// http.js // https://github.com/gnh1201/welsonjs var SYS = require("lib/system"); var FILE = require("lib/file"); var SHELL = require("lib/shell"); var RAND = require("lib/rand"); var BASE64 = require("lib/base64"); var PipeIPC = require("lib/pipe-ipc"); var OS_NAME = SYS.getOS(); var OS_ARCH = SYS.getArch(); var DEVICE_UUID = SYS.getUUID(); var PROCESS_VERSION = SYS.getProcessVersion(); var HTTPObject = function(engine) { this.interface = null; this.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; this.requestBody = ""; this.responseBody = null; this.method = "GET"; this.headers = {}; this.parameters = {}; this.dataType = null; this.userAgent = "WelsonJS/0.2.7 (" + OS_NAME + "; " + OS_ARCH + "; " + PROCESS_VERSION + "; " + DEVICE_UUID + "; abuse@catswords.net)"; this.isAsynchronous = false; this.proxy = { "enabled": false, "protocol": "http", "host": "", "port": 80, "credential": null // { username: "user", password: "pass" } }; this.engine = (typeof(engine) !== "undefined" ? engine : "MSXML"); this.cookie = null; this.storedCookie = PipeIPC.create("volatile"); this.states = []; this.variables = { "uuidv4": RAND.uuidv4, "base64json": function(v) { // e.g. {base64json VARIABLE_NAME} return BASE64.encode(JSON.stringify(v)); }, "unixnow": function(diff) { // e.g. {unixnow -300} (seconds) var t = parseInt(diff); return Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) - t; }, "unixnowms": function(diff) { // e.g. {unixnowms -300000} (milliseconds) var t = parseInt(diff); return Math.floor(new Date().getTime()) - t; }, "isotime": function() { return new Date().toISOString(); } }; this.connectTimeout = 0; this.maxTime = 0; this.isDebugging = false; this.credential = { method: "", username: "", password: "" }; this.isFollowRedirect = true; this.saveTo = null; this.isLoggingCookie = false; this.debuggingText = ''; this.curlOptions = []; this.charset = FILE.CdoCharset.CdoUTF_8; this.isUseCharsetDetector = false; this.create = function() { if (this.engine == "MSXML") { this.interface = CreateObject([ "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1", "Msxml3.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.7.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.O", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.O", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.O", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.2.6", "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP", "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0", "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.5.0", "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0", "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0" ]); } else if (this.engine == "CURL") { this.interface = SHELL.create(); } return this; }; this.jqEnabled = function() { return (typeof(window) !== "undefined" && typeof(window.jQuery) !== "undefined"); }; this.jqAjax = function(url, callback, onError) { var options = { type: this.method, headers: this.headers, url: this.serializeParameters(url), //data: this.requestBody, contentType: this.contentType, success: callback, async: this.isAsynchronous, error: onError // (request, status, error) }; if (["POST", "PUT", "PATCH"].indexOf(this.method) > -1) { options['data'] = this.requestBody; } this.setResponseBody(window.jQuery.ajax(options).responseText); }; this.isJSONRequest = function() { return (this.contentType === "application/json"); }; this.isJSONResponse = function() { try { if (this.dataType === "json") { return true; } else if (this.engine == "MSXML") { var headers = this.getHeaders(); for (var key in headers) { var _k = key.toLowerCase(); var _v = headers[key].toLowerCase(); if (_k === "content-type" && _v === "application/json") { this.dataType = "json"; return true; } } } } catch (e) { console.error("HTTPObject.isJSONResponse() -> ", e.message); } return false; }; this.setEngine = function(engine) { if (typeof(engine) == "string") { this.engine = engine.toUpperCase(); } else { this.engine = engine; } return this; }; this.setProxy = function(proxy) { for (var k in proxy) { if (k in this.proxy) { this.proxy[k] = proxy[k]; } } return this; }; this.setMethod = function(method) { this.method = method; return this; }; this.setDataType = function(type) { this.dataType = type; return this; }; this.setContentType = function(type) { this.contentType = type; return this; }; this.setRequestBody = function(data) { this.requestBody = data; return this; } this.setResponseBody = function(data) { this.responseBody = data; return this; } this.setHeader = function(key, value) { this.headers[key] = value; return this; }; this.setCookie = function(cookie) { this.cookie = cookie; }; this.setHeaders = function(headers) { try { var headers = (typeof(headers) !