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WAMR application framework
## Application system callbacks
The `on_init` and `on_destroy` functions are wamr application system callbacks which must be implemented in the wasm application if you want to use the APP framework.
``` C
void on_init()
Your init functions here, for example:
* platform initialization
* timer registration
* service / event registration
* ......
void on_destroy()
your destroy functions here
## Base App library
The base library of application framework supports the essential API for WASM applications, such as inter-app communication, timers, etc. Other application framework components rely on the base library.
When building the WAMR SDK, once application framework is enabled, the base library will automatically enabled.
### Timer
The *timer* API's can be used to create some `soft timers` with single-shot mode or periodic mode. Here is a reference of how to use timer API's to execute a function every one second.
``` C
/* User global variable */
static int num = 0;
/* Timer callback */
void timer1_update(user_timer_t timer)
printf("Timer update %d\n", num++);
void on_init()
user_timer_t timer;
/* set up a timer */
timer = api_timer_create(1000, true, false, timer1_update);
api_timer_restart(timer, 1000);
void on_destroy()
### Micro-service model (request/response)
The microservice model is also known as request and response model. One WASM application acts as the server which provides a specific service. Other WASM applications or host/cloud applications request that service and get the response.
<center><img src="./pics/request.PNG" width="60%" height="60%"></center>
Below is the reference implementation of the server application. It provides room temperature measurement service.
``` C
void on_init()
api_register_resource_handler("/room_temp", room_temp_handler);
void on_destroy()
void room_temp_handler(request_t *request)
response_t response[1];
attr_container_t *payload;
payload = attr_container_create("room_temp payload");
if (payload == NULL)
attr_container_set_string(&payload, "temp unit", "centigrade");
attr_container_set_int(&payload, "value", 26);
make_response_for_request(request, response);
### Pub/sub model
One WASM application acts as the event publisher. It publishes events to notify WASM applications or host/cloud applications which subscribe to the events.
<center><img src="./pics/sub.PNG" width="60%" height="60%"></center>
Below is the reference implementation of the pub application. It utilizes a timer to repeatedly publish an overheat alert event to the subscriber applications. Then the subscriber applications receive the events immediately.
``` C
/* Timer callback */
void timer_update(user_timer_t timer)
attr_container_t *event;
event = attr_container_create("event");
"temperature is over high");
void on_init()
user_timer_t timer;
timer = api_timer_create(1000, true, true, timer_update);
void on_destroy()
Below is the reference implementation of the sub application.
``` C
void overheat_handler(request_t *event)
printf("Event: %s\n", event->url);
if (event->payload != NULL && event->fmt == FMT_ATTR_CONTAINER)
attr_container_dump((attr_container_t *) event->payload);
void on_init(
api_subscribe_event ("alert/overheat", overheat_handler);
void on_destroy()
**Note:** You can also subscribe this event from host side by using host tool. Please refer `samples/simple` project for detail usage.
## Sensor API
The API set is defined in the header file ```core/app-framework/sensor/app/wa-inc/sensor.h```.
