
14 lines
826 B

### If you want to enable `source debugging` for this extension, please build `lldb` firstly following this [instruction](../../../../../doc/source_debugging.md#debugging-with-interpreter).
### After building(`linux` for example), create `bin` folder and `lib` folder respectively in `linux` directory, add following necessary target files into the folders.
/llvm/build-lldb/bin/lldb # move this file to resource/debug/linux/bin/
/llvm/build-lldb/bin/lldb-vscode # move this file to resource/debug/linux/bin/
/llvm/build-lldb/lib/liblldb.so.13 # move this file to resource/debug/linux/lib/
Note: For macOS, the library is named like `liblldb.13.0.1.dylib`.
### Then you can start the extension and run the execute source debugging by clicking the `debug` button in the extension panel.