liang.he 4ef724bbff
Enhance wasm loading with LoadArgs and support module names (#3265)
- Add new API wasm_runtime_load_ex() in wasm_export.h
  and wasm_module_new_ex in wasm_c_api.h
- Put aot_create_perf_map() into a separated file aot_perf_map.c
- In perf.map, function names include user specified module name
- Enhance the script to help flamegraph generations
2024-04-07 15:04:35 +08:00

326 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
It is used to process *out.folded* file generated by [FlameGraph](https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph).
- translate jitted function names, which are in a form like `aot_func#N` or `[module name]#aot_func#N`, into corresponding names in a name section in .wasm
- divide the translated functions into different modules if the module name is specified in the symbol
``` bash
# collect profiling data in perf.data
$ perf script -i perf.data > out.perf
$ ./FlameGraph/stackcollapse-perf.pl out.perf > out.folded
Use this script to translate the function names in out.folded
$ python translate_wasm_function_name.py --wabt_home <wabt-installation> --folded out.folded <.wasm>
# out.folded -> out.folded.translated
import argparse
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
from typing import Dict, List
# parse arguments like "foo=bar,fiz=biz" into a dictatory {foo:bar,fiz=biz}
class ParseKVArgs(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, dict())
for value in values.split(","):
k, v = value.split("=")
getattr(namespace, self.dest)[k] = v
def calculate_import_function_count(
wasm_objdump_bin: Path, module_names: Dict[str, Path]
) -> Dict[str, int]:
for every wasm file in <module_names>, calculate the number of functions in the import section.
using "<wasm_objdump_bin> -j Import -x <wasm_file>"
assert wasm_objdump_bin.exists()
import_function_counts = {}
for module_name, wasm_path in module_names.items():
assert wasm_path.exists()
command = f"{wasm_objdump_bin} -j Import -x {wasm_path}"
p = subprocess.run(
if p.stderr:
print("No content in import section")
import_function_counts[module_name] = 0
import_function_count = 0
for line in p.stdout.split(os.linesep):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if not " func" in line:
m = re.search(r"^-\s+func", line)
assert m
import_function_count += 1
# print(f"! there are {import_function_count} import function in {module_name}")
import_function_counts[module_name] = import_function_count
return import_function_counts
def collect_name_section_content(
wasm_objdump_bin: Path, module_names: Dict[str, Path]
) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, str]]:
for every wasm file in <module_names>, get the content of name section.
execute "wasm_objdump_bin -j name -x wasm_file"
assert wasm_objdump_bin.exists()
name_sections = {}
for module_name, wasm_path in module_names.items():
assert wasm_path.exists()
command = f"{wasm_objdump_bin} -j name -x {wasm_path}"
p = subprocess.run(
if p.stderr:
print("No content in name section")
name_sections[module_name] = {}
name_section = {}
for line in p.stdout.split(os.linesep):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if not " func" in line:
# - func[N] <__imported_wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_close>
m = re.match(r"- func\[(\d+)\] <(.+)>", line)
assert m
func_index, func_name = m.groups()
name_section.update({int(func_index): func_name})
name_sections[module_name] = name_section
return name_sections
def is_stack_check_mode(folded: Path) -> bool:
check if there is a function name looks like "aot_func_internal#N", it means that WAMR adds a stack check function before the original function.
with open(folded, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if "aot_func_internal" in line:
return True
return False
def replace_function_name(
import_function_counts: Dict[str, int],
name_sections: Dict[str, Dict[int, str]],
folded_in: Path,
module_names: Dict[str, Path],
) -> None:
read content in <folded_in>. every line contains symbols which are separated by ";".
Usually, all jitted functions are in the form of "aot_func#N". N is its function index. Use the index to find the corresponding function name in the name section.
if there is a function name looks like "aot_func_internal#N", it means that WAMR adds a stack check function before the original function.
