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synced 2025-03-12 17:05:46 +00:00
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// MyDMS. Document Management System
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe
// Copyright (C) 2010 Matteo Lucarelli
// Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Uwe Steinmann
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Translators: Admin (1241), destinqo (26), pS2017 (508), ssebech (4)
$text = array(
'2_factor_auth' => '2-faktorové overovanie',
'2_factor_auth_info' => 'This system enforces 2 factor authentication. You will need the Google Authenticator on your mobile phone. Below you see two QR codes. The right one is your current secret. On the left you can set a new secret. If you set a new secret make sure to rescan it with Google Authenticator.',
'2_fact_auth_current_secret' => '',
'2_fact_auth_new_secret' => '',
'2_fact_auth_secret' => 'Tajný',
'abbr_day' => '',
'abbr_hour' => '',
'abbr_minute' => '',
'abbr_month' => '',
'abbr_second' => '',
'abbr_week' => '',
'abbr_year' => '',
'accept' => 'Prijať',
'access_control' => 'Kontrola prístupu',
'access_control_is_off' => 'Pokročilá kontrola prístupu je vypnutá',
'access_denied' => 'Prístup zamietnutý.',
'access_inheritance' => 'Dedičnosť prístupu',
'access_mode' => 'Režim prístupu',
'access_mode_all' => 'Plný prístup',
'access_mode_none' => 'Žiadny prístup',
'access_mode_read' => 'Na čítanie',
'access_mode_readwrite' => 'Na čítanie aj zápis',
'according_settings' => 'podľa nastavenia',
'action' => 'Operácia',
'actions' => 'Činnosti',
'action_approve' => 'Schváliť',
'action_complete' => 'Dokončiť',
'action_is_complete' => 'Bolo dokončené',
'action_is_not_complete' => 'Nebolo dokončené',
'action_reject' => 'Odmietnuť',
'action_review' => 'Posúdiť',
'action_revise' => 'Revidovať',
'add' => 'Pridať',
'add_approval' => 'Poslať schválenie',
'add_attrdefgroup' => 'Pridať novú skupinu atribútov',
'add_document' => 'Pridať dokument',
'add_document_link' => 'Pridať odkaz',
'add_document_notify' => 'Pridať notifikáciu',
'add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning' => 'Pozn.: Dokumenty sa automaticky označia ako vydané ak nie je pridelený žiadny recenzent alebo schvaľovateľ.',
'add_doc_workflow_warning' => 'N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no workflow is assigned.',
'add_event' => 'Pridať udalosť',
'add_group' => 'Pridať novú skupinu',
'add_member' => 'Pridať člena',
'add_multiple_documents' => 'Pridaj viac dokumentov',
'add_multiple_files' => 'Pridať viacero súborov (názov súboru sa použije ako názov dokumentu)',
'add_receipt' => 'Potvrďte príjem',
'add_review' => 'Pridať recenziu',
'add_revision' => 'Pridať schválenie',
'add_role' => 'Pridať novú rolu',
'add_subfolder' => 'Pridať podzložku',
'add_task' => 'Pridať novú úlohu pre túto triedu',
'add_to_clipboard' => 'Pridaj do schránky',
'add_to_transmittal' => 'Add to transmittal',
'add_transmittal' => 'Add transmittal',
'add_user' => 'Pridať nového používatela',
'add_user_to_group' => 'Pridať používateľa do skupiny',
'add_workflow' => 'Pridať nový pracovný postup',
'add_workflow_action' => 'Pridať novú akciu pracovného postupu',
'add_workflow_state' => 'Pridať nový stav pracovného postupu',
'admin' => 'Správca',
'admin_tools' => 'Nástroje správcu',
'all' => 'Všetko',
'all_categories' => 'Všetky kategórie',
'all_documents' => 'Všetky dokumenty',
'all_pages' => 'Všetky',
'all_users' => 'Všetci používatelia',
'already_subscribed' => 'Už ste sa prihlásili na odber',
'and' => 'a',
'any_value_set' => '',
'apikey' => '',
'apply' => 'Použiť',
'approvals_accepted' => '[no_approvals] approvals already accepted',
'approvals_accepted_latest' => '',
'approvals_and_reviews_accepted' => '[no_approvals] approvals and [no_reviews] reviews already accepted',
'approvals_and_reviews_not_touched' => '[no_approvals] approvals and [no_reviews] reviews not being touched',
'approvals_and_reviews_rejected' => '[no_approvals] approvals and [no_reviews] reviews already rejected',
'approvals_not_touched' => '[no_approvals] approvals not being touched',
'approvals_not_touched_latest' => '',
'approvals_rejected' => '[no_approvals] approvals already rejected',
'approvals_rejected_latest' => '',
'approvals_without_group' => 'Approvals without group',
'approvals_without_user' => 'Approvals without user',
'approval_deletion_email' => 'Požiadavka na schválenie zmazaná',
'approval_deletion_email_body' => 'Požiadavka na schválenie zmazaná
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradený adresár: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'approval_deletion_email_body_html' => '',
'approval_deletion_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Požiadavka na schválenie zmazaná',
'approval_file' => 'Súbor',
'approval_group' => 'Skupina schválenia',
'approval_log' => 'Denník schvaľovania',
'approval_request_email' => 'Požiadavka na schválenie',
'approval_request_email_body' => 'Požiadavka na schválenie
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradený adresár: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'approval_request_email_body_html' => '',
'approval_request_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Požiadavka na schválenie',
'approval_status' => 'Stav schválenia',
'approval_submit_email' => '',
'approval_submit_email_body' => 'Schválenie dokumentu
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradený adresár: [folder_path]
Stav: [status]
Komentár: [comment]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'approval_submit_email_body_html' => '',
'approval_submit_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Odoslané schválenie',
'approval_summary' => 'Zhrnutie schválenia',
'approval_update_failed' => 'Chyba pri aktualizácii stavu schválenia. Aktualizácia zlyhala.',
'approvers' => 'Schvaľovatelia',
'approver_already_assigned' => 'User is already assigned as an approver.',
'approver_already_removed' => 'Approver has already been removed from approval process or has already submitted an approval.',
'april' => 'apríl',
'archive' => 'archív',
'archive_creation' => 'Vytvorenie archívu',
'archive_creation_warning' => 'Touto akciou môžete vytvoriť archív obsahujúci celú DMS zložku. Po vytvorení bude každý súbor uložený do dátovej zložky súborov na vašom serveri.<br>UPOZORNENIE: uživateľsky prístupný archív nie je možné použiť ako zálohu servera.',
'ar_EG' => 'Arabština',
'assign_approvers' => 'Určiť schvaľovateľov',
'assign_recipients' => 'Určiť príjemcov',
'assign_reviewers' => 'Určiť recenzentov',
'assign_user_property_to' => 'Assign user\'s properties to',
'assumed_released' => 'Pokladá sa za zverejnené',
'attrdefgroup_management' => 'Manažment skupín atribútov',
'attrdefgrp_show_detail' => 'Detaily',
'attrdefgrp_show_list' => 'Zoznam',
'attrdefgrp_show_search' => 'Hľadať',
'attrdefgrp_show_searchlist' => 'Výsledok hľadania',
'attrdef_exists' => 'Definícia atribútu už existuje',
'attrdef_info' => 'Informácia',
'attrdef_invalid_regex' => '',
'attrdef_in_use' => 'Definícia atribútu sa stále používa',
'attrdef_management' => 'Správa definície atribútu',
'attrdef_maxvalues' => 'Max. počet hodnôt',
'attrdef_minvalues' => 'Min. počet hodnôt',
'attrdef_minvalues_help' => '',
'attrdef_min_greater_max' => 'Minimum number of values is larger than maximum number of values',
'attrdef_multiple' => 'Allow multiple values',
'attrdef_multiple_but_doc_or_folder' => '',
'attrdef_multiple_needs_valueset' => 'Attribute definition with multiple values needs value set.',
'attrdef_must_be_multiple' => 'Atribút musí mať viac ako jednu hodnotu, ale nie je nastavená viacnásobná hodnota',
'attrdef_name' => 'Meno',
'attrdef_noname' => 'Chýba názov definície atribútu',
'attrdef_objtype' => 'Typ objektu',
'attrdef_regex' => 'Regulárny výraz',
'attrdef_regex_help' => '',
'attrdef_type' => 'Typ',
'attrdef_type_boolean' => 'Boolean',
'attrdef_type_date' => 'Dátum',
'attrdef_type_document' => '',
'attrdef_type_email' => 'E-mail',
'attrdef_type_float' => 'Float',
'attrdef_type_folder' => '',
'attrdef_type_group' => '',
'attrdef_type_int' => 'Integer',
'attrdef_type_string' => 'String',
'attrdef_type_url' => 'URL',
'attrdef_type_user' => '',
'attrdef_valueset' => 'Nastaviť hodnoty',
'attrdef_valueset_help' => '',
'attributes' => 'Atribúty',
'attribute_changed_email_body' => 'Zmenené atribúty
Dokumentu: [name]
Vezia: [version]
Atribút: [attribute_name]
Old value: [attribute_old_value]
New value: [attribute_new_value]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'attribute_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'attribute_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Atribút sa zmenil',
'attribute_count' => 'Počet použití',
'attribute_value' => 'Hodnota atribútu',
'attribute_value_not_in_valueset' => 'Hodnota nie je nastavená',
'attr_malformed_boolean' => 'Hodnota atribútu \'[value]\' z atribútu \'[attrname]\' nie je platný boolean.',
'attr_malformed_date' => 'Hodnota atribútu \'[value]\' v atribúte \'[attrname]\' nie je platný date.',
'attr_malformed_email' => 'Hodnota atribútu \'[value]\' v atribúte \'[attrname]\' nie je platná URL.',
'attr_malformed_float' => 'Hodnota atribútu \'[value]\' v atribúte \'[attrname]\' nie je platný float.',
'attr_malformed_int' => 'Hodnota atribútu \'[value]\' v atribúte \'[attrname]\' nie je platný integer.',
'attr_malformed_url' => 'Hodnota atribútu \'[value]\' v atribúte \'[attrname]\' nie je platná URL.',
'attr_max_values' => 'Je prekročený maximálny počet požadovaných hodnôt pre atribút [attrname].',
'attr_min_values' => 'Nie je dosiahnutý minimálny počet požadovaných hodnôt pre atribút [attrname].',
'attr_not_in_valueset' => 'The attribute value \'[value]\' for attribute \'[attrname]\' is not contained in the valueset.',
'attr_no_regex_match' => 'The attribute value \'[value]\' for attribute \'[attrname]\' does not match the regular expression \'[regex]\'',
'attr_validation_error' => 'The value \'[value]\' of attribute \'[attrname]\' is invalid.',
'at_least_n_users_of_group' => 'At least [number_of_users] users of [group]',
'august' => 'August',
'authentication' => 'Autentizácia',
'authentication_failed' => 'Overenie zlyhalo',
'author' => 'Autor',
'automatic_status_update' => 'Automaticka zmena stavu',
'back' => 'Prejsť späť',
'backup_list' => 'Zoznam záloh',
'backup_log_management' => 'Zálohovanie/Log-y',
'backup_remove' => 'Odstrániť zálohu',
'backup_tools' => 'Zálohovacie nástroje',
'batch_add_approver' => '',
'batch_add_approver_msg' => '',
'batch_add_category_msg' => '',
'batch_add_reviewer' => '',
'batch_add_reviewer_msg' => '',
'batch_change_category' => '',
'batch_change_owner' => '',
'batch_export' => '',
'batch_new_owner_msg' => '',
'batch_operation' => '',
'batch_operation_result' => '',
'batch_remove_category' => '',
'batch_remove_category_msg' => '',
'between' => 'medzi',
'bg_BG' => 'Bulharsky',
'browse' => 'Prehľadávať',
'calendar' => 'Kalendár',
'calendar_events_mail_subject' => '',
'calendar_week' => 'Kalendárny týždeň',
'cancel' => 'Zrušiť',
'cancel_checkout' => '',
'cancel_checkout_document' => '',
'cancel_checkout_warning' => '',
'cannot_assign_invalid_state' => 'Cannot modify an obsolete or rejected document',
'cannot_change_final_states' => 'Warning: You cannot alter status for document rejected, expired or with pending review or approval',
'cannot_delete_user' => 'Nie je možné odstrániť používateľa',
'cannot_delete_yourself' => 'Nemôžete odstrániť sám seba',
'cannot_move_root' => 'Chyba: Nie je možné presunúť koreňovú zložku.',
'cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot' => 'Nie je možné získať informáciu o stave schválenia tejto verzie dokumentu.',
'cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot' => 'Nie je možné získať informáciu o stave recenzie tejto verzie dokumentu.',
'cannot_revapp_expired_docs' => '',
'cannot_rm_root' => 'Chyba: Nie je možné zmazať koreňovú zložku.',
'cannot_transfer_your_objects' => '',
'categories' => 'Kategórie',
'categories_loading' => 'Počkajte, kým nebude načítaný zoznam kategórií ...',
'category' => 'Kategória',
'category_exists' => 'Kategória už existuje.',
'category_filter' => 'Iba kategórie',
'category_info' => 'Informácia',
'category_in_use' => 'Táto kategória sa v súčasnosti používa v dokumentoch.',
'category_noname' => 'Nebolo zadané žiadne meno kategórie.',
'ca_ES' => 'Katalánština',
'changelog_loading' => '',
'change_assignments' => 'Zmeniť úlohy',
'change_password' => 'Zmeniť heslo',
'change_password_message' => 'Vaše heslo bolo zmenené.',
'change_recipients' => 'Nastaviť príjemcov',
'change_revisors' => 'Nastaviť kontrolórov',
'change_status' => 'Zmeniť stav',
'charts' => 'Grafy',
'chart_docsaccumulated_title' => 'Počet dokumentov',
'chart_docspercategory_title' => 'Dokumenty podľa kategórie',
'chart_docspermimetype_title' => 'Dokumenty podľa mime-type',
'chart_docspermonth_title' => 'Nové dokumenty za mesiac',
'chart_docsperstatus_title' => 'Dokumenty podľa stavu',
'chart_docsperuser_title' => 'Dokumenty podľa používateľa',
'chart_foldersperuser_title' => '',
'chart_selection' => 'Vyber graf',
'chart_sizepermonth_title' => '',
'chart_sizeperuser_title' => 'Diskový priestor na používateľa',
'checkedout_file_has_different_version' => 'The checked out version is not identical to the current version. Check in will not update the document.',
'checkedout_file_has_disappeared' => 'The file of the checked out document has disappeared. Check in will not be possible.',
'checkedout_file_is_unchanged' => 'The file of the checked out document is still unchanged. Check in will not be possible. If do not plan any modifications, you can reset the check out status.',
'checkin_document' => 'Check In',
'checkoutpath_does_not_exist' => 'Checkout path does not exists',
'checkout_cancel_confirm' => '',
'checkout_document' => 'Pozrieť sa na dokument',
'checkout_is_disabled' => 'Kontrola dokumentov je zakázaná v konfigurácii.',
'check_directory_layout' => '',
'check_failed' => '',
'check_notification_filter' => '',
'check_passed' => '',
'check_secure_installation' => '',
'choose_attrdef' => 'Vyberte prosím definíciu atribútu',
'choose_attrdefgroup' => 'Vyberte skupinu atribútov',
'choose_category' => 'Vyberte prosím',
'choose_group' => 'Vyberte skupinu',
'choose_link_type' => '',
'choose_role' => 'Vybrať rolu',
'choose_target_category' => 'Vybrať kategóriu',
'choose_target_document' => 'Vyberte dokument',
'choose_target_file' => 'Vyberte súbor',
'choose_target_folder' => 'Vyberte cieľovú zložku',
'choose_user' => 'Vyberte používateľa',
'choose_workflow' => 'Vyprať pracovný postup',
'choose_workflow_action' => 'Vybrať akciu pracovného postupu',
'choose_workflow_state' => 'Vybrať stav pracovného postupu',
'class_finfo_missing' => '',
'class_name' => 'Názov triedy',
'clear_cache' => 'Vyčistiť pamäť cache',
'clear_clipboard' => 'Vymazať schránku',
'clear_password' => 'Vymazať heslo',
'click_to_expand_filter_results' => '',
'clipboard' => 'Schránka',
'close' => 'Zavrieť',
'color' => '',
'command' => 'Príkaz',
'comment' => 'Komentár',
'comment_changed_email' => 'Nepreložené',
'comment_for_current_version' => 'Version comment',
'configure_extension' => 'Configure extension',
'confirm_add_approver' => '',
'confirm_add_reviewer' => '',
'confirm_change_category' => '',
'confirm_change_owner' => '',
