#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # #################################### # build tensorflow-lite sample # #################################### if [ ! -d "${EMSDK}" ]; then echo "can not find emsdk. " echo "please refer to https://emscripten.org/docs/getting_started/downloads.html " echo "to install it, or active it by 'source emsdk_env.sh'" exit fi set -xe EMSDK_WASM_DIR="${EMSDK}/upstream/emscripten/cache/wasm" BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" OUT_DIR="${BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR}/out" TENSORFLOW_DIR="${BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR}/tensorflow" TF_LITE_BUILD_DIR="${TENSORFLOW_DIR}/tensorflow/lite/tools/make" WAMR_PLATFORM_DIR="${BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR}/../../../product-mini/platforms" WAMRC_DIR="${BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR}/../../../wamr-compiler" function Clear_Before_Exit { [[ -f ${TENSORFLOW_DIR}/tf_lite.patch ]] && rm -f ${TENSORFLOW_DIR}/tf_lite.patch # resume the libc.a under EMSDK_WASM_DIR cd ${EMSDK_WASM_DIR} mv libc.a.bak libc.a } # 1.hack emcc cd ${EMSDK_WASM_DIR} # back up libc.a cp libc.a libc.a.bak # delete some objects in libc.a emar d libc.a open.o emar d libc.a mmap.o emar d libc.a munmap.o emranlib libc.a # 2. build tf-lite cd ${BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR} # 2.1 clone tf repo from Github and checkout to 2303ed commit if [ ! -d "tensorflow" ]; then git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git fi cd ${TENSORFLOW_DIR} git checkout 2303ed4bdb344a1fc4545658d1df6d9ce20331dd # 2.2 copy the tf-lite.patch to tensorflow_root_dir and apply cd ${TENSORFLOW_DIR} cp ${BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR}/tf_lite.patch . git checkout tensorflow/lite/tools/make/Makefile git checkout tensorflow/lite/tools/make/targets/linux_makefile.inc if [[ $(git apply tf_lite.patch 2>&1) =~ "error" ]]; then echo "git apply patch failed, please check tf-lite related changes..." Clear_Before_Exit exit 0 fi cd ${TF_LITE_BUILD_DIR} # 2.3 download dependencies if [ ! -d "${TF_LITE_BUILD_DIR}/downloads" ]; then source download_dependencies.sh fi # 2.4 build tf-lite target if [ -d "${TF_LITE_BUILD_DIR}/gen" ]; then rm -fr ${TF_LITE_BUILD_DIR}/gen fi make -j 4 -C "${TENSORFLOW_DIR}" -f ${TF_LITE_BUILD_DIR}/Makefile # remove patch file and recover emcc libc.a after building Clear_Before_Exit # 2.5 copy /make/gen target files to out/ rm -rf ${OUT_DIR} mkdir ${OUT_DIR} cp -r ${TF_LITE_BUILD_DIR}/gen/linux_x86_64/bin/. ${OUT_DIR}/ # 3. compile tf-model.wasm to tf-model.aot with wamrc # 3.1 build wamr-compiler cd ${WAMRC_DIR} ./build_llvm.sh rm -fr build && mkdir build cd build && cmake .. make # 3.2 compile tf-mode.wasm to tf-model.aot WAMRC_CMD="$(pwd)/wamrc" cd ${OUT_DIR} if [[ $1 == '--sgx' ]]; then ${WAMRC_CMD} --enable-simd -sgx -o benchmark_model.aot benchmark_model.wasm elif [[ $1 == '--threads' ]]; then ${WAMRC_CMD} --enable-simd --enable-multi-thread -o benchmark_model.aot benchmark_model.wasm else ${WAMRC_CMD} --enable-simd -o benchmark_model.aot benchmark_model.wasm fi # 4. build iwasm with pthread and libc_emcc enable # platform: # linux by default # linux-sgx if $1 equals '--sgx' if [[ $1 == '--sgx' ]]; then cd ${WAMR_PLATFORM_DIR}/linux-sgx rm -fr build && mkdir build cd build && cmake .. -DWAMR_BUILD_SIMD=1 -DWAMR_BUILD_LIB_PTHREAD=1 -DWAMR_BUILD_LIBC_EMCC=1 make cd ../enclave-sample make else cd ${WAMR_PLATFORM_DIR}/linux rm -fr build && mkdir build cd build && cmake .. -DWAMR_BUILD_SIMD=1 -DWAMR_BUILD_LIB_PTHREAD=1 -DWAMR_BUILD_LIBC_EMCC=1 make fi # 5. run tensorflow with iwasm cd ${BUILD_SCRIPT_DIR} # 5.1 download tf-lite model if [ ! -f mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite ]; then wget "https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/models/tflite/mobilenet_v1_224_android_quant_2017_11_08.zip" unzip mobilenet_v1_224_android_quant_2017_11_08.zip fi # 5.2 run tf-lite model with iwasm echo "---> run tensorflow benchmark model with iwasm" if [[ $1 == '--sgx' ]]; then IWASM_CMD="${WAMR_PLATFORM_DIR}/linux-sgx/enclave-sample/iwasm" else IWASM_CMD="${WAMR_PLATFORM_DIR}/linux/build/iwasm" fi if [[ $1 == '--threads' ]]; then ${IWASM_CMD} --heap-size=10475860 \ ${OUT_DIR}/benchmark_model.aot --num_threads=4 \ --graph=mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite --max_secs=300 else ${IWASM_CMD} --heap-size=10475860 \ ${OUT_DIR}/benchmark_model.aot \ --graph=mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite --max_secs=300 fi