Should use import_function_count but not import_count to calculate
the func_index in handle_name_section when custom name section
feature is enabled.
And clear the compile warnings of mini loader.
Support modes:
- run a commander module only
- run a reactor module only
- run a commander module and a/multiple reactor modules together
commander propagates WASIArguments to reactors
Implement 2-level Multi-tier JIT engine: tier-up from Fast JIT to LLVM JIT to
get quick cold startup by Fast JIT and better performance by gradually
switching to LLVM JIT when the LLVM JIT functions are compiled by the
backend threads.
Refer to:
Allow to add watchpoints to variables for source debugging. For instance:
`breakpoint set variable var`
will pause WAMR execution when the address at var is written to.
Can also set read/write watchpoints by passing r/w flags. This will pause
execution when the address at var is read:
`watchpoint set variable -w read var`
Add two linked lists for read/write watchpoints. When the debug message
handler receives a watchpoint request, it adds/removes to one/both of these
lists. In the interpreter, when an address is read or stored to, check whether
the address is in these lists. If so, throw a sigtrap and suspend the process.
When a wasm module is duplicated instantiated with wasm_instance_new,
the function import info of the previous instantiation may be overwritten by
the later instantiation, which may cause unexpected behavior.
Store the function import info into the module instance to fix the issue.
This PR allows reusing thread ids once they are released. That is done by using
a stack data structure to keep track of the used ids.
When a thread is created, it takes an available identifier from the stack. When
the thread exits, it returns the id to the stack of available identifiers.
Implement 2-level Multi-tier JIT engine: tier-up from Fast JIT to LLVM JIT to
get quick cold startup by Fast JIT and better performance by gradually
switching to LLVM JIT when the LLVM JIT functions are compiled by the
backend threads.
Refer to:
For now this implementation uses thread manager.
Not sure whether thread manager is needed in that case. In the future there'll be likely another syscall added (for pthread_exit) and for that we might need some kind of thread management - with that in mind, we keep thread manager for now and will refactor this later if needed.
Allow to add watchpoints to variables for source debugging. For instance:
`breakpoint set variable var`
will pause WAMR execution when the address at var is written to.
Can also set read/write watchpoints by passing r/w flags. This will pause
execution when the address at var is read:
`watchpoint set variable -w read var`
Add two linked lists for read/write watchpoints. When the debug message
handler receives a watchpoint request, it adds/removes to one/both of these
lists. In the interpreter, when an address is read or stored to, check whether
the address is in these lists. If so, throw a sigtrap and suspend the process.
When a wasm module is duplicated instantiated with wasm_instance_new,
the function import info of the previous instantiation may be overwritten by
the later instantiation, which may cause unexpected behavior.
Store the function import info into the module instance to fix the issue.
Use sha256 to hash binary file content. If the incoming wasm binary is
cached before, wasm_module_new() simply returns the existed one.
Use -DWAMR_BUILD_WASM_CACHE=0/1 to control the feature.
OpenSSL 1.1.1 is required if the feature is enabled.
Record the store number of current thread with struct thread_local_stores
or tls thread_local_stores_num to fix the issue:
- Only call wasm_runtime_init_thread_env() in the first wasm_store_new of
current thread
- Only call wasm_runtime_destroy_thread_env() in the last wasm_store_delete
of current thread
And remove the unused store list in the engine.
Refine AOT exception check in the caller when returning from callee function,
remove the exception check instructions when hw bound check is enabled to
improve the performance: create guard page to trigger signal handler when
exception occurs.
Add an option to pass user data to the allocator functions. It is common to
do this so that the host embedder can pass a struct as user data and access
that struct from the allocator, which gives the host embedder the ability to
do things such as track allocation statistics within the allocator.