'confirm_clear_cache' => 'Chcete naozaj vyčistiť vyrovnávaciu pamäť? Tým sa odstránia všetky predbežne náhľady obrázkov.',
'confirm_create_fulltext_index' => 'Áno, chcel by som obnoviť fullttext index!',
'confirm_move_document' => 'Potvrďte presunutie dokumentu.',
'confirm_move_folder' => 'Potvrďte presunutie zložky.',
'confirm_pwd' => 'Potvrdenie hesla',
'confirm_rm_attr_value' => 'Naozaj chcete vymazať hodnotu atribútu?',
'confirm_rm_backup' => 'Skutočne si prajete odstrániť zálohu "[arkname]"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.',
'confirm_rm_document' => 'Naozaj chcete odstrániť dokument \'[documentname]\'?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto operáciu nemožno vrátiť späť.',
'confirm_rm_dump' => 'Skutočne si prajete odstrániť "[dumpname]"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.',
'confirm_rm_event' => 'Skutočne si prajete odstrániť udalosť "[name]"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.',
'confirm_rm_file' => 'Skutočne si prajete odstrániť súbor "[name]" z dokumentu "[documentname]"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.',
'confirm_rm_folder' => 'Naozaj chcete odstrániť \'[foldername]\' a jeho obsah?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto operáciu nemožno vrátiť späť.',
'confirm_rm_folder_files' => 'Skutočne si prajete odstrániť všetky súbory zložky "[foldername]" a všetkých jej podzložiek?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.',
'confirm_rm_group' => 'Skutočne si prajete odstrániť skupinu "[groupname]"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.',
'confirm_rm_log' => 'Skutočne si prajete zmazať protokol "[logname]"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.',
'confirm_rm_task' => '',
'confirm_rm_transmittal' => 'Please confirm the deletion of the transmittal.',
'confirm_rm_transmittalitem' => 'Potvrďte odstránenie',
'confirm_rm_user' => 'Skutočne si prajete odstrániť používateľa "[username]"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.',
'confirm_rm_user_from_processes' => 'Do you really want to remove the user "[username]" from all processes?<br>Be careful: This action can lead to the release of documents if the user was the only or last approver.',
'confirm_rm_version' => 'Naozaj chcete odstrániť verziu [version] dokumentu "[documentname]"?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto operáciu nemožno vrátiť späť.',
'confirm_transfer_link_document' => '',
'confirm_transfer_objects' => 'Do you really want to transfer the documents, folders, etc. of the user "[username]"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.',
'confirm_update_transmittalitem' => 'Potvrdiť aktualizáciu',
'content' => 'Obsah',
'continue' => 'Pokračovať',
'converter_new_cmd' => 'Príkaz',
'converter_new_mimetype' => 'Nový mime-type',
'copied_to_checkout_as' => 'File copied to checkout space as \'[filename]\' on [date]',
'created' => '',
'createSubFolderForImportedFiles' => '',
'createSubFolderForImportedFiles_desc' => '',
'create_download_link' => '',
'create_fulltext_index' => 'Vytvoriť fulltext index',
'create_fulltext_index_warning' => 'Chystáte sa obnoviť fulltext index, čo môže dlho trvať a môže znížiť výkon systému. Ak chcete pokračovať, potvrďte svoju voľbu.',
'creation_date' => 'Vytvorené',
'cs_CZ' => 'Čestina',
'current_filter' => '',
'current_password' => 'Aktuálne heslo',
'current_quota' => 'Súčasná kvóta systému je nastavená na [quota].',
'current_state' => 'Aktuálny stav',
'current_version' => 'Aktuálna verzia',
'daily' => 'Denná',
'dashboard' => '',
'databasesearch' => 'Hľadať databázu',
'database_schema_version' => '',
'data_loading' => 'Prosím počkajte, kým sa nenahrajú dáta',
'date' => 'Dátum',
'days' => 'dní',
'debug' => 'Ladiť',
'december' => 'December',
'default_access' => 'Štandardný režim prístupu',
'default_keywords' => 'Dostupné kľúčové slová',
'definitions' => 'Definície',
'delete' => 'Zmazať',
'details' => 'Podrobnosti',
'details_version' => 'Podrobnosti verzie: [version]',
'de_DE' => 'Nemčina',
'directory_check' => '',
'directory_check_cache_exists' => '',
'directory_check_cache_writable' => '',
'directory_check_conf_writable' => '',
'directory_check_data_below_root' => '',
'directory_check_data_exists' => '',
'directory_check_data_writable' => '',
'directory_check_ext_below_docroot' => '',
'directory_check_ext_exists' => '',
'directory_check_ext_writable' => '',
'directory_check_index_exists' => '',
'directory_check_index_writable' => '',
'directory_check_result' => '',
'disable_extension' => '',
'disclaimer' => 'Toto je zabezpečená zóna. Prístup je povolený len autorizovaným osobám.',
'discspace' => 'Priestor na disku',
'docs_in_reception_disabled' => '',
'docs_in_reception_no_access' => 'Documents with reception without access by recipient',
'docs_in_revision_disabled' => '',
'docs_in_revision_no_access' => 'Documents in revision without access by revisor',
'docs_with_missing_revision_date' => '',
'document' => 'Dokument',
'documentcontent' => 'Obsah dokumentu',
'documents' => 'Dokumenty',
'documents_checked_out_by_you' => 'Documents checked out by you',
'documents_expired' => 'Dokumenty, ktorým skončila platnosť',
'documents_in_process' => 'Dokumenty v spracovaní',
'documents_locked' => 'Zamknuté dokumenty',
'documents_locked_by_you' => 'Vami uzamknuté dokumenty',
'documents_only' => 'Iba dokumenty',
'documents_rejected' => '',
'documents_to_approve' => 'Dokumenty čakajúce na schválenie používateľa',
'documents_to_correct' => 'Dokumenty, ktoré treba opraviť',
'documents_to_process' => 'Dokumenty, ktoré potrebujú spracovanie',
'documents_to_receipt' => 'Dokumenty čakajúce na potvrdenie prijatia',
'documents_to_review' => 'Dokumenty čakajúce na recenziu používateľa',
'documents_to_revise' => 'Dokumenty čakajúce na vašu revíziu',
'documents_to_trigger_workflow' => 'Documents in workflow',
'documents_user_draft' => 'Drafts',
'documents_user_expiration' => 'Dokumenty, ktorým skončila platnosť',
'documents_user_needs_correction' => 'Dokumenty, ktoré treba opraviť',
'documents_user_no_reception' => 'Dokumenty bez prijatia',
'documents_user_obsolete' => 'Obsoletné, neaktuálne dokumenty',
'documents_user_reception' => 'Dokumenty čakajúce na prijatie',
'documents_user_rejected' => 'Zamietnuté dokumenty',
'documents_user_requiring_attention' => 'Dokumenty, ktoré používateľ vlastní a vyžadujú pozornosť',
'documents_with_notification' => 'Dokumenty s notifikáciou',
'document_access_permission_changed_email' => 'Pristupové prava zmenene',
'document_access_permission_changed_email_body' => 'Zmenené prístupové práva
Dokument: [name]
Nadradený adresár: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_access_permission_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'document_access_permission_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Práva boli zmenené',
'document_already_checkedout' => 'This document is already checked out',
'document_already_locked' => 'Tento dokument je už zamknutý',
'document_attribute_added_email_body' => '',
'document_attribute_added_email_body_html' => '',
'document_attribute_added_email_subject' => '',
'document_attribute_changed_email_body' => 'Atribút bol zmenený
Dokument: [name]
Atribút: [attribute_name]
Predošlá hodnota: [attribute_old_value]
Nová hodnota: [attribute_new_value]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_attribute_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'document_attribute_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Atribút bol zmenený',
'document_comment_changed_email' => 'Komentár sa zmenil',
'document_comment_changed_email_body' => 'Komentár sa zmenil
Dokument: [name]
Predošlý komentár: [old_comment]
Nový komentár: [new_comment]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_comment_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'document_comment_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Komentár sa zmenil',
'document_content_missing' => '',
'document_count' => 'Počet dokumentov',
'document_deleted' => 'Dokument zmazaný',
'document_deleted_email' => 'Dokument zmazaný',
'document_deleted_email_body' => 'Dokument bol odstránený
Dokument: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]',
'document_deleted_email_body_html' => '',
'document_deleted_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Dokument bol zmazaný',
'document_duplicate_name' => 'Duplicitný názov dokumentu',
'document_files' => '',
'document_has_no_workflow' => 'Dokument nemá pracovný postup',
'document_infos' => 'Informácie o dokumente',
'document_in_revision_no_date' => '',
'document_is_checked_out' => '',
'document_is_checked_out_remove' => '',
'document_is_checked_out_update' => 'Document is currently checked out. If you upload a new version, then the checked out version cannot be checked back in anymore.',
'document_is_not_locked' => 'Tento dokument nie je zamknutý',
'document_links' => '',
'document_link_by' => 'Odkazuje sem',
'document_link_public' => 'Verejný',
'document_moved_email' => 'Dokument presunutý',
'document_moved_email_body' => 'Dokument presunutý
Dokument: [name]
Predošlá zložka: [old_folder_path]
Nová zložka: [new_folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_moved_email_body_html' => '',
'document_moved_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Dokument bol presunutý',
'document_notify_added_email' => 'Boli ste pridaní do notifikačného zoznamu',
'document_notify_added_email_body' => 'Pridanie do notifikačného zoznamu
Meno: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_notify_added_email_body_html' => '',
'document_notify_added_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Pridané do zoznamu notifikácií',
'document_notify_deleted_email' => 'Boli ste odstránení z notifikačného zoznamu',
'document_notify_deleted_email_body' => 'Odstránené z notifikačného zoznamu
Meno: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_notify_deleted_email_body_html' => '',
'document_notify_deleted_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Odstránené z notifikačného zoznamu',
'document_not_checkedout' => 'Document is not checked out.',
'document_ownership_changed_email' => 'Vlastník zmenený',
'document_ownership_changed_email_body' => 'Owner changed
Dokument: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Predošlý vlastník: [old_owner]
Nový vlastník: [new_owner]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_ownership_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'document_ownership_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Vlastník zmenený',
'document_renamed_email' => 'Dokument premenovany',
'document_renamed_email_body' => 'Názov dokumentu zmenený
Dokument: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Starý názov: [old_name]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_renamed_email_body_html' => '',
'document_renamed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Dokument bol premenovaný',
'document_status_changed_email' => 'Stav dokumentu zmenený',
'document_status_changed_email_body' => 'Stav dokumentu zmenený
Dokument: [name]
Stav: [status]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_status_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'document_status_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Stav dokumentu zmenený',
'document_title' => 'Dokument \'[documentname]\'',
'document_transfered_email_body' => 'Transfer dokumentu inému používateľovi
Dokument: [name]
Nový vlastník: [newuser]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'document_transfered_email_body_html' => '',
'document_transfered_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Transfer dokumentu',
'document_updated_email' => 'Dokument aktualizovany',
'document_updated_email_body' => 'Dokument aktualizovaný
Dokument: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
Komentár: [comment]
Komentár verzie: [version_comment]
URL: [url]',
'document_updated_email_body_html' => '',
'document_updated_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Dokument bol aktualizovaný',
'document_versions' => '',
'does_not_expire' => 'Platnosť nikdy nevyprší',
'does_not_inherit_access_msg' => 'Zdediť prístup',
'download' => 'Stiahnuť',
'download_extension' => 'Download extension as zip file',
'download_header_approval_comment' => '',
'download_header_approval_date' => '',
'download_header_approval_state' => '',
'download_header_approver' => '',
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'download_header_document_no' => '',
'download_header_filename' => '',
'download_header_internal_version' => '',
'download_header_reviewer' => '',
'download_header_review_comment' => '',
'download_header_review_date' => '',
'download_header_review_state' => '',
'download_header_state' => '',
'download_links' => 'Odkazy na stiahnutie',
'download_link_email_body' => '',
'download_link_email_subject' => '',
'do_no_transfer_to_user' => '',
'do_object_repair' => 'Opraviť všetky zložky a dokumenty.',
'do_object_setchecksum' => 'Nastaviť kontrolný súčet',
'do_object_setfilesize' => 'Nastaviť veľkosť súboru',
'do_object_setfiletype' => '',
'do_object_unlink' => 'Zmazať verziu dokumentu',
'draft' => 'Návrh',
'draft_pending_approval' => 'Návrh - čaká na schválenie',
'draft_pending_review' => 'Návrh - čaká na recenziu',
'drag_icon_here' => 'Sem myšou pretiahnite ikonu zložky alebo dokument',
'dropfolderdir_missing' => 'Your personal drop folder does not exist on the server! Please ask your administrator to create it.',
'dropfolder_file' => 'Súbor z drop zložky',
'dropfolder_folder' => 'Zložka z drop zložky',
'dropfolder_metadata' => '',
'dropupload' => 'Rýchlo nahraj',
'drop_files_here' => 'Sem vložte súbory!',
'drop_files_here_or_click' => '',
'dump_creation' => 'Vytvorenie výstupu DB',
'dump_creation_warning' => 'Touto akciou môžete vytvoriť výstup obsahu Vašej databázy. Po vytvorení bude výstup uložený v dátovej zložke vášho servera.',
'dump_list' => 'Existujúce výstupy',
'dump_remove' => 'Odstrániť vystup',
'duplicates' => 'Duplikáty',
'duplicate_content' => 'Duplicitný obsah',
'duplicate_sequences' => '',
'edit' => 'upraviť',
'edit_attributes' => 'Uprav parametre',
'edit_comment' => 'Upraviť komentár',
'edit_default_keywords' => 'Uprav kľúčové slová',
'edit_document_access' => 'Upraviť prístup',
'edit_document_notify' => 'Zoznam notifikácií',
'edit_document_props' => 'Upraviť dokument',
'edit_event' => 'Upraviť udalosť',
'edit_existing_access' => 'Upraviť zoznam riadenia prístupu',
'edit_existing_attribute_groups' => 'Edit attribute groups',
'edit_existing_notify' => 'Upraviť zoznam notifikácií',
'edit_folder_access' => 'Upraviť prístup',
'edit_folder_attrdefgrp' => 'Edit attribute groups',
'edit_folder_notify' => 'Zoznam notifikácií',
'edit_folder_props' => 'Upraviť zložku',
'edit_group' => 'Upraviť skupinu',
'edit_online' => 'Upraviť online',
'edit_online_not_allowed' => '',
'edit_online_warning' => '',
'edit_task' => 'Upraviť úlohu',
'edit_transmittal_props' => 'Edit transmittal properties',
'edit_user' => 'Upraviť používateľa',
'edit_user_details' => 'Upraviť podrobnosti používateľa',
'edit_version' => 'Upraviť verziu',
'el_GR' => 'Grécky',
'email' => 'Email',
'email_error_title' => 'Nebol zadaný žiadny E-mail',
'email_footer' => 'Nastavenia e-mailu si kedykoľvek môžete zmeniť cez \'Môj účet\'',
