{ "description": "WelsonJS test profile (test-misc.json)", "updated_on": "2024-11-15", "dependencies": { "welsonjs": "0.2.7" }, "authors": [ "Namhyeon Go " ], "references": [ "https://github.com/gnh1201/welsonjs", "https://catswords.social/@catswords_oss" ], "tags": [ "javascript", "microsoft", "coffeescript", "windows", "typescript", "html5", "js", "uri", "desktop", "ie", "es5", "jscript", "wsh", "mshtml", "lolbins", "lolbas", "rescript", "mshta", "chatgpt" ], "schema": { "version": "0.2" }, "tests": [ { "id": "gtkserver_test", "description": "Graphical User Interface (GUI) test with GTK server", "tags": ["GTK", "GTK"] }, { "id": "toolkit_msedge_test", "description": "This example includes Microsoft Edge controls and mouse clicks.", "tags": ["Web Browser", "Web Browser Control"] }, { "id": "squel_sqlmap_test", "description": "Test SQL mapping with squel library.", "tags": ["Database", "SQL Mapper"] }, { "id": "sharedmemory", "description": "Write and read a text on the (named) shared memory", "tags": ["Windows System", "IPC(Inter-Process Communication)"] }, { "id": "sharedmemory_write", "description": "Write a text to the (named) shared memory", "tags": ["Windows System", "IPC(Inter-Process Communication)"] }, { "id": "sharedmemory_read", "description": "Read a text from the (named) shared memory", "tags": ["Windows System", "IPC(Inter-Process Communication)"] }, { "id": "sharedmemory_listener", "description": "Read a text from the (named) shared memory, Repeatly", "tags": ["Windows System", "IPC(Inter-Process Communication)"] }, { "id": "string_split", "description": "String.split() test", "tags": ["Assertion"] }, { "id": "linqjs", "description": "linq.js (LINQ for JavaScript) test", "tags": ["Library"] }, { "id": "pegjs", "description": "PEG.js (Parser generator for JavaScript) test", "tags": ["Library"] }, { "id": "domparser_test", "description": "DOMParser compatibility test", "tags": ["Standards"] }, { "id": "proxy_custom_provider", "description": "HTTP proxy with an web proxy provider", "tags": ["Network", "HTTP"] }, { "id": "proxy_serp", "description": "HTTP proxy with a SERP provider", "tags": ["Network", "HTTP"] }, { "id": "numbers_test", "description": "number.js test", "tags": ["Mathematics"] } ] }