#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # readonly SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")") readonly ROOT=$(realpath "${SCRIPT_PATH}"/../../../) readonly CURRENT_PATH=$(pwd) readonly CURRENT_RELATIVE_ROOT=$(realpath --relative-base ${ROOT} ${CURRENT_PATH}) readonly VARIANT=$(lsb_release -c | awk '{print $2}') docker build \ --build-arg VARIANT=${VARIANT} \ --memory 4G --cpu-quota 50000 \ -t wamr_dev_${VARIANT}:0.1 -f "${ROOT}"/ci/Dockerfile "${ROOT}"/ci && docker run --rm -it \ --memory 4G \ --cpus ".5" \ --name workload_build_env \ --mount type=bind,source="${ROOT}",target=/workspace \ wamr_dev_${VARIANT}:0.1 \ /bin/bash -c "\ pwd \ && pushd ${CURRENT_RELATIVE_ROOT} \ && rm -rf build \ && mkdir build \ && pushd build \ && cmake .. \ && cmake --build . --config Release \ && popd \ && popd \ && echo 'Go and find out results under ${CURRENT_RELATIVE_ROOT}/build' "