Wenyong Huang 9b9ae0cfac
Update cmake files and wamr-test-suites to support collect code coverage (#1992)
Support collecting code coverage with wamr-test-suites script by using
lcov and genhtml tools, eg.:
  cd tests/wamr-test-suites
  ./test_wamr.sh -s spec -b -P -C

The default code coverage and html files are generated at:

And update wamr-test-suites scripts to support testing GC spec cases to
avoid frequent synchronization conflicts between branch main and dev/gc.
2023-02-28 17:38:18 +08:00

1344 lines
51 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import array
import atexit
import fcntl
import math
import os
# Pseudo-TTY and terminal manipulation
import pty
import re
import shutil
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import termios
import time
import traceback
from select import select
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT, Popen
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
IS_PY_3 = False
IS_PY_3 = True
test_aot = False
# "x86_64", "i386", "aarch64", "armv7", "thumbv7", "riscv32_ilp32", "riscv32_ilp32d", "riscv32_lp64", "riscv64_lp64d"
test_target = "x86_64"
debug_file = None
log_file = None
# to save the register module with self-define name
temp_file_repo = []
# to save the mapping of module files in /tmp by name
temp_module_table = {}
def debug(data):
if debug_file:
def log(data, end='\n'):
if log_file:
log_file.write(data + end)
print(data, end=end)
# TODO: do we need to support '\n' too
import platform
if platform.system().find("CYGWIN_NT") >= 0:
# TODO: this is weird, is this really right on Cygwin?
sep = "\n\r\n"
sep = "\r\n"
rundir = None
class Runner():
def __init__(self, args, no_pty=False):
self.no_pty = no_pty
# Cleanup child process on exit
self.process = None
env = os.environ
env['TERM'] = 'dumb'
env['INPUTRC'] = '/dev/null'
env['PERL_RL'] = 'false'
if no_pty:
self.process = Popen(args, bufsize=0,
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT,
self.stdin = self.process.stdin
self.stdout = self.process.stdout
# Use tty to setup an interactive environment
master, slave = pty.openpty()
# Set terminal size large so that readline will not send
# ANSI/VT escape codes when the lines are long.
buf = array.array('h', [100, 200, 0, 0])
fcntl.ioctl(master, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, buf, True)
self.process = Popen(args, bufsize=0,
stdin=slave, stdout=slave, stderr=STDOUT,
# Now close slave so that we will get an exception from
# read when the child exits early
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11165521
self.stdin = os.fdopen(master, 'r+b', 0)
self.stdout = self.stdin
self.buf = ""
def read_to_prompt(self, prompts, timeout):
wait_until = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < wait_until:
[outs,_,_] = select([self.stdout], [], [], 1)
if self.stdout in outs:
read_byte = self.stdout.read(1)
if not read_byte:
# EOF on macOS ends up here.
read_byte = read_byte.decode('utf-8') if IS_PY_3 else read_byte
if self.no_pty:
self.buf += read_byte.replace('\n', '\r\n')
self.buf += read_byte
self.buf = self.buf.replace('\r\r', '\r')
# filter the prompts
for prompt in prompts:
pattern = re.compile(prompt)
match = pattern.search(self.buf)
if match:
end = match.end()
buf = self.buf[0:end-len(prompt)]
self.buf = self.buf[end:]
return buf
return None
def writeline(self, str):
str_to_write = str + '\n'
str_to_write = bytes(
str_to_write, 'utf-8') if IS_PY_3 else str_to_write
def cleanup(self):
if self.process:
except OSError:
except IOError:
self.process = None
if self.stdin != self.stdout:
self.stdin = None
self.stdout = None
if not IS_PY_3:
def assert_prompt(runner, prompts, timeout, is_need_execute_result):
# Wait for the initial prompt
header = runner.read_to_prompt(prompts, timeout=timeout)
if not header and is_need_execute_result:
log(" ---------- will terminate cause the case needs result while there is none inside of buf. ----------")
if not header == None:
if header:
log("Started with:\n%s" % header)
log("Did not one of following prompt(s): %s" % repr(prompts))
log(" Got : %s" % repr(r.buf))
### WebAssembly specific
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Run a test file against a WebAssembly interpreter")
parser.add_argument('--wast2wasm', type=str,
default=os.environ.get("WAST2WASM", "wast2wasm"),
help="Path to wast2wasm program")
parser.add_argument('--interpreter', type=str,
default=os.environ.get("IWASM_CMD", "iwasm"),
help="Path to WebAssembly interpreter")
parser.add_argument('--aot-compiler', type=str,
default=os.environ.get("WAMRC_CMD", "wamrc"),
help="Path to WebAssembly AoT compiler")
parser.add_argument('--no_cleanup', action='store_true',
help="Keep temporary *.wasm files")
help="change to the directory before running tests")
parser.add_argument('--start-timeout', default=30, type=int,
help="default timeout for initial prompt")
parser.add_argument('--test-timeout', default=20, type=int,