'email_footer_html' => '',
'email_header' => 'Toto je automatická správa od Dokument servera.',
'email_header_html' => '',
'email_not_given' => 'Prosím, zadajte platnú emailovú adresu.',
'empty_attribute_group_list' => 'No attribute groups',
'empty_folder_list' => 'Žiadne dokumenty alebo zložky',
'empty_list' => 'Žiadne položky',
'empty_notify_list' => 'Žiadne položky',
'enable_extension' => '',
'enddate' => '',
'en_GB' => 'Angličtina (UK)',
'equal_transition_states' => 'Začiatok a koniec sú rovnaké',
'error' => 'Chyba',
'error_add_aro' => 'Error while adding access request object',
'error_add_permission' => 'Error while add permission',
'error_cleared_cache' => 'Chyba pri vymazaní vyrovnávacej pamäte',
'error_document_indexed' => '',
'error_edit_task' => 'Chyba pri ukladaní úlohy',
'error_extension_getlist' => 'Error getting extension list from repository',
'error_importfs' => 'Chyba pri importe zo súborového systému',
'error_no_document_selected' => 'Nie je vybratý žiadny dokument',
'error_no_folder_selected' => 'Nie je vybratá žiadna zložka',
'error_occured' => 'Vyskytla sa chyba',
'error_remove_document' => 'Pri odstraňovaní dokumentu sa vyskytla chyba',
'error_remove_folder' => 'Pri odstraňovaní zložky sa vyskytla chyba',
'error_remove_permission' => 'Chyba pri odstránení povolenia',
'error_rm_user_processes' => '',
'error_rm_user_processes_no_docs' => '',
'error_rm_workflow' => 'Nastala chyba pri odstránovaní workflow',
'error_rm_workflow_action' => '',
'error_rm_workflow_state' => '',
'error_toogle_permission' => 'Chyba pri zmene povolenia',
'error_transfer_document' => 'Chyba pri transfere dokumentu',
'error_trigger_workflow' => '',
'error_update_document' => 'Chyba pri aktualizácii dokumentu',
'error_uploading_reviewer_only' => 'Chyba pri vytváraní dokumentu. Dokument má recenzenta, ale nemá schvaľovateľa.',
'es_ES' => 'Španielčina',
'event' => '',
'event_details' => 'Detail udalosti',
'exclude_items' => 'Vylúčiť položky',
'expired' => 'Platnosť vypršala',
'expired_at_date' => 'Platnosť vypršala [datetime]',
'expired_docs_mail_subject' => '',
'expired_documents' => 'Dokumenty, ktorým skončila platnosť',
'expires' => 'Platnosť vyprší',
'expire_by_date' => 'Platnosť skončí podľa dátumu',
'expire_in_1d' => 'Platnosť vyprší za 1 deň',
'expire_in_1h' => 'Platnosť vyprší za 1 h',
'expire_in_1m' => 'Platnosť vyprší za 1 mesiac',
'expire_in_1w' => 'Platnosť vyprší za 1 týždeň',
'expire_in_1y' => 'Platnosť vyprší za 1 rok',
'expire_in_24h' => '',
'expire_in_2h' => 'Platnosť vyprší za 2 h',
'expire_in_2y' => 'Platnosť vyprší za 2 roky',
'expire_in_3y' => '',
'expire_today' => 'Platnosť vyprší dnes',
'expire_tomorrow' => 'Platnosť vyprší zajtra',
'expiry_changed_email' => 'Dátum vypršania platnosti zmenený',
'expiry_changed_email_body' => 'Dátum vypršania platnosti zmenený
Dokument: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'expiry_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'expiry_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Dátum vypršania platnosti bol zmenený',
'export' => 'Exportovať',
'export_user_list_csv' => '',
'extension_archive' => 'Rozšírenie',
'extension_changelog' => 'Denník zmien',
'extension_is_off_now' => '',
'extension_is_on_now' => '',
'extension_loading' => 'Nahrávajú sa rozšírenia ...',
'extension_manager' => 'Spravovať rozšírenia',
'extension_mgr_error_upload' => '',
'extension_mgr_installed' => 'Inštalované',
'extension_mgr_no_toggle' => '',
'extension_mgr_no_upload' => 'Uploading new extensions is not possible because the extentension directory is not writable.',
'extension_mgr_no_zipfile' => '',
'extension_mgr_repository' => 'Available',
'extension_mgr_upload_disabled' => '',
'extension_missing_name' => '',
'extension_readme' => '',
'extension_toggle_error' => '',
'extension_version_list' => 'Versions',
'facetfullsearch' => '',
'february' => 'Február',
'file' => 'Súbor',
'files' => 'Súbory',
'files_deletion' => 'Odstránenie súboru',
'files_deletion_warning' => 'Touto akciou môžete odstrániť všetky súbory celých DMS zložiek. Verziovacie informácie zostanú viditeľné.',
'files_loading' => 'Prosím počkajte, kým sa načíta zoznam súborov ...',
'filetype' => '',
'file_size' => 'Veľkosť súboru',
'filter_for_documents' => 'Ďalší filter pre dokumenty',
'filter_for_documents_and_folders' => '',
'filter_for_folders' => 'Ďalší filter pre zložky',
'finished_workflow_log' => '',
'folder' => 'Zložka',
'folders' => 'Zložky',
'folders_and_documents_statistic' => 'Prehľad zložiek a dokumentov',
'folders_with_notification' => 'Zložky s notifikáciou',
'folder_access_permission_changed_email_body' => 'Zmenené prístupové práva
Dokument: [name]
Nadradený adresár: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_access_permission_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_access_permission_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Práva boli zmenené',
'folder_attribute_added_email_body' => '',
'folder_attribute_added_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_attribute_added_email_subject' => '',
'folder_attribute_changed_email_body' => 'Atribút zmenený
Zložka: [name]
Atribút: [attribute_name]
Predošlá hodnota: [attribute_old_value]
Nová hodnota: [attribute_new_value]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_attribute_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_attribute_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Atribút zmenený',
'folder_comment_changed_email' => 'Komentár sa zmenil',
'folder_comment_changed_email_body' => 'Komentár zmenený
Zložka: [name]
Predošlý komentár: [old_comment]
Nový komentár: [new_comment]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_comment_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_comment_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Komentár zmenený',
'folder_contents' => 'Obsah zložky',
'folder_deleted_email' => 'Zložka zmazaná',
'folder_deleted_email_body' => 'Zložka zmazaná
Zložka: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Užívateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_deleted_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_deleted_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Zložka bola odstránená',
'folder_infos' => 'Informácie o zložke',
'folder_moved_email' => 'Zložka presunutá',
'folder_moved_email_body' => 'Zložka bola presunutá
Zložka: [name]
Predošlá zložka: [old_folder_path]
Nová zložka: [new_folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_moved_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_moved_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Zložka bola presunutá',
'folder_notify_added_email' => '',
'folder_notify_added_email_body' => 'Pridanie do notifikačného zoznamu
Meno: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_notify_added_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_notify_added_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Pridané do zoznamu notifikácií',
'folder_notify_deleted_email_body' => 'Odstránené z notifikačného zoznamu
Meno: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_notify_deleted_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_notify_deleted_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Odstránené z notifikačného zoznamu',
'folder_ownership_changed_email_body' => 'Owner changed
Dokument: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Predošlý vlastník: [old_owner]
Nový vlastník: [new_owner]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_ownership_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_ownership_changed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Vlastník zmenený',
'folder_renamed_email' => 'Zložka premenovaná',
'folder_renamed_email_body' => 'Zložka bola premenovaná
Zložka: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Predošlý názov: [old_name]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'folder_renamed_email_body_html' => '',
'folder_renamed_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Zložka bola premenovaná',
'folder_title' => 'Zložka \'[foldername]\'',
'foot_note' => '',
'force_update' => 'Aktualizovať',
'friday' => 'Piatok',
'friday_abbr' => 'Pia',
'from' => 'Od',
'fr_FR' => 'Francúzština',
'fullsearch' => 'Fulltext index vyhľadávanie',
'fullsearch_hint' => 'Použiť fulltext index',
'fulltextsearch_disabled' => 'Fulltext index je zakázaný',
'fulltext_converters' => 'Index document conversion',
'fulltext_info' => 'Informácie o fulltext indexe',
'func_proc_open_missing' => '',
'global_attributedefinitiongroups' => 'Skupiny atribútov',
'global_attributedefinitions' => 'Atribúty',
'global_default_keywords' => 'Globálne kľúčové slová',
'global_document_categories' => 'Kategórie',
'global_link_types' => '',
'global_workflows' => 'Pracovné postupy',
'global_workflow_actions' => 'Workflow Actions',
'global_workflow_states' => 'Workflow States',
'group' => 'Skupina',
'groups' => 'Skupiny',
'group_approval_summary' => 'Zhrnutie skupinového schválenia',
'group_exists' => 'Skupina už existuje.',
'group_info' => 'Informácie o skupine',
'group_is_mandatory_approver' => '',
'group_is_mandatory_reviewer' => '',
'group_management' => 'Skupiny',
'group_members' => 'Členovia skupiny',
'group_previously_removed_from_approvers' => '',
'group_previously_removed_from_recipients' => '',
'group_previously_removed_from_reviewers' => '',
'group_previously_removed_from_revisors' => '',
'group_receipt_summary' => 'Group receipt summary',
'group_review_removed' => '',
'group_review_summary' => 'Zhrnutie skupinovej recenzie',
'group_revision_summary' => '',
'guest_login' => 'Prihlásiť sa ako hosť',
'guest_login_disabled' => 'Prihlásenie ako hosť je vypnuté.',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'help' => 'Pomoc',
'home_folder' => 'Domovská zložka',
'hook_name' => 'Name of hook',
'hourly' => 'Každú hodinu',
'hours' => 'hodiny',
'hr_HR' => 'Chorváčtina',
'human_readable' => 'Čitateľný archív',
'hu_HU' => 'Maďarčina',
'id' => 'ID',
'identical_version' => 'Nová verzia je identická s terajšou.',
'id_ID' => '',
'import' => 'Importovať',
'importfs' => 'Importovať zo súborového systému',
'import_extension' => 'Import extension',
'import_fs' => 'Importovanie zo súborového systému',
'import_fs_warning' => 'This will only work for folders in the drop folder. The operation recursively imports all folders and files. Files will be released immediately.',
'import_users' => 'Importovať užívateľov',
'import_users_addnew' => '',
'import_users_no_column_mapping' => '',
'import_users_update' => '',
'include_content' => 'Zahrnúť obsah',
'include_documents' => 'Vrátane súborov',
'include_subdirectories' => 'Vrátane podzložiek',
'indexing_tasks_in_queue' => 'Indexovacích úloh vo fronte',
'index_converters' => '',
'index_document_added' => '',
'index_document_unchanged' => '',
'index_document_updated' => '',
'index_done' => 'Hotovo',
'index_error' => 'Chyba',
'index_folder' => 'Indexovať zložku',
'index_folder_added' => '',
'index_folder_unchanged' => '',
'index_folder_updated' => '',
'index_no_content' => 'Did not index content',
'index_pending' => 'Pending',
'index_processing' => '',
'index_waiting' => 'Čakajte',
'individuals' => 'Jednotlivci',
'individuals_in_groups' => 'Členovia skupiny',
'ind_review_removed' => '',
'info_recipients_tab_not_released' => 'Acknowledgement of reception for this document version is not possible, because the version is not released.',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_none' => '',
'info_rm_user_from_processes_user' => '',
'inherited' => 'zdedené',
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => 'Skopírovať zdedený zoznam riadenia prístupu',
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => 'Založiť nový zoznam riadenia prístupu',
'inherits_access_msg' => 'Prístup sa dedí.',
'insecure_installation' => '',
'installed_apache_extensions' => '',
'installed_php_extensions' => '',
'internal_error' => 'Vnútorná chyba',
'internal_error_exit' => 'Vnútorná chyba. Nebolo možné dokončiť požiadavku.',
'invalid_access_mode' => 'Neplatný režim prístupu',
'invalid_action' => 'Neplatná činnosť',
'invalid_approval_status' => 'Neplatný stav schválenia',
'invalid_create_date_end' => 'Neplatný koncový dátum vytvorenia.',
'invalid_create_date_start' => 'Neplatný počiatočný dátum vytvorenia.',
'invalid_doc_id' => 'Neplatný ID dokumentu',
'invalid_dropfolder_folder' => 'Invalid folder in drop folder',
'invalid_expiration_date' => '',
'invalid_expiration_date_end' => 'Invalid end date for expiration date range.',
'invalid_expiration_date_start' => 'Invalid start date for expiration date range.',
'invalid_file_id' => 'Nesprávne ID súboru',
'invalid_folder_id' => 'Neplatný ID zložky',
'invalid_group_id' => 'Neplatný ID skupiny',
'invalid_link_id' => 'Neplatný ID odkazu',
'invalid_request_token' => 'Invalid Request Token',
'invalid_review_status' => 'Neplatný stav recenzie',
'invalid_sequence' => 'Neplatná hodnota postupnosti',
'invalid_status' => 'Neplatný stav dokumentu',
'invalid_target_doc_id' => 'Neplatné cieľové ID dokumentu',
'invalid_target_folder' => 'Neplatné cieľové ID zložky',
'invalid_user_id' => 'Neplatné ID používateľa',
'invalid_version' => 'Neplatná verzia dokumentu',
'in_folder' => 'V',
'in_revision' => 'V revízií',
'in_workflow' => 'V pracovnom postupe',
'iptc_metadata' => '',
'is_disabled' => 'Zakázať účet',
'is_hidden' => 'Nezobrazovať v zozname používateľov',
'it_IT' => 'Taliančina',
'january' => 'Január',
'js_confirm_cancel_checkout' => '',
'js_form_error' => 'The form still contains # error.',
'js_form_errors' => 'The form still contains # errors.',
'js_invalid_email' => 'E-mailová adresa je neplatná',
'js_no_approval_group' => 'Prosím, vyberte skupinu pre schválenie',
'js_no_approval_status' => 'Prosím, vyberte stav schválenia',
'js_no_comment' => 'Žiadny komentár',
'js_no_currentpwd' => 'Zadajte svoje aktuálne heslo',
'js_no_document' => '',
'js_no_email' => 'Napíšte svoju emailovú adresu',
'js_no_file' => 'Prosím, vyberte súbor',
'js_no_folder' => '',
'js_no_keywords' => 'Zadajte nejaké kľúčové slová',
'js_no_login' => 'Prosím, napíšte meno používateľa',
'js_no_name' => 'Prosím, napíšte meno',
'js_no_override_status' => 'Prosím, vyberte nový stav [prepíše sa]',
'js_no_pwd' => 'Budete musieť napísať svoje heslo',
'js_no_query' => 'Napíšte požiadavku',
'js_no_review_group' => 'Prosím, vyberte skupinu pre recenziu',
'js_no_review_status' => 'Prosím, vyberte stav recenzie',
'js_pwd_not_conf' => 'Heslo a potvrdenie hesla sa nezhodujú',
'js_select_user' => 'Prosím, vyberte používateľa',
'js_select_user_or_group' => 'Vyberte aspoň používateľa alebo skupinu',
'js_unequal_passwords' => 'Heslá nie sú zhodné',
'july' => 'Júl',
'june' => 'Jún',
'keep' => 'Nemeňte',
'keep_doc_status' => 'Zachovať stav dokumentu',
'keywords' => 'Kľúčové slová',
'keywords_loading' => 'Prosím počkajte, kým sa načíta zoznam kľúčových slov ...',
'keyword_exists' => 'Kľúčové slovo už existuje',
'ko_KR' => 'Kórejčina',
'language' => 'Jazyk',
'lastaccess' => 'Posledný prístup',
'last_update' => 'Posledná aktualizácia',
'latest_newdocuments' => '',
'latest_statuschange' => '',
'latest_updateddocuments' => '',
'legend' => 'Legenda',
'librarydoc' => 'Dokument z knižnice',
'linked_document' => '',
'linked_documents' => 'Súvisiace dokumenty',
'linked_files' => 'Prílohy',
