REM installService.bat REM WelsonJS 0.2.7 REM @echo off REM Set the service name set SERVICE_NAME=WelsonJS.Service REM Get the current directory set CURRENT_DIR=%~dp0 set CURRENT_DIR=%CURRENT_DIR:~0,-1% REM Set the paths set EXE_PATH=%CURRENT_DIR%\bin\x86\WelsonJS.Service.exe set INSTALL_UTIL_PATH=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe REM Uninstall the service sc stop "%SERVICE_NAME%" "%INSTALL_UTIL_PATH%" /u "%EXE_PATH%" REM Install the service "%INSTALL_UTIL_PATH%" "%EXE_PATH%" REM Set service to auto start and add the required arguments REM sc config "%SERVICE_NAME%" start= auto REM sc description "%SERVICE_NAME%" "Service installed via InstallUtil.exe" REM Add parameters to the ImagePath registry key REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%SERVICE_NAME%" /v ImagePath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "\"%EXE_PATH%\" --working-directory=%CURRENT_DIR% --script-name=defaultService" /f echo Service "%SERVICE_NAME%" installed and configured successfully. sc start "%SERVICE_NAME%" echo Service "%SERVICE_NAME%" started. pause