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Secret Chat

Secret Chat is KakaoTalk's E2E encryption feature. It was added on top of the existing LOCO protocol which has a couple of flaws including missing integrity protection of the ciphertext.

Secret Chat is opt-in only and not enabled by default in the KakaoTalk mobile app. Most users might not use Secret Chat as it doesn't have the same feature set as regular non-E2E encrypted chat rooms.

We've created a simple script to man-in-the-middle Secret Chat communications with Frida and mitmproxy. It demonstrates a well-known server-side attack in which the operator (i.e. KakaoTalk) can spoof a client's public key to intercept and read E2E encrypted chat messages.

After the MITM attack there's no immediate warning message that is prompted to the user. Only if both parties go to Chatroom Settings -> Public Key and compare their public key fingerprints, the attack can be detected.

This is how one can run the PoC:

  • Assumption: You've already set up your test environment (see setup description here)
  • Wipe all entries in the public_key_info and secret_key_info tables from the KakaoTalk.db database
  • Start mitmproxy: $ mitmdump -m wireguard -s mitm_secret_chat.py
  • Start Frida: $ frida -U -l loco-tracer.js -f com.kakao.talk
  • Create a new Secret Chat room in the KakaoTalk app and send a message
  • View message in mitmproxy terminal window

How it works:

  • Server-side GETLPK packet gets intercepted -> Inject MITM public key
  • Server-side SCREATE packet gets intercepted -> Remove an already existing shared secret (if any)
  • Sender sends a SETSK packet -> mitmproxy script grabs shared secret and re-encrypts it with the recipient's original public key
  • Using the shared secret, the script computes the E2E encryption key
  • MSG and SWRITE packets are decrypted and dumped in the mitmproxy terminal

Known issues / TODOs:

  • Mitmproxy splits large SCREATE packets into multiple messages. There's no built-in packet reassembly. As such, fragmented SCREATE packets lead to parsing errors -> work-around:
    • Delete the Secret Chat chatroom and delete all rows from the public_key_info and secret_key_info tables in the KakaoTalk.db database
    • Restart the mitmproxy and Frida scripts
    • Create a new chatroom. Also try to create a new chatroom with a different friend.
  • If the MITM public key can't be injected, the shared secret can't be decrypted and the script fails with a ValueError exception (Encryption/decryption failed) -> just try again 😉
  • The removal of server-side stored shared secrets doesn't seem to work in some cases (flaky)

Android implementation specifics:

  • Main Secret Chat implementation in package com.kakao.talk.secret and in the LocoCipherHelper class
  • Sender's RSA public key pair in TalkKeyStore.preferences.xml
  • Receiver's public keys in table public_key_info of KakaoTalk.db database
  • Shared secret stored in table secret_key_info of KakaoTalk.db database


  • How are the msgId and chatId generated? -> nonce for CTR mode!