Compile with `cmake -DWASM_MEM_ALLOC_WITH_USER_DATA=1` to enable
the option, and the allocator functions provided by the host embedder should
be like below (an extra argument `data` is added):
void *malloc(void *data, uint32 size) { .. }
void *realloc(void *data, uint32 size) { .. }
void free(void *data, void *ptr) { .. }
Signed-off-by: Andrew Chambers <>
Change main thread hangs when encounter debugger encounters error to
main thread exits when debugger encounters error
Change main thread blocks when debugger detaches to
main thread continues executing when debugger detaches, and main thread
exits normally when finishing executing
Create trap for error message when wasm_instance_new fails:
- Similar to [this PR](,
but create a wasm_trap_t to output the error msg instead of adding error_buf to the API.
- Trap will need to be deleted by the caller but is not a breaking change as it is only
created if trap is not NULL.
- Add error messages for all failure cases here, try to make them accurate but welcome
feedback for improvements.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Chambers <>
Current SGX lib-rats wasm module hash is stored in a global buffer,
which may be overwritten if there are multiple wasm module loadings.
We move the module hash into the enclave module to resolve the issue.
And rename the SGX_IPFS macro/variable in Makefile and Enclave.edl to
make the code more consistent.
And refine the sgx-ra sample document.
Limit max_stack_cell_num/max_csp_num to be no larger than UINT16_MAX,
and don't check all_cell_num in interpreter again.
And refine some codes in interpreter.
The current implementation of remote attestation does not take into
account the integrity of the wasm module. The SHA256 of the wasm
module has been put into user_data to generate the quote, and more
parameters are exposed for further verification.
Update build wasm app document, add how to set buildflags for Rust
project to reduce the footprint.
Clear Windows warnings and a shadow warning in aot_emit_numberic.c
Refine the generated LLVM IRs at the beginning of each LLVM AOT/JIT function
to fasten the LLVM IR optimization:
- Only create argv_buf if there are func calls in this function
- Only create native stack bound if stack bound check is enabled
- Only create aux stack info if there is opcode set_global_aux_stack
- Only create native symbol if indirect_mode is enabled
- Only create memory info if there are memory operations
- Only create func_type_indexes if there is opcode call_indirect
A limitation of the current implementation of SGX IPFS in WAMR is that
it prevents to open files which are not in the current directory.
This restriction is lifted and can now open files in paths, similarly to the
WASI openat call, which takes into account the sandbox of the file system.
Add a new options to control the native stack hw bound check feature:
- Besides the original option `cmake -DWAMR_DISABLE_HW_BOUND_CHECK=1/0`,
add a new option `cmake -DWAMR_DISABLE_STACK_HW_BOUND_CHECK=1/0`
- When the linear memory hw bound check is disabled, the stack hw bound check
will be disabled automatically, no matter what the input option is
- When the linear memory hw bound check is enabled, the stack hw bound check
is enabled/disabled according to the value of input option
- Besides the original option `--bounds-checks=1/0`, add a new option
`--stack-bounds-checks=1/0` for wamrc
Refer to:
Support to get/set recv_buf_size/send_buf_size/reuse_port/reuse_addr for wasm app
Add socket APIs for esp-idf platform
Add setsockopt for linux-sgx platform
Allow to wait for a new debugger connection once the previous one
is disconnected:
- when receiving a detach command
- when the client socket is closed (for example, lldb process is killed)
Currently we initialize and destroy LLVM environment in aot_create_comp_context
and aot_destroy_comp_context, which are called in wasm_module_load/unload,
and the latter may be invoked multiple times, which leads to duplicated LLVM
initialization/destroy and may result in unexpected behaviors.
Move the LLVM init/destroy into runtime init/destroy to resolve the issue.
Allow to have multiple stores in an engine and multiple instances
in a store. Letting a wasm_function_t pass its wasm_store_t to make
it more efficient.
Add macro WASM_ENABLE_WORD_ALING_READ to enable reading
1/2/4 and n bytes data from vram buffer, which requires 4-byte addr
alignment reading.
Eliminate XIP AOT relocations related to the below ones:
i32_div_u, f32_min, f32_max, f32_ceil, f32_floor, f32_trunc, f32_rint
Change wasm-c-api default log level to output less logs by default:
- For debug mode, change log level from 5 to 4
- For release mode, change log level from 3 to 2
The host embedder may new/delete wasm-c-api engine simultaneously
in multiple threads, which requires lock for the operations. Since there
isn't one time called global init/destroy APIs provided by wasm-c-api,
we define a global lock and initialize it with thread mutex initializer if
the platform supports that, and use it to lock the operations of engine.