'linked_to_current_version' => 'Prepojené s aktuálnou verziou',
'linked_to_document' => 'Prepojené s dokumentom',
'linked_to_this_version' => 'Prepojené s touto verziou',
'link_alt_updatedocument' => 'If you would like to upload files bigger than the current maximum upload size, please use the alternative <a href="%s">upload page</a>.',
'link_document' => '',
'link_to_version' => 'Pripojiť k verzii',
'list_access_rights' => 'Zobraziť všetky prístupové práva',
'list_contains_no_access_docs' => 'Zoznam obsahuje viac dokumentov, ku ktorým nemáte prístup a nie sú zobrazené.',
'list_conversion_overview' => '',
'list_conversion_services' => '',
'list_hooks' => 'List hooks',
'list_notification_services' => '',
'list_of_recipients_has_disabled_users' => '',
'list_tasks' => 'List tasks',
'local_file' => 'Lokálny súbor',
'locked_by' => 'Uzamkol',
'lock_document' => 'Zamknúť',
'lock_message' => 'Tento dokument zamkol [username]. Iba oprávnení používatelia ho môžu odomknúť.',
'lock_status' => 'Stav',
'logfile' => '',
'logfile_loading' => '',
'login' => 'Prihlásiť sa',
'login_disabled_text' => 'Váš účet bol zablokovaný, pravdepodobne veľa pokusov o prihlásenie zlyhalo.',
'login_disabled_title' => 'Účet je zablokovaný',
'login_error_text' => 'Chyba pri prihlasovaní. ID používateľa alebo heslo je nesprávne.',
'login_error_title' => 'Chyba pri prihlasovaní',
'login_not_given' => 'Nebolo zadané používateľské meno',
'login_ok' => 'Prihlásenie prebehlo úspešne',
'login_restrictions_apply' => 'Nepodarilo sa prihlásiť, kvôli obmedzeniam',
'logout' => 'Odhlásenie',
'log_management' => 'Správa protokolov',
'lo_LA' => 'Laoský',
'malformed_expiration_date' => '',
'manager' => 'Manažér',
'manager_of_group' => 'Ste správcom tejto skupiny',
'mandatory_approvergroups' => 'Mandatory Groups of approvers',
'mandatory_approvergroup_no_access' => 'Mandatory group of approvers \'[group]\' has insufficient access rights.',
'mandatory_approvers' => 'Mandatory approvers',
'mandatory_approver_no_access' => 'Mandatory approver \'[user]\' has insufficient access rights.',
'mandatory_reviewergroups' => 'Mandatory group of reviewers',
'mandatory_reviewergroup_no_access' => 'Mandatory group of reviewers \'[group]\' has insufficient access rights.',
'mandatory_reviewers' => 'Mandatory reviewers',
'mandatory_reviewer_no_access' => 'Mandatory reviewer \'[user]\' has insufficient access rights.',
'march' => 'Marec',
'mark_document' => '',
'mark_folder' => '',
'max_upload_size' => 'Maximálna veľkosť každého súboru',
'may' => 'Máj',
'menu_dropfolder' => 'Drop zložka',
'menu_upload_from_dropfolder' => 'Naimportovať zo súboru',
'message' => '',
'mimetype' => 'Mime typ',
'minutes' => 'minúty',
'misc' => 'Rôzne',
'missing_checksum' => 'Chýba kontrolný súčet',
'missing_file' => 'Chýba súbor',
'missing_filesize' => 'Chýba veľkosť súboru',
'missing_func_class_note' => '',
'missing_php_class' => '',
'missing_php_extension' => '',
'missing_php_extensions' => '',
'missing_php_function' => '',
'missing_php_functions_and_classes' => '',
'missing_reception' => 'Missing reception',
'missing_request_object' => 'Chýba požadovaný objekt',
'missing_transition_user_group' => 'Chýba používateľ/skupina pre prenos',
'modification_date' => '',
'modified' => '',
'monday' => 'Pondelok',
'monday_abbr' => 'Po',
'monthly' => 'Mesačne',
'month_view' => 'Mesiac',
'more_objects_loading' => 'Načítavajú sa ďalšie objekty ...',
'move' => 'Presunúť',
'move_clipboard' => 'Presunúť schránku',
'move_document' => 'Presunúť dokument',
'move_folder' => 'Presunúť zložku',
'move_into_rootfolder' => '',
'must_drop_one_file' => '',
'my_account' => 'Môj účet',
'my_documents' => 'Moje dokumenty',
'my_transmittals' => 'My Transmittals',
'name' => 'Meno',
'nav_brand_admin_tools' => '',
'nav_brand_calendar' => '',
'nav_brand_my_account' => '',
'nav_brand_my_documents' => '',
'nav_brand_view_document' => '',
'nav_brand_view_folder' => '',
'nb_NO' => 'Nórčina (Bokmål)',
'needs_correction' => 'Vyžaduje opravu',
'needs_workflow_action' => 'Tento dokument si vyžaduje vašu pozornosť. Skontrolujte kartu pracovného postupu.',
'network_drive' => 'Sieťová jednotka',
'never' => 'nikdy',
'new' => 'Nove',
'new_attrdef' => 'Pridať definíciu atribútu',
'new_default_keywords' => 'Pridať kľúčové slová',
'new_default_keyword_category' => 'Pridať kategóriu',
'new_documents' => '',
'new_documents_today' => '',
'new_documents_yesterday' => '',
'new_document_category' => 'Pridať kategóriu',
'new_document_email' => 'Nový dokument',
'new_document_email_body' => 'Nový dokument
Meno: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Komentár: [comment]
Komentár k verzii: [version_comment]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'new_document_email_body_html' => '',
'new_document_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [folder_name] - Nový dokument',
'new_file_email' => 'Nová príloha',
'new_file_email_body' => 'Nová príloha
Meno: [name]
Dokument: [document]
Komentár: [comment]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'new_file_email_body_html' => '',
'new_file_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [document] - Nová príloha',
'new_folder' => 'Nová zložka',
'new_link_type' => '',
'new_password' => 'Nové heslo',
'new_subfolder_email' => 'Nová zložka',
'new_subfolder_email_body' => 'Nová zložka
Meno: [name]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Komentár: [comment]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'new_subfolder_email_body_html' => '',
'new_subfolder_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Nová zložka',
'new_user_image' => 'Nový obrázok',
'next_revision_abbr' => '',
'next_state' => 'Nový stav',
'nl_NL' => 'Holandština',
'no' => 'Nie',
'notification' => '',
'notification_msg_tmpl' => '',
'notification_recvtype' => '',
'notification_recv_any' => '',
'notification_recv_approver' => '',
'notification_recv_notification' => '',
'notification_recv_owner' => '',
'notification_recv_reviewer' => '',
'notification_recv_uploader' => '',
'notification_recv_workflow' => '',
'notification_service_no_filter' => '',
'notification_tmpl' => '',
'not_subscribed' => '',
'november' => 'November',
'now' => 'teraz',
'no_action' => 'Nič sa nevykoná',
'no_approval_needed' => 'Neprebieha žiadne schvaľovanie.',
'no_attached_files' => 'Žiadne prílohy',
'no_attributes_defined' => '',
'no_attribute_definitions' => '',
'no_backup_dir' => '',
'no_current_version' => 'Neaktualizovaná verzia',
'no_default_keywords' => 'Nie sú dostupné žiadne kľúčové slová.',
'no_docs_checked_out' => 'No documents checked out',
'no_docs_draft' => '',
'no_docs_expired' => '',
'no_docs_locked' => 'Žiadne uzamknuté dokumenty.',
'no_docs_needs_correction' => 'Žiadne dokumenty potrebné opraviť',
'no_docs_obsolete' => '',
'no_docs_rejected' => 'Žiadne dokumenty neboli zamietnuté.',
'no_docs_to_approve' => 'Momentálne neexistujú žiadne dokumenty, ktoré vyžadujú schválenie.',
'no_docs_to_look_at' => 'Žiadne dokumenty, ktoré potrebujú pozornosť.',
'no_docs_to_receipt' => 'Žiadne dokumenty, ktoré požadujú potvrdenie.',
'no_docs_to_review' => 'Momentálne neexistujú žiadne dokumenty, ktoré vyžadujú recenziu.',
'no_docs_to_revise' => 'There are currently no documents that need to be revised.',
'no_email_or_login' => 'Login a email treba zadať',
'no_fulltextindex' => 'Fulltextový index nie je k dispozícii',
'no_groups' => 'Žiadne skupiny',
'no_group_members' => 'Táto skupina nemá žiadnych členov',
'no_linked_files' => 'No linked files',
'no_previous_versions' => 'Neboli nájdené žiadne iné verzie',
'no_receipt_needed' => 'There are currently no documents requiring a receipt confirmation.',
'no_review_needed' => 'No review pending.',
'no_revision_date' => '',
'no_revision_needed' => 'No revision pending.',
'no_revision_planed' => 'No revision of document scheduled',
'no_update_cause_locked' => 'Preto nemôžete aktualizovať tento dokument. Kontaktujte používateľa, ktorý ho zamkol.',
'no_user_image' => 'nebol nájdený žiadny obrázok',
'no_value_set' => '',
'no_version_check' => 'Checking for a new version of SeedDMS has failed! This could be caused by allow_url_fopen being set to 0 in your php configuration.',
'no_version_modification' => 'Žiadne zmeny',
'no_workflows' => '',
'no_workflow_available' => 'Nie je k dispozícii žiaden workflow',
'number_count' => '',
'objectcheck' => 'Kontrola Adresárov/Dokumentov',
'objects_without_attribute' => '',
'object_check_critical' => 'Kritické chyby',
'object_check_warning' => 'Varovanie',
'objtype_unknown' => '',
'obsolete' => 'Zastaralé',
'october' => 'Október',
'old' => 'Staré',
'only_jpg_user_images' => 'Ako obrázky používateľov je možné použiť iba obrázky .jpg',
'operation_disallowed' => '',
'orderby' => '',
'orderby_date_asc' => '',
'orderby_date_desc' => '',
'orderby_id_asc' => '',
'orderby_id_desc' => '',
'orderby_name_asc' => '',
'orderby_name_desc' => '',
'orderby_relevance' => '',
'orderby_unsorted' => '',
'order_by_sequence_off' => 'Ordering by sequence is turned off in the settings. If you want this parameter to have effect, you will have to turn it back on.',
'original_filename' => 'Pôvodný názov súboru',
'overall_indexing_progress' => 'Celkový priebeh indexovania',
'owner' => 'Vlastník',
'parent_folder' => '',
'password' => 'Heslo',
'password_already_used' => 'Heslo sa už používa',
'password_expiration' => 'Vypršanie hesla',
'password_expiration_text' => 'Vaše heslo vypršalo. Zadajte si nové, aby ste sa mohli prihlásiť.',
'password_expired' => 'Heslo vypršalo',
'password_expires_in_days' => 'Heslo vyprší za %s dní.',
'password_forgotten' => 'Zabudnuté heslo',
'password_forgotten_email_body' => 'Dear user of SeedDMS,
we have received a request to change your password.
This can be done by clicking on the following link:
If you have still problems to login, then please contact your administrator.',
'password_forgotten_email_body_html' => '',
'password_forgotten_email_subject' => '[sitename]: Zabudnuté heslo',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash' => '',
'password_forgotten_invalid_hash_title' => '',
'password_forgotten_send_hash' => 'Instructions on how to proceed has been send to the user\'s email address',
'password_forgotten_text' => 'Fill out the form below and follow the instructions in the email, which will be sent to you.',
'password_forgotten_title' => 'Heslo bolo odoslané',
'password_mismatch_error' => '',
'password_mismatch_error_title' => '',
'password_repeat' => 'Zopakovať heslo',
'password_send' => 'Odoslať heslo',
'password_send_text' => 'Your new password has been send to the given email address, if the login and email matches an existing user. If you do not receive an email within the next minutes, then make sure both login and email are correct and restart the process again.',
'password_strength' => 'Sila hesla',
'password_strength_insuffient' => 'Nedostatočná sila hesla',
'password_wrong' => 'Zlé heslo',
'pdf_converters' => 'PDF converters',
'pending_approvals' => 'Čakajúce schválenia',
'pending_receipt' => 'Čakajúci príjemcovia',
'pending_reviews' => 'Čakajúce recenzie',
'pending_revision' => 'Pending revisions',
'pending_workflows' => 'Pending workflows',
'personal_default_keywords' => 'Osobné kľúčové slová',
'php_info' => '',
'pl_PL' => 'Poľština',
'possible_substitutes' => 'Substitutes',
'preset_expires' => 'Preset expiration',
'preview' => 'Náhľad',
'preview_converters' => 'Ukážka konverzie dokumentu',
'preview_images_text' => '',
'preview_markdown' => 'Markdown',
'preview_pdf' => 'Preview as PDF',
'preview_plain' => 'Text',
'preview_png' => 'Náhľad obrázkov',
'preview_txt' => '',
'previous_state' => 'Predchádzajúci stav',
'previous_versions' => 'Predošlé verzie',
'process' => 'Proces',
'process_without_user_group' => 'Procesy bez používateľa/skupiny',
'pt_BR' => 'Portugalčina',
'quota' => 'Kvóta',
'quota_exceeded' => 'Vaša disková kvóta bola prekročená o [bytes].',
'quota_is_disabled' => 'Podpora kvót je momentálne zakázaná v nastaveniach. Nastavenie kvóty používateľa nebude mať žiadny účinok, kým nebude znovu aktivovaná.',
'quota_warning' => 'Maximálne využitie disku je prekročené o [bytes]. Odstráňte dokumenty alebo predchádzajúce verzie.',
'readme_loading' => '',
'receipts_accepted' => '[no_receipts] receipts already accepted',
'receipts_accepted_latest' => '',
'receipts_not_touched' => '[no_receipts] receipts not being touched',
'receipts_not_touched_latest' => '',
'receipts_rejected' => '[no_receipts] receipts already rejected',
'receipts_rejected_latest' => '',
'receipts_without_group' => 'Receipts without group',
'receipts_without_user' => 'Receipts without user',
'receipt_deletion_email_body' => 'Používateľ bol odstránený zo zoznamu recipientov
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Recipient: [recipient]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'receipt_deletion_email_body_html' => '',
'receipt_deletion_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Recipient odstránený',
'receipt_log' => 'Reception Log',
'receipt_request_email_body' => 'Reception request
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'receipt_request_email_body_html' => '',
'receipt_request_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Reception request',
'receipt_status' => 'Stav',
'receipt_submit_email_body' => '',
'receipt_submit_email_body_html' => '',
'receipt_submit_email_subject' => '',
'receipt_summary' => 'Receipt summary',
'receipt_update_failed' => 'Acknowledging reception failed',
'recentchanges_mail_subject' => '',
'recent_uploads' => 'Naposledy nahrané súbory',
'reception' => 'Reception',
'reception_acknowleged' => 'Reception acknowledged',
'reception_noaction' => 'Žiadna akcia',
'reception_rejected' => 'Reception rejected',
'recipients' => 'Príjemcovia',
'recipient_already_removed' => '',
'record_type' => '',
'redraw' => 'Prekresliť',
'refresh' => 'Obnoviť',
'rejected' => 'Odmietnuté',
'released' => 'Vydané',
'removed_approver' => 'bol odstránený zo zoznamu schvaľovateľov.',
'removed_file_email' => 'Odstránená príloha',
'removed_file_email_body' => 'Odstránená príloha
Dokument: [document]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'removed_file_email_body_html' => '',
'removed_file_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [document] - Príloha bola odstránená',
'removed_recipient' => 'bol odstránený zo zoznamu recipientov.',
'removed_reviewer' => 'bol odstránený zo zoznamu recenzentov.',
'removed_revisor' => 'has been removed from the list of revisors.',
'removed_workflow_email_body' => 'Removed workflow from document version
Document: [name]
Version: [version]
Workflow: [workflow]
Parent folder: [folder_path]
User: [username]
URL: [url]',
'removed_workflow_email_body_html' => '',
'removed_workflow_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Removed workflow from document version',
'removeFolderFromDropFolder' => 'Po importe odstrániť zložku',
'remove_approval_log' => '',
'remove_marked_files' => 'Odstrániť označené súbory',
'remove_review_log' => '',
'remove_task' => '',
'reorder' => '',
'repaired' => 'opravené',
'repairing_objects' => 'Oprava dokumentov a zložiek.',
'replace_content_email_body' => '',
'replace_content_email_body_html' => '',
'replace_content_email_subject' => '',
'request_workflow_action_email_body' => 'The workflow has reached a state which requires your action.
