# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception ######## SGX SDK Settings ######## SGX_SDK ?= /opt/intel/sgxsdk SGX_SSL ?= /opt/intel/sgxssl SGX_MODE ?= SIM SGX_ARCH ?= x64 SGX_DEBUG ?= 0 SPEC_TEST ?= 0 # These variables are automatically set by CMakeLists.txt WAMR_BUILD_SGX_IPFS = 0 WAMR_BUILD_LIB_RATS = 0 WAMR_BUILD_GLOBAL_HEAP_POOL = 0 WAMR_BUILD_GLOBAL_HEAP_SIZE = 10485760 WAMR_BUILD_STATIC_PGO = 0 VMLIB_BUILD_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/../build LIB_RATS_SRC ?= $(VMLIB_BUILD_DIR)/_deps/librats-build LIB_RATS_INSTALL_DIR := $(VMLIB_BUILD_DIR)/librats/lib/librats LIB_RATS_INCLUDE_DIR := $(VMLIB_BUILD_DIR)/librats/include ifeq ($(shell getconf LONG_BIT), 32) SGX_ARCH := x86 else ifeq ($(findstring -m32, $(CXXFLAGS)), -m32) SGX_ARCH := x86 endif ifeq ($(SGX_ARCH), x86) SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS := -m32 SGX_LIBRARY_PATH := $(SGX_SDK)/lib SGX_ENCLAVE_SIGNER := $(SGX_SDK)/bin/x86/sgx_sign SGX_EDGER8R := $(SGX_SDK)/bin/x86/sgx_edger8r else SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS := -m64 SGX_LIBRARY_PATH := $(SGX_SDK)/lib64 SGX_ENCLAVE_SIGNER := $(SGX_SDK)/bin/x64/sgx_sign SGX_EDGER8R := $(SGX_SDK)/bin/x64/sgx_edger8r endif ifeq ($(SGX_DEBUG), 1) ifeq ($(SGX_PRERELEASE), 1) $(error Cannot set SGX_DEBUG and SGX_PRERELEASE at the same time!!) endif endif ifeq ($(SGX_DEBUG), 1) SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS += -O0 -g else SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS += -O2 endif ######## App Settings ######## ifneq ($(SGX_MODE), HW) Urts_Library_Name := sgx_urts_sim else Urts_Library_Name := sgx_urts endif App_Cpp_Files := App/App.cpp App_Include_Paths := -IApp -I$(SGX_SDK)/include ifeq ($(WAMR_BUILD_LIB_RATS), 1) App_Include_Paths += -I$(LIB_RATS_INCLUDE_DIR) endif App_C_Flags := $(SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS) -fPIC -Wno-attributes $(App_Include_Paths) -DWASM_ENABLE_STATIC_PGO=$(WAMR_BUILD_STATIC_PGO) # Three configuration modes - Debug, prerelease, release # Debug - Macro DEBUG enabled. # Prerelease - Macro NDEBUG and EDEBUG enabled. # Release - Macro NDEBUG enabled. ifeq ($(SGX_DEBUG), 1) App_C_Flags += -DDEBUG -UNDEBUG -UEDEBUG else ifeq ($(SGX_PRERELEASE), 1) App_C_Flags += -DNDEBUG -DEDEBUG -UDEBUG else App_C_Flags += -DNDEBUG -UEDEBUG -UDEBUG endif ifeq ($(SPEC_TEST), 1) App_C_Flags += -DWASM_ENABLE_SPEC_TEST=1 else App_C_Flags += -DWASM_ENABLE_SPEC_TEST=0 endif App_Cpp_Flags := $(App_C_Flags) -std=c++11 App_Link_Flags := $(SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS) libvmlib_untrusted.a -L$(SGX_LIBRARY_PATH) -l$(Urts_Library_Name) -lpthread ifneq ($(SGX_MODE), HW) App_Link_Flags += -lsgx_uae_service_sim else App_Link_Flags += -lsgx_uae_service endif ifeq ($(WAMR_BUILD_LIB_RATS), 1) App_Link_Flags += -L$(LIB_RATS_INSTALL_DIR) -L$(SGX_SSL)/lib64 -lrats_u -lsgx_dcap_ql -lsgx_dcap_quoteverify -lsgx_ukey_exchange -lsgx_usgxssl endif App_Cpp_Objects := $(App_Cpp_Files:.cpp=.o) App_Name := iwasm ######## Enclave Settings ######## ifneq ($(SGX_MODE), HW) Trts_Library_Name := sgx_trts_sim Service_Library_Name := sgx_tservice_sim else Trts_Library_Name := sgx_trts Service_Library_Name := sgx_tservice endif ifeq ($(WAMR_BUILD_SGX_IPFS), 1) Intel_Ipfs_Trusted_Flag = -lsgx_tprotected_fs App_Link_Flags += -lsgx_uprotected_fs endif Crypto_Library_Name := sgx_tcrypto WAMR_ROOT := $(CURDIR)/../../../../ Enclave_Cpp_Files := Enclave/Enclave.cpp Enclave_Include_Paths := -IEnclave -I$(WAMR_ROOT)/core/iwasm/include \ -I$(WAMR_ROOT)/core/shared/utils \ -I$(WAMR_ROOT)/core/shared/platform/linux-sgx \ -I$(SGX_SDK)/include \ -I$(SGX_SDK)/include/tlibc \ -I$(SGX_SDK)/include/stlport ifeq ($(WAMR_BUILD_LIB_RATS), 1) Enclave_Include_Paths += -I$(LIB_RATS_INCLUDE_DIR) -I$(SGX_SSL)/include endif Enclave_C_Flags := $(SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS) -nostdinc -fvisibility=hidden -fpie -fstack-protector $(Enclave_Include_Paths) -DWASM_GLOBAL_HEAP_SIZE=$(WAMR_BUILD_GLOBAL_HEAP_SIZE) -DWASM_ENABLE_GLOBAL_HEAP_POOL=$(WAMR_BUILD_GLOBAL_HEAP_POOL) -DWASM_ENABLE_LIB_RATS=$(WAMR_BUILD_LIB_RATS) -DWASM_ENABLE_STATIC_PGO=$(WAMR_BUILD_STATIC_PGO) ifeq ($(SPEC_TEST), 1) Enclave_C_Flags += -DWASM_ENABLE_SPEC_TEST=1 else Enclave_C_Flags += -DWASM_ENABLE_SPEC_TEST=0 endif ifeq ($(WAMR_BUILD_LIB_RATS), 1) Rats_Lib_Link_Dirs := -L$(LIB_RATS_INSTALL_DIR) -L$(LIB_RATS_INSTALL_DIR)/attesters -L$(LIB_RATS_INSTALL_DIR)/verifiers -L$(SGX_SSL)/lib64 Rats_Lib_W_Link_libs := -lattester_nullattester -lattester_sgx_ecdsa -lattester_sgx_la \ -lverifier_nullverifier -lverifier_sgx_ecdsa -lverifier_sgx_la -lverifier_sgx_ecdsa_qve \ -lrats_lib -lsgx_tsgxssl Rats_Lib_NW_Link_libs := -lsgx_dcap_tvl -lsgx_tsgxssl_crypto endif Enclave_Cpp_Flags := $(Enclave_C_Flags) -std=c++11 -nostdinc++ Enclave_Link_Flags := $(SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS) -Wl,--no-undefined -nostdlib -nodefaultlibs -nostartfiles -L$(SGX_LIBRARY_PATH) ${Rats_Lib_Link_Dirs} \ -Wl,--whole-archive -l$(Trts_Library_Name) ${Rats_Lib_W_Link_libs} $(Intel_Ipfs_Trusted_Flag) -Wl,--no-whole-archive \ -Wl,--start-group -lsgx_tstdc -lsgx_tcxx -lsgx_pthread -lsgx_tkey_exchange -l$(Crypto_Library_Name) -l$(Service_Library_Name) $(Rats_Lib_NW_Link_libs) -Wl,--end-group \ -Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,--no-undefined \ -Wl,-pie,-eenclave_entry -Wl,--export-dynamic \ -Wl,--defsym,__ImageBase=0 Enclave_Edl_Search_Path = --search-path ../Enclave \ --search-path $(SGX_SDK)/include \ --search-path $(WAMR_ROOT)/core/shared/platform/linux-sgx ifeq ($(WAMR_BUILD_LIB_RATS), 1) Enclave_Edl_Search_Path += --search-path $(LIB_RATS_INCLUDE_DIR)/librats/edl --search-path $(SGX_SSL)/include endif Enclave_Cpp_Objects := $(Enclave_Cpp_Files:.cpp=.o) Enclave_Name := enclave.so Signed_Enclave_Name := enclave.signed.so Enclave_Config_File := Enclave/Enclave.config.xml ifeq ($(SGX_MODE), HW) ifneq ($(SGX_DEBUG), 1) ifneq ($(SGX_PRERELEASE), 1) Build_Mode = HW_RELEASE endif endif endif .PHONY: all run ifeq ($(Build_Mode), HW_RELEASE) all: $(App_Name) $(Enclave_Name) @echo "The project has been built in release hardware mode." @echo "Please sign the $(Enclave_Name) first with your signing key before you run the $(App_Name) to launch and access the enclave." @echo "To sign the enclave use the command:" @echo " $(SGX_ENCLAVE_SIGNER) sign -key -enclave $(Enclave_Name) -out <$(Signed_Enclave_Name)> -config $(Enclave_Config_File)" @echo "You can also sign the enclave using an external signing tool. See User's Guide for more details." @echo "To build the project in simulation mode set SGX_MODE=SIM. To build the project in prerelease mode set SGX_PRERELEASE=1 and SGX_MODE=HW." else all: $(App_Name) $(Signed_Enclave_Name) endif run: all ifneq ($(Build_Mode), HW_RELEASE) @$(CURDIR)/$(App_Name) @echo "RUN => $(App_Name) [$(SGX_MODE)|$(SGX_ARCH), OK]" endif ######## App Objects ######## librats: ifeq ($(WAMR_BUILD_LIB_RATS), 1) @cd $(LIB_RATS_SRC) && make install @echo "librats build success" endif App/Enclave_u.c: $(SGX_EDGER8R) Enclave/Enclave.edl librats @cd App && $(SGX_EDGER8R) --untrusted ../Enclave/Enclave.edl $(Enclave_Edl_Search_Path) @echo "GEN => $@" App/Enclave_u.o: App/Enclave_u.c @$(CC) $(App_C_Flags) -c $< -o $@ @echo "CC <= $<" App/%.o: App/%.cpp @$(CXX) $(App_Cpp_Flags) -c $< -o $@ @echo "CXX <= $<" libvmlib_untrusted.a: $(VMLIB_BUILD_DIR)/libvmlib_untrusted.a @cp $< $@ @echo "CP $@ <= $<" $(App_Name): App/Enclave_u.o $(App_Cpp_Objects) libvmlib_untrusted.a @$(CXX) $^ -o $@ $(App_Link_Flags) @echo "LINK => $@" ######## Enclave Objects ######## Enclave/Enclave_t.c: $(SGX_EDGER8R) Enclave/Enclave.edl librats @cd Enclave && $(SGX_EDGER8R) --trusted ../Enclave/Enclave.edl $(Enclave_Edl_Search_Path) @echo "GEN => $@" Enclave/Enclave_t.o: Enclave/Enclave_t.c @$(CC) $(Enclave_C_Flags) -c $< -o $@ @echo "CC <= $<" Enclave/%.o: Enclave/%.cpp @$(CXX) $(Enclave_Cpp_Flags) -c $< -o $@ @echo "CXX <= $<" libvmlib.a: $(VMLIB_BUILD_DIR)/libvmlib.a @cp $< $@ @echo "CP $@ <= $<" $(Enclave_Name): Enclave/Enclave_t.o $(Enclave_Cpp_Objects) libvmlib.a @$(CXX) $^ -o $@ $(Enclave_Link_Flags) @echo "LINK => $@" $(Signed_Enclave_Name): $(Enclave_Name) @$(SGX_ENCLAVE_SIGNER) sign -key Enclave/Enclave_private.pem -enclave $(Enclave_Name) -out $@ -config $(Enclave_Config_File) @echo "SIGN => $@" .PHONY: clean clean: @rm -f $(App_Name) $(Enclave_Name) $(Signed_Enclave_Name) $(App_Cpp_Objects) App/Enclave_u.* $(Enclave_Cpp_Objects) Enclave/Enclave_t.* libvmlib.a libvmlib_untrusted.a