2024-07-10 12:00:55 +09:00

227 lines
6.9 KiB

// Windows Shell Interface with WelsonJS Pipe-IPC module
// Namhyeon Go <abuse@catswords.net>
// https://github.com/gnh1201/welsonjs
var FILE = require("lib/file");
var PipeIPC = require("lib/pipe-ipc");
var ShellObject = function() {
this.interface = null;
this.currentDirectory = null;
this.workingDirectory = null;
this.isElevated = false;
this.isFork = false;
this.isVisibleWindow = false;
this.charset = PipeIPC.CdoUS_ASCII;
this.stdout = null;
this.stderr = null;
this.prefix = null;
this.create = function() {
try {
this.interface = CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
this.currentDirectory = this.interface.CurrentDirectory;
this.workingDirectory = this.currentDirectory;
} catch (e) {
console.error("ShellObject.create() ->", e.message);
return this;
this.setPrefix = function(prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
this.setCharset = function(charset) {
this.charset = charset;
return this;
this.setWorkingDirectory = function(dirname) {
if (typeof(dirname) === "string") {
this.workingDirectory = dirname;
this.interface.CurrentDirectory = this.workingDirectory;
console.log("ShellObject.workingDirectory ->", this.workingDirectory);
return this;
this.setVisibleWindow = function(visible) {
this.isVisibleWindow = visible;
return this;
this.build = function(cmd) {
var wrap = function(s) {
return this.target != null ? [this.target, s].join(' ') : s;
if (typeof(cmd) === "string") {
return wrap(cmd);
} else if (typeof(cmd) === "object") {
return wrap(cmd.map(function(s) {
if (s == '') {
return "''";
} else if (!/[ "=]/g.test(s)) {
return s;
} else {
return "\"" + addslashes(s) + "\"";
}).join(' '));
} else {
return wrap('');
this.createProcess = function(cmd) {
try {
var c = this.build(cmd);
console.log("ShellObject.createProcess() ->", c);
return this.interface.Exec(c);
} catch (e) {
console.error("ShellObject.createProcess() ->", e.message);
this.exec = function(cmd, stdOutPath, stdErrPath) {
var stdout, stderr;
this.stdout = PipeIPC.connect("volatile");
this.stderr = PipeIPC.connect("volatile");
if (typeof stdOutPath === "string")
this.stdout.startRecorder(stdOutPath, PipeIPC.ForWriting);
if (typeof stdErrPath === "string")
this.stderr.startRecorder(stdErrPath, PipeIPC.ForWriting);
var c = "%comspec% /c (" + this.build(cmd) + ") 1> " + this.stdout.path;
//c += " 2>&1";
c += " 2> " + this.stderr.path;
this.interface.Run(c, 0, true);
console.log("ShellObject.exec() ->", c);
stdout = this.stdout.read();
stderr = this.stderr.read();
//stdout = this.stdout.read();
//stderr = this.stderr.read();
//console.log("[stdout] " + stdout);
//console.log("[stderr] " + stderr);
return stdout;
this.run = function(cmd, fork) {
var fork = (typeof(fork) !== "undefined") ? fork : true;
var c = "%comspec% /q /c (" + this.build(cmd) + ")";
console.log("ShellObject.run() ->", c);
this.interface.Run(c, (!this.isVisibleWindow ? 0 : 1), !fork);
this.runAs = function(FN, args) {
var oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application");
var _args = null;
console.log("ShellObject.runAs() ->", FN);
if (typeof(args) !== "undefined") {
_args = args.join(' ');
oShell.shellExecute(FN, _args, this.workingDirectory, "runas", (!this.isVisibleWindow ? 0 : 1));
return oShell;
this.createShoutcut = function(shoutcutName, cmd) {
var desktopPath = this.interface.SpecialFolders("Desktop");
var path = desktopPath + "\\" + shoutcutName + ".lnk";
if (!FILE.fileExists(path)) {
var link = this.interface.CreateShortcut(path);
//link.TargetPath = "cmd";
//link.Arguments = "/q /c " + this.build(cmd);
link.TargetPath = "wscript";
link.Arguments = "bgloader.js " + this.build(cmd);
//link.Arguments = this.build(cmd);
link.WindowStyle = 1;
link.WorkingDirectory = this.workingDirectory;
//link.Hotkey = "";
link.IconLocation = require("lib/system").getCurrentScriptDirectory() + "\\app\\favicon.ico";
this.getPathOfMyDocuments = function() {
return this.interface.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments");
this.release = function() {
console.log("ShellObject.release() ->", this.currentDirectory);
this.interface.CurrentDirectory = this.currentDirectory;
this.interface = null;
exports.create = function() {
return new ShellObject();
exports.build = function(cmd) {
return (new ShellObject()).build(cmd);
exports.exec = function(cmd, stdOutPath, stdErrPath) {
return (new ShellObject()).setCharset(PipeIPC.CdoEUC_KR).exec(cmd, stdOutPath, stdErrPath);
exports.run = function(cmd, fork) {
return (new ShellObject()).run(cmd, fork);
exports.show = function(cmd, fork) {
return (new ShellObject()).setVisibleWindow(true).run(cmd, fork);
exports.runAs = function(FN, args) {
return (new ShellObject()).runAs(FN, args);
exports.showAs = function(FN, args) {
return (new ShellObject()).setVisibleWindow(true).runAs(FN, args);
exports.createProcess = function(cmd, workingDirectory) {
if (typeof(workingDirectory) !== "undefined") {
console.info("Working directory: " + workingDirectory);
return (new ShellObject()).setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory).createProcess(cmd);
exports.createDesktopIcon = function(name, cmd, workingDirectory) {
if (typeof(workingDirectory) !== "undefined") {
console.info("Working directory: " + workingDirectory);
return (new ShellObject()).setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory).createDesktopIcon(name, cmd);
exports.getPathOfMyDocuments = function() {
return (new ShellObject()).getPathOfMyDocuments();
exports.CdoCharset = PipeIPC.CdoCharset;
exports.VERSIONINFO = "Windows Shell Interface with WelsonJS Pipe-IPC module (shell.js) version 0.3.10";
exports.AUTHOR = "abuse@catswords.net";
exports.global = global;
exports.require = global.require;