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WAMR application framework

Application system callbacks

The on_init and on_destroy functions are wamr application system callbacks which must be implemented in the wasm application if you want to use the APP framework.

void on_init()
        Your init functions here, for example:
        * platform initialization
        * timer registration
        * service / event registration
        * ......

void on_destroy()
        your destroy functions here

Base App library

The base library of application framework supports the essential API for WASM applications, such as inter-app communication, timers, etc. Other application framework components rely on the base library.

When building the WAMR SDK, once application framework is enabled, the base library will automatically enabled.


The timer API's can be used to create some soft timers with single-shot mode or periodic mode. Here is a reference of how to use timer API's to execute a function every one second.

/* User global variable */
static int num = 0;

/* Timer callback */
void timer1_update(user_timer_t timer)
    printf("Timer update %d\n", num++);

void on_init()
    user_timer_t timer;

    /* set up a timer */
    timer = api_timer_create(1000, true, false, timer1_update);
    api_timer_restart(timer, 1000);

void on_destroy()


Micro-service model (request/response)

The microservice model is also known as request and response model. One WASM application acts as the server which provides a specific service. Other WASM applications or host/cloud applications request that service and get the response.

Below is the reference implementation of the server application. It provides room temperature measurement service.

void on_init()
    api_register_resource_handler("/room_temp", room_temp_handler);

void on_destroy() 

void room_temp_handler(request_t *request)
    response_t response[1];
    attr_container_t *payload;
    payload = attr_container_create("room_temp payload");
    if (payload == NULL)

    attr_container_set_string(&payload, "temp unit", "centigrade");
    attr_container_set_int(&payload, "value", 26);

    make_response_for_request(request, response);


Pub/sub model

One WASM application acts as the event publisher. It publishes events to notify WASM applications or host/cloud applications which subscribe to the events.

Below is the reference implementation of the pub application. It utilizes a timer to repeatedly publish an overheat alert event to the subscriber applications. Then the subscriber applications receive the events immediately.

/* Timer callback */
void timer_update(user_timer_t timer)
    attr_container_t *event;

    event = attr_container_create("event");
                              "temperature is over high");



void on_init()
    user_timer_t timer;
    timer = api_timer_create(1000, true, true, timer_update);

void on_destroy()

Below is the reference implementation of the sub application.

void overheat_handler(request_t *event)
    printf("Event: %s\n", event->url);

    if (event->payload != NULL && event->fmt == FMT_ATTR_CONTAINER)
       attr_container_dump((attr_container_t *) event->payload);

void on_init(
    api_subscribe_event ("alert/overheat", overheat_handler);

void on_destroy()

Note: You can also subscribe this event from host side by using host tool. Please refer samples/simple project for detail usage.

Sensor API

The API set is defined in the header file core/app-framework/sensor/app/wa-inc/sensor.h.

Here is a reference of how to use sensor API's:

static sensor_t sensor = NULL;

/* Sensor event callback*/
void sensor_event_handler(sensor_t sensor, attr_container_t *event,
                          void *user_data)
    printf("### app get sensor event\n");

void on_init()
    char *user_data;
    attr_container_t *config;

    printf("### app on_init 1\n");
    /* open a sensor */
    user_data = malloc(100);
    printf("### app on_init 2\n");
    sensor = sensor_open("sensor_test", 0, sensor_event_handler, user_data);
    printf("### app on_init 3\n");

    /* config the sensor */
    sensor_config(sensor, 1000, 0, 0);
    printf("### app on_init 4\n");

void on_destroy()
    if (NULL != sensor) {
        sensor_config(sensor, 0, 0, 0);

Connection API:

The API set is defined in the header file core/app-framework/connection/app/wa-inc/connection.h

Here is a reference of how to use connection API's:

