The WAMR-IDE is an Integrated Development Environment to develop WebAssembly application with coding, compiling and source debugging support. It contains 3 components: `VSCode extension`, `wasm-toolchain docker image` and `wasm-debug-server docker image`.
-`VSCode extension` is an `vscode` extension, with which user can build and manage projects, develop `wasm application`, including `building`, `running` and `debugging`.
Now, the most straightforward way to install the WAMR IDE extension is by searching for WAMR-IDE in the VS Code extension marketplace and installing it directly. So, if you simply want to use WAMR debugging features in VS Code, this is the ideal (and effortless) way. And you are ready to [use WAMR IDE](#how-to-use-wamr-ide).
> It is only recommended to download versions after 1.3.2 from the marketplace.
Also, we have same version tagged docker images, lldb binaries and VS Code installation file(.vsix file) packed for each GitHub release. You can following the tutorial in [this section](#21-download-wamr-vs-code-extension-from-the-github-releaserecommended-approach).
Alternatively, if you want to build lldb, docker images, or .vsix file locally so that you can try the effect of your modification, you could refer to the tutorial in [this section](#22-build-wamr-vs-code-extension-locallyalternative-approach).
From now on, for each GitHub release, we have the same version tagged docker image saved as a tar file, which you can find and download in the GitHub release.
##### 2.1.2 Download the VS Code extension installation file from the GitHub release
From now on, for each GitHub release, we have the same version tagged zip/tar.gz file. For example, in release version 1.1.2, you can easily download and decompress `wamr-ide-1.1.2.tar.gz```, which contains `wamr-ide.vsix` VS Code extension installation file. As you can imagine, in the future, when new releases are available, you can freely choose whichever version(for example, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, etc.) you prefer. It should work as long as you download the same version tagged docker image and .vsix file.
##### 2.1.3 Install extension from vsix

select `wamr-ide.vsix` which you have decompressed from `.tar.gz` or `.zip` file.
#### 2.2 Build WAMR VS Code extension locally(Alternative approach)
You could also build the VS Code extension locally, the following instruction provides a thorough tutorial. It's worth noting that in the local build tutorial we use hard-coded tag version 1.0 other than the semantic version of WAMR.
Note: Please ensure that the scripts under `resource` directories have execution permission. While on git they have x bits, you might have dropped them eg. by copying them from Windows. Similarly, do not drop execution permission when copying `lldb` binaries under `resource/debug/bin`.
We have 2 docker images which should be built or loaded on your host, `wasm-toolchain` and `wasm-debug-server`. To build these 2 images, please enter the `WASM-Debug-Server/Docker`&`WASM-Toolchain/Docker`, then execute the `build_docker_image` script respectively.
Sometimes building the Docker images may fail due to bad network conditions. If the `wasm-toolchain` and `wasm-debug-server` images do not exist after building, please build them manually. Fix the proxy setting if needed and execute the following command to build docker images.
##### 2.2.4 If you encounter the problem `failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition`, please config your docker desktop
- Make sure that the `wasm-toolchain:1.0` and `wasm-debug-server:1.0` docker images are both successfully built before using `WAMR IDE`, otherwise `Build`, `Run` and `Debug` will not work.
By default, when you build .vsix locally, the debugging feature is off. Suppose you want to enable the source debugging feature. In that case, you could download `lldb` binaries from our GitHub release (for example, `wamr-lldb-1.1.2-x86_64-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz`), decompress and put every subdirectory and file to the installed directory of your VS Code extension.
For example, let's say you are on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine. You first download and decompress `wamr-lldb-1.1.2-x86_64-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz`, and you will get a `wamr-lldb` folder (or `inst` folder in our earlier release). Then, you can simply copy the files and directory inside that folder to the relative path `resource/debug/linux/` under your VS Code extension installation directory.
Example commands on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine:
# decompress .tar.gz file and get the folder
$ ls wamr-lldb
bin lib package.json syntaxes
# copy everything to the vscode extension installation path(in this case, it's /home/{usrname}/.vscode-server/extensions/wamr.wamride-1.0.0/)
If you want to use your own patched `lldb`, you could follow this [instruction](../../doc/ to build `lldb`. And follow this [instruction](./VSCode-Extension/resource/debug/
to copy the binaries to replace the existing ones.
#### `WAMR-IDE` extension contains 2 components as following picture showing. `WAMR IDE` for workspace and project management and `Current Project` for project's execution
Enter the `Project name` and select the `Template`, then click `Create` button. A new project will be generated and opened in your current `VS Code window` or in a new `VS Code window`.
> Opening in current windows or a new one depends on whether your `vscode's explorer` is empty or not. If empty, open in current window, or open in the new vscode window.
`.wamr` is the project configuration folder which contains 3 files, `CMakeLists.txt`, `project.cmake`, and `compilation_config.json`. `CMakeLists.txt` is used to build `wasm target` and the `project.cmake` is included in `CMakeLists.txt`. `compilation_config.json` includes the user's customized configuration such as folders which should be added in the include path.
Click `Change workspace` button, a dialog will show as following. You can select 1 folder in file system as workspace, and the new workspace path will override previous workspace, and all new created projects will be generated in the new workspace.
#### After setting up `include path` and `exclude files`, the corresponding folder and files will be decorated with color and icon as following picture shows
Click `Configuration` button, a new page will be shown as following. You can config building target with `Include paths`, `Initial & Max linear memory`, `stack size`, `exported_symbols` and `include paths`, `exclude files`.

- Output file name: The compiled wasm file name of your program.
- Initial linear memory size, Max linear memory size, Stack size: The wasi-sdk clang compile options.
- Exported symbols: The symbols your wasm program wants to export. **Multiple symbols are separated by commas without spaces**.
- Host managed heap size: The running configuration for the host managed heap size of iwasm. In most cases, the default size would be fine, but in some scenarios, let's say you want to allocate more memory using `malloc`, you should increase it here accordingly.
> Note that due to the current implementation limitation, after changing the `Output file name` or `Host managed heap size`, you need to close and reopen VSCode (to reactivate the extension) so that the running config will be correctly updated.
Then click `Modify` button to confirm, if configurations are modified successfully and following message will pop. Click `OK`, the page will be auto closed.
When you have completed coding and ready to build target, click `build` button and the `wasm-toolchain` will auto start a container and execute the building process.
Click `Debug` button will trigger start ip `wamr-debug-server` docker image, and boot up `lldb debug server` inside of iwasm. Then start a debugging session with configuration to connect. Tap `F11` or click `step into` to start debugging.