2022-11-17 11:33:43 +01:00

530 lines
24 KiB

* Implementation of various file system operations
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS_Core
* @license GPL 2
* @version @version@
* @author Uwe Steinmann <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal,
* 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli,
* 2010-2022 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
* Class to file operation in the document management system
* Use the methods of this class only for files below the content
* directory but not for temporäry files, cache files or log files.
* @category DMS
* @package SeedDMS_Core
* @author Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Uwe Steinmann <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal,
* 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli,
* 2010-2022 Uwe Steinmann
* @version Release: @package_version@
class SeedDMS_Core_File {
* @param $old
* @param $new
* @return bool
static function renameFile($old, $new) { /* {{{ */
return @rename($old, $new);
} /* }}} */
* @param $file
* @return bool
static function removeFile($file) { /* {{{ */
return @unlink($file);
} /* }}} */
* @param $source
* @param $target
* @return bool
static function copyFile($source, $target) { /* {{{ */
return @copy($source, $target);
} /* }}} */
* @param $source
* @param $target
* @return bool
static function moveFile($source, $target) { /* {{{ */
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFunctionInspection */
if (!self::copyFile($source, $target))
return false;
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFunctionInspection */
return self::removeFile($source);
} /* }}} */
* @param $file
* @return bool|int
static function fileSize($file) { /* {{{ */
if(!$a = @fopen($file, 'r'))
return false;
fseek($a, 0, SEEK_END);
$filesize = ftell($a);
return $filesize;
} /* }}} */
* Return the mimetype of a given file
* This method uses finfo to determine the mimetype
* but will correct some mimetypes which are
* not propperly determined or could be more specific, e.g. text/plain
* when it is actually text/markdown. In thoses cases
* the file extension will be taken into account.
* @param string $filename name of file on disc
* @return string mimetype
static function mimetype($filename) { /* {{{ */
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$mimetype = finfo_file($finfo, $filename);
switch($mimetype) {
case 'application/octet-stream':
case 'text/plain':
$lastDotIndex = strrpos($filename, ".");
if($lastDotIndex === false) $fileType = ".";
else $fileType = substr($filename, $lastDotIndex);
if($fileType == '.md')
$mimetype = 'text/markdown';
return $mimetype;
} /* }}} */
* @param integer $size
* @param array $sizes list of units for 10^0, 10^3, 10^6, ..., 10^(n*3) bytes
* @return string
static function format_filesize($size, $sizes = array('Bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB')) { /* {{{ */
if ($size == 0) return('0 Bytes');
if ($size == 1) return('1 Byte');
/** @noinspection PhpIllegalArrayKeyTypeInspection */
return (round($size/pow(1024, ($i = floor(log($size, 1024)))), 2) . ' ' . $sizes[$i]);
} /* }}} */
* Parses a string like '[0-9]+ *[BKMGT]*' into an integer
* B,K,M,G,T stand for byte, kilo byte, mega byte, giga byte, tera byte
* If the last character is omitted, bytes are assumed.
* @param $str
* @return bool|int
static function parse_filesize($str) { /* {{{ */
if(!preg_match('/^([0-9]+) *([BKMGT]*)$/', trim($str), $matches))
return false;
$value = $matches[1];
$unit = $matches[2] ? $matches[2] : 'B';
switch($unit) {
case 'T':
return $value * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 *1024;
case 'G':
return $value * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
case 'M':
return $value * 1024 * 1024;
case 'K':
return $value * 1024;
return (int) $value;
/** @noinspection PhpUnreachableStatementInspection */
return false;
} /* }}} */
* @param $file
* @return string
static function file_exists($file) { /* {{{ */
return file_exists($file);
} /* }}} */
* @param $file
* @return string
static function checksum($file) { /* {{{ */
return md5_file($file);
} /* }}} */
* @param $string mimetype
* @return string file extension with the dot or an empty string
static function fileExtension($mimetype) { /* {{{ */
switch($mimetype) {
