/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ #ifdef ENABLE_JEFF #include "module_jeff.h" #include "jeff_export.h" #include "../vmcore_jeff/jeff-runtime.h" #include "../vmcore_jeff/jeff-thread.h" #include "../vmcore_jeff/jeff-buffer.h" #include "../vmcore_jeff/jeff-tool.h" #include "../vmcore_jeff/jeff-tool-priv.h" #include "app_manager-host.h" #include "bh_queue.h" #include "attr-container.h" #include "attr-container-util.h" #include "bh_thread.h" #include "ems_gc.h" #include "coap_ext.h" #include "libcore.h" #include "event.h" #include "watchdog.h" #define DEFAULT_APPLET_TIMEOUT (3 * 60 * 1000) #define DEFAULT_APPLET_HEAP_SIZE (48 * 1024) #define MIN_APPLET_HEAP_SIZE (2 * 1024) #define MAX_APPLET_HEAP_SIZE (1024 * 1024) typedef struct jeff_applet_data { /* Java Applet Object */ JeffObjectRef applet_obj; #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 /* Whether the applet is in debug mode */ bool debug_mode; /* Queue of the tool agent */ bh_queue *tool_agent_queue; #endif /* VM instance */ JeffInstanceLocalRoot *vm_instance; /* Applet Main file */ JeffFileHeaderLinked *main_file; /* Permissions of the Java Applet */ char *perms; }jeff_applet_data; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.AEEApplet */ static JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_AEEApplet; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.Request */ static JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_AEERequest; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.Timer */ static JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_Timer; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.Sensor */ static JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_Sensor; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager */ static JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_BLEManager; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEDevice */ static JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_BLEDevice; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEGattService */ JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_BLEGattService; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEGattCharacteristic */ JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_BLEGattCharacteristic; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEGattDescriptor */ JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_BLEGattDescriptor; /* Jeff class com.intel.aee.gpio.GPIOChannel */ static JeffClassHeaderLinked *class_GPIOChannel; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.AEEApplet.onInit() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_AEEApplet_onInit; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.AEEApplet.onDestroy() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_AEEApplet_onDestroy; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.AEEApplet.callOnRequest(Request request) */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_AEEApplet_callOnRequest; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.Timer.callOnTimer() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnTimer; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.Sensor.callOnSensorEvent() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnSensorEvent; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEStartDiscovery() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnBLEStartDiscovery; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEConnected() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnBLEConnected; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEDisonnected() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnBLEDisconnected; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLENotification() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnBLENotification; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEIndication() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnBLEIndication; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEPasskeyEntry() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnBLEPasskeyEntry; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.gpio.GPIOChannel.callOnGPIOInterrupt() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnGPIOInterrupt; /* Jeff method void com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.getBLEDevice() */ static JeffMethodLinked *method_callOnBLEManagerGetBLEDevice; static jeff_applet_data * app_manager_get_jeff_applet_data() { module_data *m_data = app_manager_get_module_data(Module_Jeff); return (jeff_applet_data *)m_data->internal_data; } #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 void * app_manager_get_tool_agent_queue() { return app_manager_get_jeff_applet_data()->tool_agent_queue; } #endif #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 static bool is_tool_agent_running(module_data *m_data) { jeff_applet_data *applet_data = (jeff_applet_data*)m_data->internal_data; return (applet_data->debug_mode && applet_data->tool_agent_queue && applet_data->vm_instance->tool_agent); } #endif static char * get_class_qname(const JeffString *pname, const JeffString *cname) { unsigned int length = pname->length ? pname->length + 2 + cname->length : cname->length + 1; char *buf = bh_malloc(length), *p; if (!buf) return NULL; p = buf; if (pname->length) { bh_memcpy_s(p, pname->length, pname->value, pname->length); p += pname->length; *p++ = '.'; } bh_memcpy_s(p, cname->length, cname->value, cname->length); p += cname->length; *p = '\0'; return buf; } static void send_exception_event_to_host(const char *applet_name, const char *exc_name) { attr_container_t *payload; bh_request_msg_t msg; char *url; int url_len; payload = attr_container_create("exception detail"); if (!payload) { app_manager_printf("Send exception to host fail: allocate memory"); return; } if (!attr_container_set_string(&payload, "exception name", exc_name) || !attr_container_set_string(&payload, "stack trace", "TODO") || !attr_container_set_string(&payload, "applet name", applet_name)) { app_manager_printf("Send exception to host fail: set attr"); goto fail; } url_len = strlen("/exception/") + strlen(applet_name); url = bh_malloc(url_len + 1); if (!url) { app_manager_printf("Send exception to host fail: allocate