/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Ant Group. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ #include "debug_engine.h" #include "bh_log.h" #include "gdbserver.h" #include "platform_api_extension.h" #include "wasm_interp.h" #include "wasm_opcode.h" #include "wasm_runtime.h" static uint8 break_instr[] = { DEBUG_OP_BREAK }; typedef struct WASMDebugEngine { struct WASMDebugEngine *next; WASMDebugControlThread *control_thread; char ip_addr[128]; int platform_port; int process_base_port; bh_list debug_instance_list; bool active; } WASMDebugEngine; static WASMDebugEngine *g_debug_engine; static bool should_stop(WASMDebugControlThread *control_thread) { return control_thread->status != RUNNING; } static void * control_thread_routine(void *arg) { WASMDebugInstance *debug_inst = (WASMDebugInstance *)arg; WASMDebugControlThread *control_thread = NULL; WASMCluster *cluster = NULL; WASMExecEnv *exec_env; bh_assert(debug_inst); control_thread = debug_inst->control_thread; bh_assert(control_thread); cluster = debug_inst->cluster; bh_assert(cluster); exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&cluster->exec_env_list); bh_assert(exec_env); os_mutex_lock(&exec_env->wait_lock); control_thread->status = RUNNING; debug_inst->id = g_debug_engine->debug_instance_list.len + 1; control_thread->debug_engine = g_debug_engine; control_thread->debug_instance = debug_inst; strcpy(control_thread->ip_addr, g_debug_engine->ip_addr); control_thread->port = (g_debug_engine->process_base_port == 0) ? 0 : g_debug_engine->process_base_port + debug_inst->id; LOG_WARNING("control thread of debug object %p start\n", debug_inst); control_thread->server = wasm_launch_gdbserver(control_thread->ip_addr, control_thread->port); if (!control_thread->server) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to create debug server\n"); os_cond_signal(&exec_env->wait_cond); os_mutex_unlock(&exec_env->wait_lock); return NULL; } control_thread->server->thread = control_thread; /* control thread ready, notify main thread */ os_cond_signal(&exec_env->wait_cond); os_mutex_unlock(&exec_env->wait_lock); while (true) { os_mutex_lock(&control_thread->wait_lock); if (!should_stop(control_thread)) { if (!wasm_gdbserver_handle_packet(control_thread->server)) { control_thread->status = STOPPED; } } else { os_mutex_unlock(&control_thread->wait_lock); break; } os_mutex_unlock(&control_thread->wait_lock); } LOG_VERBOSE("control thread of debug object %p stop\n", debug_inst); return NULL; } static WASMDebugControlThread * wasm_debug_control_thread_create(WASMDebugInstance *debug_instance) { WASMDebugControlThread *control_thread; WASMCluster *cluster = debug_instance->cluster; WASMExecEnv *exec_env; bh_assert(cluster); exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&cluster->exec_env_list); bh_assert(exec_env); if (!(control_thread = wasm_runtime_malloc(sizeof(WASMDebugControlThread)))) { LOG_ERROR("WASM Debug Engine error: failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; } memset(control_thread, 0, sizeof(WASMDebugControlThread)); if (os_mutex_init(&control_thread->wait_lock) != 0) goto fail; debug_instance->control_thread = control_thread; os_mutex_lock(&exec_env->wait_lock); if (0 != os_thread_create(&control_thread->tid, control_thread_routine, debug_instance, APP_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_MAX)) { os_mutex_unlock(&control_thread->wait_lock); goto fail1; } /* wait until the debug control thread ready */ os_cond_wait(&exec_env->wait_cond, &exec_env->wait_lock); os_mutex_unlock(&exec_env->wait_lock); if (!control_thread->server) goto fail1; /* create control thread success, append debug instance to debug engine */ bh_list_insert(&g_debug_engine->debug_instance_list, debug_instance); wasm_cluster_send_signal_all(debug_instance->cluster, WAMR_SIG_STOP); return control_thread; fail1: os_mutex_destroy(&control_thread->wait_lock); fail: wasm_runtime_free(control_thread); return NULL; } static void wasm_debug_control_thread_destroy(WASMDebugInstance *debug_instance) { WASMDebugControlThread *control_thread = debug_instance->control_thread; LOG_VERBOSE("control thread of debug object %p stop\n", debug_instance); control_thread->status = STOPPED; os_mutex_lock(&control_thread->wait_lock); wasm_close_gdbserver(control_thread->server); os_mutex_unlock(&control_thread->wait_lock); os_thread_join(control_thread->tid, NULL); wasm_runtime_free(control_thread->server); os_mutex_destroy(&control_thread->wait_lock); wasm_runtime_free(control_thread); } static WASMDebugEngine * wasm_debug_engine_create() { WASMDebugEngine *engine; if (!