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525 lines
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apply = (f, list) -->
f.apply null, list
curry = (f) ->
curry$ f # using util method curry$ from livescript
flip = (f, x, y) --> f y, x
fix = (f) ->
( (g) -> -> f(g g) ...arguments ) do
(g) -> -> f(g g) ...arguments
over = (f, g, x, y) --> f (g x), (g y)
memoize = (f) ->
memo = {}
(...args) ->
key = [arg + typeof! arg for arg in args].join ''
memo[key] = if key of memo then memo[key] else f ...args
#? wrap
each = (f, xs) -->
for x in xs
f x
map = (f, xs) -->
[f x for x in xs]
compact = (xs) -->
[x for x in xs when x]
filter = (f, xs) -->
[x for x in xs when f x]
reject = (f, xs) -->
[x for x in xs when not f x]
remove = (el, xs) -->
i = elem-index el, xs
..splice i, 1 if i?
partition = (f, xs) -->
passed = []
failed = []
for x in xs
(if f x then passed else failed).push x
[passed, failed]
find = (f, xs) -->
for x in xs when f x
return x
head = first = (xs) ->
tail = (xs) ->
return void unless xs.length
xs.slice 1
last = (xs) ->
initial = (xs) ->
return void unless xs.length
xs.slice 0, -1
empty = (xs) ->
not xs.length
reverse = (xs) ->
unique = (xs) ->
result = []
for x in xs when x not in result
result.push x
unique-by = (f, xs) -->
seen = []
for x in xs
val = f x
continue if val in seen
seen.push val
fold = foldl = (f, memo, xs) -->
for x in xs
memo = f memo, x
fold1 = foldl1 = (f, xs) -->
fold f, xs.0, xs.slice 1
foldr = (f, memo, xs) -->
for x in xs by -1
memo = f x, memo
foldr1 = (f, xs) -->
foldr f, xs[*-1], xs.slice 0, -1
unfoldr = (f, b) -->
result = []
x = b
while (f x)?
result.push that.0
x = that.1
concat = (xss) ->
[].concat.apply [], xss
concat-map = (f, xs) -->
[].concat.apply [], [f x for x in xs]
flatten = (xs) -->
[].concat.apply [], [(if typeof! x is 'Array' then flatten x else x) for x in xs]
difference = (xs, ...yss) ->
results = []
:outer for x in xs
for ys in yss
continue outer if x in ys
results.push x
intersection = (xs, ...yss) ->
results = []
:outer for x in xs
for ys in yss
continue outer unless x in ys
results.push x
union = (...xss) ->
results = []
for xs in xss
for x in xs
results.push x unless x in results
count-by = (f, xs) -->
results = {}
for x in xs
key = f x
if key of results
results[key] += 1
results[key] = 1
group-by = (f, xs) -->
results = {}
for x in xs
key = f x
if key of results
results[key].push x
results[key] = [x]
and-list = (xs) ->
for x in xs when not x
return false
or-list = (xs) ->
for x in xs when x
return true
any = (f, xs) -->
for x in xs when f x
return true
all = (f, xs) -->
for x in xs when not f x
return false
sort = (xs) ->
xs.concat!.sort (x, y) ->
if x > y
else if x < y
sort-with = (f, xs) -->
xs.concat!.sort f
sort-by = (f, xs) -->
xs.concat!.sort (x, y) ->
if (f x) > (f y)
else if (f x) < (f y)
sum = (xs) ->
result = 0
for x in xs
result += x
product = (xs) ->
result = 1
for x in xs
result *= x
mean = average = (xs) ->
sum = 0
for x in xs
sum += x
sum / xs.length
maximum = (xs) ->
max = xs.0
for x in xs.slice 1 when x > max
max = x
minimum = (xs) ->
min = xs.0
for x in xs.slice 1 when x < min
min = x
maximum-by = (f, xs) -->
max = xs.0
for x in xs.slice 1 when (f x) > (f max)
max = x
minimum-by = (f, xs) -->
min = xs.0
for x in xs.slice 1 when (f x) < (f min)
min = x
scan = scanl = (f, memo, xs) -->
last = memo
[memo] ++ [last = f last, x for x in xs]
scan1 = scanl1 = (f, xs) -->
return void unless xs.length
scan f, xs.0, xs.slice 1
scanr = (f, memo, xs) -->
xs = xs.concat!.reverse!
(scan f, memo, xs).reverse!
scanr1 = (f, xs) -->
return void unless xs.length
xs = xs.concat!.reverse!
