REM WelsonJS 0.2.7 bootstrapping script REM Source code available: @echo off pushd %~dp0 :: Define variables set TOOLKIT_URL= set TOOLKIT_PATH=%TEMP%\ set TOOLKIT_EXTRACT_PATH=%TEMP% set REGASM_PATH=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe set LOCAL_TOOLKIT_DLL=bin\x86\WelsonJS.Toolkit.dll set DOWNLOADED_TOOLKIT_DLL=%TEMP%\WelsonJS.Toolkit.dll echo [*] Initializing WelsonJS pre-configuration... :: Register HTA file association echo [*] Configuring HTA file association... reg import app\assets\reg\Default_HTA.reg :: Unlock performance limit for MSHTML echo [*] Unlocking MSHTML performance limits... reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles" /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles" /v "MaxScriptStatements" /t REG_DWORD /d 0xFFFFFFFF /f :: Determine which toolkit to use if exist "%LOCAL_TOOLKIT_DLL%" ( echo [*] Local toolkit found. Using "%LOCAL_TOOLKIT_DLL%" for registration. set TOOLKIT_DLL=%LOCAL_TOOLKIT_DLL% ) else if exist "%DOWNLOADED_TOOLKIT_DLL%" ( echo [*] Downloaded toolkit found. Using "%DOWNLOADED_TOOLKIT_DLL%" for registration. set TOOLKIT_DLL=%DOWNLOADED_TOOLKIT_DLL% ) else ( echo [*] Toolkit not found locally. Downloading from external source... :: Download the latest WelsonJS.Toolkit component bitsadmin /transfer toolkit_download /download /priority normal %TOOLKIT_URL% %TOOLKIT_PATH% :: Extract the downloaded CAB file echo [*] Extracting WelsonJS.Toolkit component... expand %TOOLKIT_PATH% -F:* %TOOLKIT_EXTRACT_PATH% :: Set the downloaded DLL as the target set TOOLKIT_DLL=%DOWNLOADED_TOOLKIT_DLL% ) :: Register the WelsonJS.Toolkit component echo [*] Registering WelsonJS.Toolkit component... %REGASM_PATH% /codebase %TOOLKIT_DLL% :: Final step echo [*] Pre-configuration complete. Starting bootstrap script... cscript app.js bootstrap