== "undefined") ? headers : {}; for (var key in headers) { var value = headers[key]; switch (key.toUpperCase()) { case "CONTENT-TYPE": console.warn("Will be forget the previous CONTENT-TYPE"); this.setContentType(value.toLowerCase()); break; case "COOKIE": console.warn("Will be forget the previous COOKIE"); this.setCookie(value); break; default: this.setHeader(key, value); } } } catch (e) { console.error("HTTPObject.setHeaders() -> ", e.message); } return this; }; this.getHeader = function(key) { try { return this.interface.getResponseHeader(key); } catch (e) { console.error("HTTPObject.getHeader() -> ", e.message); } }; this.getHeaders = function() { try { var raw = this.interface.getAllResponseHeaders(); return raw.split(/[\r\n]+/).filter(function(s) { return s.trim().length > 0; }).map(function(s) { return s.trim().split(": "); }).reduce(function(acc, c) { acc[c[0].trim()] = c[1].trim(); return acc; }, {}); } catch (e) { console.error("HTTPObject.getHeaders() -> ", e.message); } }; this.setParameter = function(key, value) { this.parameters[key] = value; return this; }; this.getParameter = function(key) { return this.parameters[key]; }; this.setParameters = function(params) { try { var params = (typeof(params) !== "undefined") ? params : {}; for (var key in params) { var value = params[key]; this.setParameter(key, value); } } catch (e) { console.error("HTTPObject.setParameters() -> ", e.message); } return this; }; this.getParameters = function() { return this.parameters; }; this.setBearerAuth = function(token) { this.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); return this; }; this.setUseCache = function(flag) { if (flag === false) { this.setHeaders({ //"Pragma": "no-cache", //"Cache-Control": "no-cache", "If-Modified-Since": "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" }); } return this; }; this.setIsAsynchronous = function(flag) { this.isAsynchronous = flag; return this; } this.setUserAgent = function(agent) { this.userAgent = agent; return this; }; this.serialize = function() { if (this.isJSONRequest() && typeof(this.requestBody) === "object") { return JSON.stringify(this.requestBody); } else if (typeof(this.requestBody) === "object") { return this.serializeURL(this.evaluate(this.requestBody)); } else { return this.evaluate(this.requestBody); } }; this.serializeURL = function(parameters) { var s = []; for (var k in parameters) { if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(k)) { s.push(encodeURIComponent(k) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.evaluate(parameters[k]))); } } return s.join("&"); }; // Type 1: http://domain?a=1&b=2&c=3 // Type 2: http://domain/:a/:b/:c this.serializeParameters = function(url) { console.log(Object.keys(this.parameters).join(",")); // Bind parameters if (Object.keys(this.parameters).length > 0) { // Type 2 var parameters = {}; for (var k in this.parameters) { if (url.indexOf(':' + k) > -1) { url = url.replace(':' + k, this.evaluate(this.parameters[k])); } else { parameters[k] = this.evaluate(this.parameters[k]); } } // Type 1 if (Object.keys(parameters).length > 0) { if (url.indexOf('?') > -1) { url += '&' + this.serializeURL(parameters); } else { url += '?' + this.serializeURL(parameters); } } } console.log("Requested URL: " + url); return url; }; this.open = function(method, url) { var url = this.serializeParameters(url); this.setMethod(method.toUpperCase()); // set method this.pushState(null, null, url); // push state this.setHeader("User-Agent", (this.userAgent != null ? this.evaluate(this.userAgent) : '')); // user agent try { if (this.engine == "MSXML") { // Open switch (this.method) { case "POST": this.interface.open(method, url, this.isAsynchronous); break; case "GET": this.interface.open(method, url, this.isAsynchronous); break; default: console.warn("Switching the engine to cURL. Not supported method in MSXML: " + method); this.setEngine("CURL"); console.log("Opened engine:", this.engine); } } else { console.log("Opened engine:", this.engine); } } catch (e) { console.error("HTTPObject.open() ->", e.message); } return this; }; this.send = function(callback) { var responseText = null; var debuggingText = null; // [lib/http] cURL error with non-escaped ampersand on Command Prompt #103 var replaceAndExcludeCaretAnd = function(inputString) { var result = ""; var i = 0; while (i < inputString.length) { // If the found position is ^&, do not modify and add it as is to the result if (i < inputString.length - 1 && inputString.slice(i, i + 2) === "^&") { result += inputString.slice(i, i + 2); i += 2; } else { // Replace & with ^& if (inputString.charAt(i) === "&") { result += "^&"; } else { result += inputString.charAt(i); } i++; } } return result; }; if (this.contentType != null) { this.setHeader("Content-Type", this.contentType); } try { if (this.engine == "MSXML") { for (var key in this.headers) { this.interface.setRequestHeader(key, this.evaluate(this.headers[key])); } switch (this.method) { case "GET": this.interface.send(); break; default: this.interface.send(this.serialize()); } // Waiting a response while (this.interface.readyState < 4) sleep(100); // Get response text responseText = this.interface.responseText; } else if (this.engine == "CURL") { if (this.states.length > 0) { // Make CURL context var state = this.states[this.states.length - 1]; var cmd = ["bin\\curl"]; var url = state.url; if (this.isDebugging) { cmd.push("-v"); } if (this.isFollowRedirect) { cmd.push("-L"); } cmd.push("-X"); cmd.push(this.method); if (Object.keys(this.headers).length > 0) { for (var key in this.headers) { var value = this.evaluate(this.headers[key]); if (value != null) { cmd.push("-H"); cmd.push(key + ": " + value); } } } if (this.cookie != null) { cmd.push("-b"); cmd.push(this.evaluate(this.cookie)); } if (this.isLoggingCookie) { cmd.push("-c"); cmd.push(this.storedCookie.path); } cmd.push("-A"); cmd.push((this.userAgent != null ? this.evaluate(this.userAgent) : '')); // --connect-timeout if (this.connectTimeout > 0) { cmd.push("--connect-timeout"); cmd.push(this.connectTimeout); } // --max-time if (this.maxTime > 0) { cmd.push("--max-time"); cmd.push(this.maxTime); } // Add the credential parameters switch (this.credential.method.toUpperCase()) { case "BASIC": cmd.push("-u"); cmd.push(this.credential.username + ":" + this.credential.password); break; } // Add the request body if this is not GET method if (this.method !== "GET") { cmd.push("-d"); cmd.push(replaceAndExcludeCaretAnd(this.serialize())); } // Add proxy: <[protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]> if (this.proxy != null && this.proxy.enabled) { cmd.push("-x"); if (this.proxy.credential != null) { cmd.push([ this.proxy.protocol, "://", this.proxy.credential.username, ":", this.proxy.credential.password, "@", this.proxy.host, ":", this.proxy.port ].join("")); } else { cmd.push([ this.proxy.protocol, "://", this.proxy.host, ":", this.proxy.port ].join("")); } } // if it is download if (this.saveTo != null) { cmd.push("-o"); cmd.push(this.saveTo); } // if the count of this.curlOptions greater than 0 if (this.curlOptions.length > 0) { cmd = cmd.concat(this.curlOptions); } // set the URL cmd.push(state.url); // Get response text responseText = this.interface.setCharset(this.charset).exec(cmd); // Reload a cookie in the pipe if (this.isLoggingCookie) { this.storedCookie.reload(); } // If enabled the charset(text encoding) detector if (this.isUseCharsetDetector) { var detectedCharset = this.detectCharset(responseText); console.log("Detected charset:", detectedCharset); if (detectedCharset != null && this.charset != detectedCharset) { var _interface = SHELL.create(); responseText = _interface.setCharset(detectedCharset).exec(cmd); debuggingText = _interface.stderr.read(); } } // Get debuging text debuggingText = this.interface.stderr.read(); } } if (typeof responseText === "string") { console.log("Received", responseText.length, "bytes"); } else { console.log("No received anything"); } if (this.isDebugging && typeof debuggingText === "string") { this.debuggingText = debuggingText; console.log("Created debugging text", debuggingText.length, "bytes"); } else { console.log("No debugging text"); } if (this.isJSONResponse()) { if (typeof(WScript) !