case "application/pdf":
case "image/png":
case "image/gif":
case "image/jpg":
$expect = substr($mimetype, -3, 3);
$mime_map = [
'video/3gpp2' => '3g2',
'video/3gp' => '3gp',
'video/3gpp' => '3gp',
'application/x-compressed' => '7zip',
'audio/x-acc' => 'aac',
'audio/ac3' => 'ac3',
'application/postscript' => 'ai',
'audio/x-aiff' => 'aif',
'audio/aiff' => 'aif',
'audio/x-au' => 'au',
'video/x-msvideo' => 'avi',
'video/msvideo' => 'avi',
'video/avi' => 'avi',
'application/x-troff-msvideo' => 'avi',
'application/macbinary' => 'bin',
'application/mac-binary' => 'bin',
'application/x-binary' => 'bin',
'application/x-macbinary' => 'bin',
'image/bmp' => 'bmp',
'image/x-bmp' => 'bmp',
'image/x-bitmap' => 'bmp',
'image/x-xbitmap' => 'bmp',
'image/x-win-bitmap' => 'bmp',
'image/x-windows-bmp' => 'bmp',
'image/ms-bmp' => 'bmp',
'image/x-ms-bmp' => 'bmp',
'application/bmp' => 'bmp',
'application/x-bmp' => 'bmp',
'application/x-win-bitmap' => 'bmp',
'application/cdr' => 'cdr',
'application/coreldraw' => 'cdr',
'application/x-cdr' => 'cdr',
'application/x-coreldraw' => 'cdr',
'image/cdr' => 'cdr',
'image/x-cdr' => 'cdr',
'zz-application/zz-winassoc-cdr' => 'cdr',
'application/mac-compactpro' => 'cpt',
'application/pkix-crl' => 'crl',
'application/pkcs-crl' => 'crl',
'application/x-x509-ca-cert' => 'crt',
'application/pkix-cert' => 'crt',
'text/css' => 'css',
'text/x-comma-separated-values' => 'csv',
'text/comma-separated-values' => 'csv',
'application/vnd.msexcel' => 'csv',
'application/x-director' => 'dcr',
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' => 'docx',
'application/x-dvi' => 'dvi',
'message/rfc822' => 'eml',
'application/x-msdownload' => 'exe',
'video/x-f4v' => 'f4v',
'audio/x-flac' => 'flac',
'video/x-flv' => 'flv',
'image/gif' => 'gif',
'application/gpg-keys' => 'gpg',
'application/x-gtar' => 'gtar',
'application/x-gzip' => 'gzip',
'application/mac-binhex40' => 'hqx',
'application/mac-binhex' => 'hqx',
'application/x-binhex40' => 'hqx',
'application/x-mac-binhex40' => 'hqx',
'text/html' => 'html',
'image/x-icon' => 'ico',
'image/x-ico' => 'ico',
'image/' => 'ico',
'text/calendar' => 'ics',
'application/java-archive' => 'jar',
'application/x-java-application' => 'jar',
'application/x-jar' => 'jar',
'image/jp2' => 'jp2',
'video/mj2' => 'jp2',
'image/jpx' => 'jp2',
'image/jpm' => 'jp2',
'image/jpeg' => 'jpeg',
'image/pjpeg' => 'jpeg',
'application/x-javascript' => 'js',
'application/json' => 'json',
'text/json' => 'json',
'application/' => 'kml',
'application/' => 'kmz',
'text/x-log' => 'log',
'audio/x-m4a' => 'm4a',
'application/vnd.mpegurl' => 'm4u',
'text/markdown' => 'md',
'audio/midi' => 'mid',
'application/vnd.mif' => 'mif',
'video/quicktime' => 'mov',
'video/x-sgi-movie' => 'movie',
'audio/mpeg' => 'mp3',
'audio/mpg' => 'mp3',
'audio/mpeg3' => 'mp3',
'audio/mp3' => 'mp3',
'video/mp4' => 'mp4',
'video/mpeg' => 'mpeg',
'application/oda' => 'oda',
'audio/ogg' => 'ogg',
'video/ogg' => 'ogg',
'application/ogg' => 'ogg',
'application/x-pkcs10' => 'p10',
'application/pkcs10' => 'p10',
'application/x-pkcs12' => 'p12',
'application/x-pkcs7-signature' => 'p7a',
'application/pkcs7-mime' => 'p7c',
'application/x-pkcs7-mime' => 'p7c',
'application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp' => 'p7r',
'application/pkcs7-signature' => 'p7s',
'application/pdf' => 'pdf',
'application/octet-stream' => 'pdf',
'application/x-x509-user-cert' => 'pem',
'application/x-pem-file' => 'pem',
'application/pgp' => 'pgp',
'application/x-httpd-php' => 'php',
'application/php' => 'php',
'application/x-php' => 'php',
'text/php' => 'php',
'text/x-php' => 'php',
'application/x-httpd-php-source' => 'php',
'image/png' => 'png',
'image/x-png' => 'png',
'application/powerpoint' => 'ppt',
'application/' => 'ppt',
'application/' => 'ppt',
'application/msword' => 'doc',
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' => 'pptx',
'application/x-photoshop' => 'psd',
'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop' => 'psd',
'audio/x-realaudio' => 'ra',
'audio/x-pn-realaudio' => 'ram',
'application/x-rar' => 'rar',
'application/rar' => 'rar',
'application/x-rar-compressed' => 'rar',
'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin' => 'rpm',
'application/x-pkcs7' => 'rsa',
'text/rtf' => 'rtf',
'text/richtext' => 'rtx',
