'archive_creation_warning'=>"With this operation you can create archive containing the files of entire DMS folders. After the creation the archive will be saved in the data folder of your server.<br>WARNING: an archive created as human readable will be unusable as server backup.",
'confirm_create_fulltext_index'=>"Yes, I would like to recreate the fulltext index!",
'confirm_pwd'=>"Confirm Password",
'confirm_rm_backup'=>"Do you really want to remove the file \"[arkname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_document'=>"Do you really want to remove the document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_dump'=>"Do you really want to remove the file \"[dumpname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_event'=>"Do you really want to remove event \"[name]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_file'=>"Do you really want to remove file \"[name]\" of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_folder'=>"Do you really want to remove the folder \"[foldername]\" and its content?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_folder_files'=>"Do you really want to remove all the files of the folder \"[foldername]\" and of its subfolders?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_group'=>"Do you really want to remove the group \"[groupname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_log'=>"Do you really want to remove log file \"[logname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_user'=>"Do you really want to remove the user \"[username]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_version'=>"Do you really want to remove version [version] of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'create_fulltext_index'=>"Create fulltext index",
'create_fulltext_index_warning'=>"You are to recreate the fulltext index. This can take a considerable amount of time and reduce your overall system performance. If you really want to recreate the index, please confirm your operation.",
'current_password'=>"Current Password",
'current_version'=>"Current version",
'databasesearch'=>"Database search",
'default_access'=>"Default Access Mode",
'default_keywords'=>"Available keywords",
'details_version'=>"Details for version: [version]",
'disclaimer'=>"This is a classified area. Access is permitted only to authorized personnel. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the national and international laws.",
'do_object_repair'=>"Repair all folders and documents.",
'do_object_setfilesize'=>"Set file size",
'do_object_setchecksum'=>"Set checksum",
'do_object_unlink'=>"Delete document version",
'document_already_locked'=>"This document is aleady locked",
'dump_creation_warning'=>"With this operation you can create a dump file of your database content. After the creation the dump file will be saved in the data folder of your server.",
'js_no_approval_group'=>"Please select a approval group",
'js_no_approval_status'=>"Please select the approval status",
'js_no_comment'=>"There is no comment",
'js_no_email'=>"Type in your Email-address",
'js_no_file'=>"Please select a file",
'js_no_keywords'=>"Specify some keywords",
'js_no_login'=>"Please type in a username",
'js_no_name'=>"Please type in a name",
'js_no_override_status'=>"Please select the new [override] status",
'js_no_pwd'=>"You need to type in your password",
'js_no_query'=>"Type in a query",
'js_no_review_group'=>"Please select a review group",
'js_no_review_status'=>"Please select the review status",
'js_pwd_not_conf'=>"Password and passwords-confirmation are not equal",
'js_select_user_or_group'=>"Select at least a user or a group",
'js_select_user'=>"Please select an user",
'keep_doc_status'=>"Keep document status",
'keyword_exists'=>"Keyword already exists",
'last_update'=>"Last Update",
'link_alt_updatedocument'=>"If you would like to upload files bigger than the current maximum upload size, please use the alternative <a href=\"%s\">upload page</a>.",
'linked_documents'=>"Related Documents",
'local_file'=>"Local file",
'locked_by'=>"Locked by",
'lock_message'=>"This document is locked by <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>. Only authorized users can unlock this document.",
'login_disabled_text'=>"Your account is disabled, probably because of too many failed logins.",
'login_disabled_title'=>"Account is disabled",
'login_error_text'=>"Error signing in. User ID or password incorrect.",
'login_error_title'=>"Sign in error",
'login_not_given'=>"No username has been supplied",
'login_ok'=>"Sign in successful",
'log_management'=>"Log files management",
'max_upload_size'=>"Maximum upload size",
'mimetype'=>"Mime type",
'missing_checksum'=>"Missing checksum",
'missing_filesize'=>"Missing filesize",
'missing_transition_user_group'=>"Missing user/group for transition",
'password_forgotten_email_body'=>"Dear user of SeedDMS,\n\nwe have received a request to change your password.\n\nThis can be done by clicking on the following link:\n\n###URL_PREFIX###out/out.ChangePassword.php?hash=###HASH###\n\nIf you have still problems to login, then please contact your administrator.",
