Uwe Steinmann d7a7b251fd ?
2020-10-23 16:24:29 +02:00

3265 lines
130 KiB
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// MyDMS. Document Management System
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe
// Copyright (C) 2010 Matteo Lucarelli
// Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Uwe Steinmann
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
class SeedDMS_Bootstrap_Style extends SeedDMS_View_Common {
* @var string $extraheader extra html code inserted in the html header
* of the page
* @access protected
protected $extraheader;
function __construct($params, $theme='bootstrap') {
parent::__construct($params, $theme);
$this->extraheader = array('js'=>'', 'css'=>'');
$this->footerjs = array();
$this->nonces = array();
* Add javascript to an internal array which is output at the
* end of the page within a document.ready() function.
* @param string $script javascript to be added
function addFooterJS($script) { /* {{{ */
$this->footerjs[] = $script;
} /* }}} */
function htmlStartPage($title="", $bodyClass="", $base="", $httpheader=array()) { /* {{{ */
if(1 || method_exists($this, 'js')) {
/* We still need unsafe-eval, because printDocumentChooserHtml and
* printFolderChooserHtml will include a javascript file with ajax
* which is evaluated by jquery
* worker-src blob: is needed for cytoscape
* X-WebKit-CSP is deprecated, Chrome understands Content-Security-Policy
* since version 25+
* X-Content-Security-Policy is deprecated, Firefox understands
* Content-Security-Policy since version 23+
* 'worker-src blob:' is needed for cytoscape
$csp_rules = '';
$csp_rules .= "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'";
if($this->nonces) {
$csp_rules .= " 'nonce-".implode("' 'nonce-", $this->nonces)."'";
$csp_rules .= ";";
$csp_rules .= " worker-src blob:;";
//$csp_rules .= "style-src 'self';";
/* Do not allow to embed myself into frames on foreigns pages */
$csp_rules .= " frame-ancestors 'self';";
foreach (array("X-WebKit-CSP", "X-Content-Security-Policy", "Content-Security-Policy") as $csp) {
header($csp . ": " . $csp_rules);
header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff');
header('Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15768000');
if($httpheader) {
foreach($httpheader as $name=>$value) {
header($name . ": " . $value);
$hookObjs = $this->getHookObjects('SeedDMS_View_Bootstrap');
foreach($hookObjs as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'startPage')) {
echo "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
echo "<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n";
echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">'."\n";
echo '<base href="'.$base.'">'."\n";
echo '<base href="'.$this->baseurl.'">'."\n";
$sitename = trim(strip_tags($this->params['sitename']));
echo '<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="../out/out.OpensearchDesc.php" title="'.(strlen($sitename)>0 ? $sitename : "SeedDMS").'"/>'."\n";
echo '<link href="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<link href="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<link href="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<link href="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker/css/bootstrap-datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<link href="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/chosen/css/chosen.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<link href="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/select2/css/select2.min.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<link href="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/select2/css/select2-bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<link href="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/jqtree/jqtree.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<link href="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/application.css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo $this->extraheader['css'];
if(method_exists($this, 'css'))
echo '<link href="'.$this->params['absbaseprefix'].'out/out.'.$this->params['class'].'.php?action=css'.(!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '&'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '').'" rel="stylesheet">'."\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>'."\n";
echo $this->extraheader['js'];
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/passwordstrength/jquery.passwordstrength.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/noty/jquery.noty.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/noty/layouts/topRight.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/noty/layouts/topCenter.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/noty/themes/default.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/jqtree/tree.jquery.js"></script>'."\n";
// echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>'."\n";
if($this->params['session'] && $this->params['session']->getSu()) {
<style type="text/css">
.navbar-inverse .navbar-inner {
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#882222), to(#111111));
background-image: webkit-linear-gradient(top, #882222, #111111);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #882222, #111111);;
echo "<title>".(strlen($sitename)>0 ? $sitename : "SeedDMS").(strlen($title)>0 ? ": " : "").htmlspecialchars($title)."</title>\n";
echo "</head>\n";
echo "<body".(strlen($bodyClass)>0 ? " class=\"".$bodyClass."\"" : "").">\n";
if($this->params['session'] && $flashmsg = $this->params['session']->getSplashMsg()) {
echo "<div class=\"splash\" data-type=\"".$flashmsg['type']."\"".(!empty($flashmsg['timeout']) ? ' data-timeout="'.$flashmsg['timeout'].'"': '').">".$flashmsg['msg']."</div>\n";
echo "<div class=\"statusbar-container\"><h1>".getMLText('recent_uploads')."</h1></div>\n";
foreach($hookObjs as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'startBody')) {
} /* }}} */
function htmlAddHeader($head, $type='js') { /* {{{ */
$this->extraheader[$type] .= $head;
} /* }}} */
function htmlAddJsHeader($script) { /* {{{ */
$nonce = createNonce();
$this->nonces[] = $nonce;
$this->extraheader['js'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$script.'" nonce="'.$nonce.'"></script>'."\n";
} /* }}} */
function htmlEndPage($nofooter=false) { /* {{{ */
if(!$nofooter) {
$hookObjs = $this->getHookObjects('SeedDMS_View_Bootstrap');
$html = $this->footNote();
foreach($hookObjs as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'footNote')) {
$html = $hookObj->footNote($this, $html);
echo $html;
if($this->params['showmissingtranslations']) {
echo '<script src="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script src="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js"></script>'."\n";
foreach(array('de', 'es', 'ar', 'el', 'bg', 'ru', 'hr', 'hu', 'ko', 'pl', 'ro', 'sk', 'tr', 'uk', 'ca', 'nl', 'fi', 'cs', 'it', 'fr', 'sv', 'sl', 'pt-BR', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW') as $lang)
echo '<script src="../views/'.$this->theme.'/vendors/bootstrap-datepicker/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.'.$lang.'.min.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script src="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/chosen/js/chosen.jquery.min.js"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script src="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/select2/js/select2.min.js"></script>'."\n";
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $tmp);
$tmp['action'] = 'webrootjs';
echo '<script src="'.$this->params['absbaseprefix'].'out/out.'.$this->params['class'].'.php?'.http_build_query($tmp).'"></script>'."\n";
echo '<script src="../styles/'.$this->theme.'/application.js"></script>'."\n";
if($this->params['enablemenutasks'] && isset($this->params['user']) && $this->params['user']) {
if($this->params['enabledropfolderlist'] && isset($this->params['user']) && $this->params['user']) {
$this->addFooterJS("SeedDMSTask.add({name: 'dropfolder', interval: 15, func: function(){\$('#menu-dropfolder > div.ajax').trigger('update', {folderid: seeddms_folder});}});");
if($this->footerjs) {
$jscode = "$(document).ready(function () {\n";
foreach($this->footerjs as $script) {
$jscode .= $script."\n";
$jscode .= "});\n";
$hashjs = md5($jscode);
if(!is_dir($this->params['cachedir'].'/js')) {
if(is_dir($this->params['cachedir'].'/js')) {
file_put_contents($this->params['cachedir'].'/js/'.$hashjs.'.js', $jscode);
$tmp['action'] = 'footerjs';
$tmp['hash'] = $hashjs;
echo '<script src="'.$this->params['absbaseprefix'].'out/out.'.$this->params['class'].'.php?'.http_build_query($tmp).'"></script>'."\n";
if(method_exists($this, 'js')) {
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $tmp);
$tmp['action'] = 'js';
echo '<script src="'.$this->params['absbaseprefix'].'out/out.'.$this->params['class'].'.php?'.http_build_query($tmp).'"></script>'."\n";
echo "</body>\n</html>\n";
} /* }}} */
function webrootjs() { /* {{{ */
header('Content-Type: application/javascript');
echo "var seeddms_absbaseprefix=\"".$this->params['absbaseprefix']."\";\n";
echo "var seeddms_webroot=\"".$this->params['settings']->_httpRoot."\";\n";
/* Place the current folder id in a js variable, just in case some js code
* needs it, e.g. for reloading parts of the page via ajax.
echo "var seeddms_folder=".(int) $_REQUEST['folderid'].";\n";
echo "var seeddms_folder=0;\n";
} /* }}} */
function footerjs() { /* {{{ */
header('Content-Type: application/javascript');
if(file_exists($this->params['cachedir'].'/js/'.$_GET['hash'].'.js')) {
} /* }}} */
function missingLanguageKeys() { /* {{{ */
echo '<div class="container-fluid">'."\n";
echo '<div class="row-fluid">'."\n";
echo '<div class="alert alert-error">'."\n";
echo "<p><strong>This page contains missing translations in the selected language. Please help to improve SeedDMS and provide the translation.</strong></p>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<table class=\"table table-condensed\">";
echo "<tr><th>Key</th><th>engl. Text</th><th>Your translation</th></tr>\n";
foreach($MISSING_LANG as $key=>$lang) {
echo "<tr><td>".$key."</td><td>".(isset($LANG['en_GB'][$key]) ? $LANG['en_GB'][$key] : '')."</td><td><div class=\"input-append send-missing-translation\"><input name=\"missing-lang-key\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$key."\" /><input name=\"missing-lang-lang\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$lang."\" /><input type=\"text\" class=\"input-xxlarge\" name=\"missing-lang-translation\" placeholder=\"Your translation in '".$lang."'\"/><a class=\"btn\">Submit</a></div></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<div class=\"splash\" data-type=\"error\" data-timeout=\"5500\"><b>There are missing translations on this page!</b><br />Please check the bottom of the page.</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function footNote() { /* {{{ */
$html = "<div class=\"container-fluid\">\n";
$html .= '<div class="row-fluid">'."\n";
$html .= '<div class="span12">'."\n";
$html .= '<div class="alert alert-info">'."\n";
if ($this->params['printdisclaimer']){
$html .= "<div class=\"disclaimer\">".getMLText("disclaimer")."</div>";
if (isset($this->params['footnote']) && strlen((string)$this->params['footnote'])>0) {
$html .= "<div class=\"footNote\">".(string)$this->params['footnote']."</div>";
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
return $html;
} /* }}} */
function contentStart() { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"container-fluid\">\n";
echo " <div class=\"row-fluid\">\n";
} /* }}} */
function contentEnd() { /* {{{ */
echo " </div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function globalBanner() { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top\">\n";
echo " <div class=\"navbar-inner\">\n";
echo " <div class=\"container-fluid\">\n";
echo " <a class=\"brand\" href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$this->params['rootfolderid']."\">".(strlen($this->params['sitename'])>0 ? $this->params['sitename'] : "SeedDMS")."</a>\n";
echo " </div>\n";
echo " </div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function globalNavigation($folder=null) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
echo "<div class=\"navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top\">\n";
echo " <div class=\"navbar-inner\">\n";
echo " <div class=\"container-fluid\">\n";
echo " <a class=\"btn btn-navbar\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\".nav-col1\">\n";
echo " <span class=\"fa fa-bar\"></span>\n";
echo " <span class=\"fa fa-bar\"></span>\n";
echo " <span class=\"fa fa-bar\"></span>\n";
echo " </a>\n";
echo " <a class=\"brand\" href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$this->params['rootfolderid']."\">".(strlen($this->params['sitename'])>0 ? $this->params['sitename'] : "SeedDMS")."</a>\n";
if(isset($this->params['user']) && $this->params['user']) {
echo " <div class=\"nav-collapse nav-col1\">\n";
echo " <ul id=\"main-menu-admin\" class=\"nav pull-right\">\n";
echo " <li class=\"dropdown\">\n";
echo " <a href=\"#\" class=\"dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">".($this->params['session']->getSu() ? getMLText("switched_to") : getMLText("signed_in_as"))." '".htmlspecialchars($this->params['user']->getFullName())."' <i class=\"fa fa-caret-down\"></i></a>\n";
echo " <ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\">\n";
if (!$this->params['user']->isGuest()) {
$menuitems = array();
$menuitems['my_documents'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.MyDocuments.php?inProcess=1", 'label'=>'my_documents');
$menuitems['my_account'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.MyAccount.php", 'label'=>'my_account');
$hookObjs = $this->getHookObjects('SeedDMS_View_Bootstrap');
foreach($hookObjs as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'userMenuItems')) {
$menuitems = $hookObj->userMenuItems($this, $menuitems);
if($menuitems) {
foreach($menuitems as $menuitem) {
echo "<li><a href=\"".$menuitem['link']."\">".getMLText($menuitem['label'])."</a></li>";
echo " <li class=\"divider\"></li>\n";
$showdivider = false;
if($this->params['enablelanguageselector']) {
$showdivider = true;
echo " <li class=\"dropdown-submenu\">\n";
echo " <a href=\"#\" class=\"dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">".getMLText("language")."</a>\n";
echo " <ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\">\n";
$languages = getLanguages();
foreach ($languages as $currLang) {
if($this->params['session']->getLanguage() == $currLang)
echo "<li class=\"active\">";
echo "<li>";
echo "<a href=\"../op/op.SetLanguage.php?lang=".$currLang."&referer=".$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."\">";
echo getMLText($currLang)."</a></li>\n";
echo " </ul>\n";
echo " </li>\n";
if(!$this->params['session']->getSu()) {
if($this->params['user']->isAdmin()) {
$showdivider = true;
echo " <li><a href=\"../out/out.SubstituteUser.php\">".getMLText("substitute_user")."</a></li>\n";
echo " <li class=\"divider\"></li>\n";
if($this->params['session']->getSu()) {
echo " <li><a href=\"../op/op.ResetSu.php\">".getMLText("sign_out_user")."</a></li>\n";
} else {
echo " <li><a href=\"../op/op.Logout.php\">".getMLText("sign_out")."</a></li>\n";
echo " </ul>\n";
echo " </li>\n";
echo " </ul>\n";
if($this->params['enablemenutasks'] && !$this->params['user']->isGuest()) {
echo " <div id=\"menu-tasks\">";
echo " <div class=\"ajax\" data-no-spinner=\"true\" data-view=\"Tasks\" data-action=\"menuTasks\"></div>";
// echo " <ul id=\"main-menu-tasks\" class=\"nav pull-right\">\n";
// echo " <li class=\"dropdown\">\n";
// echo $this->menuTasks(array('review'=>array(), 'approval'=>array(), 'receipt'=>array(), 'revision'=>array()));
// echo " </li>\n";
// echo " </ul>\n";
echo " </div>";
if($this->params['dropfolderdir'] && $this->params['enabledropfolderlist']) {
echo " <div id=\"menu-dropfolder\">";
echo " <div class=\"ajax\" data-no-spinner=\"true\" data-view=\"DropFolderChooser\" data-action=\"menuList\"";
if ($folder!=null && is_object($folder) && $folder->isType('folder'))
echo " data-query=\"folderid=".$folder->getID()."\"";
echo "></div>";
echo " </div>";
if($this->params['enablesessionlist']) {
echo " <div id=\"menu-session\">";
echo " <div class=\"ajax\" data-no-spinner=\"true\" data-view=\"Session\" data-action=\"menuSessions\"></div>";
echo " </div>";
if($this->params['enableclipboard']) {
echo " <div id=\"menu-clipboard\">";
echo " <div class=\"ajax\" data-no-spinner=\"true\" data-view=\"Clipboard\" data-action=\"menuClipboard\" data-query=\"folderid=".($folder != null ? $folder->getID() : 0)."\"></div>";
echo " </div>";
echo " <ul class=\"nav\">\n";
$menuitems = array();
if ($this->params['enablecalendar']) $menuitems['calendar'] = array('link'=>'../out/out.Calendar.php?mode='.$this->params['calendardefaultview'], 'label'=>"calendar");
if ($this->params['user']->isAdmin()) $menuitems['admintools'] = array('link'=>'../out/out.AdminTools.php', 'label'=>"admin_tools");
if($this->params['enablehelp']) {
$tmp = explode('.', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
$menuitems['help'] = array('link'=>'../out/out.Help.php?context='.$tmp[1], 'label'=>"help");
/* Check if hook exists because otherwise callHook() will override $menuitems */
foreach($hookObjs as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'globalNavigationBar')) {
$menuitems = $hookObj->globalNavigationBar($this, $menuitems);
foreach($menuitems as $menuitem) {
if(!empty($menuitem['children'])) {
echo " <li class=\"dropdown\">\n";
echo " <a class=\"dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">".getMLText($menuitem['label'])." <i class=\"fa fa-caret-down\"></i></a>\n";
echo " <ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\">\n";
foreach($menuitem['children'] as $submenuitem) {
echo " <li><a href=\"".$submenuitem['link']."\"".(isset($submenuitem['target']) ? ' target="'.$submenuitem['target'].'"' : '').">".getMLText($submenuitem['label'])."</a></li>\n";
echo " </ul>\n";
} else {
echo "<li><a href=\"".$menuitem['link']."\"".(isset($menuitem['target']) ? ' target="'.$menuitem['target'].'"' : '').">".getMLText($menuitem['label'])."</a></li>";
echo " </ul>\n";
echo " <form action=\"../out/out.Search.php\" class=\"form-inline navbar-search pull-left\" autocomplete=\"off\">";
if ($folder!=null && is_object($folder) && $folder->isType('folder')) {
echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"folderid\" value=\"".$folder->getID()."\" />";
echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"navBar\" value=\"1\" />";
echo " <input name=\"query\" class=\"search-query\" ".($this->params['defaultsearchmethod'] == 'fulltext' ? "" : "id=\"searchfield\"")." data-provide=\"typeahead\" type=\"search\" style=\"width: 150px;\" placeholder=\"".getMLText("search")."\"/>";
if($this->params['defaultsearchmethod'] == 'fulltext')
echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fullsearch\" value=\"1\" />";
// if($this->params['enablefullsearch']) {
// echo " <label class=\"checkbox\" style=\"color: #999999;\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fullsearch\" value=\"1\" title=\"".getMLText('fullsearch_hint')."\"/> ".getMLText('fullsearch')."</label>";
// }
// echo " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"".getMLText("search")."\" id=\"searchButton\" class=\"btn\"/>";
echo "</form>\n";
echo " </div>\n";
echo " </div>\n";
echo " </div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function getFolderPathHTML($folder, $tagAll=false, $document=null) { /* {{{ */
$path = $folder->getPath();
$txtpath = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($path); $i++) {
$txtpath .= "<li>";
if ($i +1 < count($path)) {
$txtpath .= "<a href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$path[$i]->getID()."&showtree=".showtree()."\" data-droptarget=\"folder_".$path[$i]->getID()."\" rel=\"folder_".$path[$i]->getID()."\" class=\"table-row-folder droptarget\" data-uploadformtoken=\"".createFormKey('')."\" formtoken=\"".createFormKey('')."\">".
