mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 15:14:58 +00:00
prepare language code for send emails in user defined language
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
// MyDMS. Document Management System
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe
// Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Uwe Steinmann
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -17,6 +18,14 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
foreach(getLanguages() as $_lang) {
if(file_exists($settings->_rootDir . "languages/" . $_lang . "/lang.inc")) {
include $settings->_rootDir . "languages/" . $_lang . "/lang.inc";
$LANG[$_lang] = $text;
function getLanguages()
GLOBAL $settings;
@ -39,10 +48,39 @@ function getLanguages()
return $languages;
function getMLText($key, $replace = array(), $defaulttext = "")
GLOBAL $settings, $text;
* Get translation
* Returns the translation for a given key. It will replace markers
* in the form [xxx] with those elements from the array $replace.
* A default text can be gіven for the case, that there is no translation
* available. The fourth parameter can override the currently set language
* in the session or the default language from the configuration.
* @param string $key key of translation text
* @param array $replace list of values that replace markers in the text
* @param string $defaulttext text used if no translation can be found
* @param string $lang use this language instead of the currently set lang
function getMLText($key, $replace = array(), $defaulttext = "", $lang="") { /* {{{ */
GLOBAL $settings, $LANG, $session;
if(!$lang) {
$lang = $session->getLanguage();
$lang = $settings->_language;
if(!isset($LANG[$lang][$key])) {
if (!$defaulttext)
return "Error getting Text: " . $key . " (" . $lang . ")";
$tmpText = $defaulttext;
} else
$tmpText = $LANG[$lang][$key];
if (!isset($text[$key])) {
if (!$defaulttext)
return "Error getting Text: " . $key . " (" . $settings->_language . ")";
@ -50,7 +88,7 @@ function getMLText($key, $replace = array(), $defaulttext = "")
$tmpText = $defaulttext;
} else
$tmpText = $text[$key];
if (count($replace) == 0)
return $tmpText;
@ -59,14 +97,15 @@ function getMLText($key, $replace = array(), $defaulttext = "")
$tmpText = str_replace("[".$key."]", $replace[$key], $tmpText);
return $tmpText;
} /* }}} */
function printMLText($key, $replace = array(), $defaulttext = "")
function printMLText($key, $replace = array(), $defaulttext = "", $lang="") /* {{{ */
print getMLText($key, $replace, $defaulttext);
print getMLText($key, $replace, $defaulttext, $lang);
/* }}} */
function printReviewStatusText($status, $date=0) {
function printReviewStatusText($status, $date=0) { /* {{{ */
if (is_null($status)) {
print getMLText("status_unknown");
@ -89,9 +128,9 @@ function printReviewStatusText($status, $date=0) {
} /* }}} */
function getReviewStatusText($status, $date=0) {
function getReviewStatusText($status, $date=0) { /* {{{ */
if (is_null($status)) {
return getMLText("status_unknown");
@ -114,9 +153,9 @@ function getReviewStatusText($status, $date=0) {
} /* }}} */
function printApprovalStatusText($status, $date=0) {
function printApprovalStatusText($status, $date=0) { /* {{{ */
if (is_null($status)) {
print getMLText("status_unknown");
@ -139,9 +178,9 @@ function printApprovalStatusText($status, $date=0) {
} /* }}} */
function getApprovalStatusText($status, $date=0) {
function getApprovalStatusText($status, $date=0) { /* {{{ */
if (is_null($status)) {
return getMLText("status_unknown");
@ -164,13 +203,13 @@ function getApprovalStatusText($status, $date=0) {
} /* }}} */
function printOverallStatusText($status) {
function printOverallStatusText($status) { /* {{{ */
print getOverallStatusText($status);
} /* }}} */
function getOverallStatusText($status) {
function getOverallStatusText($status) { /* {{{ */
if (is_null($status)) {
return getMLText("assumed_released");
@ -202,5 +241,6 @@ function getOverallStatusText($status) {
} /* }}} */
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,417 +1,418 @@
// MyDMS. Document Management System
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2006 Malcolm Cowe
// Copyright (C) 2008 Ivan Masár
// Copyright (C) 2010 Peter Nemšák
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
$text = array();
$text["accept"] = "Prijať";
$text["access_denied"] = "Prístup zamietnutý.";
$text["access_inheritance"] = "Dedičnosť prístupu";
$text["access_mode"] = "Režim prístupu";
$text["access_mode_all"] = "Každý";
$text["access_mode_none"] = "Žiadny prístup";
$text["access_mode_read"] = "Na čítanie";
$text["access_mode_readwrite"] = "Na čítanie aj zápis";
$text["access_permission_changed_email"] = "Pristupové prava zmenene";
$text["actions"] = "Činnosti";
$text["add"] = "Pridať";
$text["add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning"] = "Pozn.: Dokumenty sa automaticky označia ako vydané ak nie je pridelený žiadny kontrolór alebo schvaľovateľ.";
$text["add_document"] = "Pridať dokument";
$text["add_document_link"] = "Pridať odkaz";
$text["add_event"] = "Pridať udalosť";
$text["add_group"] = "Pridať novú skupinu";
$text["add_member"] = "Pridať člena";
$text["add_multiple_files"] = "Pridať viacero súborov (názov súboru sa použije ako názov dokumentu)";
$text["add_subfolder"] = "Pridať podzložku";
$text["add_user"] = "Pridať nového používatela";
$text["admin"] = "Správca";
$text["admin_tools"] = "Nástroje správcu";
$text["all_documents"] = "Všetky dokumenty";
$text["all_pages"] = "Všetky";
$text["all_users"] = "Všetci používatelia";
//$text["already_subscribed"] = "Already subscribed";
$text["and"] = "a";
$text["approval_deletion_email"] = "Poziadavka na schvalenie zmazana";
$text["approval_group"] = "Skupina schválenia";
$text["approval_request_email"] = "Poziadavka na schvalenie";
$text["approval_status"] = "Stav schválenia";
$text["approval_submit_email"] = "Poslane schvalenie";
$text["approval_summary"] = "Zhrnutie schválenia";
$text["approval_update_failed"] = "Chyba pri aktualizácii stavu schválenia. Aktualizácia zlyhala.";
$text["approvers"] = "Schvaľovatelia";
$text["april"] = "Apríl";
$text["archive_creation"] = "Vytvorenie archívu";
$text["archive_creation_warning"] = "Touto akciou môžete vytvoriť archív obsahujúci celú DMS zložku. Po vytvorení bude každý súbor uložený do dátovej zložky súborov na vašom serveri.<br>UPOZORNENIE: uživateľsky prístupný archív nie je možné použiť ako zálohu servera.";
$text["assign_approvers"] = "Určiť schvaľovateľov";
$text["assign_reviewers"] = "Určiť recenzentov";
$text["assign_user_property_to"] = "Assign user's properties to";
$text["assumed_released"] = "Pokladá sa za zverejnené";
$text["august"] = "August";
$text["automatic_status_update"] = "Automaticka zmena stavu";
$text["back"] = "Prejsť späť";
$text["backup_list"] = "Zoznam záloh";
$text["backup_remove"] = "Odstrániť zálohu";
$text["backup_tools"] = "Zálohovacie nástroje";
$text["between"] = "medzi";
$text["calendar"] = "Kalendár";
$text["cancel"] = "Zrušiť";
$text["cannot_assign_invalid_state"] = "Nie je možné prideliť schvaľovateľov dokumentu, ktorý nečaká na kontrolu alebo schválenie.";
$text["cannot_change_final_states"] = "Upozornenie: Nebolo možné zmeniť stav dokumentov, ktoré boli odmietnuté, označené ako zastaralé alebo platnosť vypršala.";
//$text["cannot_delete_yourself"] = "Cannot delete yourself";
$text["cannot_move_root"] = "Chyba: Nie je možné presunúť koreňovú zložku.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot"] = "Nie je možné získať informáciu o stave schválenia tejto verzie dokumentu.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot"] = "Nie je možné získať informáciu o stave kontroly tejto verzie dokumentu.";
$text["cannot_rm_root"] = "Chyba: Nie je možné zmazať koreňovú zložku.";
$text["change_assignments"] = "Zmeniť úlohy";
$text["change_status"] = "Zmeniť stav";
$text["choose_category"] = "--Vyberte prosím--";
$text["choose_group"] = "--Vyberte skupinu--";
$text["choose_target_document"] = "Vyberte dokument";
$text["choose_target_folder"] = "Vyberte cieľovú zložku";
$text["choose_user"] = "--Vyberte používateľa--";
$text["comment_changed_email"] = "Komentar zmeneny";
$text["comment"] = "Komentár";
$text["comment_for_current_version"] = "Version comment";
$text["confirm_pwd"] = "Potvrdenie hesla";
$text["confirm_rm_backup"] = "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť zálohu \"[arkname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.";
$text["confirm_rm_document"] = "Naozaj chcete odstrániť dokument \"[documentname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto činnosť nemožno vrátiť späť.";
$text["confirm_rm_dump"] = "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť \"[dumpname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.";
$text["confirm_rm_event"] = "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť udalosť \"[name]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.";
$text["confirm_rm_file"] = "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť súbor \"[name]\" z dokumentu \"[documentname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder"] = "Naozaj chcete odstrániť \"[foldername]\" a jeho obsah?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto činnosť nemožno vrátiť späť.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder_files"] = "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť všetky súbory zložky \"[foldername]\" a všetkých jej podzložiek?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.";
$text["confirm_rm_group"] = "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť skupinu \"[groupname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.";
$text["confirm_rm_log"] = "Skutočne si prajete zmazať protokol \"[logname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.";
$text["confirm_rm_user"] = "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť používateľa \"[username]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.";
$text["confirm_rm_version"] = "Naozaj chcete odstrániť verziu [version] dokumentu \"[documentname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto činnosť nemožno vrátiť späť.";
$text["content"] = "Obsah";
$text["continue"] = "Pokračovať";
$text["creation_date"] = "Vytvorené";
$text["current_version"] = "Aktuálna verzia";
$text["december"] = "December";
$text["default_access"] = "Štandardný režim prístupu";
$text["default_keywords"] = "Dostupné kľúčové slová";
$text["delete"] = "Zmazať";
$text["details"] = "Podrobnosti";
$text["details_version"] = "Podrobnosti verzie: [version]";
$text["disclaimer"] = "Toto je zabezpečená zóna. Prístup je povolený len autorizovaným osobám.";
$text["document_already_locked"] = "Tento dokument je už zamknutý";
$text["document_deleted"] = "Dokument zmazaný";
$text["document_deleted_email"] = "Dokument zmazany";
$text["document"] = "Dokument";
$text["document_infos"] = "Informácie o dokumente";
$text["document_is_not_locked"] = "Tento dokument nie je zamknutý";
$text["document_link_by"] = "Odkazuje sem";
$text["document_link_public"] = "Verejný";
$text["document_moved_email"] = "Dokument presunuty";
$text["document_renamed_email"] = "Dokument premenovany";
$text["documents"] = "Dokumenty";
$text["documents_in_process"] = "Dokumenty v spracovaní";
$text["documents_locked_by_you"] = "Vami uzamknuté dokumenty";
$text["document_status_changed_email"] = "Stav dokumentu zmeneny";
$text["documents_to_approve"] = "Dokumenty čakajúce na schválenie používateľa";
$text["documents_to_review"] = "Dokumenty čakajúce na kontrolu používateľa";
$text["documents_user_requiring_attention"] = "Dokumenty, ktoré používateľ vlastní a vyžadujú pozornosť";
$text["document_title"] = "Dokument '[documentname]'";
$text["document_updated_email"] = "Dokument aktualizovany";
$text["does_not_expire"] = "Platnosť nikdy nevyprší";
$text["does_not_inherit_access_msg"] = "Zdediť prístup";
$text["download"] = "Stiahnuť";
$text["draft_pending_approval"] = "Návrh - čaká na schválenie";
$text["draft_pending_review"] = "Návrh - čaká na kontrolu";
$text["dump_creation"] = "Vytvorenie výstupu DB";
