public function __construct($dms, $settings) { /* {{{ */
$this->dms = $dms;
$this->settings = $settings;
} /* }}} */
* Do ldap authentication
* This method supports active directory and open ldap servers. Others may work but
* are not tested.
* The authentication is done in two steps.
* 1. First an anonymous bind is done and the user who wants to login is searched
* for. If it is found the cn of that user will be used for the bind in step 2.
* If the user cannot be found the second step will use a cn: cn=<username>,<basedn>
* 2. A second bind with a password and cn will be executed. This is the actuall
* authentication. If that succeeds the user is logged in. If the user doesn't
* exist in the database, it will be created.
* @param string $username name of user to authenticate
* @param string $password password of user to authenticate
* @return object|boolean user object if authentication was successful otherwise false
public function authenticate($username, $password) { /* {{{ */
$settings = $this->settings;
$dms = $this->dms;
if (isset($settings->_ldapPort) && is_int($settings->_ldapPort)) {
$ds = ldap_connect($settings->_ldapHost, $settings->_ldapPort);
} else {
$ds = ldap_connect($settings->_ldapHost);
if (!is_bool($ds)) {
/* Check if ldap base dn is set, and use ldap server if it is */
if (isset($settings->_ldapBaseDN)) {
$ldapSearchAttribut = "uid=";
$tmpDN = "uid=".$username.",".$settings->_ldapBaseDN;
/* Active directory has a different base dn */
if (isset($settings->_ldapType)) {
if ($settings->_ldapType==1) {
$ldapSearchAttribut = "sAMAccountName=";
$tmpDN = $username.'@'.$settings->_ldapAccountDomainName;
// Add the following if authentication with an Active Dir doesn't work
// See
// and
ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
// Ensure that the LDAP connection is set to use version 3 protocol.
// Required for most authentication methods, including SASL.
ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
// try an authenticated/anonymous bind first.
// If it succeeds, get the DN for the user and use it for an authentication
// with the users password.
$bind = false;
if (!empty($settings->_ldapBindDN)) {
$bind = @ldap_bind($ds, $settings->_ldapBindDN, $settings->_ldapBindPw);
} else {
$bind = @ldap_bind($ds);
$dn = false;
/* If bind succeed, then get the dn of the user. If a filter
* is set, it will be used to allow only those users to log in
* matching the filter criteria. Depending on the type of server,
* (AD or regular LDAP), the search attribute is already set to
* 'sAMAccountName=' or 'uid='. All other filters are ANDed.
* A common filter is '(mail=*)' to ensure a user has an email
* address.
if ($bind) {
if (isset($settings->_ldapFilter) && strlen($settings->_ldapFilter) > 0) {
$search = ldap_search($ds, $settings->_ldapBaseDN, "(&(".$ldapSearchAttribut.$username.")".$settings->_ldapFilter.")");
} else {
$search = ldap_search($ds, $settings->_ldapBaseDN, $ldapSearchAttribut.$username);
if (!is_bool($search)) {
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);
if (!is_bool($info) && $info["count"]>0) {
$dn = $info[0]['dn'];
/* If the previous bind failed, try it with the users creditionals
* by simply setting $dn to a default string
if (is_bool($dn)) {
$dn = $tmpDN;
/* Check if user already exists in the database. Return with an error
* only if the sql statements fails, but not if no user was found.
$user = $dms->getUserByLogin($username);
if($user === false) {
return false;
/* Now do the actual authentication of the user */
$bind = @ldap_bind($ds, $dn, $password);
if (!$bind) {
return false;
// Successfully authenticated. Now check to see if the user exists within
// the database. If not, add them in if _restricted is not set,
// but do not add their password.
if (!$settings->_restricted) {
// Retrieve the user's LDAP information.
if (isset($settings->_ldapFilter) && strlen($settings->_ldapFilter) > 0) {
$search = ldap_search($ds, $settings->_ldapBaseDN, "(&(".$ldapSearchAttribut.$username.")".$settings->_ldapFilter.")");
} else {
$search = ldap_search($ds, $settings->_ldapBaseDN, $ldapSearchAttribut.$username);
if (!is_bool($search)) {
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);
if (!is_bool($info) && $info["count"]==1 && $info[0]["count"]>0) {
if (is_null($user)) {
$user = $this->addUser($username, $info[0]);
} else {
$this->updateUser($user, $info[0]);
$this->syncGroups($user, [
if(!empty($settings->_ldapGroupField) && !empty($info[0][$settings->_ldapGroupField])) {
$this->syncGroups($user, $info[0][$settings->_ldapGroupField]);
return $user;
} else {
return false;
} /* }}} */