memory"); goto fail; } memset(url, 0, url_len + 1); bh_strcpy_s(url, url_len + 1, "/exception/"); bh_strcat_s(url, url_len + 1, applet_name); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.url = url; msg.action = COAP_PUT; msg.payload = (char *)payload; app_send_request_msg_to_host(&msg); bh_free(url); fail: attr_container_destroy(payload); } static bool check_exception() { if (jeff_runtime_get_exception()) { jeff_printf("V1.Exception thrown when running applet '%s':\n", app_manager_get_module_name(Module_Jeff)); jeff_runtime_print_exception(); jeff_printf("\n"); jeff_printf(NULL); if (!app_manager_is_interrupting_module(Module_Jeff)) { attr_container_t *payload; int payload_len; JeffClassHeaderLinked *exc_class = jeff_object_class_pointer(jeff_runtime_get_exception()); char *qname_buf = get_class_qname(jeff_get_class_pname(exc_class), jeff_get_class_cname(exc_class)); /* Send exception event to host */ if (qname_buf) { send_exception_event_to_host(app_manager_get_module_name(Module_Jeff), qname_buf); bh_free(qname_buf); } /* Uninstall the applet */ if ((payload = attr_container_create("uninstall myself"))) { if (attr_container_set_string(&payload, "name", app_manager_get_module_name(Module_Jeff)) /* Set special flag to prevent app manager making response since this is an internal message */ && attr_container_set_bool(&payload, "do not reply me", true)) { request_t request = {0}; payload_len = attr_container_get_serialize_length(payload); init_request(request, "/applet", COAP_DELETE, (char *)payload, payload_len)); app_mgr_lookup_resource(&request); // TODO: confirm this is right attr_container_destroy(payload); } } jeff_runtime_set_exception(NULL); return true; } return false; } static bool app_manager_initialize_class(JeffClassHeaderLinked *c) { jeff_runtime_initialize_class(c); return !check_exception(); } static bool app_manager_initialize_object(JeffObjectRef obj) { jeff_runtime_initialize_object(obj); return !check_exception(); } static bool app_manager_call_java(JeffMethodLinked *method, unsigned int argc, uint32 argv[], uint8 argt[]) { module_data *m_data = app_manager_get_module_data(Module_Jeff); watchdog_timer *wd_timer = &m_data->wd_timer; bool is_wd_started = false; #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 /* Only start watchdog when debugger is not running */ if (!is_tool_agent_running(m_data)) { #endif watchdog_timer_start(wd_timer); is_wd_started = true; #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 } #endif jeff_runtime_call_java(method, argc, argv, argt); if (is_wd_started) { vm_mutex_lock(&wd_timer->lock); if (!wd_timer->is_interrupting) { wd_timer->is_stopped = true; watchdog_timer_stop(wd_timer); } vm_mutex_unlock(&wd_timer->lock); } return !check_exception(); } static AEEBLEDevice create_object_BLEDevice(ble_device_info *dev_info) { JeffLocalObjectRef ref; AEEBLEDevice dev_struct; jeff_runtime_push_local_object_ref(&ref); ref.val = jeff_runtime_new_object(class_BLEDevice); if (!ref.val) { jeff_runtime_pop_local_object_ref(1); return NULL; } dev_struct = (AEEBLEDevice) (ref.val); dev_struct->rssi = dev_info->rssi; dev_struct->mac = (jbyteArray) jeff_runtime_create_byte_array((int8 *)dev_info->mac, 6); app_manager_printf("adv_data_len:%d,scan_response_len:%d\n", dev_info->adv_data_len, dev_info->scan_response_len); dev_struct->advData = (jbyteArray) jeff_runtime_create_byte_array((int8 *)dev_info->adv_data, dev_info->adv_data_len); dev_struct->scanResponse = (jbyteArray) jeff_runtime_create_byte_array((int8 *)dev_info->scan_response, dev_info->scan_response_len); dev_struct->addressType = dev_info->address_type; jeff_runtime_initialize_object(ref.val); jeff_runtime_pop_local_object_ref(1); if ((dev_struct->mac == NULL) || (dev_struct->advData == NULL) || (dev_struct->scanResponse == NULL)) { return NULL; } return (AEEBLEDevice) ref.val; } static void app_instance_process_ble_msg(char *msg) { bh_queue_ble_sub_msg_t *ble_msg = (bh_queue_ble_sub_msg_t *)msg; unsigned int argv[5]; uint8 argt[5]; ble_device_info *dev_info; dev_info = (ble_device_info *) ble_msg->payload; AEEBLEDevice ble_dev; argv[0] = (unsigned int) (jbyteArray) jeff_runtime_create_byte_array((int8 *)dev_info->mac, 6); argt[0] = 1; if (!app_manager_call_java(method_callOnBLEManagerGetBLEDevice, 1, argv, argt)) { app_manager_printf("app_manager_call_java BLEManagerGetBLEDevice fail error\n"); goto fail; } ble_dev = (AEEBLEDevice) argv[0]; if (ble_dev == NULL) { ble_dev = create_object_BLEDevice(dev_info); if (ble_dev == NULL) { goto fail; } } switch (ble_msg->type) { case BLE_SUB_EVENT_DISCOVERY: { argv[0] = (unsigned int) ble_dev; argt[0] = 1; ble_dev->rssi = dev_info->rssi; if (!app_manager_call_java(method_callOnBLEStartDiscovery, 1, argv, argt)) { app_manager_printf("app_manager_call_java method_callOnBLEStartDiscovery fail error\n"); goto fail; } } break; case BLE_SUB_EVENT_CONNECTED: { if (ble_dev) { argv[0] = (unsigned int) ble_dev; argv[1] = 0; argt[0] = 1; argt[1] = 1; if (!app_manager_call_java(method_callOnBLEConnected, 2, argv, argt)) { app_manager_printf("app_manager_call_java method_callOnBLEConnected fail error\n"); goto fail; } } } break; case BLE_SUB_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: { app_manager_printf("app instance received disconnected\n"); if (ble_dev) { argv[0] = (unsigned int) ble_dev; argv[1] = 0; argt[0] = 1; argt[1] = 1; ble_dev->rssi = dev_info->rssi; if (!app_manager_call_java(method_callOnBLEDisconnected, 2, argv, argt)) { app_manager_printf("app_manager_call_java method_callOnBLEDisconnected fail error\n"); goto fail; } } } break; case BLE_SUB_EVENT_NOTIFICATION: { if (ble_dev) { argv[0] = (unsigned int) ble_dev; argv[1] = (unsigned int) (jbyteArray) jeff_runtime_create_byte_array( (int8 *)dev_info->private_data, dev_info->private_data_length); argv[2] = dev_info->value_handle; argv[3] = dev_info->ccc_handle; argt[1] = 1; argt[2] = 0; argt[3] = 0; ble_dev->rssi = dev_info->rssi; if (!app_manager_call_java(method_callOnBLENotification, 4, argv, argt)) { app_manager_printf("app_manager_call_java method_callOnBLENotification fail error\n"); goto fail; } } } break; case BLE_SUB_EVENT_INDICATION: { if (ble_dev) { argv[0] = (unsigned int) ble_dev; argv[1] = (unsigned int) (jbyteArray) jeff_runtime_create_byte_array( (int8 *)dev_info->private_data, dev_info->private_data_length); argv[2] = dev_info->value_handle; argv[3] = dev_info->ccc_handle; argt[0] = 1; argt[1] = 1; argt[2] = 0; argt[3] = 0; ble_dev->rssi = dev_info->rssi; if (!app_manager_call_java(method_callOnBLEIndication, 4, argv, argt)) { app_manager_printf("app_manager_call_java method_callOnBLEIndication fail error\n"); goto fail; } } } break; case BLE_SUB_EVENT_PASSKEYENTRY: { if (ble_dev) { argv[0] = (unsigned int) ble_dev; argt[0] = 1; argt[1] = 1; ble_dev->rssi = dev_info->rssi; if (!app_manager_call_java(method_callOnBLEPasskeyEntry, 1, argv, argt)) { app_manager_printf("app_manager_call_java method_callOnBLEPasskeyEntry fail error\n"); goto fail; } } } break; case BLE_SUB_EVENT_SECURITY_LEVEL_CHANGE: { if (ble_dev) { ble_dev->securityLevel = dev_info->security_level; } } break; default: break; } fail: if (dev_info->scan_response != NULL) { bh_free(dev_info->scan_response); } if (dev_info->private_data != NULL) { bh_free(dev_info->private_data); } if (dev_info->adv_data != NULL) { bh_free(dev_info->adv_data); } if (dev_info != NULL) { bh_free(dev_info); } } static void app_instance_free_ble_msg(char *msg) { bh_queue_ble_sub_msg_t *ble_msg = (bh_queue_ble_sub_msg_t *)msg; ble_device_info *dev_info; dev_info = (ble_device_info *) ble_msg->payload; if (dev_info->scan_response != NULL) bh_free(dev_info->scan_response); if (dev_info->private_data != NULL) bh_free(dev_info->private_data); if (dev_info->adv_data != NULL) bh_free(dev_info->adv_data); if (dev_info != NULL) bh_free(dev_info); } static void app_instance_queue_free_callback(void *queue_msg) { bh_queue_msg_t *msg = (bh_queue_msg_t *)queue_msg; switch (msg->message_type) { case APPLET_REQUEST: { bh_request_msg_t *req_msg = (bh_request_msg_t *)msg->payload; bh_free(req_msg); break; } case TIMER_EVENT: { break; } case SENSOR_EVENT: { if (msg->payload) { bh_sensor_event_t *sensor_event = (bh_sensor_event_t *)msg->payload; attr_container_t *event = sensor_event->event; attr_container_destroy(event); bh_free(sensor_event); } break; } case BLE_EVENT: { if (msg->payload) { app_instance_free_ble_msg(msg->payload); bh_free(msg->payload); } break; } case GPIO_INTERRUPT_EVENT: { break; } default: { break; } } bh_free(msg); } static void app_instance_queue_callback(void *queue_msg) { bh_queue_msg_t *msg = (bh_queue_msg_t *)queue_msg; unsigned int argv[5]; uint8 argt[5]; if (app_manager_is_interrupting_module(Module_Jeff)) { app_instance_queue_free_callback(queue_msg); return; } switch (msg->message_type) { case APPLET_REQUEST: { JeffLocalObjectRef ref; AEERequest req_obj; bh_request_msg_t *req_msg = (bh_request_msg_t *)msg->payload; attr_container_t *attr_cont = (attr_container_t *)req_msg->payload; module_data *m_data = app_manager_get_module_data(Module_Jeff); jeff_applet_data *applet_data = (jeff_applet_data*)m_data->internal_data; app_manager_printf("Applet %s got request, url %s, action %d\n", m_data->module_name, req_msg->url, req_msg->action); /* Create Request object */ req_obj = (AEERequest)jeff_object_new(m_data->heap, class_AEERequest); if (!req_obj) { app_manager_printf("Applet process request failed: create request obj failed.\n"); goto fail1; } jeff_runtime_push_local_object_ref(&ref); ref.val = (JeffObjectRef)req_obj; req_obj->mid = req_msg->mid; req_obj->action = req_msg->action; req_obj->fmt = req_msg->fmt; /* Create Java url string */ if (req_msg->url) { req_obj->url = (jstring)jeff_runtime_create_java_string(req_msg->url); if (!req_obj->url) { app_manager_printf("Applet process request failed: create url string failed.\n"); goto fail2; } } /* Create Java AttributeObject payload */ if (attr_cont && !attr_container_to_attr_obj(attr_cont, &req_obj->payload)) { app_manager_printf("Applet process request failed: convert payload failed.\n"); goto fail2; } /* Call AEEApplet.callOnRequest(Request request) method */ argv[0] = (unsigned int)applet_data->applet_obj; argv[1] = (unsigned int)req_obj; argt[0] = argt[1] = 1; app_manager_call_java(method_AEEApplet_callOnRequest, 2, argv, argt); app_manager_printf("Applet process request success.\n"); fail2: jeff_runtime_pop_local_object_ref(1); fail1: bh_free(req_msg); break; } case TIMER_EVENT: { if (msg->payload) { /* Call Timer.callOnTimer() method */ argv[0] = (unsigned int)msg->payload; argt[0] = 1; app_manager_call_java(method_callOnTimer, 1, argv, argt); } break; } case SENSOR_EVENT: { if (msg->payload) { bh_sensor_event_t *sensor_event = (bh_sensor_event_t *)msg->payload; AEESensor sensor = sensor_event->sensor; attr_container_t *event = sensor_event->event; bool ret = attr_container_to_attr_obj(event, &sensor->event); attr_container_destroy(event); bh_free(sensor_event); if (ret) { /* Call Sensor.callOnSensorEvent() method */ argv[0] = (unsigned int)sensor; argt[0] = 1; app_manager_call_java(method_callOnSensorEvent, 1, argv, argt); } } break; } case BLE_EVENT: { if (msg->payload) { app_instance_process_ble_msg(msg->payload); bh_free(msg->payload); } break; } case GPIO_INTERRUPT_EVENT: { AEEGPIOChannel gpio_ch = (AEEGPIOChannel)msg->payload; if ((gpio_ch == NULL) || (gpio_ch->callback == 0) || (gpio_ch->listener == NULL)) { break; } argv[0] = (unsigned int) gpio_ch; argt[0] = 1; bool ret_value = app_manager_call_java(method_callOnGPIOInterrupt, 1, argv, argt); if (!ret_value) { app_manager_printf("app_manager_call_java method_method_callOnGPIOInterrupt return false\n"); } break; } default: { app_manager_printf("Invalid message type of applet queue message.