/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ #include "aot_emit_exception.h" #include "../aot/aot_runtime.h" static char *exce_block_names[] = { "exce_unreachable", /* EXCE_UNREACHABLE */ "exce_out_of_memory", /* EXCE_OUT_OF_MEMORY */ "exce_out_of_bounds_mem_access",/* EXCE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_MEMORY_ACCESS */ "exce_integer_overflow", /* EXCE_INTEGER_OVERFLOW */ "exce_divide_by_zero", /* EXCE_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO */ "exce_invalid_convert_to_int", /* EXCE_INVALID_CONVERSION_TO_INTEGER */ "exce_invalid_func_type_idx", /* EXCE_INVALID_FUNCTION_TYPE_INDEX */ "exce_invalid_func_idx", /* EXCE_INVALID_FUNCTION_INDEX */ "exce_undefined_element", /* EXCE_UNDEFINED_ELEMENT */ "exce_uninit_element", /* EXCE_UNINITIALIZED_ELEMENT */ "exce_call_unlinked" /* EXCE_CALL_UNLINKED_IMPORT_FUNC */ }; bool aot_emit_exception(AOTCompContext *comp_ctx, AOTFuncContext *func_ctx, int32 exception_id, bool is_cond_br, LLVMValueRef cond_br_if, LLVMBasicBlockRef cond_br_else_block) { LLVMBasicBlockRef exce_block; LLVMBasicBlockRef block_curr = LLVMGetInsertBlock(comp_ctx->builder); LLVMValueRef exce_id = I32_CONST((uint32)exception_id), func_const, func; LLVMTypeRef param_types[2], ret_type, func_type, func_ptr_type; LLVMValueRef param_values[2]; bh_assert(exception_id >= 0 && exception_id < EXCE_NUM); CHECK_LLVM_CONST(exce_id); /* Create got_exception block if needed */ if (!func_ctx->got_exception_block) { if (!(func_ctx->got_exception_block = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(comp_ctx->context, func_ctx->func, "got_exception"))) { aot_set_last_error("add LLVM basic block failed."); return false; } LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(comp_ctx->builder, func_ctx->got_exception_block); /* Create exection id phi */ if (!(func_ctx->exception_id_phi = LLVMBuildPhi(comp_ctx->builder, comp_ctx->basic_types.int32_type, "exception_id_phi"))) { aot_set_last_error("llvm build phi failed."); return false; } /* Call aot_set_exception_with_id() to throw exception */ param_types[0] = INT8_PTR_TYPE; param_types[1] = I32_TYPE; ret_type = VOID_TYPE; /* Create function type */ if (!(func_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, param_types, 2, false))) { aot_set_last_error("create LLVM function type failed."); return false; } if (comp_ctx->is_jit_mode) { /* Create function type */ if (!(func_ptr_type = LLVMPointerType(func_type, 0))) { aot_set_last_error("create LLVM function type failed."); return false; } /* Create LLVM function with const function pointer */ if (!(func_const = I64_CONST((uint64)(uintptr_t)aot_set_exception_with_id)) || !(func = LLVMConstIntToPtr(func_const, func_ptr_type))) { aot_set_last_error("create LLVM value failed."); return false; } } else { /* Create LLVM function with external function pointer */ if (!(func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(comp_ctx->module, "aot_set_exception_with_id")) && !(func = LLVMAddFunction(comp_ctx->module, "aot_set_exception_with_id", func_type))) { aot_set_last_error("add LLVM function failed."); return false; } } /* Call the aot_set_exception_with_id() function */ param_values[0] = func_ctx->aot_inst; param_values[1] = func_ctx->exception_id_phi; if (!LLVMBuildCall(comp_ctx->builder, func, param_values, 2, "")) { aot_set_last_error("llvm build call failed."); return false; } /* Create return IR */ AOTFuncType *aot_func_type = func_ctx->aot_func->func_type; if (aot_func_type->result_count) { switch (aot_func_type->types[aot_func_type->param_count]) { case VALUE_TYPE_I32: LLVMBuildRet(comp_ctx->builder, I32_ZERO); break; case VALUE_TYPE_I64: LLVMBuildRet(comp_ctx->builder, I64_ZERO); break; case VALUE_TYPE_F32: LLVMBuildRet(comp_ctx->builder, F32_ZERO); break; case VALUE_TYPE_F64: LLVMBuildRet(comp_ctx->builder, F64_ZERO); break; } } else { LLVMBuildRetVoid(comp_ctx->builder); } /* Resume the builder position */ LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(comp_ctx->builder, block_curr); } /* Create exception block if needed */ if (!(exce_block = func_ctx->exception_blocks[exception_id])) { if (!(func_ctx->exception_blocks[exception_id] = exce_block = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(comp_ctx->context, func_ctx->func, exce_block_names[exception_id]))) { aot_set_last_error("add LLVM basic block failed."); return false; } /* Move before got_exception block */ LLVMMoveBasicBlockBefore(exce_block, func_ctx->got_exception_block); /* Add phi incoming value to got_exception block */ LLVMAddIncoming(func_ctx->exception_id_phi, &exce_id, &exce_block, 1); /* Jump to got exception block */ LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(comp_ctx->builder, exce_block); if (!LLVMBuildBr(comp_ctx->builder, func_ctx->got_exception_block)) { aot_set_last_error("llvm build br failed."); return false; } } /* Resume builder position */ LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(comp_ctx->builder, block_curr); if (!is_cond_br) { /* not condition br, create br IR */ if (!LLVMBuildBr(comp_ctx->builder, exce_block)) { aot_set_last_error("llvm build br failed."); return false; } } else { /* Create condition br */ if (!LLVMBuildCondBr(comp_ctx->builder, cond_br_if, exce_block, cond_br_else_block)) { aot_set_last_error("llvm build cond br failed."); return false; } /* Start to translate the else block */ LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(comp_ctx->builder, cond_br_else_block); } return true; fail: return false; }