else {
$txtpath .= ($tagAll ? "<a href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$path[$i]->getID()."&showtree=".showtree()."\">".
htmlspecialchars($path[$i]->getName())."</a>" : htmlspecialchars($path[$i]->getName()));
$txtpath .= " <span class=\"divider\">/</span></li>";
$txtpath .= "<li><a href=\"../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$document->getId()."\">".htmlspecialchars($document->getName())."</a></li>";
return '<ul class="breadcrumb">'.$txtpath.'</ul>';
} /* }}} */
function pageNavigation($pageTitle, $pageType=null, $extra=null) { /* {{{ */
if ($pageType!=null && strcasecmp($pageType, "noNav")) {
echo "<div class=\"navbar\">\n";
echo " <div class=\"navbar-inner\">\n";
echo " <div class=\"container\">\n";
echo " <a class=\"btn btn-navbar\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\".col2\">\n";
echo " <span class=\"fa fa-bar\"></span>\n";
echo " <span class=\"fa fa-bar\"></span>\n";
echo " <span class=\"fa fa-bar\"></span>\n";
echo " </a>\n";
switch ($pageType) {
case "view_folder":
case "view_document":
case "my_documents":
case "my_account":
case "admin_tools":
case "calendarold";
case "calendar";
if($this->hasHook('pageNavigationBar')) {
$menubar = $this->callHook('pageNavigationBar', $pageType, $extra);
echo $menubar;
echo " </div>\n";
echo " </div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
if($pageType == "view_folder" || $pageType == "view_document")
echo $pageTitle."\n";
} else {
echo "<legend>".$pageTitle."</legend>\n";
} /* }}} */
protected function showNavigationBar($menuitems) { /* {{{ */
foreach($menuitems as $menuitem) {
if(!empty($menuitem['children'])) {
echo " <li class=\"dropdown\">\n";
echo " <a class=\"dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">".getMLText($menuitem['label'])." <i class=\"fa fa-caret-down\"></i></a>\n";
echo " <ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\">\n";
foreach($menuitem['children'] as $submenuitem) {
echo " <li><a href=\"".$submenuitem['link']."\"".(isset($submenuitem['target']) ? ' target="'.$submenuitem['target'].'"' : '').">".getMLText($submenuitem['label'])."</a></li>\n";
echo " </ul>\n";
} else {
echo "<li><a href=\"".$menuitem['link']."\"".(isset($menuitem['target']) ? ' target="'.$menuitem['target'].'"' : '').">".getMLText($menuitem['label'])."</a></li>";
} /* }}} */
private function folderNavigationBar($folder) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
if (!is_object($folder) || !$folder->isType('folder')) {
echo "<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
$accessMode = $folder->getAccessMode($this->params['user']);
$folderID = $folder->getID();
echo "<id=\"first\"><a href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=". $folderID ."&showtree=".showtree()."\" class=\"brand\">".getMLText("folder")."</a>\n";
echo "<div class=\"nav-collapse col2\">\n";
echo "<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
$menuitems = array();
if ($accessMode == M_READ && !$this->params['user']->isGuest()) {
$menuitems['edit_folder_notify'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.FolderNotify.php?folderid=".$folderID."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'edit_folder_notify');
else if ($accessMode >= M_READWRITE) {
$menuitems['add_subfolder'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.AddSubFolder.php?folderid=". $folderID ."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'add_subfolder');
$menuitems['add_document'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.AddDocument.php?folderid=". $folderID ."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'add_document');
if(0 && $this->params['enablelargefileupload'])
$menuitems['add_multiple_documents'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.AddMultiDocument.php?folderid=". $folderID ."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'add_multiple_documents');
$menuitems['edit_folder_props'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.EditFolder.php?folderid=". $folderID ."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'edit_folder_props');
if ($folderID != $this->params['rootfolderid'] && $folder->getParent())
$menuitems['move_folder'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.MoveFolder.php?folderid=". $folderID ."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'move_folder');
if ($accessMode == M_ALL) {
if ($folderID != $this->params['rootfolderid'] && $folder->getParent())
$menuitems['rm_folder'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.RemoveFolder.php?folderid=". $folderID ."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'rm_folder');
if ($accessMode == M_ALL) {
$menuitems['edit_folder_access'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.FolderAccess.php?folderid=".$folderID."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'edit_folder_access');
$menuitems['edit_existing_notify'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.FolderNotify.php?folderid=". $folderID ."&showtree=". showtree(), 'label'=>'edit_existing_notify');
if ($this->params['user']->isAdmin() && $this->params['enablefullsearch']) {
$menuitems['index_folder'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.Indexer.php?folderid=". $folderID."&showtree=".showtree(), 'label'=>'index_folder');
/* Check if hook exists because otherwise callHook() will override $menuitems */
$menuitems = $this->callHook('folderNavigationBar', $folder, $menuitems);
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
private function documentNavigationBar($document) { /* {{{ */
$accessobject = $this->params['accessobject'];
$accessMode = $document->getAccessMode($this->params['user']);
$docid=".php?documentid=" . $document->getID();
echo "<id=\"first\"><a href=\"../out/out.ViewDocument". $docid ."\" class=\"brand\">".getMLText("document")."</a>\n";
echo "<div class=\"nav-collapse col2\">\n";
echo "<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
$menuitems = array();
if ($accessMode >= M_READWRITE) {
if (!$document->isLocked()) {
$menuitems['update_document'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.UpdateDocument".$docid, 'label'=>'update_document');
$menuitems['lock_document'] = array('link'=>"../op/op.LockDocument".$docid, 'label'=>'lock_document');
$menuitems['edit_document_props'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.EditDocument".$docid , 'label'=>'edit_document_props');
$menuitems['move_document'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.MoveDocument".$docid, 'label'=>'move_document');
else {
$lockingUser = $document->getLockingUser();
if (($lockingUser->getID() == $this->params['user']->getID()) || ($document->getAccessMode($this->params['user']) == M_ALL)) {
$menuitems['update_document'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.UpdateDocument".$docid, 'label'=>'update_document');
$menuitems['unlock_document'] = array('link'=>"../op/op.UnlockDocument".$docid, 'label'=>'unlock_document');
$menuitems['edit_document_props'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.EditDocument".$docid, 'label'=>'edit_document_props');
$menuitems['move_document'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.MoveDocument".$docid, 'label'=>'move_document');
if($accessobject->maySetExpires()) {
$menuitems['expires'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.SetExpires".$docid, 'label'=>'expires');
if ($accessMode == M_ALL) {
$menuitems['rm_document'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.RemoveDocument".$docid, 'label'=>'rm_document');
$menuitems['edit_document_access'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.DocumentAccess". $docid, 'label'=>'edit_document_access');
if ($accessMode >= M_READ && !$this->params['user']->isGuest()) {
$menuitems['edit_existing_notify'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.DocumentNotify". $docid, 'label'=>'edit_existing_notify');
if ($this->params['user']->isAdmin()) {
$menuitems['transfer_document'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.TransferDocument". $docid, 'label'=>'transfer_document');
/* Check if hook exists because otherwise callHook() will override $menuitems */
$menuitems = $this->callHook('documentNavigationBar', $document, $menuitems);
/* Do not use $this->callHook() because $menuitems must be returned by the hook
* or left unchanged
$hookObjs = $this->getHookObjects();
foreach($hookObjs as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'documentNavigationBar')) {
$menuitems = $hookObj->documentNavigationBar($this, $document, $menuitems);
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
private function accountNavigationBar() { /* {{{ */
echo "<id=\"first\"><a href=\"../out/out.MyAccount.php\" class=\"brand\">".getMLText("my_account")."</a>\n";
echo "<div class=\"nav-collapse col2\">\n";
echo "<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
$menuitems = array();
if ($this->params['user']->isAdmin() || !$this->params['disableselfedit'])
$menuitems['edit_user_details'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.EditUserData.php", 'label'=>'edit_user_details');
if (!$this->params['user']->isAdmin())
$menuitems['edit_default_keywords'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.UserDefaultKeywords.php", 'label'=>'edit_default_keywords');
$menuitems['edit_notify'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ManageNotify.php", 'label'=>'edit_existing_notify');
if ($this->params['enableusersview']){
$menuitems['users'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.UsrView.php", 'label'=>'users');
$menuitems['groups'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.GroupView.php", 'label'=>'groups');
/* Check if hook exists because otherwise callHook() will override $menuitems */
$menuitems = $this->callHook('accountNavigationBar', $menuitems);
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
private function myDocumentsNavigationBar() { /* {{{ */
echo "<id=\"first\"><a href=\"../out/out.MyDocuments.php?inProcess=1\" class=\"brand\">".getMLText("my_documents")."</a>\n";
echo "<div class=\"nav-collapse col2\">\n";
echo "<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
$menuitems = array();
$menuitems['inprocess'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.MyDocuments.php?inProcess=1", 'label'=>'documents_in_process');
$menuitems['all_documents'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.MyDocuments.php", 'label'=>'all_documents');
if($this->params['workflowmode'] == 'traditional' || $this->params['workflowmode'] == 'traditional_only_approval') {
$menuitems['review_summary'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ReviewSummary.php", 'label'=>'review_summary');
$menuitems['approval_summary'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ApprovalSummary.php", 'label'=>'approval_summary');
} else {
$menuitems['workflow_summary'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.WorkflowSummary.php", 'label'=>'workflow_summary');
/* Check if hook exists because otherwise callHook() will override $menuitems */
$menuitems = $this->callHook('mydocumentsNavigationBar', $menuitems);
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
private function adminToolsNavigationBar() { /* {{{ */
echo " <id=\"first\"><a href=\"../out/out.AdminTools.php\" class=\"brand\">".getMLText("admin_tools")."</a>\n";
echo "<div class=\"nav-collapse col2\">\n";
echo " <ul class=\"nav\">\n";
$menuitems = array();
$menuitems['user_group_management'] = array('link'=>"#", 'label'=>'user_group_management');
$menuitems['user_group_management']['children']['user_management'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.UsrMgr.php", 'label'=>'user_management');
$menuitems['user_group_management']['children']['group_management'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.GroupMgr.php", 'label'=>'group_management');