/* User global variable */
static int num = 0;
static user_timer_t g_timer;
static connection_t *g_conn = NULL;

void on_data1(connection_t *conn,
              conn_event_type_t type,
              const char *data,
              uint32 len,
              void *user_data)
    if (type == CONN_EVENT_TYPE_DATA) {
        char message[64] = {0};
        memcpy(message, data, len);
        printf("Client got a message from server -> %s\n", message);
    } else if (type == CONN_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) {
        printf("connection is close by server!\n");
    } else {
        printf("error: got unknown event type!!!\n");

/* Timer callback */
void timer1_update(user_timer_t timer)
    char message[64] = {0};
    /* Reply to server */
    snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Hello %d", num++);
    api_send_on_connection(g_conn, message, strlen(message));

void my_close_handler(request_t * request)
    response_t response[1];

    if (g_conn != NULL) {

    make_response_for_request(request, response);
    set_response(response, DELETED_2_02, 0, NULL, 0);

void on_init()
    user_timer_t timer;
    attr_container_t *args;
    char *str = "this is client!";

    api_register_resource_handler("/close", my_close_handler);

    args = attr_container_create("");
    attr_container_set_string(&args, "address", "");
    attr_container_set_uint16(&args, "port", 7777);

    g_conn = api_open_connection("TCP", args, on_data1, NULL);
    if (g_conn == NULL) {
        printf("connect to server fail!\n");

    printf("connect to server success! handle: %p\n", g_conn);

    /* set up a timer */
    timer = api_timer_create(1000, true, false, timer1_update);
    api_timer_restart(timer, 1000);

void on_destroy()



The API's is listed in header file core/app-framework/wgl/app/wa-inc/wgl.h which is implemented based on open source 2D graphic library LVGL.

static void btn_event_cb(wgl_obj_t btn, wgl_event_t event);

uint32_t count = 0;
char count_str[11] = { 0 };
wgl_obj_t hello_world_label;
wgl_obj_t count_label;
wgl_obj_t btn1;
wgl_obj_t label_count1;
int label_count1_value = 0;
char label_count1_str[11] = { 0 };

void timer1_update(user_timer_t timer1)
    if ((count % 100) == 0) {
        snprintf(count_str, sizeof(count_str), "%d", count / 100);
        wgl_label_set_text(count_label, count_str);

void on_init()
    hello_world_label = wgl_label_create((wgl_obj_t)NULL, (wgl_obj_t)NULL);
    wgl_label_set_text(hello_world_label, "Hello world!");
    wgl_obj_align(hello_world_label, (wgl_obj_t)NULL, WGL_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 0, 0);

    count_label = wgl_label_create((wgl_obj_t)NULL, (wgl_obj_t)NULL);
    wgl_obj_align(count_label, (wgl_obj_t)NULL, WGL_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 0);

    btn1 = wgl_btn_create((wgl_obj_t)NULL, (wgl_obj_t)NULL); /*Create a button on the currently loaded screen*/
    wgl_obj_set_event_cb(btn1, btn_event_cb); /*Set function to be called when the button is released*/
    wgl_obj_align(btn1, (wgl_obj_t)NULL, WGL_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); /*Align below the label*/

    /*Create a label on the button*/
    wgl_obj_t btn_label = wgl_label_create(btn1, (wgl_obj_t)NULL);
    wgl_label_set_text(btn_label, "Click ++");

    label_count1 = wgl_label_create((wgl_obj_t)NULL, (wgl_obj_t)NULL);
    wgl_label_set_text(label_count1, "0");
    wgl_obj_align(label_count1, (wgl_obj_t)NULL, WGL_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 0);

    /* set up a timer */
    user_timer_t timer;
    timer = api_timer_create(10, true, false, timer1_update);
    if (timer)
        api_timer_restart(timer, 10);
        printf("Fail to create timer.\n");

static void btn_event_cb(wgl_obj_t btn, wgl_event_t event)
    if(event == WGL_EVENT_RELEASED) {
        snprintf(label_count1_str, sizeof(label_count1_str),
                 "%d", label_count1_value);
        wgl_label_set_text(label_count1, label_count1_str);

Currently supported widgets include button, label, list and check box and more widgets would be provided in future.