compilation on macos / build_samples_wasm_c_api ($CLASSIC_INTERP_BUILD_OPTIONS, macos-13,, (push) Has been cancelled
compilation on macos / build_samples_wasm_c_api ($FAST_INTERP_BUILD_OPTIONS, macos-13,, (push) Has been cancelled
compilation on macos / build_samples_others (${{ needs.build_llvm_libraries_on_arm_macos.outputs.cache_key }}, macos-14,,… (push) Has been cancelled
compilation on macos / build_samples_others (${{ needs.build_llvm_libraries_on_intel_macos.outputs.cache_key }}, macos-13,,… (push) Has been cancelled
- For Windows, llvm libs need to cache more directories, so use a multi-line
environment variable for paths
- Remove conditionally build directories `win32build`, just use `build` for all platform
- Add Windows wamrc and iwasm(disable lib pthread semaphore and fast jit for now)
build in release CI
Upgrade the version of related toolkits:
- upgrade llvm to 15.0
- upgrade wasi-sdk to 19.0
- upgrade emsdk to 3.1.28
- upgrade wabt to 1.0.31
- upgrade binaryen to 111
And upgrade the CI scripts, sample workload build scripts, Dockerfiles, and documents.
Add CIs to enable the release process of a new version of WAMR,
and build and publish the binary files when a version is released,
including iwasm, wamrc, lldb, vscode-extension and wamr-ide for
Ubuntu-20.04, Ubuntu-22.04 and MacOS.
And refine the CIs to test spec cases.