help="default timeout for each individual test action")
parser.add_argument('--no-pty', action='store_true',
help="Use direct pipes instead of pseudo-tty")
parser.add_argument('--log-file', type=str,
help="Write messages to the named file in addition the screen")
parser.add_argument('--log-dir', type=str,
help="The log directory to save the case file if test failed")
parser.add_argument('--debug-file', type=str,
help="Write all test interaction the named file")
parser.add_argument('test_file', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
help="a WebAssembly *.wast test file")
parser.add_argument('--aot', action='store_true',
help="Test with AOT")
parser.add_argument('--target', type=str,
help="Set running target")
parser.add_argument('--sgx', action='store_true',
help="Test SGX")
parser.add_argument('--simd', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Enable SIMD")
parser.add_argument('--xip', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Enable XIP")
parser.add_argument('--multi-module', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Enable Multi-thread")
parser.add_argument('--multi-thread', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Enable Multi-thread")
parser.add_argument('--gc', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Test with GC')
parser.add_argument('--qemu', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Enable QEMU")
parser.add_argument('--qemu-firmware', default='', help="Firmware required by qemu")
parser.add_argument('--verbose', default=False, action='store_true',
help='show more logs')
# regex patterns of tests to skip
# names.wast
'invoke \"~!',
# conversions.wast
# endianness
'.const 0x1.fff' )
def read_forms(string):
forms = []
form = ""
depth = 0
line = 0
pos = 0
while pos < len(string):
# Keep track of line number
if string[pos] == '\n': line += 1
# Handle top-level elements
if depth == 0:
# Add top-level comments
if string[pos:pos+2] == ";;":
end = string.find("\n", pos)
if end == -1: end == len(string)
pos = end
# TODO: handle nested multi-line comments
if string[pos:pos+2] == "(;":
# Skip multi-line comment
end = string.find(";)", pos)
if end == -1:
raise Exception("mismatch multiline comment on line %d: '%s'" % (
line, string[pos:pos+80]))
pos = end+2
# Ignore whitespace between top-level forms
if string[pos] in (' ', '\n', '\t'):
pos += 1
# Read a top-level form
if string[pos] == '(': depth += 1
if string[pos] == ')': depth -= 1
if depth == 0 and not form:
raise Exception("garbage on line %d: '%s'" % (
line, string[pos:pos+80]))
form += string[pos]
if depth == 0 and form:
form = ""
pos += 1
return forms
def get_module_exp_from_assert(string):
depth = 0
pos = 0
module = ""
exception = ""
start_record = False
result = []
while pos < len(string):
# record from the " (module "
if string[pos:pos+7] == "(module":
start_record = True
if start_record:
if string[pos] == '(' : depth += 1
if string[pos] == ')' : depth -= 1
module += string[pos]
# if we get all (module ) .
if depth == 0 and module:
start_record = False
# get expected exception
if string[pos] == '"':
end = string.find("\"", pos+1)
if end != -1:
end_rel = string.find("\"",end+1)
if end_rel == -1:
pos += 1
return result
def string_to_unsigned(number_in_string, lane_type):
if not lane_type in ['i8x16', 'i16x8', 'i32x4', 'i64x2']:
raise Exception("invalid value {} and type {} and lane_type {}".format(number_in_string, type, lane_type))
number = int(number_in_string, 16) if '0x' in number_in_string else int(number_in_string)
if "i8x16" == lane_type:
if number < 0:
packed = struct.pack('b', number)
number = struct.unpack('B', packed)[0]
elif "i16x8" == lane_type:
if number < 0:
packed = struct.pack('h', number)
number = struct.unpack('H', packed)[0]
elif "i32x4" == lane_type:
if number < 0:
packed = struct.pack('i', number)
number = struct.unpack('I', packed)[0]
else: # "i64x2" == lane_type:
if number < 0:
packed = struct.pack('q', number)
number = struct.unpack('Q', packed)[0]
return number
def cast_v128_to_i64x2(numbers, type, lane_type):
numbers = [n.replace("_", "") for n in numbers]
if "i8x16" == lane_type:
assert(16 == len(numbers)), "{} should like {}".format(numbers, lane_type)
# str -> int
numbers = [string_to_unsigned(n, lane_type) for n in numbers]
# i8 -> i64
packed = struct.pack(16 * "B", *numbers)
elif "i16x8" == lane_type:
assert(8 == len(numbers)), "{} should like {}".format(numbers, lane_type)
# str -> int
numbers = [string_to_unsigned(n, lane_type) for n in numbers]
# i16 -> i64
packed = struct.pack(8 * "H", *numbers)
elif "i32x4" == lane_type:
assert(4 == len(numbers)), "{} should like {}".format(numbers, lane_type)
# str -> int
numbers = [string_to_unsigned(n, lane_type) for n in numbers]
# i32 -> i64
packed = struct.pack(4 * "I", *numbers)
elif "i64x2" == lane_type:
assert(2 == len(numbers)), "{} should like {}".format(numbers, lane_type)