Document: [name]
Version: [version]
Workflow: [workflow]
Current state: [current_state]
Parent folder: [folder_path]
User: [username]
URL: [url]',
'request_workflow_action_email_body_html' => '',
'request_workflow_action_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Workflow action required',
'reset_checkout' => 'Finish Check out',
'restrict_access' => 'Žiadny prístup k',
'results_page' => 'Výsledky',
'return_from_subworkflow' => 'Return from sub workflow',
'return_from_subworkflow_email_body' => 'Return from subworkflow
Document: [name]
Version: [version]
Workflow: [workflow]
Subworkflow: [subworkflow]
Parent folder: [folder_path]
User: [username]
URL: [url]',
'return_from_subworkflow_email_body_html' => '',
'return_from_subworkflow_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Return from subworkflow',
'reverse_links' => 'Dokumenty, ktoré majú odkaz na aktuálny dokument',
'reviewers' => 'Recenzenti',
'reviewer_already_assigned' => 'je už poverený ako recenzent',
'reviewer_already_removed' => 'už bol odstránený z procesu recenzie alebo už odoslal recenziu',
'reviews_accepted' => '[no_reviews] reviews already accepted',
'reviews_accepted_latest' => '',
'reviews_not_touched' => '[no_reviews] reviews not being touched',
'reviews_not_touched_latest' => '',
'reviews_rejected' => '[no_reviews] reviews already rejected',
'reviews_rejected_latest' => '',
'reviews_without_group' => 'Reviews without group',
'reviews_without_user' => 'Reviews without user',
'review_deletion_email' => 'Požiadavka na recenziu zmazaná',
'review_deletion_email_body' => 'Požiadavka na recenziu zmazaná
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'review_deletion_email_body_html' => '',
'review_deletion_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Požiadavka na recenziu zmazaná',
'review_file' => 'Súbor',
'review_group' => 'Skupina recenzie',
'review_log' => 'Denník recenzií',
'review_request_email' => 'Požiadavka na recenziu',
'review_request_email_body' => 'Požiadavka na recenziu
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'review_request_email_body_html' => '',
'review_request_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Požiadavka na recenziu',
'review_status' => 'Stav recenzie',
'review_submit_email' => 'Odoslaná recenzia',
'review_submit_email_body' => 'Odoslaná recenzia
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Stav: [status]
Komentár: [comment]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'review_submit_email_body_html' => '',
'review_submit_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Odoslaná recenzia',
'review_summary' => 'Zhrnutie recenzie',
'review_update_failed' => 'Chyba pri aktualizácii stavu recenzie. Aktualizácia zlyhala.',
'revise_document' => 'Revidovať dokument',
'revise_document_on' => 'Next revision of document version on [date]',
'revision' => '',
'revisions_accepted' => '[no_revisions] revisions already accepted',
'revisions_accepted_latest' => '',
'revisions_not_touched' => '[no_revisions] revisions not being touched',
'revisions_not_touched_latest' => '',
'revisions_pending' => '[no_revisions] revisions due in future',
'revisions_pending_latest' => '',
'revisions_rejected' => '[no_revisions] revisions already rejected',
'revisions_rejected_latest' => '',
'revisions_without_group' => 'Revízie bez skupiny',
'revisions_without_user' => 'Revízie bez používateľa',
'revision_date' => 'Dátum revízie',
'revision_deletion_email_body' => '',
'revision_deletion_email_subject' => '',
'revision_log' => 'Protokol revízie',
'revision_request_email_body' => 'Žiadosť o revíziu
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradený priečinok: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'revision_request_email_body_html' => '',
'revision_request_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Žiadosť o revíziu',
'revision_status' => 'Stav',
'revision_submit_email_body' => '',
'revision_submit_email_body_html' => '',
'revision_submit_email_subject' => '',
'revision_summary' => '',
'revisors' => 'Revisors',
'revisor_already_assigned' => 'User is already assigned as an revisor.',
'revisor_already_removed' => 'Revisor has already been removed from revision process or has already revised the document.',
'rewind_workflow' => 'Rewind workflow',
'rewind_workflow_email_body' => 'Workflow was rewinded
Document: [name]
Version: [version]
Workflow: [workflow]
Parent folder: [folder_path]
User: [username]
URL: [url]',
'rewind_workflow_email_body_html' => '',
'rewind_workflow_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Workflow was rewinded',
'rewind_workflow_warning' => 'If you rewind a workflow to its initial state, then the whole workflow log for this document will be deleted and cannot be recovered.',
'rm_attrdef' => 'Odstrániť definíciu atribútu',
'rm_attrdefgroup' => 'Odstrániť túto skupinu atribútov',
'rm_attr_value' => 'Odstrániť hodnotu',
'rm_default_keyword_category' => 'Zmazať kategóriu',
'rm_document' => 'Odstrániť dokument',
'rm_document_category' => 'Odstrániť kategóriu',
'rm_event' => 'Odstrániť udalosť',
'rm_file' => 'Odstrániť súbor',
'rm_folder' => 'Odstrániť zložku',
'rm_from_clipboard' => 'Odstrániť zo schránky',
'rm_group' => 'Odstrániť túto skupinu',
'rm_role' => 'Odstrániť túto rolu',
'rm_task' => '',
'rm_transmittal' => 'Remove transmittal',
'rm_transmittalitem' => 'Odstrániť položku',
'rm_user' => 'Odstrániť tohto používateľa',
'rm_user_from_processes' => 'Odstrániť používateľa z procesu',
'rm_version' => 'Odstrániť verziu',
'rm_workflow' => 'Odstrániť pracovný postup',
'rm_workflow_action' => 'Remove Workflow Action',
'rm_workflow_state' => 'Remove Workflow State',
'rm_workflow_warning' => 'You are about to remove the workflow from the document. This cannot be undone.',
'role' => 'Rola',
'role_admin' => 'Administrátor',
'role_guest' => 'Hosť',
'role_info' => 'Informácia',
'role_management' => 'Správa rolí',
'role_name' => 'Názov role',
'role_type' => 'Typ role',
'role_user' => 'Používateľ',
'ro_RO' => 'Rumunština',
'run_subworkflow' => 'Run sub workflow',
'run_subworkflow_email_body' => 'Subworkflow was started
Document: [name]
Version: [version]
Workflow: [workflow]
Subworkflow: [subworkflow]
Parent folder: [folder_path]
User: [username]
URL: [url]',
'run_subworkflow_email_body_html' => '',
'run_subworkflow_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Subworkflow was started',
'ru_RU' => 'Ruština',
'saturday' => 'Sobota',
'saturday_abbr' => 'So',
'save' => 'Uložiť',
'scheduler_class' => 'Class',
'scheduler_class_description' => 'Description',
'scheduler_class_parameter' => 'Parameter',
'scheduler_class_tasks' => 'Tasks of class',
'scheduler_task_mgr' => 'Scheduler',
'search' => 'Hľadať',
'search_fulltext' => 'Vyhľadávanie vo fulltexte',
'search_in' => 'Prehľadávať',
'search_mode' => '',
'search_mode_and' => 'všetky slová',
'search_mode_documents' => 'Iba dokumenty',
'search_mode_folders' => 'Iba zložky',
'search_mode_or' => 'aspoň jedno zo slov',
'search_no_results' => 'Vašej požiadavke nevyhovujú žiadne dokumenty',
'search_query' => 'Hľadať',
'search_query_placeholder' => '',
'search_report' => 'Nájdených [count] dokumentov',
'search_report_fulltext' => 'Nájdené [doccount] dokumenty',
'search_resultmode' => 'Výsledok hľadania',
'search_resultmode_both' => 'Dokumenty a zložky',
'search_results' => 'Výsledky hľadania',
'search_results_access_filtered' => 'Výsledky hľadania môžu obsahovať obsah, ku ktorému bol zamietnutý prístup.',
'search_time' => 'Uplynulý čas: [time] sek',
'seconds' => 'sekundy',
'seeddms_info' => '',
'seeddms_version' => '',
'selection' => 'Výber',
'select_attrdef' => '',
'select_attrdefgrp_show' => 'Choose when to show',
'select_attribute_value' => 'Vyberte hodnotu atribútu',
'select_category' => 'Vyber kategóriu',
'select_created' => '',
'select_documents_for_process' => '',
'select_group' => 'Vybrať skupinu',
'select_groups' => 'Kliknutím vyberte skupiny',
'select_grp_approvers' => 'Kliknutím vyberte schvaľovateľa skupiny',
'select_grp_ind_approvers' => 'Kliknutím vyberte skupinu',
'select_grp_ind_notification' => 'Kliknutím vyberte skupinu',
'select_grp_ind_recipients' => 'Kliknutím vyberte skupinu',
'select_grp_ind_reviewers' => 'Kliknutím vyberte skupinu',
'select_grp_ind_revisors' => 'Kliknutím vyberte skupinu',
'select_grp_notification' => 'Kliknutím vyberte notifikáciu skupiny',
'select_grp_recipients' => 'Kliknutím vyberte skupinu príjemcov',
'select_grp_reviewers' => 'Kliknutím vyberte recenzenta skupiny',
'select_grp_revisors' => 'Kliknutím vyberte skupinu revízorov',
'select_ind_approvers' => 'Kliknutím vyberte individuálneho schvaľovateľa',
'select_ind_notification' => 'Kliknutím vyberte individuálnu notifikáciu',
'select_ind_recipients' => 'Kliknutím vyberte individuálnych príjemcov',
'select_ind_reviewers' => 'Kliknutím vyberte individuálneho recenzenta',
'select_ind_revisors' => 'Kliknutím vyberte individuálnych revízorov',
'select_mimetype' => '',
'select_modified' => '',
'select_one' => 'Vyberte',
'select_option' => '',
'select_owner' => '',
'select_record_type' => '',
'select_status' => '',
'select_user' => 'Vyberte používateľa',
'select_users' => 'Kliknutím vyberte používateľov',
'select_value' => 'Vyberte hodnotu',
'select_workflow' => 'Select workflow',
'send_email' => 'Poslať E-mail',
'send_login_data' => 'Poslať prihlasovacie údaje',
'send_login_data_body' => 'Prihlasovacie údaje
Login: [login]
Meno: [username]
'send_login_data_subject' => '[sitename]: [login] - Vaše prihlasovacie údaje',
'send_notification' => '',
'send_test_mail' => 'Poslať testovací E-mail',
'september' => 'September',
'sequence' => 'Postupnosť',
'seq_after' => 'Po "[prevname]"',
'seq_end' => 'Nakoniec',
'seq_keep' => 'Ponechať pozíciu',
'seq_start' => 'Prvá pozícia',
'service_has_filter' => '',
'service_list_from' => '',
'service_list_info' => '',
'service_list_to' => '',
'service_name' => '',
'sessions' => 'Používatelia online',
'setDateFromFile' => 'Prebrať dátumy z importovaných súborov',
'setDateFromFolder' => 'Prebrať dátumy z importovaných zložiek',
'settings' => 'Nastavenia',
'settings_activate_module' => 'Aktivovať modul',
'settings_activate_php_extension' => 'Aktivovať PHP rozšírenie',
'settings_addManagerAsApprover' => '',
'settings_addManagerAsApprover_desc' => '',
'settings_addManagerAsReviewer' => '',
'settings_addManagerAsReviewer_desc' => '',
'settings_adminIP' => 'IP administrátora',
'settings_adminIP_desc' => 'If set, admin can login only by specified IP address. Leave empty to avoid lose of access. NOTE: works only with local authentication (no LDAP)',
'settings_Advanced' => 'Rozšírené',
'settings_advancedAcl' => 'Advanced Access control',
'settings_advancedAcl_desc' => 'Advanced access controll will allow to turn on/off certain modules of the software. It can not be used for access rights on documents and folders.',
'settings_allowChangeRevAppInProcess' => 'Povoliť zmenu schvaľovateľa, ak už bol proces začatý',
'settings_allowChangeRevAppInProcess_desc' => '',
'settings_allowReviewerOnly' => 'Allow to set reviewer only',
'settings_allowReviewerOnly_desc' => 'Enable this, if it shall be allow to set just a reviewer but no approver in traditional workflow mode.',
'settings_alwaysShowClipboard' => '',
'settings_alwaysShowClipboard_desc' => '',
'settings_alwaysShowMenuTasks' => '',
'settings_alwaysShowMenuTasks_desc' => '',
'settings_apache_mod_rewrite' => 'Apache - Modul Rewrite',
'settings_apiKey' => '',
'settings_apiKey_desc' => '',
'settings_apiOrigin' => '',
'settings_apiOrigin_desc' => '',
'settings_apiUserId' => '',
'settings_apiUserId_desc' => '',
'settings_Authentication' => 'Authentication settings',
'settings_autoLoginUser' => 'Automatické prihlásenie',
'settings_autoLoginUser_desc' => 'Use this user id for accesses if the user is not already logged in. Such an access will not create a session.',
'settings_available_languages' => 'Dostupné jazyky',
'settings_available_languages_desc' => 'Only the selected languages will be loaded and show up in the language selector. The default language will always be loaded.',
'settings_backupDir' => 'Zložka na zálohovanie',
'settings_backupDir_desc' => 'Directory where the backup tool saves backups. If this directory is not set or cannot be accessed, then the backups will be saved in the content directory.',
'settings_baseUrl' => '',
'settings_baseUrl_desc' => '',
'settings_batchOperations' => '',
'settings_batchOperations_desc' => '',
'settings_cacheDir' => 'Zložka medzipamäte',
'settings_cacheDir_desc' => 'Where the preview images are stored (best to choose a directory that is not accessible through your web-server)',
'settings_Calendar' => 'Nastavenie kalendára',
'settings_calendarDefaultView' => 'Predvolené zobrazenie kalendára',
'settings_calendarDefaultView_desc' => 'Predvolené zobrazenie kalendára',
'settings_cannot_disable' => 'Súbor ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL nie je možné odstrániť',
'settings_checkOutDir' => 'Directory for checked out documents',
'settings_checkOutDir_desc' => 'This is the directory where the latest content of a document is copied if the document is checked out. If you make this directory accessible for users, they can edit the file and check it back in when finished.',
'settings_cmdTimeout' => 'Timeout for external commands',
'settings_cmdTimeout_desc' => 'This duration in seconds determines when an external command (e.g. for creating the full text index) will be terminated.',
'settings_conf_field_not_editable' => '',
'settings_contentDir' => 'Zložka obsahu',
'settings_contentDir_desc' => 'Where the uploaded files are stored (best to choose a directory that is not accessible through your web-server)',
'settings_contentOffsetDir' => 'Content Offset Directory',
'settings_contentOffsetDir_desc' => 'To work around limitations in the underlying file system, a new directory structure has been devised that exists within the content directory (Content Directory). This requires a base directory from which to begin. Usually leave this to the default setting, 1048576, but can be any number or string that does not already exist within (Content Directory)',
'settings_convertToPdf' => 'Konvertovať dokument do PDF pre náhľad',
'settings_convertToPdf_desc' => 'Ak dokument nemôže byť prirodzene zobrazený prehliadačom, konvertovaná verzia do formátu PDF bude zobrazená',
'settings_cookieLifetime' => 'Čas trvania súboru cookie',
'settings_cookieLifetime_desc' => 'The life time of a cookie in seconds. If set to 0 the cookie will be removed when the browser is closed.',
'settings_coreDir' => 'Core SeedDMS directory',
'settings_coreDir_desc' => 'Path to SeedDMS_Core (optional). Leave this empty if you have installed SeedDMS_Core at a place where it can be found by PHP, e.g. Extra PHP Include-Path',
'settings_createCheckOutDir' => 'Create check out directory',
'settings_createCheckOutDir_desc' => 'Create checkout dir if it does not exists',
'settings_createdatabase' => 'Vytvoriť databázové tabuľky',
'settings_createdirectory' => 'Vytvoriť zložku',
'settings_currentvalue' => 'Aktuálna hodnota',
'settings_Database' => 'Nastavenia databazy',
'settings_dateformat' => '',
'settings_dateformat_desc' => '',
'settings_datetimeformat' => '',
'settings_datetimeformat_desc' => '',
'settings_daysPastDashboard' => '',
'settings_daysPastDashboard_desc' => '',
'settings_dbDatabase' => 'Databáza',
'settings_dbDatabase_desc' => 'The name for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless necessary, if for example the database has been moved.',
'settings_dbDriver' => 'Typ databázy',
'settings_dbDriver_desc' => 'The type of database in use entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless you are having to migrate to a different type of database perhaps due to changing hosts. Type of DB-Driver used by adodb (see adodb-readme)',
'settings_dbHostname' => 'Názov servera',
'settings_dbHostname_desc' => 'The hostname for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.',
'settings_dbPass' => 'Heslo',
'settings_dbPass_desc' => 'Heslo pre prístup k databáze zadané počas inštalácie.',
'settings_dbUser' => 'Používateľské meno',
'settings_dbUser_desc' => 'The username for access to your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.',