'password_forgotten_send_hash'=>"Instructions on how to proceed has been send to the user's email address",
'rewind_workflow_warning'=>"If you rewind a workflow to its initial state, then the whole workflow log for this document will be deleted and cannot be recovered.",
'rm_attrdef'=>"Remove attribute definition",
'rm_default_keyword_category'=>"Remove category",
'rm_document'=>"Remove document",
'rm_document_category'=>"Remove category",
'rm_file'=>"Remove file",
'rm_folder'=>"Remove folder",
'rm_from_clipboard'=>"Remove from clipboard",
'rm_group'=>"Remove this group",
'rm_user'=>"Remove this user",
'rm_version'=>"Remove version",
'rm_workflow'=>"Remove Workflow",
'rm_workflow_state'=>"Remove Workflow State",
'rm_workflow_action'=>"Remove Workflow Action",
'rm_workflow_warning'=>"You are about to remove the workflow from the document. This cannot be undone.",
'return_from_subworkflow'=>"Return from sub workflow",
'search_results_access_filtered'=>"Search results may contain content to which access has been denied.",
'search_results'=>"Search results",
'search_time'=>"Elapsed time: [time] sec.",
'select_category'=>"Click to select category",
'select_groups'=>"Click to select groups",
'select_ind_reviewers'=>"Click to select individual reviewer",
'select_ind_approvers'=>"Click to select individual approver",
'select_grp_reviewers'=>"Click to select group reviewer",
'select_grp_approvers'=>"Click to select group approver",
'select_one'=>"Select one",
'select_users'=>"Click to select users",
'select_workflow'=>"Select workflow",
'seq_after'=>"After \"[prevname]\"",
'seq_end'=>"At the end",
'seq_keep'=>"Keep Position",
'seq_start'=>"First position",
'set_expiry'=>"Set Expiration",
'set_owner_error'=>"Error setting owner",
'set_owner'=>"Set Owner",
'set_password'=>"Set Password",
'set_workflow'=>"Set Workflow",
'settings_install_welcome_title'=>"Welcome to the installation of SeedDMS",
'settings_install_welcome_text'=>"<p>Before you start to install SeedDMS make sure you have created a file 'ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL' in your configuration directory, otherwise the installation will not work. On Unix-System this can easily be done with 'touch conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL'. After you have finished the installation delete the file.</p><p>SeedDMS has very minimal requirements. You will need a mysql database or sqlite support and a php enabled web server. The pear package Log has to be installed too. For the lucene full text search, you will also need the Zend framework installed on disk where it can be found by php. For the WebDAV server you will also need the HTTP_WebDAV_Server. The path to it can later be set during installation.</p><p>If you like to create the database before you start installation, then just create it manually with your favorite tool, optionally create a database user with access on the database and import one of the database dumps in the configuration directory. The installation script can do that for you as well, but it will need database access with sufficient rights to create databases.</p>",
'settings_start_install'=>"Start installation",
'settings_sortUsersInList'=>"Sort users in list",
'settings_sortUsersInList_desc'=>"Sets if users in selection menus are ordered by login or by its full name",
'settings_sortUsersInList_val_login'=>"Sort by login",
'settings_sortUsersInList_val_fullname'=>"Sort by full name",
'settings_stopWordsFile'=>"Path to stop words file",
'settings_stopWordsFile_desc'=>"If fulltext search is enabled, this file will contain stop words not being indexed",
'settings_adminIP_desc'=>"If set admin can login only by specified IP addres, leave empty to avoid the control. NOTE: works only with local autentication (no LDAP)",
'settings_extraPath'=>"Extra PHP include Path",
'settings_extraPath_desc'=>"Path to additional software. This is the directory containing e.g. the adodb directory or additional pear packages",
'settings_contentOffsetDir_desc'=>"To work around limitations in the underlying file system, a new directory structure has been devised that exists within the content directory (Content Directory). This requires a base directory from which to begin. Usually leave this to the default setting, 1048576, but can be any number or string that does not already exist within (Content Directory)",
'settings_coreDir'=>"Core SeedDMS directory",
'settings_coreDir_desc'=>"Path to SeedDMS_Core (optional). Leave this empty if you have installed SeedDMS_Core at a place where it can be found by PHP, e.g. Extra PHP Include-Path",
'settings_luceneClassDir_desc'=>"Path to SeedDMS_Lucene (optional). Leave this empty if you have installed SeedDMS_Lucene at a place where it can be found by PHP, e.g. Extra PHP Include-Path",
'settings_luceneDir'=>"Lucene index directory",
'settings_luceneDir_desc'=>"Path to Lucene index",
'settings_cannot_disable'=>"File ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL could not deleted",
'settings_install_disabled'=>"File ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL was deleted. You can now log into SeedDMS and do further configuration.",