(engine = wasm_runtime_malloc(sizeof(WASMDebugEngine)))) { LOG_ERROR("WASM Debug Engine error: failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; } memset(engine, 0, sizeof(WASMDebugEngine)); /* TODO: support Wasm platform in LLDB */ /* engine->control_thread = wasm_debug_control_thread_create((WASMDebugObject *)engine); engine->control_thread->debug_engine = (WASMDebugObject *)engine; engine->control_thread->debug_instance = NULL; sprintf(engine->control_thread->ip_addr, ""); engine->control_thread->port = 1234; */ bh_list_init(&engine->debug_instance_list); return engine; } bool wasm_debug_engine_init(char *ip_addr, int platform_port, int process_port) { if (g_debug_engine == NULL) g_debug_engine = wasm_debug_engine_create(); if (g_debug_engine) { process_port -= 1; g_debug_engine->platform_port = platform_port > 0 ? platform_port : 1234; g_debug_engine->process_base_port = (process_port > 0) ? process_port : 0; if (ip_addr) sprintf(g_debug_engine->ip_addr, "%s", ip_addr); else sprintf(g_debug_engine->ip_addr, "%s", ""); g_debug_engine->active = true; } return g_debug_engine != NULL ? true : false; } void wasm_debug_set_engine_active(bool active) { if (g_debug_engine) { g_debug_engine->active = active; } } bool wasm_debug_get_engine_active(void) { if (g_debug_engine) { return g_debug_engine->active; } return false; } void wasm_debug_engine_destroy() { if (g_debug_engine) { wasm_runtime_free(g_debug_engine); g_debug_engine = NULL; } } /* A debug Instance is a debug "process" in gdb remote protocol and bound to a runtime cluster */ WASMDebugInstance * wasm_debug_instance_create(WASMCluster *cluster) { WASMDebugInstance *instance; WASMExecEnv *exec_env; if (!g_debug_engine || !g_debug_engine->active) { return NULL; } if (!(instance = wasm_runtime_malloc(sizeof(WASMDebugInstance)))) { LOG_ERROR("WASM Debug Engine error: failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; } memset(instance, 0, sizeof(WASMDebugInstance)); bh_list_init(&instance->break_point_list); instance->cluster = cluster; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&cluster->exec_env_list); bh_assert(exec_env); instance->current_tid = exec_env->handle; if (!wasm_debug_control_thread_create(instance)) { LOG_ERROR("WASM Debug Engine error: failed to create control thread"); wasm_runtime_free(instance); return NULL; } return instance; } static WASMDebugInstance * wasm_cluster_get_debug_instance(WASMDebugEngine *engine, WASMCluster *cluster) { WASMDebugInstance *instance = bh_list_first_elem(&engine->debug_instance_list); while (instance) { if (instance->cluster == cluster) return instance; instance = bh_list_elem_next(instance); } return instance; } static void wasm_debug_instance_destroy_breakpoints(WASMDebugInstance *instance) { WASMDebugBreakPoint *breakpoint, *next_bp; breakpoint = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->break_point_list); while (breakpoint) { next_bp = bh_list_elem_next(breakpoint); bh_list_remove(&instance->break_point_list, breakpoint); wasm_runtime_free(breakpoint); breakpoint = next_bp; } } void wasm_debug_instance_destroy(WASMCluster *cluster) { WASMDebugInstance *instance = NULL; if (!g_debug_engine) { return; } instance = wasm_cluster_get_debug_instance(g_debug_engine, cluster); if (instance) { /* destroy control thread */ wasm_debug_control_thread_destroy(instance); bh_list_remove(&g_debug_engine->debug_instance_list, instance); /* destroy all breakpoints */ wasm_debug_instance_destroy_breakpoints(instance); wasm_runtime_free(instance); } } static WASMExecEnv * wasm_debug_instance_get_current_env(WASMDebugInstance *instance) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env = NULL; if (instance) { exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); while (exec_env) { if (exec_env->handle == instance->current_tid) break; exec_env = bh_list_elem_next(exec_env); } } return exec_env; } #if WASM_ENABLE_LIBC_WASI != 0 bool wasm_debug_instance_get_current_object_name(WASMDebugInstance *instance, char name_buffer[], int len) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASIArguments *wasi_args; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (!exec_env) return false; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; wasi_args = &module_inst->module->wasi_args; if (wasi_args && wasi_args->argc > 0) { char *argv_name = wasi_args->argv[0]; int name_len = strlen(argv_name); printf("the module name is %s\n", argv_name); if (len - 1 >= name_len) strcpy(name_buffer, argv_name); else strcpy(name_buffer, argv_name + (name_len + 1 - len)); return true; } return false; } #endif uint64 wasm_debug_instance_get_pid(WASMDebugInstance *instance) { if (instance != NULL) { return (uint64)instance->id; } return (uint64)0; } uint64 wasm_debug_instance_get_tid(WASMDebugInstance *instance) { if (instance != NULL) { return (uint64)instance->current_tid; } return (uint64)0; } int wasm_debug_instance_get_tids(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 tids[], int len) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; int i = 0; if (!instance) return 0; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); while (exec_env && i < len) { tids[i++] = exec_env->handle; exec_env = bh_list_elem_next(exec_env); } LOG_VERBOSE("find %d tids\n", i); return i; } uint64 wasm_debug_instance_wait_thread(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 tid, uint32 *status) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMExecEnv *last_exec_env = NULL; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); while (exec_env) { last_exec_env = exec_env; if (instance->current_tid != 0 && last_exec_env->handle == instance->current_tid) { break; } exec_env = bh_list_elem_next(exec_env); } if (last_exec_env) { wasm_cluster_wait_thread_status(last_exec_env, status); if (instance->current_tid == 0) instance->current_tid = last_exec_env->handle; return last_exec_env->handle; } else { *status = ~0; return 0; } } void wasm_debug_instance_set_cur_thread(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 tid) { instance->current_tid = tid; } uint64 wasm_debug_instance_get_pc(WASMDebugInstance *instance) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; if (!instance) return 0; exec_env = wasm_debug_instance_get_current_env(instance); if ((exec_env->cur_frame != NULL) && (exec_env->cur_frame->ip != NULL)) { WASMModuleInstance *module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; return WASM_ADDR( WasmObj, instance->id, (exec_env->cur_frame->ip - module_inst->module->load_addr)); } return 0; } uint64 wasm_debug_instance_get_load_addr(WASMDebugInstance *instance) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; if (!instance) return WASM_ADDR(WasmInvalid, 0, 0); exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (exec_env) { return WASM_ADDR(WasmObj, instance->id, 0); } return WASM_ADDR(WasmInvalid, 0, 0); } WASMDebugMemoryInfo * wasm_debug_instance_get_memregion(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 addr) { WASMDebugMemoryInfo *mem_info; WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; WASMMemoryInstance *memory; uint32 num_bytes_per_page; uint32 linear_mem_size = 0; if (!instance) return NULL; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (!exec_env) return NULL; if (!(mem_info = wasm_runtime_malloc(sizeof(WASMDebugMemoryInfo)))) { LOG_ERROR("WASM Debug Engine error: failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; } memset(mem_info, 0, sizeof(WASMDebugMemoryInfo)); mem_info->start = WASM_ADDR(WasmInvalid, 0, 0); mem_info->size = 0; mem_info->name[0] = '\0'; mem_info->permisson[0] = '\0'; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; switch (WASM_ADDR_TYPE(addr)) { case WasmObj: if (WASM_ADDR_OFFSET(addr) < module_inst->module->load_size) { mem_info->start = WASM_ADDR(WasmObj, instance->id, 0); mem_info->size = module_inst->module->load_size; sprintf(mem_info->name, "%s", "module"); sprintf(mem_info->permisson, "%s", "rx"); } break; case WasmMemory: { memory = module_inst->default_memory; if (memory) { num_bytes_per_page = memory->num_bytes_per_page; linear_mem_size = num_bytes_per_page * memory->cur_page_count; } if (WASM_ADDR_OFFSET(addr) < linear_mem_size) { mem_info->start = WASM_ADDR(WasmMemory, instance->id, 0); mem_info->size = linear_mem_size; sprintf(mem_info->name, "%s", "memory"); sprintf(mem_info->permisson, "%s", "rw"); } break; } default: mem_info->start = WASM_ADDR(WasmInvalid, 0, 0); mem_info->size = 0; } return mem_info; } void wasm_debug_instance_destroy_memregion(WASMDebugInstance *instance, WASMDebugMemoryInfo *mem_info) { wasm_runtime_free(mem_info); } bool wasm_debug_instance_get_obj_mem(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 offset, char *buf, uint64 *size) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (!exec_env) return false; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; if (offset + *size > module_inst->module->load_size) { LOG_VERBOSE("wasm_debug_instance_get_data_mem size over flow!\n"); *size = module_inst->module->load_size >= offset ? module_inst->module->load_size - offset : 0; } bh_memcpy_s(buf, *size, module_inst->module->load_addr + offset, *size); WASMDebugBreakPoint *breakpoint = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->break_point_list); while (breakpoint) { if (offset <= breakpoint->addr && breakpoint->addr < offset + *size) { bh_memcpy_s(buf + (breakpoint->addr - offset), sizeof(break_instr), &breakpoint->orignal_data, sizeof(break_instr)); } breakpoint = bh_list_elem_next(breakpoint); } WASMFastOPCodeNode *fast_opcode = bh_list_first_elem(&module_inst->module->fast_opcode_list); while (fast_opcode) { if (offset <= fast_opcode->offset && fast_opcode->offset < offset + *size) { *(uint8 *)(buf + (fast_opcode->offset - offset)) = fast_opcode->orig_op; } fast_opcode = bh_list_elem_next(fast_opcode); } return true; } bool wasm_debug_instance_get_linear_mem(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 offset, char *buf, uint64 *size) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; WASMMemoryInstance *memory; uint32 num_bytes_per_page; uint32 linear_mem_size; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = wasm_debug_instance_get_current_env(instance); if (!exec_env) return false; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; memory = module_inst->default_memory; if (memory) { num_bytes_per_page = memory->num_bytes_per_page; linear_mem_size = num_bytes_per_page * memory->cur_page_count; if (offset + *size > linear_mem_size) { LOG_VERBOSE("wasm_debug_instance_get_linear_mem size over flow!\n"); *size = linear_mem_size >= offset ? linear_mem_size - offset : 0; } bh_memcpy_s(buf, *size, memory->memory_data + offset, *size); return true; } return false; } bool wasm_debug_instance_set_linear_mem(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 offset, char *buf, uint64 *size) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; WASMMemoryInstance *memory; uint32 num_bytes_per_page; uint32 linear_mem_size; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = wasm_debug_instance_get_current_env(instance); if (!exec_env) return false; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; memory = module_inst->default_memory; if (memory) { num_bytes_per_page = memory->num_bytes_per_page; linear_mem_size = num_bytes_per_page * memory->cur_page_count; if (offset + *size > linear_mem_size) { LOG_VERBOSE("wasm_debug_instance_get_linear_mem size over flow!\n"); *size = linear_mem_size >= offset ? linear_mem_size - offset : 0; } bh_memcpy_s(memory->memory_data + offset, *size, buf, *size); return true; } return false; } bool wasm_debug_instance_get_mem(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 addr, char *buf, uint64 *size) { switch (WASM_ADDR_TYPE(addr)) { case WasmMemory: return wasm_debug_instance_get_linear_mem( instance, WASM_ADDR_OFFSET(addr), buf, size); break; case WasmObj: return wasm_debug_instance_get_obj_mem( instance, WASM_ADDR_OFFSET(addr), buf, size); break; default: return false; } } bool wasm_debug_instance_set_mem(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 addr, char *buf, uint64 *size) { switch (WASM_ADDR_TYPE(addr)) { case WasmMemory: return