{% load static %} Wasm-Micro-Runtime

How to use?

1. Download a simple runtime (build for ubuntu 20.04 64 bits, other platforms please build from the source code)

2. In the terminal: cd ~/Download && ./simple -a

We also have a UI-enabled runtime, please download here and enjoy. It may require a few more setups.

Before running the UI-enabled runtime, please install some required softwares:

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0:i386

For more details please refer to this guide

cd ~/Download && ./wasm_runtime_wgl -a

3. Return to device page, find your device according to the IP address and click it, you will enter application installation page

4. In the application installation page, click the Install Application button, and chose an app to install. (The "ui_app" is only for UI_enabled_runtimes, simple runtime can't install this app)

5. If you want to upload a new application, go to App Store page, choose a file and click upload

Go Back Download simple_runtime Download UI_enabled_runtime

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