If the platform doesn't support thread mutex initializer, we require
developer to create the lock by himself to ensure the thread-safe of the
engine operations.
Allow to unregister (or unload) the previously registered native libs,
so that no need to restart the whole engine by using
Use the cmake variable `WAMR_BUILD_GLOBAL_HEAP_POOL` and
`WAMR_BUILD_GLOBAL_HEAP_SIZE` to enable/disable the global heap pool
and set its size. And set the default global heap size in core/config.h and
the cmake files.
As a result, the developers who build iwasm can easily enable/disable the
global heap pool and change its size regardless of the iwasm implementation,
without manually finding and patching the right location for that value.
The general optimizations may create some intrinsic function calls
like llvm.memset, so we move indirect mode optimization after them
to remove these function calls at last.
Signed-off-by: Huang Qi <>
Some offsets can be directly gotten at the compilation stage after the interp/AOT
module instance refactoring PR was merged, so as to reduce some unnecessary
load instructions and improve the Fast JIT performance:
- Access fields of wasm memory instance structure
- Access fields of wasm table instance structure
- Access the global data
Translate call_indirect opcode by calling wasm functions with Fast JIT IRs instead of
calling jit_call_indirect runtime API, so as to improve the performance.
Translate call native function process with Fast JIT IRs to validate each pointer argument
and convert it into native address, and then call the native function directly instead
of calling jit_invoke_native runtime API, so as to improve the performance.
Refactor LLVM JIT for some purposes:
- To simplify the source code of JIT compilation
- To simplify the JIT modes
- To align with LLVM latest changes
- To prepare for the Multi-tier JIT compilation, refer to #1302
The changes mainly include:
- Remove the MCJIT mode, replace it with ORC JIT eager mode
- Remove the LLVM legacy pass manager (only keep the LLVM new pass manager)
- Change the lazy mode's LLVM module/function binding:
change each function in an individual LLVM module into all functions in a single LLVM module
- Upgraded ORC JIT to ORCv2 JIT to enable lazy compilation
Refer to #1468
With hardware boundary checking enabled, the app heap memory comes from `os_mmap()`.
Clearing the whole heap in the memory allocator causes process RSS to reach maximum
app heap size immediately and wastes lots of memory, so we had better remove the
unnecessary memory clean operations in the memory allocator.
Refactor the layout of interpreter and AOT module instance:
- Unify the interp/AOT module instance, use the same WASMModuleInstance/
WASMMemoryInstance/WASMTableInstance data structures for both interpreter
and AOT
- Make the offset of most fields the same in module instance for both interpreter
and AOT, append memory instance structure, global data and table instances to
the end of module instance for interpreter mode (like AOT mode)
- For extra fields in WASM module instance, use WASMModuleInstanceExtra to
create a field `e` for interpreter
- Change the LLVM JIT module instance creating process, LLVM JIT uses the WASM
module and module instance same as interpreter/Fast-JIT mode. So that Fast JIT
and LLVM JIT can access the same data structures, and make it possible to
implement the Multi-tier JIT (tier-up from Fast JIT to LLVM JIT) in the future
- Unify some APIs: merge some APIs for module instance and memory instance's
related operations (only implement one copy)
Note that the AOT ABI is same, the AOT file format, AOT relocation types, how AOT
code accesses the AOT module instance and so on are kept unchanged.
Refer to:
1. Support cross building wamrc and installing it
2. Remove PIE flag for Windows to fix compilation error when compiled by clang
3. Support linking LLVM shared libs to help build with system default or custom
LLVM installation and reduce binary size.
Initial integration of WASI-NN based on #1225:
- Implement the library core/iwasm/libraries/wasi-nn
- Support TensorFlow, CPU, F32 at the first stage
- Add cmake variable `-DWAMR_BUILD_WASI_NN`
- Add test case based on Docker image and update document
Refer to #1573
Add a couple of socket examples that can be used with WAMR:
- The `timeout_client` and `timeout_server` examples demonstrate socket
send and receive timeouts using the socket options
- The `multicast_client` and `multicast_server` examples demonstrate receiving
multicast packets in WASM
And add several macro controls for `socket_opts` example.