Here is a reference of how to use sensor API's:
``` C
static sensor_t sensor = NULL;
/* Sensor event callback*/
void sensor_event_handler(sensor_t sensor, attr_container_t *event,
void *user_data)
printf("### app get sensor event\n");
void on_init()
char *user_data;
attr_container_t *config;
printf("### app on_init 1\n");
/* open a sensor */
user_data = malloc(100);
printf("### app on_init 2\n");
sensor = sensor_open("sensor_test", 0, sensor_event_handler, user_data);
printf("### app on_init 3\n");
/* config the sensor */
sensor_config(sensor, 1000, 0, 0);
printf("### app on_init 4\n");
void on_destroy()
if (NULL != sensor) {
sensor_config(sensor, 0, 0, 0);
## Connection API:
The API set is defined in the header file `core/app-framework/connection/app/wa-inc/connection.h`
Here is a reference of how to use connection API's:
``` C
/* User global variable */
static int num = 0;
static user_timer_t g_timer;
static connection_t *g_conn = NULL;
void on_data1(connection_t *conn,
conn_event_type_t type,
const char *data,
uint32 len,
void *user_data)
if (type == CONN_EVENT_TYPE_DATA) {
char message[64] = {0};
memcpy(message, data, len);
printf("Client got a message from server -> %s\n", message);
} else if (type == CONN_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) {
printf("connection is close by server!\n");
} else {
printf("error: got unknown event type!!!\n");
/* Timer callback */
void timer1_update(user_timer_t timer)
char message[64] = {0};
/* Reply to server */
snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Hello %d", num++);
api_send_on_connection(g_conn, message, strlen(message));
void my_close_handler(request_t * request)
response_t response[1];
if (g_conn != NULL) {
make_response_for_request(request, response);
set_response(response, DELETED_2_02, 0, NULL, 0);
void on_init()
user_timer_t timer;
attr_container_t *args;
char *str = "this is client!";
api_register_resource_handler("/close", my_close_handler);
args = attr_container_create("");
attr_container_set_string(&args, "address", "");
attr_container_set_uint16(&args, "port", 7777);
g_conn = api_open_connection("TCP", args, on_data1, NULL);
if (g_conn == NULL) {
printf("connect to server fail!\n");
printf("connect to server success! handle: %p\n", g_conn);
/* set up a timer */
timer = api_timer_create(1000, true, false, timer1_update);
api_timer_restart(timer, 1000);
void on_destroy()
The API's is listed in header file ```core/app-framework/wgl/app/wa-inc/wgl.h``` which is implemented based on open source 2D graphic library [LVGL](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/index.html).
``` C
static void btn_event_cb(wgl_obj_t btn, wgl_event_t event);
uint32_t count = 0;
char count_str[11] = { 0 };
wgl_obj_t hello_world_label;
wgl_obj_t count_label;
wgl_obj_t btn1;
wgl_obj_t label_count1;
int label_count1_value = 0;
char label_count1_str[11] = { 0 };
void timer1_update(user_timer_t timer1)
if ((count % 100) == 0) {
snprintf(count_str, sizeof(count_str), "%d", count / 100);
wgl_label_set_text(count_label, count_str);
void on_init()
hello_world_label = wgl_label_create((wgl_obj_t)NULL, (wgl_obj_t)NULL);
wgl_label_set_text(hello_world_label, "Hello world!");
wgl_obj_align(hello_world_label, (wgl_obj_t)NULL, WGL_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 0, 0);
count_label = wgl_label_create((wgl_obj_t)NULL, (wgl_obj_t)NULL);
wgl_obj_align(count_label, (wgl_obj_t)NULL, WGL_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 0);
btn1 = wgl_btn_create((wgl_obj_t)NULL, (wgl_obj_t)NULL); /*Create a button on the currently loaded screen*/
wgl_obj_set_event_cb(btn1, btn_event_cb); /*Set function to be called when the button is released*/
wgl_obj_align(btn1, (wgl_obj_t)NULL, WGL_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); /*Align below the label*/
/*Create a label on the button*/
wgl_obj_t btn_label = wgl_label_create(btn1, (wgl_obj_t)NULL);
wgl_label_set_text(btn_label, "Click ++");
label_count1 = wgl_label_create((wgl_obj_t)NULL, (wgl_obj_t)NULL);
wgl_label_set_text(label_count1, "0");
wgl_obj_align(label_count1, (wgl_obj_t)NULL, WGL_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 0);
/* set up a timer */
user_timer_t timer;
timer = api_timer_create(10, true, false, timer1_update);
if (timer)
api_timer_restart(timer, 10);
printf("Fail to create timer.\n");
static void btn_event_cb(wgl_obj_t btn, wgl_event_t event)
if(event == WGL_EVENT_RELEASED) {
snprintf(label_count1_str, sizeof(label_count1_str),
"%d", label_count1_value);
wgl_label_set_text(label_count1, label_count1_str);
Currently supported widgets include button, label, list and check box and more widgets would be provided in future.