# str -> int
numbers = [string_to_unsigned(n, lane_type) for n in numbers]
# i64 -> i64
packed = struct.pack(2 * "Q", *numbers)
elif "f32x4" == lane_type:
assert(4 == len(numbers)), "{} should like {}".format(numbers, lane_type)
# str -> int
numbers = [parse_simple_const_w_type(n, "f32")[0] for n in numbers]
# f32 -> i64
packed = struct.pack(4 * "f", *numbers)
elif "f64x2" == lane_type:
assert(2 == len(numbers)), "{} should like {}".format(numbers, lane_type)
# str -> int
numbers = [parse_simple_const_w_type(n, "f64")[0] for n in numbers]
# f64 -> i64
packed = struct.pack(2 * "d", *numbers)
raise Exception("invalid value {} and type {} and lane_type {}".format(numbers, type, lane_type))
unpacked = struct.unpack("Q Q", packed)
return unpacked, "[{} {}]:{}:v128".format(unpacked[0], unpacked[1], lane_type)
def parse_simple_const_w_type(number, type):
number = number.replace('_', '')
if type in ["i32", "i64"]:
number = int(number, 16) if '0x' in number else int(number)
return number, "0x{:x}:{}".format(number, type) \
if number >= 0 \
else "-0x{:x}:{}".format(0 - number, type)
elif type in ["f32", "f64"]:
if "nan:" in number:
# TODO: how to handle this correctly
if "nan:canonical" in number:
return float.fromhex("0x200000"), "nan:{}".format(type)
elif "nan:arithmetic" in number:
return float.fromhex("-0x200000"), "nan:{}".format(type)
return float('nan'), "nan:{}".format(type)
number = float.fromhex(number) if '0x' in number else float(number)
return number, "{:.7g}:{}".format(number, type)
elif type == "ref.null":
if number == "func":
return "func", "func:ref.null"
elif number == "extern":
return "extern", "extern:ref.null"
elif number == "any":
return "any", "any:ref.null"
raise Exception("invalid value {} and type {}".format(number, type))
elif type == "ref.extern":
number = int(number, 16) if '0x' in number else int(number)
return number, "0x{:x}:ref.extern".format(number)
elif type == "ref.host":
number = int(number, 16) if '0x' in number else int(number)
return number, "0x{:x}:ref.host".format(number)
raise Exception("invalid value {} and type {}".format(number, type))
def parse_assertion_value(val):
Parse something like:
"ref.null extern" in (assert_return (invoke "get-externref" (i32.const 0)) (ref.null extern))
"ref.extern 1" in (assert_return (invoke "get-externref" (i32.const 1)) (ref.extern 1))
"i32.const 0" in (assert_return (invoke "is_null-funcref" (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 0))
in summary:
type.const (sub-type) (val1 val2 val3 val4) ...
type.const val
ref.extern val
ref.null ref_type
if not val:
return None, ""
splitted = re.split('\s+', val)
splitted = [s for s in splitted if s]
type = splitted[0].split(".")[0]
lane_type = splitted[1] if len(splitted) > 2 else ""
numbers = splitted[2:] if len(splitted) > 2 else splitted[1:]
if type in ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64"]:
return parse_simple_const_w_type(numbers[0], type)
elif type == "ref":
if splitted[0] in ["ref.array", "ref.struct", "ref.func", "ref.i31"]:
return splitted[0]
# need to distinguish between "ref.null" and "ref.extern"
return parse_simple_const_w_type(numbers[0], splitted[0])
return cast_v128_to_i64x2(numbers, type, lane_type)
def int2uint32(i):
return i & 0xffffffff
def int2int32(i):
val = i & 0xffffffff
if val & 0x80000000:
return val - 0x100000000
return val
def int2uint64(i):
return i & 0xffffffffffffffff
def int2int64(i):
val = i & 0xffffffffffffffff
if val & 0x8000000000000000:
return val - 0x10000000000000000
return val
def num_repr(i):
if isinstance(i, int) or isinstance(i, long):
return re.sub("L$", "", hex(i))
return "%.16g" % i
def hexpad16(i):
return "0x%04x" % i
def hexpad24(i):
return "0x%06x" % i
def hexpad32(i):
return "0x%08x" % i
def hexpad64(i):
return "0x%016x" % i
def invoke(r, args, cmd):
return r.read_to_prompt(['\r\nwebassembly> ', '\nwebassembly> '],
def vector_value_comparison(out, expected):
out likes "<number number>:v128"
expected likes "[number number]:v128"
# print("vector value comparision {} vs {}".format(out, expected))
out_val, out_type = out.split(':')
# <number nubmer> => number number
out_val = out_val[1:-1]
expected_val, lane_type, expected_type = expected.split(':')
# [number nubmer] => number number
expected_val = expected_val[1:-1]
assert("v128" == out_type), "out_type should be v128"
assert("v128" == expected_type), "expected_type should be v128"
if out_type != expected_type:
return False
if out_val == expected_val:
return True
out_val = out_val.split(" ")
expected_val = expected_val.split(" ")
# since i64x2
out_packed = struct.pack("QQ", int(out_val[0], 16), int(out_val[1], 16))
expected_packed = struct.pack("QQ",
int(expected_val[0]) if not "0x" in expected_val[0] else int(expected_val[0], 16),
int(expected_val[1]) if not "0x" in expected_val[1] else int(expected_val[1], 16))
if lane_type in ["i8x16", "i16x8", "i32x4", "i64x2"]:
