mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 00:45:14 +00:00
Update SEED.cs
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,27 +42,27 @@ namespace WelsonJS.Cryptography
// Constants for Key schedule
private static uint KC0 = 0x9e3779b9;
private static uint KC1 = 0x3c6ef373;
private static uint KC2 = 0x78dde6e6;
private static uint KC3 = 0xf1bbcdcc;
private static uint KC4 = 0xe3779b99;
private static uint KC5 = 0xc6ef3733;
private static uint KC6 = 0x8dde6e67;
private static uint KC7 = 0x1bbcdccf;
private static uint KC8 = 0x3779b99e;
private static uint KC9 = 0x6ef3733c;
private static uint KC10 = 0xdde6e678;
private static uint KC11 = 0xbbcdccf1;
private static uint KC12 = 0x779b99e3;
private static uint KC13 = 0xef3733c6;
private static uint KC14 = 0xde6e678d;
private static uint KC15 = 0xbcdccf1b;
private const uint KC0 = 0x9e3779b9;
private const uint KC1 = 0x3c6ef373;
private const uint KC2 = 0x78dde6e6;
private const uint KC3 = 0xf1bbcdcc;
private const uint KC4 = 0xe3779b99;
private const uint KC5 = 0xc6ef3733;
private const uint KC6 = 0x8dde6e67;
private const uint KC7 = 0x1bbcdccf;
private const uint KC8 = 0x3779b99e;
private const uint KC9 = 0x6ef3733c;
private const uint KC10 = 0xdde6e678;
private const uint KC11 = 0xbbcdccf1;
private const uint KC12 = 0x779b99e3;
private const uint KC13 = 0xef3733c6;
private const uint KC14 = 0xde6e678d;
private const uint KC15 = 0xbcdccf1b;
private static int ABCD_A = 0;
private static int ABCD_B = 1;
private static int ABCD_C = 2;
private static int ABCD_D = 3;
private const int ABCD_A = 0;
private const int ABCD_B = 1;
private const int ABCD_C = 2;
private const int ABCD_D = 3;
private const int LR_L0 = 0;
private const int LR_L1 = 1;
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace WelsonJS.Cryptography
private const int BLOCK_SIZE_SEED_INT = 4;
// S-BOX
private static uint[] SS0 = new uint[] {
private static readonly uint[] SS0 = new uint[] {
0x2989a1a8, 0x05858184, 0x16c6d2d4, 0x13c3d3d0, 0x14445054, 0x1d0d111c, 0x2c8ca0ac, 0x25052124,
0x1d4d515c, 0x03434340, 0x18081018, 0x1e0e121c, 0x11415150, 0x3cccf0fc, 0x0acac2c8, 0x23436360,
0x28082028, 0x04444044, 0x20002020, 0x1d8d919c, 0x20c0e0e0, 0x22c2e2e0, 0x08c8c0c8, 0x17071314,
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ namespace WelsonJS.Cryptography
0x28c8e0e8, 0x1b0b1318, 0x05050104, 0x39497178, 0x10809090, 0x2a4a6268, 0x2a0a2228, 0x1a8a9298
private static uint[] SS1 = new uint[]
private static readonly uint[] SS1 = new uint[]
0x38380830, 0xe828c8e0, 0x2c2d0d21, 0xa42686a2, 0xcc0fcfc3, 0xdc1eced2, 0xb03383b3, 0xb83888b0,
0xac2f8fa3, 0x60204060, 0x54154551, 0xc407c7c3, 0x44044440, 0x6c2f4f63, 0x682b4b63, 0x581b4b53,
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ namespace WelsonJS.Cryptography
0xd819c9d1, 0x4c0c4c40, 0x80038383, 0x8c0f8f83, 0xcc0ecec2, 0x383b0b33, 0x480a4a42, 0xb43787b3
private static uint[] SS2 = new uint[]
private static readonly uint[] SS2 = new uint[]
0xa1a82989, 0x81840585, 0xd2d416c6, 0xd3d013c3, 0x50541444, 0x111c1d0d, 0xa0ac2c8c, 0x21242505,
0x515c1d4d, 0x43400343, 0x10181808, 0x121c1e0e, 0x51501141, 0xf0fc3ccc, 0xc2c80aca, 0x63602343,
@ -288,170 +288,173 @@ namespace WelsonJS.Cryptography
ABCD[ABCD_D] = (ABCD[ABCD_D] << 8) ^ ((T[0] >> 24) & 0x000000ff);
public static void KISA_SEED_Encrypt_Block_forECB(in uint[] _in, uint in_offset, ref uint[] _out, int out_offset, KISA_SEED_KEY ks)
public class ECB
uint[] LR = new uint[4]; // Iuput/output values at each rounds
uint[] T = new uint[2]; // Temporary variables for round function F
uint[] K = ks.key_data; // Pointer of round keys
// Set up input values for first round
LR[LR_L0] = _in[in_offset+0];
LR[LR_L1] = _in[in_offset+1];
LR[LR_R0] = _in[in_offset+2];
LR[LR_R1] = _in[in_offset+3];
// Reorder for big endian
// Because SEED use little endian order in default
public void EncryptBlock(in uint[] _in, uint in_offset, ref uint[] _out, int out_offset, KISA_SEED_KEY ks)
LR[LR_L0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L0]);
LR[LR_L1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L1]);
LR[LR_R0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R0]);
LR[LR_R1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R1]);
uint[] LR = new uint[4]; // Iuput/output values at each rounds
uint[] T = new uint[2]; // Temporary variables for round function F
uint[] K = ks.key_data; // Pointer of round keys
// Set up input values for first round
LR[LR_L0] = _in[in_offset + 0];
LR[LR_L1] = _in[in_offset + 1];
LR[LR_R0] = _in[in_offset + 2];
LR[LR_R1] = _in[in_offset + 3];