'settings_dbVersion' => 'Database schema too old',
'settings_defaultAccessDocs' => 'Východzí prístup pre nové dokumenty',
'settings_defaultAccessDocs_desc' => 'When a new document is created, this will be the default access right.',
'settings_defaultDocPosition' => 'Position of document when created',
'settings_defaultDocPosition_desc' => 'This is the default position within a folder when a document is created.',
'settings_defaultDocPosition_val_end' => 'end',
'settings_defaultDocPosition_val_start' => 'start',
'settings_defaultFolderPosition' => '',
'settings_defaultFolderPosition_desc' => '',
'settings_defaultSearchMethod' => 'Default search method',
'settings_defaultSearchMethod_desc' => 'Default search method, when a search is started by the search form in the main menu.',
'settings_defaultSearchMethod_valdatabase' => 'databáza',
'settings_defaultSearchMethod_valfulltext' => 'fulltext',
'settings_delete_install_folder' => 'In order to use SeedDMS, you must delete the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the configuration directory',
'settings_disableChangePassword' => '',
'settings_disableChangePassword_desc' => '',
'settings_disableSelfEdit' => 'Disable Self Edit',
'settings_disableSelfEdit_desc' => 'If checked user cannot edit his own profile',
'settings_disable_install' => 'Delete file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL if possible',
'settings_Display' => 'Zobraziť nastavenia',
'settings_dropFolderDir' => 'Zložka pre drop zložku',
'settings_dropFolderDir_desc' => 'This directory can be used for dropping files on the server\'s file system and importing them from there instead of uploading via the browser. The directory must contain a sub directory for each user who is allowed to import files this way.',
'settings_Edition' => 'Edition settings',
'settings_editOnlineFileTypes' => 'Edit Online File Types',
'settings_editOnlineFileTypes_desc' => 'Files with one of the following endings can be edited online (USE ONLY LOWER CASE CHARACTERS)',
'settings_enable2FactorAuthentication' => 'Enable 2-factor authentication',
'settings_enable2FactorAuthentication_desc' => 'Enable/disable 2 factor authentication. The users will need the Google Authenticator on its mobile phone.',
'settings_enableAcknowledgeWorkflow' => '',
'settings_enableAcknowledgeWorkflow_desc' => '',
'settings_enableAdminReceipt' => 'Allow reception of documents for admins',
'settings_enableAdminReceipt_desc' => 'Enable this if you want administrators to be listed as recipients of documents.',
'settings_enableAdminRevApp' => 'Allow review/approval for admins',
'settings_enableAdminRevApp_desc' => 'Enable this if you want administrators to be listed as reviewers/approvers and for workflow transitions.',
'settings_enableCalendar' => 'Zapnúť kalendár',
'settings_enableCalendar_desc' => 'Zapnúť/vypnúť kalendár',
'settings_enableCancelCheckout' => '',
'settings_enableCancelCheckout_desc' => '',
'settings_enableClipboard' => 'Aktivovať schránky',
'settings_enableClipboard_desc' => 'Enable/disable the clipboard on the \'View Folder\' page',
'settings_enableConverting' => 'Povoliť konverziu',
'settings_enableConverting_desc' => 'Povoliť/zakázať konvertovať súbory',
'settings_enableDebugMode' => '',
'settings_enableDebugMode_desc' => '',
'settings_enableDropFolderList' => 'Enable list of files in drop folder in menu',
'settings_enableDropFolderList_desc' => 'Turn on a list of files in the drop folder. The list is shown in the main menu.',
'settings_enableDropUpload' => 'Zapnúť rýchle nahratie',
'settings_enableDropUpload_desc' => 'Enable/Disable the drop area on the \'View Folder\' page for uploading files by Drag&Drop.',
'settings_enableDuplicateDocNames' => 'Povoliť duplicitné názvy dokumentov',
'settings_enableDuplicateDocNames_desc' => 'Povoliť duplicitné názvy dokumentov v zložke.',
'settings_enableDuplicateSubFolderNames' => '',
'settings_enableDuplicateSubFolderNames_desc' => '',
'settings_enableEmail' => 'Povoliť e-mail',
'settings_enableEmail_desc' => 'Povoliť/zakázať automatickú emailovú notifikáciu',
'settings_enableExtensionDownload' => '',
'settings_enableExtensionDownload_desc' => '',
'settings_enableExtensionImport' => '',
'settings_enableExtensionImportFromRepository' => '',
'settings_enableExtensionImportFromRepository_desc' => '',
'settings_enableExtensionImport_desc' => '',
'settings_enableFilterReceipt' => 'Filter out owner, reviewer, ... from reception list',
'settings_enableFilterReceipt_desc' => 'Enable, in order to filter out some recipients from a reception list if members of a group are selected.',
'settings_enableFolderTree' => 'Zobrazovať strom zložiek',
'settings_enableFolderTree_desc' => 'Enable/Disable the folder tree on the \'View Folder\' page',
'settings_enableFullSearch' => 'Povoliť Fulltextové vyhľadávanie',
'settings_enableFullSearch_desc' => 'Povoliť Fulltextové vyhľadávanie',
'settings_enableGuestAutoLogin' => 'Povoliť automatické prihlásenie pre hosťa',
'settings_enableGuestAutoLogin_desc' => 'If a guest login and auto login is enabled, the guest will be logged in automatically.',
'settings_enableGuestLogin' => 'Povoliť prihlásenie Hosťa',
'settings_enableGuestLogin_desc' => 'If you want anybody to login as guest, check this option. Note: guest login should be used only in a trusted environment',
'settings_enableHelp' => 'Povoliť nápovedu',
'settings_enableHelp_desc' => 'Enable/disable the link to the help screens in the menu',
'settings_enableHiddenReceipt' => '',
'settings_enableHiddenReceipt_desc' => '',
'settings_enableHiddenRevApp' => '',
'settings_enableHiddenRevApp_desc' => '',
'settings_enableLanguageSelector' => 'Aktivovať voľbu jazyka',
'settings_enableLanguageSelector_desc' => 'Zobraziť výber pre jazyk používateľského rozhrania potom, čo bol prihlásený.',
'settings_enableLargeFileUpload' => 'Povoliť nahrávať veľké súbory',
'settings_enableLargeFileUpload_desc' => 'If set, file upload is also available through a java applet called jumploader without a file size limit set by the browser. It also allows to upload several files in one step. Turning this on will turn off http only cookies.',
'settings_enableLoginByEmail' => '',
'settings_enableLoginByEmail_desc' => '',
'settings_enableMenuTasks' => 'Enable task list in menu',
'settings_enableMenuTasks_desc' => 'Enable/Disable the menu item which contains all tasks for the user. This contains documents, that need to be reviewed, approved, etc.',
'settings_enableMenuTransmittals' => '',
'settings_enableMenuTransmittals_desc' => '',
'settings_enableMultiUpload' => 'Povoliť nahrať viacero súborov',
'settings_enableMultiUpload_desc' => 'When creating a new document, multiple files can be uploaded. Each will create a new document.',
'settings_enableNotificationAppRev' => 'Enable reviewer/approver notification',
'settings_enableNotificationAppRev_desc' => 'Check to send a notification to the reviewer/approver when a new document version is added',
'settings_enableNotificationWorkflow' => 'Send notification to users in next workflow transition',
'settings_enableNotificationWorkflow_desc' => 'If this option is enabled, the users and groups which need to take action in the next workflow transition will be notified. Even if they have not added a notification for the document.',
'settings_enableOwnerNotification' => 'Enable owner notification by default',
'settings_enableOwnerNotification_desc' => 'Check for adding a notification for the owner if a document when it is added.',
'settings_enableOwnerReceipt' => 'Allow reception of documents by owner',
'settings_enableOwnerReceipt_desc' => 'Enable this if you want the owner of a document to be listed as a recipient.',
'settings_enableOwnerRevApp' => 'Allow review/approval for owner',
'settings_enableOwnerRevApp_desc' => 'Enable this if you want the owner of a document to be listed as reviewers/approvers and for workflow transitions.',
'settings_enablePasswordForgotten' => 'Povoliť zabudnuté heslo',
'settings_enablePasswordForgotten_desc' => 'If you want to allow user to set a new password and send it by mail, check this option.',
'settings_enableReceiptReject' => '',
'settings_enableReceiptReject_desc' => '',
'settings_enableReceiptWorkflow' => 'Enable acknowledge of document reception',
'settings_enableReceiptWorkflow_desc' => 'Enable, to turn on the workflow to acknowledge document reception.',
'settings_enableRecursiveCount' => 'Enable recursive document/folder count',
'settings_enableRecursiveCount_desc' => 'If turned on, the number of documents and folders in the folder view will be determined by counting all objects by recursively processing the folders and counting those documents and folders the user is allowed to access.',
'settings_enableRemoveRevApp' => '',
'settings_enableRemoveRevApp_desc' => '',
'settings_enableRevisionOneVoteReject' => 'Reject by one revisor',
'settings_enableRevisionOneVoteReject_desc' => '',
'settings_enableRevisionOnVoteReject' => '',
'settings_enableRevisionOnVoteReject_desc' => '',
'settings_enableRevisionWorkflow' => 'Povoliť revíziu dokumentov',
'settings_enableRevisionWorkflow_desc' => 'Enable, to be able to run the workflow for revising a document after a given period of time.',
'settings_enableSelfReceipt' => 'Allow reception of documents for logged in user',
'settings_enableSelfReceipt_desc' => 'Enable this if you want the currently logged in user to be listed as recipient for a document.',
'settings_enableSelfRevApp' => 'Allow review/approval for logged in user',
'settings_enableSelfRevApp_desc' => 'Enable this if you want the currently logged in user to be listed as reviewers/approvers and for workflow transitions.',
'settings_enableSessionList' => 'Enable list of users online in menu',
'settings_enableSessionList_desc' => 'Enable list of currently logged in users in menu.',
'settings_enableThemeSelector' => 'Výber šablóny',
'settings_enableThemeSelector_desc' => 'Turns on/off the theme selector on the login page.',
'settings_enableUpdateReceipt' => 'Allow editing of existing reception',
'settings_enableUpdateReceipt_desc' => 'Enable this, if the user who has made a reception may change the decission.',
'settings_enableUpdateRevApp' => 'Allow editing of exting review/approval',
'settings_enableUpdateRevApp_desc' => 'Enable this, if the user who has made a review/approval may change the decission as long as the current workflow step has not been finished.',
'settings_enableUserImage' => 'Povoliť obrázok používateľa',
'settings_enableUserImage_desc' => 'Povoliť používateľské obrázky',
'settings_enableUsersView' => 'Povoliť zobrazenie používateľov',
'settings_enableUsersView_desc' => 'Enable/disable group and user view for all users',
'settings_enableVersionDeletion' => 'Enable deletion of previous versions',
'settings_enableVersionDeletion_desc' => 'Enable/disable deletion of previous document versions by regular users. Admin may always delete old versions.',
'settings_enableVersionModification' => 'Enable modification of versions',
'settings_enableVersionModification_desc' => 'Enable/disable modification of a document versions by regular users after a version was uploaded. Admin may always modify the version after upload.',
'settings_enableWebdavReplaceDoc' => 'Replace document when saving',
'settings_enableWebdavReplaceDoc_desc' => 'If enabled, saving a new version of a document will replace the old document instead of creating a new version. This will only apply if the user, mimetype and filename are equal to the last version. This can be usefull when applications are auto saving a document in fixed intervals.',
'settings_enableXsendfile' => '',
'settings_enableXsendfile_desc' => '',
'settings_encryptionKey' => 'Encryption key',
'settings_encryptionKey_desc' => 'This string is used for creating a unique identifier being added as a hidden field to a form in order to prevent CSRF attacks.',
'settings_error' => 'Chyba',
'settings_expandFolderTree' => 'Rozbaliť',
'settings_expandFolderTree_desc' => 'Rozbaliť strom zložiek',
'settings_expandFolderTree_val0' => 'začať so skrytou stromovou štruktúrou',
'settings_expandFolderTree_val1' => 'začať so stromovou štruktúrou s prvou rozbalenou úrovňou',
'settings_expandFolderTree_val2' => 'začať so stromovou štruktúrou plne rozbalenou',
'settings_ExtensionMgr' => '',
'settings_Extensions' => 'Rozšírenia',
'settings_extraPath' => 'Extra PHP include Path',
'settings_extraPath_desc' => 'Path to additional software. This is the directory containing e.g. the adodb directory or additional pear packages',
'settings_firstDayOfWeek' => 'Prvý deň v týždni',
'settings_firstDayOfWeek_desc' => 'Prvý deň v týždni',
'settings_footNote' => 'Poznámka pod čiarou',
'settings_footNote_desc' => 'Správa sa zobrazí v dolnej časti každej stránky',
'settings_fullSearchEngine' => 'Fulltext engine',
'settings_fullSearchEngine_desc' => 'Set the method used for the fulltext search.',
'settings_fullSearchEngine_vallucene' => 'Zend Lucene',
'settings_fullSearchEngine_valsqlitefts' => 'SQLiteFTS',
'settings_globalApprover' => '',
'settings_globalApprover_desc' => '',
'settings_globalGroupApprover' => '',
'settings_globalGroupApprover_desc' => '',
'settings_globalGroupReviewer' => '',
'settings_globalGroupReviewer_desc' => '',
'settings_globalReviewer' => '',
'settings_globalReviewer_desc' => '',
'settings_global_approver_is_admin' => '',
'settings_global_reviewer_is_admin' => '',
'settings_guestID' => 'Hosť ID',
'settings_guestID_desc' => 'ID of guest-user used when logged in as guest (mostly no need to change)',
'settings_guestid_is_admin' => '',
'settings_guestid_is_disabled' => '',
'settings_httpRoot' => 'Http Root',
'settings_httpRoot_desc' => 'The relative path in the URL, after the domain part. Do not include the http:// prefix or the web host name. e.g. If the full URL is http://www.example.com/seeddms/, set \'/seeddms/\'. If the URL is http://www.example.com/, set \'/\'',
'settings_incItemsPerPage' => 'Number of entries loaded at end of page',
'settings_incItemsPerPage_desc' => 'If the number of folders and documents is limited, this will set the number of additionally loaded objects, when scrolling down to the bottom of the view folder page. Setting this to 0, will load the same number of objects as has been loaded initially.',
'settings_initialDocumentStatus' => 'Initial document status',
'settings_initialDocumentStatus_desc' => 'This status will be set when a document is added.',
'settings_initialDocumentStatus_draft' => 'Návrh',
'settings_initialDocumentStatus_released' => 'Vydaný',
'settings_inlineEditing' => '',
'settings_inlineEditing_desc' => '',
'settings_installADOdb' => 'Inštalovať ADOdb',
'settings_install_disabled' => 'File ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL was deleted. You can now log into SeedDMS and do further configuration.',
'settings_install_pear_package_log' => 'Inštalovať Pear balíček \'Log\'',
'settings_install_pear_package_webdav' => 'Inštalovať Pear balíček \'HTTP_WebDAV_Server\', ak máte v umysle používať rozhranie webdav',
'settings_install_success' => 'Inštalácia bola úspešne dokončená.',
'settings_install_welcome_text' => '<p>Before you start to install SeedDMS make sure you have created a file \'ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL\' in your configuration directory, otherwise the installation will not work. On Unix-System this can easily be done with \'touch conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL\'. After you have finished the installation delete the file.</p><p>SeedDMS has very minimal requirements. You will need a mysql database or sqlite support and a php enabled web server. The pear package Log has to be installed too. For the lucene full text search, you will also need the Zend framework installed on disc where it can be found by php. For the WebDAV server you will also need the HTTP_WebDAV_Server. The path to it can later be set during installation.</p><p>If you like to create the database before you start installation, then just create it manually with your favorite tool, optionally create a database user with access on the database and import one of the database dumps in the configuration directory. The installation script can do that for you as well, but it will need database access with sufficient rights to create databases.</p>',
