// std.js // Common routines // Namhyeon Go // https://github.com/gnh1201/welsonjs // Polyfills if (!Function.prototype.GetResource) { Function.prototype.GetResource = function(ResourceName) { if (!this.Resources) { var UnNamedResourceIndex = 0, _this = this; this.Resources = {}; function f(match, resType, Content) { _this.Resources[(resType == "[[") ? UnNamedResourceIndex++ : resType.slice(1, -1)] = Content; } this.toString().replace(/\/\*(\[(?:[^\[]+)?\[)((?:[\r\n]|.)*?)\]\]\*\//gi, f); } return this.Resources[ResourceName]; } } // The provided code snippet has been corrected by ChatGPT. // https://chat.openai.com/share/eaab056c-d265-4ee3-b355-9f29176a9caa // Related issues: #75 #42 #30 if (typeof Enumerator !== "undefined") { Enumerator.prototype.toArray = function() { var result = []; while (!this.atEnd()) { var currentItem = this.item(); var currentItemProperties = currentItem.Properties_; var itemObject = {}; var propertiesEnumerator = new Enumerator(currentItemProperties); while (!propertiesEnumerator.atEnd()) { var property = propertiesEnumerator.item(); if (typeof property.value !== "unknown") { // The type "Unknown" is Array itemObject[property.name] = property.value; } else { var arrayValues = []; var index = 0; while (true) { try { arrayValues.push(property.value(index)); index++; } catch (e) { break; } } itemObject[property.name] = arrayValues; } propertiesEnumerator.moveNext(); } result.push(itemObject); this.moveNext(); } return result; }; } // Global APIs function GetResource(ResourceName) { return arguments.callee.caller.GetResource(ResourceName); } // [lib/std] the time of `sleep()' function is not accuracy #34 function sleep(ms, callback) { var handler = null; var cur = Date.now(); var end = cur + ms; if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { while (cur < end) { WScript.Sleep(1); cur = Date.now(); } end = Date.now(); //WScript.Sleep(ms); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } } else if (typeof window !== "undefined") { if (typeof callback === "function") { handler = setTimeout(callback, ms); } } return { 'ms': end, 'handler': handler }; }; function repeat(target, callback, onError, onNextInterval, onNext) { switch (typeof target) { case "number": case "boolean": var ms = target; var i = 0; var result = null; var handler = null; var cur = Date.now(); var end = cur + ms; if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { while (ms === true ? true : (cur < end)) { try { if (typeof callback === "function") { var result = callback(i); if (typeof result === "number") { i += result; } else if (result === false) { break; } else if (result === true) { i += 1; } } } catch (e) { if (typeof onError === "function") { if (onError(e, i) === false) { break; } } } // if use onNextInterval method if (typeof onNextInterval === "function") { var nextInterval = onNextInterval(); if (typeof nextInterval === "number") { var nextEnd = cur + nextInterval; while (cur < nextEnd) { WScript.Sleep(1); cur = Date.now(); } } } // if use onNext method if (typeof onNext === "function") { try { onNext(); } catch (e) {} } // set the last time cur = Date.now(); } end = Date.now(); } else if (typeof window !== "undefined") { if (typeof callback === "function") { handler = setInterval(callback, ms); } } return { 'ms': end, 'handler': handler }; case "object": var arr = target; if (arr.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { try { if (typeof callback === "function") if (callback(i, arr[i]) === false) break;; } catch (e) { if (typeof onError === "function") if (onError(e, i, arr[i]) === false) break;; } } } break; } }; function rotate(target, callback, onError) { var arr = target; var i = 0; var stop = false; while (!stop) { try { if (typeof callback === "function") { stop = callback(i, arr[i]); } else { stop = true; } } catch (e) { if (typeof onError === "function") stop = onError(e, i, arr[i]);; } i++; i = i % target.length; } }; function range() { var args = arguments; var N = [], start, end, step; switch (args.length) { case 3: start = args[0]; end = args[1]; step = args[2]; break; case 2: start = args[0]; end = args[1]; step = 1; break; case 1: start = 0; end = args[0]; step = 1; break; } for (var i = start; i < end; i = i + step) N.push(i); return N; }; function CHR(ord) { return String.fromCharCode(ord); }; function splitLn(s) { return s.split(/\r?