\n"); break; } } bh_free(msg); } static JeffClassHeaderLinked* find_main_class(JeffFileHeaderLinked *main_file) { JeffClassHeaderLinked *c = NULL, *ci; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < main_file->internal_class_count; i++) { ci = main_file->class_header[i]; if (jeff_is_super_class(class_AEEApplet, ci) && (ci->access_flag & JEFF_ACC_PUBLIC)) { if (c) { jeff_printe_more_than_one_main_class(); return NULL; } c = ci; } } if (!c) jeff_printe_no_main_class(); return c; } /* Java applet thread main routine */ static void* app_instance_main(void *arg) { module_data *m_data = (module_data *)arg; jeff_applet_data *applet_data = (jeff_applet_data*)m_data->internal_data; JeffClassHeaderLinked *object_class; JeffMethodLinked *m; unsigned int argv[1]; uint8 argt[1]; app_manager_printf("Java Applet '%s' started\n", m_data->module_name); #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 if (applet_data->debug_mode) jeff_tool_suspend_self(); #endif applet_data->vm_instance->applet_object = applet_data->applet_obj; object_class = jeff_object_class_pointer(applet_data->applet_obj); m = jeff_select_method_virtual(object_class, method_AEEApplet_onInit); bh_assert(m != NULL); /* Initialize applet class which call */ if (!app_manager_initialize_class(object_class)) { app_manager_printf("Call fail\n"); goto fail; } /* Initialize applet object which call */ if (!app_manager_initialize_object(applet_data->applet_obj)) { app_manager_printf("Call fail\n"); goto fail; } /* Call applet's onInit() method */ argv[0] = (unsigned int)applet_data->applet_obj; argt[0] = 1; if (app_manager_call_java(m, 1, argv, argt)) /* Enter queue loop run to receive and process applet queue message */ bh_queue_enter_loop_run(m_data->queue, app_instance_queue_callback); fail: applet_data->vm_instance->applet_object = applet_data->applet_obj; object_class = jeff_object_class_pointer(applet_data->applet_obj); m = jeff_select_method_virtual(object_class, method_AEEApplet_onDestroy); bh_assert(m != NULL); /* Call User Applet or AEEApplet onDestroy() method */ app_manager_call_java(m, 1, argv, argt); if (m != method_AEEApplet_onDestroy) { /*If 'm' is user onDestroy, then Call AEEApplet.onDestroy() method*/ app_manager_call_java(method_AEEApplet_onDestroy, 1, argv, argt); } app_manager_printf("Applet instance main thread exit.\n"); return NULL; } static bool verify_signature(JeffFileHeader *file, unsigned size) { uint8 *sig; unsigned sig_size; #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_NO_SIGNATURE != 0 /* no signature */ if (file->file_signature == 0) return true; #endif if (file->file_length != size #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_NO_SIGNATURE == 0 || file->file_signature == 0 #endif || file->file_signature >= file->file_length) return false; sig = (uint8 *)file + file->file_signature; sig_size = file->file_length - file->file_signature; if (0 == app_manager_signature_verify((uint8_t *)file, file->file_signature, sig, sig_size)) return false; return true; } /* Install Java Applet */ static bool jeff_module_install(bh_request_msg_t *msg) { unsigned int size, bpk_file_len, main_file_len, heap_size, timeout; uint8 *bpk_file; JeffFileHeaderLinked *main_file; JeffClassHeaderLinked *main_class; module_data *m_data; jeff_applet_data *applet_data; char *applet_name, *applet_perm; attr_container_t *attr_cont; bool debug = false; /* Check url */ if (!msg->url || strcmp(msg->url, "/applet") != 0) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: invalid url."); return false; } /* Check payload */ attr_cont = (attr_container_t *)msg->payload; if (!attr_cont || !(bpk_file = (uint8 *) attr_container_get_as_bytearray(attr_cont, "bpk", &bpk_file_len))) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: invalid bpk file."); return false; } /* Check applet name */ applet_name = attr_container_get_as_string(attr_cont, "name"); if (!applet_name || strlen(applet_name) == 0) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: invalid applet name."); return false; } if (app_manager_lookup_module_data(applet_name)) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: applet already installed."); return false; } /* TODO: convert bpk file to Jeff file */ main_file_len = bpk_file_len; main_file = bh_malloc(main_file_len); if (!main_file) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: allocate memory failed."); return false; } bh_memcpy_s(main_file, main_file_len, bpk_file, main_file_len); /* Verify signature */ if (!verify_signature((JeffFileHeader *)main_file, main_file_len)) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: verify Jeff file signature failed."); goto fail1; } /* Load Jeff main file */ if (!jeff_runtime_load(main_file, main_file_len, false, NULL, NULL)) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: load Jeff file failed."); goto fail1; } /* Find main class */ main_class = find_main_class(main_file); if (!main_class) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: find applet class failed."); goto fail2; } /* Create module data */ size = offsetof(module_data, module_name) + strlen(applet_name) + 1; size = align_uint(size, 4); m_data = bh_malloc(size + sizeof(jeff_applet_data)); if (!m_data) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: allocate memory failed."); goto fail2; } memset(m_data, 0, size + sizeof(jeff_applet_data)); m_data->module_type = Module_Jeff; m_data->internal_data = (uint8*)m_data + size; applet_data = (jeff_applet_data*)m_data->internal_data; bh_strcpy_s(m_data->module_name, strlen(applet_name) + 1, applet_name); applet_data->main_file = main_file; /* Set applet execution timeout */ timeout = DEFAULT_APPLET_TIMEOUT; if (attr_container_contain_key(attr_cont, "execution timeout")) timeout = attr_container_get_as_int(attr_cont, "execution timeout"); m_data->timeout = timeout; /* Create applet permissions */ applet_perm = attr_container_get_as_string(attr_cont, "perm"); if (applet_perm != NULL) { applet_data->perms = bh_malloc(strlen(applet_perm) + 1); if (!applet_data->perms) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: allocate memory for applet permissions failed."); goto fail3; } bh_strcpy_s(applet_data->perms, strlen(applet_perm) + 1, applet_perm); } /* Create applet queue */ m_data->queue = bh_queue_create(); if (!m_data->queue) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: create applet queue failed."); goto fail3_1; } /* Set heap size */ heap_size = DEFAULT_APPLET_HEAP_SIZE; if (attr_container_contain_key(attr_cont, "heap size")) { heap_size = attr_container_get_as_int(attr_cont, "heap size"); if (heap_size < MIN_APPLET_HEAP_SIZE) heap_size = MIN_APPLET_HEAP_SIZE; else if (heap_size > MAX_APPLET_HEAP_SIZE) heap_size = MAX_APPLET_HEAP_SIZE; } m_data->heap_size = heap_size; /* Create applet heap */ m_data->heap = gc_init_for_instance(heap_size); if (!m_data->heap) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: create heap failed."); goto fail4; } /* Create applet object */ applet_data->applet_obj = jeff_object_new(m_data->heap, main_class); if (!applet_data->applet_obj) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: create applet object failed."); goto fail5; } /* Initialize watchdog timer */ if (!watchdog_timer_init(m_data)) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: create applet watchdog timer failed."); goto fail5; } #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 /* Check whether applet is debuggable */ if (attr_container_contain_key(attr_cont, "debug")) debug = attr_container_get_as_bool(attr_cont, "debug"); applet_data->debug_mode = debug; /* Create tool agent queue */ if (debug && !