$menuitems['user_group_management']['children']['user_list'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.UserList.php", 'label'=>'user_list');
$menuitems['definitions'] = array('link'=>"#", 'label'=>'definitions');
$menuitems['definitions']['children']['default_keywords'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.DefaultKeywords.php", 'label'=>'global_default_keywords');
$menuitems['definitions']['children']['document_categories'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.Categories.php", 'label'=>'global_document_categories');
$menuitems['definitions']['children']['attribute_definitions'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.AttributeMgr.php", 'label'=>'global_attributedefinitions');
if($this->params['workflowmode'] == 'advanced') {
$menuitems['definitions']['children']['workflows'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.WorkflowMgr.php", 'label'=>'global_workflows');
$menuitems['definitions']['children']['workflow_states'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.WorkflowStatesMgr.php", 'label'=>'global_workflow_states');
$menuitems['definitions']['children']['workflow_actions'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.WorkflowActionsMgr.php", 'label'=>'global_workflow_actions');
if($this->params['enablefullsearch']) {
$menuitems['fulltext'] = array('link'=>"#", 'label'=>'fullsearch');
$menuitems['fulltext']['children']['update_fulltext_index'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.Indexer.php", 'label'=>'update_fulltext_index');
$menuitems['fulltext']['children']['create_fulltext_index'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.CreateIndex.php", 'label'=>'create_fulltext_index');
$menuitems['fulltext']['children']['fulltext_info'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.IndexInfo.php", 'label'=>'fulltext_info');
$menuitems['backup_log_management'] = array('link'=>"#", 'label'=>'backup_log_management');
$menuitems['backup_log_management']['children'][] = array('link'=>"../out/out.BackupTools.php", 'label'=>'backup_tools');
if ($this->params['logfileenable'])
$menuitems['backup_log_management']['children'][] = array('link'=>"../out/out.LogManagement.php", 'label'=>'log_management');
$menuitems['misc'] = array('link'=>"#", 'label'=>'misc');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['import_fs'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ImportFS.php", 'label'=>'import_fs');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['import_users'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ImportUsers.php", 'label'=>'import_users');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['folders_and_documents_statistic'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.Statistic.php", 'label'=>'folders_and_documents_statistic');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['charts'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.Charts.php", 'label'=>'charts');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['timeline'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.Timeline.php", 'label'=>'timeline');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['objectcheck'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ObjectCheck.php", 'label'=>'objectcheck');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['documents_expired'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ExpiredDocuments.php", 'label'=>'documents_expired');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['extension_manager'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ExtensionMgr.php", 'label'=>'extension_manager');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['clear_cache'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.ClearCache.php", 'label'=>'clear_cache');
$menuitems['misc']['children']['version_info'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.Info.php", 'label'=>'version_info');
/* Check if hook exists because otherwise callHook() will override $menuitems */
$menuitems = $this->callHook('admintoolsNavigationBar', $menuitems);
echo " </ul>\n";
echo "<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
private function calendarOldNavigationBar($d){ /* {{{ */
echo "<id=\"first\"><a href=\"../out/out.CalendarOld.php?mode=y\" class=\"brand\">".getMLText("calendar")."</a>\n";
echo "<div class=\"nav-collapse col2\">\n";
echo "<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
echo "<li><a href=\"../out/out.CalendarOld.php?mode=w".$ds."\">".getMLText("week_view")."</a></li>\n";
echo "<li><a href=\"../out/out.CalendarOld.php?mode=m".$ds."\">".getMLText("month_view")."</a></li>\n";
echo "<li><a href=\"../out/out.CalendarOld.php?mode=y".$ds."\">".getMLText("year_view")."</a></li>\n";
if (!$this->params['user']->isGuest())
echo "<li><a href=\"../out/out.AddEvent.php\">".getMLText("add_event")."</a></li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
private function calendarNavigationBar($d){ /* {{{ */
echo "<id=\"first\"><a href=\"../out/out.Calendar.php\" class=\"brand\">".getMLText("calendar")."</a>\n";
echo "<div class=\"nav-collapse col2\">\n";
echo "<ul class=\"nav\">\n";
$menuitems = array();
if (!$this->params['user']->isGuest())
$menuitems['addevent'] = array('link'=>"../out/out.AddEvent.php", 'label'=>'add_event');
/* Check if hook exists because otherwise callHook() will override $menuitems */
$menuitems = $this->callHook('calendarNavigationBar', $menuitems);
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function pageList($pageNumber, $totalPages, $baseURI, $params) { /* {{{ */
$maxpages = 25; // skip pages when more than this is shown
$range = 5; // pages left and right of current page
if (!is_numeric($pageNumber) || !is_numeric($totalPages) || $totalPages<2) {
// Construct the basic URI based on the $_GET array. One could use a
// regular expression to strip out the pg (page number) variable to
// achieve the same effect. This seems to be less haphazard though...
$resultsURI = $baseURI;
foreach ($params as $key=>$value) {
// Don't include the page number in the basic URI. This is added in
// during the list display loop.
if (!strcasecmp($key, "pg")) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $subkey=>$subvalue) {
$resultsURI .= ($first ? "?" : "&").$key."%5B".$subkey."%5D=".urlencode($subvalue);
$first = false;
else {
$resultsURI .= ($first ? "?" : "&").$key."=".urlencode($value);
$first = false;
echo "<div class=\"pagination pagination-small\">";
echo "<ul>";
if($totalPages <= $maxpages) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalPages; $i++) {
echo "<li ".($i == $pageNumber ? 'class="active"' : "" )."><a href=\"".$resultsURI.($first ? "?" : "&")."pg=".$i."\">".$i."</a></li>";
} else {
if($pageNumber-$range > 1)
$start = $pageNumber-$range;
$start = 2;
if($pageNumber+$range < $totalPages)
$end = $pageNumber+$range;
$end = $totalPages-1;
/* Move start or end to always show 2*$range items */
$diff = $end-$start-2*$range;
if($diff < 0) {
if($start > 2)
$start += $diff;
if($end < $totalPages-1)
$end -= $diff;
if($pageNumber > 1)
echo "<li><a href=\"".$resultsURI.($first ? "?" : "&")."pg=".($pageNumber-1)."\">&laquo;</a></li>";
echo "<li ".(1 == $pageNumber ? 'class="active"' : "" )."><a href=\"".$resultsURI.($first ? "?" : "&")."pg=1\">1</a></li>";
if($start > 2)
echo "<li><span>...</span></li>";
for($j=$start; $j<=$end; $j++)
echo "<li ".($j == $pageNumber ? 'class="active"' : "" )."><a href=\"".$resultsURI.($first ? "?" : "&")."pg=".$j."\">".$j."</a></li>";
if($end < $totalPages-1)
echo "<li><span>...</span></li>";
if($end < $totalPages)
echo "<li ".($totalPages == $pageNumber ? 'class="active"' : "" )."><a href=\"".$resultsURI.($first ? "?" : "&")."pg=".$totalPages."\">".$totalPages."</a></li>";
if($pageNumber < $totalPages)
echo "<li><a href=\"".$resultsURI.($first ? "?" : "&")."pg=".($pageNumber+1)."\">&raquo;</a></li>";
if ($totalPages>1) {
echo "<li><a href=\"".$resultsURI.($first ? "?" : "&")."pg=all\">".getMLText("all_pages")."</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</div>";
} /* }}} */
function contentContainer($content) { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"well\">\n";
echo $content;
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function contentContainerStart($class='', $id='') { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"well".($class ? " ".$class : "")."\"".($id ? " id=\"".$id."\"" : "").">\n";
} /* }}} */
function contentContainerEnd() { /* {{{ */
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function contentHeading($heading, $noescape=false) { /* {{{ */
echo "<legend>".$heading."</legend>\n";
echo "<legend>".htmlspecialchars($heading)."</legend>\n";
} /* }}} */
function contentSubHeading($heading, $first=false) { /* {{{ */
// echo "<div class=\"contentSubHeading\"".($first ? " id=\"first\"" : "").">".htmlspecialchars($heading)."</div>\n";
echo "<h5>".$heading."</h5>";
} /* }}} */
function rowStart() { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"row-fluid\">\n";
} /* }}} */
function rowEnd() { /* {{{ */
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function columnStart($width=6) { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"span".$width."\">\n";
} /* }}} */
function columnEnd() { /* {{{ */
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function formField($title, $value, $params=array()) { /* {{{ */
if($title !== null) {
echo "<div class=\"control-group\">";
echo " <label class=\"control-label\"".(!empty($params['help']) ? " title=\"".$params['help']."\" style=\"cursor: help;\"" : "").">".$title.":</label>";
echo " <div class=\"controls\">";
echo $params['field_wrap'][0];
if(is_string($value)) {
echo $value;
} elseif(is_array($value)) {
switch($value['element']) {
case 'select':
echo '<select'.
(!empty($value['id']) ? ' id="'.$value['id'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['name']) ? ' name="'.$value['name'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['class']) ? ' class="'.$value['class'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['multiple']) ? ' multiple' : '');
if(!empty($value['attributes']) && is_array($value['attributes']))
foreach($value['attributes'] as $a)
echo ' '.$a[0].'="'.$a[1].'"';
echo ">";
if(isset($value['options']) && is_array($value['options'])) {
foreach($value['options'] as $val) {
echo '<option value="'.$val[0].'"'.(!empty($val[2]) ? ' selected' : '');
if(!empty($val[3]) && is_array($val[3]))
foreach($val[3] as $a)
echo ' '.$a[0].'="'.$a[1].'"';
echo '>'.$val[1].'</option>';
echo '</select>';
case 'textarea':
echo '<textarea'.
(!empty($value['id']) ? ' id="'.$value['id'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['name']) ? ' name="'.$value['name'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['rows']) ? ' rows="'.$value['rows'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['cols']) ? ' rows="'.$value['cols'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['required']) ? ' required' : '').">".(!empty($value['value']) ? $value['value'] : '')."</textarea>";
case 'input':
echo '<input'.
(!empty($value['type']) ? ' type="'.$value['type'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['id']) ? ' id="'.$value['id'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['name']) ? ' name="'.$value['name'].'"' : '').
((isset($value['value']) && is_string($value['value'])) || !empty($value['value']) ? ' value="'.$value['value'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['placeholder']) ? ' placeholder="'.$value['placeholder'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['autocomplete']) ? ' autocomplete="'.$value['autocomplete'].'"' : '').
(!empty($value['checked']) ? ' checked' : '').