$text["dump_creation_warning"] = "Touto akciou môžete vytvoriť výstup obsahu Vašej databázy. Po vytvorení bude výstup uložený v dátovej zložke vášho servera.";
$text["dump_list"] = "Existujúce výstupy";
$text["dump_remove"] = "Odstrániť vystup";
$text["edit_comment"] = "Upraviť komentár";
$text["edit_default_keyword_category"] = "Upraviť kategórie";
$text["edit_document_access"] = "Upraviť prístup";
$text["edit_document_notify"] = "Zoznam upozornení";
$text["edit_document_props"] = "Upraviť dokument";
$text["edit"] = "upraviť";
$text["edit_event"] = "Upraviť udalosť";
$text["edit_existing_access"] = "Upraviť zoznam riadenia prístupu";
$text["edit_existing_notify"] = "Upraviť zoznam upozornení";
$text["edit_folder_access"] = "Upraviť prístup";
$text["edit_folder_notify"] = "Zoznam upozornení";
$text["edit_folder_props_again"] = "Znova upraviť vlastnosti zložky";
$text["edit_group"] = "Upraviť skupinu";
$text["edit_user_details"] = "Upraviť podrobnosti používateľa";
$text["edit_user"] = "Upraviť používateľa";
$text["email"] = "Email";
$text["email_footer"] = "Nastavenia e-mailu si kedykoľvek môžete zmeniť cez 'Môj účet'";
$text["email_header"] = "Toto je automatická správa od DMS servera.";
$text["empty_notify_list"] = "Žiadne položky";
$text["error_occured"] = "Vyskytla sa chyba";
$text["event_details"] = "Detail udalosti";
$text["expired"] = "Platnosť vypršala";
$text["expires"] = "Platnosť vyprší";
$text["expiry_changed_email"] = "Datum platnosti zmeneny";
$text["february"] = "Február";
$text["file"] = "Súbor";
$text["files_deletion"] = "Odstránenie súboru";
$text["files_deletion_warning"] = "Touto akciou môžete odstrániť celú DMS zložku. Verziovacie informácie zostanú viditeľné.";
$text["files"] = "Súbory";
$text["file_size"] = "Veľkosť súboru";
$text["folder_contents"] = "Obsah zložky";
$text["folder_deleted_email"] = "Zlozka zmazana";
$text["folder"] = "Zlozka";
$text["folder_infos"] = "Informácie o zložke";
$text["folder_moved_email"] = "Zlozka presunuta";
$text["folder_renamed_email"] = "Zlozka premenovana";
$text["folders_and_documents_statistic"] = "Prehľad zložiek a dokumentov";
$text["folders"] = "Zložky";
$text["folder_title"] = "Zložka '[foldername]'";
$text["friday"] = "Piatok";
$text["from"] = "Od";
$text["global_default_keywords"] = "Globálne kľúčové slová";
$text["group_approval_summary"] = "Zhrnutie skupinového schválenia";
$text["group_exists"] = "Skupina už existuje.";
$text["group"] = "Skupina";
$text["group_management"] = "Skupiny";
$text["group_members"] = "Členovia skupiny";
$text["group_review_summary"] = "Zhrnutie skupinovej recenzie";
$text["groups"] = "Skupiny";
$text["guest_login_disabled"] = "Prihlásenie ako hosť je vypnuté.";
$text["guest_login"] = "Prihlásiť sa ako hosť";
$text["help"] = "Pomoc";
$text["human_readable"] = "Použivateľský archív";
$text["include_documents"] = "Vrátane súborov";
$text["include_subdirectories"] = "Vrátane podzložiek";
$text["individuals"] = "Jednotlivci";
$text["inherits_access_msg"] = "Prístup sa dedí.";
$text["inherits_access_copy_msg"] = "Skopírovať zdedený zoznam riadenia prístupu";
$text["inherits_access_empty_msg"] = "Založiť nový zoznam riadenia prístupu";
$text["internal_error_exit"] = "Vnútorná chyba. Nebolo možné dokončiť požiadavku. Ukončuje sa.";
$text["internal_error"] = "Vnútorná chyba";
$text["invalid_access_mode"] = "Neplatný režim prístupu";
$text["invalid_action"] = "Neplatná činnosť";
$text["invalid_approval_status"] = "Neplatný stav schválenia";
$text["invalid_create_date_end"] = "Neplatný koncový dátum vytvorenia.";
$text["invalid_create_date_start"] = "Neplatný počiatočný dátum vytvorenia.";
$text["invalid_doc_id"] = "Neplatný ID dokumentu";
$text["invalid_file_id"] = "Nesprávne ID súboru";
$text["invalid_folder_id"] = "Neplatný ID zložky";
$text["invalid_group_id"] = "Neplatný ID skupiny";
$text["invalid_link_id"] = "Neplatný ID odkazu";
$text["invalid_request_token"] = "Invalid Request Token";
$text["invalid_review_status"] = "Neplatný stav kontroly";
$text["invalid_sequence"] = "Neplatná hodnota postupnosti";
$text["invalid_status"] = "Neplatný stav dokumentu";
$text["invalid_target_doc_id"] = "Neplatné cieľové ID dokumentu";
$text["invalid_target_folder"] = "Neplatné cieľové ID zložky";
$text["invalid_user_id"] = "Neplatné ID používateľa";
$text["invalid_version"] = "Neplatná verzia dokumentu";
$text["is_hidden"] = "Nezobrazovať v zozname používateľov";
$text["january"] = "Január";
$text["js_no_approval_group"] = "Prosím, vyberte skupinu pre schválenie";
$text["js_no_approval_status"] = "Prosím, vyberte stav schválenia";
$text["js_no_comment"] = "Žiadny komentár";
$text["js_no_email"] = "Napíšte svoju emailovú adresu";
$text["js_no_file"] = "Prosím, vyberte súbor";
$text["js_no_keywords"] = "Zadajte nejaké kľúčové slová";
$text["js_no_login"] = "Prosím, napíšte meno používateľa";
$text["js_no_name"] = "Prosím, napíšte meno";
$text["js_no_override_status"] = "Prosím, vyberte nový stav [prepíše sa]";
$text["js_no_pwd"] = "Budete musieť napísať svoje heslo";
$text["js_no_query"] = "Napíšte požiadavku";
$text["js_no_review_group"] = "Prosím, vyberte skupinu pre kontrolu";
$text["js_no_review_status"] = "Prosím, vyberte stav kontroly";
$text["js_pwd_not_conf"] = "Heslo a potvrdenie hesla sa nezhodujú";
$text["js_select_user_or_group"] = "Vyberte aspoň používateľa alebo skupinu";
$text["js_select_user"] = "Prosím, vyberte používateľa";
$text["july"] = "Júl";
$text["june"] = "Jún";
$text["keyword_exists"] = "Kľúčové slovo už existuje";
$text["keywords"] = "Kľúčové slová";
$text["language"] = "Jazyk";
$text["last_update"] = "Posledná aktualizácia";
$text["linked_documents"] = "Súvisiace dokumenty";
$text["linked_files"] = "Prílohy";
$text["local_file"] = "Lokálny súbor";
$text["lock_document"] = "Zamknúť";
$text["lock_message"] = "Tento dokument zamkol <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>.<br>Iba oprávnení používatelia ho môžu odomknúť (pozri koniec stránky).";
$text["lock_status"] = "Stav";
$text["login_error_text"] = "Chyba pri prihlasovaní. ID používateľa alebo heslo je nesprávne.";
$text["login_error_title"] = "Chyba pri prihlasovaní";
$text["login_not_given"] = "Nebolo zadané používateľské meno";
$text["login_ok"] = "Prihlásenie prebehlo úspešne";
$text["log_management"] = "Správa protokolov";
$text["logout"] = "Odhlásenie";
$text["manager"] = "Manager";
$text["march"] = "Marec";
$text["max_upload_size"] = "Maximálna veľkosť každého súboru";
$text["may"] = "Máj";
$text["monday"] = "Pondelok";
$text["month_view"] = "Mesiac";
$text["move_document"] = "Presunúť dokument";
$text["move_folder"] = "Presunúť zložku";
$text["move"] = "Presunúť";
$text["my_account"] = "Môj účet";
$text["my_documents"] = "Moje dokumenty";
$text["name"] = "Meno";
$text["new_default_keyword_category"] = "Pridať kategóriu";
$text["new_default_keywords"] = "Pridať kľúčové slová";
$text["new_document_email"] = "Novy dokument";
$text["new_file_email"] = "Nova priloha";
//$text["new_folder"] = "New folder";
$text["new"] = "Nove";
$text["new_subfolder_email"] = "Nova zlozka";
$text["new_user_image"] = "Nový obrázok";
$text["no_action"] = "Nič sa nevykoná";
//$text["no_approval_needed"] = "No approval pending.";
//$text["no_attached_files"] = "No attached files";
$text["no_default_keywords"] = "Nie sú dostupné žiadne kľúčové slová.";
//$text["no_docs_locked"] = "No documents locked.";
$text["no_docs_to_approve"] = "Momentálne neexistujú žiadne dokumenty, ktoré vyžadujú schválenie.";
//$text["no_docs_to_look_at"] = "No documents that need attention.";
$text["no_docs_to_review"] = "Momentálne neexistujú žiadne dokumenty, ktoré vyžadujú kontrolu.";
$text["no_group_members"] = "Táto skupina nemá žiadnych členov";
$text["no_groups"] = "Žiadne skupiny";
$text["no_linked_files"] = "No linked files";
$text["no"] = "Nie";
$text["no_previous_versions"] = "Neboli nájdené žiadne iné verzie";
$text["no_review_needed"] = "No review pending.";
$text["notify_added_email"] = "Boli ste pridani do notifikacneho zoznamu";
$text["notify_deleted_email"] = "Boli ste odstraneni do notifikacneho zoznamu";
$text["no_update_cause_locked"] = "Preto nemôžete aktualizovať tento dokument. Prosím, kontaktujte používateľa, ktorý ho zamkol.";
$text["no_user_image"] = "nebol nájdený žiadny obrázok";
$text["november"] = "November";
$text["obsolete"] = "Zastaralé";
$text["october"] = "Október";
$text["old"] = "Stare";
$text["only_jpg_user_images"] = "Ako obrázky používateľov je možné použiť iba obrázky .jpg";
$text["owner"] = "Vlastník";
$text["ownership_changed_email"] = "Majitel zmeneny";
$text["password"] = "Heslo";
$text["personal_default_keywords"] = "Osobné kľúčové slová";
$text["previous_versions"] = "Predošlé verzie";
$text["rejected"] = "Odmietnuté";
$text["released"] = "Vydané";
$text["removed_approver"] = "bol odstránený zo zoznamu schvaľovateľov.";
$text["removed_file_email"] = "Odstranena priloha";
$text["removed_reviewer"] = "bol odstránený zo zoznamu kontrolórov.";
$text["results_page"] = "Výsledky";
$text["review_deletion_email"] = "Poziadavka na recenziu zmazana";
$text["reviewer_already_assigned"] = "je už poverený ako kontrolór";
$text["reviewer_already_removed"] = "už bol odstránený z procesu kontroly alebo poslal kontrolu";
$text["reviewers"] = "Kontrolóri";
$text["review_group"] = "Skupina kontroly";
$text["review_request_email"] = "Poziadavka na recenziu";
$text["review_status"] = "Stav kontroly";
$text["review_submit_email"] = "Poslana recenzia";
$text["review_summary"] = "Zhrnutie kontroly";
$text["review_update_failed"] = "Chyba pri aktualizácii stavu kontroly. Aktualizácia zlyhala.";
$text["rm_default_keyword_category"] = "Zmazať kategóriu";
$text["rm_document"] = "Odstrániť dokument";
$text["rm_file"] = "Odstrániť súbor";
$text["rm_folder"] = "Odstrániť zložku";
$text["rm_group"] = "Odstrániť túto skupinu";
$text["rm_user"] = "Odstrániť tohto používateľa";
$text["rm_version"] = "Odstrániť verziu";
//$text["role_admin"] = "Administrator";
//$text["role_guest"] = "Guest";
//$text["role"] = "Role";
$text["saturday"] = "Sobota";
$text["save"] = "Uložiť";
$text["search_in"] = "Prehľadávať";
$text["search_mode_and"] = "všetky slová";
$text["search_mode_or"] = "aspoň jedno zo slov";
$text["search_no_results"] = "Vašej požiadavke nevyhovujú žiadne dokumenty ";
$text["search_query"] = "Hľadať";
$text["search_report"] = "Nájdených [count] dokumentov";
$text["search_results_access_filtered"] = "Výsledky hľadania môžu obsahovať obsah, ku ktorému bol zamietnutý prístup.";
$text["search_results"] = "Výsledky hľadania";
$text["search"] = "Hľadať";
$text["search_time"] = "Uplynulý čas: [time] sek";
$text["selection"] = "Výber";
$text["select_one"] = "Vyberte jeden";
$text["september"] = "September";
$text["seq_after"] = "Po \"[prevname]\"";
$text["seq_end"] = "Na koniec";
$text["seq_keep"] = "Ponechať pozíciu";
$text["seq_start"] = "Prvá pozícia";
$text["sequence"] = "Postupnosť";
$text["set_expiry"] = "Nastaviť vypršanie";
//$text["set_owner_error"] = "Error setting owner";
$text["set_owner"] = "Nastaviť vlastníka";
$text["signed_in_as"] = "Prihlásený ako";
$text["sign_out"] = "odhlásiť";
$text["space_used_on_data_folder"] = "Space used on data folder";
$text["status_approval_rejected"] = "Návrh zamietnutý";
$text["status_approved"] = "Schválený";
$text["status_approver_removed"] = "Schvaľovateľ odstránený z procesu";
$text["status_not_approved"] = "Neschválený";
$text["status_not_reviewed"] = "Neskontrolovaný";
$text["status_reviewed"] = "Skontrolovaný";
$text["status_reviewer_rejected"] = "Návrh zamietnutý";
$text["status_reviewer_removed"] = "Kontrolór odstránený z procesu";
$text["status"] = "Stav";
$text["status_unknown"] = "Neznámy";
$text["storage_size"] = "Objem dát";
$text["submit_approval"] = "Poslať schválenie";
$text["submit_login"] = "Prihlásiť sa";
$text["submit_review"] = "Poslať kontrolu";
$text["sunday"] = "Nedeľa";
$text["theme"] = "Vzhľad";
$text["thursday"] = "Štvrtok";
$text["toggle_manager"] = "Prepnúť stav manager";
$text["to"] = "Do";
$text["tuesday"] = "Utorok";
$text["under_folder"] = "V zložke";