return out_packed == expected_packed;
assert(lane_type in ["f32x4", "f64x2"]), "unexpected lane_type"
if "f32x4" == lane_type:
out_unpacked = struct.unpack("ffff", out_packed)
expected_unpacked = struct.unpack("ffff", expected_packed)
out_unpacked = struct.unpack("dd", out_packed)
expected_unpacked = struct.unpack("dd", expected_packed)
out_is_nan = [math.isnan(o) for o in out_unpacked]
expected_is_nan = [math.isnan(e) for e in expected_unpacked]
if out_is_nan and expected_is_nan:
return True;
# print("compare {} and {}".format(out_unpacked, expected_unpacked))
result = [o == e for o, e in zip(out_unpacked, expected_unpacked)]
if not all(result):
result = [
"{:.7g}".format(o) == "{:.7g}".format(e)
for o, e in zip(out_unpacked, expected_packed)
return all(result)
def simple_value_comparison(out, expected):
compare out of simple types which may like val:i32, val:f64 and so on
if expected == "2.360523e+13:f32" and out == "2.360522e+13:f32":
# one case in float_literals.wast, due to float precision of python
return True
if expected == "1.797693e+308:f64" and out == "inf:f64":
# one case in float_misc.wast:
# (assert_return (invoke "f64.add" (f64.const 0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023)
# (f64.const 0x1.fffffffffffffp+969))
# (f64.const 0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023))
# the add result in x86_32 is inf
return True
out_val, out_type = out.split(':')
expected_val, expected_type = expected.split(':')
if not out_type == expected_type:
return False
out_val, _ = parse_simple_const_w_type(out_val, out_type)
expected_val, _ = parse_simple_const_w_type(expected_val, expected_type)
if out_val == expected_val \
or (math.isnan(out_val) and math.isnan(expected_val)):
return True
if "i32" == expected_type:
out_val_binary = struct.pack('I', out_val) if out_val > 0 \
else struct.pack('i', out_val)
expected_val_binary = struct.pack('I', expected_val) \
if expected_val > 0 \
else struct.pack('i', expected_val)
elif "i64" == expected_type:
out_val_binary = struct.pack('Q', out_val) if out_val > 0 \
else struct.pack('q', out_val)
expected_val_binary = struct.pack('Q', expected_val) \
if expected_val > 0 \
else struct.pack('q', expected_val)
elif "f32" == expected_type:
out_val_binary = struct.pack('f', out_val)
expected_val_binary = struct.pack('f', expected_val)
elif "f64" == expected_type:
out_val_binary = struct.pack('d', out_val)
expected_val_binary = struct.pack('d', expected_val)
elif "ref.extern" == expected_type:
out_val_binary = out_val
expected_val_binary = expected_val
elif "ref.host" == expected_type:
out_val_binary = out_val
expected_val_binary = expected_val
assert(0), "unknown 'expected_type' {}".format(expected_type)
if out_val_binary == expected_val_binary:
return True
if expected_type in ["f32", "f64"]:
# compare with a lower precision
out_str = "{:.7g}".format(out_val)
expected_str = "{:.7g}".format(expected_val)
if out_str == expected_str:
return True
return False
def value_comparison(out, expected):
if out == expected:
return True
if not expected:
return False
if not out in ["ref.array", "ref.struct", "ref.func", "ref.any", "ref.i31"]:
assert(':' in out), "out should be in a form likes numbers:type, but {}".format(out)
if not expected in ["ref.array", "ref.struct", "ref.func", "ref.any", "ref.i31"]:
assert(':' in expected), "expected should be in a form likes numbers:type, but {}".format(expected)
if 'v128' in out:
return vector_value_comparison(out, expected)
return simple_value_comparison(out, expected)
def is_result_match_expected(out, expected):
# compare value instead of comparing strings of values
return value_comparison(out, expected)
def test_assert(r, opts, mode, cmd, expected):
log("Testing(%s) %s = %s" % (mode, cmd, expected))
out = invoke(r, opts, cmd)
if '\n' in out or ' ' in out:
outs = [''] + out.split('\n')[1:]
out = outs[-1]
if mode=='trap':
o = re.sub('^Exception: ', '', out)
e = re.sub('^Exception: ', '', expected)
if o.find(e) >= 0 or e.find(o) >= 0:
return True
if mode=='exhaustion':
o = re.sub('^Exception: ', '', out)
expected = 'Exception: stack overflow'
e = re.sub('^Exception: ', '', expected)
if o.find(e) >= 0 or e.find(o) >= 0:
return True
## 0x9:i32,-0x1:i32 -> ['0x9:i32', '-0x1:i32']
expected_list = re.split(',', expected)
out_list = re.split(',', out)
if len(expected_list) != len(out_list):
raise Exception("Failed:\n Results count incorrect:\n expected: '%s'\n got: '%s'" % (expected, out))
for i in range(len(expected_list)):
if not is_result_match_expected(out_list[i], expected_list[i]):
raise Exception("Failed:\n Result %d incorrect:\n expected: '%s'\n got: '%s'" % (i, expected_list[i], out_list[i]))
return True
def test_assert_return(r, opts, form):
m. to search a pattern like (assert_return (invoke function_name ... ) ...)
n. to search a pattern like (assert_return (invoke $module_name function_name ... ) ...)