'settings_dbDatabase_desc'=>"The name for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless necessary, if for example the database has been moved.",
'settings_dbDriver'=>"Database Type",
'settings_dbDriver_desc'=>"The type of database in use entered during the installation process. Do not edit this field unless you are having to migrate to a different type of database perhaps due to changing hosts. Type of DB-Driver used by adodb (see adodb-readme)",
'settings_dbHostname_desc'=>"The hostname for your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.",
'settings_dbHostname'=>"Server name",
'settings_dbPass_desc'=>"The password for access to your database entered during the installation process.",
'settings_dbUser_desc'=>"The username for access to your database entered during the installation process. Do not edit field unless absolutely necessary, for example transfer of the database to a new Host.",
'settings_dbVersion'=>"Database schema too old",
'settings_delete_install_folder'=>"In order to use SeedDMS, you must delete the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the configuration directory",
'settings_disable_install'=>"Delete file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL if possible",
'settings_disableSelfEdit_desc'=>"If checked user cannot edit his own profile",
'settings_disableSelfEdit'=>"Disable Self Edit",
'settings_dropFolderDir_desc'=>"This directory can be used for dropping files on the server's file system and importing them from there instead of uploading via the browser. The directory must contain a sub directory for each user who is allowed to import files this way.",
'settings_dropFolderDir'=>"Directory for drop folder",
'settings_Display'=>"Display settings",
'settings_Edition'=>"Edition settings",
'settings_enableAdminRevApp_desc'=>"Enable this if you want administrators to be listed as reviewers/approvers and for workflow transitions.",
'settings_enableAdminRevApp'=>"Allow review/approval for admins",
'settings_enableOwnerRevApp_desc'=>"Enable this if you want the owner of a document to be listed as reviewers/approvers and for workflow transitions.",
'settings_enableOwnerRevApp'=>"Allow review/approval for owner",
'settings_enableSelfRevApp_desc'=>"Enable this if you want the currently logged in user to be listed as reviewers/approvers and for workflow transitions.",
'settings_enableSelfRevApp'=>"Allow review/approval for logged in user",
'settings_enableVersionModification_desc'=>"Enable/disable modification of a document versions by regular users after a version was uploaded. Admin may always modify the version after upload.",
'settings_enableVersionModification'=>"Enable modification of versions",
'settings_enableVersionDeletion_desc'=>"Enable/disable deletion of previous document versions by regular users. Admin may always delete old versions.",
'settings_enableVersionDeletion'=>"Enable deletion of previous versions",
'settings_enableGuestLogin_desc'=>"If you want anybody to login as guest, check this option. Note: guest login should be used only in a trusted environment",
'settings_enableLanguageSelector'=>"Enable Language Selector",
'settings_enableLanguageSelector_desc'=>"Show selector for user interface language after being logged in. This does not affect the language selection on the login page.",
'settings_enableLargeFileUpload_desc'=>"If set, file upload is also available through a java applet called jumploader without a file size limit set by the browser. It also allows to upload several files in one step.",
'settings_enableLargeFileUpload'=>"Enable large file upload",
'settings_maxRecursiveCount'=>"Max. number of recursive document/folder count",
'settings_maxRecursiveCount_desc'=>"This is the maximum number of documents or folders that will be checked for access rights, when recursively counting objects. If this number is exceeded, the number of documents and folders in the folder view will be estimated.",
'settings_enableRecursiveCount_desc'=>"If turned on, the number of documents and folders in the folder view will be determined by counting all objects by recursively processing the folders and counting those documents and folders the user is allowed to access.",
'settings_enableUsersView_desc'=>"Enable/disable group and user view for all users",
'settings_enableUsersView'=>"Enable Users View",
'settings_encryptionKey'=>"Encryption key",
'settings_encryptionKey_desc'=>"This string is used for creating a unique identifier being added as a hidden field to a formular in order to prevent CSRF attacks.",
'settings_expandFolderTree_val0'=>"start with tree hidden",
'settings_expandFolderTree_val1'=>"start with tree shown and first level expanded",
'settings_expandFolderTree_val2'=>"start with tree shown fully expanded",
'settings_firstDayOfWeek_desc'=>"First day of the week",
'settings_firstDayOfWeek'=>"First day of the week",
'settings_footNote_desc'=>"Message to display at the bottom of every page",
'settings_footNote'=>"Foot Note",
'settings_guestID_desc'=>"ID of guest-user used when logged in as guest (mostly no need to change)",
'settings_guestID'=>"Guest ID",
