#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # import argparse import multiprocessing as mp import os import pathlib import subprocess import sys import time """ The script itself has to be put under the same directory with the "spec". To run a single non-GC case with interpreter mode: cd workspace python3 runtest.py --wast2wasm wabt/bin/wat2wasm --interpreter iwasm \ spec/test/core/xxx.wast To run a single non-GC case with aot mode: cd workspace python3 runtest.py --aot --wast2wasm wabt/bin/wat2wasm --interpreter iwasm \ --aot-compiler wamrc spec/test/core/xxx.wast To run a single GC case: cd workspace python3 runtest.py --wast2wasm spec/interpreter/wasm --interpreter iwasm \ --aot-compiler wamrc --gc spec/test/core/xxx.wast """ PLATFORM_NAME = os.uname().sysname.lower() IWASM_CMD = "../../../product-mini/platforms/" + PLATFORM_NAME + "/build/iwasm" IWASM_SGX_CMD = "../../../product-mini/platforms/linux-sgx/enclave-sample/iwasm" IWASM_QEMU_CMD = "iwasm" SPEC_TEST_DIR = "spec/test/core" WAST2WASM_CMD = "./wabt/out/gcc/Release/wat2wasm" SPEC_INTERPRETER_CMD = "spec/interpreter/wasm" WAMRC_CMD = "../../../wamr-compiler/build/wamrc" class TargetAction(argparse.Action): TARGET_MAP = { "ARMV7_VFP": "armv7", "RISCV32": "riscv32_ilp32", "RISCV32_ILP32": "riscv32_ilp32", "RISCV32_ILP32D": "riscv32_ilp32d", "RISCV64": "riscv64_lp64", "RISCV64_LP64": "riscv64_lp64", "RISCV64_LP64D": "riscv64_lp64", "THUMBV7_VFP": "thumbv7", "X86_32": "i386", "X86_64": "x86_64", "AARCH64": "arm64" } def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.TARGET_MAP.get(values, "x86_64")) def ignore_the_case( case_name, target, aot_flag=False, sgx_flag=False, multi_module_flag=False, multi_thread_flag=False, simd_flag=False, gc_flag=False, xip_flag=False, qemu_flag=False, ): if case_name in ["comments", "inline-module", "names"]: return True if not multi_module_flag and case_name in ["imports", "linking"]: return True # Note: x87 doesn't preserve sNaN and makes some relevant tests fail. if "i386" == target and case_name in ["float_exprs", "conversions"]: return True if gc_flag: if case_name in ["type-canon", "type-equivalence", "type-rec"]: return True if sgx_flag: if case_name in ["conversions", "f32_bitwise", "f64_bitwise"]: return True if aot_flag and case_name in [ "call_indirect", "call", "fac", "skip-stack-guard-page", ]: return True if qemu_flag: if case_name in [ "f32_bitwise", "f64_bitwise", "loop", "f64", "f64_cmp", "conversions", "f32", "f32_cmp", "float_exprs", "float_misc", "select", "memory_grow", ]: return True return False def preflight_check(aot_flag): if not pathlib.Path(SPEC_TEST_DIR).resolve().exists(): print(f"Can not find {SPEC_TEST_DIR}") return False if not pathlib.Path(WAST2WASM_CMD).resolve().exists(): print(f"Can not find {WAST2WASM_CMD}") return False if aot_flag and not pathlib.Path(WAMRC_CMD).resolve().exists(): print(f"Can not find {WAMRC_CMD}") return False return True def test_case( case_path, target, aot_flag=False, sgx_flag=False, multi_module_flag=False, multi_thread_flag=False, simd_flag=False, xip_flag=False, clean_up_flag=True, verbose_flag=True, gc_flag=False, qemu_flag=False, qemu_firmware="", log="", ): CMD = ["python3", "runtest.py"] CMD.append("--wast2wasm") CMD.append(WAST2WASM_CMD if not gc_flag else SPEC_INTERPRETER_CMD) CMD.append("--interpreter") if sgx_flag: CMD.append(IWASM_SGX_CMD) elif qemu_flag: CMD.append(IWASM_QEMU_CMD) else: CMD.append(IWASM_CMD) CMD.append("--aot-compiler") CMD.append(WAMRC_CMD) if aot_flag: CMD.append("--aot") CMD.append("--target") CMD.append(target) if multi_module_flag: CMD.append("--multi-module") if multi_thread_flag: CMD.append("--multi-thread") if sgx_flag: CMD.append("--sgx") if simd_flag: CMD.append("--simd") if xip_flag: CMD.append("--xip") if qemu_flag: CMD.append("--qemu") CMD.append("--qemu-firmware") CMD.append(qemu_firmware) if not clean_up_flag: CMD.append("--no_cleanup") if gc_flag: CMD.append("--gc") if log != "": CMD.append("--log-dir") CMD.append(log) case_path = pathlib.Path(case_path).resolve() case_name = case_path.stem CMD.append(str(case_path)) # print(f"============> use {' '.join(CMD)}") print(f"============> run {case_name} ", end="") with subprocess.Popen( CMD, bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) as p: try: case_last_words = [] while not p.poll(): output = p.stdout.readline() if not output: break if verbose_flag: print(output, end="") else: if len(case_last_words) == 16: case_last_words.pop(0) case_last_words.append(output) p.wait(60) if p.returncode: print(f"failed with a non-zero return code {p.returncode}") if not verbose_flag: print( f"\n==================== LAST LOG of {case_name} ====================\n" ) print("".join(case_last_words)) print("\n==================== LAST LOG END ====================\n") raise Exception(case_name) else: print("successful") return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("failed with CalledProcessError") raise Exception(case_name) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print("failed with TimeoutExpired") raise Exception(case_name) def test_suite( target, aot_flag=False, sgx_flag=False, multi_module_flag=False, multi_thread_flag=False, simd_flag=False, xip_flag=False, clean_up_flag=True, verbose_flag=True, gc_flag=False, parl_flag=False, qemu_flag=False, qemu_firmware="", log="", ): suite_path = pathlib.Path(SPEC_TEST_DIR).resolve() if not