$text["unknown_command"] = "Príkaz nebol rozpoznaný.";
$text["unknown_group"] = "Neznámy ID skupiny";
$text["unknown_id"] = "Neznáme ID";
$text["unknown_keyword_category"] = "Neznáma kategória";
$text["unknown_owner"] = "Neznámy ID vlastníka";
$text["unknown_user"] = "Neznámy ID používateľa";
$text["unlock_cause_access_mode_all"] = "Môžete ho stále aktualizovať, pretože máte režim prístupu \"all\". Zámok bude automaticky odstránený.";
$text["unlock_cause_locking_user"] = "Môžete ho stále aktualizovať, pretože ste ten, kto ho aj zamkol. Zámok bude automaticky odstránený.";
$text["unlock_document"] = "Odomknúť";
$text["update_approvers"] = "Aktualizovať zoznam schvaľovateľov";
$text["update_document"] = "Aktualizovať";
$text["update_info"] = "Aktualizovať informácie";
$text["update_locked_msg"] = "Tento dokument je zamknutý.";
$text["update_reviewers"] = "Aktualizovať zoznam kontrolórov";
$text["update"] = "Aktualizovať";
$text["uploaded_by"] = "Nahral";
$text["uploading_failed"] = "Nahranie zlyhalo. Prosám, kontaktujte správcu.";
$text["use_default_keywords"] = "Použiť preddefinované kľúčové slová";
$text["user_exists"] = "Používateľ už existuje.";
$text["user_image"] = "Obrázok";
$text["user_info"] = "Informácie o používateľovi";
$text["user_list"] = "Zoznam používateľov";
$text["user_login"] = "ID používateľa";
$text["user_management"] = "Používatelia";
$text["user_name"] = "Plné meno";
$text["users"] = "Používateľ";
$text["user"] = "Používateľ";
$text["version_deleted_email"] = "Verzia zmazana";
$text["version_info"] = "Informácie o verzii";
$text["versioning_file_creation"] = "Vytvorenie verziovacieho súboru";
$text["versioning_file_creation_warning"] = "Touto akciou môžete vytvoriť súbor, obsahujúci verziovaciu informáciu celej DMS zložky. Po vytvorení bude každý súbor uložený do zložky súborov.";
$text["versioning_info"] = "Informácie o verziách";
$text["version"] = "Verzia";
$text["view_online"] = "Zobraziť online";
$text["warning"] = "Upozornenie";
$text["wednesday"] = "Streda";
$text["week_view"] = "Týždeň";
$text["year_view"] = "Rok";
$text["yes"] = "Áno";
// MyDMS. Document Management System
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal
// Copyright (C) 2006 Malcolm Cowe
// Copyright (C) 2008 Ivan Masár
// Copyright (C) 2010 Peter Nemšák
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
$text = array(
'accept' => "Prijať",
'access_denied' => "Prístup zamietnutý.",
'access_inheritance' => "Dedičnosť prístupu",
'access_mode' => "Režim prístupu",
'access_mode_all' => "Každý",
'access_mode_none' => "Žiadny prístup",
'access_mode_read' => "Na čítanie",
'access_mode_readwrite' => "Na čítanie aj zápis",
'access_permission_changed_email' => "Pristupové prava zmenene",
'actions' => "Činnosti",
'add' => "Pridať",
'add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning' => "Pozn.: Dokumenty sa automaticky označia ako vydané ak nie je pridelený žiadny kontrolór alebo schvaľovateľ.",
'add_document' => "Pridať dokument",
'add_document_link' => "Pridať odkaz",
'add_event' => "Pridať udalosť",
'add_group' => "Pridať novú skupinu",
'add_member' => "Pridať člena",
'add_multiple_files' => "Pridať viacero súborov (názov súboru sa použije ako názov dokumentu)",
'add_subfolder' => "Pridať podzložku",
'add_user' => "Pridať nového používatela",
'admin' => "Správca",
'admin_tools' => "Nástroje správcu",
'all_documents' => "Všetky dokumenty",
'all_pages' => "Všetky",
'all_users' => "Všetci používatelia",
//$text["already_subscribed"] = "Already subscribed",
'and' => "a",
'approval_deletion_email' => "Poziadavka na schvalenie zmazana",
'approval_group' => "Skupina schválenia",
'approval_request_email' => "Poziadavka na schvalenie",
'approval_status' => "Stav schválenia",
'approval_submit_email' => "Poslane schvalenie",
'approval_summary' => "Zhrnutie schválenia",
'approval_update_failed' => "Chyba pri aktualizácii stavu schválenia. Aktualizácia zlyhala.",
'approvers' => "Schvaľovatelia",
'april' => "Apríl",
'archive_creation' => "Vytvorenie archívu",
'archive_creation_warning' => "Touto akciou môžete vytvoriť archív obsahujúci celú DMS zložku. Po vytvorení bude každý súbor uložený do dátovej zložky súborov na vašom serveri.<br>UPOZORNENIE: uživateľsky prístupný archív nie je možné použiť ako zálohu servera.",
'assign_approvers' => "Určiť schvaľovateľov",
'assign_reviewers' => "Určiť recenzentov",
'assign_user_property_to' => "Assign user's properties to",
'assumed_released' => "Pokladá sa za zverejnené",
'august' => "August",
'automatic_status_update' => "Automaticka zmena stavu",
'back' => "Prejsť späť",
'backup_list' => "Zoznam záloh",
'backup_remove' => "Odstrániť zálohu",
'backup_tools' => "Zálohovacie nástroje",
'between' => "medzi",
'calendar' => "Kalendár",
'cancel' => "Zrušiť",
'cannot_assign_invalid_state' => "Nie je možné prideliť schvaľovateľov dokumentu, ktorý nečaká na kontrolu alebo schválenie.",
'cannot_change_final_states' => "Upozornenie: Nebolo možné zmeniť stav dokumentov, ktoré boli odmietnuté, označené ako zastaralé alebo platnosť vypršala.",
//$text["cannot_delete_yourself"] = "Cannot delete yourself",
'cannot_move_root' => "Chyba: Nie je možné presunúť koreňovú zložku.",
'cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot' => "Nie je možné získať informáciu o stave schválenia tejto verzie dokumentu.",
'cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot' => "Nie je možné získať informáciu o stave kontroly tejto verzie dokumentu.",
'cannot_rm_root' => "Chyba: Nie je možné zmazať koreňovú zložku.",
'change_assignments' => "Zmeniť úlohy",
'change_status' => "Zmeniť stav",
'choose_category' => "--Vyberte prosím--",
'choose_group' => "--Vyberte skupinu--",
'choose_target_document' => "Vyberte dokument",
'choose_target_folder' => "Vyberte cieľovú zložku",
'choose_user' => "--Vyberte používateľa--",
'comment_changed_email' => "Komentar zmeneny",
'comment' => "Komentár",
'comment_for_current_version' => "Version comment",
'confirm_pwd' => "Potvrdenie hesla",
'confirm_rm_backup' => "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť zálohu \"[arkname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.",
'confirm_rm_document' => "Naozaj chcete odstrániť dokument \"[documentname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto činnosť nemožno vrátiť späť.",
'confirm_rm_dump' => "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť \"[dumpname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.",
'confirm_rm_event' => "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť udalosť \"[name]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.",
'confirm_rm_file' => "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť súbor \"[name]\" z dokumentu \"[documentname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.",
'confirm_rm_folder' => "Naozaj chcete odstrániť \"[foldername]\" a jeho obsah?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto činnosť nemožno vrátiť späť.",
'confirm_rm_folder_files' => "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť všetky súbory zložky \"[foldername]\" a všetkých jej podzložiek?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.",
'confirm_rm_group' => "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť skupinu \"[groupname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.",
'confirm_rm_log' => "Skutočne si prajete zmazať protokol \"[logname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.",
'confirm_rm_user' => "Skutočne si prajete odstrániť používateľa \"[username]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní, táto akcia je nezvratná.",
'confirm_rm_version' => "Naozaj chcete odstrániť verziu [version] dokumentu \"[documentname]\"?<br>Buďte opatrní: Túto činnosť nemožno vrátiť späť.",
'content' => "Obsah",
'continue' => "Pokračovať",
'creation_date' => "Vytvorené",
'current_version' => "Aktuálna verzia",
'december' => "December",
'default_access' => "Štandardný režim prístupu",
'default_keywords' => "Dostupné kľúčové slová",
'delete' => "Zmazať",
'details' => "Podrobnosti",
'details_version' => "Podrobnosti verzie: [version]",
'disclaimer' => "Toto je zabezpečená zóna. Prístup je povolený len autorizovaným osobám.",
'document_already_locked' => "Tento dokument je už zamknutý",
'document_deleted' => "Dokument zmazaný",
'document_deleted_email' => "Dokument zmazany",
'document' => "Dokument",
'document_infos' => "Informácie o dokumente",
'document_is_not_locked' => "Tento dokument nie je zamknutý",
'document_link_by' => "Odkazuje sem",
'document_link_public' => "Verejný",
'document_moved_email' => "Dokument presunuty",
'document_renamed_email' => "Dokument premenovany",
'documents' => "Dokumenty",
'documents_in_process' => "Dokumenty v spracovaní",
'documents_locked_by_you' => "Vami uzamknuté dokumenty",
'document_status_changed_email' => "Stav dokumentu zmeneny",
'documents_to_approve' => "Dokumenty čakajúce na schválenie používateľa",
'documents_to_review' => "Dokumenty čakajúce na kontrolu používateľa",
'documents_user_requiring_attention' => "Dokumenty, ktoré používateľ vlastní a vyžadujú pozornosť",
'document_title' => "Dokument '[documentname]'",
'document_updated_email' => "Dokument aktualizovany",
'does_not_expire' => "Platnosť nikdy nevyprší",
'does_not_inherit_access_msg' => "Zdediť prístup",
'download' => "Stiahnuť",
'draft_pending_approval' => "Návrh - čaká na schválenie",
'draft_pending_review' => "Návrh - čaká na kontrolu",
'dump_creation' => "Vytvorenie výstupu DB",
'dump_creation_warning' => "Touto akciou môžete vytvoriť výstup obsahu Vašej databázy. Po vytvorení bude výstup uložený v dátovej zložke vášho servera.",
'dump_list' => "Existujúce výstupy",
'dump_remove' => "Odstrániť vystup",
'edit_comment' => "Upraviť komentár",
'edit_default_keyword_category' => "Upraviť kategórie",
'edit_document_access' => "Upraviť prístup",
'edit_document_notify' => "Zoznam upozornení",
'edit_document_props' => "Upraviť dokument",
'edit' => "upraviť",
'edit_event' => "Upraviť udalosť",
'edit_existing_access' => "Upraviť zoznam riadenia prístupu",
'edit_existing_notify' => "Upraviť zoznam upozornení",
'edit_folder_access' => "Upraviť prístup",
'edit_folder_notify' => "Zoznam upozornení",
'edit_folder_props_again' => "Znova upraviť vlastnosti zložky",
'edit_group' => "Upraviť skupinu",
'edit_user_details' => "Upraviť podrobnosti používateľa",
'edit_user' => "Upraviť používateľa",
'email' => "Email",
'email_footer' => "Nastavenia e-mailu si kedykoľvek môžete zmeniť cez 'Môj účet'",
'email_header' => "Toto je automatická správa od DMS servera.",
'empty_notify_list' => "Žiadne položky",
'error_occured' => "Vyskytla sa chyba",
'event_details' => "Detail udalosti",
'expired' => "Platnosť vypršala",
'expires' => "Platnosť vyprší",
'expiry_changed_email' => "Datum platnosti zmeneny",
'february' => "Február",
'file' => "Súbor",
'files_deletion' => "Odstránenie súboru",
'files_deletion_warning' => "Touto akciou môžete odstrániť celú DMS zložku. Verziovacie informácie zostanú viditeľné.",
'files' => "Súbory",
'file_size' => "Veľkosť súboru",
'folder_contents' => "Obsah zložky",
'folder_deleted_email' => "Zlozka zmazana",
'folder' => "Zlozka",
'folder_infos' => "Informácie o zložke",
'folder_moved_email' => "Zlozka presunuta",
'folder_renamed_email' => "Zlozka premenovana",
'folders_and_documents_statistic' => "Prehľad zložiek a dokumentov",
'folders' => "Zložky",
'folder_title' => "Zložka '[foldername]'",
'friday' => "Piatok",
'from' => "Od",
'global_default_keywords' => "Globálne kľúčové slová",
'group_approval_summary' => "Zhrnutie skupinového schválenia",
'group_exists' => "Skupina už existuje.",
'group' => "Skupina",
'group_management' => "Skupiny",
'group_members' => "Členovia skupiny",
'group_review_summary' => "Zhrnutie skupinovej recenzie",
'groups' => "Skupiny",
'guest_login_disabled' => "Prihlásenie ako hosť je vypnuté.",
'guest_login' => "Prihlásiť sa ako hosť",
'help' => "Pomoc",
'human_readable' => "Použivateľský archív",
'include_documents' => "Vrátane súborov",
'include_subdirectories' => "Vrátane podzložiek",
'individuals' => "Jednotlivci",
'inherits_access_msg' => "Prístup sa dedí.",