In this case, "aot_func#N" should be translated with "_precheck" as a suffix and "aot_func_internal#N" should be treated as the original one
assert folded_in.exists(), f"{folded_in} doesn't exist"
stack_check_mode = is_stack_check_mode(folded_in)
# every wasm has a translated out.folded, like out.<module_name>.folded.translated
folded_out_files = {}
for module_name in module_names.keys():
wasm_folded_out_path = folded_in.with_suffix(f".{module_name}.translated")
print(f"-> write into {wasm_folded_out_path}")
folded_out_files[module_name] = wasm_folded_out_path.open(
"wt", encoding="utf-8"
# Plus a default translated out.folded
default_folded_out_path = folded_in.with_suffix(".translated")
print(f"-> write into {default_folded_out_path}")
default_folded_out = default_folded_out_path.open("wt", encoding="utf-8")
with folded_in.open("rt", encoding="utf-8") as f_in:
for line in f_in:
line = line.strip()
m = re.match(r"(.*) (\d+)", line)
assert m
syms, samples = m.groups()
new_line = []
last_function_module_name = ""
for sym in syms.split(";"):
if not "aot_func" in sym:
# [module_name]#aot_func#N or aot_func#N
splitted = sym.split("#")
module_name = "" if splitted[0] == "aot_func" else splitted[0]
# remove [ and ]
module_name = module_name[1:-1]
if len(module_name) == 0 and len(module_names) > 1:
raise RuntimeError(
f"{sym} doesn't have a module name, but there are multiple wasm files"
if not module_name in module_names:
raise RuntimeError(
f"❌ can't find corresponds wasm file for {module_name}"
last_function_module_name = module_name
func_idx = int(splitted[-1])
# adjust index
func_idx = func_idx + import_function_counts[module_name]
# print(f"🔍 {module_name} {splitted[1]} {func_idx}")
if func_idx in name_sections[module_name]:
if len(module_name) > 0:
wasm_func_name = f"[Wasm] [{module_name}] {name_sections[module_name][func_idx]}"
wasm_func_name = (
f"[Wasm] {name_sections[module_name][func_idx]}"
if len(module_name) > 0:
wasm_func_name = f"[Wasm] [{module_name}] func[{func_idx}]"
wasm_func_name = f"[Wasm] func[{func_idx}]"
if stack_check_mode:
# aot_func_internal -> xxx
# aot_func --> xxx_precheck
if "aot_func" == splitted[1]:
wasm_func_name += "_precheck"
line = ";".join(new_line)
line += f" {samples}"
# always write into the default output
default_folded_out.write(line + os.linesep)
# based on the module name of last function, write into the corresponding output
if len(last_function_module_name) > 0:
folded_out_files[last_function_module_name].write(line + os.linesep)
for f in folded_out_files.values():
def main(wabt_home: str, folded: str, module_names: Dict[str, Path]) -> None:
wabt_home = Path(wabt_home)
assert wabt_home.exists()
folded = Path(folded)
assert folded.exists()
wasm_objdump_bin = wabt_home.joinpath("bin", "wasm-objdump")
import_function_counts = calculate_import_function_count(
wasm_objdump_bin, module_names
name_sections = collect_name_section_content(wasm_objdump_bin, module_names)
replace_function_name(import_function_counts, name_sections, folded, module_names)
if __name__ == "__main__":
argparse = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"--wabt_home", required=True, help="wabt home, like /opt/wabt-1.0.33"
help="wasm files for profiling before. like --wasm apple.wasm --wasm banana.wasm",
metavar="module_name=wasm_file, ...",
help="multiple wasm files and their module names, like a=apple.wasm,b=banana.wasm,c=cake.wasm",
help="a out.folded generated by flamegraph/stackcollapse-perf.pl",
args = argparse.parse_args()
if not args.wasm and not args.wasm_names:
print("Please specify wasm files with either --wasm or --wasm_names")
# - only one wasm file. And there is no [module name] in out.folded
# - multiple wasm files. via `--wasm X --wasm Y --wasm Z`. And there is [module name] in out.folded. use the basename of wasm as the module name
# - multiple wasm files. via `--wasm_names X=x,Y=y,Z=z`. And there is [module name] in out.folded. use the specified module name
module_names = {}
if args.wasm_names:
for name, wasm_path in args.wasm_names.items():
module_names[name] = Path(wasm_path)
# use the basename of wasm as the module name
for wasm in args.wasm:
wasm_path = Path(wasm)
module_names[wasm_path.stem] = wasm_path
main(args.wabt_home, args.folded_file, module_names)