'settings_httpRoot_desc'=>"The relative path in the URL, after the domain part. Do not include the http:// prefix or the web host name. e.g. If the full URL is http://www.example.com/seeddms/, set '/seeddms/'. If the URL is http://www.example.com/, set '/'",
'settings_httpRoot'=>"Http Root",
'settings_installADOdb'=>"Install ADOdb",
'settings_install_success'=>"The installation has been successfully completed.",
'settings_luceneDir'=>"Directory for full text index",
'settings_maxDirID_desc'=>"Maximum number of sub-directories per parent directory. Default: 32700.",
'settings_maxDirID'=>"Max Directory ID",
'settings_maxExecutionTime_desc'=>"This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parse",
'settings_maxExecutionTime'=>"Max Execution Time (s)",
'settings_more_settings'=>"Configure more settings. Default login: admin/admin",
'settings_Notification'=>"Notification settings",
'settings_no_content_dir'=>"Content directory",
'settings_notfound'=>"Not found",
'settings_notwritable'=>"The configuration cannot be saved because the configuration file is not writable.",
'settings_partitionSize'=>"Partial filesize",
'settings_partitionSize_desc'=>"Size of partial files in bytes, uploaded by jumploader. Do not set a value larger than the maximum upload size set by the server.",
'settings_passwordExpiration_desc'=>"The number of days after which a password expireѕ and must be reset. 0 turns password expiration off.",
'settings_passwordHistory'=>"Password history",
'settings_passwordHistory_desc'=>"The number of passwords a user must have been used before a password can be reused. 0 turns the password history off.",
'settings_passwordЅtrength_desc'=>"The minimum password strength is an integer value from 0 to 100. Setting it to 0 will turn off checking for the minimum password strength.",
'settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm'=>"Algorithm for password strength",
'settings_passwordStrengthAlgorithm_desc'=>"The algorithm used for calculating the password strength. The 'simple' algorithm just checks for at least eight chars total, a lower case letter, an upper case letter, a number and a special char. If those conditions are met the returned score is 100 otherwise 0.",
'settings_printDisclaimer_desc'=>"If true the disclaimer message the lang.inc files will be print on the bottom of the page",
'settings_printDisclaimer'=>"Print Disclaimer",
'settings_quota'=>"User's quota",
'settings_quota_desc'=>"The maximum number of bytes a user may use on disk. Set this to 0 for unlimited disk space. This value can be overridden for each uses in his profile.",
'settings_restricted_desc'=>"Only allow users to log in if they have an entry in the local database (irrespective of successful authentication with LDAP)",
'settings_restricted'=>"Restricted access",
'settings_rootDir_desc'=>"Path to where SeedDMS is located",
'settings_rootDir'=>"Root directory",
'settings_rootFolderID_desc'=>"ID of root-folder (mostly no need to change)",
'settings_rootFolderID'=>"Root Folder ID",
'settings_SaveError'=>"Configuration file save error",
'settings_Server'=>"Server settings",
'settings_siteDefaultPage_desc'=>"Default page on login. If empty defaults to out/out.ViewFolder.php",
'settings_siteDefaultPage'=>"Site Default Page",
'settings_siteName_desc'=>"Name of site used in the page titles. Default: SeedDMS",
'settings_siteName'=>"Site Name",
'settings_smtpPort_desc'=>"SMTP Server port, default 25",
'settings_smtpPort'=>"SMTP Server port",
'settings_smtpSendFrom_desc'=>"Send from",
'settings_smtpSendFrom'=>"Send from",
'settings_smtpServer_desc'=>"SMTP Server hostname",
'settings_smtpServer'=>"SMTP Server hostname",
'settings_SMTP'=>"SMTP Server settings",
'settings_stagingDir'=>"Directory for partial uploads",
'settings_stagingDir_desc'=>"The directory where jumploader places the parts of a file upload before it is put back together.",
'settings_strictFormCheck_desc'=>"Strict form checking. If set to true, then all fields in the form will be checked for a value. If set to false, then (most) comments and keyword fields become optional. Comments are always required when submitting a review or overriding document status",
'settings_strictFormCheck'=>"Strict Form Check",
'settings_suggestionvalue'=>"Suggestion value",
'settings_theme'=>"Default theme",
'settings_theme_desc'=>"Default style (name of a subfolder in folder \"styles\")",
'settings_titleDisplayHack_desc'=>"Workaround for page titles that go over more than 2 lines.",
'versioning_file_creation_warning'=>"With this operation you can create a file containing the versioning information of an entire DMS folder. After the creation every file will be saved inside the document folder.",
'versioning_info'=>"Versioning info",
'view_online'=>"View online",
'week_view'=>"Week view",
'workflow_action_in_use'=>"This action is currently used by workflows.",
'workflow_editor'=>"Workflow Editor",
'workflow_group_summary'=>"Group summary",
'workflow_in_use'=>"This workflow is currently used by documents.",
'workflow_initstate'=>"Initial state",
'workflow_management'=>"Workflow management",
'workflow_no_states'=>"You must first define workflow states, before adding a workflow.",
'workflow_states_management'=>"Workflow states management",