# WAMR-IDE (Experimental) ## Introduction The WAMR-IDE is an Integrated Development Environment to develop WebAssembly application with coding, compiling and source debugging support. It contains 3 components: `VSCode extension`, `wasm-toolchain docker image` and `wasm-debug-server docker image`. - `VSCode extension` is an `vscode` extension, with which user can build and manage projects, develop `wasm application`, including `building`, `running` and `debugging`. - `WASM-toolchain` is a docker image which provides building environment for wasm. - `WASM source debug server` is a docker image which provides running and source debugging environment for wasm application. --- ## How to setup WAMR IDE #### 1. Install `VSCode` on host. - make sure the version of [vscode](https://code.visualstudio.com/Download) you installed is at least _1.59.0_ #### 2. Install `Docker` on host. 1. [Windows: Docker Desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/install/) 2. [Ubuntu: Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu) ```xml OS requirements: To install Docker Engine, you need the 64-bit version of one of these Ubuntu versions: - Ubuntu Impish 21.10 - Ubuntu Hirsute 21.04 - Ubuntu Focal 20.04(LTS) - Ubuntu Bionic 18.04(LTS) ``` #### 3. Build docker images We have 2 docker images which should be built or loaded on your host, `wasm-toolchain` and `wasm-debug-server`. To build these 2 images, please enter the `WASM_Source_Debug_Server/Docker` & `WASM_Toolchain/Docker`, then execute the `build_docker_image` script respectively. Windows (powershell): ```batch $ cd .\WASM-Toolchain\Docker $ ./build_docker_image.bat $ cd .\WASM-Source-Debug-Server\Docker $ ./build_docker_image.bat ``` Linux: ```shell $ cd ./WASM-Toolchain/Docker $ ./build_docker_image.sh $ cd ./WASM-Debug-Server/Docker $ ./build_docker_image.sh ``` #### After building, you can find `wasm-toolchain` and `wasm-debug-server` docker images on your local ![docker-images](./Media/docker_images.png) #### If building docker images fail during the process Sometimes building the Docker images may fail due to bad network conditions. If the `wasm-toolchain` and `wasm-debug-server` images do not exist after building, please build them manually. Fix the proxy setting if needed and execute the following command to build docker images. ![docker-engine-config](./Media/docker_config.jpg) > Note: please correctly replace example proxy address with your own before you run manually. ```xml $ cd .\docker_images\wasm-debug-server $ docker build --no-cache --build-arg http_proxy=http://proxy-example.com:1234 --build-arg https_proxy=http://proxy-example.com:1234 -t wasm-debug-server:1.0 . ``` ```xml $ cd .\docker_images\wasm-toolchain $ docker build --no-cache --build-arg http_proxy=http://proxy-example.com:1234 --build-arg https_proxy=http://proxy-example.com:1234 -t wasm-toolchain:1.0 . ``` #### If you encounter the problem `failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition`, please config your docker desktop ![docker-engine-config](./Media/docker_engine_config.png) #### Points To Remember - Make sure that the `wasm-toolchain:1.0` and `wasm-debug-server:1.0` docker images are both successfully built before using `WAMR IDE`, otherwise `Build`, `Run` and `Debug` will not work. #### 4. Generate wamride extension package file `wamride-1.0.0.vsix` can be packaged by [`npm vsce`](https://code.visualstudio.com/api/working-with-extensions/publishing-extension). > Note that patched `lldb` should be built and put into the `VSCode_Extension/resource/debug` folder before your package or extension debug process if you want to enable `source debugging` feature. Please follow this [instruction](../../doc/source_debugging.md#debugging-with-interpreter) to build `lldb`. > > **You can also debug the extension directly follow this [instruction](./VSCode_Extension/README.md) without packing the extension.** #### 5. Install extension from vsix ![install_from_vsix](./Media/install_from_vsix.png "install wamr-ide from vsix") select `wamride-1.0.0.vsix` which you have packed on your host. --- ## How to use `wamr-ide` #### `WAMR-IDE` extension contains 2 components as following picture showing. `WAMR IDE` for workspace and project management and `Current Project` for project's execution. ![wamr_ide_main_menu](./Media/wamr_ide_main_menu.png "wamr-ide main menu") ### Project Execution #### 1. New project When you click `New project` button, the extension will pop up a message box at the bottom right of the screen as following: ![set-up-workspace-message](./Media/set-up-workspace-message.png "set up workspace message box") You can click `Set up now` and select the target folder to create project workspace, or you click `Maybe later` to close the message box. > Note that your selected workspace folder should be **empty** or