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => "Skopírovať zdedený zoznam riadenia prístupu",
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => "Založiť nový zoznam riadenia prístupu",
'internal_error_exit' => "Vnútorná chyba. Nebolo možné dokončiť požiadavku. Ukončuje sa.",
'internal_error' => "Vnútorná chyba",
'invalid_access_mode' => "Neplatný režim prístupu",
'invalid_action' => "Neplatná činnosť",
'invalid_approval_status' => "Neplatný stav schválenia",
'invalid_create_date_end' => "Neplatný koncový dátum vytvorenia.",
'invalid_create_date_start' => "Neplatný počiatočný dátum vytvorenia.",
'invalid_doc_id' => "Neplatný ID dokumentu",
'invalid_file_id' => "Nesprávne ID súboru",
'invalid_folder_id' => "Neplatný ID zložky",
'invalid_group_id' => "Neplatný ID skupiny",
'invalid_link_id' => "Neplatný ID odkazu",
'invalid_request_token' => "Invalid Request Token",
'invalid_review_status' => "Neplatný stav kontroly",
'invalid_sequence' => "Neplatná hodnota postupnosti",
'invalid_status' => "Neplatný stav dokumentu",
'invalid_target_doc_id' => "Neplatné cieľové ID dokumentu",
'invalid_target_folder' => "Neplatné cieľové ID zložky",
'invalid_user_id' => "Neplatné ID používateľa",
'invalid_version' => "Neplatná verzia dokumentu",
'is_hidden' => "Nezobrazovať v zozname používateľov",
'january' => "Január",
'js_no_approval_group' => "Prosím, vyberte skupinu pre schválenie",
'js_no_approval_status' => "Prosím, vyberte stav schválenia",
'js_no_comment' => "Žiadny komentár",
'js_no_email' => "Napíšte svoju emailovú adresu",
'js_no_file' => "Prosím, vyberte súbor",
'js_no_keywords' => "Zadajte nejaké kľúčové slová",
'js_no_login' => "Prosím, napíšte meno používateľa",
'js_no_name' => "Prosím, napíšte meno",
'js_no_override_status' => "Prosím, vyberte nový stav [prepíše sa]",
'js_no_pwd' => "Budete musieť napísať svoje heslo",
'js_no_query' => "Napíšte požiadavku",
'js_no_review_group' => "Prosím, vyberte skupinu pre kontrolu",
'js_no_review_status' => "Prosím, vyberte stav kontroly",
'js_pwd_not_conf' => "Heslo a potvrdenie hesla sa nezhodujú",
'js_select_user_or_group' => "Vyberte aspoň používateľa alebo skupinu",
'js_select_user' => "Prosím, vyberte používateľa",
'july' => "Júl",
'june' => "Jún",
'keyword_exists' => "Kľúčové slovo už existuje",
'keywords' => "Kľúčové slová",
'language' => "Jazyk",
'last_update' => "Posledná aktualizácia",
'linked_documents' => "Súvisiace dokumenty",
'linked_files' => "Prílohy",
'local_file' => "Lokálny súbor",
'lock_document' => "Zamknúť",
'lock_message' => "Tento dokument zamkol <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>.<br>Iba oprávnení používatelia ho môžu odomknúť (pozri koniec stránky).",
'lock_status' => "Stav",
'login_error_text' => "Chyba pri prihlasovaní. ID používateľa alebo heslo je nesprávne.",
'login_error_title' => "Chyba pri prihlasovaní",
'login_not_given' => "Nebolo zadané používateľské meno",
'login_ok' => "Prihlásenie prebehlo úspešne",
'log_management' => "Správa protokolov",
'logout' => "Odhlásenie",
'manager' => "Manager",
'march' => "Marec",
'max_upload_size' => "Maximálna veľkosť každého súboru",
'may' => "Máj",
'monday' => "Pondelok",
'month_view' => "Mesiac",
'move_document' => "Presunúť dokument",
'move_folder' => "Presunúť zložku",
'move' => "Presunúť",
'my_account' => "Môj účet",
'my_documents' => "Moje dokumenty",
'name' => "Meno",
'new_default_keyword_category' => "Pridať kategóriu",
'new_default_keywords' => "Pridať kľúčové slová",
'new_document_email' => "Novy dokument",
'new_file_email' => "Nova priloha",
//$text["new_folder"] = "New folder",
'new' => "Nove",
'new_subfolder_email' => "Nova zlozka",
'new_user_image' => "Nový obrázok",
'no_action' => "Nič sa nevykoná",
//$text["no_approval_needed"] = "No approval pending.",
//$text["no_attached_files"] = "No attached files",
'no_default_keywords' => "Nie sú dostupné žiadne kľúčové slová.",
//$text["no_docs_locked"] = "No documents locked.",
'no_docs_to_approve' => "Momentálne neexistujú žiadne dokumenty, ktoré vyžadujú schválenie.",
//$text["no_docs_to_look_at"] = "No documents that need attention.",
'no_docs_to_review' => "Momentálne neexistujú žiadne dokumenty, ktoré vyžadujú kontrolu.",
'no_group_members' => "Táto skupina nemá žiadnych členov",
'no_groups' => "Žiadne skupiny",
'no_linked_files' => "No linked files",
'no' => "Nie",
'no_previous_versions' => "Neboli nájdené žiadne iné verzie",
'no_review_needed' => "No review pending.",
'notify_added_email' => "Boli ste pridani do notifikacneho zoznamu",
'notify_deleted_email' => "Boli ste odstraneni do notifikacneho zoznamu",
'no_update_cause_locked' => "Preto nemôžete aktualizovať tento dokument. Prosím, kontaktujte používateľa, ktorý ho zamkol.",
'no_user_image' => "nebol nájdený žiadny obrázok",
'november' => "November",
'obsolete' => "Zastaralé",
'october' => "Október",
'old' => "Stare",
'only_jpg_user_images' => "Ako obrázky používateľov je možné použiť iba obrázky .jpg",
'owner' => "Vlastník",
'ownership_changed_email' => "Majitel zmeneny",
'password' => "Heslo",
'personal_default_keywords' => "Osobné kľúčové slová",
'previous_versions' => "Predošlé verzie",
'rejected' => "Odmietnuté",
'released' => "Vydané",
'removed_approver' => "bol odstránený zo zoznamu schvaľovateľov.",
'removed_file_email' => "Odstranena priloha",
'removed_reviewer' => "bol odstránený zo zoznamu kontrolórov.",
'results_page' => "Výsledky",
'review_deletion_email' => "Poziadavka na recenziu zmazana",
'reviewer_already_assigned' => "je už poverený ako kontrolór",
'reviewer_already_removed' => "už bol odstránený z procesu kontroly alebo poslal kontrolu",
'reviewers' => "Kontrolóri",
'review_group' => "Skupina kontroly",
'review_request_email' => "Poziadavka na recenziu",
'review_status' => "Stav kontroly",
'review_submit_email' => "Poslana recenzia",
'review_summary' => "Zhrnutie kontroly",
'review_update_failed' => "Chyba pri aktualizácii stavu kontroly. Aktualizácia zlyhala.",
'rm_default_keyword_category' => "Zmazať kategóriu",
'rm_document' => "Odstrániť dokument",
'rm_file' => "Odstrániť súbor",
'rm_folder' => "Odstrániť zložku",
'rm_group' => "Odstrániť túto skupinu",
'rm_user' => "Odstrániť tohto používateľa",
'rm_version' => "Odstrániť verziu",
//$text["role_admin"] = "Administrator",
//$text["role_guest"] = "Guest",
//$text["role"] = "Role",
'saturday' => "Sobota",
'save' => "Uložiť",
'search_in' => "Prehľadávať",
'search_mode_and' => "všetky slová",
'search_mode_or' => "aspoň jedno zo slov",
'search_no_results' => "Vašej požiadavke nevyhovujú žiadne dokumenty ",
'search_query' => "Hľadať",
'search_report' => "Nájdených [count] dokumentov",
'search_results_access_filtered' => "Výsledky hľadania môžu obsahovať obsah, ku ktorému bol zamietnutý prístup.",
'search_results' => "Výsledky hľadania",
'search' => "Hľadať",
'search_time' => "Uplynulý čas: [time] sek",
'selection' => "Výber",
'select_one' => "Vyberte jeden",
'september' => "September",
'seq_after' => "Po \"[prevname]\"",
'seq_end' => "Na koniec",
'seq_keep' => "Ponechať pozíciu",
'seq_start' => "Prvá pozícia",
'sequence' => "Postupnosť",
'set_expiry' => "Nastaviť vypršanie",
//$text["set_owner_error"] = "Error setting owner",
'set_owner' => "Nastaviť vlastníka",
'signed_in_as' => "Prihlásený ako",
'sign_out' => "odhlásiť",
'space_used_on_data_folder' => "Space used on data folder",
'status_approval_rejected' => "Návrh zamietnutý",
'status_approved' => "Schválený",
'status_approver_removed' => "Schvaľovateľ odstránený z procesu",
'status_not_approved' => "Neschválený",
'status_not_reviewed' => "Neskontrolovaný",
'status_reviewed' => "Skontrolovaný",
'status_reviewer_rejected' => "Návrh zamietnutý",
'status_reviewer_removed' => "Kontrolór odstránený z procesu",
'status' => "Stav",
'status_unknown' => "Neznámy",
'storage_size' => "Objem dát",
'submit_approval' => "Poslať schválenie",
'submit_login' => "Prihlásiť sa",
'submit_review' => "Poslať kontrolu",
'sunday' => "Nedeľa",
'theme' => "Vzhľad",
'thursday' => "Štvrtok",
'toggle_manager' => "Prepnúť stav manager",
'to' => "Do",
'tuesday' => "Utorok",
'under_folder' => "V zložke",
'unknown_command' => "Príkaz nebol rozpoznaný.",
'unknown_group' => "Neznámy ID skupiny",
'unknown_id' => "Neznáme ID",
'unknown_keyword_category' => "Neznáma kategória",
'unknown_owner' => "Neznámy ID vlastníka",
'unknown_user' => "Neznámy ID používateľa",
'unlock_cause_access_mode_all' => "Môžete ho stále aktualizovať, pretože máte režim prístupu \"all\". Zámok bude automaticky odstránený.",
'unlock_cause_locking_user' => "Môžete ho stále aktualizovať, pretože ste ten, kto ho aj zamkol. Zámok bude automaticky odstránený.",
'unlock_document' => "Odomknúť",
'update_approvers' => "Aktualizovať zoznam schvaľovateľov",
'update_document' => "Aktualizovať",
'update_info' => "Aktualizovať informácie",
'update_locked_msg' => "Tento dokument je zamknutý.",
'update_reviewers' => "Aktualizovať zoznam kontrolórov",
'update' => "Aktualizovať",
'uploaded_by' => "Nahral",
'uploading_failed' => "Nahranie zlyhalo. Prosám, kontaktujte správcu.",
'use_default_keywords' => "Použiť preddefinované kľúčové slová",
'user_exists' => "Používateľ už existuje.",
'user_image' => "Obrázok",
'user_info' => "Informácie o používateľovi",
'user_list' => "Zoznam používateľov",
'user_login' => "ID používateľa",
'user_management' => "Používatelia",
'user_name' => "Plné meno",
'users' => "Používateľ",
'user' => "Používateľ",
'version_deleted_email' => "Verzia zmazana",
'version_info' => "Informácie o verzii",
'versioning_file_creation' => "Vytvorenie verziovacieho súboru",
'versioning_file_creation_warning' => "Touto akciou môžete vytvoriť súbor, obsahujúci verziovaciu informáciu celej DMS zložky. Po vytvorení bude každý súbor uložený do zložky súborov.",
'versioning_info' => "Informácie o verziách",
'version' => "Verzia",
'view_online' => "Zobraziť online",
'warning' => "Upozornenie",
'wednesday' => "Streda",
'week_view' => "Týždeň",
'year_view' => "Rok",
'yes' => "Áno",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -18,402 +18,403 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
$text = array();
$text["accept"] = "接受";// "Accept";
$text["access_denied"] = "拒绝访问";// "Access denied.";
$text["access_inheritance"] = "继承访问权限";// "Access Inheritance";
$text["access_mode"] = "访问模式";// "Access mode";
$text["access_mode_all"] = "所有权限";// "All permissions";
$text["access_mode_none"] = "不能访问";// "No access";
$text["access_mode_read"] = "只读权限";// "Read permissions";
$text["access_mode_readwrite"] = "读写权限";// "Read-Write permissions";
$text["access_permission_changed_email"] = "权限已改变";// "Permission changed";
$text["actions"] = "动作";// "Actions";
$text["add"] = "添加";// "Add";
$text["add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning"] = "备注:如果没有指派校对人或审核人那么文档将被自动标注为发布";// "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no reviewer or approver is assigned.";
$text["add_document"] = "添加文档";// "Add document";
$text["add_document_link"] = "添加链接";// "Add link";
$text["add_event"] = "添加事件";// "Add event";
$text["add_group"] = "增加新组";// "Add new group";
$text["add_member"] = "添加成员";// "Add a member";
$text["add_multiple_files"] = "批量添加文档(文档名无法手动修改)";// "Add multiple files (will use filename as document name)";
$text["add_subfolder"] = "添加子文件夹";// "Add subfolder";
$text["add_user"] = "添加新用户";// "Add new user";
$text["admin"] = "管理员";// "Administrator";
$text["admin_tools"] = "管理员工具";// "Admin-Tools";
$text["all_documents"] = "所有文档";// "All Documents";
$text["all_pages"] = "所有页面";// "All";
$text["all_users"] = "所有用户";// "All users";
$text["already_subscribed"] = "已经订阅";// "Already subscribed";
$text["and"] = "and";
$text["approval_deletion_email"] = "审核请求已被删除";// "Approval request deleted";
$text["approval_group"] = "审核组";// "Approval Group";
$text["approval_request_email"] = "审核请求";// "Approval request";
$text["approval_status"] = "审核状态";// "Approval Status";
$text["approval_submit_email"] = "提交审核";// "Submitted approval";
$text["approval_summary"] = "审核汇总";// "Approval Summary";
$text["approval_update_failed"] = "错误:更新审核状态.更新失败.";// "Error updating approval status. Update failed.";