(!empty($value['required']) ? ' required' : '');
if(!empty($value['attributes']) && is_array($value['attributes']))
foreach($value['attributes'] as $a)
echo ' '.$a[0].'="'.$a[1].'"';
echo ">";
echo $params['field_wrap'][1];
if($title !== null) {
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
} /* }}} */
function formSubmit($value, $name='') { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"controls\">\n";
if(is_string($value)) {
echo "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\"".($name ? ' name="'.$name.'" id="'.$name.'"' : '').">".$value."</button>\n";
} else {
if(is_array($value)) {
foreach($value as $i=>$v)
echo "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\"".(!empty($name[$i]) ? ' name="'.$name[$i].'" id="'.$name[$i].'"' : '').">".$v."</button>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function getMimeIcon($fileType) { /* {{{ */
// for extension use LOWER CASE only
$icons = array();
$icons["txt"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["text"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["tex"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["doc"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["dot"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["docx"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["dotx"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["rtf"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["xls"] = "office-spreadsheet.svg";
$icons["xlt"] = "office-spreadsheet.svg";
$icons["xlsx"] = "office-spreadsheet.svg";
$icons["xltx"] = "office-spreadsheet.svg";
$icons["ppt"] = "office-presentation.svg";
$icons["pot"] = "office-presentation.svg";
$icons["pptx"] = "office-presentation.svg";
$icons["potx"] = "office-presentation.svg";
$icons["exe"] = "executable.svg";
$icons["html"] = "web.svg";
$icons["htm"] = "web.svg";
$icons["gif"] = "image.svg";
$icons["jpg"] = "image.svg";
$icons["jpeg"] = "image.svg";
$icons["bmp"] = "image.svg";
$icons["png"] = "image.svg";
$icons["tif"] = "image.svg";
$icons["tiff"] = "image.svg";
$icons["log"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["midi"] = "audio.svg";
$icons["pdf"] = "gnome-mime-application-pdf.svg";
$icons["wav"] = "audio.svg";
$icons["mp3"] = "audio.svg";
$icons["opus"] = "audio.svg";
$icons["c"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["cpp"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["h"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["java"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["py"] = "text-x-preview.svg";
$icons["tar"] = "package.svg";
$icons["gz"] = "package.svg";
$icons["7z"] = "package.svg";
$icons["bz"] = "package.svg";
$icons["bz2"] = "package.svg";
$icons["tgz"] = "package.svg";
$icons["zip"] = "package.svg";
$icons["rar"] = "package.svg";
$icons["mpg"] = "video.svg";
$icons["avi"] = "video.svg";
$icons["webm"] = "video.svg";
$icons["mkv"] = "video.svg";
$icons["ods"] = "office-spreadsheet.svg";
$icons["ots"] = "office-spreadsheet.svg";
$icons["sxc"] = "office-spreadsheet.svg";
$icons["stc"] = "office-spreadsheet.svg";
$icons["odt"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["ott"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["sxw"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["stw"] = "office-document.svg";
$icons["odp"] = "office-presentation.svg";
$icons["otp"] = "office-presentation.svg";
$icons["sxi"] = "office-presentation.svg";
$icons["sti"] = "office-presentation.svg";
$icons["odg"] = "office-drawing.svg";
$icons["otg"] = "office-drawing.svg";
$icons["sxd"] = "office-drawing.svg";
$icons["std"] = "office-drawing.svg";
$icons["odf"] = "ooo_formula.png";
$icons["sxm"] = "ooo_formula.png";
$icons["smf"] = "ooo_formula.png";
$icons["mml"] = "ooo_formula.png";
$icons["folder"] = "folder.svg";
$icons["default"] = "text-x-preview.svg"; //"default.png";
$ext = strtolower(substr($fileType, 1));
if (isset($icons[$ext])) {
return $this->imgpath.$icons[$ext];
else {
return $this->imgpath.$icons["default"];
} /* }}} */
* Get html for button opening a modal box
* @param array $config contains elements
* target: id of modal box
* remote: URL of data to be loaded into box
* title: text on button
* @return string
function getModalBoxLink($config) { /* {{{ */
$content = '';
$content .= "<a data-target=\"#".$config['target']."\"".(isset($config['remote']) ? " href=\"".$config['remote']."\"" : "")." role=\"button\" class=\"".(isset($config['class']) ? $config['class'] : "btn")."\" data-toggle=\"modal\"";
if(!empty($config['attributes'])) {
foreach($config['attributes'] as $attrname=>$attrval)
$content .= ' '.$attrname.'="'.$attrval.'"';
$content .= ">".$config['title']."…</a>\n";
return $content;
} /* }}} */
* Get html for a modal box with buttons
* @param array $config contains elements
* id: id of modal box (must match target of getModalBoxLink())
* title: title of modal box
* buttons: array of buttons, each having a title and an optional id
* @return string
function getModalBox($config) { /* {{{ */
$content = '
<div class="modal hide" id="'.$config['id'].'" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="'.$config['id'].'Label" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<h3 id="'.$config['id'].'Label">'.$config['title'].'</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
$content .= $config['content'];
$content .= '<p>'.getMLText('data_loading').'</p>';
$content .= '
<div class="modal-footer">
if($config['buttons']) {
foreach($config['buttons'] as $button)
$content .= '<button class="btn'.(!empty($button['id']) ? ' btn-primary" id="'.$button['id'].'"': '" ').'data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">'.$button['title'].'</button>';
$content .= '
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function printFileChooserJs() { /* {{{ */
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('change', '.btn-file :file', function() {
var input = $(this),
numFiles = input.get(0).files ? input.get(0).files.length : 1,
label = input.val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, '');
input.trigger('fileselect', [numFiles, label]);
$(document).on('fileselect', '.upload-file .btn-file :file', function(event, numFiles, label) {
var input = $(this).parents('.input-append').find(':text'),
log = numFiles > 1 ? numFiles + ' files selected' : label;
if( input.length ) {
} else {
// if( log ) alert(log);
} /* }}} */
function getFileChooserHtml($varname='userfile', $multiple=false, $accept='') { /* {{{ */
$id = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z]/', '', $varname);
$html = '
<div id="'.$id.'-upload-files">
<div id="'.$id.'-upload-file" class="upload-file">
<div class="input-append">
<input type="text" class="form-control" readonly>
<span class="btn btn-secondary btn-file">
'.getMLText("browse").'&hellip; <input id="'.$id.'" type="file" name="'.$varname.'"'.($multiple ? " multiple" : "").($accept ? ' accept="'.$accept.'"' : "").'>
return $html;
} /* }}} */
function printFileChooser($varname='userfile', $multiple=false, $accept='') { /* {{{ */
echo self::getFileChooserHtml($varname, $multiple, $accept);
} /* }}} */
function printDateChooser($defDate = '', $varName, $lang='', $dateformat='yyyy-mm-dd', $startdate='', $enddate='') { /* {{{ */
echo self::getDateChooser($defDate, $varName, $lang, $dateformat, $startdate, $enddate);
} /* }}} */
function getDateChooser($defDate = '', $varName, $lang='', $dateformat='yyyy-mm-dd', $startdate='', $enddate='') { /* {{{ */
$content = '
<span class="input-append date span12 datepicker" id="'.$varName.'date" data-date="'.$defDate.'" data-selectmenu="presetexpdate" data-date-format="'.$dateformat.'"'.($lang ? ' data-date-language="'.str_replace('_', '-', $lang).'"' : '').($startdate ? ' data-date-start-date="'.$startdate.'"' : '').($enddate ? ' data-date-end-date="'.$enddate.'"' : '').'>
<input class="span6" size="16" name="'.$varName.'" id="'.$varName.'" type="text" value="'.$defDate.'" autocomplete="off">
<span class="add-on"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></span>
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function __printDateChooser($defDate = -1, $varName) { /* {{{ */
if ($defDate == -1)
$defDate = mktime();
$day = date("d", $defDate);
$month = date("m", $defDate);
$year = date("Y", $defDate);
print "<select name=\"" . $varName . "day\">\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
print "<option value=\"" . $i . "\"";
if (intval($day) == $i)
print " selected";
print ">" . $i . "</option>\n";
print "</select> \n";
print "<select name=\"" . $varName . "month\">\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
print "<option value=\"" . $i . "\"";
if (intval($month) == $i)
print " selected";
print ">" . $i . "</option>\n";
print "</select> \n";
print "<select name=\"" . $varName . "year\">\n";
for ($i = $year-5 ; $i <= $year+5 ; $i++)
print "<option value=\"" . $i . "\"";
if (intval($year) == $i)
print " selected";
print ">" . $i . "</option>\n";
print "</select>";
} /* }}} */
function printSequenceChooser($objArr, $keepID = -1) { /* {{{ */
echo $this->getSequenceChooser($objArr, $keepID);
} /* }}} */
function getSequenceChooser($objArr, $keepID = -1) { /* {{{ */
if (count($objArr) > 0) {
$max = $objArr[count($objArr)-1]->getSequence() + 1;
$min = $objArr[0]->getSequence() - 1;
else {
$max = 1.0;
$content = "<select name=\"sequence\">\n";
if ($keepID != -1) {
$content .= " <option value=\"keep\">" . getMLText("seq_keep");
if($this->params['defaultposition'] != 'start')
$content .= " <option value=\"".$max."\">" . getMLText("seq_end");
if (count($objArr) > 0) {
$content .= " <option value=\"".$min."\">" . getMLText("seq_start");
if($this->params['defaultposition'] == 'start')
$content .= " <option value=\"".$max."\">" . getMLText("seq_end");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($objArr) - 1; $i++) {
if (($objArr[$i]->getID() == $keepID) || (($i + 1 < count($objArr)) && ($objArr[$i+1]->getID() == $keepID))) {
$index = ($objArr[$i]->getSequence() + $objArr[$i+1]->getSequence()) / 2;
$content .= " <option value=\"".$index."\">" . getMLText("seq_after", array("prevname" => htmlspecialchars($objArr[$i]->getName())));
$content .= "</select>";
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function getDocumentChooserHtml($form, $default=false, $formname='', $skiptree=false) { /* {{{ */
$formname = "docid";
$formid = md5($formname.$form);
$content = '';
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"".$formid."\" name=\"".$formname."\" value=\"". (($default) ? $default->getID() : "") ."\">";
$content .= "<div class=\"input-append\">\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"text\" id=\"choosedocsearch".$formid."\" data-target=\"".$formid."\" data-provide=\"typeahead\" name=\"docname".$formid."\"value=\"" . (($default) ? htmlspecialchars($default->getName()) : "") ."\" placeholder=\"".getMLText('type_to_search')."\" autocomplete=\"off\" />";
$content .= "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn\" id=\"cleardocument".$form."\" data-target=\"".$formid."\"><i class=\"fa fa-remove\"></i></button>";
$content .= $this->getModalBoxLink(
'target' => 'docChooser'.$formid,
'remote' => "../out/out.DocumentChooser.php?form=".$formid."&folderid=".$this->params['rootfolderid'],
'title' => getMLText('document')
$content .= "</div>\n";
$content .= $this->getModalBox(
'id' => 'docChooser'.$formid,
'title' => getMLText('choose_target_document'),
'buttons' => array(
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function printDocumentChooserHtml($formName) { /* {{{ */
echo self::getDocumentChooserHtml($formName);
} /* }}} */
* This function is deprecated. Don't use it anymore. There is a generic
* folderSelected and documentSelected function in application.js
* If you extra functions to be called then define them in your own js code
function printDocumentChooserJs($form, $formname='') { /* {{{ */
$formname = "docid";
$formid = md5($formname.$form);
function documentSelected<?php echo $formid ?>(id, name) {
$('#<?php echo $formid ?>').val(id);
$('#choosedocsearch<?php echo $formid ?>').val(name);
$('#docChooser<?php echo $formid ?>').modal('hide');
function folderSelected<?php echo $formid ?>(id, name) {
} /* }}} */
function printDocumentChooser($form) { /* {{{ */
<script language="JavaScript">
} /* }}} */
function getFolderChooserHtml($form, $accessMode, $exclude = -1, $default = false, $formname = '', $skiptree = false) { /* {{{ */
$formname = "targetid";
$formid = md5($formname.$form);
$content = '';
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"".$formid."\" name=\"".$formname."\" value=\"". (($default) ? $default->getID() : "") ."\">";
$content .= "<div class=\"input-append\">\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"text\" id=\"choosefoldersearch".$formid."\" data-target=\"".$formid."\" data-provide=\"typeahead\" name=\"targetname".$formid."\" value=\"". (($default) ? htmlspecialchars($default->getName()) : "") ."\" placeholder=\"".getMLText('type_to_search')."\" autocomplete=\"off\" target=\"".$formid."\"/>";
$content .= "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn\" id=\"clearfolder".$formid."\" data-target=\"".$formid."\"><i class=\"fa fa-remove\"></i></button>";
if(!$skiptree) {
$content .= $this->getModalBoxLink(
'target' => 'folderChooser'.$formid,
'remote' => "../out/out.FolderChooser.php?form=".$formid."&mode=".$accessMode."&exclude=".$exclude,
'title' => getMLText('folder')
$content .= "</div>\n";
if(!$skiptree) {
$content .= $this->getModalBox(
'id' => 'folderChooser'.$formid,
'title' => getMLText('choose_target_folder'),
'buttons' => array(
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function printFolderChooserHtml($form, $accessMode, $exclude = -1, $default = false, $formname = '') { /* {{{ */
echo self::getFolderChooserHtml($form, $accessMode, $exclude, $default, $formname);
} /* }}} */
* This function is deprecated. Don't use it anymore. There is a generic
* folderSelected and documentSelected function in application.js
* If you extra functions to be called then define them in your own js code
function printFolderChooserJs($form, $formname='') { /* {{{ */
$formname = "targetid";
$formid = md5($formname.$form);
function folderSelected<?php echo $formid ?>(id, name) {
$('#<?php echo $formid ?>').val(id);
$('#choosefoldersearch<?php echo $formid ?>').val(name);
$('#folderChooser<?php echo $formid ?>').modal('hide');
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#clearfolder<?php print $formid ?>').click(function(ev) {
$('#choosefoldersearch<?php echo $formid ?>').val('');
$('#<?php echo $formid ?>').val('');
} /* }}} */
function printFolderChooser($form, $accessMode, $exclude = -1, $default = false, $formname='') { /* {{{ */
$this->printFolderChooserHtml($form, $accessMode, $exclude, $default, $formname);
<script language="JavaScript">
$this->printFolderChooserJs($form, $formname);
} /* }}} */
function printKeywordChooserHtml($formName, $keywords='', $fieldname='keywords') { /* {{{ */
echo self::getKeywordChooserHtml($formName, $keywords, $fieldname);
} /* }}} */
function getKeywordChooserHtml($formName, $keywords='', $fieldname='keywords') { /* {{{ */
$strictformcheck = $this->params['strictformcheck'];
$content = '';
$content .= '
<div class="input-append">
<input type="text" name="'.$fieldname.'" id="'.$fieldname.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($keywords).'"'.($strictformcheck ? ' required' : '').' />';
$content .= $this->getModalBoxLink(
'target' => 'keywordChooser',
'remote' => "../out/out.KeywordChooser.php?target=".$formName,
'title' => getMLText('keywords')
$content .= '
$content .= $this->getModalBox(
'id' => 'keywordChooser',
'title' => getMLText('use_default_keywords'),
'buttons' => array(
array('id'=>'acceptkeywords', 'title'=>getMLText('save')),
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function printKeywordChooserJs($formName) { /* {{{ */
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#acceptkeywords').click(function(ev) {
} /* }}} */
function printKeywordChooser($formName, $keywords='', $fieldname='keywords') { /* {{{ */
$this->printKeywordChooserHtml($formName, $keywords, $fieldname);
<script language="JavaScript">
} /* }}} */
* Output a single attribute in the document info section
* @param object $attribute attribute
protected function printAttributeValue($attribute) { /* {{{ */
echo self::getAttributeValue($attribute);
} /* }}} */
function getAttributeValue($attribute) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
$attrdef = $attribute->getAttributeDefinition();
switch($attrdef->getType()) {
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_url:
$attrs = $attribute->getValueAsArray();
$tmp = array();
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
$tmp[] = '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($attr).'">'.htmlspecialchars($attr).'</a>';
return implode('<br />', $tmp);
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_email:
$attrs = $attribute->getValueAsArray();
$tmp = array();
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
$tmp[] = '<a mailto="'.htmlspecialchars($attr).'">'.htmlspecialchars($attr).'</a>';
return implode('<br />', $tmp);
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_folder:
$attrs = $attribute->getValueAsArray();
$tmp = array();
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
if($targetfolder = $dms->getFolder(intval($attr)))
$tmp[] = '<a href="../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid='.$targetfolder->getId().'">'.htmlspecialchars($targetfolder->getName()).'</a>';
return implode('<br />', $tmp);
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_document:
$attrs = $attribute->getValueAsArray();
$tmp = array();
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
if($targetdoc = $dms->getDocument(intval($attr)))
$tmp[] = '<a href="../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid='.$targetdoc->getId().'">'.htmlspecialchars($targetdoc->getName()).'</a>';
return implode('<br />', $tmp);