wasm_debug_instance_set_linear_mem( instance, WASM_ADDR_OFFSET(addr), buf, size); break; case WasmObj: default: return false; } } WASMDebugInstance * wasm_exec_env_get_instance(WASMExecEnv *exec_env) { WASMDebugInstance *instance = NULL; bh_assert(g_debug_engine); instance = bh_list_first_elem(&g_debug_engine->debug_instance_list); while (instance) { if (instance->cluster == exec_env->cluster) break; instance = bh_list_elem_next(instance); } return instance; } int wasm_debug_instance_get_call_stack_pcs(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 tid, uint64 buf[], uint64 size) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; struct WASMInterpFrame *frame; uint64 i = 0; if (!instance) return 0; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); while (exec_env) { if (exec_env->handle == tid) { WASMModuleInstance *module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; frame = exec_env->cur_frame; while (frame && i < size) { if (frame->ip != NULL) { buf[i++] = WASM_ADDR(WasmObj, instance->id, (frame->ip - module_inst->module->load_addr)); } frame = frame->prev_frame; } return i; } exec_env = bh_list_elem_next(exec_env); } return 0; } bool wasm_debug_instance_add_breakpoint(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 addr, uint64 length) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; uint64 offset; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (!exec_env) return false; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; if (WASM_ADDR_TYPE(addr) != WasmObj) return false; offset = WASM_ADDR_OFFSET(addr); if (length >= sizeof(break_instr)) { if (offset + sizeof(break_instr) <= module_inst->module->load_size) { WASMDebugBreakPoint *breakpoint; if (!(breakpoint = wasm_runtime_malloc(sizeof(WASMDebugBreakPoint)))) { LOG_ERROR("WASM Debug Engine error: failed to allocate memory"); return false; } memset(breakpoint, 0, sizeof(WASMDebugBreakPoint)); breakpoint->addr = offset; /* TODO: how to if more than one breakpoints are set at the same addr? */ bh_memcpy_s(&breakpoint->orignal_data, (uint32)sizeof(break_instr), module_inst->module->load_addr + offset, (uint32)sizeof(break_instr)); bh_memcpy_s(module_inst->module->load_addr + offset, (uint32)sizeof(break_instr), break_instr, (uint32)sizeof(break_instr)); bh_list_insert(&instance->break_point_list, breakpoint); return true; } } return false; } bool wasm_debug_instance_remove_breakpoint(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 addr, uint64 length) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; uint64 offset; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (!exec_env) return false; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; if (WASM_ADDR_TYPE(addr) != WasmObj) return false; offset = WASM_ADDR_OFFSET(addr); if (length >= sizeof(break_instr)) { if (offset + sizeof(break_instr) <= module_inst->module->load_size) { WASMDebugBreakPoint *breakpoint = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->break_point_list); while (breakpoint) { WASMDebugBreakPoint *next_break = bh_list_elem_next(breakpoint); if (breakpoint->addr == offset) { /* TODO: how to if more than one breakpoints are set at the same addr? */ bh_memcpy_s(module_inst->module->load_addr + offset, (uint32)sizeof(break_instr), &breakpoint->orignal_data, (uint32)sizeof(break_instr)); bh_list_remove(&instance->break_point_list, breakpoint); wasm_runtime_free(breakpoint); } breakpoint = next_break; } } } return true; } bool wasm_debug_instance_continue(WASMDebugInstance *instance) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (!exec_env) return false; while (exec_env) { wasm_cluster_thread_continue(exec_env); exec_env = bh_list_elem_next(exec_env); } return true; } bool wasm_debug_instance_kill(WASMDebugInstance *instance) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (!exec_env) return false; while (exec_env) { wasm_cluster_thread_send_signal(exec_env, WAMR_SIG_TERM); exec_env = bh_list_elem_next(exec_env); } return true; } bool wasm_debug_instance_singlestep(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 tid) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = bh_list_first_elem(&instance->cluster->exec_env_list); if (!exec_env) return