When a wasm module is duplicated instantiated with wasm_instance_new,
the function import info of the previous instantiation may be overwritten by
the later instantiation, which may cause unexpected behavior.
Store the function import info into the module instance to fix the issue.
This PR allows reusing thread ids once they are released. That is done by using
a stack data structure to keep track of the used ids.
When a thread is created, it takes an available identifier from the stack. When
the thread exits, it returns the id to the stack of available identifiers.
Implement 2-level Multi-tier JIT engine: tier-up from Fast JIT to LLVM JIT to
get quick cold startup by Fast JIT and better performance by gradually
switching to LLVM JIT when the LLVM JIT functions are compiled by the
backend threads.
Refer to:
For now this implementation uses thread manager.
Not sure whether thread manager is needed in that case. In the future there'll be likely another syscall added (for pthread_exit) and for that we might need some kind of thread management - with that in mind, we keep thread manager for now and will refactor this later if needed.
Error was reported when building docker image:
/usr/bin/ld: libaotclib.a(aot_llvm_extra.cpp.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against symbol
`_ZN4llvm30TargetTransformInfoWrapperPass2IDE' can not be used when making a PIE object;
recompile with -fPIC
Allow to add watchpoints to variables for source debugging. For instance:
`breakpoint set variable var`
will pause WAMR execution when the address at var is written to.
Can also set read/write watchpoints by passing r/w flags. This will pause
execution when the address at var is read:
`watchpoint set variable -w read var`
Add two linked lists for read/write watchpoints. When the debug message
handler receives a watchpoint request, it adds/removes to one/both of these
lists. In the interpreter, when an address is read or stored to, check whether
the address is in these lists. If so, throw a sigtrap and suspend the process.
When a wasm module is duplicated instantiated with wasm_instance_new,
the function import info of the previous instantiation may be overwritten by
the later instantiation, which may cause unexpected behavior.
Store the function import info into the module instance to fix the issue.
Enable bulk memory by default since it is a finished wasm spec proposal
and is enabled by default in latest wasi-sdk. Developer often encounters
"invalid section id" or "unsupported opcode" error if it isn't enabled.
Use sha256 to hash binary file content. If the incoming wasm binary is
cached before, wasm_module_new() simply returns the existed one.
Use -DWAMR_BUILD_WASM_CACHE=0/1 to control the feature.
OpenSSL 1.1.1 is required if the feature is enabled.
Record the store number of current thread with struct thread_local_stores
or tls thread_local_stores_num to fix the issue:
- Only call wasm_runtime_init_thread_env() in the first wasm_store_new of
current thread
- Only call wasm_runtime_destroy_thread_env() in the last wasm_store_delete
of current thread
And remove the unused store list in the engine.
Download and install the WAMR patched LLDB binary on vscode extension activation.
This allows the user to download the packaged .vsix file, where the activation script
should handle determining what LLDB binary they should use, and install it in the
correct location.
Refine AOT exception check in the caller when returning from callee function,
remove the exception check instructions when hw bound check is enabled to
improve the performance: create guard page to trigger signal handler when
exception occurs.
When building LLVM, if multiple SDKs are installed in `/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs`,
headers from multiple SDKs are picked, generating build errors as describe here:
Without disabling the bound checks (i.e. -DWAMR_DISABLE_HW_BOUND_CHECK=1)
when building `iwasm`, the `-g=` parameter makes the runtime crash.
Update the document to avoid the issues.
Signed-off-by: eloparco <eloparco@amazon.com>
Add an option to pass user data to the allocator functions. It is common to
do this so that the host embedder can pass a struct as user data and access
that struct from the allocator, which gives the host embedder the ability to
do things such as track allocation statistics within the allocator.
Compile with `cmake -DWASM_MEM_ALLOC_WITH_USER_DATA=1` to enable
the option, and the allocator functions provided by the host embedder should
be like below (an extra argument `data` is added):
void *malloc(void *data, uint32 size) { .. }
void *realloc(void *data, uint32 size) { .. }
void free(void *data, void *ptr) { .. }
Signed-off-by: Andrew Chambers <ncham@amazon.com>
Change main thread hangs when encounter debugger encounters error to
main thread exits when debugger encounters error
Change main thread blocks when debugger detaches to
main thread continues executing when debugger detaches, and main thread
exits normally when finishing executing
Create trap for error message when wasm_instance_new fails:
- Similar to [this PR](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime/pull/1526),
but create a wasm_trap_t to output the error msg instead of adding error_buf to the API.
- Trap will need to be deleted by the caller but is not a breaking change as it is only
created if trap is not NULL.
- Add error messages for all failure cases here, try to make them accurate but welcome
feedback for improvements.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Chambers <ncham@amazon.com>
Current SGX lib-rats wasm module hash is stored in a global buffer,
which may be overwritten if there are multiple wasm module loadings.
We move the module hash into the enclave module to resolve the issue.
And rename the SGX_IPFS macro/variable in Makefile and Enclave.edl to
make the code more consistent.
And refine the sgx-ra sample document.