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_user:
$attrs = $attribute->getValueAsArray();
$tmp = array();
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
$curuser = $dms->getUser((int) $attr);
$tmp[] = $curuser->getFullname()." (".$curuser->getLogin().")";
return implode('<br />', $tmp);
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_group:
$attrs = $attribute->getValueAsArray();
$tmp = array();
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
$curgroup = $dms->getGroup((int) $attr);
$tmp[] = $curgroup->getName();
return implode('<br />', $tmp);
return htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $attribute->getValueAsArray()));
} /* }}} */
function printAttributeEditField($attrdef, $attribute, $fieldname='attributes', $norequire=false) { /* {{{ */
echo self::getAttributeEditField($attrdef, $attribute, $fieldname, $norequire);
} /* }}} */
function getAttributeEditField($attrdef, $attribute, $fieldname='attributes', $norequire=false) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
$content = '';
switch($attrdef->getType()) {
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_boolean:
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->getValue() : $attribute) : '';
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]\" value=\"\" />";
$content .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"".$fieldname."_".$attrdef->getId()."\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]\" value=\"1\" ".($objvalue ? 'checked' : '')." />";
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_date:
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->getValue() : $attribute) : '';
$content .= '<span class="input-append date datepicker" data-date="'.date('Y-m-d').'" data-date-format="yyyy-mm-dd" data-date-language="'.str_replace('_', '-', $this->params['session']->getLanguage()).'">
<input id="'.$fieldname.'_'.$attrdef->getId().'" class="span9" size="16" name="'.$fieldname.'['.$attrdef->getId().']" type="text" value="'.($objvalue ? $objvalue : '').'">
<span class="add-on"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></span>
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_email:
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->getValue() : $attribute) : '';
$content .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($objvalue)."\"".((!$norequire && $attrdef->getMinValues() > 0) ? ' required' : '').' data-rule-email="true"'." />";
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_float:
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->getValue() : $attribute) : '';
$content .= "<input type=\"text\" id=\"".$fieldname."_".$attrdef->getId()."\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($objvalue)."\"".((!$norequire && $attrdef->getMinValues() > 0) ? ' required' : '')." data-rule-number=\"true\"/>";
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_folder:
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? (int) $attribute->getValue() : (int) $attribute) : 0;
$target = $dms->getFolder($objvalue);
$target = null;
$content .= $this->getFolderChooserHtml("attr".$attrdef->getId(), M_READWRITE, -1, $target, $fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]", false);
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_document:
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? (int) $attribute->getValue() : (int) $attribute) : 0;
$target = $dms->getDocument($objvalue);
$target = null;
$content .= $this->getDocumentChooserHtml("attr".$attrdef->getId(), $target, $fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]");
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_user:
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->getValueAsArray() : $attribute) : array();
$users = $dms->getAllUsers();
if($users) {
$allowempty = $attrdef->getMinValues() == 0;
$allowmultiple = $attrdef->getMultipleValues();
$content .= "<select class=\"chzn-select\"".($allowempty ? " data-allow-clear=\"true\"" : "")."\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]".($allowmultiple ? '[]' : '')."\"".($allowmultiple ? " multiple" : "")." data-placeholder=\"".getMLText("select_user")."\">";
$content .= "<option value=\"\"></option>";
foreach($users as $curuser) {
$content .= "<option value=\"".$curuser->getID()."\"";
if(in_array($curuser->getID(), $objvalue))
$content .= " selected";
$content .= ">".htmlspecialchars($curuser->getLogin()." - ".$curuser->getFullName())."</option>";
$content .= "</select>";
} else {
$content .= getMLText('no_users');
case SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_group:
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->getValueAsArray() : $attribute) : array();
$groups = $dms->getAllGroups();
if($groups) {
$allowempty = $attrdef->getMinValues() == 0;
$allowmultiple = $attrdef->getMultipleValues();
$content .= "<select class=\"chzn-select\"".($allowempty ? " data-allow-clear=\"true\"" : "")."\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]".($allowmultiple ? '[]' : '')."\"".($allowmultiple ? " multiple" : "")." data-placeholder=\"".getMLText("select_group")."\">";
$content .= "<option value=\"\"></option>";
foreach($groups as $curgroup) {
$content .= "<option value=\"".$curgroup->getID()."\"";
if(in_array($curgroup->getID(), $objvalue))
$content .= " selected";
$content .= ">".htmlspecialchars($curgroup->getName())."</option>";
$content .= "</select>";
} else {
$content .= getMLText('no_groups');
if($valueset = $attrdef->getValueSetAsArray()) {
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]\" value=\"\"/>";
$content .= "<select id=\"".$fieldname."_".$attrdef->getId()."\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]";
if($attrdef->getMultipleValues()) {
$content .= "[]\" multiple";
} else {
$content .= "\" data-allow-clear=\"true\"";
$content .= "".((!$norequire && $attrdef->getMinValues() > 0) ? ' required' : '')." class=\"chzn-select\" data-placeholder=\"".getMLText("select_value")."\">";
if(!$attrdef->getMultipleValues()) {
$content .= "<option value=\"\"></option>";
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->getValueAsArray() : $attribute) : array();
foreach($valueset as $value) {
if($value) {
$content .= "<option value=\"".htmlspecialchars($value)."\"";
if(is_array($objvalue) && in_array($value, $objvalue))
$content .= " selected";
elseif($value == $objvalue)
$content .= " selected";
$content .= ">".htmlspecialchars($value)."</option>";
$content .= "</select>";
} else {
$objvalue = $attribute ? (is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->getValue() : $attribute) : '';
if(strlen($objvalue) > 80) {
$content .= "<textarea id=\"".$fieldname."_".$attrdef->getId()."\" class=\"input-xxlarge\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]\"".((!$norequire && $attrdef->getMinValues() > 0) ? ' required' : '').">".htmlspecialchars($objvalue)."</textarea>";
} else {
$content .= "<input type=\"text\" id=\"".$fieldname."_".$attrdef->getId()."\" name=\"".$fieldname."[".$attrdef->getId()."]\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($objvalue)."\"".((!$norequire && $attrdef->getMinValues() > 0) ? ' required' : '').($attrdef->getType() == SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition::type_int ? ' data-rule-digits="true"' : '')." />";
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function printDropFolderChooserHtml($formName, $dropfolderfile="", $showfolders=0) { /* {{{ */
echo self::getDropFolderChooserHtml($formName, $dropfolderfile, $showfolders);
} /* }}} */
function getDropFolderChooserHtml($formName, $dropfolderfile="", $showfolders=0) { /* {{{ */
$content = "<div class=\"input-append\">\n";
$content .= "<input readonly type=\"text\" id=\"dropfolderfile".$formName."\" name=\"dropfolderfile".$formName."\" value=\"".$dropfolderfile."\">";
$content .= "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn\" id=\"clearfilename".$formName."\"><i class=\"fa fa-remove\"></i></button>";
$content .= $this->getModalBoxLink(
'target' => 'dropfolderChooser',
'remote' => "../out/out.DropFolderChooser.php?form=".$formName."&dropfolderfile=".urlencode($dropfolderfile)."&showfolders=".$showfolders,
'title' => ($showfolders ? getMLText("choose_target_folder"): getMLText("choose_target_file"))
$content .= "</div>\n";
$content .= $this->getModalBox(
'id' => 'dropfolderChooser',
'title' => ($showfolders ? getMLText("choose_target_folder"): getMLText("choose_target_file")),
'buttons' => array(
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function printDropFolderChooserJs($formName, $showfolders=0) { /* {{{ */
/* Set up a callback which is called when a folder in the tree is selected */
modalDropfolderChooser = $('#dropfolderChooser');
function fileSelected(name, form) {
// $('#dropfolderfile<?php echo $formName ?>').val(name);
<?php if($showfolders) { ?>
function folderSelected(name, form) {
// $('#dropfolderfile<?php echo $formName ?>').val(name);
<?php } ?>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#clearfilename<?php print $formName ?>').click(function(ev) {
$('#dropfolderfile<?php echo $formName ?>').val('');
} /* }}} */
function printDropFolderChooser($formName, $dropfolderfile="", $showfolders=0) { /* {{{ */
$this->printDropFolderChooserHtml($formName, $dropfolderfile, $showfolders);
<script language="JavaScript">
$this->printDropFolderChooserJs($formName, $showfolders);
} /* }}} */
function getImgPath($img) { /* {{{ */
// if ( is_file($this->imgpath.$img) ) {
return $this->imgpath.$img;
// }
return "";
} /* }}} */
function getCountryFlag($lang) { /* {{{ */
switch($lang) {
case "en_GB":
return 'flags/gb.png';
return 'flags/'.substr($lang, 0, 2).'.png';
} /* }}} */
function printImgPath($img) { /* {{{ */
print $this->getImgPath($img);
} /* }}} */
function infoMsg($msg) { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"alert alert-info\">\n";
echo $msg;
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function warningMsg($msg) { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"alert alert-warning\">\n";
echo $msg;
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function errorMsg($msg) { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"alert alert-error\">\n";
echo $msg;
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function successMsg($msg) { /* {{{ */
echo "<div class=\"alert alert-success\">\n";
echo $msg;
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
function ___exitError($pagetitle, $error, $noexit=false, $plain=false) { /* {{{ */
/* This is just a hack to prevent creation of js files in an error
* case, because they will contain this error page again. It would be much
* better, if there was extra error() function similar to show() and calling
* $view() after setting the action to 'error'. This would also allow to
* set separate error pages for each view.
if(!$noexit && isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
if(in_array($_REQUEST['action'], array('js', 'footerjs'))) {
if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'webrootjs') {
if(!$plain) {
print "<div class=\"alert alert-error\">";
print "<h4>".getMLText('error')."!</h4>";
print htmlspecialchars($error);
print "</div>";
if(!$plain) {
print "<div><button class=\"btn history-back\">".getMLText('back')."</button></div>";
add_log_line(" UI::exitError error=".$error." pagetitle=".$pagetitle, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
} /* }}} */
function printNewTreeNavigation($folderid=0, $accessmode=M_READ, $showdocs=0, $formid='form1', $expandtree=0, $orderby='') { /* {{{ */
$this->printNewTreeNavigationHtml($folderid, $accessmode, $showdocs, $formid, $expandtree, $orderby);
<script language="JavaScript">
$this->printNewTreeNavigationJs($folderid, $accessmode, $showdocs, $formid, $expandtree, $orderby);
} /* }}} */
function printNewTreeNavigationHtml($folderid=0, $accessmode=M_READ, $showdocs=0, $formid='form1', $expandtree=0, $orderby='') { /* {{{ */
//echo "<div id=\"jqtree".$formid."\" style=\"margin-left: 10px;\" data-url=\"../op/op.Ajax.php?command=subtree&showdocs=".$showdocs."&orderby=".$orderby."\"></div>\n";
echo "<div id=\"jqtree".$formid."\" style=\"margin-left: 10px;\" data-url=\"".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."?action=subtree\"></div>\n";
} /* }}} */
* Create a tree of folders using jqtree.
* The tree can contain folders only or include documents.
* @param integer $folderid current folderid. If set the tree will be
* folded out and the all folders in the path will be visible
* @param integer $accessmode use this access mode when retrieving folders
* and documents shown in the tree
* @param boolean $showdocs set to true if tree shall contain documents
* as well.
* @param integer $expandtree level to which the tree shall be opened
* @param boolean $partialtree set to true if the given folder is the start folder
function printNewTreeNavigationJs($folderid=0, $accessmode=M_READ, $showdocs=0, $formid='form1', $expandtree=0, $orderby='', $partialtree=false) { /* {{{ */
function jqtree($path, $folder, $user, $accessmode, $showdocs=1, $expandtree=0, $orderby='', $level=0) { /* {{{ */
$orderdir = (isset($orderby[1]) ? ($orderby[1] == 'd' ? 'desc' : 'asc') : 'asc');
if($path/* || $expandtree>=$level*/) {
$pathfolder = array_shift($path);
$children = array();
if($expandtree) {
$subfolders = $folder->getSubFolders(isset($orderby[0]) ? $orderby[0] : '', $orderdir);
$subfolders = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subfolders, $user, $accessmode);
} else {
$subfolders = array($pathfolder);
foreach($subfolders as $subfolder) {
$node = array('label'=>$subfolder->getName(), 'id'=>$subfolder->getID(), 'load_on_demand'=>(1 && ($subfolder->hasSubFolders() || ($subfolder->hasDocuments() && $showdocs))) ? true : false, 'is_folder'=>true);
if(/*$expandtree>=$level ||*/ $pathfolder->getID() == $subfolder->getID()) {
$node['children'] = jqtree($path, $subfolder, $user, $accessmode, $showdocs, $expandtree, $orderby, $level+1);
if($showdocs) {
$documents = $subfolder->getDocuments(isset($orderby[0]) ? $orderby[0] : '', $orderdir);
$documents = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($documents, $user, $accessmode);
foreach($documents as $document) {
$node2 = array('label'=>$document->getName(), 'id'=>$document->getID(), 'load_on_demand'=>false, 'is_folder'=>false);
$node['children'][] = $node2;
$children[] = $node;
return $children;
} else {
$subfolders = $folder->getSubFolders(isset($orderby[0]) ? $orderby[0] : '', $orderdir);
$subfolders = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subfolders, $user, $accessmode);
$children = array();
foreach($subfolders as $subfolder) {
$node = array('label'=>$subfolder->getName(), 'id'=>$subfolder->getID(), 'load_on_demand'=>($subfolder->hasSubFolders() || ($subfolder->hasDocuments() && $showdocs)) ? true : false, 'is_folder'=>true);
$children[] = $node;
return $children;
return array();
} /* }}} */
$orderdir = (isset($orderby[1]) ? ($orderby[1] == 'd' ? 'desc' : 'asc') : 'asc');
if($folderid) {
$folder = $this->params['dms']->getFolder($folderid);
if(!$partialtree) {
$path = $folder->getPath();
/* Get the first folder (root folder) of path */
$folder = array_shift($path);
$node = array('label'=>$folder->getName(), 'id'=>$folder->getID(), 'load_on_demand'=>false, 'is_folder'=>true);
if(!$folder->hasSubFolders()) {
$node['load_on_demand'] = true;
$node['children'] = array();
} else {
$node['children'] = jqtree($path, $folder, $this->params['user'], $accessmode, $showdocs, 1 /*$expandtree*/, $orderby, 0);
if($showdocs) {
$documents = $folder->getDocuments(isset($orderby[0]) ? $orderby[0] : '', $orderdir);
$documents = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($documents, $this->params['user'], $accessmode);
foreach($documents as $document) {
$node2 = array('label'=>$document->getName(), 'id'=>$document->getID(), 'load_on_demand'=>false, 'is_folder'=>false);
$node['children'][] = $node2;
/* Nasty hack to remove the highest folder */
if(isset($this->params['remove_root_from_tree']) && $this->params['remove_root_from_tree']) {
foreach($node['children'] as $n)
$tree[] = $n;
} else {
$tree[] = $node;
} else {
$root = $this->params['dms']->getFolder($this->params['rootfolderid']);
$tree = array(array('label'=>$root->getName(), 'id'=>$root->getID(), 'load_on_demand'=>false, 'is_folder'=>true));
var data = <?php echo json_encode($tree); ?>;
$(function() {
const $tree = $('#jqtree<?php echo $formid ?>');
// saveState: false,
selectable: true,
data: data,
saveState: 'jqtree<?php echo $formid; ?>',
openedIcon: $('<i class="fa fa-minus-circle"></i>'),
closedIcon: $('<i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i>'),
_onCanSelectNode: function(node) {
if(node.is_folder) {
folderSelected<?= $formid ?>(,;
treeFolderSelected('<?= $formid ?>',,;
} else {
documentSelected<?= $formid ?>(,;
treeDocumentSelected('<?= $formid ?>',,;
autoOpen: false,
drapAndDrop: true,
onCreateLi: function(node, $li) {
// Add 'icon' span before title
$li.find('.jqtree-title').before('<i class="fa fa-folder-o table-row-folder droptarget" data-droptarget="folder_' + + '" rel="folder_' + + '"></i> ').attr('data-name','rel', 'folder_' +'formtoken', '<?php echo createFormKey(''); ?>').attr('data-uploadformtoken', '<?php echo createFormKey(''); ?>').attr('data-droptarget', 'folder_' +'droptarget');
$li.find('.jqtree-title').before('<i class="fa fa-file"></i> ');
// Unfold node for currently selected folder
$('#jqtree<?php echo $formid ?>').tree('selectNode', $('#jqtree<?php echo $formid ?>').tree('getNodeById', <?php echo $folderid ?>), false, true);
$('#jqtree<?php echo $formid ?>').on(
function(event) {
var node = event.node;
if(node.is_folder) {
<?php if($showdocs) { ?>
$('#jqtree<?php echo $formid ?>').tree('openNode', node);
// event.preventDefault();
if(typeof node.fetched == 'undefined') {
node.fetched = true;
$(this).tree('loadDataFromUrl', node, function () {
$(this).tree('openNode', node);
<?php } ?>
/* folderSelectedXXXX() can still be set, e.g. for the main tree
* to update the folder list.
