////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // sendmail.js // // Sendmail using either CDO or Persits.MailSender // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var LIB = require('lib/std'); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private APIs / Utility functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var scope = { VERSIONINFO: "sendmail Lib (sendmail.js) version 0.1", global: global, require: global.require }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send Mail Message ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// scope.sendmail = function(msg) { var ok, MAIL; DBG("SENDMAIL: " + msg.To); // Which method we use depends on the system. On some versions of // Persits.MailSender it does not support adding of Message-ID // so we have to use CDO (which is the preferred option anyway). if (scope.usePersitsMailSender) { // Use Persits AspEmail to send mail try { MAIL = scope.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender"); } catch (e) { DBG("ERROR " + e.number + ", " + e.description); throw e; } DBG("USING PERSITS MAIL SENDER"); DBG("MAIL FROM " + msg.From); DBG("MAIL TO " + msg.To); DBG("SUBJECT " + msg.Subject); MAIL.Host = msg.MAILHOST; MAIL.From = msg.From; if (msg.Name) MAIL.FromName = msg.Name; MAIL.AddAddress(msg.To); MAIL.Subject = msg.Subject; if (msg.cc) MAIL.AddCC(msg.Cc); MAIL.IsHTML = msg.IsHTML; MAIL.Body = msg.Body; MAIL.addCustomHeader("Reply-To: <" + msg.ReplyTo + ">"); DBG("Reply-To: <" + msg.ReplyTo + ">"); if (msg.id) { DBG("Message-ID: <" + msg.id + ">"); MAIL.addCustomHeader("Message-ID: <" + msg.id + ">"); } } else { // Use CDO objects to send mail. Setup SMTP server details. var CONF = LIB.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration"); CONF.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2; CONF.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = msg.MAILHOST; CONF.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = msg.MAILPORT || 25; CONF.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 0; CONF.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = 0; CONF.Fields.Update(); // Create the email message MAIL = LIB.CreateObject("CDO.Message"); MAIL.Configuration = CONF; CONF = null; if (msg.Name) { MAIL.From = '"' + msg.Name + '" <' + msg.From + '>'; } else { MAIL.From = msg.From; } MAIL.To = msg.To; if (msg.Cc) MAIL.Cc = msg.cc; MAIL.Subject = msg.Subject; MAIL.Fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:reply-to") = "<" + msg.ReplyTo + ">"; MAIL.Fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:message-id") = "<" + msg.id + ">"; if (msg.IsHTML) { MAIL.HTMLBody = msg.Body; } else { MAIL.TextBody = msg.Body; } MAIL.Fields.Update(); } try { DBG("Sending email To " + msg.To + (msg.Cc ? " (Cc " + msg.Cc + ")" : "")); MAIL.Send(); ok = true; } catch (e) { DBG(e.number + "," + e.description); ok = false; DBG("failed"); } MAIL = null; return ok; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return scope;