(applet_data->tool_agent_queue = bh_queue_create())) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: create tool agent queue failed."); goto fail5_1; } #endif /* Create applet instance */ applet_data->vm_instance = jeff_runtime_create_instance(main_file, m_data->heap, 16, app_instance_main, m_data, NULL); if (!applet_data->vm_instance) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: create Java VM failed"); goto fail6; } /* Add applet data to applet data list */ applet_data->vm_instance->applet_object = applet_data->applet_obj; app_manager_add_module_data(m_data); app_manager_post_applets_update_event(); #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 /* Start tool agent thread */ if (debug && !jeff_tool_start_agent(applet_data->vm_instance, applet_data->tool_agent_queue)) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Install Applet failed: start tool agent failed"); goto fail6; } #endif app_manager_printf("Install Applet success!\n"); app_send_response_to_host(msg->mid, CREATED_2_01, NULL); /* CREATED */ return true; fail6: #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 if (debug) bh_queue_destroy(applet_data->tool_agent_queue); #endif fail5_1: watchdog_timer_destroy(&m_data->wd_timer); fail5: gc_destroy_for_instance(m_data->heap); fail4: bh_queue_destroy(m_data->queue, NULL); fail3_1: bh_free(applet_data->perms); fail3: bh_free(applet_data); fail2: jeff_runtime_unload(main_file); fail1: bh_free(main_file); return false; } static void cleanup_applet_resource(module_data *m_data) { jeff_applet_data *applet_data = (jeff_applet_data*)m_data->internal_data; /* Unload Jeff main file and free it */ jeff_runtime_unload(applet_data->main_file); bh_free(applet_data->main_file); /* Destroy queue */ bh_queue_destroy(m_data->queue, app_instance_queue_free_callback); /* Destroy heap */ gc_destroy_for_instance(m_data->heap); /* Destroy watchdog timer */ watchdog_timer_destroy(&m_data->wd_timer); /* Remove module data from module data list and free it */ app_manager_del_module_data(m_data); bh_free(applet_data->perms); bh_free(m_data); } /* Uninstall Java Applet */ static bool jeff_module_uninstall(bh_request_msg_t *msg) { module_data *m_data; jeff_applet_data *applet_data; attr_container_t *attr_cont; char *applet_name; bool do_not_reply = false; /* Check payload and applet name*/ attr_cont = (attr_container_t *)msg->payload; /* Check whether need to reply this request */ if (attr_container_contain_key(attr_cont, "do not reply me")) do_not_reply = attr_container_get_as_bool(attr_cont, "do not reply me"); /* Check url */ if (!msg->url || strcmp(msg->url, "/applet") != 0) { if (!do_not_reply) SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Uninstall Applet failed: invalid url."); else app_manager_printf("Uninstall Applet failed: invalid url."); return false; } if (!attr_cont || !(applet_name = attr_container_get_as_string(attr_cont, "name")) || strlen(applet_name) == 0) { if (!do_not_reply) SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Uninstall Applet failed: invalid applet name."); else app_manager_printf("Uninstall Applet failed: invalid applet name."); return false; } m_data = app_manager_lookup_module_data(applet_name); if (!m_data) { if (!do_not_reply) SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Uninstall Applet failed: no applet found."); else app_manager_printf("Uninstall Applet failed: no applet found."); return false; } if (m_data->module_type != Module_Jeff) { if (!do_not_reply) SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Uninstall Applet failed: invlaid module type."); else app_manager_printf("Uninstall Applet failed: invalid module type."); return false; } if (m_data->wd_timer.is_interrupting) { if (!do_not_reply) SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(msg->mid, "Uninstall Applet failed: applet is being interrupted by watchdog."); else app_manager_printf("Uninstall Applet failed: applet is being interrupted by watchdog."); return false; } /* Exit applet queue loop run */ bh_queue_exit_loop_run(m_data->queue); applet_data = (jeff_applet_data*)m_data->internal_data; #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 /* Exit tool agent queue loop run */ if (is_tool_agent_running(m_data)) { bh_queue_exit_loop_run(applet_data->tool_agent_queue); } #endif /* Wait the end of the applet instance and then destroy it */ if (applet_data->vm_instance->main_file) jeff_runtime_wait_for_instance(applet_data->vm_instance, -1); jeff_runtime_destroy_instance(applet_data->vm_instance); cleanup_applet_resource(m_data); app_manager_post_applets_update_event(); app_manager_printf("Uninstall Applet success!\n"); if (!do_not_reply) app_send_response_to_host(msg->mid, DELETED_2_02, NULL); /* DELETED */ return true; } #define PERM_PREFIX "AEE.permission." static bool check_permission_format(const char *perm) { const char *prefix = PERM_PREFIX; const char *p; if (perm == NULL || strncmp(perm, prefix, strlen(prefix)) != 0 || *(p = perm + strlen(prefix)) == '\0') return false; do { if (!