$text["approvers"] = "审核人";// "Approvers";
$text["april"] = "四 月";// "April";
$text["archive_creation"] = "创建存档";// "Archive creation";
$text["archive_creation_warning"] = "通过此操作您可以创建一个包含这个DMS(文档管理系统)的数据文件夹。之后,所有文档都将保存到您服务器的数据文件夹中.<br>警告:如果所创建文档名为非数字的,那么将在服务器备份中不可用";// "With this operation you can create achive containing the files of entire DMS folders. After the creation the archive will be saved in the data folder of your server.<br>WARNING: an archive created as human readable will be unusable as server backup.";@@@@@@@@@@
$text["assign_approvers"] = "指派审核人";// "Assign Approvers";
$text["assign_reviewers"] = "指派校对人";// "Assign Reviewers";
$text["assign_user_property_to"] = "分配用户属性给";// "Assign user's properties to";
$text["assumed_released"] = "假定发布";// "Assumed released";
$text["august"] = "八 月";// "August";
$text["automatic_status_update"] = "自动状态变化";// "Automatic status change";*
$text["back"] = "返回";// "Go back";
$text["backup_list"] = "备份列表";// "Existings backup list";
$text["backup_remove"] = "删除备份";// "Remove backup file";
$text["backup_tools"] = "备份工具";// "Backup tools";
$text["between"] = "between";
$text["calendar"] = "日历";// "Calendar";
$text["cancel"] = "取消";// "Cancel";
$text["cannot_assign_invalid_state"] = "不能修改文档的最终状态";// "Cannot modify a document yet in final state";
$text["cannot_change_final_states"] = "警告:您不能更改文档的拒绝、过期、待校对、或是待审核等状态";// "Warning: You cannot alter status for document rejected, expired or with pending review or approval";
$text["cannot_delete_yourself"] = "不能删除自己";// "Cannot delete yourself";
$text["cannot_move_root"] = "错误:不能移动根目录";// "Error: Cannot move root folder.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot"] = "无法检索到该文件版本的审核快照.";// "Unable to retrieve approval status snapshot for this document version.";
$text["cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot"] = "无法检索到该文件版本的校对快照.";// "Unable to retrieve review status snapshot for this document version.";
$text["cannot_rm_root"] = "错误:不能删除根目录.";// "Error: Cannot delete root folder.";
$text["change_assignments"] = "分配变更";// "Change Assignments";
$text["change_status"] = "变更状态";// "Change Status";
$text["choose_category"] = "请选择";// "Please choose";
$text["choose_group"] = "选择组别";// "Choose group";
$text["choose_target_document"] = "选择文档";// "Choose document";
$text["choose_target_folder"] = "选择文件夹";// "Choose folder";
$text["choose_user"] = "选择用户";// "Choose user";
$text["comment_changed_email"] = "评论已更改";// "Comment changed";
$text["comment"] = "说明";// "Comment";
$text["comment_for_current_version"] = "版本说明";// "Version comment";
$text["confirm_pwd"] = "确认密码";// "Confirm Password";
$text["confirm_rm_backup"] = "您确定要删除\"[arkname]\"备份文档?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove the file \"[arkname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_document"] = "您确定要删除\"[documentname]\"文档?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove the document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_dump"] = "您确定要删除\"[dumpname]\"转储文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove the file \"[dumpname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_event"] = "您确定要删除\"[name]\"事件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove event \"[name]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_file"] = "您确定要删除\"[documentname]\"文档中的\"[name]\"文件 ?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove file \"[name]\" of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder"] = "您确定要删除\"[foldername]\"文件夹 及其内文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove the folder \"[foldername]\" and its content?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_folder_files"] = "您确定要删除\"[foldername]\" 中所有文件及其子文件夹?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove all the files of the folder \"[foldername]\" and of its subfolders?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_group"] = "您确定要删除\"[groupname]\"组?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove the group \"[groupname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_log"] = "您确定要删除\"[logname]\"日志文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove log file \"[logname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_user"] = "您确定要删除\"[username]\"用户?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove the user \"[username]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["confirm_rm_version"] = "您确定要删除\"[documentname]\文档的[version]版本文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.";// "Do you really want to remove version [version] of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.";
$text["content"] = "内容";// "Content";
$text["continue"] = "继续";// "Continue";
$text["creation_date"] = "创建日期";// "Created";
$text["current_version"] = "当前版本";// "Current version";
$text["december"] = "十二月";// "December";
$text["default_access"] = "缺省访问模式";// "Default Access Mode";
$text["default_keywords"] = "可用关键字";// "Available keywords";
$text["delete"] = "删除";// "Delete";
$text["details"] = "详细情况";// "Details";
$text["details_version"] = "版本详情:[version]";// "Details for version: [version]";
$text["disclaimer"] ="警告:这是机密区.只有授权用户才被允许访问.任何违反行为将受到法律制裁";// "This is a classified area. Access is permitted only to authorized personnel. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the national and international laws.";
$text["document_already_locked"] = "该文档已被锁定";// "This document is aleady locked";
$text["document_deleted"] = "删除文档";// "Document deleted";
$text["document_deleted_email"] = "文档已被删除";// "Document deleted";
$text["document"] = "文档";// "Document";
$text["document_infos"] = "文档信息";// "Document Information";
$text["document_is_not_locked"] = "该文档没有被锁定";// "This document is not locked";
$text["document_link_by"] = "链接";// "Linked by";
$text["document_link_public"] = "公开";// "Public";
$text["document_moved_email"] = "文档已被移动";// "Document moved";
$text["document_renamed_email"] = "文档已被重命名";// "Document renamed";
$text["documents"] = "文档";// "Documents";
$text["documents_in_process"] = "待处理文档";// "Documents In Process";
$text["documents_locked_by_you"] = "被您锁定的文档";// "Documents locked by you";
$text["document_status_changed_email"] = "文档状态已被更改";// "Document status changed";
$text["documents_to_approve"] = "待您审核的文档";// "Documents awaiting your approval";
$text["documents_to_review"] = "待您校对的文档";// "Documents awaiting your Review";
$text["documents_user_requiring_attention"] = "需您关注的文档";// "Documents owned by you that require attention";
$text["document_title"] = "文档名称 '[documentname]'";// "Document '[documentname]'";
$text["document_updated_email"] = "文档已被更新";// "Document updated";
$text["does_not_expire"] = "永不过期";// "Does not expire";
$text["does_not_inherit_access_msg"] = "继承访问权限";// "<a class= "";//\"inheritAccess\" href= "";//\"[inheriturl]\">Inherit access</a>";
$text["download"] = "下载";// "Download";
$text["draft_pending_approval"] = "待审核";// "Draft - pending approval";
$text["draft_pending_review"] = "待校对";// "Draft - pending review";
$text["dump_creation"] = "转储数据";// "DB dump creation";
$text["dump_creation_warning"] = "通过此操作,您可以创建一个您数据库的转储文件,之后可以将转储数据保存到您服务器所在的数据文件夹中";// "With this operation you can create a dump file of your database content. After the creation the dump file will be saved in the data folder of your server.";
$text["dump_list"] = "存在转储文件";// "Existings dump files";
$text["dump_remove"] = "删除转储文件";// "Remove dump file";转储文件:内存镜像
$text["edit_comment"] = "编辑说明";// "Edit comment";
$text["edit_default_keywords"] = "编辑关键字";// "Edit keywords";
$text["edit_document_access"] = "编辑访问权限";// "Edit Access";
$text["edit_document_notify"] = "文档通知列表";// "Document Notification List";
$text["edit_document_props"] = "编辑文档";// "Edit document";
$text["edit"] = "编辑";// "Edit";
$text["edit_event"] = "编辑事件";// "Edit event";
$text["edit_existing_access"] = "编辑访问列表";// "Edit Access List";
$text["edit_existing_notify"] = "编辑通知列表";// "Edit notification list";
$text["edit_folder_access"] = "编辑访问权限";// "Edit access";
$text["edit_folder_notify"] = "文件夹通知列表";// "Folder Notification List";
$text["edit_folder_props"] = "编辑文件夹";// "Edit folder";
$text["edit_group"] = "编辑组别";// "Edit group";
$text["edit_user_details"] = "编辑用户详情";// "Edit User Details";
$text["edit_user"] = "编辑用户";// "Edit user";
$text["email"] = "Email";
$text["email_footer"] = "您可以用‘我的账户’选项来改变您的e-mail设置";// "You can always change your e-mail settings using 'My Account' functions";
$text["email_header"] = "这是来自于DMS(文档管理系统)的自动发送消息";// "This is an automatic message from the DMS server.";
$text["empty_notify_list"] = "没有条目";// "No entries";
$text["error_no_document_selected"] = "请选择文档";// "No document selected";
$text["error_no_folder_selected"] = "请选择文件夹";// "No folder selected";
$text["error_occured"] = "出错";// "An error has occured";
$text["event_details"] = "错误详情";// "Event details";
$text["expired"] = "过期";// "Expired";
$text["expires"] = "有效限期";// "Expires";@@@@@@
$text["expiry_changed_email"] = "到期日子已改变";// "Expiry date changed";
$text["february"] = "二 月";// "February";
$text["file"] = "文件";// "File";
$text["files_deletion"] = "删除文件";// "Files deletion";
$text["files_deletion_warning"] = "通过此操作,您可以删除整个DMS(文档管理系统)文件夹里的所有文件.但版本信息将被保留";// "With this option you can delete all files of entire DMS folders. The versioning information will remain visible.";
$text["files"] = "文件";// "Files";
$text["file_size"] = "文件大小";// "Filesize";
$text["folder_contents"] = "文件夹内容";// "Folder Contents";
$text["folder_deleted_email"] = "文件夹已被删除";// "Folder deleted";
$text["folder"] = "文件夹";// "Folder";
$text["folder_infos"] = "文件夹信息";// "Folder Information";
$text["folder_moved_email"] = "文件夹已被移动";// "Folder moved";
$text["folder_renamed_email"] = "文件夹已被重命名";// "Folder renamed";
$text["folders_and_documents_statistic"] = "内容概要";// "Contents overview";
$text["folders"] = "文件夹";// "Folders";
$text["folder_title"] = "文件夹 '[foldername]'";// "Folder '[foldername]'";
$text["friday"] = "Friday";
$text["from"] = "从";//"From";
$text["global_default_keywords"] = "全局关键字";// "Global keywords";
$text["group_approval_summary"] = "审核组汇总";// "Group approval summary";
$text["group_exists"] = "组已存在";// "Group already exists.";
$text["group"] = "组别";// "Group";
$text["group_management"] = "组管理";// "Groups management";
$text["group_members"] = "组成员";// "Group members";
$text["group_review_summary"] = "校对组汇总";// "Group review summary";
$text["groups"] = "组别";// "Groups";
$text["guest_login_disabled"] = "来宾登录被禁止";// "Guest login is disabled.";
$text["guest_login"] = "来宾登录";// "Login as guest";
$text["help"] = "帮助";// "Help";
$text["human_readable"] = "可读存档";// "Human readable archive";
$text["include_documents"] = "包含文档";// "Include documents";
$text["include_subdirectories"] = "包含子目录";// "Include subdirectories";
$text["individuals"] = "个人";// "Individuals";
$text["inherits_access_msg"] = "继承访问权限";//"Access is being inherited.<p><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[copyurl]\">Copy inherited access list</a><br><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[emptyurl]\">Start with empty access list</a>";
$text["inherits_access_copy_msg"] = "复制继承访问权限列表";
$text["inherits_access_empty_msg"] = "从访问权限空列表开始";
$text["internal_error_exit"] = "内部错误.无法完成请求.离开系统";// "Internal error. Unable to complete request. Exiting.";
$text["internal_error"] = "内部错误";// "Internal error";
$text["invalid_access_mode"] = "无效访问模式";// "Invalid Access Mode";
$text["invalid_action"] = "无效动作";// "Invalid Action";
$text["invalid_approval_status"] = "无效审核状态";// "Invalid Approval Status";
$text["invalid_create_date_end"] = "无效截止日期,不在创建日期范围内";// "Invalid end date for creation date range.";
$text["invalid_create_date_start"] = "无效开始日期,不在创建日期范围内";// "Invalid start date for creation date range.";
$text["invalid_doc_id"] = "无效文档ID号";// "Invalid Document ID";
$text["invalid_file_id"] = "无效文件ID号";// "Invalid file ID";
$text["invalid_folder_id"] = "无效文件夹ID号";// "Invalid Folder ID";
$text["invalid_group_id"] = "无效组别ID号";// "Invalid Group ID";
$text["invalid_link_id"] = "无效链接标示";// "Invalid link identifier";