if (typeof folderSelected<?= $formid ?> === 'function') {
folderSelected<?= $formid ?>(,;
treeFolderSelected('<?= $formid ?>',,;
} else {
<?php if($showdocs) { ?>
if (typeof documentSelected<?= $formid ?> === 'function') {
documentSelected<?= $formid ?>(,;
treeDocumentSelected('<?= $formid ?>',,;
<?php } ?>
$('#jqtree<?php echo $formid ?>').on(
function(event) {
// The clicked node is 'event.node'
var node = event.node;
if(typeof node.fetched == 'undefined') {
node.fetched = true;
$(this).tree('loadDataFromUrl', node);
$(this).tree('openNode', node);
$("#jqtree").on('dragenter', function (e) {
attr_rel = $(e.srcElement).attr('rel');
if(typeof attr_rel == 'undefined')
target_type = attr_rel.split("_")[0];
target_id = attr_rel.split("_")[1];
var node = $(this).tree('getNodeById', parseInt(target_id));
if(typeof node.fetched == 'undefined') {
node.fetched = true;
$(this).tree('loadDataFromUrl', node, function() {$(this).tree('openNode', node);});
} /* }}} */
* Return json data for sub tree of navigation tree
function printNewTreeNavigationSubtree($folderid, $showdocs=0, $orderby='') { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
$user = $this->params['user'];
$folder = $dms->getFolder($folderid);
if (!is_object($folder)) return '';
$subfolders = $folder->getSubFolders($orderby);
$subfolders = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subfolders, $user, M_READ);
$tree = array();
foreach($subfolders as $subfolder) {
$loadondemand = $subfolder->hasSubFolders() || ($subfolder->hasDocuments() && $showdocs);
$level = array('label'=>$subfolder->getName(), 'id'=>$subfolder->getID(), 'load_on_demand'=>$loadondemand, 'is_folder'=>true);
$level['children'] = array();
$tree[] = $level;
if($showdocs) {
$documents = $folder->getDocuments($orderby);
$documents = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($documents, $user, M_READ);
foreach($documents as $document) {
$level = array('label'=>$document->getName(), 'id'=>$document->getID(), 'load_on_demand'=>false, 'is_folder'=>false);
$tree[] = $level;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($tree);
} /* }}} */
* Deprecated!
function __printTreeNavigation($folderid, $showtree){ /* {{{ */
if ($showtree==1){
$this->contentHeading("<a href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=". $folderid."&showtree=0\"><i class=\"fa fa-minus-circle\"></i></a>", true);
<script language="JavaScript">
function folderSelected(id, name) {
window.location = '../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=' + id;
$this->printNewTreeNavigation($folderid, M_READ, 0, '');
} else {
$this->contentHeading("<a href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=". $folderid."&showtree=1\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus-circle\"></i></a>", true);
} /* }}} */
* Print clipboard in div container
* @param array clipboard
function printClipboard($clipboard, $previewer){ /* {{{ */
echo "<div id=\"clipboard-container\" class=\"_clipboard-container\">\n";
$this->contentHeading(getMLText("clipboard").'<span id="clipboard-float"><i class="fa fa-sort"></i></span>', true);
echo "<div id=\"main-clipboard\">\n";
<div class="ajax" data-view="Clipboard" data-action="mainClipboard"></div>
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} /* }}} */
* Wrap text in inline editing tags
* @param string text
function printInlineEdit($text, $object){ /* {{{ */
if(!empty($this->params['settings']->_inlineEditing)) {
echo "<span class=\"editable\" contenteditable=\"true\"";
echo " data-document=\"".$object->getId()."\"";
echo ">".$text;
echo "</span>\n";
} else
echo $text;
} /* }}} */
* Print button with link for deleting a document
* This button is used in document listings (e.g. on the ViewFolder page)
* for deleting a document. In seeddms version < 4.3.9 this was just a
* link to the out/out.RemoveDocument.php page which asks for confirmation
* an than calls op/op.RemoveDocument.php. Starting with version 4.3.9
* the button just opens a small popup asking for confirmation and than
* calls the ajax command 'deletedocument'. The ajax call is called
* in the click function of 'button.removedocument'. That button needs
* to have two attributes: 'rel' for the id of the document, and 'msg'
* for the message shown by notify if the document could be deleted.
* @param object $document document to be deleted
* @param string $msg message shown in case of successful deletion
* @param boolean $return return html instead of printing it
* @return string html content if $return is true, otherwise an empty string
function printDeleteDocumentButton($document, $msg, $return=false){ /* {{{ */
$docid = $document->getID();
$content = '';
$content .= '<a class="delete-document-btn" rel="'.$docid.'" msg="'.getMLText($msg).'" confirmmsg="'.htmlspecialchars(getMLText("confirm_rm_document", array ("documentname" => $document->getName())), ENT_QUOTES).'"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></a>';
return $content;
echo $content;
return '';
} /* }}} */
function printDeleteDocumentButtonJs(){ /* {{{ */
echo "
$(document).ready(function () {
// $('.delete-document-btn').click(function(ev) {
$('body').on('click', 'a.delete-document-btn', function(ev){
id = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('rel');
confirmmsg = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('confirmmsg');
msg = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('msg');
formtoken = '".createFormKey('removedocument')."';
bootbox.dialog(confirmmsg, [{
\"label\" : \"<i class='fa fa-remove'></i> ".getMLText("rm_document")."\",
\"class\" : \"btn-danger\",
\"callback\": function() {
{ command: 'deletedocument', id: id, formtoken: formtoken },
function(data) {
if(data.success) {
text: msg,
type: 'success',
dismissQueue: true,
layout: 'topRight',
theme: 'defaultTheme',
timeout: 1500,
} else {
text: data.message,
type: 'error',
dismissQueue: true,
layout: 'topRight',
theme: 'defaultTheme',
timeout: 3500,
}, {
\"label\" : \"".getMLText("cancel")."\",
\"class\" : \"btn-cancel\",
\"callback\": function() {
} /* }}} */
* Print button with link for deleting a folder
* This button works like document delete button
* {@link SeedDMS_Bootstrap_Style::printDeleteDocumentButton()}
* @param object $folder folder to be deleted
* @param string $msg message shown in case of successful deletion
* @param boolean $return return html instead of printing it
* @return string html content if $return is true, otherwise an empty string
function printDeleteFolderButton($folder, $msg, $return=false){ /* {{{ */
$folderid = $folder->getID();
$content = '';
$content .= '<a class="delete-folder-btn" rel="'.$folderid.'" msg="'.getMLText($msg).'" confirmmsg="'.htmlspecialchars(getMLText("confirm_rm_folder", array ("foldername" => $folder->getName())), ENT_QUOTES).'"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></a>';
return $content;
echo $content;
return '';
} /* }}} */
function printDeleteFolderButtonJs(){ /* {{{ */
echo "
$(document).ready(function () {
// $('.delete-folder-btn').click(function(ev) {
$('body').on('click', 'a.delete-folder-btn', function(ev){
id = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('rel');
confirmmsg = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('confirmmsg');
msg = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('msg');
formtoken = '".createFormKey('removefolder')."';
bootbox.dialog(confirmmsg, [{
\"label\" : \"<i class='fa fa-remove'></i> ".getMLText("rm_folder")."\",
\"class\" : \"btn-danger\",
\"callback\": function() {
{ command: 'deletefolder', id: id, formtoken: formtoken },
function(data) {
if(data.success) {
text: msg,
type: 'success',
dismissQueue: true,
layout: 'topRight',
theme: 'defaultTheme',
timeout: 1500,
} else {
text: data.message,
type: 'error',
dismissQueue: true,
layout: 'topRight',
theme: 'defaultTheme',
timeout: 3500,
}, {
\"label\" : \"".getMLText("cancel")."\",
\"class\" : \"btn-cancel\",
\"callback\": function() {
} /* }}} */
function printLockButton($document, $msglock, $msgunlock, $return=false) { /* {{{ */
$docid = $document->getID();
if($document->isLocked()) {
$icon = 'unlock';
$msg = $msgunlock;
$title = 'unlock_document';
} else {
$icon = 'lock';
$msg = $msglock;
$title = 'lock_document';
$content = '';
$content .= '<a class="lock-document-btn" rel="'.$docid.'" msg="'.getMLText($msg).'" title="'.getMLText($title).'"><i class="fa fa-'.$icon.'"></i></a>';
return $content;
echo $content;
return '';
} /* }}} */
* Output left-arrow with link which takes over a number of ids into
* a select box.
* Clicking in the button will preset the comma seperated list of ids
* in data-ref as options in the select box with name $name
* @param string $name id of select box
* @param array $ids list of option values
function getSelectPresetButtonHtml($name, $ids) { /* {{{ */
return '<span id="'.$name.'_btn" class="selectpreset_btn" style="cursor: pointer;" title="'.getMLText("takeOver".$name).'" data-ref="'.$name.'" data-ids="'.implode(",", $ids).'"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></span>';
} /* }}} */
* Output left-arrow with link which takes over a number of ids into
* a select box.
* Clicking in the button will preset the comma seperated list of ids
* in data-ref as options in the select box with name $name
* @param string $name id of select box
* @param array $ids list of option values
function printSelectPresetButtonHtml($name, $ids) { /* {{{ */
echo self::getSelectPresetButtonHtml($name, $ids);
} /* }}} */
* Javascript code for select preset button
function printSelectPresetButtonJs() { /* {{{ */
$(document).ready( function() {
if (typeof $(ev.currentTarget).data('ids') != 'undefined') {
target = $(ev.currentTarget).data('ref');
// Use attr() instead of data() because data() converts to int which cannot be split
items = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('data-ids');
arr = items.split(",");
for(var i in arr) {
$("#"+target+" option[value='"+arr[i]+"']").attr("selected", "selected");
// $("#"+target).trigger("chosen:updated");
} /* }}} */
* Get HTML for left-arrow with link which takes over a string into
* a input field.
* Clicking on the button will preset the string
* in data-ref the value of the input field with name $name
* @param string $name id of select box
* @param string $text text
function getInputPresetButtonHtml($name, $text, $sep='') { /* {{{ */
return '<span id="'.$name.'_btn" class="inputpreset_btn" style="cursor: pointer;" title="'.getMLText("takeOverAttributeValue").'" data-ref="'.$name.'" data-text="'.(is_array($text) ? implode($sep, $text) : htmlspecialchars($text)).'"'.($sep ? " data-sep=\"".$sep."\"" : "").'><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></span>';
} /* }}} */
* Output left-arrow with link which takes over a string into
* a input field.
* Clicking on the button will preset the string
* in data-ref the value of the input field with name $name
* @param string $name id of select box
* @param string $text text
function printInputPresetButtonHtml($name, $text, $sep='') { /* {{{ */
echo self::getInputPresetButtonHtml($name, $text, $sep);
} /* }}} */
* Javascript code for input preset button
* This code workѕ for input fields and single select fields
function printInputPresetButtonJs() { /* {{{ */
$(document).ready( function() {
if (typeof $(ev.currentTarget).data('text') != 'undefined') {
target = $(ev.currentTarget).data('ref');
value = $(ev.currentTarget).data('text');
sep = $(ev.currentTarget).data('sep');
if(sep) {
// Use attr() instead of data() because data() converts to int which cannot be split
arr = value.split(sep);
for(var i in arr) {
$("#"+target+" option[value='"+arr[i]+"']").attr("selected", "selected");
} else {
} /* }}} */
* Get HTML for left-arrow with link which takes over a boolean value
* into a checkbox field.
* Clicking on the button will preset the checkbox
* in data-ref the value of the input field with name $name
* @param string $name id of select box
* @param string $text text
function getCheckboxPresetButtonHtml($name, $text) { /* {{{ */
return '<span id="'.$name.'_btn" class="checkboxpreset_btn" style="cursor: pointer;" title="'.getMLText("takeOverAttributeValue").'" data-ref="'.$name.'" data-text="'.(is_array($text) ? implode($sep, $text) : htmlspecialchars($text)).'"'.($sep ? " data-sep=\"".$sep."\"" : "").'><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></span>';
} /* }}} */
* Output left-arrow with link which takes over a boolean value
* into a checkbox field.
* Clicking on the button will preset the checkbox
* in data-ref the value of the input field with name $name
* @param string $name id of select box
* @param string $text text
function printCheckboxPresetButtonHtml($name, $text) { /* {{{ */
self::getCheckboxPresetButtonHtml($name, $text);
} /* }}} */
* Javascript code for checkboxt preset button
* This code workѕ for checkboxes
function printCheckboxPresetButtonJs() { /* {{{ */
$(document).ready( function() {
if (typeof $(ev.currentTarget).data('text') != 'undefined') {
target = $(ev.currentTarget).data('ref');
value = $(ev.currentTarget).data('text');
if(value) {
$("#"+target).attr('checked', '');
} else {
} /* }}} */
* Print button with link for deleting an attribute value
* This button is used in document listings (e.g. on the ViewFolder page)
* for deleting a document. In seeddms version < 4.3.9 this was just a
* link to the out/out.RemoveDocument.php page which asks for confirmation
* an than calls op/op.RemoveDocument.php. Starting with version 4.3.9
* the button just opens a small popup asking for confirmation and than
* calls the ajax command 'deletedocument'. The ajax call is called
* in the click function of 'button.removedocument'. That button needs
* to have two attributes: 'rel' for the id of the document, and 'msg'
* for the message shown by notify if the document could be deleted.