'video/vnd.rn-realvideo' => 'rv',
'application/x-stuffit' => 'sit',
'application/smil' => 'smil',
'text/srt' => 'srt',
'image/svg+xml' => 'svg',
'application/x-shockwave-flash' => 'swf',
'application/x-tar' => 'tar',
'application/x-gzip-compressed' => 'tgz',
'image/tiff' => 'tiff',
'text/plain' => 'txt',
'text/x-vcard' => 'vcf',
'application/videolan' => 'vlc',
'text/vtt' => 'vtt',
'audio/x-wav' => 'wav',
'audio/wave' => 'wav',
'audio/wav' => 'wav',
'application/wbxml' => 'wbxml',
'video/webm' => 'webm',
'audio/x-ms-wma' => 'wma',
'application/wmlc' => 'wmlc',
'video/x-ms-wmv' => 'wmv',
'video/x-ms-asf' => 'wmv',
'application/xhtml+xml' => 'xhtml',
'application/excel' => 'xl',
'application/msexcel' => 'xls',
'application/x-msexcel' => 'xls',
'application/x-ms-excel' => 'xls',
'application/x-excel' => 'xls',
'application/x-dos_ms_excel' => 'xls',
'application/xls' => 'xls',
'application/x-xls' => 'xls',
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' => 'xlsx',
'application/' => 'xlsx',
'application/xml' => 'xml',
'text/xml' => 'xml',
'text/xsl' => 'xsl',
'application/xspf+xml' => 'xspf',
'application/x-compress' => 'z',
'application/x-zip' => 'zip',
'application/zip' => 'zip',
'application/x-zip-compressed' => 'zip',
'application/s-compressed' => 'zip',
'multipart/x-zip' => 'zip',
'text/x-scriptzsh' => 'zsh',
$expect = isset($mime_map[$mimetype]) === true ? $mime_map[$mimetype] : '';
return $expect;
} /* }}} */
* @param $old
* @param $new
* @return bool
static function renameDir($old, $new) { /* {{{ */
return @rename($old, $new);
} /* }}} */
* @param $path
* @return bool
static function makeDir($path) { /* {{{ */
if( !is_dir( $path ) ){
$res=@mkdir( $path , 0777, true);
if (!$res) return false;
return true;
/* some old code
if (strncmp($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 1) == 0) {
else {
$mkfolder = "";
$path = preg_split( "/[\\\\\/]/" , $path );
for( $i=0 ; isset( $path[$i] ) ; $i++ )
$mkfolder .= $path[$i];
if( !is_dir( $mkfolder ) ){
$res=@mkdir( "$mkfolder" , 0777);
if (!$res) return false;
return true;
// patch from alekseynfor safe_mod or open_basedir
global $settings;
$path = substr_replace ($path, "/", 0, strlen($settings->_contentDir));
$mkfolder = $settings->_contentDir;
$path = preg_split( "/[\\\\\/]/" , $path );
for( $i=0 ; isset( $path[$i] ) ; $i++ )
$mkfolder .= $path[$i];
if( !is_dir( $mkfolder ) ){
$res= @mkdir( "$mkfolder" , 0777);
if (!$res) return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @param $path
* @return bool
static function removeDir($path) { /* {{{ */
$handle = @opendir($path);
while ($entry = @readdir($handle) )
if ($entry == ".." || $entry == ".")
else if (is_dir($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry))
if (!self::removeDir($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry ))
return false;
if (!@unlink($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry))
return false;
return @rmdir($path);
} /* }}} */
* @param $sourcePath
* @param $targetPath
* @return bool
static function copyDir($sourcePath, $targetPath) { /* {{{ */
if (mkdir($targetPath, 0777)) {
$handle = @opendir($sourcePath);
while ($entry = @readdir($handle) ) {
if ($entry == ".." || $entry == ".")
else if (is_dir($sourcePath . $entry)) {
if (!self::copyDir($sourcePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry, $targetPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry))
return false;
} else {
if (!@copy($sourcePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry, $targetPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry))
return false;
return false;
return true;
} /* }}} */
* @param $sourcePath
* @param $targetPath
* @return bool
static function moveDir($sourcePath, $targetPath) { /* {{{ */
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFunctionInspection */
if (!self::copyDir($sourcePath, $targetPath))
return false;
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFunctionInspection */
return self::removeDir($sourcePath);
} /* }}} */
// code by Kioob ( manual)
* @param $source
* @param bool $level
* @return bool|string
static function gzcompressfile($source, $level=false) { /* {{{ */
if($fp_out=@gzopen($dest,$mode)) {
if($fp_in=@fopen($source,'rb')) {
else $error=true;
else $error=true;
if($error) return false;
else return $dest;
} /* }}} */