// Reorder for big endian
// Because SEED use little endian order in default
LR[LR_L0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L0]);
LR[LR_L1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L1]);
LR[LR_R0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R0]);
LR[LR_R1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R1]);
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 0); // Round 1
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 2); // Round 2
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 4); // Round 3
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 6); // Round 4
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 8); // Round 5
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 10); // Round 6
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 12); // Round 7
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 14); // Round 8
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 16); // Round 9
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 18); // Round 10
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 20); // Round 11
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 22); // Round 12
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 24); // Round 13
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 26); // Round 14
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 28); // Round 15
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 30); // Round 16
LR[LR_L0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L0]);
LR[LR_L1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L1]);
LR[LR_R0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R0]);
LR[LR_R1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R1]);
// Copying output values from last round to pbData
_out[out_offset + 0] = LR[LR_R0];
_out[out_offset + 1] = LR[LR_R1];
_out[out_offset + 2] = LR[LR_L0];
_out[out_offset + 3] = LR[LR_L1];
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 0); // Round 1
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 2); // Round 2
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 4); // Round 3
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 6); // Round 4
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 8); // Round 5
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 10); // Round 6
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 12); // Round 7
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 14); // Round 8
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 16); // Round 9
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 18); // Round 10
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 20); // Round 11
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 22); // Round 12
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 24); // Round 13
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 26); // Round 14
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 28); // Round 15
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 30); // Round 16
public void DecryptBlock(in uint[] _in, int in_offset, ref uint[] _out, int out_offset, KISA_SEED_KEY ks)
LR[LR_L0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L0]);
LR[LR_L1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L1]);
LR[LR_R0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R0]);
LR[LR_R1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R1]);
uint[] LR = new uint[4]; // Iuput/output values at each rounds
uint[] T = new uint[2]; // Temporary variables for round function F
uint[] K = ks.key_data; // Pointer of round keys
// Set up input values for first round
LR[LR_L0] = _in[in_offset + 0];
LR[LR_L1] = _in[in_offset + 1];
LR[LR_R0] = _in[in_offset + 2];
LR[LR_R1] = _in[in_offset + 3];
// Reorder for big endian
LR[LR_L0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L0]);
LR[LR_L1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L1]);
LR[LR_R0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R0]);
LR[LR_R1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R1]);
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 30); // Round 1
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 28); // Round 2
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 26); // Round 3
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 24); // Round 4
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 22); // Round 5
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 20); // Round 6
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 18); // Round 7