(scan f, xs.0, xs.slice 1).reverse!
slice = (x, y, xs) -->
xs.slice x, y
take = (n, xs) -->
if n <= 0
xs.slice 0, 0
xs.slice 0, n
drop = (n, xs) -->
if n <= 0
xs.slice n
split-at = (n, xs) --> [(take n, xs), (drop n, xs)]
take-while = (p, xs) -->
len = xs.length
return xs unless len
i = 0
while i < len and p xs[i]
i += 1
xs.slice 0 i
drop-while = (p, xs) -->
len = xs.length
return xs unless len
i = 0
while i < len and p xs[i]
i += 1
xs.slice i
span = (p, xs) --> [(take-while p, xs), (drop-while p, xs)]
break-list = (p, xs) --> span (not) << p, xs
zip = (xs, ys) -->
result = []
len = ys.length
for x, i in xs
break if i is len
result.push [x, ys[i]]
zip-with = (f, xs, ys) -->
result = []
len = ys.length
for x, i in xs
break if i is len
result.push f x, ys[i]
zip-all = (...xss) ->
min-length = undefined
for xs in xss
min-length <?= xs.length
[[xs[i] for xs in xss] for i til min-length]
zip-all-with = (f, ...xss) ->
min-length = undefined
for xs in xss
min-length <?= xs.length
[f.apply(null, [xs[i] for xs in xss]) for i til min-length]
at = (n, xs) -->
if n < 0 then xs[xs.length + n] else xs[n]
elem-index = (el, xs) -->
for x, i in xs when x is el
return i
elem-indices = (el, xs) -->
[i for x, i in xs when x is el]
find-index = (f, xs) -->
for x, i in xs when f x
return i
find-indices = (f, xs) -->
[i for x, i in xs when f x]
values = (object) ->
[x for , x of object]
keys = (object) ->
[x for x of object]
pairs-to-obj= (object) ->
{[x.0, x.1] for x in object}
obj-to-pairs = (object) ->
[[key, value] for key, value of object]
lists-to-obj = (keys, values) -->
{[key, values[i]] for key, i in keys}
obj-to-lists = (object) ->
keys = []
values = []
for key, value of object
keys.push key
values.push value
[keys, values]
empty = (object) ->
for x of object then return false
each = (f, object) -->
for , x of object then f x
map = (f, object) -->
{[k, f x] for k, x of object}
compact = (object) -->
{[k, x] for k, x of object when x}
filter = (f, object) -->
{[k, x] for k, x of object when f x}
reject = (f, object) -->
{[k, x] for k, x of object when not f x}
partition = (f, object) -->
passed = {}
failed = {}
for k, x of object
(if f x then passed else failed)[k] = x
[passed, failed]
find = (f, object) -->
for , x of object when f x then return x
split = (sep, str) -->
str.split sep
join = (sep, xs) -->
xs.join sep
lines = (str) ->
return [] unless str.length
str.split '\n'
unlines = (.join '\n')
words = (str) ->
return [] unless str.length
str.split /[ ]+/
unwords = (.join ' ')
chars = (.split '')
unchars = (.join '')
reverse = (str) ->
str.split '' .reverse!.join ''
repeat = (n, str) -->
result = ''
for til n
result += str
capitalize = (str) ->
(str.char-at 0).to-upper-case! + str.slice 1
camelize = (.replace /[-_]+(.)?/g, (, c) -> (c ? '').to-upper-case!)
# convert camelCase to camel-case, and setJSON to set-JSON
dasherize = (str) ->
.replace /([^-A-Z])([A-Z]+)/g, (, lower, upper) ->
"#{lower}-#{if upper.length > 1 then upper else upper.to-lower-case!}"
.replace /^([A-Z]+)/, (, upper) ->
if upper.length > 1 then "#upper-" else upper.to-lower-case!
max = (>?)
min = (<?)
negate = (x) -> -x
abs = Math.abs
signum = (x) ->
if x < 0
else if x > 0
quot = (x, y) --> ~~(x / y)
rem = (%)
div = (x, y) --> Math.floor x / y
mod = (%%)
recip = (1 /)
pi = Math.PI
tau = pi * 2
exp = Math.exp
sqrt = Math.sqrt
ln = Math.log
pow = (^)
sin = Math.sin
tan = Math.tan
cos = Math.cos
asin = Math.asin
acos = Math.acos
atan = Math.atan
atan2 = (x, y) --> Math.atan2 x, y
truncate = (x) -> ~~x
round = Math.round
ceiling = Math.ceil
floor = Math.floor
is-it-NaN = (x) -> x isnt x
even = (x) -> x % 2 == 0
odd = (x) -> x % 2 != 0
gcd = (x, y) -->
x = Math.abs x
y = Math.abs y
until y is 0
z = x % y
x = y
y = z
lcm = (x, y) -->
Math.abs Math.floor (x / (gcd x, y) * y) |