////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // app.js // // Bootstrap code for running a javascript app in windows. Run as: // // cscript.js app.js ... // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "use strict"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Author: Namhyeon Go // Repository: https://github.com/gnh1201/welsonjs // Report abuse: abuse@catswords.net // Latest news: ActivityPub @catswords_oss@catswords.social // Join our team: https://teams.live.com/l/community/FEACHncAhq8ldnojAI // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bootstrap code, basic module loading functionality ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The module loaded is run inside a function, with one argument, global which // points to the global context. So global.FN is the same as FN (as long as a // version of FN does not exist in local scope). // // The module should return its interface at the end of the script. The basic // pattern for a module is:- // // var module = { ... }; // return module; // // Or:- // // return function() { // } // // The appname argument causes .js to be loaded. The interface returned // must define main = function(args) {}, which is called once the module is // loaded. // var exit = function(status) { console.error("Exit", status, "caused"); if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { WScript.Quit(status); return; } else if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.close(); return; } // to exit completely throw new Error("Exit " + status + " caused"); }; var console = { _timers: {}, _counters: {}, _messages: [], _join: function(args, sep) { args = args || []; sep = sep || ' '; var res = ''; for (var i = args.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { res = (i ? sep : '') + args[i] + res; } return res; }, _echoDefault: function(message) { if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { WScript.Echo("[*] " + message) } }, _echoCallback: null, _echo: function(args, type) { var message = ""; var params = { type: type, scope: [], message: '', datetime: new Date().toISOString() }; if (args.length > 0) { if (typeof args[0] === "string") { // if not type is "log", then "{type}: {message}" if (typeof type !== "undefined") { message += (type + ": " + this._join(args)); } else { message += this._join(args); } this._echoDefault(message); this._messages.push(message); params.message = message; } else if (typeof args[0] === "object") { if ('message' in args[0]) { if (typeof type !== "undefined") { message += (type + ": " + args[0].message); } else { message += args[0].message; } } this._echoDefault(message); this._messages.push(args[0].message); for (var k in args[0]) { params[k] = args[0][k]; } } } if (params.scope.length > 0 && this._echoCallback != null) { try { this._echoCallback(params, type); } catch (e) { this._echoDefault("Exception:" + e.message); } } }, assert: function(assertion) { if (arguments.length > 1 && assertion === arguments[0]) { if(!assertion) { this.error("Assertion failed:", this._join(arguments.slice(1))); } } }, clear: function() { this._messages = []; }, log: function() { this._echo(arguments); }, error: function() { this._echo(arguments, "error"); }, info: function() { this._echo(arguments, "info"); }, warn: function() { this._echo(arguments, "warn"); }, debug: function() { this._echo(arguments, "debug"); }, time: function(label) { label = label || "default"; if (!(label in this._timers)) { this._timers[label] = new Date(); } }, timeLog: function(label, end) { label = label || "default"; if (label in this._timers) { console.debug(label + ":", ((new Date()).getTime() - this._timers[label].getTime()) + "ms", (end ? " - timer ended" : "")); } }, timeEnd: function(label) { label = label || "default"; if (label in this._timers) { this.timeLog(); delete this._timers[label]; } }, count: function(label) { label = label || "default"; if (!