$text["invalid_request_token"] = "Invalid Request Token";
$text["invalid_review_status"] = "无效校对状态";// "Invalid Review Status";
$text["invalid_sequence"] = "无效序列值";// "Invalid sequence value";
$text["invalid_status"] = "无效文档状态";// "Invalid Document Status";
$text["invalid_target_doc_id"] = "无效目标文档ID号";// "Invalid Target Document ID";
$text["invalid_target_folder"] = "无效目标文件夹ID号";// "Invalid Target Folder ID";
$text["invalid_user_id"] = "无效用户ID号";// "Invalid User ID";
$text["invalid_version"] = "无效文档版本";// "Invalid Document Version";
$text["is_hidden"] = "从用户列表中隐藏";// "Hide from users list";
$text["january"] = "一 月";// "January";
$text["js_no_approval_group"] = "请选择审核组";// "Please select a approval group";
$text["js_no_approval_status"] = "请选择审核状态";// "Please select the approval status";
$text["js_no_comment"] = "没有添加说明";// "There is no comment";
$text["js_no_email"] = "输入您的e-mail";// "Type in your Email-address";
$text["js_no_file"] = "请选择一个文件";// "Please select a file";
$text["js_no_keywords"] = "指定关键字";// "Specify some keywords";
$text["js_no_login"] = "输入用户名";// "Please type in a username";
$text["js_no_name"] = "请输入名称";// "Please type in a name";
$text["js_no_override_status"] = "请选择一个新的[override]状态";// "Please select the new [override] status";
$text["js_no_pwd"] = "您需要输入您的密码";// "You need to type in your password";
$text["js_no_query"] = "输入查询";// "Type in a query";
$text["js_no_review_group"] = "请选择一个校对组";// "Please select a review group";
$text["js_no_review_status"] = "请选择校对状态";// "Please select the review status";
$text["js_pwd_not_conf"] = "密码与确认密码不一致";// "Password and passwords-confirmation are not equal";
$text["js_select_user_or_group"] = "选择至少一个用户或一个组";// "Select at least a user or a group";
$text["js_select_user"] = "请选择一个用户";// "Please select an user";
$text["july"] = "七 月";// "July";
$text["june"] = "六 月";// "June";
$text["keyword_exists"] = "关键字已存在";// "Keyword already exists";
$text["keywords"] = "关键字";// "Keywords";
$text["language"] = "语言";// "Language";
$text["last_update"] = "上次更新";// "Last Update";
$text["linked_documents"] = "相关文档";// "Related Documents";
$text["linked_files"] = "附件";// "Attachments";
$text["local_file"] = "本地文件";// "Local file";
$text["lock_document"] = "锁定";// "Lock";
$text["lock_message"] = "此文档已被 <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>锁定. 只有授权用户才能解锁."; //"This document is locked by <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>. Only authorized users can unlock this document.";
$text["lock_status"] = "锁定状态";// "Status";
$text["login_error_text"] = "登录错误.用户名或密码不正确";// "Error signing in. User ID or password incorrect.";
$text["login_error_title"] = "登录错误";// "Sign in error";
$text["login_not_given"] = "缺少用户名";// "No username has been supplied";@@
$text["login_ok"] = "登录成功";// "Sign in successful";
$text["log_management"] = "日志管理";// "Log files management";
$text["logout"] = "登出";// "Logout";
$text["manager"] = "管理员";// "Manager";@@
$text["march"] = "三 月";// "March";
$text["max_upload_size"] = "最大上传文件大小";// "Maximum upload size";
$text["may"] = "五 月";// "May";
$text["monday"] = "Monday";
$text["month_view"] = "月视图";// "Month view";
$text["move_document"] = "移动文档";// "Move document";
$text["move_folder"] = "移动文件夹";// "Move Folder";
$text["move"] = "移动";// "Move";
$text["my_account"] = "我的账户";// "My Account";
$text["my_documents"] = "我的文档";// "My Documents";
$text["name"] = "名称";// "Name";@@
$text["new_default_keyword_category"] = "添加类别";// "Add category";
$text["new_default_keywords"] = "添加关键字";// "Add keywords";
$text["new_document_email"] = "添加新文档";// "New document";
$text["new_file_email"] = "添加新附件";// "New attachment";
$text["new_folder"] = "新建文件夹";// "New folder";
$text["new"] = "New"; @@@@
$text["new_subfolder_email"] = "创建新文件夹";// "New folder";
$text["new_user_image"] = "新建图片";// "New image";
$text["no_action"] = "无动作请求";// "No action required";
$text["no_approval_needed"] = "无待审核的文件";// "No approval pending.";
$text["no_attached_files"] = "无附件";// "No attached files";
$text["no_default_keywords"] = "无关键字";// "No keywords available";
$text["no_docs_locked"] = "无锁定的文档";// "No documents locked.";
$text["no_docs_to_approve"] = "当前没有需要审核的文档";// "There are currently no documents that require approval.";
$text["no_docs_to_look_at"] = "没有需要关注的文档";// "No documents that need attention.";
$text["no_docs_to_review"] = "当前没有需要校对的文档";// "There are currently no documents that require review.";
$text["no_group_members"] = "该组没有成员";// "This group has no members";
$text["no_groups"] = "无组别";// "No groups";
$text["no_linked_files"] = "无链接文件";// "No linked files";
$text["no"] = "否";//"No";
$text["no_previous_versions"] = "无其它版本";// "No other versions found";
$text["no_review_needed"] = "无待校对的文件";// "No review pending.";
$text["notify_added_email"] = "您已被添加到了通知名单中";// "You've been added to notify list";
$text["notify_deleted_email"] = "您已经从通知名单中删除";// "You've been removed from notify list";
$text["no_update_cause_locked"] = "您不能更新此文档,请联系该文档锁定人";// "You can therefore not update this document. Please contanct the locking user.";
$text["no_user_image"] = "无图片";// "No image found";
$text["november"] = "十一月";// "November";
$text["obsolete"] = "Obsolete";@@
$text["october"] = "十 月";// "October";
$text["old"] = "Old";//@@
$text["only_jpg_user_images"] = "只用jpg格式的图片才可以作为用户身份图片";// "Only .jpg-images may be used as user-images";
$text["owner"] = "所有者";// "Owner";
$text["ownership_changed_email"] = "所有者已变更";// "Owner changed";
$text["password"] = "密码";// "Password";
$text["personal_default_keywords"] = "用户关键字";// "Personal keywords";@@
$text["previous_versions"] = "先前版本";// "Previous Versions";
$text["rejected"] = "拒绝";// "Rejected";
$text["released"] = "发布";// "Released";
$text["removed_approver"] = "已经从审核人名单中删除";// "has been removed from the list of approvers.";
$text["removed_file_email"] = "删除附件";// "Removed attachment";
$text["removed_reviewer"] = "已经从校对人名单中删除";// "has been removed from the list of reviewers.";
$text["results_page"] = "结果页面";// "Results Page";
$text["review_deletion_email"] = "校对请求被删除";// "Review request deleted";
$text["reviewer_already_assigned"] = "已经被指派为校对人";// "is already assigned as a reviewer";
$text["reviewer_already_removed"] = "已经从校对队列中删除或者已经提交校对";// "has already been removed from review process or has already submitted a review";
$text["reviewers"] = "校对人";// "Reviewers";
$text["review_group"] = "校对组";// "Review Group";
$text["review_request_email"] = "校对请求";// "Review request";
$text["review_status"] = "校对状态";// "Review Status";
$text["review_submit_email"] = "提交校对";// "Submitted review";
$text["review_summary"] = "校对汇总";// "Review Summary";
$text["review_update_failed"] = "错误 更新校对状态.更新失败";// "Error updating review status. Update failed.";
$text["rm_default_keyword_category"] = "删除类别";// "Delete category";
$text["rm_document"] = "删除文档";// "Remove document";
$text["rm_file"] = "删除文件";// "Remove file";
$text["rm_folder"] = "删除文件夹";// "Remove folder";
$text["rm_group"] = "删除该组";// "Remove this group";
$text["rm_user"] = "删除该用户";// "Remove this user";
$text["rm_version"] = "删除该版本";// "Remove version";
$text["role_admin"] = "管理员";// "Administrator";
$text["role_guest"] = "来宾";// "Guest";
$text["role_user"] = "用户";// "User";
$text["role"] = "角色";// "Role";
$text["saturday"] = "Saturday";
$text["save"] = "保存";// "Save";
$text["search_in"] = "搜索于";// "Search in";
$text["search_mode_and"] = "与模式";// "all words";
$text["search_mode_or"] = "或模式";// "at least one word";
$text["search_no_results"] = "没有找到与您搜索添加相匹配的文件";// "There are no documents that match your search";
$text["search_query"] = "搜索";// "Search for";
$text["search_report"] = "找到 [count] 个文档";// "Found [count] documents";
$text["search_results_access_filtered"] = "搜索到得结果中可能包含受限访问的文档";// "Search results may contain content to which access has been denied.";
$text["search_results"] = "搜索结果";// "Search results";
$text["search"] = "搜索";// "Search";
$text["search_time"] = "耗时:[time]秒";// "Elapsed time: [time] sec.";
$text["selection"] = "选择";// "Selection";
$text["select_one"] = "选择一个";// "Select one";
$text["september"] = "九 月";// "September";
$text["seq_after"] = "在\"[prevname]\"之后";// "After \"[prevname]\"";
$text["seq_end"] = "末尾";// "At the end";
$text["seq_keep"] = "当前";// "Keep Position";@@@@
$text["seq_start"] = "首位";// "First position";
$text["sequence"] = "次序";// "Sequence";
$text["set_expiry"] = "设置截止日期";// "Set Expiry";
$text["set_owner_error"] = "错误 设置所有者";// "Error setting owner";
$text["set_owner"] = "设置所有者";// "Set Owner";
$text["signed_in_as"] = "登录为";// "Signed in as";
$text["sign_out"] = "登出";// "sign out";
$text["space_used_on_data_folder"] = "数据文件夹使用空间";// "Space used on data folder";@@
$text["status_approval_rejected"] = "拟拒绝";// "Draft rejected";
$text["status_approved"] = "批准";// "Approved";
$text["status_approver_removed"] = "从审核队列中删除";// "Approver removed from process";
$text["status_not_approved"] = "未批准";// "Not approved";
$text["status_not_reviewed"] = "未校对";// "Not reviewed";
$text["status_reviewed"] = "通过";// "Reviewed";
$text["status_reviewer_rejected"] = "拟拒绝";// "Draft rejected";
$text["status_reviewer_removed"] = "从校对队列中删除";// "Reviewer removed from process";
$text["status"] = "状态";// "Status";
$text["status_unknown"] = "未知";// "Unknown";
$text["storage_size"] = "存储大小";// "Storage size";
$text["submit_approval"] = "提交审核";// "Submit approval";
$text["submit_login"] = "登录";// "Sign in";
$text["submit_review"] = "提交校对";// "Submit review";
$text["sunday"] = "Sunday";
$text["theme"] = "主题";// "Theme";
$text["thursday"] = "Thursday";
$text["toggle_manager"] = "角色切换";// "Toggle manager";@@
$text["to"] = "到";//"To";
$text["tuesday"] = "Tuesday";
$text["under_folder"] = "文件夹内";// "In folder";
$text["unknown_command"] = "未知命令";// "Command not recognized.";
$text["unknown_group"] = "未知组ID号";// "Unknown group id";
$text["unknown_id"] = "未知ID号";// "unknown id";
$text["unknown_keyword_category"] = "未知类别";// "Unknown category";
$text["unknown_owner"] = "未知所有者ID号";// "Unknown owner id";
$text["unknown_user"] = "未知用户ID号";// "Unknown user id";
$text["unlock_cause_access_mode_all"] = "您仍然可以更新,因为您有拥有所有权限\"all\". 锁定状态被自动解除.";// "You can still update it because you have access-mode \"all\". Locking will automatically be removed.";
$text["unlock_cause_locking_user"] = "您仍然可以更新,因为是您锁定了该文件. 锁定状态被自动解除.";// "You can still update it because you are also the one that locked it. Locking will automatically be removed.";@@
$text["unlock_document"] = "解锁";// "Unlock";
$text["update_approvers"] = "更新审核人名单";// "Update List of Approvers";
$text["update_document"] = "更新";// "Update";
$text["update_info"] = "更新信息";// "Update Information";
$text["update_locked_msg"] = "该文档被锁定";// "This document is locked.";
$text["update_reviewers"] = "更新校对人名单";// "Update List of Reviewers";
$text["update"] = "更新";// "Update";
$text["uploaded_by"] = "上传者";// "Uploaded by";@@
$text["uploading_failed"] = "上传失败.请联系管理员";// "Upload failed. Please contact the administrator.";
$text["use_default_keywords"] = "使用预定义关键字";// "Use predefined keywords";
$text["user_exists"] = "用户已存在";// "User already exists.";
$text["user_image"] = "用户图片";// "Image";@@
$text["user_info"] = "用户信息";// "User Information";
$text["user_list"] = "用户列表";// "List of Users";
$text["user_login"] = "用户ID";// "User ID";
$text["user_management"] = "用户管理";// "Users management";
$text["user_name"] = "全名";// "Full name";
$text["users"] = "用户";// "Users";
$text["user"] = "用户";// "User";
$text["version_deleted_email"] = "版本已被删除";// "Version deleted";
$text["version_info"] = "版本信息";// "Version Information";
$text["versioning_file_creation"] = "创建版本文件";// "Versioning file creation";@@
$text["versioning_file_creation_warning"] = "通过此操作,您可以一个包含整个DMS文件夹的版本信息文件. 版本文件一经创建,每个文件都将保存到文件夹中.";// "With this operation you can create a file containing the versioning information of an entire DMS folder. After the creation every file will be saved inside the document folder.";@@
$text["versioning_info"] = "版本信息";// "Versioning info";
$text["version"] = "版本";// "Version";
$text["view_online"] = "在线浏览";// "View online";