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 16); // Round 8
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 14); // Round 9
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 12); // Round 10
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 10); // Round 11
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 8); // Round 12
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 6); // Round 13
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 4); // Round 14
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 2); // Round 15
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 0); // Round 16
LR[LR_L0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L0]);
LR[LR_L1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L1]);
LR[LR_R0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R0]);
LR[LR_R1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R1]);
// Copy output values from last round to pbData
_out[out_offset + 0] = LR[LR_R0];
_out[out_offset + 1] = LR[LR_R1];
_out[out_offset + 2] = LR[LR_L0];
_out[out_offset + 3] = LR[LR_L1];
// Copying output values from last round to pbData
_out[out_offset + 0] = LR[LR_R0];
_out[out_offset + 1] = LR[LR_R1];
_out[out_offset + 2] = LR[LR_L0];
_out[out_offset + 3] = LR[LR_L1];
public static void KISA_SEED_Decrypt_Block_forECB(in uint[] _in, int in_offset, ref uint[] _out, int out_offset, KISA_SEED_KEY ks)
uint[] LR = new uint[4]; // Iuput/output values at each rounds
uint[] T = new uint[2]; // Temporary variables for round function F
uint[] K = ks.key_data; // Pointer of round keys
// Set up input values for first round
LR[LR_L0] = _in[in_offset+0];
LR[LR_L1] = _in[in_offset+1];
LR[LR_R0] = _in[in_offset+2];
LR[LR_R1] = _in[in_offset+3];
// Reorder for big endian
public bool Init(KISA_SEED_INFO pInfo, KISA_ENC_DEC enc, byte[] pbszUserKey)
LR[LR_L0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L0]);
LR[LR_L1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L1]);
LR[LR_R0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R0]);
LR[LR_R1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R1]);
uint[] ABCD = new uint[4]; // Iuput/output values at each rounds
uint[] T = new uint[2]; // Temporary variable
uint[] K;
if (null == pInfo || null == pbszUserKey)
return false;
K = pInfo.seed_key.key_data; // Pointer of round keys
pInfo.encrypt = enc.value;
pInfo.last_block_flag = pInfo.buffer_length = 0;
// Set up input values for Key Schedule
ABCD[ABCD_A] = ByteToUInt(pbszUserKey, 0 * 4, DEFAULT_ENDIAN);
ABCD[ABCD_B] = ByteToUInt(pbszUserKey, 1 * 4, DEFAULT_ENDIAN);
ABCD[ABCD_C] = ByteToUInt(pbszUserKey, 2 * 4, DEFAULT_ENDIAN);
ABCD[ABCD_D] = ByteToUInt(pbszUserKey, 3 * 4, DEFAULT_ENDIAN);
// Reorder for big endian
ABCD[ABCD_A] = EndianChange(ABCD[ABCD_A]);
ABCD[ABCD_B] = EndianChange(ABCD[ABCD_B]);
ABCD[ABCD_C] = EndianChange(ABCD[ABCD_C]);
ABCD[ABCD_D] = EndianChange(ABCD[ABCD_D]);
// i-th round keys( K_i,0 and K_i,1 ) are denoted as K[2*(i-1)] and K[2*i-1], respectively
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 0, ref ABCD, KC0); // K_1,0 and K_1,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 2, ref ABCD, KC1); // K_2,0 and K_2,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 4, ref ABCD, KC2); // K_3,0 and K_3,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 6, ref ABCD, KC3); // K_4,0 and K_4,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 8, ref ABCD, KC4); // K_5,0 and K_5,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 10, ref ABCD, KC5); // K_6,0 and K_6,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 12, ref ABCD, KC6); // K_7,0 and K_7,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 14, ref ABCD, KC7); // K_8,0 and K_8,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 16, ref ABCD, KC8); // K_9,0 and K_9,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 18, ref ABCD, KC9); // K_10,0 and K_10,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 20, ref ABCD, KC10); // K_11,0 and K_11,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 22, ref ABCD, KC11); // K_12,0 and K_12,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 24, ref ABCD, KC12); // K_13,0 and K_13,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 26, ref ABCD, KC13); // K_14,0 and K_14,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 28, ref ABCD, KC14); // K_15,0 and K_15,1
T[0] = ABCD[ABCD_A] + ABCD[ABCD_C] - KC15;
T[1] = ABCD[ABCD_B] - ABCD[ABCD_D] + KC15;
K[30] = SS0[GetB(T[0], 0) & 0x0ff] ^ SS1[GetB(T[0], 1) & 0x0ff] ^ // K_16,0
