/* Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function setDivCenter(divname) //Center a dom { var Top =($(window).height()-$(divname).height())/2; var Left = ($(window).width()-$(divname).width())/2; var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop(); var scrollLeft = $(document).scrollLeft(); $(divname).css({posisiton:'absolute','top':Top+scrollTop,'left':Left+scrollLeft}); }; setDivCenter(".deletebox"); function setDivheight(divname) //set the height of "appbook" to contain all its child elements. { var leng = elist.length + flist.length; var heig = 51 * leng; $(divname).css({height:'heig'}); }; setDivheight(".appbook"); function setfooterposition(divname) //Locate footer on the right place { var Top = flist.length* $("#devices").height()+300; var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop(); if (flist.length >=4){ $(divname).css({posisiton:'absolute','top':Top+scrollTop}); } } setfooterposition(".footer"); function deleteClick (obj) //Remove an app from apppstore if clicks the "OK" button { var indexapp = $(obj).attr('class').match(/\d+\b/); var removeitem = $(".applic"+indexapp); var name=removeitem.find('#appinfo1').text().split(":")[1].trim(); var version=removeitem.find('#appinfo2').text().split(":")[1].trim(); if (flist.length >= 1){ $(".deletebox").fadeIn(); $(".findapp").html("Are you sure to delete "+name); $(".suresbtn").click(function (){ removeitem.remove(); $.get("/removeapps/",{'name':name,'version':version},function (ret) { console.log(ret);}); $(".deletebox").fadeOut(); window.location.href="/appstore/"; }) $(".delsbtn").click(function (){ $(".deletebox").fadeOut(); })} }; function upload_file() //Make sure the uploading file is eligible { var type = ulist[0]; console.log(type); if (type == "Not a wasm file"){ alert(type); window.location.href="/appstore/"; } if (type == "This App is preloaded"){ alert(type); window.location.href="/appstore/"; } if (type == "This App is already uploaded"){ alert(type); window.location.href="/appstore/"; } }; upload_file(); function clone() //Render a interface that shows all the apps for installing in appstore, //including preloaded ones and locally uploaded ones. { var sourceNode = document.getElementById("applications"); $("#appinfo1").html("product name : "+ elist[0]['ID']); $("#appinfo2").html("product Version : "+ elist[0]['Version']); $("#delbutton").attr('class','del0'); $("#applications").attr('class','applic0'); for (var i=1; i