The image is preconfigured. Nevertheless you're guided through the installation steps upon first start for a review.
1.`/var/www/seeddms/data` is the central data directory. It is not intended to be bound to a host directory. Instead use a docker volume.
2.`/var/www/seeddms/backup` is where backups are being stored. Bind it to a host directory.
3.`var/www/seeddms/import` is being used as drop folder. Bind it to a host directory.
4. Optionally mount `/var/www/seeddms/seeddms/ext` to allow upload of extensions.
Backup and import directories should be readable/writeable by uid 33!
## Backup
Backup is done by syncing the `data` folder (partially) to the backup folder. Use environment variable `CRON_BACKUP` for automatic scheduling.
## Full text search
Indexing documents can take some time (especially on low powered NAS). Therefore indexing is done asynchronously by a job. Use `CRON_INDEX` for scheduling this job.