suite_path.exists(): print(f"can not find spec test cases at {suite_path}") return False case_list = sorted(suite_path.glob("*.wast")) if simd_flag: simd_case_list = sorted(suite_path.glob("simd/*.wast")) case_list.extend(simd_case_list) if gc_flag: gc_case_list = sorted(suite_path.glob("gc/*.wast")) case_list.extend(gc_case_list) # ignore based on command line options filtered_case_list = [] for case_path in case_list: case_name = case_path.stem if not ignore_the_case( case_name, target, aot_flag, sgx_flag, multi_module_flag, multi_thread_flag, simd_flag, gc_flag, xip_flag, qemu_flag, ): filtered_case_list.append(case_path) print(f"---> {len(case_list)} --filter--> {len(filtered_case_list)}") case_list = filtered_case_list case_count = len(case_list) failed_case = 0 successful_case = 0 if parl_flag: print(f"----- Run the whole spec test suite on {mp.cpu_count()} cores -----") with mp.Pool() as pool: results = {} for case_path in case_list: results[case_path.stem] = pool.apply_async( test_case, [ str(case_path), target, aot_flag, sgx_flag, multi_module_flag, multi_thread_flag, simd_flag, xip_flag, clean_up_flag, verbose_flag, gc_flag, qemu_flag, qemu_firmware, log, ], ) for case_name, result in results.items(): try: if qemu_flag: # 60 min / case, testing on QEMU may be very slow result.wait(7200) else: # 5 min / case result.wait(300) if not result.successful(): failed_case += 1 else: successful_case += 1 except mp.TimeoutError: print(f"{case_name} meets TimeoutError") failed_case += 1 else: print(f"----- Run the whole spec test suite -----") for case_path in case_list: try: test_case( str(case_path), target, aot_flag, sgx_flag, multi_module_flag, multi_thread_flag, simd_flag, xip_flag, clean_up_flag, verbose_flag, gc_flag, qemu_flag, qemu_firmware, log, ) successful_case += 1 except Exception as e: failed_case += 1 raise e print( f"IN ALL {case_count} cases: {successful_case} PASS, {failed_case} FAIL, {case_count - successful_case - failed_case} SKIP" ) return 0 == failed_case def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="run the whole spec test suite") parser.add_argument( "-M", action="store_true", default=False, dest="multi_module_flag", help="Running with the Multi-Module feature", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", action=TargetAction, choices=list(TargetAction.TARGET_MAP.keys()), type=str, dest="target", default="X86_64", help="Specify Target ", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", action="store_true", default=False, dest="multi_thread_flag", help="Running with the Multi-Thread feature", ) parser.add_argument( "-S", action="store_true", default=False, dest="simd_flag", help="Running with the SIMD feature", ) parser.add_argument( "-X", action="store_true", default=False, dest="xip_flag", help="Running with the XIP feature", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", action="store_true", default=False, dest="aot_flag", help="Running with AOT mode", ) parser.add_argument( "-x", action="store_true", default=False, dest="sgx_flag", help="Running with SGX environment", ) parser.add_argument( "--no_clean_up", action="store_false", default=True, dest="clean_up_flag", help="Does not remove tmpfiles. But it will be enabled while running parallelly", ) parser.add_argument( "--parl", action="store_true", default=False, dest="parl_flag", help="To run whole test suite parallelly", ) parser.add_argument( "--qemu", action="store_true", default=False, dest="qemu_flag", help="To run whole test suite in qemu", ) parser.add_argument( "--qemu-firmware", default="", dest="qemu_firmware", help="Firmware required by qemu", ) parser.add_argument( "--log", default="", dest="log", help="Log directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--quiet", action="store_false", default=True, dest="verbose_flag", help="Close real time output while running cases, only show last words of failed ones", ) parser.add_argument( "--gc", action="store_true", default=False, dest="gc_flag", help="Running with GC feature", ) parser.add_argument( "cases", metavar="path_to__case", type=str, nargs="*", help=f"Specify all wanted cases. If not the script will go through all cases under {SPEC_TEST_DIR}", ) options = parser.parse_args() if not preflight_check(options.aot_flag): return False if not options.cases: if options.parl_flag: # several cases might share the same workspace/tempfile at the same time # so, disable it while running parallelly options.clean_up_flag = False options.verbose_flag = False start = time.time_ns() ret = test_suite( options.target, options.aot_flag, options.sgx_flag, options.multi_module_flag, options.multi_thread_flag, options.simd_flag, options.xip_flag, options.clean_up_flag, options.verbose_flag, options.gc_flag, options.parl_flag, options.qemu_flag, options.qemu_firmware, options.log, ) end = time.time_ns() print( f"It takes {((end - start) / 1000000):,} ms to run test_suite {'parallelly' if options.parl_flag else ''}" ) else: try: for case in options.cases: test_case( case, options.target, options.aot_flag, options.sgx_flag, options.multi_module_flag, options.multi_thread_flag, options.simd_flag, options.xip_flag, options.clean_up_flag, options.verbose_flag, options.gc_flag, options.qemu_flag, options.qemu_firmware, options.log, ) else: ret = True except Exception: ret = False return ret if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(0 if main() else 1)