This PR addresses the issue with building the sgx-ra sample when the enclave under
the path product-mini/platforms/linux-sgx/enclave-sample is built beforehand.
When the enclave is built without librats ahead, an error occurs as the following
without the changes:
CP libvmlib.a <= /home/haoxuan/wasm-micro-runtime/samples/sgx-ra/build/libvmlib.a
/usr/local/bin/ld: libvmlib.a(lib_rats_wrapper.c.o): in function `librats_collect_wrapper':
lib_rats_wrapper.c:(.text.librats_collect_wrapper+0x4a): undefined reference to `wasm_runtime_get_module_hash'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Support collecting code coverage with wamr-test-suites script by using
lcov and genhtml tools, eg.:
cd tests/wamr-test-suites
./ -s spec -b -P -C
The default code coverage and html files are generated at:
And update wamr-test-suites scripts to support testing GC spec cases to
avoid frequent synchronization conflicts between branch main and dev/gc.
The current implementation of remote attestation does not take into
account the integrity of the wasm module. The SHA256 of the wasm
module has been put into user_data to generate the quote, and more
parameters are exposed for further verification.