(label in this._counters)) { this._counters[label] = 1; } }, countReset: function(label) { label = label || "default"; if (label in this._counters) { this.timeLog(); delete this._counters[label]; } } }; if (typeof CreateObject === "undefined") { var CreateObject = function(progId, serverName, callback) { var progIds = (progId instanceof Array ? progId : [progId]); for (var i = 0; i < progIds.length; i++) { try { var obj = CreateObject.make(progIds[i], serverName); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(obj, progIds[i]); } return obj; } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); }; } }; CreateObject.make = function(p, s) { if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { if ("CreateObject" in WScript) { return WScript.CreateObject(p, s); } else { console.warn("(Chakra) The standalone engine does not supported. Please use the built-in engine."); console.warn("(Chakra) hint:", "cscript //NoLogo //E:{1b7cd997-e5ff-4932-a7a6-2a9e636da385} app.js <...arguments>"); throw new Error("Could not find a loader"); } } else if (typeof ActiveXObject !== "undefined") { return new ActiveXObject(p); } else { throw new Error("Could not find a loader"); } }; } /** * @FN {string} The name of the file. */ function __evalFile(FN) { if (FN.substring(FN.length - 3) !== '.js') FN += ".js"; return eval(require._load(FN)); } /** * @FN {string} The name of the file. */ function require(pathname) { var cache = require._cache = require._cache || {}; var suffix = (function(pos, s) { return pos < 0 ? '.' : s.substring(pos); })(pathname.lastIndexOf('.'), pathname); var FN = pathname; if ('.js$.jse$.coffee$.ls$.ts$.re$.res$.enc$'.indexOf(suffix + '$') < 0) FN += ".js"; if (cache[FN]) return cache[FN]; var T = null; var pos = FN.indexOf('://'); if (pos > -1) { // from a remote server if (["http", "https"].indexOf(FN.substring(0, pos)) > -1) { require._addScriptProvider(function(url) { try { return require("lib/http").get(url); } catch (e) { return null; } }); } if (require._scriptProviders.length > 0) { var i = 0; while (T == null && i < require._scriptProviders.length) { try { T = require._scriptProviders[i](FN) || null; break; } catch (e) { T = null; } i++; } } } else { // from a local server var _filename = (function(fs, path) { var filepaths = [ FN, // default path.join(pathname, "index.js"), // default path.join(FN + '.enc'), // default (encrypted) path.join(pathname, 'index.js.enc'), // default (encrypted) path.join("Scripts", FN), // NuGet path.join("Scripts", pathname, "index.js"), // NuGet path.join("bower_components", FN), // Bower path.join("bower_components", pathname, "index.js"), // Bower path.join("node_modules", FN), // NPM path.join("node_modules", pathname, "index.js"), // NPM ]; var filename = filepaths[0]; var i = 0; while (!fs.existsSync(filename) && i < filepaths.length) { filename = filepaths[i]; i++; } return filename; })({ existsSync: function(filename) { return CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FileExists(filename); } }, { join: function() { var result = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { result += "\\" + arguments[i]; } return result; } }); var _dirname = (function(dirname) { var currentScriptDirectory = require._getCurrentScriptDirectory(); return dirname.length > 0 ? currentScriptDirectory + "\\" + dirname : currentScriptDirectory; })(require._getDirName(_filename)); T = require._load(_filename); // check the suffix again suffix = (function(pos, s) { return pos < 0 ? '.' : s.substring(pos); })(_filename.lastIndexOf('.'), _filename); } // transpile switch (suffix) { case '.coffee': // CoffeeScript 2 T = require._msie9("app/assets/js/coffeescript-legacy-2.7.0.min", [T], function(p, w, d, l) { return w.CoffeeScript.compile(p[0], { "header": true, "sourceMap": false, "bare": true }); }); break; case ".ls": // LiveScript T = require._msie9("app/assets/js/livescript-1.6.1.min", [T, "app/assets/ls/prelude.ls"], function(p, w, d, l) { return w.require("livescript").compile(require._load(p[1]) + "\n\n" + p[0], { "header": true, "bare": true }); }); break; case ".ts": // TypeScript T = require._modernie("app/assets/js/typescript-4.9.4", [T], function(p, w, d, l) { return w.ts.transpile(p[0]); }); break; case ".re": // Rescript (aka. BuckleScript, ReasonML) case ".res": T = require._modernie("app/assets/js/rescript-compiler-10.1.2", [T], function(p, w, d, l) { var compiler = w.rescript_compiler.make(); var result = compiler.rescript.compile(p[0]); return result.js_code; }); break; case ".enc": // protected script (HIGHT, ISO/IEC 18033-3) T = (function(data, o) { try { var s = '', i = 0, k = 6; while (i < k && (s.length == 0 || s.length > 16)) { if (i > 0) { console.error("Invalid key length"); } s = o.Prompt("This file has been encrypted. Please enter the password:"); i++; } if (i == k) return ''; return o.DecryptStringHIGHT(s, data); } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to load the encrypted data:", e.message); return ''; } })(T, CreateObject("WelsonJS.Toolkit")); break; } // compile T = "(function(global){var module=new require.