the folder you have set up as workspace. After setting up workspace, extension will prompt successful message: ```xml Workspace has been set up successfully! ``` Then click `New project` button again, a new page will show as following. ![new-project-page](./Media/new_project_page.png "new project page") Enter the `Project name` and select the `Template`, then click `Create` button. A new project will be generated and opened in your current `VS Code window` or in a new `VS Code window`. > Opening in current windows or a new one depends on whether your `vscode's explorer` is empty or not. If empty, open in current window, or open in the new vscode window. A new initialized project is as following picture shows. ![project-template](./Media/project_template.png "default project template") `.wamr` is the project configuration folder which contains 3 files, `CMakeLists.txt`, `project.cmake`, and `compilation_config.json`. `CMakeLists.txt` is used to build `wasm target` and the `project.cmake` is included in `CMakeLists.txt`. `compilation_config.json` includes the user's customized configuration such as folders which should be added in the include path. #### 2. Open project Click `Open project` button, `quick-pick-box` will show as following. All projects under your current workspace will be shown and can be selected. ![configuration file](./Media/open_project_page.png "configuration file") #### 3. Change workspace Click `Change workspace` button, a dialog will show as following. You can select 1 folder in file system as workspace, and the new workspace path will override previous workspace, and all new created projects will be generated in the new workspace. ![change workspace ](./Media/change_workspace_dialog.png "change workspace dialog") #### 4. Customize `include paths` and `exclude source files` Extension supports adding header file folder to `include path` and excluding source file from build. - `Add to include path` - Move the cursor to the `folder` and right click, then `menus` will be shown as following. Click `Toggle state of path including`. ![right click menus](./Media/right_click_menus_1.png "right click menus") - `Exclude source file from build` - Move the cursor to the `source file` and right click, then `menus` will be shown as following. Click `Toggle state of excluding`. ![right click menus](./Media/right_click_menus_2.png "right click menus") #### After setting up `include path` and `exclude files`, the corresponding folder and files will be decorated with color and icon as following picture shows. ![decoration for files](./Media/decoration_for_files.png "decoration for files") At the same time, all added `include path` and `exclude files` will be saved in `.wamr/compilation_config.json` as json array. ![compilation config](./Media/compilation_config_2.png "compilation config") > `Toggle state of path including` just shows when selecting `folder` and hides with other resources. > > `Toggle state of excluding` just shows when selecting `[.c | .cpp | .cxx] source files` and hides with other resources. ### Current Project Management #### 1. Configuration Click `Configuration` button, a new page will be shown as following. You can config building target with `Include paths`, `Initial & Max linear memory`, `stack size`, `exported_symbols` and `include paths`, `exclude files`. ![config building target](./Media/Config_building_target.png "config building target") Then click `Modify` button to confirm, if configurations are modified successfully and following message will pop. Click `OK`, the page will be auto closed. ![save configuration](./Media/save_configuration.png "save configuration") And all configuration will be saved in `.wamr/compilation_config.json`. ![configuration file](./Media/compilation_config.png "configuration file") #### 2. `Build` When you have completed coding and ready to build target, click `build` button and the `wasm-toolchain` will auto start a container and execute the building process. ![build terminal output](./Media/build_terminal.png "build terminal output") After successful building execution, `build` folder will be generated in `explorer`, in which `${output_file_name}.wasm` is exist. ![build folder](./Media/build_folder.png "build folder") > Note that to start `docker service` firstly. #### 3. Run Click `Run` button and `wasm-debug-server` docker image will auto start a container and execute the running process. ![run](./Media/run.png "run wasm") #### 4. Debug Click `Debug` button will trigger start ip `wamr-debug-server` docker image, and boot up `lldb debug server` inside of iwasm. Then start a debugging session with configuration to connect. Tap `F11` or click `step into` to start debugging. ![debug](./Media/debug.png "source debugging") > Docker containers will be auto stopped and removed after the execution.