# WASI-NN ## How to use Enable WASI-NN in the WAMR by spefiying it in the cmake building configuration as follows, ``` set (WAMR_BUILD_WASI_NN 1) ``` The definition of the functions provided by WASI-NN is in the header file `core/iwasm/libraries/wasi-nn/wasi_nn.h`. By only including this file in your WASM application you will bind WASI-NN into your module. ## Tests To run the tests we assume that the current directory is the root of the repository. 1. Build the docker image, ``` docker build -t wasi-nn -f core/iwasm/libraries/wasi-nn/test/Dockerfile . ``` 2. Run the container ``` docker run wasi-nn ``` If all the tests have run properly you will the the following message in the terminal, ``` Tests: passed! ``` ## What is missing Supported: * Only 1 WASM app at a time. * Only 1 model at a time. * `graph` and `graph-execution-context` are ignored. * Graph encoding: `tensorflowlite`. * Execution target: `cpu`. * Tensor type: `fp32`.