# params, return
m = re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(invoke\s+"((?:[^"]|\\\")*)"\s+(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
# judge if assert_return cmd includes the module name
n = re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(invoke\s+\$((?:[^\s])*)\s+"((?:[^"]|\\\")*)"\s+(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
# print("assert_return with {}".format(form))
if not m:
# no params, return
m = re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(invoke\s+"((?:[^"]|\\\")*)"\s*\)\s+()(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
if not m:
# params, no return
m = re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(invoke\s+"([^"]*)"\s+(\(.*\))()\s*\)\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
if not m:
# no params, no return
m = re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(invoke\s+"([^"]*)"\s*()()\)\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
if not m:
# params, return
if not n:
# no params, return
n = re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(invoke\s+\$((?:[^\s])*)\s+"((?:[^"]|\\\")*)"\s*\)\s+()(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
if not n:
# params, no return
n = re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(invoke\s+\$((?:[^\s])*)\s+"([^"]*)"\s+(\(.*\))()\s*\)\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
if not n:
# no params, no return
n = re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(invoke\s+\$((?:[^\s])*)\s+"([^"]*)"*()()\)\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
if not m and not n:
if re.search('^\(assert_return\s+\(get.*\).*\)$', form, re.S):
log("ignoring assert_return get");
raise Exception("unparsed assert_return: '%s'" % form)
if m and not n:
func = m.group(1)
if ' ' in func:
func = func.replace(' ', '\\')
if m.group(2) == '':
args = []
#args = [re.split(' +', v)[1].replace('_', "") for v in re.split("\)\s*\(", m.group(2)[1:-1])]
# split arguments with ')spaces(', remove leading and tailing ) and (
args_type_and_value = re.split(r'\)\s+\(', m.group(2)[1:-1])
args_type_and_value = [s.replace('_', '') for s in args_type_and_value]
# args are in two forms:
# f32.const -0x1.000001fffffffffffp-50
# v128.const i32x4 0 0 0 0
args = []
for arg in args_type_and_value:
# remove leading and tailing spaces, it might confuse following assertions
arg = arg.strip()
splitted = re.split('\s+', arg)
splitted = [s for s in splitted if s]
if splitted[0] in ["i32.const", "i64.const"]:
assert(2 == len(splitted)), "{} should have two parts".format(splitted)
# in wast 01234 means 1234
# in c 0123 means 83 in oct
number, _ = parse_simple_const_w_type(splitted[1], splitted[0][:3])
elif splitted[0] in ["f32.const", "f64.const"]:
# let strtof or strtod handle original arguments
assert(2 == len(splitted)), "{} should have two parts".format(splitted)
elif "v128.const" == splitted[0]:
assert(len(splitted) > 2), "{} should have more than two parts".format(splitted)
numbers, _ = cast_v128_to_i64x2(splitted[2:], 'v128', splitted[1])
assert(len(numbers) == 2), "has to reform arguments into i64x2"
args.append("{}\{}".format(numbers[0], numbers[1]))
elif "ref.null" == splitted[0]:
elif "ref.extern" == splitted[0]:
number, _ = parse_simple_const_w_type(splitted[1], splitted[0])
elif "ref.host" == splitted[0]:
number, _ = parse_simple_const_w_type(splitted[1], splitted[0])
assert(0), "an unkonwn parameter type"
if m.group(3) == '':
returns= []
returns = re.split("\)\s*\(", m.group(3)[1:-1])
# processed numbers in strings
if len(returns) == 1 and returns[0] in ["ref.array", "ref.struct", "ref.i31",
"ref.eq", "ref.any", "ref.extern",
"ref.func", "ref.null"]:
expected = [returns[0]]
elif len(returns) == 1 and returns[0] in ["func:ref.null", "any:ref.null",
expected = [returns[0]]
expected = [parse_assertion_value(v)[1] for v in returns]
expected = ",".join(expected)
test_assert(r, opts, "return", "%s %s" % (func, " ".join(args)), expected)
elif not m and n:
module = temp_module_table[n.group(1)].split(".wasm")[0]
# assume the cmd is (assert_return(invoke $ABC "func")).
# run the ABC.wasm firstly
if test_aot:
r = compile_wasm_to_aot(module+".wasm", module+".aot", True, opts, r)
assert_prompt(r, ['Compile success'], opts.start_timeout, False)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
log("Run wamrc failed:\n got: '%s'" % r.buf)
r = run_wasm_with_repl(module+".wasm", module+".aot" if test_aot else module, opts, r)
# Wait for the initial prompt
assert_prompt(r, ['webassembly> '], opts.start_timeout, False)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
raise Exception("Failed:\n expected: '%s'\n got: '%s'" % \
(repr(exc), r.buf))
func = n.group(2)
if ' ' in func:
func = func.replace(' ', '\\')
if n.group(3) == '':
# convert (ref.null extern/func) into (ref.null null)
n1 = n.group(3).replace("(ref.null extern)", "(ref.null null)")
n1 = n1.replace("ref.null func)", "(ref.null null)")
args = [re.split(' +', v)[1] for v in re.split("\)\s*\(", n1[1:-1])]
_, expected = parse_assertion_value(n.group(4)[1:-1])
test_assert(r, opts, "return", "%s %s" % (func, " ".join(args)), expected)
def test_assert_trap(r, opts, form):
# params
m = re.search('^\(assert_trap\s+\(invoke\s+"([^"]*)"\s+(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\)\s*$', form)
# judge if assert_return cmd includes the module name
n = re.search('^\(assert_trap\s+\(invoke\s+\$((?:[^\s])*)\s+"([^"]*)"\s+(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
if not m:
# no params
m = re.search('^\(assert_trap\s+\(invoke\s+"([^"]*)"\s*()\)\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\)\s*$', form)
if not m:
if not n:
# no params
n = re.search('^\(assert_trap\s+\(invoke\s+\$((?:[^\s])*)\s+"([^"]*)"\s*()\)\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\)\s*$', form, re.S)
if not m and not n:
raise Exception("unparsed assert_trap: '%s'" % form)
if m and not n:
func = m.group(1)
if m.group(2) == '':
args = []
# convert (ref.null extern/func) into (ref.null null)
m1 = m.group(2).replace("(ref.null extern)", "(ref.null null)")
m1 = m1.replace("ref.null func)", "(ref.null null)")
args = [re.split(' +', v)[1] for v in re.split("\)\s*\(", m1[1:-1])]
expected = "Exception: %s" % m.group(3)
test_assert(r, opts, "trap", "%s %s" % (func, " ".join(args)), expected)
elif not m and n:
module = n.group(1)
module = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/" + module
# will trigger the module named in assert_return(invoke $ABC).
# run the ABC.wasm firstly
if test_aot:
r = compile_wasm_to_aot(module+".wasm", module+".aot", True, opts, r)
assert_prompt(r, ['Compile success'], opts.start_timeout, False)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
log("Run wamrc failed:\n got: '%s'" % r.buf)
r = run_wasm_with_repl(module+".wasm", module+".aot" if test_aot else module, opts, r)
# Wait for the initial prompt
assert_prompt(r, ['webassembly> '], opts.start_timeout, False)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
raise Exception("Failed:\n expected: '%s'\n got: '%s'" % \
(repr(exc), r.buf))
func = n.group(2)
if n.group(3) == '':
args = []
args = [re.split(' +', v)[1] for v in re.split("\)\s*\(", n.group(3)[1:-1])]
expected = "Exception: %s" % n.group(4)
test_assert(r, opts, "trap", "%s %s" % (func, " ".join(args)), expected)
def test_assert_exhaustion(r,opts,form):
# params
m = re.search('^\(assert_exhaustion\s+\(invoke\s+"([^"]*)"\s+(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\)\s*$', form)
if not m:
# no params
m = re.search('^\(assert_exhaustion\s+\(invoke\s+"([^"]*)"\s*()\)\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\)\s*$', form)
if not m:
raise Exception("unparsed assert_exhaustion: '%s'" % form)
func = m.group(1)
if m.group(2) == '':
args = []
args = [re.split(' +', v)[1] for v in re.split("\)\s*\(", m.group(2)[1:-1])]
expected = "Exception: %s\n" % m.group(3)
test_assert(r, opts, "exhaustion", "%s %s" % (func, " ".join(args)), expected)
def do_invoke(r, opts, form):
# params
m = re.search('^\(invoke\s+"([^"]+)"\s+(\(.*\))\s*\)\s*$', form)
if not m:
# no params
m = re.search('^\(invoke\s+"([^"]+)"\s*()\)\s*$', form)
if not m:
raise Exception("unparsed invoke: '%s'" % form)
func = m.group(1)
if ' ' in func:
func = func.replace(' ', '\\')
if m.group(2) == '':
args = []
args = [re.split(' +', v)[1] for v in re.split("\)\s*\(", m.group(2)[1:-1])]
log("Invoking %s(%s)" % (
func, ", ".join([str(a) for a in args])))
invoke(r, opts, "%s %s" % (func, " ".join(args)))
def skip_test(form, skip_list):
for s in skip_list:
if re.search(s, form):
return True
return False
def compile_wast_to_wasm(form, wast_tempfile, wasm_tempfile, opts):
log("Writing WAST module to '%s'" % wast_tempfile)
open(wast_tempfile, 'w').write(form)
log("Compiling WASM to '%s'" % wasm_tempfile)
# default arguments
if opts.gc:
cmd = [opts.wast2wasm, "-u", "-d", wast_tempfile, "-o", wasm_tempfile]
cmd = [opts.wast2wasm, "--enable-thread", "--no-check",
wast_tempfile, "-o", wasm_tempfile ]
# remove reference-type and bulk-memory enabling options since a WABT
# commit 30c1e983d30b33a8004b39fd60cbd64477a7956c
# Enable reference types by default (#1729)
log("Running: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return False
return True
def compile_wasm_to_aot(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile, runner, opts, r, output = 'default'):
log("Compiling AOT to '%s'" % aot_tempfile)
cmd = [opts.aot_compiler]
if test_target == "x86_64":
elif test_target == "i386":
elif test_target == "aarch64":
cmd += ["--target=aarch64", "--cpu=cortex-a57"]
elif test_target == "armv7":
cmd += ["--target=armv7", "--target-abi=gnueabihf"]
elif test_target == "thumbv7":
cmd += ["--target=thumbv7", "--target-abi=gnueabihf", "--cpu=cortex-a9", "--cpu-features=-neon"]
elif test_target == "riscv32_ilp32":
cmd += ["--target=riscv32", "--target-abi=ilp32", "--cpu=generic-rv32", "--cpu-features=+m,+a,+c"]
elif test_target == "riscv32_ilp32d":
cmd += ["--target=riscv32", "--target-abi=ilp32d", "--cpu=generic-rv32", "--cpu-features=+m,+a,+c"]
elif test_target == "riscv64_lp64":
cmd += ["--target=riscv64", "--target-abi=lp64", "--cpu=generic-rv64", "--cpu-features=+m,+a,+c"]
elif test_target == "riscv64_lp64d":
cmd += ["--target=riscv64", "--target-abi=lp64d", "--cpu=generic-rv32", "--cpu-features=+m,+a,+c"]
if opts.sgx:
if not opts.simd:
if opts.xip:
if opts.multi_thread:
if output == 'object':
elif output == 'ir':
# disable llvm link time optimization as it might convert
# code of tail call into code of dead loop, and stack overflow
# exception isn't thrown in several cases
cmd += ["-o", aot_tempfile, wasm_tempfile]
log("Running: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
if not runner:
if (r != None):
r = Runner(cmd, no_pty=opts.no_pty)
return r
def run_wasm_with_repl(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile, opts, r):
tmpfile = aot_tempfile if test_aot else wasm_tempfile
log("Starting interpreter for module '%s'" % tmpfile)
cmd_iwasm = [opts.interpreter, "--heap-size=0", "-v=5" if opts.verbose else "-v=0", "--repl", tmpfile]
if opts.multi_module:
cmd_iwasm.insert(1, "--module-path=" + (tempfile.gettempdir() if not opts.qemu else "/tmp" ))
if opts.qemu:
if opts.qemu_firmware == '':
raise Exception("QEMU firmware missing")
if opts.target == "thumbv7":