* @param object $document document to be deleted
* @param string $msg message shown in case of successful deletion
* @param boolean $return return html instead of printing it
* @return string html content if $return is true, otherwise an empty string
function printDeleteAttributeValueButton($attrdef, $value, $msg, $return=false){ /* {{{ */
$content = '';
$content .= '<a class="delete-attribute-value-btn" rel="'.$attrdef->getID().'" msg="'.getMLText($msg).'" attrvalue="'.htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES).'" confirmmsg="'.htmlspecialchars(getMLText("confirm_rm_attr_value", array ("attrdefname" => $attrdef->getName())), ENT_QUOTES).'"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></a>';
return $content;
echo $content;
return '';
} /* }}} */
function printDeleteAttributeValueButtonJs(){ /* {{{ */
echo "
$(document).ready(function () {
// $('.delete-attribute-value-btn').click(function(ev) {
$('body').on('click', 'a.delete-attribute-value-btn', function(ev){
id = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('rel');
confirmmsg = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('confirmmsg');
attrvalue = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('attrvalue');
msg = $(ev.currentTarget).attr('msg');
formtoken = '".createFormKey('removeattrvalue')."';
bootbox.dialog(confirmmsg, [{
\"label\" : \"<i class='fa fa-remove'></i> ".getMLText("rm_attr_value")."\",
\"class\" : \"btn-danger\",
\"callback\": function() {
{ action: 'removeattrvalue', attrdefid: id, attrvalue: attrvalue, formtoken: formtoken },
function(data) {
if(data.success) {
text: msg,
type: 'success',
dismissQueue: true,
layout: 'topRight',
theme: 'defaultTheme',
timeout: 1500,
} else {
text: data.message,
type: 'error',
dismissQueue: true,
layout: 'topRight',
theme: 'defaultTheme',
timeout: 3500,
}, {
\"label\" : \"".getMLText("cancel")."\",
\"class\" : \"btn-cancel\",
\"callback\": function() {
} /* }}} */
function printClickDocumentJs() { /* {{{ */
$onepage = $this->params['onepage'];
if($onepage) {
/* catch click on a document row in the list folders and documents */
$('body').on('click', '[id^=\"table-row-document\"] td:nth-child(2)', function(ev) {
attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
window.location = '../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=' + attr_id;
} /* }}} */
* Print js code which catches clicks on folder rows
* This method will catch a click on a folder row and changes the
* window.location to the out.ViewFolder.php page
* This code is not needed on the out.ViewFolder.php page itself, because
* a click will just reload the list of folders and documents.
function printClickFolderJs() { /* {{{ */
$onepage = $this->params['onepage'];
if($onepage) {
/* catch click on a document row in the list folders and documents */
$('body').on('click', '[id^=\"table-row-folder\"] td:nth-child(2)', function(ev) {
attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().data('target-id');
if(typeof attr_id == 'undefined')
attr_id = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().attr('id').split('-')[3];
window.location = '../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=' + attr_id;
} /* }}} */
* Start the row for a folder in list of documents and folders
* For a detailed description see
* {@link SeedDMS_Bootstrap_Style::folderListRowStart()}
function documentListRowStart($document, $class='') { /* {{{ */
$docID = $document->getID();
return "<tr id=\"table-row-document-".$docID."\" data-target-id=\"".$docID."\" class=\"table-row-document droptarget ".($class ? ' '.$class : '')."\" data-droptarget=\"document_".$docID."\" rel=\"document_".$docID."\" formtoken=\"".createFormKey('')."\" draggable=\"true\" data-name=\"".htmlspecialchars($document->getName(), ENT_QUOTES)."\">";
} /* }}} */
function documentListRowEnd($document) { /* {{{ */
return "</tr>\n";
} /* }}} */
* Return HTML of a single row in the document list table
* @param object $document
* @param object $previewer
* @param boolean $skipcont set to true if embrasing tr shall be skipped
function documentListRow($document, $previewer, $skipcont=false, $version=0, $extracontent=array()) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
$user = $this->params['user'];
$showtree = $this->params['showtree'];
$workflowmode = $this->params['workflowmode'];
$previewwidth = $this->params['previewWidthList'];
$enableClipboard = $this->params['enableclipboard'];
$onepage = $this->params['onepage'];
$content = '';
$owner = $document->getOwner();
$comment = $document->getComment();
if (strlen($comment) > 150) $comment = substr($comment, 0, 147) . "...";
$docID = $document->getID();
if($version) {
$latestContent = $this->callHook('documentContent', $document, $version);
if($latestContent === null)
$latestContent = $document->getContentByVersion($version);
} else {
$latestContent = $this->callHook('documentLatestContent', $document);
if($latestContent === null)
$latestContent = $document->getLatestContent();
if($latestContent) {
$content .= $this->documentListRowStart($document);
$version = $latestContent->getVersion();
$status = $latestContent->getStatus();
$needwkflaction = false;
if($workflowmode == 'advanced') {
$workflow = $latestContent->getWorkflow();
if($workflow) {
$needwkflaction = $latestContent->needsWorkflowAction($user);
/* Retrieve attacheѕ files */
$files = $document->getDocumentFiles($latestContent->getVersion());
$files = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterDocumentFiles($user, $files);
/* Retrieve linked documents */
$links = $document->getDocumentLinks();
$links = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterDocumentLinks($user, $links);
/* Retrieve reverse linked documents */
$revlinks = $document->getReverseDocumentLinks();
$revlinks = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterDocumentLinks($user, $revlinks);
$content .= "<td>";
if (file_exists($dms->contentDir . $latestContent->getPath())) {
$content .= "<a draggable=\"false\" href=\"../op/op.Download.php?documentid=".$docID."&version=".$version."\">";
if($previewer->hasPreview($latestContent)) {
$content .= "<img draggable=\"false\" class=\"mimeicon\" width=\"".$previewwidth."\" src=\"../op/op.Preview.php?documentid=".$document->getID()."&version=".$latestContent->getVersion()."&width=".$previewwidth."\" title=\"".htmlspecialchars($latestContent->getMimeType())."\">";
} else {
$content .= "<img draggable=\"false\" class=\"mimeicon\" width=\"".$previewwidth."\" src=\"".$this->getMimeIcon($latestContent->getFileType())."\" ".($previewwidth ? "width=\"".$previewwidth."\"" : "")."\" title=\"".htmlspecialchars($latestContent->getMimeType())."\">";
$content .= "</a>";
} else
$content .= "<img draggable=\"false\" class=\"mimeicon\" width=\"".$previewwidth."\" src=\"".$this->getMimeIcon($latestContent->getFileType())."\" title=\"".htmlspecialchars($latestContent->getMimeType())."\">";
$content .= "</td>";
$content .= "<td".($onepage ? ' style="cursor: pointer;"' : '').">";
$content .= "<b".($onepage ? ' title="Id:'.$document->getId().'"' : '').">".htmlspecialchars($document->getName()) . "</b>";
$content .= "<a draggable=\"false\" href=\"../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=".$docID."&showtree=".$showtree."\">" . htmlspecialchars($document->getName()) . "</a>";
$content .= $extracontent['below_title'];
$content .= "<br /><span style=\"font-size: 85%; font-style: italic; color: #666; \">".getMLText('owner').": <b>".htmlspecialchars($owner->getFullName())."</b>, ".getMLText('creation_date').": <b>".date('Y-m-d', $document->getDate())."</b>, ".getMLText('version')." <b>".$version."</b> - <b>".date('Y-m-d', $latestContent->getDate())."</b>".($document->expires() ? ", ".getMLText('expires').": <b>".getReadableDate($document->getExpires())."</b>" : "")."</span>";
if($comment) {
$content .= "<br /><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\">".htmlspecialchars($comment)."</span>";
$content .= $extracontent['bottom_title'];
$content .= "</td>\n";
$content .= "<td nowrap>";
$attentionstr = '';
if ( $document->isLocked() ) {
$attentionstr .= "<img src=\"".$this->getImgPath("lock.png")."\" title=\"". getMLText("locked_by").": ".htmlspecialchars($document->getLockingUser()->getFullName())."\"> ";
if ( $needwkflaction ) {
$attentionstr .= "<img src=\"".$this->getImgPath("attention.gif")."\" title=\"". getMLText("workflow").": ".htmlspecialchars($workflow->getName())."\"> ";
$content .= $attentionstr."<br />";
$content .= "<small>";
$content .= count($files)." ".getMLText("linked_files")."<br />";
if(count($links) || count($revlinks))
$content .= count($links)."/".count($revlinks)." ".getMLText("linked_documents")."<br />";
if($status["status"] == S_IN_WORKFLOW && $workflowmode == 'advanced') {
$workflowstate = $latestContent->getWorkflowState();
$content .= '<span title="'.getOverallStatusText($status["status"]).': '.($workflow ? htmlspecialchars($workflow->getName()) : '').'">'.($workflowstate ? htmlspecialchars($workflowstate->getName()) : '').'</span>';
} else {
$content .= getOverallStatusText($status["status"]);
$content .= "</small></td>";
// $content .= "<td>".$version."</td>";
$content .= "<td>";
$content .= "<div class=\"list-action\">";
$content .= $extracontent['begin_action_list'];
if($document->getAccessMode($user) >= M_ALL) {
$content .= $this->printDeleteDocumentButton($document, 'splash_rm_document', true);
} else {
$content .= '<span style="padding: 2px; color: #CCC;"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></span>';
if($document->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READWRITE) {
$content .= '<a href="../out/out.EditDocument.php?documentid='.$docID.'" title="'.getMLText("edit_document_props").'"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a>';
} else {
$content .= '<span style="padding: 2px; color: #CCC;"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></span>';
if($document->getAccessMode($user) >= M_READWRITE) {
$content .= $this->printLockButton($document, 'splash_document_locked', 'splash_document_unlocked', true);
if($enableClipboard) {
$content .= '<a class="addtoclipboard" rel="D'.$docID.'" msg="'.getMLText('splash_added_to_clipboard').'" title="'.getMLText("add_to_clipboard").'"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i></a>';
$content .= '<a href="../out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid='.$docID.'" title="'.getMLText("view_document").'"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></a>';
$content .= $extracontent['end_action_list'];
$content .= "</div>";
$content .= "</td>";
$content .= $this->documentListRowEnd($document);
return $content;
} /* }}} */
* Start the row for a folder in list of documents and folders
* This method creates the starting tr tag for a new table row containing
* a folder list entry. The tr tag contains various attributes which are
* used for removing the table line and to make drap&drop work.
* id=table-row-folder-<id> : used for identifying the row when removing the table
* row after deletion of the folder by clicking on the delete button in that table
* row.
* data-droptarget=folder_<id> : identifies the folder represented by this row
* when it used as a target of the drag&drop operation.
* If an element (either a file or a dragged item) is dropped on this row, the
* data-droptarget will be evaluated to identify the underlying dms object.
* Dropping a file on a folder will upload that file into the folder. Droping
* an item (which is currently either a document or a folder) from the page will
* move that item into the folder.
* rel=folder_<id> : This data is put into drag data when a drag starts. When the
* item is dropped on some other item this data will identify the source object.
* The attributes data-droptarget and rel are usually equal. At least there is
* currently no scenario where they are different.
* formtoken=<token> : token made of key 'movefolder'
* formtoken is also placed in the drag data just like the value of attibute 'rel'.
* This is always set to a value made of 'movefolder'.
* data-uploadformtoken=<token> : token made of key 'adddocument'
* class=table-row-folder : The class must have a class named 'table-row-folder' in
* order to be draggable and to extract the drag data from the attributes 'rel' and
* 'formtoken'
* @param object $folder
* @return string starting tr tag for a table
function folderListRowStart($folder, $class='') { /* {{{ */
return "<tr id=\"table-row-folder-".$folder->getID()."\" draggable=\"true\" data-droptarget=\"folder_".$folder->getID()."\" rel=\"folder_".$folder->getID()."\" class=\"folder table-row-folder droptarget".($class ? ' '.$class : '')."\" data-uploadformtoken=\"".createFormKey('')."\" formtoken=\"".createFormKey('')."\" data-name=\"".htmlspecialchars($folder->getName(), ENT_QUOTES)."\">";
} /* }}} */
function folderListRowEnd($folder) { /* {{{ */
return "</tr>\n";
} /* }}} */
function folderListRow($subFolder, $skipcont=false, $extracontent=array()) { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
$user = $this->params['user'];
// $folder = $this->params['folder'];
$showtree = $this->params['showtree'];
$enableRecursiveCount = $this->params['enableRecursiveCount'];
$maxRecursiveCount = $this->params['maxRecursiveCount'];
$enableClipboard = $this->params['enableclipboard'];
$onepage = $this->params['onepage'];
$owner = $subFolder->getOwner();
$comment = $subFolder->getComment();
if (strlen($comment) > 150) $comment = substr($comment, 0, 147) . "...";
$content = '';
$content .= $this->folderListRowStart($subFolder);
$content .= "<td><a draggable=\"false\" href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$subFolder->getID()."&showtree=".$showtree."\"><img draggable=\"false\" src=\"".$this->getMimeIcon(".folder")."\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" border=0></a></td>\n";
$content .= "<td style=\"cursor: pointer;\">" . "<b title=\"Id:".$subFolder->getId()."\">".htmlspecialchars($subFolder->getName())."</b>";
$content .= "<td><a draggable=\"false\" href=\"../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid=".$subFolder->getID()."&showtree=".$showtree."\">" . htmlspecialchars($subFolder->getName()) . "</a>";
$content .= "<br /><span style=\"font-size: 85%; font-style: italic; color: #666;\">".getMLText('owner').": <b>".htmlspecialchars($owner->getFullName())."</b>, ".getMLText('creation_date').": <b>".date('Y-m-d', $subFolder->getDate())."</b></span>";
if($comment) {
$content .= "<br /><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\">".htmlspecialchars($comment)."</span>";
$content .= $extracontent['bottom_title'];
$content .= "</td>\n";
// $content .= "<td>".htmlspecialchars($owner->getFullName())."</td>";
$content .= "<td colspan=\"1\" nowrap><small>";
if($enableRecursiveCount) {
if($user->isAdmin()) {
/* No need to check for access rights in countChildren() for
* admin. So pass 0 as the limit.
