Errors were reported when initializing wasm_val_t values with WASM_I32_VAL like macros.
error: missing initializer for member ‘wasm_val_t::__paddings’ [-Werror=missing-field-initializers]
64 | wasm_val_t res = {WASM_INIT_VAL};
And rename DEPRECATED to WASM_API_DEPRECATED to avoid using defines with generic names.
Allow to invoke the quick call entry wasm_runtime_quick_invoke_c_api_import to
call the wasm-c-api import functions to speedup the calling process, which reduces
the data copying.
Use `wamrc --invoke-c-api-import` to generate the optimized AOT code, and set
`jit_options->quick_invoke_c_api_import` true in wasm_engine_new when LLVM JIT
is enabled.
Add an API to set segue flags for wasm-c-api LLVM JIT mode:
wasm_config_t *
wasm_config_set_segue_flags(wasm_config_t *config, uint32 segue_flags);
And refactor the original perf support
- use WAMR_BUILD_LINUX_PERF as the cmake compilation control
- use WASM_ENABLE_LINUX_PERF as the compiler macro
- use `wamrc --enable-linux-perf` to generate aot file which contains fp operations
- use `iwasm --enable-linux-perf` to create perf map for `perf record`
Support new a wasm_config_t, set allocation and linux_perf_support
options to it, and then pass it to wasm_engine_new_with_config to
new an engine with private configuration.
Add APIs to help prepare the imports for the wasm-c-api `wasm_instance_new`:
- wasm_importtype_is_linked
- wasm_runtime_is_import_func_linked
- wasm_runtime_is_import_global_linked
- wasm_extern_new_empty
For wasm-c-api, developer may use `wasm_module_imports` to get the import
types info, check whether an import func/global is linked with the above API,
and ignore the linking of an import func/global with `wasm_extern_new_empty`.
Sample `wasm-c-api-import` is added and document is updated.
Add an option to pass user data to the allocator functions. It is common to
do this so that the host embedder can pass a struct as user data and access
that struct from the allocator, which gives the host embedder the ability to
do things such as track allocation statistics within the allocator.
Compile with `cmake -DWASM_MEM_ALLOC_WITH_USER_DATA=1` to enable
the option, and the allocator functions provided by the host embedder should
be like below (an extra argument `data` is added):
void *malloc(void *data, uint32 size) { .. }
void *realloc(void *data, uint32 size) { .. }
void free(void *data, void *ptr) { .. }
Signed-off-by: Andrew Chambers <>
Create trap for error message when wasm_instance_new fails:
- Similar to [this PR](,
but create a wasm_trap_t to output the error msg instead of adding error_buf to the API.
- Trap will need to be deleted by the caller but is not a breaking change as it is only
created if trap is not NULL.
- Add error messages for all failure cases here, try to make them accurate but welcome
feedback for improvements.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Chambers <>
The host embedder may new/delete wasm-c-api engine simultaneously
in multiple threads, which requires lock for the operations. Since there
isn't one time called global init/destroy APIs provided by wasm-c-api,
we define a global lock and initialize it with thread mutex initializer if
the platform supports that, and use it to lock the operations of engine.
If the platform doesn't support thread mutex initializer, we require
developer to create the lock by himself to ensure the thread-safe of the
engine operations.
Refactor the layout of interpreter and AOT module instance:
- Unify the interp/AOT module instance, use the same WASMModuleInstance/
WASMMemoryInstance/WASMTableInstance data structures for both interpreter
and AOT
- Make the offset of most fields the same in module instance for both interpreter
and AOT, append memory instance structure, global data and table instances to
the end of module instance for interpreter mode (like AOT mode)
- For extra fields in WASM module instance, use WASMModuleInstanceExtra to
create a field `e` for interpreter
- Change the LLVM JIT module instance creating process, LLVM JIT uses the WASM
module and module instance same as interpreter/Fast-JIT mode. So that Fast JIT
and LLVM JIT can access the same data structures, and make it possible to
implement the Multi-tier JIT (tier-up from Fast JIT to LLVM JIT) in the future
- Unify some APIs: merge some APIs for module instance and memory instance's
related operations (only implement one copy)
Note that the AOT ABI is same, the AOT file format, AOT relocation types, how AOT
code accesses the AOT module instance and so on are kept unchanged.
Refer to:
Apply clang-format for core/iwasm/include, core/iwasm/common and
core/iwasm/aot files.
Update spec cases test script:
- Checkout latest commit of
- Checkout main branch but not master of
- Update wabt to latest version
And update source debugging document.
Signed-off-by: Wenyong Huang <>
The WASM C API now requires the use of vector types in certain apis.
Switching WAMR to use the new call signatures improves "drop in"
compilation compatibility between WAMR and other implementations
from a C-api embedding program's perspective.
* wasm_func_callback_t type has been updated to use wasm_val_vec_t
* wasm_func_callback_with_env_t type has been updated to use wasm_val_vec_t
* wasm_func_call() has been updated to use wasm_val_vec_t
* wasm_instance_new() has been updated to use wasm_extern_vec_t*
* wasm_instance_new_with_args() has been updated to use wasm_extern_vec_t*
* wasm_runtime_invoke_c_api_native() has been updated to support vector types
in native callbacks without modifying the contract with the interpreter code.
* All users of the modified functions (including samples/wasm-c-api/src/*.c)
have been appropriately updated.
And add wasm_engine_new_with_args() declaration in wasm_c_api.h
Fix wasm-c-api frame func_offset issue in fast interp mode
Remove sanitize compiler flag in product-mini linux CMakeLists.txt
Implement more wasm-c-api APIs to support Envoy integration:
- sync up with latest c-api definition
- change CMakeLists to export necessary headers and install the static library of iwasm
- enable to export tables and memories
- support memorytype and tabletype APIs
- update wasm-c-api sampels
- enable to export importtype APIs
And refine bazel scripts for sample XNNPACK workload, add license headers for sample simple.
Signed-off-by: Wenyong Huang <>