'settings_install_welcome_title' => 'Vitajte v inštalácii SeedDMS',
'settings_install_zendframework' => 'Install Zend Framework, if you intend to use the zend based full text search engine. Otherwise, ignore this message and continue the installation.',
'settings_invalid_guestid' => '',
'settings_language' => 'Predvolený jazyk',
'settings_language_desc' => 'Default language (name of a subfolder in folder "languages")',
'settings_libraryFolder' => 'Library folder',
'settings_libraryFolder_desc' => 'Folder where documents can be copied to create new documents.',
'settings_logFileEnable' => 'Povoliť Log súbor',
'settings_logFileEnable_desc' => 'Povoliť/zakázať log súbor',
'settings_logFileMaxLevel' => '',
'settings_logFileMaxLevel_desc' => '',
'settings_logFileRotation' => 'Log File Rotation',
'settings_logFileRotation_desc' => 'The log file rotation',
'settings_loginFailure' => 'Prihlásenie zlyhalo',
'settings_loginFailure_desc' => 'Disable account after n login failures.',
'settings_logLevelAlert' => '',
'settings_logLevelCritical' => '',
'settings_logLevelDebug' => '',
'settings_logLevelEmergency' => '',
'settings_logLevelError' => '',
'settings_logLevelInfo' => '',
'settings_logLevelNotice' => '',
'settings_logLevelWarning' => '',
'settings_luceneClassDir' => 'Lucene SeedDMS zložka',
'settings_luceneClassDir_desc' => 'Path to SeedDMS_Lucene (optional). Leave this empty if you have installed SeedDMS_Lucene at a place where it can be found by PHP, e.g. Extra PHP Include-Path',
'settings_luceneDir' => 'Directory for full text index',
'settings_luceneDir_desc' => 'Cesta do Lucene indexu',
'settings_manager_approver_is_admin' => '',
'settings_manager_reviewer_is_admin' => '',
'settings_markdownComments' => '',
'settings_markdownComments_desc' => '',
'settings_maxDirID' => 'Max Zložka ID',
'settings_maxDirID_desc' => 'Maximum number of sub-directories per parent directory. Do not change this value unless you know what you do! Default: 0.',
'settings_maxExecutionTime' => 'Max Execution Time (s)',
'settings_maxExecutionTime_desc' => 'This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parse',
'settings_maxItemsPerPage' => 'Max. number of entries on a page',
'settings_maxItemsPerPage_desc' => 'Restricts the number of folders and documents shown on the view folder page. Further objects will be loaded when scrolling to the end of the page. Set to 0 to always show all objects.',
'settings_maxRecursiveCount' => 'Max. number of recursive document/folder count',
'settings_maxRecursiveCount_desc' => 'This is the maximum number of documents or folders that will be checked for access rights, when recursively counting objects. If this number is exceeded, the number of documents and folders in the folder view will be estimated.',
'settings_maxSizeForFullText' => 'Maximum filesize for instant indexing',
'settings_maxSizeForFullText_desc' => 'All new document version smaller than the configured size will be fully indexed right after uploading. In all other cases only the metadata will be indexed.',
'settings_maxUploadSize' => 'Maximálna veľkosť pre nahrávané súbory',
'settings_maxUploadSize_desc' => 'This is the maximum size for uploaded files. It will take affect for document versions and attachments.',
'settings_more_settings' => 'Configure more settings. Default login: admin/admin',
'settings_noDocumentFormFields' => '',
'settings_noDocumentFormFields_desc' => '',
'settings_noFolderFormFields' => '',
'settings_noFolderFormFields_desc' => '',
'settings_notfound' => 'Nenájdené',
'settings_Notification' => 'Nastavenia notifikácií',
'settings_notwritable' => 'The configuration cannot be saved because the configuration file is not writable.',
'settings_no_content_dir' => 'Content directory',
'settings_onePageMode' => '',
'settings_onePageMode_desc' => '',
'settings_overrideMimeType' => 'Override MimeType',
'settings_overrideMimeType_desc' => 'Override the MimeType delivered by the browser, if a file is uploaded. The new MimeType is determined by SeedDMS itself.',
'settings_overrideTheme' => '',
'settings_overrideTheme_desc' => '',
'settings_partitionSize' => 'Čiastočná veľkosť súboru',
'settings_partitionSize_desc' => 'Size of partial files in bytes, uploaded by jumploader. Do not set a value larger than the maximum upload size set by the server.',
'settings_passwordExpiration' => 'Vypršanie hesla',
'settings_passwordExpiration_desc' => 'The number of days after which a password expireѕ and must be reset. 0 turns password expiration off.',
'settings_passwordHistory' => 'História hesla',
'settings_passwordHistory_desc' => 'The number of passwords a user must have been used before a password can be reused. 0 turns the password history off.',
'settings_passwordStrength' => 'Min. sila hesla',
'settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm' => 'Algoritmus pre silu hesla',
'settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_desc' => 'The algorithm used for calculating the password strength. The \'simple\' algorithm just checks for at least eight chars total, a lower case letter, an upper case letter, a number and a special char. If those conditions are met the returned score is 100 otherwise 0.',
'settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_valadvanced' => 'pokročilý',
'settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_valsimple' => 'jednoduchý',
'settings_passwordStrength_desc' => 'The minimum password strength is an integer value from 0 to 100. Setting it to 0 will turn off checking for the minimum password strength.',
'settings_pear_log' => 'Pear balíček : Log',
'settings_pear_webdav' => 'Pear balíček : HTTP_WebDAV_Server',
'settings_perms' => 'Oprávnenie',
'settings_php_dbDriver' => 'PHP rozšírenie : php_\'see current value\'',
'settings_php_gd2' => 'PHP rozšírenie : php_gd2',
'settings_php_mbstring' => 'PHP rozšírenie : php_mbstring',
'settings_php_version' => 'PHP verzia',
'settings_presetExpirationDate' => 'Preset expiration date',
'settings_presetExpirationDate_desc' => 'All new uploaded documents will have an expiration date set to this value. The date entered can be specified as understood by PHP\'s strtotime() function, e.g. +5 weeks.',
'settings_previewWidthDetail' => 'Šírka náhľadu obrázkov (detail)',
'settings_previewWidthDetail_desc' => 'Šírka náhľadu obrázku zobrazená na stránke podrobností',
'settings_previewWidthDropFolderList' => 'Šírka náhľadu obrázku (zoznam drop zložka)',
'settings_previewWidthDropFolderList_desc' => 'Šírka náhľadu obrázkov zobrazených v zozname pri výbere súboru z drop zložky.',
'settings_previewWidthList' => 'Šírka náhľadu obrázku (zoznam)',
'settings_previewWidthList_desc' => 'Šírka pre náhľad obrázkov je uvedené v zoznamoch',
'settings_previewWidthMenuList' => 'Šírka náhľadu obrázku (zoznam ponúk)',
'settings_previewWidthMenuList_desc' => 'Šírka náhľadu obrázkov zobrazených ako položky v ponuke drop zložky.',
'settings_printDisclaimer' => 'Print Disclaimer',
'settings_printDisclaimer_desc' => 'If enabled, the disclaimer message will be printed on the bottom of every page',
'settings_proxyUPassword' => '',
'settings_proxyUPassword_desc' => '',
'settings_proxyUrl' => '',
'settings_proxyUrl_desc' => '',
'settings_proxyUser' => '',
'settings_proxyUser_desc' => '',
'settings_quota' => 'Kvóta používateľa',
'settings_quota_desc' => 'The maximum number of bytes a user may use on disk. Set this to 0 for unlimited disk space. This value can be overridden for each user in his profile.',
'settings_removeFromDropFolder' => 'Remove file from drop folder after successful upload',
'settings_removeFromDropFolder_desc' => 'Enable this, if a file taken from the drop folder shall be deleted after successful upload.',
'settings_repositoryUrl' => 'URL of repository',
'settings_repositoryUrl_desc' => 'URL of repository for extensions',
'settings_restricted' => 'Restricted access',
'settings_restricted_desc' => 'Only allow users to log in if they have an entry in the local database (irrespective of successful authentication with LDAP)',
'settings_rootDir' => 'Koreňový adresár',
'settings_rootDir_desc' => 'Cesta k miestu, kde sa nachádza SeedDMS',
'settings_rootFolderID' => 'ID koreňovej zložky',
'settings_rootFolderID_desc' => 'ID of root-folder (mostly no need to change)',
'settings_SaveError' => 'Configuration file save error',
'settings_Server' => 'Nastavenie servera',
'settings_showFullPreview' => 'Zobraziť kompletný dokument',
'settings_showFullPreview_desc' => 'Enable/disable a full preview of the document on the details page, if the browser is capable to do so.',
'settings_showMissingTranslations' => 'Ukázať chýbajúce preklady',
'settings_showMissingTranslations_desc' => 'List all missing translations on the page at the bottom of the page. The logged in user will be able to submit a proposal for a missing translation which will be saved in a csv file. Do not turn this function on if in a production environment!',
'settings_showSingleSearchHit' => 'Jump straight to a single search hit',
'settings_showSingleSearchHit_desc' => 'If the search results into just one hit, then it will be displayed right away instead of the result list.',
'settings_Site' => 'Stránka',
'settings_siteDefaultPage' => 'Site Default Page',
'settings_siteDefaultPage_desc' => 'Default page on login. If empty defaults to out/out.ViewFolder.php',
'settings_siteName' => 'Názov stránky',
'settings_siteName_desc' => 'Názov stránky používaný v nadpisoch. Predvolený: SeedDMS',
'settings_SMTP' => 'SMTP Server nastavenia',
'settings_smtpForceFrom' => '',
'settings_smtpForceFrom_desc' => '',
'settings_smtpLazySSL' => '',
'settings_smtpLazySSL_desc' => '',
'settings_smtpPassword' => 'SMTP Server heslo',
'settings_smtpPassword_desc' => 'SMTP Server heslo',
'settings_smtpPort' => 'SMTP Server port',
'settings_smtpPort_desc' => 'SMTP Server port, štandardne 25',
'settings_smtpSendFrom' => 'Odoslané z',
'settings_smtpSendFrom_desc' => 'Odoslané z',
'settings_smtpSendTestMail' => 'Send test mail',
'settings_smtpSendTestMail_desc' => 'Sends a test mail, for checking the current email configuration.',
'settings_smtpServer' => 'SMTP Server názov hostiteľa',
'settings_smtpServer_desc' => 'SMTP Server názov hostiteľa',
'settings_smtpUser' => 'SMTP Server používateľ',
'settings_smtpUser_desc' => 'SMTP Server používateľ',
'settings_sortFoldersDefault' => 'Predvolená metóda triedenia',
'settings_sortFoldersDefault_desc' => 'Toto nastavenie triedi metódy pre zložky a dokumenty v zobrazení zložiek.',
'settings_sortFoldersDefault_val_name' => 'podľa mena',
'settings_sortFoldersDefault_val_sequence' => 'podľa sekvencií',
'settings_sortFoldersDefault_val_unsorted' => 'neutriedený',
'settings_sortUsersInList' => 'Triediť užívateľov v zozname',
'settings_sortUsersInList_desc' => 'Sets if users in selection menus are ordered by login or by its full name',
'settings_sortUsersInList_val_fullname' => 'Triediť podľa celého mena',
'settings_sortUsersInList_val_login' => 'Triediť podľa prihlásenie',
'settings_stagingDir' => 'Directory for partial uploads',
'settings_stagingDir_desc' => 'The directory where jumploader places the parts of a file upload before it is put back together.',
'settings_start_install' => 'Začať inštaláciu',
'settings_stopWordsFile' => 'Path to stop words file',
'settings_stopWordsFile_desc' => 'If fulltext search is enabled, this file will contain stop words not being indexed',
'settings_strictFormCheck' => 'Strict Form Check',
'settings_strictFormCheck_desc' => 'Strict form checking. If set to true, then all fields in the form will be checked for a value. If set to false, then (most) comments and keyword fields become optional. Comments are always required when submitting a review or overriding document status',
'settings_suggestionvalue' => 'Suggestion value',
'settings_suggestTerms' => '',
'settings_suggestTerms_desc' => '',
'settings_System' => 'Systém',
'settings_tasksInMenu' => 'Selected tasks',
'settings_tasksInMenu_approval' => 'Approvals',
'settings_tasksInMenu_checkedout' => '',
'settings_tasksInMenu_desc' => 'Select those tasks which are to be counted. If none is selected, then all tasks will be counted.',
'settings_tasksInMenu_needscorrection' => 'Correction needed',
'settings_tasksInMenu_receipt' => 'Reviews',
'settings_tasksInMenu_rejected' => '',
'settings_tasksInMenu_review' => 'Receipts',
'settings_tasksInMenu_revision' => 'Revisions',
'settings_tasksInMenu_workflow' => 'Workflow',
'settings_theme' => 'Prednastavená téma',
'settings_theme_desc' => 'Default style (name of a subfolder in folder "styles")',
'settings_titleDisplayHack' => 'Title Display Hack',
'settings_titleDisplayHack_desc' => 'Workaround for page titles that go over more than 2 lines.',
'settings_undelUserIds' => 'Undeletable User IDs',
'settings_undelUserIds_desc' => 'Comma separated list of user ids, that cannot be deleted.',
'settings_updateDatabase' => 'Run schema update scripts on database',
'settings_updateNotifyTime' => 'Aktualizovať čas notifikácie',
'settings_updateNotifyTime_desc' => 'Users are notified about document-changes that took place within the last \'Update Notify Time\' seconds',
'settings_upgrade_php' => 'Upgrade PHP to at least version 5.6.38',
'settings_uploadedAttachmentIsPublic' => '',
'settings_uploadedAttachmentIsPublic_desc' => '',
'settings_useHomeAsRootFolder' => '',
'settings_useHomeAsRootFolder_desc' => '',
'settings_versioningFileName' => 'Versioning FileName',
'settings_versioningFileName_desc' => 'The name of the versioning info file created by the backup tool',
'settings_versiontolow' => 'Verzia je nízka',
'settings_viewOnlineFileTypes' => 'Zobraziť online typy súborov',
'settings_viewOnlineFileTypes_desc' => 'Files with one of the following endings can be viewed online (USE ONLY LOWER CASE CHARACTERS)',
'settings_webdav' => 'WebDAV',
'settings_workflowMode' => 'Workflow mode',
'settings_workflowMode_desc' => 'The advanced workflow allows to specify your own release workflow for document versions.',
'settings_workflowMode_valadvanced' => 'pokročilý',
'settings_workflowMode_valnone' => '',
'settings_workflowMode_valtraditional' => 'traditional',
'settings_workflowMode_valtraditional_only_approval' => 'traditional (without review)',
'settings_zendframework' => 'Zend Framework',
'set_expiration_date_help' => '',
'set_expiry' => 'Nastaviť vypršanie',
'set_owner' => 'Nastaviť vlastníka',
'set_owner_error' => 'Chyba pri nastavovaní vlastníka',
'set_password' => 'Nastaviť heslo',
'set_workflow' => 'Set Workflow',
'show_extension_changelog' => 'Show Changelog',
'show_extension_readme' => '',
'show_extension_version_list' => 'Show list of versions',
'signed_in_as' => 'Prihlásený ako',
'sign_in' => 'Prihlásiť sa',
'sign_out' => 'odhlásiť',
'sign_out_user' => 'Odhlásiť používateľa',
'site_brand' => '',
'sk_SK' => 'Slovenčina',
'sort_by_date' => '',
'sort_by_expiration_date' => '',
'sort_by_name' => '',
'sort_by_sequence' => '',
'space_used_on_data_folder' => 'Space used on data folder',
'splash_added_to_clipboard' => 'Pridané do schránky',
'splash_add_access' => 'Prístupové právo pridané',
'splash_add_attribute' => 'Bol pridaný nový atribút',
'splash_add_category' => '',
'splash_add_group' => 'Bola pridaná nová skupina',
'splash_add_group_member' => 'New group member added',
'splash_add_keyword' => '',
'splash_add_keyword_category' => '',
'splash_add_notify' => '',
'splash_add_role' => 'Nová rola bola pridaná',
'splash_add_task' => '',
'splash_add_to_transmittal' => 'Add to transmittal',
'splash_add_transmittal' => 'Added transmittal',
'splash_add_user' => 'Pridaný nový používateľ',
'splash_cancel_checkout' => '',
'splash_checked_in' => '',
'splash_cleared_cache' => 'Vymazanie vyrovnávacej pamäte',
'splash_cleared_clipboard' => 'Schránka bola vymazaná',
'splash_delete_access' => 'Access right deleted',
'splash_document_added' => 'Dokument bol pridaný',
'splash_document_checkedout' => 'Document checked out',
'splash_document_deleted' => '',
'splash_document_edited' => 'Dokument bol uložený',
'splash_document_indexed' => 'Dokument \'[name]\' bol indexovaný.',
'splash_document_locked' => 'Dokument uzamknutý',
'splash_document_name_changed' => '',
'splash_document_unlocked' => 'Dokument odomknutý',