== "undefined") { JSON = {}; FILE.includeFile("app/assets/js/json2.js"); } this.setResponseBody(JSON.parse(responseText)); } else { this.setResponseBody(responseText); } if (typeof(callback) === "function") { try { callback(this.responseBody); } catch (e) { console.log("callback of HTTPObject.send() ->", e.message); } } } catch (e) { console.error("HTTPObject.send() ->", e.message); } return this; }; this.get = function(url, callback, onError) { try { if (this.jqEnabled()) { this.setMethod("GET"); this.jqAjax(url, callback, onError); return this; } else { return this.open("GET", url).send(callback); } } catch (e) { if (typeof onError === "function") onError(this, null, e); } }; this.post = function(url, callback, onError) { try { if (this.jqEnabled()) { this.setMethod("POST"); this.jqAjax(url, callback, onError); return this; } else { return this.open("POST", url).send(callback); } } catch (e) { if (typeof onError === "function") onError(this, null, e); } }; this.patch = function(url, callback, onError) { try { if (this.jqEnabled()) { this.setMethod("PATCH"); this.jqAjax(url, callback, onError); return this; } else { return this.open("PATCH", url).send(callback); } } catch (e) { if (typeof onError === "function") onError(this, null, e); } }; this.put = function(url, callback, onError) { try { if (this.jqEnabled()) { this.setMethod("PUT"); this.jqAjax(url, callback, onError); return this; } else { return this.open("PUT", url).send(callback); } } catch (e) { if (typeof onError === "function") onError(this, null, e); } }; this._delete = function(url, callback, onError) { try { if (this.jqEnabled()) { this.setMethod("DELETE"); this.jqAjax(url, callback, onError); return this; } else { return this.open("DELETE", url).send(callback); } } catch (e) { if (typeof onError === "function") onError(this, null, e); } }; this.pushState = function(state, title, url) { this.states.push({ "state": state, "title": title, "url": url }); }; this.popState = function() { return this.states.pop(); }; this.setVariable = function(k, v) { this.variables[k] = v; }; this.setVariables = function(variables) { try { var variables = (typeof(variables) !== "undefined") ? variables : {}; for (var k in variables) this.setVariable(k, variables[k]); } catch (e) { console.error("HTTPObject.setVariables() ->", e.message); } return this; }; this.evaluate = function(str) { var str = String(str); var Lpos = str.indexOf('{'); var Rpos = str.indexOf('}', Lpos + 1); var s0 = '', s1 = [], s2 = null, s3, s4; while (Lpos > -1 && Rpos > -1) { s0 = str.substring(Lpos + 1, Rpos); s2 = ''; s1 = s0.split(' '); while (s1.length > 0) { s3 = s1.pop(); if (s3 in this.variables) { switch (typeof(this.variables[s3])) { case "function": s2 = this.variables[s3](s2); break; case "object": s4 = this.variables[s3]; for (var k in s4) { s4[k] = this.evaluate(s4[k]); } s2 = s4; break; default: s2 = this.variables[s3]; } } else { s2 = s3; } } str = str.substring(0, Lpos) + s2 + str.substring(Rpos + 1); Lpos = str.indexOf('{'); Rpos = str.indexOf('}', Lpos + 1); } return str; }; this.setConnectTimeout = function(seconds) { this.connectTimeout = seconds; return this; }; this.setMaxTime = function(seconds) { this.maxTime = seconds; return this; }; this.setIsDebugging = function(flag) { this.isDebugging = flag; return this; }; this.setCredential = function(cred) { this.credential = cred; return this; }; this.setIsFollowRedirect = function(flag) { this.isFollowRedirect = flag; return this; }; this.setSaveTo = function(filename) { this.saveTo = filename; }; this.parseScripts = function() { var scripts = []; if (typeof this.responseBody !== "string") return scripts; var tagName = "script"; var a = this.responseBody.indexOf('<' + tagName + ' '); var b = a < 0 ? -1 : this.responseBody.indexOf('', a); while (a > -1 && b > -1) { var outerHTML = this.responseBody.substring(a, b + tagName.length + 3); var innerHTML = this.responseBody.substring(this.responseBody.indexOf('>', a), b); scripts.push({ 'outerHTML': outerHTML, 'innerHTML': innerHTML }); a = this.responseBody.indexOf('<' + tagName + ' ', b + tagName.length + 3); b = a < 0 ? -1 : this.responseBody.indexOf('', a); } return scripts; }; this.setIsLoggingCookie = function(flag) { this.isLoggingCookie = flag; return this; }; this.getAllCookies = function() { var data = {}; var rows = splitLn(this.storedCookie.read()); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var cols = rows[i].split("\t"); if (cols.length == 7) { data[cols[5]] = cols[6]; } } return data; }; this.getFrameURLs = function() { if (typeof this.responseBody !== "string") { return []; } var urls = []; var response = this.responseBody; var pos = response.indexOf('', pos); if (end < 0) { pos = response.indexOf('