SS2[GetB(T[0], 2) & 0x0ff] ^ SS3[GetB(T[0], 3) & 0x0ff];
K[31] = SS0[GetB(T[1], 0) & 0x0ff] ^ SS1[GetB(T[1], 1) & 0x0ff] ^ // K_16,1
SS2[GetB(T[1], 2) & 0x0ff] ^ SS3[GetB(T[1], 3) & 0x0ff];
return true;
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 30); // Round 1
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 28); // Round 2
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 26); // Round 3
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 24); // Round 4
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 22); // Round 5
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 20); // Round 6
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 18); // Round 7
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 16); // Round 8
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 14); // Round 9
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 12); // Round 10
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 10); // Round 11
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 8); // Round 12
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 6); // Round 13
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 4); // Round 14
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_L0, LR_L1, LR_R0, LR_R1, K, 2); // Round 15
SeedRound(ref T, ref LR, LR_R0, LR_R1, LR_L0, LR_L1, K, 0); // Round 16
LR[LR_L0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L0]);
LR[LR_L1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_L1]);
LR[LR_R0] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R0]);
LR[LR_R1] = EndianChange(LR[LR_R1]);
// Copy output values from last round to pbData
_out[out_offset + 0] = LR[LR_R0];
_out[out_offset + 1] = LR[LR_R1];
_out[out_offset + 2] = LR[LR_L0];
_out[out_offset + 3] = LR[LR_L1];
public static bool SEED_ECB_init(KISA_SEED_INFO pInfo, KISA_ENC_DEC enc, byte[] pbszUserKey)
uint[] ABCD = new uint[4]; // Iuput/output values at each rounds
uint[] T = new uint[2]; // Temporary variable
uint[] K;
if (null == pInfo || null == pbszUserKey)
return false;
K = pInfo.seed_key.key_data; // Pointer of round keys
pInfo.encrypt = enc.value;
pInfo.last_block_flag = pInfo.buffer_length = 0;
// Set up input values for Key Schedule
ABCD[ABCD_A] = ByteToUInt(pbszUserKey, 0 * 4, DEFAULT_ENDIAN);
ABCD[ABCD_B] = ByteToUInt(pbszUserKey, 1 * 4, DEFAULT_ENDIAN);
ABCD[ABCD_C] = ByteToUInt(pbszUserKey, 2 * 4, DEFAULT_ENDIAN);
ABCD[ABCD_D] = ByteToUInt(pbszUserKey, 3 * 4, DEFAULT_ENDIAN);
// Reorder for big endian
ABCD[ABCD_A] = EndianChange(ABCD[ABCD_A]);
ABCD[ABCD_B] = EndianChange(ABCD[ABCD_B]);
ABCD[ABCD_C] = EndianChange(ABCD[ABCD_C]);
ABCD[ABCD_D] = EndianChange(ABCD[ABCD_D]);
// i-th round keys( K_i,0 and K_i,1 ) are denoted as K[2*(i-1)] and K[2*i-1], respectively
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 0, ref ABCD, KC0); // K_1,0 and K_1,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 2, ref ABCD, KC1); // K_2,0 and K_2,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 4, ref ABCD, KC2); // K_3,0 and K_3,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 6, ref ABCD, KC3); // K_4,0 and K_4,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 8, ref ABCD, KC4); // K_5,0 and K_5,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 10, ref ABCD, KC5); // K_6,0 and K_6,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 12, ref ABCD, KC6); // K_7,0 and K_7,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 14, ref ABCD, KC7); // K_8,0 and K_8,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 16, ref ABCD, KC8); // K_9,0 and K_9,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 18, ref ABCD, KC9); // K_10,0 and K_10,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 20, ref ABCD, KC10); // K_11,0 and K_11,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 22, ref ABCD, KC11); // K_12,0 and K_12,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 24, ref ABCD, KC12); // K_13,0 and K_13,1
RoundKeyUpdate1(ref T, ref K, 26, ref ABCD, KC13); // K_14,0 and K_14,1
RoundKeyUpdate0(ref T, ref K, 28, ref ABCD, KC14); // K_15,0 and K_15,1
T[0] = ABCD[ABCD_A] + ABCD[ABCD_C] - KC15;
T[1] = ABCD[ABCD_B] - ABCD[ABCD_D] + KC15;
K[30] = SS0[GetB(T[0], 0) & 0x0ff] ^ SS1[GetB(T[0], 1) & 0x0ff] ^ // K_16,0
SS2[GetB(T[0], 2) & 0x0ff] ^ SS3[GetB(T[0], 3) & 0x0ff];
K[31] = SS0[GetB(T[1], 0) & 0x0ff] ^ SS1[GetB(T[1], 1) & 0x0ff] ^ // K_16,1
SS2[GetB(T[1], 2) & 0x0ff] ^ SS3[GetB(T[1], 3) & 0x0ff];
return true;
public static void SetDefaultEndian(ENDIAN endian)
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