\n/); }; function addslashes(s) { return s.toString().replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'). replace(/\u0008/g, '\\b'). replace(/\t/g, '\\t'). replace(/\n/g, '\\n'). replace(/\f/g, '\\f'). replace(/\r/g, '\\r'). replace(/'/g, '\\\''). replace(/"/g, '\\"'); }; function alert(message) { if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.alert(message); } else { try { CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Popup(message, 0, "WelsonJS", 0); } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); } } } function confirm(message) { var result; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { result = window.confirm(message); } else { try { result = (CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Popup(message, 0, "WelsonJS", 4) == 6); } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); result = false; } } return result; } function prompt(message, _default) { var result; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { result = window.prompt(message); } else { try { result = CreateObject("WelsonJS.Toolkit").Prompt(message); } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); if (typeof _default !== "undefined") { result = _default; console.warn("Use default value:", _default); } } } return result; } function parseEnv(s) { var envConfig = {}; var lines = s.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (line && line.indexOf('=') !== -1 && line.charAt(0) !== '#') { var parts = line.split('='); var key = parts[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); var value = parts[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1'); envConfig[key] = value; } } return envConfig; }; // Standard Event Object function StdEvent(type, options) { this.defaultPrevented = false; this.timeStamp = new Date(); this.type = type; this.isTrusted = true; this.cancelable = true; this.target = null; this.currentTarget = null; this.eventPhase = StdEvent.NONE; this.bubbles = false; // Not used but to be compatible this.composed = false; // Not used but to be compatible this.preventDefault = function() { this.defaultPrevented = true; }; // Not used but to be compatible this.initEvent = function(type, bubbles, cancelable) { this.type = type; this.bubbles = bubbles; this.cancelable = cancelable; }; // Not used but to be compatible this.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {}; // Not used but to be compatible this.stopPropagation = function() {}; // Apply the options for (var optionKey in options) { if (!(optionKey in this)) { this[optionKey] = options[optionKey]; } } }; StdEvent.NONE = 0; StdEvent.CAPTURING_PHASE = 1; // Not used but to be compatible StdEvent.AT_TARGET = 2; StdEvent.BUBBLING_PHASE = 3; // Not used but to be compatible // Standard EventTarget Object function StdEventTarget() { this.__events__ = []; this.dispatchEvent = function(event, __exception__) { event.target = this; event.isTrusted = false; event.eventPhase = StdEvent.AT_TARGET; event.currentTarget = event.target; for (var i = 0; i < this.__events__.length; i++) { var e = this.__events__[i]; if (e.type == event.type && typeof(e.listener) === "function") { try { e.listener(event, __exception__); } catch (ex) { this.dispatchEvent(new StdEvent("error"), ex); } } } }; this.addEventListener = function(type, listener) { if (typeof listener === "function") { this.__events__.push({ "type": type, "listener": listener, "counter": StdEventTarget.__counter__ }); StdEventTarget.__counter__++; } else { throw new TypeError("EventListener must be a function"); } }; this.removeEventListener = function(type, listener) { if (typeof listener === "function") { for (var i = 0; i < this.__events__.length; i++) { var e = this.__events__[i]; if (e.type == type && typeof(e.listener) === "function" && e.listener.toString() == listener.toString()) { delete this.__events__[i]; } } } else { throw new TypeError("EventListener must be a function"); } }; }; StdEventTarget.__counter__ = 0; function AsyncFunction(f) { this.f = f; this.__filename = AsyncFunction.