$cc = $subFolder->countChildren($user, 0);
$content .= $cc['folder_count']." ".getMLText("folders")."<br />".$cc['document_count']." ".getMLText("documents");
} else {
$cc = $subFolder->countChildren($user, $maxRecursiveCount);
if($maxRecursiveCount > 5000)
$rr = 100.0;
$rr = 10.0;
$content .= (!$cc['folder_precise'] ? '~'.(round($cc['folder_count']/$rr)*$rr) : $cc['folder_count'])." ".getMLText("folders")."<br />".(!$cc['document_precise'] ? '~'.(round($cc['document_count']/$rr)*$rr) : $cc['document_count'])." ".getMLText("documents");
} else {
/* FIXME: the following is very inefficient for just getting the number of
* subfolders and documents. Making it more efficient is difficult, because
* the access rights need to be checked.
$subsub = $subFolder->getSubFolders();
$subsub = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subsub, $user, M_READ);
$subdoc = $subFolder->getDocuments();
$subdoc = SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess($subdoc, $user, M_READ);
$content .= count($subsub)." ".getMLText("folders")."<br />".count($subdoc)." ".getMLText("documents");
$content .= "</small></td>";
// $content .= "<td></td>";
$content .= "<td>";
$content .= "<div class=\"list-action\">";
$content .= $extracontent['begin_action_list'];
$subFolderAccessMode = $subFolder->getAccessMode($user);
if($subFolderAccessMode >= M_ALL) {
$content .= $this->printDeleteFolderButton($subFolder, 'splash_rm_folder', true);
} else {
$content .= '<span style="padding: 2px; color: #CCC;"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></span>';
if($subFolderAccessMode >= M_READWRITE) {
$content .= '<a class_="btn btn-mini" href="../out/out.EditFolder.php?folderid='.$subFolder->getID().'" title="'.getMLText("edit_folder_props").'"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a>';
} else {
$content .= '<span style="padding: 2px; color: #CCC;"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></span>';
if($enableClipboard) {
$content .= '<a class="addtoclipboard" rel="F'.$subFolder->getID().'" msg="'.getMLText('splash_added_to_clipboard').'" title="'.getMLText("add_to_clipboard").'"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i></a>';
$content .= '<a href="../out/out.ViewFolder.php?folderid='.$subFolder->getID().'" title="'.getMLText("view_folder").'"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></a>';
$content .= $extracontent['end_action_list'];
$content .= "</div>";
$content .= "</td>";
$content .= $this->folderListRowEnd($subFolder);
return $content;
} /* }}} */
function show(){ /* {{{ */
} /* }}} */
function error(){ /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
$user = $this->params['user'];
$pagetitle = $this->params['pagetitle'];
$errormsg = $this->params['errormsg'];
$plain = $this->params['plain'];
$noexit = $this->params['noexit'];
if(!$plain) {
print "<div class=\"alert alert-error\">";
print "<h4>".getMLText('error')."!</h4>";
print htmlspecialchars($errormsg);
print "</div>";
print "<div><button class=\"btn history-back\">".getMLText('back')."</button></div>";
add_log_line(" UI::exitError error=".$errormsg." pagetitle=".$pagetitle, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
} /* }}} */
* Return HTML Template for jumploader
* @param string $uploadurl URL where post data is send
* @param integer $folderid id of folder where document is saved
* @param integer $maxfiles maximum number of files allowed to upload
* @param array $fields list of post fields
function getFineUploaderTemplate() { /* {{{ */
return '
<script type="text/template" id="qq-template">
<div class="qq-uploader-selector qq-uploader" qq-drop-area-text="'.getMLText('drop_files_here').'">
<div class="qq-total-progress-bar-container-selector qq-total-progress-bar-container">
<div role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" class="qq-total-progress-bar-selector qq-progress-bar qq-total-progress-bar"></div>
<div class="input-append">
<div class="qq-upload-drop-area-selector qq-upload-drop-area" _qq-hide-dropzone>
<span class="qq-upload-drop-area-text-selector"></span>
<span class="btn qq-upload-button-selector qq-upload-button">'.getMLText('browse').'&hellip;</span>
<span class="qq-drop-processing-selector qq-drop-processing">
<span class="qq-drop-processing-spinner-selector qq-drop-processing-spinner"></span>
<ul class="qq-upload-list-selector qq-upload-list unstyled" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="additions removals">
<div class="progress qq-progress-bar-container-selector">
<div class="bar qq-progress-bar-selector qq-progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
<span class="qq-upload-spinner-selector qq-upload-spinner"></span>
<img class="qq-thumbnail-selector" qq-max-size="100" qq-server-scale>
<span class="qq-upload-file-selector qq-upload-file"></span>
<span class="qq-upload-size-selector qq-upload-size"></span>
<button class="btn btn-mini qq-btn qq-upload-cancel-selector qq-upload-cancel">Cancel</button>
<span role="status" class="qq-upload-status-text-selector qq-upload-status-text"></span>
<dialog class="qq-alert-dialog-selector">
<div class="qq-dialog-message-selector"></div>
<div class="qq-dialog-buttons">
<button class="btn qq-cancel-button-selector">Cancel</button>
<dialog class="qq-confirm-dialog-selector">
<div class="qq-dialog-message-selector"></div>
<div class="qq-dialog-buttons">
<button class="btn qq-cancel-button-selector">Cancel</button>
<button class="btn qq-ok-button-selector">Ok</button>
<dialog class="qq-prompt-dialog-selector">
<div class="qq-dialog-message-selector"></div>
<input type="text">
<div class="qq-dialog-buttons">
<button class="btn qq-cancel-button-selector">Cancel</button>
<button class="btn qq-ok-button-selector">Ok</button>
} /* }}} */
* Output HTML Code for Fine Uploader
* @param string $uploadurl URL where post data is send
* @param integer $folderid id of folder where document is saved
* @param integer $maxfiles maximum number of files allowed to upload
* @param array $fields list of post fields
function printFineUploaderHtml($prefix='userfile') { /* {{{ */
echo self::getFineUploaderHtml($prefix);
} /* }}} */
* Get HTML Code for Fine Uploader
* @param string $uploadurl URL where post data is send
* @param integer $folderid id of folder where document is saved
* @param integer $maxfiles maximum number of files allowed to upload
* @param array $fields list of post fields
function getFineUploaderHtml($prefix='userfile') { /* {{{ */
$html = '<div id="'.$prefix.'-fine-uploader"></div>
<input type="hidden" '.($prefix=='userfile' ? 'class="do_validate" ' : '').'id="'.$prefix.'-fine-uploader-uuids" name="'.$prefix.'-fine-uploader-uuids" value="" />
<input type="hidden" id="'.$prefix.'-fine-uploader-names" name="'.$prefix.'-fine-uploader-names" value="" />';
return $html;
} /* }}} */
* Output Javascript Code for fine uploader
* @param string $uploadurl URL where post data is send
* @param integer $folderid id of folder where document is saved
* @param integer $maxfiles maximum number of files allowed to upload
* @param array $fields list of post fields
function printFineUploaderJs($uploadurl, $partsize=0, $maxuploadsize=0, $multiple=true, $prefix='userfile', $formname='form1') { /* {{{ */
$(document).ready(function() {
<?php echo $prefix; ?>uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
debug: false,
autoUpload: false,
multiple: <?php echo ($multiple ? 'true' : 'false'); ?>,
element: $('#<?php echo $prefix; ?>-fine-uploader')[0],
template: 'qq-template',
request: {
endpoint: '<?php echo $uploadurl."?formkey=".md5($this->params['settings']->_encryptionKey.'uploadchunks'); ?>'
<?php echo ($maxuploadsize > 0 ? '
validation: {
sizeLimit: '.$maxuploadsize.'
' : ''); ?>
chunking: {
enabled: true,
<?php echo $partsize ? 'partSize: '.(int)$partsize.",\n" : ''; ?>
mandatory: true
messages: {
sizeError: '{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}.'
callbacks: {
onComplete: function(id, name, json, xhr) {
onAllComplete: function(succeeded, failed) {
var uuids = Array();
var names = Array();
for (var i = 0; i < succeeded.length; i++) {
$('#<?php echo $prefix; ?>-fine-uploader-uuids').val(uuids.join(';'));
$('#<?php echo $prefix; ?>-fine-uploader-names').val(names.join(';'));
/* Run upload only if all files could be uploaded */
if(succeeded.length > 0 && failed.length == 0)
document.getElementById('<?= $formname ?>').submit();
onError: function(id, name, reason, xhr) {
text: reason,
type: 'error',
dismissQueue: true,
layout: 'topRight',
theme: 'defaultTheme',
timeout: 3500,
} /* }}} */
* Output a protocol
* @param object $attribute attribute
protected function printProtocol($latestContent, $type="") { /* {{{ */
$dms = $this->params['dms'];
$document = $latestContent->getDocument();
<legend><?php printMLText($type.'_log'); ?></legend>
<table class="table condensed">
<tr><th><?php printMLText('name'); ?></th><th><?php printMLText('last_update'); ?>, <?php printMLText('comment'); ?></th><th><?php printMLText('status'); ?></th></tr>
switch($type) {
case "review":
$statusList = $latestContent->getReviewStatus(10);
case "approval":
$statusList = $latestContent->getApprovalStatus(10);
$statusList = array();
foreach($statusList as $rec) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>";
switch ($rec["type"]) {
case 0: // individual.
$required = $dms->getUser($rec["required"]);
if (!is_object($required)) {
$reqName = getMLText("unknown_user")." '".$rec["required"]."'";
} else {
$reqName = htmlspecialchars($required->getFullName()." (".$required->getLogin().")");
case 1: // Approver is a group.
$required = $dms->getGroup($rec["required"]);
if (!is_object($required)) {
$reqName = getMLText("unknown_group")." '".$rec["required"]."'";
else {
$reqName = "<i>".htmlspecialchars($required->getName())."</i>";
echo $reqName;
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "<i style=\"font-size: 80%;\">".$rec['date']." - ";
$updateuser = $dms->getUser($rec["userID"]);
echo getMLText("unknown_user");
echo htmlspecialchars($updateuser->getFullName()." (".$updateuser->getLogin().")");
echo "</i>";
echo "<br />".htmlspecialchars($rec['comment']);
switch($type) {
case "review":
if($rec['file']) {
echo "<br />";
echo "<a href=\"../op/op.Download.php?documentid=".$document->getID()."&reviewlogid=".$rec['reviewLogID']."\" class=\"btn btn-mini\"><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i> ".getMLText('download')."</a>";
case "approval":
if($rec['file']) {
echo "<br />";
echo "<a href=\"../op/op.Download.php?documentid=".$document->getID()."&approvelogid=".$rec['approveLogID']."\" class=\"btn btn-mini\"><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i> ".getMLText('download')."</a>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
switch($type) {
case "review":
echo getReviewStatusText($rec["status"]);
case "approval":
echo getApprovalStatusText($rec["status"]);
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
} /* }}} */
* Show progressbar
* @param double $value value
* @param double $max 100% value
protected function getProgressBar($value, $max=100.0) { /* {{{ */
if($max > $value) {
$used = (int) ($value/$max*100.0+0.5);
$free = 100-$used;
} else {
$free = 0;
$used = 100;
$html = '
<div class="progress">
<div class="bar bar-danger" style="width: '.$used.'%;"></div>
<div class="bar bar-success" style="width: '.$free.'%;"></div>
return $html;
} /* }}} */
* Output a timeline for a document
* @param object $document document
protected function printTimelineJs($timelineurl, $height=300, $start='', $end='', $skip=array()) { /* {{{ */
var timeline;
var data;
// specify options
var options = {
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
if($start) {
$tmp = explode('-', $start);
echo "\t\t\t'min': new Date(".$tmp[0].", ".($tmp[1]-1).", ".$tmp[2]."),\n";
if($end) {
$tmp = explode('-', $end);
echo "'\t\t\tmax': new Date(".$tmp[0].", ".($tmp[1]-1).", ".$tmp[2]."),\n";
'editable': false,
'selectable': true,
'style': 'box',
'locale': '<?php echo $this->params['session']->getLanguage() ?>'
function onselect() {
var sel = timeline.getSelection();
if (sel.length) {
if (sel[0].row != undefined) {
var row = sel[0].row;
item = timeline.getItem(sel[0].row);
$('div.ajax').trigger('update', {documentid: item.docid, version: item.version, statusid: item.statusid, statuslogid: item.statuslogid, fileid: item.fileid});
$(document).ready(function () {
// Instantiate our timeline object.
timeline = new links.Timeline(document.getElementById('timeline'), options);, 'select', onselect);
'<?php echo $timelineurl ?>',
function(data) {
$.each( data, function( key, val ) {
val.start = new Date(val.start);
} /* }}} */
protected function printTimelineHtml($height) { /* {{{ */
<div id="timeline" style="height: <?php echo $height ?>px;"></div>
} /* }}} */
protected function printTimeline($timelineurl, $height=300, $start='', $end='', $skip=array()) { /* {{{ */
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
$this->printTimelineJs($timelineurl, $height, $start, $end, $skip);
echo "</script>";
} /* }}} */
public function printPopupBox($title, $content, $ret=false) { /* {{{ */
$id = md5(uniqid());
$("body").on("click", "span.openpopupbox", function(e) {
// $("div.popupbox").toggle();
$html = '
<span class="openpopupbox" data-href="#'.$id.'">'.$title.'</span>
<div id="'.$id.'" class="popupbox" style="display: none;">
<span class="closepopupbox"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></span>
return $html;
echo $html;
} /* }}} */
protected function printAccordion($title, $content) { /* {{{ */
$id = substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 4);
<div class="accordion" id="accordion<?php echo $id; ?>">
<div class="accordion-group">
<div class="accordion-heading">
<a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion<?php echo $id; ?>" href="#collapse<?php echo $id; ?>">
<?php echo $title; ?>
<div id="collapse<?php echo $id; ?>" class="accordion-body collapse" style="height: 0px;">
<div class="accordion-inner">
echo $content;
} /* }}} */