(*p == '.' || ('A' <= *p && *p <= 'Z') || ('a' <= *p && *p <= 'z'))) return false; }while (*++p != '\0'); return true; } static bool match(const char *haystack, const char *needle, char delim) { const char *p = needle; if (haystack == NULL || *haystack == '\0' || needle == NULL || *needle == '\0') return false; while (true) { while (true) { if ((*haystack == '\0' || *haystack == delim) && *p == '\0') { return true; } else if (*p == *haystack) { ++p; ++haystack; } else { break; } } while (*haystack != '\0' && *haystack != delim) { ++haystack; } if (*haystack == '\0') { return false; } else { ++haystack; p = needle; } } } bool bh_applet_check_permission(const char *perm) { return check_permission_format(perm) && match(app_manager_get_jeff_applet_data()->perms, perm + strlen(PERM_PREFIX), ' '); } static bool jeff_module_init() { JeffDescriptorFull d[] = { {JEFF_TYPE_VOID, 0, NULL}}; JeffDescriptorFull d1[] = { { JEFF_TYPE_OBJECT | JEFF_TYPE_REF, 0, NULL}, { JEFF_TYPE_VOID, 0, NULL} }; /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.AEEApplet */ class_AEEApplet = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name("com.intel.aee.AEEApplet"); if (!class_AEEApplet) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve class AEEApplet failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.Request */ class_AEERequest = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name("com.intel.aee.Request"); if (!class_AEERequest) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve class Request failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.Timer */ class_Timer = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name("com.intel.aee.Timer"); if (!class_Timer) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve class Timer failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.Sensor */ class_Sensor = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name("com.intel.aee.Sensor"); if (!class_Sensor) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve class Sensor failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager */ class_BLEManager = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name( "com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager"); if (!class_BLEManager) { app_manager_printf( "App Manager start failed: resolve class BLEManager failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEDevice */ class_BLEDevice = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name( "com.intel.aee.ble.BLEDevice"); if (!class_BLEDevice) { app_manager_printf( "App Manager start failed: resolve class BLEDevice failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEDevice */ class_BLEGattService = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name( "com.intel.aee.ble.BLEGattService"); if (!class_BLEGattService) { app_manager_printf( "App Manager start failed: resolve class BLEGattService failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEDevice */ class_BLEGattCharacteristic = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name( "com.intel.aee.ble.BLEGattCharacteristic"); if (!class_BLEGattCharacteristic) { app_manager_printf( "App Manager start failed: resolve class BLEGattCharacteristic failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.ble.BLEDevice */ class_BLEGattDescriptor = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name( "com.intel.aee.ble.BLEGattDescriptor"); if (!class_BLEGattDescriptor) { app_manager_printf( "App Manager start failed: resolve class BLEGattDescriptor failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve class com.intel.aee.gpio.GPIOChannel */ class_GPIOChannel = jeff_runtime_resolve_class_full_name( "com.intel.aee.gpio.GPIOChannel"); if (!class_GPIOChannel) { app_manager_printf( "App Manager start failed: resolve class GPIOChannel failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve method com.intel.aee.AEEApplet.onInit() */ method_AEEApplet_onInit = jeff_lookup_method(class_AEEApplet, "onInit", 0, d); if (!method_AEEApplet_onInit) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method Applet.onInit() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve method com.intel.aee.AEEApplet.onDestroy() */ method_AEEApplet_onDestroy = jeff_lookup_method(class_AEEApplet, "onDestroy", 0, d); if (!method_AEEApplet_onDestroy) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method AEEApplet.onDestroy() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve method com.intel.aee.AEEApplet.callOnRequest(Request) */ d1[0].class_header = class_AEERequest; method_AEEApplet_callOnRequest = jeff_lookup_method(class_AEEApplet, "callOnRequest", 1, d1); if (!method_AEEApplet_callOnRequest) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method AEEApplet.callOnRequest() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve method com.intel.aee.Timer.callOnTimer() */ method_callOnTimer = jeff_lookup_method(class_Timer, "callOnTimer", 0, d); if (!method_callOnTimer) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method Timer.callOnTimer() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resolve method com.intel.aee.Sensor.callOnSensorEvent() */ method_callOnSensorEvent = jeff_lookup_method(class_Sensor, "callOnSensorEvent", 0, d); if (!method_callOnSensorEvent) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method Sensor.callOnSensorEvent() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resovle method com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEStartDiscovery(BLEDevice) */ d1[0].class_header = class_BLEDevice; method_callOnBLEStartDiscovery = jeff_lookup_method(class_BLEManager, "callOnBLEStartDiscovery", 1, d1); if (!method_callOnBLEStartDiscovery) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method BLEManager.callOnBLEStartDiscovery() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resovle method com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEConnected(BLEDevice) */ JeffDescriptorFull d2_1[] = { {JEFF_TYPE_OBJECT | JEFF_TYPE_REF, 0, class_BLEDevice}, { JEFF_TYPE_INT, 0, NULL}, { JEFF_TYPE_VOID, 0, NULL}}; method_callOnBLEConnected = jeff_lookup_method(class_BLEManager, "callOnBLEConnected", 2, d2_1); if (!method_callOnBLEConnected) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method BLEManager.callOnBLEConnected() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resovle method com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.method_callOnBLENotification(BLEDevice,byte[]) */ JeffDescriptorFull d2_2[] = { {JEFF_TYPE_OBJECT | JEFF_TYPE_REF, 0, class_BLEDevice}, { JEFF_TYPE_BYTE | JEFF_TYPE_REF | JEFF_TYPE_MONO, 1, NULL}, { JEFF_TYPE_INT, 0, NULL}, { JEFF_TYPE_INT, 0, NULL}, { JEFF_TYPE_VOID, 0, NULL}}; method_callOnBLENotification = jeff_lookup_method(class_BLEManager, "callOnBLENotification", 4, d2_2); if (!method_callOnBLENotification) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method