/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ #include "bh_platform.h" #include "app_manager_host.h" #include "app_manager.h" #include "app_manager_export.h" #include "coap_ext.h" /* host communication interface */ static host_interface host_commu; /* IMRTLink Two leading bytes */ static unsigned char leadings[] = { (unsigned char)0x12, (unsigned char)0x34 }; /* IMRTLink Receiving Phase */ typedef enum recv_phase_t { Phase_Non_Start, Phase_Leading, Phase_Type, Phase_Size, Phase_Payload, Phase_Ignoring } recv_phase_t; /* IMRTLink Receive Context */ typedef struct recv_context_t { recv_phase_t phase; bh_link_msg_t message; int size_in_phase; } recv_context_t; /* Current IMRTLink receive context */ static recv_context_t recv_ctx; /* Lock for device write */ static korp_mutex host_lock; static bool enable_log = false; static bool is_little_endian() { long i = 0x01020304; unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)&i; return (*c == 0x04) ? true : false; } static void exchange32(uint8 *pData) { uint8 value = *pData; *pData = *(pData + 3); *(pData + 3) = value; value = *(pData + 1); *(pData + 1) = *(pData + 2); *(pData + 2) = value; } /* return: * 1: complete message received * 0: incomplete message received */ static int on_imrt_link_byte_arrive(unsigned char ch, recv_context_t *ctx) { if (ctx->phase == Phase_Non_Start) { ctx->message.payload_size = 0; if (ctx->message.payload) { APP_MGR_FREE(ctx->message.payload); ctx->message.payload = NULL; } if (ch == leadings[0]) { if (enable_log) app_manager_printf("##On byte arrive: got leading 0\n"); ctx->phase = Phase_Leading; } return 0; } else if (ctx->phase == Phase_Leading) { if (ch == leadings[1]) { if (enable_log) app_manager_printf("##On byte arrive: got leading 1\n"); ctx->phase = Phase_Type; } else ctx->phase = Phase_Non_Start; return 0; } else if (ctx->phase == Phase_Type) { if (ctx->size_in_phase++ == 0) { if (enable_log) app_manager_printf("##On byte arrive: got type 0\n"); ctx->message.message_type = ch; } else { if (enable_log) app_manager_printf("##On byte arrive: got type 1\n"); ctx->message.message_type |= (ch << 8); ctx->message.message_type = ntohs(ctx->message.message_type); ctx->phase = Phase_Size; ctx->size_in_phase = 0; } return 0; } else if (ctx->phase == Phase_Size) { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)&ctx->message.payload_size; if (enable_log) app_manager_printf("##On byte arrive: got payload_size, byte %d\n", ctx->size_in_phase); p[ctx->size_in_phase++] = ch; if (ctx->size_in_phase == sizeof(ctx->message.payload_size)) { ctx->message.payload_size = ntohl(ctx->message.payload_size); ctx->phase = Phase_Payload; if (enable_log) app_manager_printf("##On byte arrive: payload_size: %d\n", ctx->message.payload_size); if (ctx->message.payload) { APP_MGR_FREE(ctx->message.payload); ctx->message.payload = NULL; } /* message completion */ if (ctx->message.payload_size == 0) { ctx->phase = Phase_Non_Start; if (enable_log) app_manager_printf("##On byte arrive: receive end, " "payload_size is 0.\n"); return 1; } if (ctx->message.message_type != INSTALL_WASM_APP) { ctx->message.payload = (char *)APP_MGR_MALLOC(ctx->message.payload_size); if (!ctx->message.payload) { ctx->phase = Phase_Non_Start; return 0; } } ctx->phase = Phase_Payload; ctx->size_in_phase = 0; } return 0; } else if (ctx->phase == Phase_Payload) { if (ctx->message.message_type == INSTALL_WASM_APP) { int received_size; module_on_install_request_byte_arrive_func module_on_install = g_module_interfaces[Module_WASM_App]->module_on_install; ctx->size_in_phase++; if (module_on_install != NULL) { if (module_on_install(ch, ctx->message.payload_size, &received_size)) { if (received_size == ctx->message.payload_size) { /* whole wasm app received */ ctx->phase = Phase_Non_Start; return 1; } } else { /* receive or handle fail */ if (ctx->size_in_phase < ctx->message.payload_size) { ctx->phase = Phase_Ignoring; } else { ctx->phase = Phase_Non_Start; ctx->size_in_phase = 0; } return 0; } } else { ctx->phase = Phase_Non_Start; ctx->size_in_phase = 0; return 0; } } else { ctx->message.payload[ctx->size_in_phase++] = ch; if (ctx->size_in_phase == ctx->message.payload_size) { ctx->phase = Phase_Non_Start; if (enable_log) app_manager_printf("##On byte arrive: receive end, " "payload_size is %d.\n", ctx->message.payload_size); return 1; } return 0; } } else if (ctx->phase == Phase_Ignoring) { ctx->size_in_phase++; if (ctx->size_in_phase == ctx->message.payload_size) { if (ctx->message.payload) APP_MGR_FREE(ctx->message.payload); memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); return 0; } } return 0; } int aee_host_msg_callback(void *msg, uint32_t msg_len) { unsigned char *p = msg, *p_end = p + msg_len; /*app_manager_printf("App Manager receive %d bytes from Host\n", msg_len);*/ for (; p < p_end; p++) { int ret = on_imrt_link_byte_arrive(*p, &recv_ctx); if (ret == 1) { if (recv_ctx.message.payload) { int msg_type = recv_ctx.message.message_type; if (msg_type == REQUEST_PACKET) { request_t request; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); if (!unpack_request(recv_ctx.message.payload, recv_ctx.message.payload_size, &request)) continue; request.sender = ID_HOST; am_dispatch_request(&request); } else { app_manager_printf("unexpected host msg type: %d\n", msg_type); } APP_MGR_FREE(recv_ctx.message.payload); recv_ctx.message.payload = NULL; recv_ctx.message.payload_size = 0; } memset(&recv_ctx, 0, sizeof(recv_ctx)); } } return 0; } bool app_manager_host_init(host_interface *interface) { os_mutex_init(&host_lock); memset(&recv_ctx, 0, sizeof(recv_ctx)); host_commu.init = interface->init; host_commu.send = interface->send; host_commu.destroy = interface->destroy; if (host_commu.init != NULL) return host_commu.init(); return true; } int app_manager_host_send_msg(int msg_type, const char *buf, int size) { /* send an IMRT LINK message contains the buf as payload */ if (host_commu.send != NULL) { int size_s = size, n; char header[16]; os_mutex_lock(&host_lock); /* leading bytes */ bh_memcpy_s(header, 2, leadings, 2); /* message type */ /* TODO: check if use network byte order!!! */ *((uint16 *)(header + 2)) = htons(msg_type); /* payload length */ if (is_little_endian()) exchange32((uint8 *)&size_s); bh_memcpy_s(header + 4, 4, &size_s, 4); n = host_commu.send(NULL, header, 8); if (n != 8) { os_mutex_unlock(&host_lock); return 0; } /* payload */ n = host_commu.send(NULL, buf, size); os_mutex_unlock(&host_lock); app_manager_printf("sent %d bytes to host\n", n); return n; } else { app_manager_printf("no send api provided\n"); } return 0; }