$text["warning"] = "警告";// "Warning";
$text["wednesday"] = "Wednesday";
$text["week_view"] = "周视图";// "Week view";
$text["year_view"] = "年视图";// "Year View";
$text["yes"] = "是";// "Yes";
$text = array(
'accept' => "接受",// "Accept",
'access_denied' => "拒绝访问",// "Access denied.",
'access_inheritance' => "继承访问权限",// "Access Inheritance",
'access_mode' => "访问模式",// "Access mode",
'access_mode_all' => "所有权限",// "All permissions",
'access_mode_none' => "不能访问",// "No access",
'access_mode_read' => "只读权限",// "Read permissions",
'access_mode_readwrite' => "读写权限",// "Read-Write permissions",
'access_permission_changed_email' => "权限已改变",// "Permission changed",
'actions' => "动作",// "Actions",
'add' => "添加",// "Add",
'add_doc_reviewer_approver_warning' => "备注:如果没有指派校对人或审核人那么文档将被自动标注为发布",// "N.B. Documents are automatically marked as released if no reviewer or approver is assigned.",
'add_document' => "添加文档",// "Add document",
'add_document_link' => "添加链接",// "Add link",
'add_event' => "添加事件",// "Add event",
'add_group' => "增加新组",// "Add new group",
'add_member' => "添加成员",// "Add a member",
'add_multiple_files' => "批量添加文档(文档名无法手动修改)",// "Add multiple files (will use filename as document name)",
'add_subfolder' => "添加子文件夹",// "Add subfolder",
'add_user' => "添加新用户",// "Add new user",
'admin' => "管理员",// "Administrator",
'admin_tools' => "管理员工具",// "Admin-Tools",
'all_documents' => "所有文档",// "All Documents",
'all_pages' => "所有页面",// "All",
'all_users' => "所有用户",// "All users",
'already_subscribed' => "已经订阅",// "Already subscribed",
'and' => "and",
'approval_deletion_email' => "审核请求已被删除",// "Approval request deleted",
'approval_group' => "审核组",// "Approval Group",
'approval_request_email' => "审核请求",// "Approval request",
'approval_status' => "审核状态",// "Approval Status",
'approval_submit_email' => "提交审核",// "Submitted approval",
'approval_summary' => "审核汇总",// "Approval Summary",
'approval_update_failed' => "错误:更新审核状态.更新失败.",// "Error updating approval status. Update failed.",
'approvers' => "审核人",// "Approvers",
'april' => "四 月",// "April",
'archive_creation' => "创建存档",// "Archive creation",
'archive_creation_warning' => "通过此操作您可以创建一个包含这个DMS(文档管理系统)的数据文件夹。之后,所有文档都将保存到您服务器的数据文件夹中.<br>警告:如果所创建文档名为非数字的,那么将在服务器备份中不可用",// "With this operation you can create achive containing the files of entire DMS folders. After the creation the archive will be saved in the data folder of your server.<br>WARNING: an archive created as human readable will be unusable as server backup.",@@@@@@@@@@
'assign_approvers' => "指派审核人",// "Assign Approvers",
'assign_reviewers' => "指派校对人",// "Assign Reviewers",
'assign_user_property_to' => "分配用户属性给",// "Assign user's properties to",
'assumed_released' => "假定发布",// "Assumed released",
'august' => "八 月",// "August",
'automatic_status_update' => "自动状态变化",// "Automatic status change",*
'back' => "返回",// "Go back",
'backup_list' => "备份列表",// "Existings backup list",
'backup_remove' => "删除备份",// "Remove backup file",
'backup_tools' => "备份工具",// "Backup tools",
'between' => "between",
'calendar' => "日历",// "Calendar",
'cancel' => "取消",// "Cancel",
'cannot_assign_invalid_state' => "不能修改文档的最终状态",// "Cannot modify a document yet in final state",
'cannot_change_final_states' => "警告:您不能更改文档的拒绝、过期、待校对、或是待审核等状态",// "Warning: You cannot alter status for document rejected, expired or with pending review or approval",
'cannot_delete_yourself' => "不能删除自己",// "Cannot delete yourself",
'cannot_move_root' => "错误:不能移动根目录",// "Error: Cannot move root folder.",
'cannot_retrieve_approval_snapshot' => "无法检索到该文件版本的审核快照.",// "Unable to retrieve approval status snapshot for this document version.",
'cannot_retrieve_review_snapshot' => "无法检索到该文件版本的校对快照.",// "Unable to retrieve review status snapshot for this document version.",
'cannot_rm_root' => "错误:不能删除根目录.",// "Error: Cannot delete root folder.",
'change_assignments' => "分配变更",// "Change Assignments",
'change_status' => "变更状态",// "Change Status",
'choose_category' => "请选择",// "Please choose",
'choose_group' => "选择组别",// "Choose group",
'choose_target_document' => "选择文档",// "Choose document",
'choose_target_folder' => "选择文件夹",// "Choose folder",
'choose_user' => "选择用户",// "Choose user",
'comment_changed_email' => "评论已更改",// "Comment changed",
'comment' => "说明",// "Comment",
'comment_for_current_version' => "版本说明",// "Version comment",
'confirm_pwd' => "确认密码",// "Confirm Password",
'confirm_rm_backup' => "您确定要删除\"[arkname]\"备份文档?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove the file \"[arkname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_document' => "您确定要删除\"[documentname]\"文档?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove the document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_dump' => "您确定要删除\"[dumpname]\"转储文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove the file \"[dumpname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_event' => "您确定要删除\"[name]\"事件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove event \"[name]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_file' => "您确定要删除\"[documentname]\"文档中的\"[name]\"文件 ?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove file \"[name]\" of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_folder' => "您确定要删除\"[foldername]\"文件夹 及其内文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove the folder \"[foldername]\" and its content?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_folder_files' => "您确定要删除\"[foldername]\" 中所有文件及其子文件夹?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove all the files of the folder \"[foldername]\" and of its subfolders?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_group' => "您确定要删除\"[groupname]\"组?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove the group \"[groupname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_log' => "您确定要删除\"[logname]\"日志文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove log file \"[logname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_user' => "您确定要删除\"[username]\"用户?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove the user \"[username]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'confirm_rm_version' => "您确定要删除\"[documentname]\文档的[version]版本文件?<br>请注意:此动作执行后不能撤销.",// "Do you really want to remove version [version] of document \"[documentname]\"?<br>Be careful: This action cannot be undone.",
'content' => "内容",// "Content",
'continue' => "继续",// "Continue",
'creation_date' => "创建日期",// "Created",
'current_version' => "当前版本",// "Current version",
'december' => "十二月",// "December",
'default_access' => "缺省访问模式",// "Default Access Mode",
'default_keywords' => "可用关键字",// "Available keywords",
'delete' => "删除",// "Delete",
'details' => "详细情况",// "Details",
'details_version' => "版本详情:[version]",// "Details for version: [version]",
'disclaimer' =>"警告:这是机密区.只有授权用户才被允许访问.任何违反行为将受到法律制裁",// "This is a classified area. Access is permitted only to authorized personnel. Any violation will be prosecuted according to the national and international laws.",
'document_already_locked' => "该文档已被锁定",// "This document is aleady locked",
'document_deleted' => "删除文档",// "Document deleted",
'document_deleted_email' => "文档已被删除",// "Document deleted",
'document' => "文档",// "Document",
'document_infos' => "文档信息",// "Document Information",
'document_is_not_locked' => "该文档没有被锁定",// "This document is not locked",
'document_link_by' => "链接",// "Linked by",
'document_link_public' => "公开",// "Public",
'document_moved_email' => "文档已被移动",// "Document moved",
'document_renamed_email' => "文档已被重命名",// "Document renamed",
'documents' => "文档",// "Documents",
'documents_in_process' => "待处理文档",// "Documents In Process",
'documents_locked_by_you' => "被您锁定的文档",// "Documents locked by you",
'document_status_changed_email' => "文档状态已被更改",// "Document status changed",
'documents_to_approve' => "待您审核的文档",// "Documents awaiting your approval",
'documents_to_review' => "待您校对的文档",// "Documents awaiting your Review",
'documents_user_requiring_attention' => "需您关注的文档",// "Documents owned by you that require attention",
'document_title' => "文档名称 '[documentname]'",// "Document '[documentname]'",
'document_updated_email' => "文档已被更新",// "Document updated",
'does_not_expire' => "永不过期",// "Does not expire",
'does_not_inherit_access_msg' => "继承访问权限",// "<a class= "",//\"inheritAccess\" href= "",//\"[inheriturl]\">Inherit access</a>",
'download' => "下载",// "Download",
'draft_pending_approval' => "待审核",// "Draft - pending approval",
'draft_pending_review' => "待校对",// "Draft - pending review",
'dump_creation' => "转储数据",// "DB dump creation",
'dump_creation_warning' => "通过此操作,您可以创建一个您数据库的转储文件,之后可以将转储数据保存到您服务器所在的数据文件夹中",// "With this operation you can create a dump file of your database content. After the creation the dump file will be saved in the data folder of your server.",
'dump_list' => "存在转储文件",// "Existings dump files",
'dump_remove' => "删除转储文件",// "Remove dump file",转储文件:内存镜像
'edit_comment' => "编辑说明",// "Edit comment",
'edit_default_keywords' => "编辑关键字",// "Edit keywords",
'edit_document_access' => "编辑访问权限",// "Edit Access",
'edit_document_notify' => "文档通知列表",// "Document Notification List",
'edit_document_props' => "编辑文档",// "Edit document",
'edit' => "编辑",// "Edit",
'edit_event' => "编辑事件",// "Edit event",
'edit_existing_access' => "编辑访问列表",// "Edit Access List",
'edit_existing_notify' => "编辑通知列表",// "Edit notification list",
'edit_folder_access' => "编辑访问权限",// "Edit access",
'edit_folder_notify' => "文件夹通知列表",// "Folder Notification List",
'edit_folder_props' => "编辑文件夹",// "Edit folder",
'edit_group' => "编辑组别",// "Edit group",
'edit_user_details' => "编辑用户详情",// "Edit User Details",
'edit_user' => "编辑用户",// "Edit user",
'email' => "Email",
'email_footer' => "您可以用‘我的账户’选项来改变您的e-mail设置",// "You can always change your e-mail settings using 'My Account' functions",
'email_header' => "这是来自于DMS(文档管理系统)的自动发送消息",// "This is an automatic message from the DMS server.",
'empty_notify_list' => "没有条目",// "No entries",
'error_no_document_selected' => "请选择文档",// "No document selected",
'error_no_folder_selected' => "请选择文件夹",// "No folder selected",
'error_occured' => "出错",// "An error has occured",
'event_details' => "错误详情",// "Event details",
'expired' => "过期",// "Expired",
'expires' => "有效限期",// "Expires",@@@@@@
'expiry_changed_email' => "到期日子已改变",// "Expiry date changed",
'february' => "二 月",// "February",
'file' => "文件",// "File",
'files_deletion' => "删除文件",// "Files deletion",
'files_deletion_warning' => "通过此操作,您可以删除整个DMS(文档管理系统)文件夹里的所有文件.但版本信息将被保留",// "With this option you can delete all files of entire DMS folders. The versioning information will remain visible.",
'files' => "文件",// "Files",
'file_size' => "文件大小",// "Filesize",
'folder_contents' => "文件夹内容",// "Folder Contents",
'folder_deleted_email' => "文件夹已被删除",// "Folder deleted",
'folder' => "文件夹",// "Folder",
'folder_infos' => "文件夹信息",// "Folder Information",
'folder_moved_email' => "文件夹已被移动",// "Folder moved",
'folder_renamed_email' => "文件夹已被重命名",// "Folder renamed",
'folders_and_documents_statistic' => "内容概要",// "Contents overview",
'folders' => "文件夹",// "Folders",
'folder_title' => "文件夹 '[foldername]'",// "Folder '[foldername]'",
'friday' => "Friday",
'from' => "从",//"From",
'global_default_keywords' => "全局关键字",// "Global keywords",
'group_approval_summary' => "审核组汇总",// "Group approval summary",
'group_exists' => "组已存在",// "Group already exists.",
'group' => "组别",// "Group",
'group_management' => "组管理",// "Groups management",
'group_members' => "组成员",// "Group members",
'group_review_summary' => "校对组汇总",// "Group review summary",
'groups' => "组别",// "Groups",
'guest_login_disabled' => "来宾登录被禁止",// "Guest login is disabled.",
'guest_login' => "来宾登录",// "Login as guest",
'help' => "帮助",// "Help",
'human_readable' => "可读存档",// "Human readable archive",
'include_documents' => "包含文档",// "Include documents",
'include_subdirectories' => "包含子目录",// "Include subdirectories",
'individuals' => "个人",// "Individuals",