BLEManager.callOnBLENotification() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resovle method com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEConnected(BLEDevice,byte[]) */ method_callOnBLEIndication = jeff_lookup_method(class_BLEManager, "callOnBLEIndication", 4, d2_2); if (!method_callOnBLEIndication) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method BLEManager.callOnBLEIndication() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resovle method com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEConnected(BLEDevice) */ d1[0].class_header = class_BLEDevice; method_callOnBLEDisconnected = jeff_lookup_method(class_BLEManager, "callOnBLEDisconnected", 1, d1); if (!method_callOnBLEDisconnected) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method BLEManager.callOnBLEDisconnected() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resovle method com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.callOnBLEConnected(BLEDevice) */ method_callOnBLEPasskeyEntry = jeff_lookup_method(class_BLEManager, "callOnBLEPasskeyEntry", 1, d1); if (!method_callOnBLEPasskeyEntry) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method BLEManager.callOnBLEPasskeyEntry() failed.\n"); return false; } /* Resovle method void com.intel.aee.gpio.GPIOChannel.callOnGPIOInterrupt() */ method_callOnGPIOInterrupt = jeff_lookup_method(class_GPIOChannel, "callOnGPIOInterrupt", 0, d); if (!method_callOnGPIOInterrupt) { app_manager_printf("App Manager start failed: resolve method GPIOChannel.callOnGPIOInterrupt() failed.\n"); return false; } JeffDescriptorFull d2[] = { {JEFF_TYPE_BYTE | JEFF_TYPE_REF | JEFF_TYPE_MONO, 1, NULL}, { JEFF_TYPE_OBJECT | JEFF_TYPE_REF, 0, class_BLEDevice}}; /* Resovle method com.intel.aee.ble.BLEManager.getBLEDevice(byte []) */ method_callOnBLEManagerGetBLEDevice = jeff_lookup_method(class_BLEManager, "getBLEDevice", 1, d2); if (!method_callOnBLEManagerGetBLEDevice) { app_manager_printf( "App Manager start failed: resolve method BLEManager.getBLEDevice() failed.\n"); return false; } return true; } static void jeff_module_watchdog_kill(module_data *m_data) { jeff_applet_data *applet_data = (jeff_applet_data*)m_data->internal_data; app_manager_printf("Watchdog interrupt the applet %s\n", m_data->module_name); jeff_runtime_interrupt_instance(applet_data->vm_instance, true); /* Exit applet queue loop run */ bh_queue_exit_loop_run(m_data->queue); /* Wait the end of the applet instance. If timeout, it means applet * is busy executing native code, then try to cancle the main thread. */ if (applet_data->vm_instance->main_file) jeff_runtime_wait_for_instance(applet_data->vm_instance, 3000); if (applet_data->vm_instance->main_file) { app_manager_printf("Watchdog cancel applet main thread.\n"); vm_thread_cancel(applet_data->vm_instance->main_tlr.handle); /* k_thread_abort(applet_data->vm_instance->main_tlr.handle); */ } send_exception_event_to_host(m_data->module_name, "java.lang.InterruptedException"); cleanup_applet_resource(m_data); app_manager_printf("Watchdog interrupt Jeff applet done.\n"); } static bool jeff_module_handle_host_url(void *queue_msg) { #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 bh_queue_msg_t *msg = (bh_queue_msg_t *)queue_msg; if (msg->message_type == COAP_PARSED) { coap_packet_t *packet = (coap_packet_t *)msg->payload; attr_container_t *attr_cont = (attr_container_t *)packet->payload; const char *url = NULL; int url_len = 0, mid; bh_memcpy_s(&mid, sizeof(uint32), packet->token, sizeof(uint32)); url_len = coap_get_header_uri_path(packet, &url); /* Send request to tool agent */ if (url_len >= 12 && memcmp(url, "/tool_agent/", 12) == 0) { module_data *m_data; jeff_applet_data *applet_data; unsigned attr_cont_len = 0, req_msg_len; bh_queue_msg_t *tool_agent_msg; bh_request_msg_t *req_msg; char url_buf[256] = {0}, *p = url_buf; char applet_name[128] = {0}; /* Resolve applet name */ bh_memcpy_s(url_buf, sizeof(url_buf), url + 12, url_len - 12); while (*p != '/' && *p != '\0') p++; bh_memcpy_s(applet_name, sizeof(applet_name), url_buf, p - url_buf); app_manager_printf("Send request to tool agent of applet: %s\n", applet_name); /* Check applet name */ if (!(m_data = app_manager_lookup_module_data(applet_name))) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(mid, "Send request to tool agent failed: invalid applet name"); return false; } applet_data = (jeff_applet_data*)m_data->internal_data; /* Attach debug: start the tool agent firstly */ if (packet->code == COAP_PUT) { if (is_tool_agent_running(m_data)) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(mid, "Attach debug failed: tool agent is already exist."); return false; } applet_data->debug_mode = true; /* Create tool agent queue */ if (!(applet_data->tool_agent_queue = bh_queue_create())) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(mid, "Attach debug failed: create tool agent queue failed."); return false; } /* Start tool agent thread */ if (!jeff_tool_start_agent(applet_data->vm_instance, applet_data->tool_agent_queue)) { bh_queue_destroy(applet_data->tool_agent_queue, NULL); SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(mid, "Attach debug failed: start tool agent failed"); return false; } app_manager_printf("Attach debug: start tool agent of applet %s success.\n", applet_name); app_send_response_to_host(mid, CREATED_2_01, NULL); /* OK */ } else { /* Check tool agent running */ if (!is_tool_agent_running(m_data)) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(mid, "Send request to tool agent failed: tool agent is not running"); return false; } /* Create queue message for tool agent */ if (!(tool_agent_msg = bh_malloc(sizeof(bh_queue_msg_t)))) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(mid, "Send request to tool agent failed: allocate memory failed"); return false; } if (attr_cont) attr_cont_len = attr_container_get_serialize_length(attr_cont); req_msg_len = sizeof(bh_request_msg_t) + strlen(p) + 1 + attr_cont_len; /* Create request message */ if (!