Please install WASI SDK, download the [wasi-sdk release]( and extract the archive to default path `/opt/wasi-sdk`.
For testing with SGX IPFS, follow the instructions in [the documentation of SGX for WAMR](../../doc/
## Build the sample
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The WebAssembly application is the file located at `wasm-app/file.wasm`.
## Run workload
Either use [iwasm-sample](../../product-mini/platforms/linux/) for Linux, or [enclave-sample](../../product-mini/platforms/linux-sgx/enclave-sample/) for Intel SGX to run the sample, with the argument to allow the file system interaction with the current folder (`--dir=.`).
The output with Linux and POSIX is like:
Opening a file..
[Test] File opening passed.
Writing to the file..
[Test] File writing passed.
Moving the cursor to the start of the file..
Reading from the file, up to 1000 characters..
Text read: Hello, world!
[Test] File reading passed.
Determine whether we reach the end of the file..
Is the end of file? 1
[Test] End of file detection passed.
Getting the plaintext size..
The plaintext size is 13.
[Test] Retrieving file offset passed.
Force actual write of all the cached data to the disk..
[Test] Retrieving file offset passed.
Writing 5 characters at offset 7..
File current offset: 13
[Test] Writing at specified offset passed.
Reading 5 characters at offset 7..
Text read: James
File current offset: 13
[Test] Reading at specified offset passed.
Allocate more space to the file..
File current offset: 13
Moving to the end..
File current offset: 23
[Test] Allocation or more space passed.
Extend the file size of 10 bytes using ftruncate..
File current offset: 23
Moving to the end..
File current offset: 33
[Test] Extension of the file size passed.
Closing from the file..
[Test] Closing file passed.
Getting the size of the file on disk..
The file size is 33.
All the tests passed!
The output with SGX and IPFS is like:
Opening a file..
[Test] File opening passed.
Writing to the file..
[Test] File writing passed.
Moving the cursor to the start of the file..
Reading from the file, up to 1000 characters..
Text read: Hello, world!
[Test] File reading passed.
Determine whether we reach the end of the file..
Is the end of file? 1
[Test] End of file detection passed.
Getting the plaintext size..
The plaintext size is 13.
[Test] Retrieving file offset passed.
Force actual write of all the cached data to the disk..
[Test] Retrieving file offset passed.
Writing 5 characters at offset 7..
File current offset: 13
[Test] Writing at specified offset passed.
Reading 5 characters at offset 7..
Text read: James
File current offset: 13
[Test] Reading at specified offset passed.
Allocate more space to the file..
File current offset: 23
Moving to the end..
File current offset: 23
[Test] Allocation or more space passed.
Extend the file size of 10 bytes using ftruncate..
File current offset: 23
Moving to the end..
File current offset: 33
[Test] Extension of the file size passed.
Closing from the file..
[Test] Closing file passed.
Getting the size of the file on disk..
The file size is 4096.
All the tests passed!
For SGX IPFS, refer to [SGX Intel Protected File System](../../doc/ for more details.