While compiling the file wasi_socket_ext.c with pedantic options (typically
`-Wimplicit-int-conversion` and `-Wmissing-prototypes`), some warnings are raised.
This PR addresses those warnings by adding missing static statements before
functions and explicitly casting a narrowing conversion.
And fix the error handling after calling getpeername.
The function was introduced to WASI about half a year ago after it already
existed in WAMR.
It caused problems with compiling `wasi_socket_ext.c` with the wasi-sdk
that already had this hostcall exported (wasi-sdk >= 15).
The approach we take is the following:
- we update WASI interface to be compatible with the wasi_snapshot_preview1
- compilation with `wasi_socket_ext.c` supports both wasi_sdk >= 15 and wasi_sdk < 15
(although we intend to drop support for < 15 at one point of time)
- we override `accept()` from wasi-libc - we do that because `accept()` in `wasi-libc`
doesn't support returning address (as it doesn't have `getpeername()` implemented),
so `wasi_socket_ext.c` offers more functionality right now
Resolves#1167 and #1528.
This PR integrates an Intel SGX feature called Intel Protection File System Library (IPFS)
into the runtime to create, operate and delete files inside the enclave, while guaranteeing
the confidentiality and integrity of the data persisted. IPFS can be referred to here:
Introduce a cmake variable `WAMR_BUILD_SGX_IPFS`, when enabled, the files interaction
API of WASI will leverage IPFS, instead of the regular POSIX OCALLs. The implementation
has been written with light changes to sgx platform layer, so all the security aspects
WAMR relies on are conserved.
In addition to this integration, the following changes have been made:
- The CI workflow has been adapted to test the compilation of the runtime and sample
with the flag `WAMR_BUILD_SGX_IPFS` set to true
- Introduction of a new sample that demonstrates the interaction of the files (called `file`),
- Documentation of this new feature
Fix the issue reported by #1484:
Platform ESP-IDF broken for WAMR 1.0.0 with ESP-IDF 4.4.2
Let the dummy ftruncate only work with ESP-IDF earlier than 4.4.2
Memory num_bytes_per_page was incorrectly set in memory enlarging for
shared memory, we fix it. And don't set memory_data_size again for shared
Implement more socket APIs, refer to #1336 and below PRs:
- Implement wasi_addr_resolve function (#1319)
- Fix socket-api byte order issue when host/network order are the same (#1327)
- Enhance sock_addr_local syscall (#1320)
- Implement sock_addr_remote syscall (#1360)
- Add support for IPv6 in WAMR (#1411)
- Implement ns lookup allowlist (#1420)
- Implement sock_send_to and sock_recv_from system calls (#1457)
- Added http downloader and multicast socket options (#1467)
- Fix `bind()` calls to receive the correct size of `sockaddr` structure (#1490)
- Assert on correct parameters (#1505)
- Copy only received bytes from socket recv buffer into the app buffer (#1497)
Co-authored-by: Marcin Kolny <>
Co-authored-by: Marcin Kolny <>
Co-authored-by: Callum Macmillan <>
Fix two issues of building WAMR on Windows:
- The script calls itself, spawning instances faster than they expire,
which makes Python3 eat up the entire RAM in a pretty short time.
- The MSVC compiler doesn't support preprocessor statements inside macro expressions.
Two places inside bh_assert() were found.
If WASM app has called pthread_detach() to detach a thread, it will be detached again
when thread exits. Attempting to detach an already detached thread may result in crash
in musl-libc. This patch fixes it.
And enable classic interpreter instead fast interpreter when llvm jit is enabled,
so as to fix the issue that llvm jit cannot handle opcode drop_64/select_64.
Remove handling opcode DROP_64/SELECT_64 in loader stage
prepare_bytecode, as they are the modified opcodes of DROP/SELECT
for optimization purpose, but not the opcodes defined by spec.