(req_msg = bh_malloc(req_msg_len))) { SEND_ERR_RESPONSE(mid, "Send request to applet failed: allocate memory failed"); bh_free(tool_agent_msg); return false; } /* Set request message */ memset(req_msg, 0, req_msg_len); req_msg->mid = mid; req_msg->url = (char*)req_msg + sizeof(bh_request_msg_t); bh_strcpy_s(req_msg->url, strlen(p)+1, p); /* Actual url sent to tool agent */ req_msg->action = packet->code; req_msg->fmt = 0; if (attr_cont) { req_msg->payload = (char*)req_msg + sizeof(bh_request_msg_t) + strlen(p) + 1; attr_container_serialize(req_msg->payload, attr_cont); } /* Set queue message and send to tool agent's queue */ tool_agent_msg->message_type = JDWP_REQUEST; tool_agent_msg->payload_size = req_msg_len; tool_agent_msg->payload = (char*)req_msg; if (!bh_queue_send_message(applet_data->tool_agent_queue, tool_agent_msg)) { bh_free(req_msg); bh_free(tool_agent_msg); SEND_ERR_RESPONSE (mid, "Send request to tool agent failed: send queue msg failed."); return false; } /* app_manager_printf("Send request to tool agent of applet %s success.\n", applet_name); */ } return true; } } #endif /* BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 */ return false; } static module_data* jeff_module_get_module_data(void) { JeffThreadLocalRoot *self = jeff_runtime_get_tlr(); return (module_data *)self->il_root->start_routine_arg; } #if BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 #define JDWP_HANDSHAKE_MAGIC "JDWP-Handshake" #define JDWP_HANDSHAKE_LEN (sizeof (JDWP_HANDSHAKE_MAGIC) - 1) #define JDWP_PAYLOAD_KEY "jdwp" static bool debug = true; static bool send_msg_to_host (int mid, const char *url, int code, const uint8 *msg, unsigned size) { bool ret; int payload_len = 0; attr_container_t *payload = NULL; if (msg) { if ((payload = attr_container_create(""))) { attr_container_set_bytearray(&payload, JDWP_PAYLOAD_KEY, (const int8_t *)msg, size); payload_len = attr_container_get_serialize_length(payload); } } ret = app_send_msg_to_host(mid, url, code, (char*)payload, payload_len); if (payload) attr_container_destroy(payload); return ret; } static bool send_response(int mid, int code, const uint8 *msg, unsigned size) { return send_msg_to_host(mid, NULL, code, msg, size); } static bool send_packet_response(int mid, int code, JeffBuffer *packet) { int size; if ((size = jeff_buffer_size(packet)) == 0) /* No data need to be written, succeed. */ return true; return send_msg_to_host(mid, NULL, code, jeff_buffer_at(packet, 0), size); } void jeff_tool_event_publish(uint8 *evtbuf, unsigned size) { char *prefix = "/jdwp/", *url = NULL; int url_len; url_len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(app_manager_get_module_name(Module_Jeff)); if (NULL == (url = jeff_runtime_malloc(url_len + 1))) return; bh_strcpy_s(url,url_len + 1, prefix); bh_strcat_s(url,url_len + 1, app_manager_get_module_name(Module_Jeff)); /* Event is sent as request so we set code as COAP_PUT */ if (event_is_registered(url)) send_msg_to_host(0, url, COAP_PUT, evtbuf, size); jeff_runtime_free(url); } #define SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE(err_msg) do { \ app_manager_printf("%s\n", err_msg); \ send_response(req_msg->mid, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_5_00,\ (uint8 *)err_msg, strlen(err_msg) + 1); \ } while (0) /* Queue callback of tool agent */ void tool_agent_queue_callback(void *arg) { bh_queue_msg_t *msg = (bh_queue_msg_t*)arg; if (msg->message_type == JDWP_REQUEST) { bh_request_msg_t *req_msg = (bh_request_msg_t*)msg->payload; attr_container_t *attr_cont = (attr_container_t*)req_msg->payload; JeffThreadLocalRoot *self = jeff_runtime_get_tlr(); JeffInstanceLocalRoot *cur_instance = self->il_root; JeffToolAgent *agent = cur_instance->tool_agent; bh_queue *queue = (bh_queue *)self->start_routine_arg; if (debug) app_manager_printf("Tool Agent of applet %s got request, url %s, action %d\n", app_manager_get_module_name(Module_Jeff), req_msg->url, req_msg->action); /* Handshake or Process Request */ if (req_msg->action == COAP_GET) { uint8 *buf; unsigned buf_len; if (!attr_cont || !(buf = (uint8*) attr_container_get_as_bytearray(attr_cont, JDWP_PAYLOAD_KEY, &buf_len))) { SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE("Tool Agent fail: invalid JDWP payload."); goto fail; } if (!agent->connected) { if (buf_len != JDWP_HANDSHAKE_LEN || memcmp (buf, JDWP_HANDSHAKE_MAGIC, JDWP_HANDSHAKE_LEN)) { SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE("Tool Agent fail: handshake fail."); goto fail; } /* Handshake success and response */ agent->connected = true; send_response(req_msg->mid, CONTENT_2_05, buf, buf_len); } else { /* TODO: tool-agent thread should reuse the request/reply buffer to avoid allocating memory repeatedly */ JeffBuffer request, reply; /* Initialize the package buffers. */ jeff_buffer_init(&request); jeff_buffer_init(&reply); if (!jeff_buffer_resize(&request, buf_len)) { SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE("Tool Agent fail: resize buffer fail."); jeff_buffer_destroy(&request); jeff_buffer_destroy(&reply); goto fail; } /* Copy data from request to jeff buffer */ bh_memcpy_s(jeff_buffer_at(&request, 0), jeff_buffer_size(&request), buf, buf_len); /* Handle JDWP request */ if (!jeff_tool_handle_packet(agent, &request, &reply)) { SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE("Tool agent fail: handle request fail."); jeff_buffer_destroy(&request); jeff_buffer_destroy(&reply); goto fail; } /* Response JDWP reply */ send_packet_response(req_msg->mid, CONTENT_2_05, &reply); /* Destroy the package buffers. */ jeff_buffer_destroy(&request); jeff_buffer_destroy(&reply); } } /* Debugger disconnect */ else if (req_msg->action == COAP_DELETE) { send_response(req_msg->mid, DELETED_2_02, NULL, 0); bh_queue_exit_loop_run(queue); } else { SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE("Tool agent fail: invalid request."); goto fail; } bh_free(req_msg); bh_free(msg); return; fail: bh_queue_exit_loop_run(queue); bh_free(req_msg); } bh_free(msg); } void tool_agent_queue_free_callback(void *message) { bh_queue_msg_t *msg = (bh_queue_msg_t*)message; if (msg->message_type == JDWP_REQUEST) { bh_request_msg_t *req_msg = (bh_request_msg_t*)msg->payload; bh_free(req_msg); } bh_free(msg); } #endif /* BEIHAI_ENABLE_TOOL_AGENT != 0 */ module_interface jeff_module_interface = { jeff_module_init, jeff_module_install, jeff_module_uninstall, jeff_module_watchdog_kill, jeff_module_handle_host_url, jeff_module_get_module_data, NULL }; #endif