#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # import argparse import re import pathlib import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import unittest CLANG_FORMAT_CMD = "clang-format-12" GIT_CLANG_FORMAT_CMD = "git-clang-format-12" # glob style patterns EXCLUDE_PATHS = [ "**/.git/*", "**/.github/*", "**/.vscode/*", "**/assembly-script/*", "**/build/*", "**/build-scripts/*", "**/ci/*", "**/core/deps/*", "**/doc/*", "**/samples/wasm-c-api/src/*.*", "**/samples/workload/*", "**/test-tools/wasi-sdk/*", "**/test-tools/IoT-APP-Store-Demo/*", "**/tests/wamr-test-suites/workspace/*", "**/wamr-sdk/*", ] C_SUFFIXES = [".c", ".cpp", ".h"] INVALID_DIR_NAME_SEGMENT = r"([a-zA-Z0-9]+\_[a-zA-Z0-9]+)" INVALID_FILE_NAME_SEGMENT = r"([a-zA-Z0-9]+\-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)" def locate_command(command: str) -> bool: if not shutil.which(command): print(f"Command '{command}'' not found") return False return True def is_excluded(path: str) -> bool: path = pathlib.Path(path).resolve() for exclude_path in EXCLUDE_PATHS: if path.match(exclude_path): return True return False def pre_flight_check(root: pathlib) -> bool: def check_aspell(root): return True def check_clang_foramt(root: pathlib) -> bool: if not locate_command(CLANG_FORMAT_CMD): return False # Quick syntax check for .clang-format try: subprocess.check_output( shlex.split(f"{CLANG_FORMAT_CMD} --dump-config"), cwd=root ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print(f"Might have a typo in .clang-format") return False return True def check_git_clang_format() -> bool: return locate_command(GIT_CLANG_FORMAT_CMD) return check_aspell(root) and check_clang_foramt(root) and check_git_clang_format() def run_clang_format(file_path: pathlib, root: pathlib) -> bool: try: subprocess.check_call( shlex.split( f"{CLANG_FORMAT_CMD} --style=file --Werror --dry-run {file_path}" ), cwd=root, ) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print(f"{file_path} failed the check of {CLANG_FORMAT_CMD}") return False def run_clang_format_diff(root: pathlib, commits: str) -> bool: """ Use `clang-format-12` and `git-clang-format-12` to check code format of the PR, which specificed a commit range. It is required to format code before `git commit` or when failed the PR check: ``` shell cd path/to/wamr/root clang-format-12 --style file -i path/to/file ``` The code wrapped by `/* clang-format off */` and `/* clang-format on */` will not be formatted, you shall use them when the formatted code is not readable or friendly: ``` cc /* clang-format off */ code snippets /* clang-format on */ ``` """ try: before, after = commits.split("..") after = after if after else "HEAD" COMMAND = ( f"{GIT_CLANG_FORMAT_CMD} -v --binary " f"{shutil.which(CLANG_FORMAT_CMD)} --style file " f"--extensions c,cpp,h --diff {before} {after}" ) p = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(COMMAND), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, stdin=None, universal_newlines=True, ) stdout, _ = p.communicate() if not stdout.startswith("diff --git"): return True diff_content = stdout.split("\n") found = False for summary in [x for x in diff_content if x.startswith("diff --git")]: # b/path/to/file -> path/to/file with_invalid_format = re.split("\s+", summary)[-1][2:] if not is_excluded(with_invalid_format): print(f"--- {with_invalid_format} failed on code style checking.") found = True else: return not found except subprocess.subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False def run_aspell(file_path: pathlib, root: pathlib) -> bool: return True def check_dir_name(path: pathlib, root: pathlib) -> bool: m = re.search(INVALID_DIR_NAME_SEGMENT, str(path.relative_to(root).parent)) if m: print(f"--- found a character '_' in {m.groups()} in {path}") return not m def check_file_name(path: pathlib) -> bool: m = re.search(INVALID_FILE_NAME_SEGMENT, path.stem) if m: print(f"--- found a character '-' in {m.groups()} in {path}") return not m def parse_commits_range(root: pathlib, commits: str) -> list: GIT_LOG_CMD = f"git log --pretty='%H' {commits}" try: ret = subprocess.check_output( shlex.split(GIT_LOG_CMD), cwd=root, universal_newlines=True ) return [x for x in ret.split("\n") if x] except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print(f"can not parse any commit from the range {commits}") return [] def analysis_new_item_name(root: pathlib, commit: str) -> bool: """ For any file name in the repo, it is required to use '_' to replace '-'. For any directory name in the repo, it is required to use '-' to replace '_'. """ GIT_SHOW_CMD = f"git show --oneline --name-status --diff-filter A {commit}" try: invalid_items = True output = subprocess.check_output( shlex.split(GIT_SHOW_CMD), cwd=root, universal_newlines=True ) if not output: return True NEW_FILE_PATTERN = "^A\s+(\S+)" for line_no, line in enumerate(output.split("\n")): # bypass the first line, usually it is the commit description if line_no == 0: continue if not line: continue match = re.match(NEW_FILE_PATTERN, line) if not match: continue new_item = match.group(1) new_item = pathlib.Path(new_item).resolve() if new_item.is_file(): if not check_file_name(new_item): invalid_items = False continue new_item = new_item.parent if not check_dir_name(new_item, root): invalid_items = False continue else: return invalid_items except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False def process_entire_pr(root: pathlib, commits: str) -> bool: if not commits: print("Please provide a commits range") return False commit_list = parse_commits_range(root, commits) if not commit_list: print(f"Quit since there is no commit to check with") return True print(f"there are {len(commit_list)} commits in the PR") found = False if not analysis_new_item_name(root, commits): print(f"{analysis_new_item_name.__doc__}") found = True if not run_clang_format_diff(root, commits): print(f"{run_clang_format_diff.__doc__}") found = True return not found def main() -> int: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Check if change meets all coding guideline requirements" ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--commits", default=None, help="Commit range in the form: a..b" ) options = parser.parse_args() wamr_root = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("..").resolve() if not pre_flight_check(wamr_root): return False return process_entire_pr(wamr_root, options.commits) # run with python3 -m unitest ci/coding_guidelines_check.py class TestCheck(unittest.TestCase): def test_check_dir_name_failed(self): root = pathlib.Path("/root/Workspace/") new_file_path = root.joinpath("core/shared/platform/esp_idf/espid_memmap.c") self.assertFalse(check_dir_name(new_file_path, root)) def test_check_dir_name_pass(self): root = pathlib.Path("/root/Workspace/") new_file_path = root.joinpath("core/shared/platform/esp-idf/espid_memmap.c") self.assertTrue(check_dir_name(new_file_path, root)) def test_check_file_name_failed(self): new_file_path = pathlib.Path( "/root/Workspace/core/shared/platform/esp-idf/espid-memmap.c" ) self.assertFalse(check_file_name(new_file_path)) def test_check_file_name_pass(self): new_file_path = pathlib.Path( "/root/Workspace/core/shared/platform/esp-idf/espid_memmap.c" ) self.assertTrue(check_file_name(new_file_path)) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(0 if main() else 1)