'inherits_access_msg' => "继承访问权限",//"Access is being inherited.<p><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[copyurl]\">Copy inherited access list</a><br><a class=\"inheritAccess\" href=\"[emptyurl]\">Start with empty access list</a>",
'inherits_access_copy_msg' => "复制继承访问权限列表",
'inherits_access_empty_msg' => "从访问权限空列表开始",
'internal_error_exit' => "内部错误.无法完成请求.离开系统",// "Internal error. Unable to complete request. Exiting.",
'internal_error' => "内部错误",// "Internal error",
'invalid_access_mode' => "无效访问模式",// "Invalid Access Mode",
'invalid_action' => "无效动作",// "Invalid Action",
'invalid_approval_status' => "无效审核状态",// "Invalid Approval Status",
'invalid_create_date_end' => "无效截止日期,不在创建日期范围内",// "Invalid end date for creation date range.",
'invalid_create_date_start' => "无效开始日期,不在创建日期范围内",// "Invalid start date for creation date range.",
'invalid_doc_id' => "无效文档ID号",// "Invalid Document ID",
'invalid_file_id' => "无效文件ID号",// "Invalid file ID",
'invalid_folder_id' => "无效文件夹ID号",// "Invalid Folder ID",
'invalid_group_id' => "无效组别ID号",// "Invalid Group ID",
'invalid_link_id' => "无效链接标示",// "Invalid link identifier",
'invalid_request_token' => "Invalid Request Token",
'invalid_review_status' => "无效校对状态",// "Invalid Review Status",
'invalid_sequence' => "无效序列值",// "Invalid sequence value",
'invalid_status' => "无效文档状态",// "Invalid Document Status",
'invalid_target_doc_id' => "无效目标文档ID号",// "Invalid Target Document ID",
'invalid_target_folder' => "无效目标文件夹ID号",// "Invalid Target Folder ID",
'invalid_user_id' => "无效用户ID号",// "Invalid User ID",
'invalid_version' => "无效文档版本",// "Invalid Document Version",
'is_hidden' => "从用户列表中隐藏",// "Hide from users list",
'january' => "一 月",// "January",
'js_no_approval_group' => "请选择审核组",// "Please select a approval group",
'js_no_approval_status' => "请选择审核状态",// "Please select the approval status",
'js_no_comment' => "没有添加说明",// "There is no comment",
'js_no_email' => "输入您的e-mail",// "Type in your Email-address",
'js_no_file' => "请选择一个文件",// "Please select a file",
'js_no_keywords' => "指定关键字",// "Specify some keywords",
'js_no_login' => "输入用户名",// "Please type in a username",
'js_no_name' => "请输入名称",// "Please type in a name",
'js_no_override_status' => "请选择一个新的[override]状态",// "Please select the new [override] status",
'js_no_pwd' => "您需要输入您的密码",// "You need to type in your password",
'js_no_query' => "输入查询",// "Type in a query",
'js_no_review_group' => "请选择一个校对组",// "Please select a review group",
'js_no_review_status' => "请选择校对状态",// "Please select the review status",
'js_pwd_not_conf' => "密码与确认密码不一致",// "Password and passwords-confirmation are not equal",
'js_select_user_or_group' => "选择至少一个用户或一个组",// "Select at least a user or a group",
'js_select_user' => "请选择一个用户",// "Please select an user",
'july' => "七 月",// "July",
'june' => "六 月",// "June",
'keyword_exists' => "关键字已存在",// "Keyword already exists",
'keywords' => "关键字",// "Keywords",
'language' => "语言",// "Language",
'last_update' => "上次更新",// "Last Update",
'linked_documents' => "相关文档",// "Related Documents",
'linked_files' => "附件",// "Attachments",
'local_file' => "本地文件",// "Local file",
'lock_document' => "锁定",// "Lock",
'lock_message' => "此文档已被 <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>锁定. 只有授权用户才能解锁.", //"This document is locked by <a href=\"mailto:[email]\">[username]</a>. Only authorized users can unlock this document.",
'lock_status' => "锁定状态",// "Status",
'login_error_text' => "登录错误.用户名或密码不正确",// "Error signing in. User ID or password incorrect.",
'login_error_title' => "登录错误",// "Sign in error",
'login_not_given' => "缺少用户名",// "No username has been supplied",@@
'login_ok' => "登录成功",// "Sign in successful",
'log_management' => "日志管理",// "Log files management",
'logout' => "登出",// "Logout",
'manager' => "管理员",// "Manager",@@
'march' => "三 月",// "March",
'max_upload_size' => "最大上传文件大小",// "Maximum upload size",
'may' => "五 月",// "May",
'monday' => "Monday",
'month_view' => "月视图",// "Month view",
'move_document' => "移动文档",// "Move document",
'move_folder' => "移动文件夹",// "Move Folder",
'move' => "移动",// "Move",
'my_account' => "我的账户",// "My Account",
'my_documents' => "我的文档",// "My Documents",
'name' => "名称",// "Name",@@
'new_default_keyword_category' => "添加类别",// "Add category",
'new_default_keywords' => "添加关键字",// "Add keywords",
'new_document_email' => "添加新文档",// "New document",
'new_file_email' => "添加新附件",// "New attachment",
'new_folder' => "新建文件夹",// "New folder",
'new' => "New", @@@@
'new_subfolder_email' => "创建新文件夹",// "New folder",
'new_user_image' => "新建图片",// "New image",
'no_action' => "无动作请求",// "No action required",
'no_approval_needed' => "无待审核的文件",// "No approval pending.",
'no_attached_files' => "无附件",// "No attached files",
'no_default_keywords' => "无关键字",// "No keywords available",
'no_docs_locked' => "无锁定的文档",// "No documents locked.",
'no_docs_to_approve' => "当前没有需要审核的文档",// "There are currently no documents that require approval.",
'no_docs_to_look_at' => "没有需要关注的文档",// "No documents that need attention.",
'no_docs_to_review' => "当前没有需要校对的文档",// "There are currently no documents that require review.",
'no_group_members' => "该组没有成员",// "This group has no members",
'no_groups' => "无组别",// "No groups",
'no_linked_files' => "无链接文件",// "No linked files",
'no' => "否",//"No",
'no_previous_versions' => "无其它版本",// "No other versions found",
'no_review_needed' => "无待校对的文件",// "No review pending.",
'notify_added_email' => "您已被添加到了通知名单中",// "You've been added to notify list",
'notify_deleted_email' => "您已经从通知名单中删除",// "You've been removed from notify list",
'no_update_cause_locked' => "您不能更新此文档,请联系该文档锁定人",// "You can therefore not update this document. Please contanct the locking user.",
'no_user_image' => "无图片",// "No image found",
'november' => "十一月",// "November",
'obsolete' => "Obsolete",@@
'october' => "十 月",// "October",
'old' => "Old",//@@
'only_jpg_user_images' => "只用jpg格式的图片才可以作为用户身份图片",// "Only .jpg-images may be used as user-images",
'owner' => "所有者",// "Owner",
'ownership_changed_email' => "所有者已变更",// "Owner changed",
'password' => "密码",// "Password",
'personal_default_keywords' => "用户关键字",// "Personal keywords",@@
'previous_versions' => "先前版本",// "Previous Versions",
'rejected' => "拒绝",// "Rejected",
'released' => "发布",// "Released",
'removed_approver' => "已经从审核人名单中删除",// "has been removed from the list of approvers.",
'removed_file_email' => "删除附件",// "Removed attachment",
'removed_reviewer' => "已经从校对人名单中删除",// "has been removed from the list of reviewers.",
'results_page' => "结果页面",// "Results Page",
'review_deletion_email' => "校对请求被删除",// "Review request deleted",
'reviewer_already_assigned' => "已经被指派为校对人",// "is already assigned as a reviewer",
'reviewer_already_removed' => "已经从校对队列中删除或者已经提交校对",// "has already been removed from review process or has already submitted a review",
'reviewers' => "校对人",// "Reviewers",
'review_group' => "校对组",// "Review Group",
'review_request_email' => "校对请求",// "Review request",
'review_status' => "校对状态",// "Review Status",
'review_submit_email' => "提交校对",// "Submitted review",
'review_summary' => "校对汇总",// "Review Summary",
'review_update_failed' => "错误 更新校对状态.更新失败",// "Error updating review status. Update failed.",
'rm_default_keyword_category' => "删除类别",// "Delete category",
'rm_document' => "删除文档",// "Remove document",
'rm_file' => "删除文件",// "Remove file",
'rm_folder' => "删除文件夹",// "Remove folder",
'rm_group' => "删除该组",// "Remove this group",
'rm_user' => "删除该用户",// "Remove this user",
'rm_version' => "删除该版本",// "Remove version",
'role_admin' => "管理员",// "Administrator",
'role_guest' => "来宾",// "Guest",
'role_user' => "用户",// "User",
'role' => "角色",// "Role",
'saturday' => "Saturday",
'save' => "保存",// "Save",
'search_in' => "搜索于",// "Search in",
'search_mode_and' => "与模式",// "all words",
'search_mode_or' => "或模式",// "at least one word",
'search_no_results' => "没有找到与您搜索添加相匹配的文件",// "There are no documents that match your search",
'search_query' => "搜索",// "Search for",
'search_report' => "找到 [count] 个文档",// "Found [count] documents",
'search_results_access_filtered' => "搜索到得结果中可能包含受限访问的文档",// "Search results may contain content to which access has been denied.",
'search_results' => "搜索结果",// "Search results",
'search' => "搜索",// "Search",
'search_time' => "耗时:[time]秒",// "Elapsed time: [time] sec.",
'selection' => "选择",// "Selection",
'select_one' => "选择一个",// "Select one",
'september' => "九 月",// "September",
'seq_after' => "在\"[prevname]\"之后",// "After \"[prevname]\"",
'seq_end' => "末尾",// "At the end",
'seq_keep' => "当前",// "Keep Position",@@@@
'seq_start' => "首位",// "First position",
'sequence' => "次序",// "Sequence",
'set_expiry' => "设置截止日期",// "Set Expiry",
'set_owner_error' => "错误 设置所有者",// "Error setting owner",
'set_owner' => "设置所有者",// "Set Owner",
'signed_in_as' => "登录为",// "Signed in as",
'sign_out' => "登出",// "sign out",
'space_used_on_data_folder' => "数据文件夹使用空间",// "Space used on data folder",@@
'status_approval_rejected' => "拟拒绝",// "Draft rejected",
'status_approved' => "批准",// "Approved",
'status_approver_removed' => "从审核队列中删除",// "Approver removed from process",
'status_not_approved' => "未批准",// "Not approved",
'status_not_reviewed' => "未校对",// "Not reviewed",
'status_reviewed' => "通过",// "Reviewed",
'status_reviewer_rejected' => "拟拒绝",// "Draft rejected",
'status_reviewer_removed' => "从校对队列中删除",// "Reviewer removed from process",
'status' => "状态",// "Status",
'status_unknown' => "未知",// "Unknown",
'storage_size' => "存储大小",// "Storage size",
'submit_approval' => "提交审核",// "Submit approval",
'submit_login' => "登录",// "Sign in",
'submit_review' => "提交校对",// "Submit review",
'sunday' => "Sunday",
'theme' => "主题",// "Theme",
'thursday' => "Thursday",
'toggle_manager' => "角色切换",// "Toggle manager",@@
'to' => "到",//"To",
'tuesday' => "Tuesday",
'under_folder' => "文件夹内",// "In folder",
'unknown_command' => "未知命令",// "Command not recognized.",
'unknown_group' => "未知组ID号",// "Unknown group id",
'unknown_id' => "未知ID号",// "unknown id",
'unknown_keyword_category' => "未知类别",// "Unknown category",
'unknown_owner' => "未知所有者ID号",// "Unknown owner id",
'unknown_user' => "未知用户ID号",// "Unknown user id",
'unlock_cause_access_mode_all' => "您仍然可以更新,因为您有拥有所有权限\"all\". 锁定状态被自动解除.",// "You can still update it because you have access-mode \"all\". Locking will automatically be removed.",
'unlock_cause_locking_user' => "您仍然可以更新,因为是您锁定了该文件. 锁定状态被自动解除.",// "You can still update it because you are also the one that locked it. Locking will automatically be removed.",@@
'unlock_document' => "解锁",// "Unlock",
'update_approvers' => "更新审核人名单",// "Update List of Approvers",
'update_document' => "更新",// "Update",
'update_info' => "更新信息",// "Update Information",
'update_locked_msg' => "该文档被锁定",// "This document is locked.",
'update_reviewers' => "更新校对人名单",// "Update List of Reviewers",
'update' => "更新",// "Update",
'uploaded_by' => "上传者",// "Uploaded by",@@
'uploading_failed' => "上传失败.请联系管理员",// "Upload failed. Please contact the administrator.",
'use_default_keywords' => "使用预定义关键字",// "Use predefined keywords",
'user_exists' => "用户已存在",// "User already exists.",
'user_image' => "用户图片",// "Image",@@
'user_info' => "用户信息",// "User Information",
'user_list' => "用户列表",// "List of Users",
'user_login' => "用户ID",// "User ID",
'user_management' => "用户管理",// "Users management",
'user_name' => "全名",// "Full name",
'users' => "用户",// "Users",
'user' => "用户",// "User",
'version_deleted_email' => "版本已被删除",// "Version deleted",
'version_info' => "版本信息",// "Version Information",
'versioning_file_creation' => "创建版本文件",// "Versioning file creation",@@
'versioning_file_creation_warning' => "通过此操作,您可以一个包含整个DMS文件夹的版本信息文件. 版本文件一经创建,每个文件都将保存到文件夹中.",// "With this operation you can create a file containing the versioning information of an entire DMS folder. After the creation every file will be saved inside the document folder.",@@
'versioning_info' => "版本信息",// "Versioning info",
'version' => "版本",// "Version",
'view_online' => "在线浏览",// "View online",
'warning' => "警告",// "Warning",
'wednesday' => "Wednesday",
'week_view' => "周视图",// "Week view",
'year_view' => "年视图",// "Year View",
'yes' => "是",// "Yes",
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