# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) project (iwasm) set (WAMR_BUILD_PLATFORM "linux-sgx") # Reset default linker flags set (CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_LINK_C_FLAGS "") set (CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_LINK_CXX_FLAGS "") # Set WAMR_BUILD_TARGET if (NOT DEFINED WAMR_BUILD_TARGET) if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) # Build as X86_64 by default in 64-bit platform set (WAMR_BUILD_TARGET "X86_64") else () # Build as X86_32 by default in 32-bit platform set (WAMR_BUILD_TARGET "X86_32") endif () endif () if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) endif () if (NOT DEFINED WAMR_BUILD_INTERP) # Enable Interpreter by default set (WAMR_BUILD_INTERP 1) endif () if (NOT DEFINED WAMR_BUILD_AOT) # Disable AOT by default. set (WAMR_BUILD_AOT 0) endif () if (NOT DEFINED WAMR_BUILD_JIT) # Disable JIT by default. set (WAMR_BUILD_JIT 0) endif () if (NOT DEFINED WAMR_BUILD_LIBC_BUILTIN) # Enable libc builtin support by default set (WAMR_BUILD_LIBC_BUILTIN 1) endif () if (NOT DEFINED WAMR_BUILD_LIBC_WASI) # Disable libc wasi support by default set (WAMR_BUILD_LIBC_WASI 0) endif () set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--gc-sections") set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=gnu99 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections \ -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-pedantic \ -nostdinc -fvisibility=hidden -fpie" ) set (WAMR_ROOT_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../..) set (SHARED_DIR ${WAMR_ROOT_DIR}/core/shared) set (IWASM_DIR ${WAMR_ROOT_DIR}/core/iwasm) set (APP_FRAMEWORK_DIR ${WAMR_ROOT_DIR}/core/app-framework) # include the build config template file include (${WAMR_ROOT_DIR}/build-scripts/config_common.cmake) include_directories (${SHARED_DIR}/include ${IWASM_DIR}/include $ENV{SGX_SDK}/include $ENV{SGX_SDK}/include/tlibc $ENV{SGX_SDK}/include/libcxx) enable_language (ASM) include (${SHARED_DIR}/platform/${WAMR_BUILD_PLATFORM}/shared_platform.cmake) include (${SHARED_DIR}/mem-alloc/mem_alloc.cmake) include (${SHARED_DIR}/utils/shared_utils.cmake) if (WAMR_BUILD_LIBC_BUILTIN EQUAL 1) include (${IWASM_DIR}/libraries/libc-builtin/libc_builtin.cmake) endif () if (WAMR_BUILD_LIBC_WASI EQUAL 1) include (${IWASM_DIR}/libraries/libc-wasi/libc_wasi.cmake) endif () include (${IWASM_DIR}/common/iwasm_common.cmake) if (WAMR_BUILD_INTERP EQUAL 1 OR WAMR_BUILD_JIT EQUAL 1) include (${IWASM_DIR}/interpreter/iwasm_interp.cmake) endif () if (WAMR_BUILD_AOT EQUAL 1) include (${IWASM_DIR}/aot/iwasm_aot.cmake) if (WAMR_BUILD_JIT EQUAL 1) include (${IWASM_DIR}/compilation/iwasm_compl.cmake) endif () endif () add_library (vmlib ${PLATFORM_SHARED_SOURCE} ${MEM_ALLOC_SHARED_SOURCE} ${UTILS_SHARED_SOURCE} ${LIBC_BUILTIN_SOURCE} ${LIBC_WASI_SOURCE} ${IWASM_COMMON_SOURCE} ${IWASM_INTERP_SOURCE} ${IWASM_AOT_SOURCE} ${IWASM_COMPL_SOURCE}) add_library (extlib ext_lib_export.c) set (copy_libs_cmd cp -a libvmlib.a libextlib.a ../enclave-sample/) add_custom_target (copy_libs_to_enclave ALL COMMAND ${copy_libs_cmd} DEPENDS vmlib extlib)