false; while (exec_env) { if (exec_env->handle == tid || tid == (uint64)~0) { wasm_cluster_thread_send_signal(exec_env, WAMR_SIG_SINGSTEP); wasm_cluster_thread_step(exec_env); } exec_env = bh_list_elem_next(exec_env); } return true; } bool wasm_debug_instance_get_local(WASMDebugInstance *instance, int frame_index, int local_index, char buf[], int *size) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; struct WASMInterpFrame *frame; WASMFunctionInstance *cur_func; uint8 local_type = 0xFF; uint32 local_offset; int param_count; int fi = 0; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = wasm_debug_instance_get_current_env(instance); if (!exec_env) return false; frame = exec_env->cur_frame; while (frame && fi++ != frame_index) { frame = frame->prev_frame; } if (!frame) return false; cur_func = frame->function; if (!cur_func) return false; param_count = cur_func->param_count; if (local_index >= param_count + cur_func->local_count) return false; local_offset = cur_func->local_offsets[local_index]; if (local_index < param_count) local_type = cur_func->param_types[local_index]; else if (local_index < cur_func->local_count + param_count) local_type = cur_func->local_types[local_index - param_count]; switch (local_type) { case VALUE_TYPE_I32: case VALUE_TYPE_F32: *size = 4; bh_memcpy_s(buf, 4, (char *)(frame->lp + local_offset), 4); break; case VALUE_TYPE_I64: case VALUE_TYPE_F64: *size = 8; bh_memcpy_s(buf, 8, (char *)(frame->lp + local_offset), 8); break; default: *size = 0; break; } return true; } bool wasm_debug_instance_get_global(WASMDebugInstance *instance, int frame_index, int global_index, char buf[], int *size) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; struct WASMInterpFrame *frame; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; WASMGlobalInstance *globals, *global; uint8 *global_addr; uint8 global_type = 0xFF; uint8 *global_data; int fi = 0; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = wasm_debug_instance_get_current_env(instance); if (!exec_env) return false; frame = exec_env->cur_frame; while (frame && fi++ != frame_index) { frame = frame->prev_frame; } if (!frame) return false; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; global_data = module_inst->global_data; globals = module_inst->globals; if ((global_index < 0) || ((uint32)global_index >= module_inst->global_count)) { return false; } global = globals + global_index; #if WASM_ENABLE_MULTI_MODULE == 0 global_addr = global_data + global->data_offset; #else global_addr = global->import_global_inst ? global->import_module_inst->global_data + global->import_global_inst->data_offset : global_data + global->data_offset; #endif global_type = global->type; switch (global_type) { case VALUE_TYPE_I32: case VALUE_TYPE_F32: *size = 4; bh_memcpy_s(buf, 4, (char *)(global_addr), 4); break; case VALUE_TYPE_I64: case VALUE_TYPE_F64: *size = 8; bh_memcpy_s(buf, 8, (char *)(global_addr), 8); break; default: *size = 0; break; } return true; } uint64 wasm_debug_instance_mmap(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint32 size, int map_port) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; uint32 offset; void *native_addr; (void)map_port; if (!instance) return 0; exec_env = wasm_debug_instance_get_current_env(instance); if (!exec_env) return 0; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; /* TODO: malloc in wasi libc maybe not be thread safe, we hope LLDB will always ask for memory when threads stopped */ offset = wasm_runtime_module_malloc((wasm_module_inst_t)module_inst, size, &native_addr); if (!offset) LOG_WARNING("the memory may be not enough for debug, try use larger " "--heap-size"); return WASM_ADDR(WasmMemory, 0, offset); } bool wasm_debug_instance_ummap(WASMDebugInstance *instance, uint64 addr) { WASMExecEnv *exec_env; WASMModuleInstance *module_inst; uint32 offset; if (!instance) return false; exec_env = wasm_debug_instance_get_current_env(instance); if (!exec_env) return false; module_inst = (WASMModuleInstance *)exec_env->module_inst; if (WASM_ADDR_TYPE(addr) == WasmMemory) { offset = WASM_ADDR_OFFSET(addr); wasm_runtime_module_free((wasm_module_inst_t)module_inst, offset); return true; } return false; }