cmd = ["qemu-system-arm", "-semihosting", "-M", "sabrelite", "-m", "1024", "-smp", "4", "-nographic", "-kernel", opts.qemu_firmware]
elif opts.target == "riscv32_ilp32":
cmd = ["qemu-system-riscv32", "-semihosting", "-M", "virt,aclint=on", "-cpu", "rv32", "-smp", "8", "-nographic", "-bios", "none", "-kernel", opts.qemu_firmware]
elif opts.target == "riscv64_lp64":
cmd = ["qemu-system-riscv64", "-semihosting", "-M", "virt,aclint=on", "-cpu", "rv64", "-smp", "8", "-nographic", "-bios", "none", "-kernel", opts.qemu_firmware]
cmd = cmd_iwasm
log("Running: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
if (r != None):
r = Runner(cmd, no_pty=opts.no_pty)
if opts.qemu:
r.read_to_prompt(['nsh> '], 10)
r.writeline("mount -t hostfs -o fs={} /tmp".format(tempfile.gettempdir()))
r.read_to_prompt(['nsh> '], 10)
r.writeline(" ".join(cmd_iwasm))
return r
def create_tmpfiles(wast_name):
tempfiles = []
(t1fd, wast_tempfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wast")
(t2fd, wasm_tempfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wasm")
if test_aot:
(t3fd, aot_tempfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".aot")
# add these temp file to temporal repo, will be deleted when finishing the test
return tempfiles
def test_assert_with_exception(form, wast_tempfile, wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile, opts, r, loadable = True):
details_inside_ast = get_module_exp_from_assert(form)
log("module is ....'%s'"%details_inside_ast[0])
log("exception is ....'%s'"%details_inside_ast[1])
# parse the module
module = details_inside_ast[0]
expected = details_inside_ast[1]
if not compile_wast_to_wasm(module, wast_tempfile, wasm_tempfile, opts):
raise Exception("compile wast to wasm failed")
if test_aot:
r = compile_wasm_to_aot(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile, True, opts, r)
assert_prompt(r, ['Compile success'], opts.start_timeout, True)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
if (r.buf.find(expected) >= 0):
log("Out exception includes expected one, pass:")
log(" Expected: %s" % expected)
log(" Got: %s" % r.buf)
log("Run wamrc failed:\n expected: '%s'\n got: '%s'" % \
(expected, r.buf))
r = run_wasm_with_repl(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile if test_aot else None, opts, r)
# Some module couldn't load so will raise an error directly, so shell prompt won't show here
if loadable:
# Wait for the initial prompt
assert_prompt(r, ['webassembly> '], opts.start_timeout, True)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
if (r.buf.find(expected) >= 0):
log("Out exception includes expected one, pass:")
log(" Expected: %s" %expected)
log(" Got: %s" % r.buf)
raise Exception("Failed:\n expected: '%s'\n got: '%s'" % \
(expected, r.buf))
if __name__ == "__main__":
opts = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
print('Input param :',opts)
if opts.aot: test_aot = True
# default x86_64
test_target = opts.target
if opts.rundir: os.chdir(opts.rundir)
if opts.log_file: log_file = open(opts.log_file, "a")
if opts.debug_file: debug_file = open(opts.debug_file, "a")
if opts.interpreter.endswith(".py"):
(t1fd, wast_tempfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wast")
(t2fd, wasm_tempfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wasm")
if test_aot:
(t3fd, aot_tempfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".aot")
ret_code = 0
log("### Testing %s" % opts.test_file.name)
forms = read_forms(opts.test_file.read())
r = None
for form in forms:
# log("\n### Current Case is " + form + "\n")
if ";;" == form[0:2]:
elif skip_test(form, SKIP_TESTS):
log("Skipping test: %s" % form[0:60])
elif re.match("^\(assert_trap\s+\(module", form):
test_assert_with_exception(form, wast_tempfile, wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile if test_aot else None, opts, r)
elif re.match("^\(assert_exhaustion\\b.*", form):
test_assert_exhaustion(r, opts, form)
elif re.match("^\(assert_unlinkable\\b.*", form):
test_assert_with_exception(form, wast_tempfile, wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile if test_aot else None, opts, r, False)
elif re.match("^\(assert_malformed\\b.*", form):
# remove comments in wast
form,n = re.subn(";;.*\n", "", form)
m = re.match("^\(assert_malformed\s*\(module binary\s*(\".*\").*\)\s*\"(.*)\"\s*\)$", form, re.DOTALL)
if m:
# workaround: spec test changes error message to "malformed" while iwasm still use "invalid"
error_msg = m.group(2).replace("malformed", "invalid")
f = open(wasm_tempfile, 'wb')
s = m.group(1)
while s:
res = re.match("[^\"]*\"([^\"]*)\"(.*)", s, re.DOTALL)
if IS_PY_3:
context = res.group(1).replace("\\", "\\x").encode("latin1").decode("unicode-escape").encode("latin1")
f.write(res.group(1).replace("\\", "\\x").decode("string-escape"))
s = res.group(2)
# compile wasm to aot
if test_aot:
r = compile_wasm_to_aot(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile, True, opts, r)
assert_prompt(r, ['Compile success'], opts.start_timeout, True)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