'splash_document_updated' => '',
'splash_edit_access' => 'Access right changed',
'splash_edit_attribute' => 'Atribút bol uložený',
'splash_edit_category' => '',
'splash_edit_event' => 'Udalosť bola uložená',
'splash_edit_group' => 'Skupina bola uložená',
'splash_edit_keyword' => '',
'splash_edit_keyword_category' => '',
'splash_edit_role' => 'Rola bola uložená',
'splash_edit_task' => '',
'splash_edit_transmittal' => '',
'splash_edit_user' => 'Používateľ bol uložený',
'splash_error_add_to_transmittal' => 'Error while adding document to transmittal',
'splash_error_checkin_ended' => '',
'splash_error_rm_download_link' => 'Error when removing download link',
'splash_error_saving_file' => '',
'splash_error_send_download_link' => 'Error while sending download link',
'splash_expiration_date_cleared' => '',
'splash_expiration_date_set' => '',
'splash_extension_getlist' => 'Updated list of extensions from repository',
'splash_extension_import' => 'Extensition installed',
'splash_extension_refresh' => 'Refreshed list of extensions',
'splash_extension_upload' => 'Extension installed',
'splash_folder_added' => '',
'splash_folder_deleted' => '',
'splash_folder_edited' => 'Uložiť zmeny zložky',
'splash_importfs' => 'Importované dokumenty [docs] a zložky [folders]',
'splash_inherit_access' => 'Access right will be inherited',
'splash_invalid_folder_id' => 'Neplatné ID zložky',
'splash_invalid_searchterm' => 'Invalid search term',
'splash_invalid_search_service' => '',
'splash_link_document' => '',
'splash_mimetype_changed' => '',
'splash_moved_clipboard' => 'Schránka sa presunula do aktuálnej zložky',
'splash_move_document' => 'Dokument bol presunutý',
'splash_move_folder' => 'Zložka bola presunutá',
'splash_notinherit_access' => 'Prístupové práva sa už nededia',
'splash_receipt_update_success' => 'Reception added successfully',
'splash_removed_from_clipboard' => 'Odstránené zo schránky',
'splash_rm_attribute' => 'Atribút bol odstránený',
'splash_rm_attr_value' => 'Attribute value removed',
'splash_rm_category' => '',
'splash_rm_document' => 'Dokument odstránený',
'splash_rm_download_link' => 'Odkaz na prevzatie bol odstránený',
'splash_rm_folder' => 'Zložka zmazaná',
'splash_rm_group' => 'Skupina bola odstránená',
'splash_rm_group_member' => 'Člen skupiny odstránený',
'splash_rm_keyword' => '',
'splash_rm_keyword_category' => '',
'splash_rm_notify' => '',
'splash_rm_role' => 'Rola bola odstránená',
'splash_rm_transmittal' => 'Transmittal deleted',
'splash_rm_user' => 'Používateľ bol odstránený',
'splash_rm_user_processes' => 'Používateľ bol odstránený zo všetkých procesov',
'splash_rm_workflow' => '',
'splash_rm_workflow_action' => '',
'splash_rm_workflow_state' => '',
'splash_saved_file' => 'Verzia bola uložená',
'splash_save_user_data' => 'Používateľské údaje boli uložené',
'splash_send_download_link' => 'Download link sent by email.',
'splash_send_login_data' => 'Login data sent',
'splash_setowner' => 'Nastaviť nového vlastníka',
'splash_settings_saved' => 'Nastavenia boli uložené',
'splash_set_default_access' => 'Default access right set',
'splash_substituted_user' => 'Substituted user',
'splash_switched_back_user' => 'Switched back to original user',
'splash_toogle_group_manager' => 'Group manager toogled',
'splash_transfer_content' => '',
'splash_transfer_document' => 'Document transfered',
'splash_transfer_objects' => 'Objects transfered',
'splash_trigger_workflow' => '',
'startdate' => '',
'state_and_next_state' => 'State/Next state',
'statistic' => 'Štatistika',
'statistics_mail_subject' => '',
'status' => 'Stav',
'status_approval_rejected' => 'Návrh zamietnutý',
'status_approved' => 'Schválený',
'status_approver_removed' => 'Schvaľovateľ odstránený z procesu',
'status_change' => '',
'status_needs_correction' => 'Vyžaduje opravu',
'status_not_approved' => 'Neschválený',
'status_not_receipted' => 'Zatiaľ neprijatý',
'status_not_reviewed' => 'Nerecenzovaný',
'status_not_revised' => 'nezrevidovaný',
'status_receipted' => 'Receipted',
'status_receipt_rejected' => 'Odmietnuté',
'status_recipient_removed' => 'Recipient odstránený zo zoznamu',
'status_reviewed' => 'Recenzovaný',
'status_reviewer_rejected' => 'Návrh zamietnutý',
'status_reviewer_removed' => 'Recenzent odstránený z procesu',
'status_revised' => 'revised',
'status_revision_rejected' => 'Rejected',
'status_revision_sleeping' => 'pending',
'status_revisor_removed' => 'Revisor removed from list',
'status_unknown' => 'Neznámy',
'storage_size' => 'Objem dát',
'subfolder_duplicate_name' => '',
'submit_2_fact_auth' => 'Save secret',
'submit_approval' => 'Poslať schválenie',
'submit_login' => 'Prihlásiť sa',
'submit_password' => 'Nastaviť nové heslo',
'submit_password_forgotten' => 'Spustiť proces',
'submit_receipt' => 'Submit receipt',
'submit_review' => 'Poslať recenziu',
'submit_revision' => 'Add Revision',
'submit_userinfo' => 'Submit info',
'submit_webauthn_login' => '',
'submit_webauthn_register' => '',
'subsribe_timelinefeed' => 'Subscribe to time line feed',
'substitute_to_user' => 'Prepnúť do \'[username]\'',
'substitute_user' => 'Nahradiť používateľa',
'success_add_aro' => 'Access request object added',
'success_add_permission' => 'Oprávnenie pridané',
'success_remove_permission' => 'Oprávnenie bolo odstránené',
'success_toogle_permission' => 'Oprávnenie zmenené',
'sunday' => 'Nedeľa',
'sunday_abbr' => 'Ne',
'sv_SE' => 'Švédština',
'switched_to' => 'Prepnúť na',
'takeOverAttributeValue' => 'Take over attribute value from last version',
'takeOverGrpApprover' => 'Take over group of approvers from last version.',
'takeOverGrpApprovers' => '',
'takeOverGrpReviewer' => 'Take over group of reviewers from last version.',
'takeOverGrpReviewers' => '',
'takeOverIndApprover' => 'Take over individual approver from last version.',
'takeOverIndApprovers' => '',
'takeOverIndReviewer' => 'Take over individual reviewer from last version.',
'takeOverIndReviewers' => '',
'target_equals_source_folder' => '',
'tasks' => 'Úlohy',
'task_core_expireddocs_days' => '',
'task_core_expireddocs_dryrun' => '',
'task_core_expireddocs_email' => '',
'task_core_expireddocs_peruser' => '',
'task_core_importdropfolder_dryrun' => '',
'task_core_importdropfolder_dryrun_desc' => '',
'task_core_importdropfolder_keepfile' => '',
'task_core_importdropfolder_keepfile_desc' => '',
'task_core_importdropfolder_recursive' => '',
'task_core_importdropfolder_targetfolder' => '',
'task_core_importdropfolder_targetfolder_desc' => '',
'task_core_importdropfolder_users' => '',
'task_core_indexingdocs_recreate' => '',
'task_core_recentchanges_days' => '',
'task_core_recentchanges_lists' => '',
'task_core_recentchanges_users' => '',
'task_core_statistic_users' => '',
'task_description' => 'Description',
'task_disabled' => 'Disabled',
'task_failures' => '',
'task_frequency' => 'Frequency',
'task_frequency_placeholder' => '',
'task_last_run' => 'Last run',
'task_name' => 'Name',
'task_next_run' => 'Next run',
'temp_jscode' => 'Dočasný javascript kód',
'testmail_body' => 'This mail is just for testing the mail configuration of SeedDMS',
'testmail_subject' => 'Testovací E-mail',
'theme' => 'Šablóna',
'thursday' => 'Štvrtok',
'thursday_abbr' => 'Št',
'timeline' => 'Časová os',
'timeline_add_file' => 'Nová príloha',
'timeline_add_version' => 'Nová verzia [version]',
'timeline_full_add_file' => '[document]<br/>Nová príloha',
'timeline_full_add_version' => '[document]<br/>Nová verzia [version]',
'timeline_full_scheduled_revision' => '[document]<br />Revision of version [version]',
'timeline_full_status_change' => '[document]<br/>Verzia [version]: [status]',
'timeline_scheduled_revision' => 'Revision of version [version]',
'timeline_selected_item' => 'Vybraný dokument',
'timeline_skip_add_file' => 'príloha bola pridaná',
'timeline_skip_scheduled_revision' => 'Scheduled revision',
'timeline_skip_status_change_-1' => 'odmietnuté',
'timeline_skip_status_change_-2' => '',
'timeline_skip_status_change_-3' => 'expirovaný',
'timeline_skip_status_change_0' => 'čaká na revíziu',
'timeline_skip_status_change_1' => 'čaká na potvrdenie',
'timeline_skip_status_change_2' => 'uvoľnený',
'timeline_skip_status_change_3' => 'v spracovaní',
'timeline_skip_status_change_4' => 'v revízii',
'timeline_skip_status_change_5' => 'návrh',
'timeline_status_change' => 'Verzia [version]: [status]',
'title' => '',
'to' => 'Do',
'toggle_manager' => 'Prepnúť stav manager',
'toggle_qrcode' => 'Ukázať/skryť QR kód',
'total' => '',
'to_before_from' => 'End date may not be before start date',
'transfer_content' => '',
'transfer_document' => 'Zmeniť vlastníka',
'transfer_no_read_access' => 'Používateľ nemá práva na čítanie v adresári',
'transfer_no_users' => '',
'transfer_no_write_access' => 'Používateľ nemá práva na zapisovanie v adresári',
'transfer_objects' => 'Prenesené objekty',
'transfer_objects_to_user' => 'Nový vlastník',
'transfer_processes_to_user' => '',
'transfer_process_to_user' => '',
'transfer_to_user' => 'Transfer používateľovi',
'transition_triggered_email' => 'Workflow transition triggered',
'transition_triggered_email_body' => 'Workflow transition triggered
Document: [name]
Version: [version]
Comment: [comment]
Workflow: [workflow]
Previous state: [previous_state]
Current state: [current_state]
Parent folder: [folder_path]
User: [username]
URL: [url]',
'transition_triggered_email_body_html' => '',
'transition_triggered_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Workflow transition triggered',
'transmittal' => 'Transmittal',
'transmittalitem_removed' => 'Transmittal item removed',
'transmittalitem_updated' => 'Dokument bol aktualizovaný na najnovšiu verziu',
'transmittals' => '',
'transmittal_comment' => 'Komentár',
'transmittal_name' => 'Názov',
'transmittal_size' => 'Veľkosť',
'tree_loading' => 'Prosím počkajte kým sa nahrá strom dokumentov...',
'trigger_workflow' => 'Workflow',
'tr_TR' => 'Turecky',
'tuesday' => 'Utorok',
'tuesday_abbr' => 'Ut',
'types_generic' => '',
'type_of_hook' => 'Zadajte',
'type_to_filter' => '',
'type_to_search' => 'Zadajte na vyhľadanie',
'uk_UA' => 'Ukrajinsky',
'undefined' => '',
'under_folder' => 'V zložke',
'unknown_attrdef' => 'Neznáme definovanie atribútu',
'unknown_command' => 'Príkaz nebol rozpoznaný.',
'unknown_document_category' => 'Neznáma kategória',
'unknown_group' => 'Neznámy ID skupiny',
'unknown_id' => 'Neznáme ID',
'unknown_keyword_category' => 'Neznáma kategória',
'unknown_owner' => 'Neznámy ID vlastníka',
'unknown_status' => '',
'unknown_user' => 'Neznámy ID používateľa',
'unlinked_content' => 'Obsah bol odpojený',
'unlinked_documents' => 'Dokumenty boli odpojené',
'unlinked_folders' => 'Zložky boli odpojené',
'unlinking_objects' => 'Odpojenie obsahu',
'unlock_cause_access_mode_all' => 'Môžete ho stále aktualizovať, pretože máte režim prístupu "all". Zámok bude automaticky odstránený.',
'unlock_cause_locking_user' => 'Môžete ho stále aktualizovať, pretože ste ten, kto ho aj zamkol. Zámok bude automaticky odstránený.',
'unlock_document' => 'Odomknúť',
'update' => 'Aktualizovať',
'updated' => '',
'updated_documents' => '',
'update_approvers' => 'Aktualizovať zoznam schvaľovateľov',
'update_document' => 'Aktualizovať',
'update_fulltext_index' => 'Aktualizovať fulltext index',
'update_fulltext_messages' => '',
'update_info' => 'Aktualizovať informácie',
'update_locked_msg' => 'Tento dokument je zamknutý.',
'update_recipients' => 'Aktualizovať zoznam recipientov',
'update_reviewers' => 'Aktualizovať zoznam recenzentov',
'update_revisors' => 'Update list of resubmitters',
'update_transmittalitem' => 'Update to latest document version',
'uploaded_by' => 'Nahral/a',
'uploading_failed' => 'Nahranie niektorého súboru zlyhalo. Preverte maximálnu povolenú veľkosť.',
'uploading_maxsize' => 'Nahrávaný súbor prekročil maximálnu povolenú velkosť.',
'uploading_postmaxsize' => '',
'uploading_zerosize' => 'Nahrávate prázdny súbor. Nahrávanie je zrušené.',
'used_discspace' => 'Využitý priestor na disku',
'user' => 'Používateľ',
'userdata_file' => '',
'userid_groupid' => 'Používateľ id/Skupina id',
'users' => 'Používateľ',
'users_and_groups' => 'Používatelia/Skupiny',
'users_done_work' => 'Práca používateľov',
'user_exists' => 'Používateľ už existuje.',
'user_group' => 'Používateľ/Skupina',
'user_group_management' => 'Správa užívateľov/skupín',
'user_image' => 'Obrázok',
'user_info' => 'Informácie o používateľovi',
'user_is_mandatory_approver' => '',
'user_is_mandatory_reviewer' => '',
'user_list' => 'Zoznam používateľov',
'user_login' => 'ID používateľa',
'user_management' => 'Používatelia',
'user_name' => 'Plné meno',
'user_previously_removed_from_approvers' => '',
'user_previously_removed_from_recipients' => '',
'user_previously_removed_from_reviewers' => '',
'user_previously_removed_from_revisors' => '',
'use_comment_of_document' => 'Použite komentár dokumentu',
'use_default_categories' => 'Použiť preddefinované kategórie',
'use_default_keywords' => 'Použiť preddefinované kľúčové slová',
'valid_till' => 'Platný do',
'version' => 'Verzia',
'versioning_file_creation' => 'Vytvorenie verziovacieho súboru',
'versioning_file_creation_warning' => 'Touto operáciou môžete vytvoriť súbor pre každý dokument, obsahujúci verziovaciu informáciu toho dokumentu. Po vytvorení bude každý súbor uložený do zložky dokumentu. Those files are not needed for the regular operation of the dms, but could be of value if the complete repository shall be transferred to an other system.',
'versioning_info' => 'Informácie o verziách',
'versiontolow' => 'Verzia je nízka',
'version_comment' => '',
'version_comment_changed_email_body' => '',
'version_comment_changed_email_body_html' => '',
'version_comment_changed_email_subject' => '',
'version_deleted_email' => 'Verzia zmazana',
'version_deleted_email_body' => 'Verzia bola zmazaná
Dokument: [name]
Verzia: [version]
Nadradená zložka: [folder_path]
Používateľ: [username]
URL: [url]',
'version_deleted_email_body_html' => '',
'version_deleted_email_subject' => '[sitename]: [name] - Verzia bola odstránená',
'version_info' => 'Informácie o verzii',
'view' => 'Zobraziť',
'view_document' => '',
'view_folder' => '',
'view_online' => 'Zobraziť online',
'warning' => 'Upozornenie',
'warning_remove_approval_log' => '',
'warning_remove_review_log' => '',
'webauthn' => '',
'webauthn_auth' => '',
'webauthn_crossplatform_info' => '',
'webauthn_info' => '',
'webauthn_login_test' => '',
'webauthn_registration' => '',
'webauth_crossplatform' => '',
'wednesday' => 'Streda',
'wednesday_abbr' => 'St',
'weeks' => 'týždne',
'week_view' => 'Týždeň',
'workflow' => 'Workflow',
'workflows_involded' => 'Involved in workflow',
'workflow_actions_management' => 'Workflow actions management',
'workflow_action_in_use' => 'This action is currently used by workflows.',
'workflow_action_name' => 'Názov',
'workflow_editor' => 'Workflow Editor',
'workflow_group_summary' => 'Group summary',
'workflow_has_cycle' => 'Workflow has cycle',
'workflow_initstate' => 'Initial state',
'workflow_in_use' => 'This workflow is currently used by documents.',
'workflow_layoutdata_saved' => 'Layout data saved',
'workflow_log' => '',
'workflow_management' => 'Workflow management',
'workflow_name' => 'Názov',
'workflow_no_doc_rejected_state' => 'The document will not be rejected in a workflow state!',
'workflow_no_doc_released_state' => 'The document will not be released in a workflow state!',
'workflow_no_initial_state' => 'None of the transitions starts with the initial state of the workflow!',
'workflow_no_states' => 'You must first define workflow states, before adding a workflow.',
'workflow_save_layout' => 'Save layout',
'workflow_state' => 'workflow state',
'workflow_states_management' => 'Workflow states management',
'workflow_state_docstatus' => 'Stav dokumentu',
'workflow_state_in_use' => 'This state is currently used by workflows.',
'workflow_state_name' => 'Názov',
'workflow_summary' => 'Workflow summary',
'workflow_title' => '',
'workflow_transition_without_user_group' => 'At least one of the transitions has neither a user nor a group!',
'workflow_user_summary' => 'User summary',
'wrong_checksum' => '',
'wrong_filetype' => '',
'x_more_objects' => 'ďalších [number] objektov',
'year_view' => 'Rok',
'yes' => 'Áno',
'zh_CN' => 'Čínština (CN)',
'zh_TW' => 'Čínština (TW)',