__Module__();return(function(exports,require,module,__filename,__dirname){" + '"use strict";' + T + "\n\nreturn module.exports})(module.exports,global.require,module,_filename,_dirname)})(require._global);\n\n////@ sourceURL=" + FN ; // execute try { cache[FN] = eval(T); } catch (e) { console.error("PARSE ERROR!", e.number + ",", e.description + ",", "FN=" + FN); } // print VERSIONINFO and AUTHOR if (typeof cache[FN] === "object") { if ("VERSIONINFO" in cache[FN]) { if ("AUTHOR" in cache[FN]) { console.log(cache[FN].VERSIONINFO + " by " + cache[FN].AUTHOR); } else { console.log(cache[FN].VERSIONINFO); } } } return cache[FN]; } require.__Module__ = function() { this.exports = {}; }; require._global = this; require._getDirName = function(path) { var pos = Math.max.apply(null, [path.lastIndexOf("\\"), path.lastIndexOf("/")]); return (pos > -1 ? path.substring(0, pos) : ""); }; require._getCurrentScriptDirectory = function() { try { if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") { if ("ScriptFullName" in WScript) { return require._getDirName(WScript.ScriptFullName); } else { throw new Error("No detected an absolute path."); } } else if (typeof document !== "undefined") { return require._getDirName(document.location.pathname); } else { throw new Error("No detected an absolute path."); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e.message, "Use the relative path."); } return "."; }; require._load = function(FN) { // if empty if (FN == '') return ''; // get filename var _filename = require._getCurrentScriptDirectory() + "\\" + FN; // load script file // use ADODB.Stream instead of Scripting.FileSystemObject, because of supporting UTF-8 (Unicode) var objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"); var T = null; try { objStream.charSet = "utf-8"; objStream.open(); objStream.loadFromFile(_filename); T = objStream.readText(); objStream.close(); } catch (e) { console.error("LOAD ERROR!", e.number + ",", e.description + ",", "FN=" + FN); return; } return T; }; require._msie9 = function(FN, params, callback) { if (typeof FN !== "string" || FN == null) FN = ''; else if (FN.substring(FN.length - 3) !== '.js') FN += ".js"; var exports = null; try { var T = require._load("app/assets/js/core-js-3.26.1.minified.js") + "\n\n" + require._load("app/assets/js/html5shiv-printshiv-3.7.3.min.js") + "\n\n" + require._load("app/assets/js/modernizr-2.8.3.min.js") + "\n\n" + require._load(FN); var htmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile"); htmlfile.write(''); htmlfile.write(''); if (typeof callback === "function") { var loadScript = function(FN) { if (FN.indexOf('://') > -1) { htmlfile.write(''); } else { htmlfile.write(''); } }; //console.log(htmlfile.parentWindow.navigator.userAgent); exports = callback(params, htmlfile.parentWindow, htmlfile.parentWindow.document, loadScript); } htmlfile.close(); } catch (e) { console.error("LOAD ERROR!", e.number + ",", e.description + ",", "FN=" + FN); } return exports; }; require._modernie = function(FN, params, callback) { if (typeof FN !== "string" || FN == null) FN = ''; else if (FN.substring(FN.length - 3) !== '.js') FN += ".js"; var exports = null; try { var ua = '', T = '', htmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile"); htmlfile.write(''); htmlfile.write(''); ua = htmlfile.parentWindow.__getUserAgent(); if (ua.indexOf('Trident/ ')) { T = require._load("app/assets/js/core-js-3.26.1.minified.js") + "\n\n" + require._load("app/assets/js/modernizr-2.8.3.min.js") + "\n\n" + require._load("app/assets/js/babel-standalone-7.20.6.min.js") + "\n\n" + require._load(FN); } else { T = require._load("app/assets/js/core-js-3.26.1.minified.js") + "\n\n" + require._load("app/assets/js/html5shiv-printshiv-3.7.3.min.js") + "\n\n" + require._load("app/assets/js/modernizr-2.8.3.min.js") + "\n\n" + require._load(FN); } htmlfile.write(''); if (typeof callback === "function") { var loadScript = function(src) { if (src.indexOf('://') > -1) { htmlfile.write(''); } else { htmlfile.write(''); } }; //console.log(htmlfile.parentWindow.navigator.userAgent); exports = callback(params, htmlfile.parentWindow, htmlfile.parentWindow.document, loadScript); } htmlfile.close(); } catch (e) { console.error("LOAD ERROR!", e.number + ",", e.description + ",", "FN=" + FN); } return exports; }; require._scriptProviders = []; require._addScriptProvider = function(f) { if (typeof f === "function") { require._scriptProviders.push(f); } else { console.error("This is not an function"); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load script, and call app.main() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function initializeConsole() { if (typeof WScript === "undefined") { console.error("This is not a console application"); return; } var argl = WScript.arguments.length; if (argl > 0) { var args = []; for (var i = 0; i < argl; i++) { args.push(WScript.arguments(i)); } var name = args.shift(); var app = require(name); if (app) { if (app.main) { var status = app.main.call(this, args); if (typeof status !== "undefined") { exit(status); } } else { console.error("Error, missing main entry point in", name); } } else { console.error("Error, cannot find", name); } } } function initializeWindow(name, args, w, h) { if (typeof window === "undefined") { console.error("This is not a GUI application"); return; } var app = require(name); // set default size of window if (typeof w !== "undefined" && typeof h !== "undefined") { window.resizeTo(w, h); } // load the application if (app) { if (app.main) { var status = app.main.call(app, args); if (status > 0) { exit(status); } } else { console.error("Missing main entry point in", name + ".js"); return; } } else { console.error("Could not find", name + ".js"); return; } } function dispatchServiceEvent(name, eventType) { var app = require(name); // load the service if (app) { return (function(action) { if (eventType in action) { try { var f = action[eventType]; if (typeof f === "function") return f(); } catch (e) { console.error("Exception:", e.message); } } })({ start: app.onServiceStart, stop: app.onServiceStop, elapsedTime: app.onServiceElapsedTime }); } else { console.error("Could not find", name + ".js"); return; } } // Date.prototype.toISOString() polyfill for MSScriptControl.ScriptControl if (!Date.prototype.toISOString) { Date.prototype.toISOString = function() { var pad = function(number) { return number < 10 ? ('0' + number) : number; }; return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + pad(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + pad(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + pad(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' + pad(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + pad(this.getUTCSeconds()) + '.' + (this.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1000).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5) + 'Z'; }; } // JSON 2 if (typeof JSON === "undefined") { __evalFile("app/assets/js/json2"); } // core-js (aka. babel-polyfill) require("app/assets/js/core-js-3.26.1.minified"); // Squel.js SQL query string builder for Javascript var squel = require("app/assets/js/squel-basic-5.13.0.hiddentao-afa1cb5.wsh"); // JavaScript YAML parser and dumper. var yaml = require("app/assets/js/js-yaml-4.1.0.wsh"); // is.js Micro check library var is = require("app/assets/js/is-0.9.0.min"); // Intl (ECMA-402) polyfill //var Intl = require("app/assets/js/Intl-1.2.5-e93b114.min"); //console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat().format(1234567890.123456)); // linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript var Enumerable = require("app/assets/js/linq-4.0.2.wsh.js")._default; // Dive into entrypoint function __main__() { console.log(""); console.log(" __ __ _ _ ____ "); console.log(" \\ \\ / /__| |___ ___ _ __ | / ___| "); console.log(" \\ \\ /\\ / / _ \\ / __|/ _ \\| '_ \\ _ | \\___ \\ "); console.log(" \\ V V / __/ \\__ \\ (_) | | | | |_| |___) |"); console.log(" \\_/\\_/ \\___|_|___/\\___/|_| |_|\\___/|____/ "); console.log(""); console.log(" WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine"); console.log(" C-2021-000237 (cros.or.kr), 10.5281/zenodo.11382385 (doi.org), 2023-A0562 (oss.kr), Codename Macadamia"); console.log(" This software is distributed as open source under the GPL 3.0 or MS-RL licenses."); console.log(" https://github.com/gnh1201/welsonjs"); console.log(""); if (typeof window === "undefined") { initializeConsole(); } else { console.log("welcome"); } } __main__();