# How to use Berkeley/Posix Socket APIs in WebAssembly **_Berkeley sockets_** usually means an API for Internet sockets and Unix domain sockets. A socket is an abstract representation of the local endpoint of a network communication path. Currently, WAMR supports some Socket API features: - Support TCP and UDP - Support IPv4 and IPv6 - Support get/set socket options - Support access control This document introduces a way to support the _Berkeley/POSIX Socket API_ in WebAssembly code. ## Patch the native code The first step is to include a header file of the WAMR socket extension in the native source code. ```c #ifdef __wasi__ #include #endif ``` `__wasi__` is a macro defined by WASI. The host compiler will not enable it. ## CMake files It is recommended that the project should use CMake as its build system. Use [_wasi-sdk_](https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk) as a toolchain to compile C/C++ to WebAssembly ```bash $ cmake -DWASI_SDK_PREFIX=${WASI_SDK_DIR} -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${WASI_TOOLCHAIN_FILE} -DCMAKE_SYSROOT=${WASI_SYS_ROOT} .. ``` In the *CMakeLists.txt*, include an extension of socket support and link with it. ```cmake include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../core/iwasm/libraries/lib-socket/lib_socket_wasi.cmake) add_executable(socket_example tcp_server.c) target_link_libraries(socket_example socket_wasi_ext) ``` Now, the native code with socket APIs is ready for compilation. ## Run with iwasm If having the _.wasm_, the last step is to run it with _iwasm_. The _iwasm_ should be compiled with `WAMR_BUILD_LIBC_WASI=1`. By default, it is enabled. _iwasm_ accepts address ranges via an option, `--addr-pool`, to implement the capability control. All IP address the WebAssembly application may need to `bind()` or `connect()` should be announced first. Every IP address should be in CIDR notation. ```bash $ iwasm --addr-pool=, socket_example.wasm ``` _iwasm_ also accepts list of domain names and domain name patterns for the address resolution via an option, `--allow-resolve`, to implement the capability control. Every domain that will be resolved using `sock_addr_resolve` needs to be added to the allowlist first. ```bash $ iwasm --allow-resolve=*.example.com --allow-resolve=domain.com ``` The example above shows how to allow for resolving all `example.com`'s subdomains (e.g. `x.example.com`, `a.b.c.example.com`) and `domain.com` domain. Refer to [socket api sample](../samples/socket-api) for more details. ## Intel SGX support WAMR also supports the socket API within Intel SGX enclaves. The _iwasm_ should be compiled with `WAMR_BUILD_LIBC_WASI=1` and `WAMR_BUILD_LIB_PTHREAD=1`, which are enabled by default. Similarly to running _iwasm_ outside of an enclave, the allowed address ranges are given via the option `--addr-pool`. ```bash $ iwasm --addr-pool=, socket_example.wasm ``` Refer to [socket api sample](../samples/socket-api) for the compilation of the Wasm applications and [_iwasm_ for Intel SGX](../product-mini/platforms/linux-sgx) for the Wasm runtime.