__filename__; this.run = function() { var args = Array.from(arguments); // increase number of async functions AsyncFunction.__counter__++; // decrease number of async functions var dispatch = function(_args, _f) { if (typeof _f === "function") _f.apply(null, _args); AsyncFunction._counter--; }; // CLI or Window? if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { (function(_args, SHELL) { SHELL.show(["cscript", "app.js", this.__filename, "/async", f].concat(_args)); })(args, require("lib/shell")); } else if (typeof window !== "undefined") { (function(_args, _f) { window.setTimeout(function() { dispatch(_args, _f); }, 1); })(args, this.f); } else { dispatch(args, this.f); } }; this.runSynchronously = function() { return this.f.apply(null, arguments); }; if (typeof this.__filename === "string") { this.__filename = __filename; } else if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { this.__filename = (function(path) { var pos = Math.max.apply(null, [path.lastIndexOf("\\"), path.lastIndexOf("/")]); return (pos > -1 ? path.substring(pos + 1) : ""); })(WScript.ScriptFullName); } if (typeof this.__filename === "string") { this.__filename = __filename; } else if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { this.__filename = (function(path) { var pos = Math.max.apply(null, [path.lastIndexOf("\\"), path.lastIndexOf("/")]); return (pos > -1 ? path.substring(pos + 1) : ""); })(WScript.ScriptFullName); } AsyncFunction.__counter__++; }; AsyncFunction.__counter__ = 0; AsyncFunction.__filename__ = "bootstrap.js"; AsyncFunction.Initialize = function(exports, args) { if (args.length < 2) return; if (args[0] != "/async") return; var target = args[1]; if (target in exports && exports[target] instanceof AsyncFunction) { try { exports[target].f(args.slice(2)); } catch (e) { console.error("Exception on", target, e.message); } } throw new AsyncFunction.Initialized("Initialized"); }; AsyncFunction.bind = function(exports, args) { // compatible under console.warn("AsyncFunction.bind() is deprecated. Use AsyncFunction.Initialize()"); return AsyncFunction.Initialize(exports, args); }; AsyncFunction.Initialized = function(message) { this.name = "AsyncFunction.Initialized"; this.message = message; }; AsyncFunction.Initialized.prototype = new Error(); AsyncFunction.Initialized.prototype.constructor = AsyncFunction.Initialized; function GeneratorFunction(f) { var _lastState = 0; var _state = 0; var _yield = function(value) { _state++; if (_state > _lastState) { throw new GeneratorFunction.Yield(value); } }; this.next = function() { var go = true; var value = undefined; _state = 0; while (go) { try { f(_yield); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof GeneratorFunction.Yield) { value = e.message; go = false; _lastState = _state; } else { console.error(e.message); } } } return { "value": value, "done": false } }; } GeneratorFunction.Yield = function(message) { this.name = "GeneratorFunction.Yield"; this.message = message; }; GeneratorFunction.Yield.prototype = new Error(); GeneratorFunction.Yield.prototype.constructor = GeneratorFunction.Yield; function StdStorage() { this.data = {}; this.length = 0; this.commit = function() { this.length = Object.keys(data).length; }; this.key = function(idx) { var keyName = Object.keys(data)[idx]; return data[keyName]; }; this.setItem = function(keyName, keyValue) { data[keyName] = keyValue; this.commit(); }; this.getItem = function(keyName) { return data[keyName]; }; this.removeItem = function(keyName) { delete data[keyName]; this.commit(); }; this.clear = function() { this.data = {}; this.commit(); }; } global.GetResource = GetResource; global.sleep = sleep; global.repeat = repeat; global.rotate = rotate; global.range = range; global.CHR = CHR; global.splitLn = splitLn; global.addslashes = addslashes; global.AsyncFunction = AsyncFunction; global.GeneratorFunction = GeneratorFunction; global.parseEnv = parseEnv; exports.Event = StdEvent; exports.EventTarget = StdEventTarget; exports.Storage = StdStorage; exports.alert = alert; exports.confirm = confirm; exports.prompt = prompt; exports.VERSIONINFO = "WelsonJS Standard Library (std.js) version 0.8.13"; exports.AUTHOR = "abuse@catswords.net"; exports.global = global; exports.require = global.require;