wenyongh 9a961c4843
Enable ARM and THUMB AOT support, enable Android platform support (#182)
* Sync with internal/feature: enable arm aot and android platform
2020-02-27 16:38:44 +08:00

8.5 KiB

Build WAMR core (iwasm)

Please follow the instructions below to build the WAMR VM core on different platforms.


First of all please install the dependent packages. Run command below in Ubuntu-18.04:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake g++-multilib libgcc-8-dev lib32gcc-8-dev

Or in Ubuntu-16.04:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake g++-multilib libgcc-5-dev lib32gcc-5-dev

Or in Fedora:

sudo dnf install glibc-devel.i686

After installing dependencies, build the source code:

cd product-mini/platforms/linux/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

The binary file iwasm will be generated under build folder.

Note: WAMR provides some features which can be easily configured by passing options to cmake:

cmake -DWAMR_BUILD_INTERP=1/0 to enable or disable WASM intepreter
cmake -DWAMR_BUILD_AOT=1/0 to enable or disable WASM AOT
cmake -DWAMR_BUILD_JIT=1/0 to enable or disable WASM JIT
cmake -DWAMR_BUILD_LIBC_BUILTIN=1/0 enable or disable Libc builtin API's
cmake -DWAMR_BUILD_LIBC_WASI=1/0 enable or disable Libc WASI API's
cmake -DWAMR_BUILD_TARGET=<arch> to set the building target, including:
    X86_64, X86_32, ARM, THUMB, XTENSA and MIPS
    For ARM and THUMB, the format is <arch>[<sub-arch>][_VFP] where <sub-arch> is the ARM sub-architecture and the "_VFP" suffix means VFP coprocessor registers s0-s15 (d0-d7) are used for passing arguments or returning results in standard procedure-call. Both <sub-arch> and [_VFP] are optional. e.g. ARMV7, ARMV7_VFP, THUMBV7, THUMBV7_VFP and so on.

For example, if we want to disable interpreter, enable AOT and WASI, we can:


Or if we want to enable inerpreter, disable AOT and WASI, and build as X86_32, we can:


By default in Linux, the interpreter, AOT and WASI are enabled, and JIT is disabled. And the build target is set to X86_64 or X86_32 depending on the platform's bitwidth.

To enable WASM JIT, firstly we should build LLVM:

cd product-mini/platforms/linux/
./build_llvm.sh     (The llvm source code is cloned under <wamr_root_dir>/core/deps/llvm and auto built)

Then pass option -DWAMR_BUILD_JIT=1 to cmake to enable WASM JIT:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DWAMR_BUILD_JIT=1

Linux SGX (Intel Software Guard Extention)

First of all please install the Intel SGX SDK.

After installing dependencies, build the source code:

source <SGX_SDK dir>/environment
cd product-mini/platforms/linux-sgx/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

This builds the libraries used by SGX enclave sample, the generated file libvmlib.a and libextlib.a will be copied to enclave-sample folder.

Then build the enclave sample:

source <SGX_SDK dir>/environment
cd enclave-sample

The binary file app will be generated.

To run the sample:

source <SGX_SDK dir>/environment


Make sure to install Xcode from App Store firstly, and install cmake.

If you use Homebrew, install cmake from the command line:

brew install cmake

Then build the source codes:

cd product-mini/platforms/darwin/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Note: WAMR provides some features which can be easily configured by passing options to cmake, please see Linux platform for details. Currently in MacOS, interpreter, AoT, and builtin libc are enabled by default.


VxWorks 7 SR0620 release is validated.

First you need to build a VSB. Make sure UTILS_UNIX layer is added in the VSB. After the VSB is built, export the VxWorks toolchain path by:

export <vsb_dir_path>/host/vx-compiler/bin:$PATH

Now switch to iwasm source tree to build the source code:

cd product-mini/platforms/vxworks/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Create a VIP based on the VSB. Make sure the following components are added:


Copy the generated iwasm executable, the test WASM binary as well as the needed shared libraries (libc.so.1, libllvm.so.1 or libgnu.so.1 depending on the VSB, libunix.so.1) to a supported file system (eg: romfs).

Note: WAMR provides some features which can be easily configured by passing options to cmake, please see Linux platform for details. Currently in VxWorks, interpreter and builtin libc are enabled by default.


You need to download the Zephyr source code first and embed WAMR into it.

git clone https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr.git
cd zephyr/samples/
cp -a <wamr_root_dir>/product-mini/platforms/zephyr/simple .
cd simple
ln -s <wamr_root_dir> wamr
mkdir build && cd build
source ../../../zephyr-env.sh

1. build for x86
cmake -GNinja -DBOARD=qemu_x86_nommu ..
2. build for ARM
modify ../prj.conf, modify the commented line "# CONFIG_ARM_MPU is not set" to "CONFIG_ARM_MPU=y"
cmake -GNinja -DBOARD=nucleo_f767zi -DWAMR_BUILD_TARGET=THUMBV7 ..

Note: WAMR provides some features which can be easily configured by passing options to cmake, please see Linux platform for details. Currently in Zephyr, interpreter, AoT and builtin libc are enabled by default.


  1. a developerkit board id needed for testing

  2. download the AliOS-Things code

    git clone https://github.com/alibaba/AliOS-Things.git
  3. copy <wamr_root_dir>/product-mini/platforms/alios-things directory to AliOS-Things/middleware, and rename it as iwasm

    cp -a <wamr_root_dir>/product-mini/platforms/alios-things middleware/iwasm
  4. create a link to <wamr_root_dir> in middleware/iwasm/ and rename it to wamr

    ln -s <wamr_root_dir> middleware/iwasm/wamr
  5. modify file app/example/helloworld/helloworld.c, patch as:

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <aos/kernel.h>
    extern bool iwasm_init();
    int application_start(int argc, char *argv[])
         int count = 0;
  6. modify file app/example/helloworld/aos.mk

       $(NAME)_COMPONENTS := osal_aos iwasm
  7. build source code and run For linuxhost:

    aos make helloworld@linuxhost -c config
    aos make

    For developerkit: Modify file middleware/iwasm/aos.mk, patch as:

    aos make helloworld@developerkit -c config
    aos make

    download the binary to developerkit board, check the output from serial port


able to generate a shared library support Android platform.

  • need an android SDK. Go and get the "Command line tools only"
  • look for a command named sdkmanager and download below components. version numbers might need to check and pick others
    • "build-tools;29.0.3"
    • "cmake;"
    • "ndk;21.0.6113669"
    • "patcher;v4"
    • "platform-tools"
    • "platforms;android-29"
  • add bin/ of the downloaded cmake to $PATH
  • export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=/the/path/of/downloaded/sdk/
  • export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/the/path/of/downloaded/sdk/ndk/
  • ready to go

Use such commands, you are able to compile with default configurations. Any compiling requirement should be satisfied by modifying product-mini/platforms/android/CMakeList.txt. For example, chaning ${WAMR_BUILD_TARGET} in CMakeList could get different libraries support different ABIs.

$ cd product-mini/platforms/android/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ # check output in distribution/wasm
$ # include/ includes all necesary head files
$ # lib includes libiwasm.so


Docker will download all the dependencies and build WAMR Core on your behalf.

Make sure you have Docker installed on your machine: macOS, Windows or Linux.

Build the Docker image:

docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t wamr:latest .

Run the image in interactive mode:

docker run --rm -it wamr:latest

You'll now enter the container at /root.