Add more checks for Fast JIT to fix the issues reported by instrument test:
- add check for the jit_value before pushing it into the stack
- add check at the end of form_and_translate_func
- add checks after each jit pass
Fix multi-module issue:
don't call the sub module's function with "$sub_module_name$func_name"
Fix the aot_call_function free argv1 issue
Modify some API comments in wasm_export.h
Fix the wamrc help info
Some configurations (eg. esp32/nuttx) have limited space for BSS,
0x20000 byte buffer is huge on embedded systems, change to
allocate the buffer dynamically.
Destroy Fast-JIT compiler after destroying the modules loaded by
multi-module feature, since the Fast JIT's code cache allocator may
be used by these modules. If the Fast JIT's code cache allocator was
destroyed, then runtime will fail to destroy these modules.
And fix the issue of destroying import module's memory instance.
Use the semantic versioning ( to replace the current date
versioning system, which is more general and is requested by some developers,
e.g. issue #1357.
There are three parts in the new version string:
- major. Any incompatible modification on ABIs and APIs will lead to an increment
in the value of major, which mainly includes: AOT calling conventions, AOT file
format, wasm_export.h, wasm_c_api.h, and so on.
- minor. It represents new features, including MVP/POST-MVP features, libraries,
WAMR private ones, and so one.
- patch. It represents patches.
The new version will start from 1.0.0. Update the help info and version showing for
iwasm and wamrc.
Normalize wasm types, for the two wasm types, if their parameter types
and result types are the same, we only save one copy, so as to reduce
the footprint and simplify the type comparison in opcode CALL_INDIRECT.
And fix issue in interpreter globals_instantiate, and remove used codes.
esp-idf: Make esp-idf support Libc WASI
1. Support to get WASM APP libs' DIR from upper layer
2. Add SSP support for esp-idf platform
3. Change the errno of readlinkat
Reserve one pointer size for fast-interp code_compiled_size: if the last opcode of
current function is to be dropped (e.g. OP_DROP), the peak memory usage will
be larger than the final code_compiled_size, we record the peak size to ensure
there won't be invalid memory access during the second traversing.
Remove some unused fields in module instance and the related codes,
which are introduced by emsdk some special mode (-DSIDE_MODULE=1),
and are not required now.
Add a new option WAMR_BUILD_STACK_GUARD_SIZE to set the custom
stack guard size. For most RTOS systems, we use the native stack base
address as the check boundary which may be not safe as POSIX based
systems (like Linux).
Thread data should not be destroyed when thread exits, or other thread
may not be able to join it. This PR saves the thread data into thread data
list when thread exits, sets thread status and stores the return value, so
that other thread can join it.
Also set MEM_TOP_DOWN flag for Windows VirtualAlloc to yield LLVM
JIT relocation error.
And set opt/size level to 3 for LLVM JIT for future use, currently the flags
are not used by LLVM JIT.
ASSERT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED is bh_assert, which might be no-op.
in that case, it's better to fall back to the "default" case,
which reports an error properly.
Should not clear last label's polymorphic state after current label is popped
Fix invalid func_idx check in opcode REF_FUNC
Add check when there are extra unneeded bytecodes for a wasm function
Fix dump call stack issue in interpreter introduced by hw bound check:
the call stack isn't dumped if the exception is thrown and caught by
signal handler.
And restore the wasm stack frame to the original status after calling a
wasm function.
Lookup table for i32.const and i64.const for xtensa XIP
Lookup const offset from table for load/store opcodes for xtensa XIP
Fill capability flags for xtensa XIP
Enable lower switch pass for xtensa XIP
Import WAMR Fast JIT which is a lightweight JIT with quick startup, small footprint,
relatively good performance (~40% to ~50% of LLVM JIT) and good portability.
Platforms supported: Linux, MacOS and Linux SGX.
Arch supported: x86-64.
Since legacy binding for loop unswitch pass was removed and we can't get
it back. Implement its equivalent in `aot_llvm_extra.cpp` and use it in
Follow up to #1183.