if (r.buf.find(error_msg) >= 0):
log("Out exception includes expected one, pass:")
log(" Expected: %s" % error_msg)
log(" Got: %s" % r.buf)
log("Run wamrc failed:\n expected: '%s'\n got: '%s'" % \
(error_msg, r.buf))
r = run_wasm_with_repl(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile if test_aot else None, opts, r)
if (error_msg == "unexpected end of section or function"):
# one case in binary.wast
assert_prompt(r, ["unexpected end", error_msg], opts.start_timeout, True)
elif (error_msg == "invalid value type"):
# one case in binary.wast
assert_prompt(r, ["unexpected end", error_msg], opts.start_timeout, True)
elif (error_msg == "length out of bounds"):
# one case in custom.wast
assert_prompt(r, ["unexpected end", error_msg], opts.start_timeout, True)
elif (error_msg == "integer representation too long"):
# several cases in binary-leb128.wast
assert_prompt(r, ["invalid section id", error_msg], opts.start_timeout, True)
elif re.match("^\(assert_malformed\s*\(module quote", form):
log("ignoring assert_malformed module quote")
log("unrecognized assert_malformed")
elif re.match("^\(assert_return[_a-z]*_nan\\b.*", form):
log("ignoring assert_return_.*_nan")
elif re.match(".*\(invoke\s+\$\\b.*", form):
# invoke a particular named module's function
if form.startswith("(assert_return"):
elif form.startswith("(assert_trap"):
elif re.match("^\(module\\b.*", form):
# if the module includes the particular name startswith $
m = re.search("^\(module\s+\$.\S+", form)
if m:
# get module name
module_name = re.split('\$', m.group(0).strip())[1]
if module_name:
# create temporal files
temp_files = create_tmpfiles(module_name)
if not compile_wast_to_wasm(form, temp_files[0], temp_files[1], opts):
raise Exception("compile wast to wasm failed")
if test_aot:
r = compile_wasm_to_aot(temp_files[1], temp_files[2], True, opts, r)
assert_prompt(r, ['Compile success'], opts.start_timeout, False)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
log("Run wamrc failed:\n got: '%s'" % r.buf)
temp_module_table[module_name] = temp_files[1]
r = run_wasm_with_repl(temp_files[1], temp_files[2] if test_aot else None, opts, r)
if not compile_wast_to_wasm(form, wast_tempfile, wasm_tempfile, opts):
raise Exception("compile wast to wasm failed")
if test_aot:
r = compile_wasm_to_aot(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile, True, opts, r)
assert_prompt(r, ['Compile success'], opts.start_timeout, False)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
log("Run wamrc failed:\n got: '%s'" % r.buf)
r = run_wasm_with_repl(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile if test_aot else None, opts, r)
# Wait for the initial prompt
assert_prompt(r, ['webassembly> '], opts.start_timeout, False)
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
raise Exception("Failed:\n expected: '%s'\n got: '%s'" % \
(repr(exc), r.buf))
elif re.match("^\(assert_return\\b.*", form):
assert(r), "iwasm repl runtime should be not null"
test_assert_return(r, opts, form)
elif re.match("^\(assert_trap\\b.*", form):
test_assert_trap(r, opts, form)
elif re.match("^\(invoke\\b.*", form):
assert(r), "iwasm repl runtime should be not null"
do_invoke(r, opts, form)
elif re.match("^\(assert_invalid\\b.*", form):
test_assert_with_exception(form, wast_tempfile, wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile if test_aot else None, opts, r)
elif re.match("^\(register\\b.*", form):
# get module's new name from the register cmd
name_new =re.split('\"',re.search('\".*\"',form).group(0))[1]
if name_new:
new_module = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), name_new + ".wasm")
shutil.copyfile(temp_module_table.get(name_new, wasm_tempfile), new_module)
# add new_module copied from the old into temp_file_repo[]
# there is no name defined in register cmd
raise Exception("can not find module name from the register")
raise Exception("unrecognized form '%s...'" % form[0:40])
except Exception as e:
print("THE FINAL EXCEPTION IS {}".format(e))
ret_code = 101
shutil.copyfile(wasm_tempfile, os.path.join(opts.log_dir, os.path.basename(wasm_tempfile)))
if opts.aot or opts.xip:
shutil.copyfile(aot_tempfile, os.path.join(opts.log_dir,os.path.basename(aot_tempfile)))
if "indirect-mode" in str(e):
compile_wasm_to_aot(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile, None, opts, None, "object")
shutil.copyfile(aot_tempfile, os.path.join(opts.log_dir,os.path.basename(aot_tempfile)+'.o'))
subprocess.check_call(["llvm-objdump", "-r", aot_tempfile])
compile_wasm_to_aot(wasm_tempfile, aot_tempfile, None, opts, None, "ir")
shutil.copyfile(aot_tempfile, os.path.join(opts.log_dir,os.path.basename(aot_tempfile)+".ir"))
ret_code = 0
if not opts.no_cleanup:
log("Removing tempfiles")
if test_aot:
# remove the files under /tempfiles/ and copy of .wasm files
if temp_file_repo:
for t in temp_file_repo:
if(len(str(t))!=0 and os.path.exists(t)):
log("### End testing %s" % opts.test_file.name)
log("Leaving tempfiles: %s" % ([wast_tempfile, wasm_tempfile]))