#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception source /opt/emsdk/emsdk_env.sh PLATFORM=$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z) WORK_DIR=$PWD OUT_DIR=$PWD/out WAMRC_CMD=$PWD/../../../wamr-compiler/build/wamrc JETSTREAM_DIR=$PWD/perf-automation/benchmarks/JetStream2/wasm mkdir -p ${OUT_DIR} if [[ $1 != "--no-simd" ]];then NATIVE_SIMD_FLAGS="-msse2 -msse3 -msse4" WASM_SIMD_FLAGS="-msimd128" else NATIVE_SIMD_FLAGS="" WASM_SIMD_FLAGS="" fi if [ ! -d perf-automation ]; then git clone https://github.com/mozilla/perf-automation.git echo "Patch source files .." cd perf-automation patch -p1 -N < ../jetstream.patch fi cd ${JETSTREAM_DIR} # Build gcc-loops echo "Build gcc-loops with g++ .." g++ -O3 ${NATIVE_SIMD_FLAGS} -o ${OUT_DIR}/gcc-loops_native gcc-loops.cpp echo "Build gcc-loops with em++ .." em++ -O3 -s STANDALONE_WASM=1 ${WASM_SIMD_FLAGS} \ -s INITIAL_MEMORY=1048576 \ -s TOTAL_STACK=32768 \ -s "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_main']" \ -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0 \ -o ${OUT_DIR}/gcc-loops.wasm gcc-loops.cpp echo "Compile gcc-loops.wasm to gcc-loops.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} -o ${OUT_DIR}/gcc-loops.aot ${OUT_DIR}/gcc-loops.wasm if [[ ${PLATFORM} == "linux" ]]; then echo "Compile gcc-loops.wasm to gcc-loops_segue.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} --enable-segue -o ${OUT_DIR}/gcc-loops_segue.aot ${OUT_DIR}/gcc-loops.wasm fi # Build quicksort echo "Build quicksort with gcc .." gcc -O3 ${NATIVE_SIMD_FLAGS} -o ${OUT_DIR}/quicksort_native quicksort.c echo "Build quicksort with emcc .." emcc -O3 -s STANDALONE_WASM=1 ${WASM_SIMD_FLAGS} \ -s INITIAL_MEMORY=1048576 \ -s TOTAL_STACK=32768 \ -s "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_main']" \ -o ${OUT_DIR}/quicksort.wasm quicksort.c echo "Compile quicksort.wasm to quicksort.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} -o ${OUT_DIR}/quicksort.aot ${OUT_DIR}/quicksort.wasm if [[ ${PLATFORM} == "linux" ]]; then echo "Compile quicksort.wasm to quicksort_segue.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} --enable-segue -o ${OUT_DIR}/quicksort_segue.aot ${OUT_DIR}/quicksort.wasm fi # Build HashSet echo "Build HashSet with g++ .." g++ -O3 ${NATIVE_SIMD_FLAGS} -o ${OUT_DIR}/HashSet_native HashSet.cpp \ -lstdc++ echo "Build HashSet with em++ .." em++ -O3 -s STANDALONE_WASM=1 ${WASM_SIMD_FLAGS} \ -s INITIAL_MEMORY=1048576 \ -s TOTAL_STACK=32768 \ -s "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_main']" \ -o ${OUT_DIR}/HashSet.wasm HashSet.cpp echo "Compile HashSet.wasm to HashSet.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} -o ${OUT_DIR}/HashSet.aot ${OUT_DIR}/HashSet.wasm if [[ ${PLATFORM} == "linux" ]]; then echo "Compile HashSet.wasm to HashSet_segue.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} --enable-segue -o ${OUT_DIR}/HashSet_segue.aot ${OUT_DIR}/HashSet.wasm fi # Build float-mm cd ${JETSTREAM_DIR}/../simple echo "Build float-mm with gcc .." gcc -O3 ${NATIVE_SIMD_FLAGS} -o ${OUT_DIR}/float-mm_native float-mm.c echo "Build float-mm with emcc .." emcc -O3 -s STANDALONE_WASM=1 ${WASM_SIMD_FLAGS} \ -s INITIAL_MEMORY=1048576 \ -s TOTAL_STACK=32768 \ -s "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_main']" \ -o ${OUT_DIR}/float-mm.wasm float-mm.c echo "Compile float-mm.wasm to float-mm.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} -o ${OUT_DIR}/float-mm.aot ${OUT_DIR}/float-mm.wasm if [[ ${PLATFORM} == "linux" ]]; then echo "Compile float-mm.wasm to float-mm_segue.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} --enable-segue -o ${OUT_DIR}/float-mm_segue.aot ${OUT_DIR}/float-mm.wasm fi # Build tsf cd ${JETSTREAM_DIR}/TSF tsf_srcs="tsf_asprintf.c tsf_buffer.c tsf_error.c tsf_reflect.c tsf_st.c \ tsf_type.c tsf_io.c tsf_native.c tsf_generator.c tsf_st_typetable.c \ tsf_parser.c tsf_buf_writer.c tsf_buf_reader.c tsf_primitive.c \ tsf_type_table.c tsf_copier.c tsf_destructor.c tsf_gpc_code_gen.c \ gpc_code_gen_util.c gpc_threaded.c gpc_intable.c gpc_instruction.c \ gpc_program.c gpc_proto.c gpc_stack_height.c tsf_serial_in_man.c \ tsf_serial_out_man.c tsf_type_in_map.c tsf_type_out_map.c \ tsf_stream_file_input.c tsf_stream_file_output.c tsf_sort.c \ tsf_version.c tsf_named_type.c tsf_io_utils.c tsf_zip_attr.c \ tsf_zip_reader.c tsf_zip_writer.c tsf_zip_abstract.c tsf_limits.c \ tsf_ra_type_man.c tsf_adaptive_reader.c tsf_sha1.c tsf_sha1_writer.c \ tsf_fsdb.c tsf_fsdb_protocol.c tsf_define_helpers.c tsf_ir.c \ tsf_ir_different.c tsf_ir_speed.c" echo "Build tsf with gcc .." gcc \ -o ${OUT_DIR}/tsf_native -O3 ${NATIVE_SIMD_FLAGS} \ -I. -DTSF_BUILD_SYSTEM=1 \ ${tsf_srcs} -lm echo "Build tsf standalone with wasi-sdk .." /opt/wasi-sdk/bin/clang -O3 ${WASM_SIMD_FLAGS} -z stack-size=1048576 \ -Wl,--initial-memory=52428800 \ -Wl,--export=main \ -Wl,--export=__heap_base,--export=__data_end \ -I. -DTSF_BUILD_SYSTEM=1 \ -Wl,--allow-undefined \ -o ${OUT_DIR}/tsf.wasm \ ${tsf_srcs} echo "Compile tsf.wasm to tsf.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} -o ${OUT_DIR}/tsf.aot ${OUT_DIR}/tsf.wasm if [[ ${PLATFORM} == "linux" ]]; then echo "Compile tsf.wasm to tsf_segue.aot" ${WAMRC_CMD} --enable-segue -o ${OUT_DIR}/tsf_segue.aot ${OUT_DIR}/tsf.wasm fi